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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jan 1964, p. 8

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GINS A GRINNING MAG a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, January 18, 1964 i WAS RTE TRG SE "THANK HEAVEN FOR LITTLE GIRLS' --AND-LITTLE BOYS, TOO ~ SUSAN PATRICIA is just a little over a year old. She is the: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Findlay, Ritson road north, and is the granddaugh- JOANNE ELIZABETH and John Thomas are the chil- isa year old and John is two ter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ruler and Mr, and Mrs. Find- lay, all of Oshawa. --Aldsworth Photography and a half. Their grand- parents are Mrs. Clarke Moore, Oshawa and' Mr. and Mrs: Norman Gordon, Amherst, Nova Scotia. Mr. STEVEN JOHN is one and a half and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Filett, Sim- coe street north. His grand- parents are Mr. William Filett, Fenelon Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Humphries, Bob- eaygeon, and his great-grand- mother is Mrs. John Britton, Bobcaygeon. --Ireland Studio 'factors in choosing are suitabil- Compliment Your Personality With a Perfume Just For You By JANET KASK MONTREAL (CP) -- Per- fume, that magic potion so dear isa 'woman's heart, should be chosen carefully and worn at the gad time, says a Montreal expert. Beatrice Frechette, who has lserved as a perfume consultant in a department store for 39 years, says the most important ity to the individual personality and body ch The same perfume smells dif- ferent on different people, she says. For this reason buying perfume without some care can result either in no scent at all or 2n unpleasant one when it is preted to the skin. As an example of what is meant by keeping personality in mind--if you're a small, deli- cate woman stay away from heavy, exotic scents. And be- ware of buying a perfume just because you like its romantic name. At the perfume counter choose two scents, Mrs. Frechette ad- vises, Dab one on each wrist and wait 10 to 15 minutes. That's because body warmth af- fects the scent and the skin takes time to absorb the prop- erties of the perfume. "I send my customers away Modem Home By ELEANOR ROSS Leading interior decorators are taking a more realistic ap- proach to home decor. The 86 - room settings dis- played in the 1966 National Decoration and Design Show in New York were the impetus for the mode which combines cre- ativity with livability and com- fort. Exotic fabrics are treated to resist dirt and stains, Latex foam cushioning is used exten- sively on fine reproductions of period furniture without detract- ing in the least from classic To The Practical Approach Decor Turns colors seen in striking contem- porany settings. One kitchen is outstanding with its long row of pink cabinets with charcoal black ring pulls. SURE TO BE COPIED An even greater eye-stopper, and something sure to be copied are the fabric-laminated Vene- tian blinds that close to reveal giant garlands of vivid pink flowers. This serves to remind us that large-scale floral designs are in the forefront of home fashion news at every level, They are d on window shades and elegance. There is a general feeling that members of the A.I.D. are. keeping in mind that the major- ity of today's households are without domestic help and that there are youngsters in the home. So the accent is on the prac- tical, which hasn't always been the case. One exhibit, for in- stance,features a two-part fam- John: Thomas Gordon, Yar- mouth, Nova Scotia, is their great-grandfather. --Photo by Marion Manzer | ANN LANDERS Hotel Stamp Brands Girls As Thieves Dear Ann: If I'm square, stuffy or old-fashioned please tell me. I came here from a small town eight months ago. I gota job as a stenographer. Three of the girls I work with have an apartment. When I was invited there for dinner last week I was surprised to find they have dishes, silverware, table linens, hand towels, bath towels, bath mats, ash trays, and even a waste basket from some well- known hotels. All these. articles are clearly labelled so I asked the girls how peng managed to get the items . "One piece at a time was boo answer. When I said I didn't think this was honest they really let me have it. I was told that hotel prices are pegged to absorb that sort of shrinkage because * "everyone does it." What about this?---DUMMY + Dear Dummy: That sort of * "shrinkage" is called stealing. And everybody doesn't do it. » These girls may think they are sophisticated or cute, but when guests see hotel property in their apartment it simply ad- vertises the fact that they are thieves. Dear Ann Landers: Our son graduated from high school last spring at 16. He was an honor student, somewhat shy, and slow to make friends. We were hopeful that college would bring him out a little. A few days ago Richard came home for = Be time since trying awfully hard to show you he has grown up. He thinks sprinkling his conversation "gen- erously with cuss words will do it. If he's still helling and damn- ing by Easter have a frank talk with him. Tell him profanity is a crutch for conversational crip- ples. Dear Ann Landers: I am the mother of four lively boys. The eldest is eight, the youngest is two. Anyone who has boys knows it is normal for at least} pone out of four to be bandaged at all times. My husband's sister makes jher home with us. Nellie is a |little old-maidish and she has a tendency to stir-up trouble now and then. Whenever one of the boys bangs or bumps himself Nellie brings up the injury at the sup- per table then says to my hus- band. 'Where was their mother| when it happened?" My. husband then begins to question me, as if I had not done my duty. This is irritating. I'd like your advice on what to Say the next time it happens-- which will probably be tomor- row--NOT UBIQUITOUS Dear Not: You need. not de- fend yourself whenever one of the boys scabs his knee, so please don't try. The next time Nellie asks your husband where you were when "'it happened" tell her you were playing poker in the back of the poolhall--as usual. That should clear her sinuses, September. husband and were sembtonhaed. Now every other sentence has a hell or a damn in it. Richard never used Dear RWT: Poor Richard is SMART WOMEN ,.. heve their ca ond uphol- stery cleaned Safe Way' DURACLEAN 728-8518 | THE STARS SAY | By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW A highly stimulating day! Es- pecially favored: Those in cre- ative and artistic fields; execu- tives and promotoers. Also spon- sored are outdoor interests, group activities and personal) relationships. | OR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that your progress in both job and financial matters should prove highly satisfactory in this new jyear of your life. Natives of Capricorn are noted for. their enthusiasm, energy and per- severance in the pursuit of goals so, capitalizing on these traits and taking advantage of all opportunities to advance, pans should find yourself in an enviable position by year's end. |Outstanding periods along these lines: The first half of Febru- ary, mid-April, the first week of May, the latter half of June, September and October. Personal relationships will play an important role in your life this year, too, with empha- sis on romance between early May and mid-August; on travel and social activities for the bal- ance of this month, in March, the mid - June - late September ily room--separating the gener- ations and their activities by a jscenic partition. Colors and bold and vibrant. | Dramatic black and white, reds, \bright--very bright--pinks, as lwell as tulip yellows are some |period and in November. Try to jbroaden your horizons and make the most of new contacts promised in mid-April and Oc- tober, the latter month, inciden- tally, being a fine period for concluding successful negotia- tions of any kind. A child born on this day will \be intelligent and imaginative but may be inclines' toward ma- terialism. DAY AFTER TOMORROW Be practical in handling Mon- day's schedule. While you may be eager for accomplishment, you may take on more than you can reasonably finish, Easy does it! FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Monday is your birthday, the year ahead should be marked by excellent progress where the achievement of worthwhile goals is concerned. Despite occasional obstacles in your path--perhaps in March or August--the overall picture is good for both job and mone- tary advancement, so look upon draperies, stenciled on carpets and floors--and even sometimes on ceilings for those far out or, rather, far up decorative schemes. paintings to accent an apart- of antiqués. framed art on small projecting from a wall made of solid vinyl travertine. PHOTOS IN COLOR Portrait photographs in color, framed and treated with as much respect as olfls, often serve as the focal point of a wall display. Clay - potted plants are fa- vored by decorators in creating indoor garden effects. Large groupings of foliage plants are combined with art and sculp- ture to enhance both formal and informal settings. Lush tropical plants line the rear wall of a sophisticated black and white dining room, A fountain with arched corner niches. Music rooms are replacing family rooms for relaxation re- treats! Designers are using ar- chitectural effects and even fur- niture to conceal stereo speak- ers. chair--big and handsome and so comfortable--even has stereo speakers hidden in the head- rest! Some designers build plat- forms above.floor level to hold a dining table or a bed. Still others use wall niches to build latex foam, tufted sofas or a three-sided dining banquette. occasional setbacks as challen- ges to be met with confidence and optimism. Notably good periods along the aforemen- tioned lines: The first half of February, mid-April, the first week in May, the latter half of June, September and October. MAPLE CLEANERS Rony gs st. 5 CSHAWA ry 'How ; ios Free Plek-Up and Delivery "Your Fomily's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 For fast relief from menstrual pain you can | count on help from the 4 active ingredients | " DR.CHASES PARADOL Ansus-(;RAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 King W., Oshawa ® Tel. 728-9581 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum professional * Rug Cleaning SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. SPUR OIL RUSS'S CITIES SERVICE STATION 767 PARK RD. S. AND CORDOVA RD. BISSONETTE'S SHELL STATION 381 KING ST. WEST DURNO'S SUPERTEST STATION 574 KING ST. €. BILENDUKE'S ESSO STATION 1004 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH COOPER'S TEXACO STATION 410 RITSON ROAD NORTH A growing trend is that of} decorating around original art.| | One designer uses modern) : ment filled with reproductions) © Another sets] | shelves] | greenery adds more foliage in b One foam rubber lounge] ; for a coffee break. When they) return, the perfume smells the way: it will all day. "If a woman has an extreme acid condition I advise her to take milk of magnesia tablets _ lunch to cut down the body acid." KEEP IT COOL , After deciding which perfume suits your skin, buy a small bot- tle the first time. Put a waxed pearl in the bottle and melt} wax around the stopper to pre- vent evaporation. Don't lay the bottle on its side, and never put it in a warm place--a clothes closet is a good spot. "Never wear perfume on your clothes. If it can't be worn on the skin, spray it on the bottom of your petticoat, as French women do." On the skin it should be worn on the "warm spots'--at the the ears and behind the knees. For daytime wear with suits or sportswear, a heavier fra- grance can be used. "When one is outdoors, the air absorbs more of the scent." In the evening, toilet water may be used, or a light per- wrists, inside of elbows, behind| - A MASK OF MESH Peek-a-boo from under a mask of nylon black veiling, trimmed with velvet piping. seriou by ELECTROLYSIS New Kree Imperial Machine now installed for your. con- venience. MARIE MURDUFF Will be in Oshewe ot the Genosha Hotel, Jan. 20, 21, 22 PHONE 723-4641 Designed by Pierre Cardin, the black velvet helmet is topped with a bow. fume with matching toilet water on the body. Toilet water is heavier and longer lasting than cologne and "some women pre- fer to wear toilet water only." Weather should be taken into account. "In summer don't wear a heavy perfume; stick to light, flowery fragrances." Mrs. Frechette says she doesn't think young girls should COLORED CURATE ISKE OF SHEPPEY -- A colored priest is serving on the Isle of Sheppey for the first time. He is Rev. M. G. Cole, from Sierra Leone, who has begun his duties at Minster, which includes the island's mother church, Minster jimportant piece of advice: wear perfume, suggesting that at 18 or 19 they might start us- Abbey. ing toilet water. French perfume is still the world's best, she feels. But whatever is chosen, there's one How's the Time to Beautify Your Home with CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperiés 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827. "Never wear too much, It's worse than none at all." MOBILE CLASSES BEDFORD --To deal with overcrowding in schools, Bed- fordshire Educational Commit- tee is to use mobile class- rooms. The finance committee is to be asked to approve spend- ing 180,000 on mobile class- rooms at 18 schools. @eeeceeeeoeeeeeeeeseeeeoeeee eee NU-WAY RUG OSHAWA LTD. eeeeees » e @eoeeeeneeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeceoeeeees? Authorized Filter Queen Seles & Service Genuine Hoover Soles, Service & Ports Upholstery Cleaning--Home or Plant Mosk fing end Deodorizi Machine Binding, Serging, Fringing Rug Dyeing OSHAWA'S ONLY RUG CLEANIING PLANT Approxed by the National Institute of Rug Cleaners VISITORS WELCOME Why Take Chances en Sow Valuable Rugs On =--Onn! Pack up all your cares and winter woes--then deposit them in the nearest snowbank. Just be sure to bring lots of summer clothes when you head South with the Sun (and TCA) away from the tortures of cold weather. This year, swap the season of snow.and slush for a session of sun and fun on the golden sandy beaches of fabulous Florida--the land where ice comes in a cube and tall glass--not in a storm! So, keep a weather eye on the thermometer. When the temperature goes down, that's the time GIVE '64 A WARM AND WONDERFUL START, JET TCA FASTEST AND ONLY NON-STOP TORONTO TO FLORIDA $134 for you to go up--and South--in a giant TCA DC-8 Jet. The flight is 9 mile-a-minute fast--just 2hrs., 35 mins. from Toronto--and very relaxing. You simply sit there in comfort and get waited on by TCA's friendly Flight Attendants, until your 'plane lands smoothly in the Sunny South! RATHER GO TO MIAMI? MAKE YOUR CONNEC- TIONS FROM TCA IN SUNNY TAMPA! IF YOU HAVE TO CHANGE PLANES, THIS IS THE WARM AND WEATHER-PROOF WAY TO DO va J Ask your Travel Agent.to make arrangements for your Holiday in the South... and for information about TC TCA' 's conven- lent Fly Now- Pay Later Plan. Choice of First and Economy accommodation on most flights. Or call TCA in Toronto FLY CANADIAN--FLY TCA TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES (i i) AIR CANADA at 130 Bloor Street " STATION 78 BOND ST. WEST BILL'S WHITE ROSE STATION 352 WILSON ROAD SOUTH MONTY'S B-A STATION | 284 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ROBINSON'S B.P. STATION 574 RITSON ROAD SOUTH KENT'S WESTERN B-A 136 KING ST. WEST | i DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN WHITBY 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST PHONE 668-3304 MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH . PHONE 723-9441

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