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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jan 1964, p. 15

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th didlls die eeti Sa See acai ie ding "ee Ma > AN tlm AL ae le en Poo 8 wks bepeie per # remnmarenge nate oh Me ne : a tl |33--Market weno THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, Jenvery 18, 1964 95 MORE SINGLE? j WINNIPEG (CP) -- A metro-; politan Winnipeg report says 47. per cent of those 15 years and older in Wian are married. This compares with 50 per cent! two years ago. : CANADA MARKET REVIEW Investors Ignoring Sell-Off Warnings $1000 hese' 12 Despite sees han shares i the abe of the 00 Noon a consolidation periodjrecent increase Tose $3. CEREMONY SIMPLE * Tel e 728-8890 might be in the offing, the bull-|to $32.25 on the week. Teeghere Hist SEES SEO Se are we ee ae oo re Te clase tae cee eke a ey oT eile ae i |call Hampton : ina . re to . na weoutara ig separete,| '4door, berg arty cr we chairs dining rem |e 725-2304 or 723-3021. week. a number of losses ited the 61.96 and western oils 16 to heron = yd we ante : into effect in 1062, they have 1 publ 'an fog ge brand $1,000, down or pr cag da ra pgm 9 Ax-|LOST: Grey striped female cat, 10 mos. list. Refining oils, banks, li-/84.31 ings 728-7162. J c ' . Binds Last week several analysts . 5 B 0 L A H 0 0 D LL st ani Targa 25-4083. (almost new "Telephone 728 72s 1806. after return to. YOR Verdun Rose. child's pel.| warned of storm clouds over the|quors, breweries and utilities) y, Montreal, industrial|solemnized a total of 120 mare BROTHERS ravine' lot, overlooking j hile red|riages. -- INSURANCE Fadio,, beautiful two-tone, "$2100. P sEAUTIFUL a a en 5.30 P. sadly missed, 728-0549. rvers were ahead on balance w Cer immediately. Private, 723-2573, Wi ade fr atten wh ong ber of BUYING Eimer' Hampton 255290" |36----Legel raspy ivan tion te Simpsons Ltd. climbed to a with MI at the provions Coed sell one-ton, meet. | + Hempton 2694394 or vestment demand is running out|peak $41 department!and mines 4,090,607 shares com- -- REAL ESTATE ance NOTICE CENTRAL PARK BLVD. 17--Real Estate for Sole |27--Kesi Estate For Sale 2°--Automobiles For Sele |22--Articles for Sole bungalow, fully 1987 FORD "RANCHERO", A-1 condi-| TV TOWERS -- Special, 40 ft. struc band eg eee oy son og 75 B. deo 655-4983. tower 187 DODGE Regent sedan, suismetic, ft ith all: channel antenna, instalied|and Street. 'and screens, Re-/tion-inside.and out. Must be seen to be|fure with all' channel antenna, install agi ee washer ma appreciated, $800. Cash or ferms. 1960/50. Oshawa TV. Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons }.| Volkswagen -up truck, new tires and CAPONE, dressed, oven ready, Py IMMEDIATE = vi $650. cash Or|WE buy, sell bese exchange used furnl-iand up, $2.50 each delivered. iekens i -vagele mileage, Call 8 am. to 5 pm. Sowmen-lture or you ea The City @ &lville 623-5012. Reg woe 446 Simcoe Street aa F mo OLET Ya-ton up 22,000 Soh ree, aah? © 'ou Three Ht} miles Bon 'nciund New 'condition. Wil SKATES =" Used. $197 pair with Mur | LOST: Beagle Dim aii ag A "73% . a 1953 Gon sais onal aes lek et Four oer a ; Irhickaon" Rood North 150,: 'Telephone . 728-7535 or CATES, "hew and v a Taunton Road. num condition, $1 aye - 725-7143 or! changed. ome Get ejection tn in tn toe town Open ar : eee ae Greer, 1957 FORD, six, tudor, standard trans-|CHAIN saw 'McCullough 18"; sone owl ton = containing lady's new red 'and| Mission. Excellent mechanical condition.| 30-foot; Quebec heater; ity of used ne ionbens $495., worth. much more. Telephone | windows 'and lumber. Tr Fi. | oy ee: Liberal reward, Tele-|that Linc BABY high chair, large erib,|Phone commode, On index in Toronto, the ex- PROUD PRODUCT AMESBURY, England hens among SPACIOUS SEVEN-ROOM home, tWOligss BUICK, mechanically sound. stick Jat ea Ned RRO te SOM EE RR CUNY : t shift, redior $168 Telephone 128-3620. | CHESTERFIELD three-piece, $65, match- ' lof steam and that sell-offs which/Store issues in Toronto before|pareq with 6,504,618. per on Aree. write Post Office ox 42t, WE PONTIAC Gylinder sufomalic, iy new ra and a Thee Baye, 'git tn 90se core pc ah agli gece gee he yor bee metals, Falcon- i. pred a2 te na indus- abbrede Drew Street TV TOWERS 'pil, Rte Fk oe tg 4 C year. bridge Nickel Mines Ltd, WASisite 1.8 to 134.0, banks 1.1 to all_ channel TO CREDITORS However, investors did not ap-/Stfong and International Nickel and|127-0»_ utilities 0.7 to 124.9 int children at AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF HAROLD PERCY BOX, deceased mamma rte enon, be, THAME Be, FHS eae rem reoaeti motor, new tires, wi or ah, cuhawe TV fuoely Lie, 26) Sibbene pear tobe worried as industrial|Company of Canada Ltd. and|paners were unchanged at 120.7.'school. ment over the weekend linking/fayorable drill reports from its Canada Ltd., eased slightly at/turn has large holdings injyear lease of the Royal College crease in the U.S. Friday the|$64,281,489 compared with $59,-/Square, and provide needed|Drew was Sy prime mover in me acti 728-9474 ae ptt il Paul Ristow Realtor,|1953 Meteor, bed good condition. Tele-) cy aay. 187 King Street East. HALLICRAFTER radio, short wave, five IMMEDIATE _ possession, tubes. 55 to 30 meg. $25. Telephone] Brea. Douglas J. M.. Bullled Realtor. 72-4091. ree bedroom | 1959 AUSTIN, we passenger, can finance. 2 Will accept ta 'trade. $495 or. best offer. 728-9191 after 6 p.m. 728-6341. . Call Mr, Cruike 1958 CHEVROLET station wagon, immac-| -.. shanks ot 728-5205 or 728- |Fapge-moONTH oid shx-room house, Ok-|ulate condition, four-door, 6 ga G three hundred new and used. buy, 5123. aws, transfer |A_mortgage. $13950. tr sell, rent, service. Hamilton Otiee "equi. posit $1,350. Prone 725302 for deta 1955 METEOR station wagon, automatic,|ment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. RANCH BUNGALOW -- (any time). $275. or trade on car, washer or drver|iGee-----ijocer and lower sels a -orned to $100, 723-9861. CARPORT . |gi1:800 with $1500. Fivebedroom brick! worth up teeth. Reward. 720-9552. Situgted in Rossland Manor, excellent condition. centrally le 1963 CHEVROLET Impala 2s00r hard-lverevision, only three yeors old, extra lfinish console, large Hollywood Kitchen, TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupll' chequewriters, gt gt good buy. . ALL persons ole claims against the estate of the said Harold Percy Box, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, General Motors Employee, deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of 1965, are requir- ed to file 'proof of same with the undersigned solicitors for the Executor of the estate of the said deceased on or be- fore the 25th day of January, 1964, after which date the soid Executor will proceed to distribute the said estate, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 2nd day of Jonuary, 1964. CREIGHTON, DRYNAN & MURDOCH, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitors for George K. Drynan, Executor of the said estate. creasing strength. y culatives again were ac- Brokers cite the reaction of As pe with Chimo Gold Mines Ld. tobacco stocks following the re-lneaging the list for a gain of port issued by the U.S. govern-|ig cents on the week following The two tobacco issues listed/Qils Ltd., on the Toronto mar-|simple ceremony, in which a on the Toronto market, Imperial/ket sparked rumors of a take-|Canadian government cheque Tobacco Company of Canadalover bid. The company, which/for $1,080,000 changed hands, Ltd. and Rothmans of Pall Mali|controls Home Oils, which in|Canada has acquired the 99- a new high on the week and Im-|009 shares, This acquisition will provide perial Tobacco rising 13 cents.| Volume in Toronto was 21,-\for the extension of Canada Aluminium Ltd, also fared|017,729 shares compared with/House to take in the whole of well, helped by further price in-|25,777,098 last week. Value wasithe west side of Trafalgar sell imme- thy 668-8255. advances across the|OPemiska Copper Mines (Que- . : Canada Acquires. smoking and cancer as a sign Quebec holdings. the opening Monday, but rapidly|Trans-Canada Pipe Line, rosejof Physicians building direct! stock traded more than 20,006'833,993 space for the expansion of the|securing 'this board and metais showed in-(Pec) . Ltd. touched new Peactca secu" Space In London recovered, with Rothmansi42 cents on the week with ajnorth of the present Canada facilities of the Canadian head-|modation for Canada House. COMING EVENTS both highs. TOBACCO ISSUES UP A jump in the price of United} LONDON -- In a brief and chalking up a gain of $1.50 to/total turnover of more than 850,-|House on Trafalgar Square. quarters in London. Shortly after Two separate ceremonies marked the transfer of this property to Canada, to Albert Street Uniteditheir final stage negotiations Monday, Jenuaryiwhich have been going on since 1957, At the first ceremony, held|ment. After extended ni tions, the Royal College of Phy- decided it should ha: in Regent' "NIGHT OF CARDS" with Progressive) RUMMAGE Sale, Euchre at Christ Memorial Church Par-) Church, an 4, UCW. ish Hall, Wednesd Jenuary 22, at 8/20, 1.30 .m. Admission 75c. Ausplces 8th Oshawa CLUB CAMELOT Scout Mothers' Auxiliary. ly Vareoe's) Adelaide McLaughlin | King St. E. (former IDAY NITE rae and School BINGO FRIDA Ne iati ane and Squore gear pai SATURDAY 9 P.M, NIGHT of CARDS Sundoy 8:30 P.M. Teenage Social Club EUCHRE, BRIDGE and PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE BINGO January 21st, 8 p.m. a gure py f ing t Ca- Price 75c ORANGE TEMPLE |intian government for the Bi-{iu tne negotiat Oshawa and District BranchiSATURDAY, JAN. 18th stir cer pa Se 7:30 P.M. which was held at the Pall Mall doorway of the Royal College of 8 Physicians, Sir Charles Dodds 20 Games -- $ handed over the keys of the Share the Wealth uliding to or Dey van eed 4 -- $40 Jackpot to go |Mem ' open irge padioc on the entrance gate and n- 1 -- $150 Jackpot to go § ore Children Under 16 Not Admitted Daughters of Isabella ANNUAL ed the door. Incidentally, in an- CARD PARTY ticipation of this ceremony, the St. Gregory's Auditorium name of "Canada" in gold let- tering had already been carved 8 P.M. Wednesday January 22 in the stone over the doorway. HISTORIC BUILDINGS Prizes and Refreshments Tickets Available at Door This transaction now gives the Canadian government full occu- or Telephone 728-2349 ADMISSION 75¢ in the office of High Commis- sioner G re 6A. Drew, Sirisicians Charles Dodds, president of the Royal College of Physicians, sur- rendered the lease of the build- ing to J. A. Sutherland-Harris, representing the Crown Estate Commissioners, who handed it over to Mr. Drew. The High Commissioner, in turn, present- ed to Sir Charles Dodds a cheque for $1,080,000, represent- good Tele- ad Perfect Fiore 1987 CHEVROLET, six-cyli rangette. Enclosed burn- | A Telephone Whitby 668-2109 after 6 p.m. jers. Automatic oven. Call after 5 p.m. 195) BUICK four-door, in| Cys SL. Pric s kers, whitewalls. rater con-/2 HP electric motors, 110, 220 v, just in oihton : 728-5400. overhauled, $80. Telephone 728-7535 or 725-7743. , ; 3 pial Cg Lae Suen. actl RIFLE, Marlin deluxe, 30-30, used once.) TORONTO (CP) -- Liquor of the gig 1963 RAMBLER Ambassador #70 black Vleet tense Oe ee ipriogs are to. be | increased with Watton radio. with' reer speaker,| MOTOROLA television, avinch, very hg 0 ene Feb. 1, it) REGULAR MEETING ower steering and 'brakes, Low. mile-| good SL SRM abe asstntlt han WED., JAN. 22, 8 P.M eas. Evoniiony cone: Ante ENCYCLOPEDIA. Collis, 34, volumes, Liquor Commissioner G. MaLeudhlintell a jus volume Junior Classics, 1962 VOLKSWAGEN, "deluxe wo door, | Thon, used very ilttle. Save $60. Telephone] HATTY Bg gy Pinna i cLaughiin ha btn a vt Speaker Mr. Gordon Currie of Ottawa. National. President of C.D.A. Public Welcome. pode iy Baaggedh eg lle iow ia cs caw ake ram an Bominion| after receiving proposals for an Tire Store, 48 Bond West increase from Ontario's distil- TUESDAY, JAN. 21 7:30 P.M. xe mileage. increase In family forces sale. by. 6eecarae. en ne FILTER QUEEN vacuum "aehae, floor | lers. WILSON Realtor STATION wagon, 1957 Buick, excellent) polisher: Pi pe vont faxtrh ssne 1! One report said the increase 725-6588 radia, $098 Telephone 66690 DRUMS, complete eet, Including ?our|Might range between 50 and 75 20 regular games $8 ond $10 Shai he 'Wealth $100 Jackpot 57 nos. fon Oe Consolot' radio. $695, Telephone 668-8052. Thal VOLKSWAGEN, custom model, radio|=idiuan rs nboagrg Leg peort finish, $375|cents for a 26-ounce bottle. er your own Realtor and et baits, tn ancellont condition. coe. nd 7 pm. Diel oS7-| The report said distilleries 3170" 56 Nos. Noo $28 ¢ onsolation FREE ADMISSION Folemore have received a directive from TILDEN DNIPRO HALL the board saying prices will be RECONDITIONED $25 up.|raised Feb. 1, but there should CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS Corner Bloor Street and Edith WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE New televisions, $198 cash or $8 'Yibe no "leak" of the news to (All Makes and Models) * BINGO-MONDAY, JAN. 20th at Honest Cal's Discount Furniture end avoid "panic-buying" by the CALL 725-6553 Admission Ticket Gives You Free Chance On Door Prize Appliances. 424 King West. 728-9191. 1. F GOODRICH STORES -- Tires, Bah public, 14 Albert St. KELLY DISNEY 2 -- $250 Jackpot Nos. 51 and 55 1--$150 JACKPOT MUST GO ators, tele) A quart of rye purchased at USED CARS LTD. Jackpot Pays Double in 52 Nos. or Less eries, Kelvinator _refriger: an LCBO store erally costs 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST 20 GAMES AT $20 -- 5 SPECIAL GAMES AT $30 pte Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543, = shinee, "Onee eesiial only. rtiys from $4.15 to $450 and up, de. WHITBY --- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold REGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE:IN 17 NOS. OR LESS $100.00 DOOR PRIZE appliances. loca' Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 7: pending on the brand. Gin prices are about the same, but Liens paid off Trade up or down _ EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7:45 ADMISSION $1.00 --- EXTRA BUSES & BEAUTIFUL Zig Zaa Singer, includ Med LT egy My ne Corginaly or aah or scotch is higher. In 1962, liquor sales brought Always top quolity, SPOT CASH RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA Monday, BINGO 8:00 P.M. two tone, four-door, $695. home, nite raving walnut cated. Douglas J. M. Bullied, Realtor. V8, automatic, radio, whitewall| 723-4391. Iweoners:, Beauty | anddle tans Ike, new. Combination, p Pskalilys se gos ME ytid . Must sell, Will accept trade. 723-7970. _|ingt, $76. after 6 p.m. telephone 725-8573. s nd rgd ai Don| 1963 CHEVROLET a track, Fleet piano, Heintzman, square grand, large only A 300.0! Belly a Wilson Rosttor Eve Ever sida ong Dox, odie oo sin T| size, walnut cage --_ be an enrique, Call Ed Drumm at 728-5123 | nings 1958 OLDSMOBILE hardtop, auto-| 344-7318, or 725-9345. 'WANTED wile fess ee eee nor 0810, SEWING machine. Automatic zig-zag cab- Bo As Others Ve a 3 mavey hemes, else - (a eras = vs siichess 'makes, button holes and. Bnd Coll The Brothers income property, CR acotgg 8 : feo 'mt ois lipped. Full price| hems, Take, one payments of $7.10 per Bolahood Brothers Limited genuine CASH buyer ri $1,500 or best offer. Must month for 8 months or $55 cash. Dealer Simeoe Street, North Henry. Stinson ot 723-11 diately. "Call after 6 p.m, Whi Write Box 510, Oshawa Times. @ Even evenings . 725-0243. 1962 CHEVROLET BelAir, two - door| DRUMS by Ludwig, professional show kil, Open Every Evening CARL OLSEN, Reoltor hardtop, excellent condition, radio, new] complete with cymbals, bongoes, etc. Cost . 4 ' white wall tires. $2,200. Telephone Whitby/$900 accept nearest $400, Also, ampeg $500.00 299 King St. West, Oshawa 668-4080. amplifier with vibrato, echo control, Winter Works Bonus 1963 PONTIAC station wagon abn the tales PRIVATE spotless, will accept trade. Telephone|MeW $200. Phone 728-1362, 723-7521 or 188 Farewell Avenue, TELEVISION tower special, 40-ft. struc- 'eae MODERN TWAT CORVAIR Ton saden, good condom |trtc, "an" cSaramieg "oy, pers wilh theses 10 years' an $50. Trio Television, jeluxe, 6 cylinder, telephone 728-5 6 ROOM BUNGALOW | 9-ROOM HOME [iit "it ie gate we ger runatase waa a BPA 3 Left 14,190 IN AJAX be. Gold this. week. Only. $595.. Telephone subarsen cost, 3. Brooktin $290 Down eas) 4 Piece both, phus two piece Play Oe ashlaed Se aT ---- ie tas oman chesterfield 6 ROOM BUNGALO' shower in 1960 OLDSMOBILE, power steering AER Bhi heavy ay Meta CaOty Co Hi with garage ee oe winng or gel BO Bidet Pa: radi, TV" and record player. Telephone 3 Left $13,540 * 900 full price with $150 1960 FORD. two-door six hie THOR deluxe wringer wesher, excellent mortgage. - Jae $540 Down down to one #23.1978, 10 bm. = 3 Bam. condition Whitby ley ean Ww CALL : 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, clean Interior, 900d) CHESTERFIELD BED, 3 BEDROO: res, new y $878. condition. Telephone 725-8566. Se AJAX 942-3732 Ten IAC beatae sedan, head, MeCLARY, Easy washing "nba ex- all homes are d ond valve and ring job, 19587 $120. 331 Gib-|Cellent_condition, $85. Telephone 720-2402. NWA mengogs, "inetwded | BUILDING LOTS [pm srew, Soins STU an aon Se ae A, mortgage. inc : 7 650, | 1° units. Tele are storms and screens, col- HILLSDALE TERRACE -- ee ear ter et AT Sondition." Tele:|6 PM ored fixtures, twin sinks, residential, fully serviced lots {phone FOR SALB: Space hoster, Findley, ees clay brick, fon, electric clocks, available in the North East ois : landscaped front ond rear, section. School and bus serv- sewers sidewalks and paved ice within the subdivision. List roads. bg oe Dig os vide price $60.00 per foot. month! interest, principa' a § WESTDALE ESTATES -- just hes sme poll ced baron n | off Gorrard Rd. North and close to school. wa's by appointment only call newest subdivision offers Gerry Hilb jorge Jots for restricted boone building. fer a choice AM 7-9712 of lots on the Ravine oe ap- : proved for V.L.A. mini MANDERHILL 90 Sinton"? - prices start ot ; i Bh EIA MITER Easy Terms Available - Call 1920s, they were buil MOVIE camera, Kodak "Turret", automatic, one year old, $50. T 725-9398. pancy of two buildi which! vere one 'building have been outstanding Trafalgar Square landmarks aan nearly single Nlocs. ig eed signed in 1820 by Sir Smirke, and added to by Sir 7 Movickar Anderson over 60 both years ago, were erected for the Union Club and the Royal Col- lege of Physicians, The part which originally housed the club was acquired by the Canadian government in|,. 1924 to house the offices of the High Commissioner and other Canadian departments. Canada House was officially opened by King George V, by Queen Mary, on June 29, 1925. Incidentally, Len Maddock, at present with the information ser- Hold Seaway Toll Commission Told CHICAGO (AP)--A Kenosha, Wis., port commissioner pro- posed Friday that the Great Lakes Commission send a group to Europe to promote the ports on Baa Great Lakes. rge M. Epstein told the eauiaon that the ties "'to stimulate trade and to develop the economic ex- pansion of ortation of f as well as the importation of European goods is fabulous." i He addressed delegates from eight states. at the annual meeting of the Great Lakes Commission. The commission announced it will sponsor in Cleveland on March 6 an institute to study the operation of the St. Law- rence Seaway. i Harry C. Brockel, director of the port of Milwaukee and head of the commission's seaway, tion and commerce com- televisions, 1% STOREY ALUMINUM HOUSE $2,000 down, corries for $86 per month, includes principal, interest and taxes. Heated block garage, well treed lot, lorge garden near schools and shopping. KINGSMERE GARDENS Featuring |! exciting new models, some with built-in stoves ond ovens, ond fully decorated, down payments starting. at $1,567 with N.H.A. Financing: Directions, King Street East to Mission- ory College, turn right ond follow the signs. TELEPHONE AJAX 942-5509 LINDEN STREET Featuring 1964 layout, oll new specious bunga- lows, prices as low as $13,- 950, 'with $1,350 down, Di- south on EUROPEAN - CANADIAN RESTAURANT resons Wilson $0 | Located 15 miles eost of Osh- bas one eoat on Tylor. to awa on Main Highway. 1964 ss $15,000. ret return.. Large living querters in new. build- ings. Parking for 20 cars. Ideal family operation. Price $34,000 with $14,000 down. Commuter -- 100 acres 30 miles east of Oshawa on Hwy. No: 35. 40 acres workable, rest bush wih several springs. New house with 3-pcs. bath and furnace. Good bam and well. Price $12,800. with $5,- 000. down, Please contact George Badtke, Reol Estate Broker 555 Davisville Ave., Toronto 7, Ont. -- Phone 481-7987 HILLSDALE TERRACE Six exciting new models with walkout basements on ravine lots. AlN featuring built-in stoves ond ovens and com- plete decorating. Down pay- ments it vty ot $1,867 with one N.H.A. mortgage. Directions proceed on Ross- land Road si to Brent- wood, turn south to models. For clean cars or trucks we 28--Real Estate Wanted deal up or down. Liens paid tah. can be sa. For quick ase eall| NICOLS MOTORS LTD. sre, st) esence writen 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royal Hotel THREE-BEDROOM sforey and a halt Whitby 668-3331 Low LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 220 Wentworth East, 725-1181, $ ALL CASH $ Albert J. Meserow, Chicago, commission chairman, said: repossess: take up payments of $8. wa Paulin a profit of $82,500,000 to the without Box 542 Oshawa T! The i id be ie 7 e increase wou ncan, Nome brands ot iat 3 alecounts second recent ph to raise pro- ly mattress furniture lines. Your suthor- Honest Cal's PAID FOR on 424 King' street West, ovr New hom tor vehicle license fees by $5 728-9191. each, DODD MOTOR SALES ae Iwo, pec. Some neva $* Nl creases will be levied at the TED CAMPIN |. less ro te iter, Satan 28-7127. MOTORS on THOUSAND 'cedar poste, Fourtnch Cornwall CA : . i ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM ue ey aA i =e sane, hoses. iaranians re-bullf ma- Considered For pies gia T cacaeh condition, $65. GARAGE ee 20 REG. GAMES -- TOTAL $300 TORONTO (CP) -- | GENERAL REPAIR. ond Crown Attorney Percy Milligen| SNOWBALL -- $200. in 56 Nos. -- $20 Con. Merchandise Oshawa 728-0921 Excellent chai ry i ge airman o tario Police 30--Aut il é SHARE THE WEALTH utomobiles Wanted Commission, it was learned Fri PARKING EXTRA. BUS SERVICE ing. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245. Used Trade-Ins prejpot in ee ng vd last one ook Bie roached 'by. Attorney-General KINSMEN BINGO 'bcs KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE Judge Macdonald is to return So: oF South Telephone 728-2151 $150 Jackpot -- $20 each line plus In 1960, Mr. Milligan prose- $50 Full Card Binds, hems, makes buttonhotes, Ontario government. Another . Name brands at biggest vinciai revenue, Late last year, on 424 King Street West, our new Good clean cars. Trade up TERsAn lamb coat, black, full length, Prenicr John Robarts has 723-9421 PORTABLE dishwasher, 1963 model, ke|Current session of the legis- 607 KING ST.---OSHAWA top. Dial Whitby 668 chines, Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Service, 690 KING ST: EAST AT FAREWELL SALES AND SERVICE If You Want AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 4 is being considered to succeed PLUS $10 EACH HORIZONTAL LINE Services OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, Prices day. NO CHILDREN, PLEASE R ER proached by Attorney-General 109 COLBORNE ST. WEST to the bench in Windsor next WH EN EVER 5 -- $30 Games; 2 2 -- $250 Jackpots cuted the former town treasurer of Eastview, Ont., Mrs. Ad- rienne Laroche, who was later hundreds of each ide Baty etc., all 'our i " accepted as down payment. Dealer. Writeiss 099.000 came in sales tax. anywhere. We carry Restonic and Bever- the government increased mo- formerly Avalon Dance Hall. Telephone or down. Liens paid off. Ike new. Suits, coats, dresses, some/annoynced that major tax in- BUYING OR SELLING ew, Va price, $125. Telephone 728-0978. |lature, size, good condition, $30. Wouters (ust East of Wilson Road) VACUUM a eae Tai all_makes. Call anytime 728-0591. om s : JAKE ond BILL'S Top Police Job | © FREE- ADMISSION - FREE Quality 449 Ritson Rd. S. Judge Bruce Macdonald as|REGULAR JACKPOT -- $100. in 58 Nos, -- $20 Con. 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wreck- . sa New Appliances Mr. Milligan, 47, Crown at- Fra Free ADMISSION Free Fred Cass, He would not ela- APPLIANCES TUESDAY, 8 O'CLOCK month, Games Real Estote Limited 728-6286 -. WHITBY » close to schools. Have cash buy- er. Call Bill Johnston, Bolahood Brothers Ltd., 728-1066. BEAUTY SALON WANTED, vy equip main floor, Oshawa vicinity, Box 515, "CLASSIFIED FARM yp dei ye Capita dis- TED CAMPIN MOTORS 100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE". 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 tance of Osha more. Good house, brick or with three~or four bedrooms. Telephone 728-4553. -ROOM farm house for rent, Ye el i as ata Line. Phone Alax 942-10 APARTMENT fo rent. war tae = central. Two rooms, iB oa eciitties. Children wel wae: Parking. 668-6414. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service) 29---Automobiles For Sale 1962 CHEVY 1, two-door, blue, match Ing four he grove wn rd transmission, radio, res, five sige alt tires, seat pelts, 25 75,000 miles, ', $1290. or best offer. Telephone letter 6p. 6 P.in., 723-3632. on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. meg fon $1700, T stone preferred, 31---Automobile Repair ~ HOUSTON'S GARAGE ond SERVICE STATION TEXACO PRODUCTS 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 1962 GMC half-ton deluxe ee Low mile DRE: / -- Suits, coats, di alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. . |32----Articles for Sale GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS Seaiet Gok leaney opine, Cleon quiet' sdult home, central' Parking. 'Call 668-7088, ROOM "end board. for young. ten, lunches packed, all conveniences, private; PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Sere Ritson Road and Ki | 723-4733 end 723-7712 What's My Line? Buying or selling used fur- niture and appliances, For your needs phone, Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call ot the store 16¥%4 Bond W. You Have Anything TO SELL ~-- Of = A VACANCY TO RENT Phone THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 123-3492 sentenced to nine months for converting to her own use $10,- 790 i: town funds. He was appointed special prosecutor in 1962 in a case in- volving Toronto gamblers Vin- cent Feeley and Joseph MeDer- mott who later were key wit- nesses at the royal commission on crime in Ontario. The two gamblers and pro- vincial _ police officer Robert Wright received prison terms on charges of conspiring to get illegai information on _ police gambling raids, - Last November Mr. Milligan was Crown counsel in the 11- day Brockville trial of Mrs. Do- lores Clow. A jury acquitted her on a charge of stealing $228,- 000 from her employer, who, she said, had been her lover for eight years. $20 JACKPOT NOS. 54, 55 EARLY BIRD GAMES -- EXTRA BUSES -- 7:30 BUS DIRECT FROM 4 CORNERS ability! Attend OSHAWA TRAFFIC CLINIC IN THE COURT ROOM Athol Street, West 7:30 p.m. - Tuesday, January 21st A FREE COURSE FOR NEW DRIVERS And people who wish to improve their driving naviga' mittee, submitted a report rec- ommending that the commis- sion be represented at any fed- eral hearings in the U.S. mid- west on possible revisions of the St. Lawrence tollway struc- ture. AGAINST HIGHER TOLLS "Your committee wah recommends," Brockel sai "that the present seaway toll levels be not increased, We also suggest that every reason- able period of the seaway--the By THE CANADIAN PRESS Great Lakes Power Corpora- tion, 22% cents, March: 30, rec- ord Feb. 28. age gh ge yc com- mon cent a $1. tie ee po ger4 $1.12%, Feb. 29, record Feb. 14. NEWS IN BRIEF earliest possible opening dates for ship traffic and the latest possible closing dates." John W. Van Ness, Portage Ind., called, for continued ef- forts by Canada and th United States to. solve the prob- lem of Great Lakes water re- sources, Concerning the Great Lakes resource study, Van Ness said: SHARE INTERESTS REGINA (CP)--A branch of the Girl Guides known as the "Lone Guides" provides a link for 104 girls in isolated parts of Saskatchewan. Although all con- tact with them from Guide headquarters is by mail, they are divided into omy and are full me)

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