. 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Jenuery 21, 1964 THE STARS SAY or MEAT ROLL ON RICE Savory Apple Filling Gives A Lift To Ground Beef Loaf Apples cast their rosy influ- en , this time of year, not only over ' desserts. Main dishes, too, are enhanced by their tart pres- ence. A good example is Apple- Stuffed Meat Roll. This meat [oaf is filled, then rolled, jelly-roll fashion, with chopped apples, sage, 'onions and packaged com crumbs, Served in slices on a bed of hot buttered rice, the meat roll is a savory compan- ion. to baked squash, a salad of bibb lettuce and carrot curls UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES ALBERT STREET UCW NO. 3 Unit 3 held its first meeting of the year in the chapel of Aiert Street United Church, with Mrs. Arthur Allman pre- siding. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Allman reading a poem. Mrs. Mervin Morrison took as her theme for the worship serv- ice, "Pettiness", in which she urged the members to rise above anything which prevents a person from growing spiritu- ally. Miss Bernice Quinn read the scripture lesson, Psalm No. It was decided to remember the birthdays of the members by sending birthday cards. Birthday greetings were sung to Mrs. Leon Parks. Due to illness and a change im the regular night, a number of the members were absent, but those present made plans for future objectives. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Allman, 64 Oshawa Boulevard south. Cake and tea were served provided by Mrs. Ross Clark. CALVARY BAPTIST WMS The regular meeting of Cal- vary Baptist WMS, held recent- ly in the Church opened with the singing of hymns and a reading from the scriptures. Mrs, Arthur Alloway spoke, taking her theme from Heb- Tews 12, Mrs. William Reddick closed the meeting with prayer. with blue cheese dressing, and crisp rye toast curls. APPLE-STUFFED MEAT ROLL 4 cups corn flakes or 1 cup packaged corn flake crumbs % cup finely chopped onions pounds ground beef % cup evaporated milk cup chopped, pared apples ¥% teaspoon sage 2 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons salt Dash pepper If using corn flakes, crush into fine crumbs, Combine 4 cup of the corn flake crumbs with onions, apples, sage and sugar; set aside, Combine remaining corn flake crumbs, beef, milk, salt and pepper. Roll mixture into 14 x ll-inch oblong between sheets of waxed paper. Remove top paper. Spread apple stuff- ing over meat. Starting at nar- row side, roll as a jelly roll by lifting waxed paper and gently rolling meat away from it. Place in shallow baking pan. Bake in moderate oven (350 de- grees F.) about 1 hour. Cut in 2 1 »|slices to serve. Yield: each. MAPLE CLEANERS 504 Lyon ST. S. OSHAWA Cash * oy -- 4 He. Service 8 Service Free Pick-Up and Delivery "Your Family's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 8 servings 1 slice flake By ESTRELLITA ANN LANDERS time to quiet pursuits rather than indulge in hectic social ac- tivity. If tomorrow is your birthday, your indicates that the next 12 months will be ex- tremely important where your career and finances are con- cerned. If you take advantage of all av ble are co-operative both su- periors and associates and pro- mote your highly original ideas in a convincing manner, results should prove truly rewarding. at periods along financial Early March, mid-June, Viocebar sal Nevanber, Do bs conservative in April, May and ' |September, however, Months in which you should note job and- or business wuptrends: Early. February, late March, mid- April, September and Novem- ber. Do not overtax yourself and don't go to extremes in any- thing during February and Oc- fober. Anxiety or tension then could affect your health. Family interests will be governed by fine influences for most of the year ahead, and romance will be generously aspected in late March, mid-June, September and December. Best\periods for travel and social activities: |Early February, May, July, Au- jgust, November and December. A child born on this day will be warm-hearted and sympa- thetic to his fellowmen; will be a true humanitarian. No Need To Turn Foam Mattresses | Present market indicators {point to an upsurge in sales of |the old-fashioned double bed. Today's newlyweds respond to this togetherness like apple pie and cheese. However, when spring cleaning time -- rolls around and the time to turn the larger mattress on the double , togetherness is no where in sight. But the little lady of the house need not worry if her mattress is latex foam rubber. Such mattresses don't. have to be - turned although they are' reversible. Latex. foam passes off body heat by the natural ventilating features of this type of con- struction. Latex foam rubber mattresses are made in various degrees of firmness which will not soften in use. Fresh air is constantly circulating through the mat- tress and turning the mattress serves no purpose, How's the Time to -- oe Home CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES M. & 6. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 DANCEY'S WILL BE CLOSED Tomorrow ~--- Wednesday in Preparation for their Big Big JANUARY SHOE SALE Which Storts Thu: et 10:00 a, m. Sharp PRICES START AT 99%e DANCEY'S -- IN DOWNTOWN. OSHAWA & tunities, | pho Landers: The passed away several months ago at the age of 82. Uncle Cy left 64 decendants and he was loved by each and every one of us. The family wants to have an oil portrait of Uncle Cy painted by a fine artist who works from tographs. We plan to pre- sent this portrait to Uncle Cy's widow on her 80th birthday Please help us settle a question which has produced some strong differences of opinion. Uncle Cy had a prominent sear on the side of his face-- the result of wound he received in the First World War. He also had a blood blister on his lip. Some of the relatives want the artist to leave off the scar and the blood blister. They feel it would be indelicate to have The artist does not agree.| May we have your opinion? It will be the deciding one.--Go Between Dear Go: A portrait should be a faithful interpretation of what the artist sees. This means scar, blood blister--the whole! bit. Abraham Lincoln was once faced with a similar decision. When Lincoln sat for his offi- cial portrait his wife did not want the artist to show the wart on Lincoln's face. Lincoln insisted that the artist paint) him as he saw him--and he did) --wart and all, Dear Ann Landers: I am a these abnormalities reproduced.| Portrait Is False emish Removed girl 14 who has 10 problems-- my fingernails, I have bitten them ever since I can remem- ber, N3-amount of shaming can get me to stop. Yet I'm so self- conscious about my nails that I keep my fingers turned in so nobody can see them. I wear gloves whenever I can. Before an exam my fingers are actually sore because I bite my nails down so close, I envy .|my girl friends who have lovely nails and I'd give anything if I could let mine grow. I've heard of some bitter- tasting stuff that can be bought in a drug store, It is applied like polish and is supposed to stop nail-biting. Does it work? What, about artificial nails? They are expensive but it would be worth a month's allowance if i could break the habit. Please give me some advice.-- Ten Troubles Dear Troubles: a symptom of nervousness, You have cited the evidence by de- scribine what happens to your nails before an exam, The bitter-tasting stuff you buy at the drug-store or the artificial nails may be helpful temporarily, but if you want to kick the habit you'll have to go Nail-biting is| to work on whatever {t !s that makes you nervous. Dear Ann Landers: Our 21- year-old daghter is planning to be married next summer. Lor- etta is our only child and we want so much for her to be happy. The problem is this: Loretta's fiance is of a different faith.) Her father and I are upset about this, but we have ac- cepted it. We are not insisting that he change for her, but I can't say the same about his parents, They are forever ham- mering at Loretta -- trying to get her to change for him. Loretta has started to go to church with them but he réfuses to come to church with us. She loves him so much we think she will finally accept his faith to please him. This means our grandchildren will be brought up in their religion. This breaks our hearts, 6 What advice do you have for aer Anni--Upset Farenis Dear Upset Parents: I have ino advice for her since she did not ask, But I do have some advice for , Since you wrote. Stay. out of it. When I am asked for an feb on this subject S/T always advise people to marry as enough problems without complicating it with this one. Some mixed marriages have been known to work out well-- but they are the exceptions, Of to|course those who try it think they are going to beat the odds --but rarely do, HOUSEHOLD HINT Keep a piece of beeswax in your sewing box and rub it over thread you use to sew on buttons. This strengthens the thread and makes the buttons stay on longer. eeoeveeeeeeeeeeerd NU-WAY RUG OSHAWA LTD. Mesh eeeeeeeeoeoeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeseeoeee Upholstery Cleaning --- Home or Plant Authorized Filter Queen Sales & Service Genuine Hoover Seles, Service & Porte Si davini g and D Machine Approved CHIROPRACTOR Sinusitis Pantene Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. | eeeeevesee eee eees Binding, Serging, Fringing Rug Dyeing OSHAWA'S ONLY RUG CLEANING PLANT ; by the National Institute of Rug Cleaners VISITORS WELCOME Why Toke Chances With Your Valuable Rugs ond er WIFE PRESERVER Tf you lack floor space for a clothes hamper, you might fast. en one on a wall or door, Some are only a few inches in depth, and empty conveniently from the bottom. The ewan famity income + the U.S. rose to $5,060 in 1950 from $3,091 in 1949, ; Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair, Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF CANADA'S WIN prone Tahaan oi ag PHONE 723-4641 For appointment on these dates. | For Free Home Delivery, Call Chateau-Gal. ssectteseomtceees Extra Comfort why GMC to hand offers easy entry and added visibility, more insulation. RAL MOTORS VALUE Cab Auxiliary Rear optional at extra cost on all GMC's for extra load stability. Tough, Ladder - have ch Springs C910 %-ton Steps GMC thinks your truck operation is unique. GMC thinks this way about every truck operation. Thats has a model with features and options just about every hauling job better, more economically. GMC bui Leadership into every truck it se qual ity standards. You cant do | je Pickup cls Engineering lls and the highest better than GMC. GMC has the right features . see your Type Frames alligator-jaw crossmiembers. a point of offering you stalled options and equipment, the right truck for your job. And GMC's are durable. So . see why GMC does your job better. la always made factory-in- the right dealer today TRUCKS ENGINEERING LEADERSHIP ~ ---------------------------- 266 KING ST. W., OSHAWA, ONT. See your local GMC Truck Decler: Authorized GMC Truck Dealers in Oshawa PHONE 723-4364 THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED H. DICK PONTIAC-BUICK LID. 103 DUNPAS EAST, WHITBY, ONT. PHONE 668-5846 Be Sure to Watch "Telescope" on CBLT and "Zero One" on CFTO-TY. Check. your local listings for time and Channel,