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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Jan 1964, p. 9

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AREA BOY PAGE IN LEGISLATURE . and is the second boy from en fromt he top students in Bog tg Aight By da Part Pacts aren to be o Grades 7 and 8 of the schools the Ontario Legislature, Larry honored, These boys are chos- in Ontario, -- Air Force Officer Moved To Australia headquarters of Command by an RAAF officer, SIL Curtin joined the RCAF in evreteseaeetiseaese * OTTAWA -- Air Materiel Com. © Headquarters today an- Air Materiel) -- Pig og Lge f o! Oshawa Travel Trailer Club 'held recently at Woodview Com- munity Centre. Ted Chapman, who was named eet by acclamation, will ve as oth his a, oe ens' e low: elected otticers: past oe Frank and Ferne +. first) vice-presidents, Bill and Helen Mitchener; second vice-presi- dents, Walt and Hagel Mosier; sec 8, and Bev Me- Ewen; treasurers, Dick and Winnie Thorne and_ historians, Ed and Clara Lavallee. ~ The meeting opened with Bey McEwen at plano for the Queen, Roll call indicated 23 trailers were represented, Doc McEwen read the report of the 1963 annual meeting and the fi- nancial statement was present- ed to each member in mimeo- graph form, 1,300 MILES TRAVELLED In a brief resume of the ac: tivities of the past year, the re- tiring president, ank Ball, complimented the present for their interest in the welfare of the club and express- ed the hope that the new execu: tive would receive the continued support of the members. It was disclosed that the club as a whole had travelled approxi- mately 1,300 miles during the trailering season on rendezvous; while members had travelled {far and wide covering the coun- try from coast to coast, Before calling for reports from the various committees, the president complimented the chairmen for the excellent work done by each committee during the year, Membership chairman Ron Thompson, in presenting his report, recommended the members| addition Trailer Club Reviews Year acceptance of a pending appli- the/cation and unanimous approval was given to Jelie and Glenna Bakker as the newest members of the club. Bill Kent reported for the grounds and location committee and Vera Johnstone presented the report of the social com- mittee. PLAN DINNER-DANCE In repo for the entertain. ment committee, Walt Mosier when iy ---- on Pa ans for the forthcoming ner-dance, Mart Ostler outlined' tentative plans of the safety committee, He also reported that fire extinguishers were in available and recommend- their installation in each trailer. Harry Blakely gave the re of the flower fund com- mittee and Ron jon, letin editor, conclu the re- ports. Several recommendations of the retiring executive were sented by Doc McEwen which resulted in minor changes to the bylaws. Most important was the to the executive of a second vice- dent and the former ce of secretary. treasurer was separated, Acceptance was given to the invitation of the Kingston Trail- er Club for a rally in that city in June, A committee will be formed later with Harry Blake: ly named to work as liaison be. tween the clubs, The attendance award, drawn by. Mart Ostler, was presented to Gerry and Viola Shangraw, A third anniversary cake, dec- crated in club colors of red, white and blue, was cut by the retiring presidents, Refresh. ments were served by social conveners, Gurnet and Vera Johnstone, 1942, trained as a pilot and served with 47 (Bomber) Squadron flying Lancaster out of Leeming, Yorkshire until 1945, He returned to studies at the! University of Toronto and. ob- tained his BA degree from St + Michael's College before rejoin:| | ; ing the RCAF in 1951 as a sup-| | | ply officer He served at Bagotville, Que.,| j > « Fighter Wing, Baden-Soolligen, Germany and 1 Air Division Headquarters, Metz, France be- fore joining Air Materiel Com-) mand headquarters' staff in| 1958. He has served as = Con Officer with the + eh Searer i ol which provides ma- Air Force on Feb, 26, He willjteriel and technical support for ibe replaced at the east-Ottawalall RCAF formations Kiwanis In Focus |! licesce a z i] [ § z i F i i i Ronald J. LeBlanc, 28, RR 4, Bowmanville, drove into another For Three Months upper this Saturday night in the UAW Hall, Bond street, east, A native of Burntis- land, Fifeshire, Scotland, Mr. vehicle then did not stop Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck today told Oshawa Court LeBlanc was fined $50, costs| and suspended from driving for] three months when he pleaded! guilty to failing to remain after, an accident. Lawyer Terry Kelly, appear. ing on behalf of LeBlanc, said that he did go to the police station and report the accident! sometime after it happened but that was too late. Magistrate's| . * * ~ . " - . - - oe - ol 7 Topic Of Address q ~ "A man should per form a he does righteous deed, even if 90 only for ulterior mo- tives because he will thus learn to do the right for his own self." Joining Kiwanis gives you a sense of accomplishment, ad- venture of something , change of pace from the work: day world, self expression and to belong, There is no stero- typed way of being altruistic, i $ u F af 1 - 4 ® > 3 z ; [ Lewis settled in Winnipeg in 1907. Joining Cock O° The North Camp, Sons of Scot- land, in 1925, he was elected grand sec in 1935 and has held the office since 1938. Thieves Steal Cash And Rings Elected At Sunnyside Officers for the ensuing year were elected at the January meeting of the Sunnyside 'Park Neighborhood Association. The Brewster and G, Gillette, of the Oshawa Recreation Committee staff. The new officers are: Presi- dent, Colin La Vallee; vice- president, George Arkwright; treasurer, George Price; sports chairman, Lioyd Harlow; audi- tors, Mrs, Gladys Harper and Mrs, Helen Calder; representa- tives to Central C, La - |Vallee, G. Arkwright. Rob- erts and Mrs, L, Harlow The office of secretary was not filled; anyone wishing to Officers Are | election was conducted by W.| & " Oshawa Fines SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1964 Two new members of the Westmount Club of Kiwanis Isternational and their spon- gors after the induction cere- mony at Thursday's meeting in Adelaide House, Oshawa From lef to right are; Ki- wanian W. H, Smith, sponsor; Kiwanian Tim Nelson, new member; President Gord Adair; Kiwanian George Mudd, new member, and Ki- wanian Harold Davidson, WESTMOUNT KIWANIS INDUCTS TWO MEMBERS sponsor, Both new members are on the staff of the New Simooe Hall Boys' Club, | CLUB SPEAKER Ron Bowman, Eastern Can- ada Sales Supervisor of the Remington Arms Company, will be guest speaker at the January meetig of the Union Rod and Gun Club held in the UAW Hall, 4 Bond street east, Sunday, Jan, 26, at 7.90 p.m. New outdoor films and shooting products will be shown. Photograph -- Alan D , Globe and Mail. serve in this capacity is asked to contact Mr. C. Also assistants to the sports chairman are needed, Committee reports were read. Bingos are held on Friday nights at Club Camelot, for- merly Varcoe's Pavilion, Teen dances are held every 'second Friday night at the clubhouse. The weekly euchres are held Wednesday evenings. The Christmas draw was) quite successful. Winners were: | Alf, Goodall, 592 Ca Court; | oodal riyle Court, ante M, Beattie, 208 Drew street; Leone, Kellett, 129 Gladstone lits architect to submit "some- Ask Unique School Design | The Oshawa Separate School 'Board Thursday night asked | thing different" by way of plans for the proposed John F. Ken- School on Ritson road south A_ wind j } Pastor An Ajax priest, Rev, M. J, Darby, has been appointed to succeed the late Monsignor Phillip Coffey as pastor of Holy Corss Roman Catholic Church, Father Darby will take up the '|reins of his new parish on Feb. 20. The move to the large Osh- pastor of St Church in Ajax NATIVE OF IRELAND Darby and is a native of County Louth, Ireland, He came to Can- ada as a child, Father Darb was educated at De LaSalle Col- lege and St. Michel's College in Toronto, He received his training for the prieshood at St. Augistine's Seminary, Scarborough, from which he was ordained in 1999, The ordination was conferred upon Father Darby at St Michael's Cathedral by Arch- bishop James McGuigan. Father Darby was then order- jed to Laval University, Quebec iCity, where he took post-gradu- ate studies in When his studies were completed he took his first post as a curate at St. Mary's Church in To- roato SERVED AT ORILLIA The two years at St, Mary's were followed by a four-year Stay at Orillia where he was curate at the Church of the Guardian Angels. Father Darby ended his curacy with a two- At ' t awa parish follows 12 years as c Bernadette's } _ ) priest. faced was the '| The new priest is the son of | the late Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence REV. M, J, DARBY ear stay at St. James' Church Toronto, The creation of g new post for a Roman Catholic priest result- ed in the arrival, of Father Darby in Whitby, In 1049 he took up his duties as the first Roman Catholic chaplain at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, | Before he was sent to care for the Roman Catholics resident at the hospital, Rev. Vincent Hickey, of St, John the Evan- gelist Church in Whitby, looked after their needs. The incy in Ajax Priest Appointed Holy Cross 1952 at which time Father Darby dai af the a new church, So successful were his efforts that the Church + Bg Bernadette was opened g will be new parish awa by curate in Aja: Frank Smythe. He will assisted in the running Cross parish by Rev, Beriault who was cura! os direction of Mon: Father Darby said he is looking forward to sumption of his new His arrival will 2 z g th ; : 3 sk 2 4 : nephew, Rey, P. . curate at St. Ge: 's hospital chapla Whitby lasted from 1&9 until on King street east. not put st akan the dstingulshed | Thieves moved into an Osh-javenue; Vi Price, 122 Banting} A round one? 7 tion & untarily is the of g democratic so- ciety and that it is one of ways in which, in spite of mech- pibecome part jawa home, Thursday night, and society, It is through action we| CUBS TOUR MUSEUM stole $80 in cash and two rings of the setting) About 30 uniformed Wolf Cubs) valued at over $60 around us and participating ino the 22nd Oshawa Cub Pack; Mr, and Mrs, Donald QOhese- the transaction of living, If we/of St. Matthew's Anglican/boro discovered the theft when wish to develop into fully par-|Church Thursday night toured|they returned to their home, feature of the good member of) thelticipating human beings we can/the Canadian Automotive Mu-/Apartment $04, $45 Gibb street. do so by locating a social need|Seum. The group was in charge) The cash was in a cardboard) avenue; W. Talbot, 473 Jarvis Street; June Lawson, 284 Huron street The treasurer's books were audited and found to be in order, On Jan. 18 at the Bathe Award night, Mr. La Vallee one? The trustees did not speci- ty what they meant by 'differ jent', They did agree that jegst would have to be down, They asked the architect jto submit both one- and storey plans for the eight.coom school "=| Child Cut Hit By Auto Crown Charges Intimidation and offering the help it is in our/Of their leaders, Betty Korte,/box and the rings were not lock-jreceived the third place trophy] Business Administrator Frank anization and auto we remain human. Society is the! kind of life we live in organized) communities where interests es are common to "WHY" OF WORKING The "why" of working with others is not greatly important power to give What we require of Kiwanis is) not a complaint dealing with) things as they are but a positive) and spirited adventure into what might be. | |\COMMON INTEREST Tn voluntary association we) find one of the best means of education in the democratic! way of life. Voluntary associa- jBetty Smith, Erin Dougharty,/ed away {Bob Hobbs and Paul Falkowski| There was no sign of a break- Their visit brought the total mu- seum attendance figures for 1964 to 988. in -- it appears the thieves had! giyen in recognit of the time and effort put forth by all those members who work so keys and knew their way around, Shine told the board that tenta- tive approval for building the new school had been received from the Department of Educa long and hard in the interests of the park. tion, tions are those in which a per) son is free to participate or not fas he chooses. They are open to persons who share a com imon interest or purpose. They build their own policy and irect their own activities During the meeting, Kiwan- Hians who ¢s new mem-) bers into the Club during 1963 To Consider Flag Gift g were presented with tabs by) flags\Lieutenant Governor Heary) : 7 neign|Reed. The recipients of these! Oshawa |awards were Kiwanian Mac Ben > but the Talmudic principal is, ' idered nett, Don Ormiston, Harold Da-) ee ee alae QUividson, "BIN Smith and Bod Oshawa Separate School Board.|Branch, | The board Thursday night! Two new members were in- idered a letter from Jan/ducted by Past President} | Drygala, president of the United| Sparkes Graham Nelson and Council af Veterans' Associa-/George Mudd received their) tions, Oshawa and districtinew membership kits and Ki- : the board Wanis buttons i of the} i Addressed to Lieyd Bolahood,, Whitby Duplicate "Sin wee | Bridge Winners over the national flag, the ge i erans all over Canada have) The winners and high scores taken a definite stand and Pre/of the games played by the) a resolution to the £0V-lmembers of the Whithy Dupli| ronment that the Red Ensignicate Bridge Club were j the recognized flag Of) East and West -- Mrs, Bovay ls and Miss Bovay, 6814: Mrs. . mited Council of Vet-\Chubb and Mrs. Maundrell, 674; Association, Oshawa and) Mr, and Mrs. H. Baker, 654; gan meeting) Mrs. McCall and Mrs. Beaton, per cent, 43. concluded: "We} North and South -- Mrs. your reply/Hunter and Mrs. McGillivray, g that the beard/§344; Mrs. Rowman and Mrs. 1 % we feel to bejIrwin, 71%; Mr. and Mrs. Win- important matter, its ap-jter, 684; Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. leocett e. Water WATER SAFETY COURSE ATTRACTS LARGE CLASS Canadian Red Cross Boys' Club, Bulalie avenue, to improve their knowledge. A artificial respiration beside the | Street, Bow=:anville course being has attracted a large number group of the given at the new Simcoe Hall of swimmers who are anxious class are seen here members of the practising factory Hospital jbruises : the junction of Athol street and da A sever-yearokd = girl was! was taken to hospital and $2,825 damage suffered by car)) accidents | Joanne Kennedy, 7, 106 Cen- » in Oshawa General suffering from cuts and She was knocked down near) Wilson road, Thursday, by a car 1090 Colborne street east A three-car crash at the junc: tion of Mary street and Laracor avenue, Thursdy, resulted in property damage totaling $2,500. The cars were driven by Egan Fehr, 909 Masson street, $1,000; Darryl Leach, 76 Grierson street, Smith, $500. Oshawa the oa ty driven Fal $l, 64 King street, Whitby, Centre was scene crash, Thursday, cars by Wager Lyons. William street east, th Ms, and Joseph H. Hawkes, Courtice read south at Highway owners, Thursday, in Oshawa) nen tral park. boulivard south, was/Court 'jreported this morning as "'satis- Witnesses have been intimi- driven by Norman Verdun Roe, /Tad 000; and Mrs. Muriel), eli ] : vehicle suffered $75 and Hawkes $250 CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating their birthdays today Cathy Burt, 4 Mciqugh | ln boulevard; Dennis Good- pool, "a 41 Duke | Phone 723.474. - fwon the right Thursday morn- WHITBY rink skipped by ing to continue in the area British Consols playdowns at the Whithy Curting Club. Acton and his rink eliminat- ed Ted Chenier and his Oshawa ae rt

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