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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Jan 1964, p. 10

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10 THEOSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Janvery 24, 1964 By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR "Everything From Soup To Nuts' t Oshawa Minor Assoc. City League Hockey "Oshawa Minor Hockey Asso-,and Hercia a_ pair. Engle,|on a pass from Harry Morrison ciation's Bantam, Midget and|Heath and Welsh got the others|and late in the period, Gary Juvenile Leagues produced|for the winners while Flontek Clarke, on a pass from Charlie Floor Hockey At Boys' Club Simcoe fiaii Boys' Cian, Eulalie at Central Park, saw the start of a Junior Boys (8 years to 12 years of age) Floor Hockey League play Wednesday eve- ning, The league is under the direction of Bob Branch and J. Dunn's Continue At Undefeated Pace To Hold League's Lead some very interesting action|scored the lone tally for B'Nai/Marlowe, scored the winner for|Grotenhuis, this past Seik. . B'Rith. 4 Kiwanis, In the first of the league mes, the Huron team beat the oo el aa Dunn's kept their unbeaten, ,... / DID YOU KNOW that Oshawa has 86 "minor" hockey record intact as they cooled MIDGET LEAGUE JUVENILE LEAGUE , teams in operation' -- and this does not include public school teams, the "Rinky Dinks' of any one area, or any of the dozens of pick-up teams that operate, on their own, via the challenge basis, on Saturday mornings, when ice is available. There are four different Associations in this city, organized to supervise league schedule hockey, The Oshawa' Minor Hockey Association is, of course, the largest and longest- Hved, having operated here since 1931, Better known as the "City League' -- the men behind this group operate 12 Ban: tam teams, eight Midget teams, a four-team Juvenile league and four All-Star teams, for provincial playoff competition. Oshawa Church League has 12 Atom teams and. 10 Bantam teams while the Catholic Church League operates six teams in each of their Atom, Pee Wee and Bantam leagues, Neigh- borhood Assoc, Pee Wee Boys League has 18 teams. at ie ae MINOR HOCKEY is certainly a busy activity in this city, not only busy, but well-conducted, Approximately 300 adults give their time and talents to handle these 86 teams in the 'Ithen Sullivan, scored for the various leagues, as coaches, timekeepers, executives, St. "Minor Hockey Week", a Canada-wide observance, opens offi- cially at the Children's Arena tomorrow night with a couple of special exhibition games, Gifford, this week, as with the thousands of municipaiities across the country, has prociaim- ed Jan, 25-Feb. 1 as "Minor Hockey Week" here in Oshawa and called upon the citizens to assist in this coast-to-coast managers, referees, trainers, John First Aid corps, etc, His Worship, Mayor Lyman mayors, reeves or wardens of Oshawa Dairy blanked Tony's with a big win over Houdaille|big win when they defeated Refreshments 5-0 when Ralph Industries, with Eric|Local 222, 42, Bob Durno and|Moore came up with his first Nickles, Ron Rollo, Dave Mc-/Ted Dionne both sconed in the shutout of the year, Penalties Laughlin, Terry Dabroshinsky,|first period to give Local 222|hurt the Tony's cause as Brown Ast Brouneen and Phil Kirkham|the lead but Les McLeod, Rick|scored # pair while Solomon, all scoring for the winners in|Andrews, Jeff Jubenville and|Cameron and Morrison each the first period, In the second|Bill Dionne scored for the Lions notched singles. : session, Pulte and Hicks andjto register their win, Hayden Macdonald's scored a Kiwanis Club registered their|pair in the first period, by losers, Sth-straight win, defeated Kins-|Werry and Waters, and made Paul Sloggett scored late injmen Club 2-1, Ron Sutton open- them stand up for a 21 win the second period to give Localjed the scoring, early in the sec-/ over Auto Workers Credit 1500 their 2-1 win over Localjond. period but a minute later, Union. Hartshorn scored the 1817, Bob Peters scored the|Terry Wallace evened the score lone goal for the losers. shy ay Goes' oe fe EX. DOUBLEHEADER Oshawa Bantams Win 8-3; Midgets Get 5-2 Licking -- scored for the Cokes. In an exhibition doubleheader, Greely, Durn®> Scott and Nes- B'Nai B'Rith 81 in t at Oshawa Children's Arena, |bitt. Canadian Corps walloped|iagt night, Oshawa Bantam All-| Officials -- M, Suddard and B'Nai B'Rith 8-1 in their game|stang defeated the Toronto|Wm. Severs. with Griffin scoring three goals George Bell Bantams 8-3 but in MIDGET GAME | the second game of the set, York Steel Midgets proved a Lions Club came up with a tally for the losers. Scugog Cleaners nosed out Duplate 3-2 with Beach scoring two goals and Clare one, for the win, Canadian Tire and Coca-Cola play to a 3-3 tie with McCul- lough, MacDonald and Clouthier scoring for Canadian Tire while Suppelsa, Lupe! and Izdebski oux 74. Tom Horruzey ---- out Black's 43, in what had Larry Horruzey accounted for the other goal, The Sioux's Gary of the evening. Oshawa Quality six of his team goals, Kelaman, and checking. SIOUX -- Gary although scoreless, \ put on a great display of passes ine. Geduisot a tae eet PEOPLE'S 6, RITSON CTRE. 5\from Urquhart and Kelaman, rscott (V, Hickey, Shearer) ......e9000. @ 4. Fuels--Bathe (Barta) . 42 THIRD PERIOD 5. Fuels--F. been billed as the main. event sania 6. Fuels--J, Butler (R, Butler) tiling a playoff birth. é They got two-goal efforts St. Johm* The final game was a wide- winner. a ings, People's Clothing register-jopen affair with lots of scor- Lo tgnets og goal, pod gg! Fuels skated to a 5-1 victory Fred Chiplick, Claus Scherf, ed an upset win, defeating the|ing. People's Clothing have been/iess¢ han two minutes in thé Bobby Choppe, Stan Smith, Bob y ' » 2O'merly Vikings) : Coombs, Andre House and Jim 'gave them a tie for fifth place, Carol. HURONS -- Tom Horruzey, David Kulik, Danny Woodward, | ment Larry Horruzey, Jan Kwassiew- af ski, Tony Casha and Danny | Rogers, ----" |Skeveluk, ONLY ONE GOAL In a close-checking game be-| M4 Little, tween the Cree and Apache, | forwards, Robert Dervent of the Apaches) °°" scored the only goal of the) 4, piack's--mMcClimmond game. second-place Ritson Centre (for: 6-5. The win re ' The Ritson Centre crew seem" ed puzzled by the strong show- ing of the Clothing lads, Suff Def t narrowed the score to 6-5 UITEr VETE AT seconds only remaining, but Currie, Buechler, Scattergood could not claim a victory for forwards, inson, Murray, Troop, B.| Oshawa Junior Keystonersitheir new sponsor, Fralick Rogers, Hoar, McDonald, Hooper, Leger, Basketball Club, suffered their|fired a pair of counters in a los- goal, Fielder, ieence, first defeat of the season lastiing cause. " bbens;| Saturday, in an exhibition game) PEOPLE'S--Goal, Coutoure: detendé," Joyce, Weldmark, Poretous, Dat Trenton, when the Wilsons, |Slover: MacDonald, Balsom, Pipher) for ggg te ge Boog Intermediate ""B" team of that|Dingman o: scat" =" Urewnes 1.24 community, whipped the Osh-| RITSON CENTRE---gosl, Kennedy: dev awa boys 80-60, |fence, Fralick, Menzies, Oke; forwards Jr. Keystoners ar they have made a de- termined bid to vacate the base- DUNN'S -- goal, Noakes; defence, $. 2, Black's----D, Cole observance of Canada's groat game of hockey. They've got a program of hockey scheduled for Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and if Oshawa sports fans want to show Peter DePratto, Greg Kit and) , {olbbens, Gerrow) $00 Henry Bartosik were the Apache| in Bitescbirrer (habtneen) aaa 4 team's outstanding players SECOND PERIOD while Peter Waldinsperger, | No scoring. | Larry Hanna and Joe Siminana| PPR geal. ware the strongmen of the Cree| ¢ bunn's---Robinson eam. CREE -- Joe Simiana, Peter) QUAL. FUELS Waldinsperger, Joe Greentree, | Randy Sorochan, Greg Green-| tree, Larry Hanna, Wayne Hub- ber and Lenord Farrow (Murray) 5, FLYERS 1 hockey paid off for Oshawa Quality Fuels. They grabbed| third place in the standings and} 11.59 and outweighed in this one, right FIRST \from the start with the Trenton| }: team especially good at re- sy bounding and checking, the two} , $.00)main factors in Keystoners' de- Keystoners tried very hard in! 9. Pegple's--St. John (Elliott)... the second half to get back into|'0 Venning, Parry, © a rk, J, Scott, Keystoners were outclassed Firth, Fairman, cheval GCs. ¥ PeRiop id People's--Elliott (St. John) ..... 4 2. People's--Urquhart (G, Scott) .. . Centre--Oke (Venning) 9. SECOND PERIOD 4, Peopie's--G. Scott | 5, Centre--Venning (Parry, Fralick) eat, | ; re The homesters were ahead 40-| TH A steady game of positional's: at halftime. and although IRD PERIOD 7. People's--St, John (Elliott) .. 2, 8. Centre---Fralick (J, Scott) 13,01 17.32 Péople's--Urquhart {G, Scott, Glover) ithe running, they just couldn't 1), Centre--G. Cole (Chernik) Y |York Steel Midgets defeated|classy team and two goals in MINOR HOCKE /Oshawa Midget All-Stars 5-2. jthe first period, by Wright from the|Simpson and Nichols from Mor-| APACHE -- Murray Edmonds, |V'ttually assured themselves of Bob Farrow, Guy May, Peter making the playoffs, match the homesters, who were paced by Bob Burleigh, with 22), CALENDAR BoB agh eowigth organ rison, put them in front, as they period, Cottrell from Yasage went on to whip the Oshawa All land Jacobaccio, in the _first|Stars 5-2. DePratto, Geng Gaver, Robert Port Perry Flyers put up &jpoints and Terry McCabe with| pivot Henry Bartosik and)good battle but they suffered| 1g. oo oe |Osh Quality, Fuels Devent, SATURDAY Morrison got' an unassisted|@res Kit. gy lack of finish around - Keystoners were minus alp perry Fiyers spp lcouple of players but they did|People's Clothing . |period, Jacobaccio from Baker, | ae + Soggy gore | the middle frame and Baker,|*@lly a Lr 9 = ia IROQUOIS WIN } OSMAWA\ QUAL, FUELS -- goal, Gut-| 4 aol gpg t Oshawa(from Shimkoff and Jacobaccio ond period and late in the) 'Tom Tullock with two goals sole; detente, "reggs, R. Hickey, v.(manage to keep one record in-) schedule games, a Is lin the final frame period, Ross, on a pass from |jeq his team, the Iroquois to a Hickey, B, Hall) forwards, Bathe, Berta,/tact --scoring more points than Children's Arena, starting at) Guinn ancred ' pair in the Parsons, made it 4-0. lg win over the Bincktoot than lan make' han, Pel aney: Oa in their previous a Church League Atoms/first period, ' Whiting from wood 2 fap fy 5 ---- In a close and interesting) PORT PERRY FLYERS -- goal, wan-|CUUNE | . 0: gue Atoms eowak ond Buigdon from Whit- right, pass from ROsS|same with all the scoring in|Namaker: defence, Gibson, Leach, Coch) OSHAWA -- Bill Jepma, 12;/government's mounting tele- --Six games, at North Oshawa) rel ih made it 5-0. Oshawa came to Stanley, Gavdaur,|Chuck Debona, 10; Larry Horne, {phone bill, the "beep" has been |Arena, starting at 1.00 p.m. andjing, They add pd ged life finally, with Salowski, on aliccy with his two goals and|Slack, 'Tobin, Teno Redman, Chandler,/9. Greg Milosh, 8; Jim Rowden, |returned to government tele- {Bantam League --~ Rive vy fag F Nesbitt) mree-way play with Wilson and John Bartosik one goal, account-| 1, rue FIRST PERIOD 7; Marcel Boivin, 6; Ron Bur-|phones. The beep sounds after unman a' ay ig or ae Durno; Scott from eres| ne fectieee oat bl gyi ed for the Iroquois win. hae Butter, Vonderzwet) coves. an7|nett, 4; Ken Hickey, 4 and Jim/the first three-minute point is miles of film to produce a quarter-mile of actual showing) | Official opening of Minorjand Mosier, from Bligdon anditing their other goal. 8 wit, Blackteet, led, by Bil 2. Flyers--Gibson 20" yeal Brady, : ireached in calls. from start to finish, with portions of the Grey Cup Parade, (Hockey Week, in Oshawa -- To-|Dart, for a 6-2 lead. | YORK STEEL -- goal: Cole; a strong display of passing and| LOWEST PRICE EVER! pre-game warmups, the game itself and some "victory" jronto Torrids vs Oshawa Pee! In the third period, Mosier/Uren, Simpson, Wright, Dur- Be rc |Wees, at 7.45 p.m, and Toronto/from Bligdon and Allman, with|bano, Ross, Grisdale, Edmonds, checking, but just could not put! scones -- we Wound: say posciaed ig nd a ---- --- |Wallers vs Oshawa Juveniles, at Bligdon and Mosier assisting,|Morrison, Ward, Branton, |the puck across the goai line. we've ever seen, Me Vo re aa Sia ia eccuiek |9.00 p.m. Both games at Osh: completed Oshawa's scoring. --|Nichols, Parsons, Copeman PF ashy! Bob Krawee, | nine cameras and with the colorful ut ' e jawa Children's Arena. - GEORGE BELL -- Attard,|/Evans. |Bill Walker, et Irvin, Larry. Tiger-Cats and B.C. Lions showing to peak advantage in the | ------------------------ \Mike Shimkoff, Wayne Yasage,| OSHAWA -- goal, Moore; Malloy, John Demaresai, Henry bright, sunny afternoon, the picture is a splendid piece of en- | Glen Schell, S. Ymeri, J, Jaco-|Stroud, Bowen, Solomon, Grif-|Chyb, Larry Bracken, Danny tertainment, If you get a chance to see it -- don't miss it! | Gray and Wayne Shaw, : ma ssataac Dominion Royal wen 21-77 y 20.00 TUBED EA, ° PR, retvien 1O-O0 »,, 25.95 Tubeless e EA, ° PR FY DOMINION TIRE STORES their appreciation to the other good citizens who keep Minor Hockey at such a high level in this city -- then all they have to do is lend their support by attendance. "Don't Send -- Take Your Boy to the Arena -- And Stay to See Him Play" that's the slogan for the week. ; xX xX xX x ALONG WITH various other local members of the "press and radio tribe', we were privileged to be the guests of "Bud" Henderson and Gord Rae, last night, at the regular meeting of Oshawa Kinsmen Club, when the highlight of the evening was the showing, for the first time in this area, of the Molson's: 'Grey Cup" film, Complete (they took three BEEP RETURNS VICTORIA (CP)--In an effort lto reduce the British Columbia re ee the first half of play, Tom Tul-|wesies, Toone, NO TRADE-IN]. S JANUARY THAW i cealtin' C . ig Bee Detailed meteorologists'|baccio, P. Baker, J. Cottrell and (fin, Sameron, Ewart, Preston, ------|studies. show ® marked warm|D. Mullin, Solowski, Wilson, Waite, Morri-| IROQUOIS -- Scott Russell, spell generally occurs across!) OSHAWA .-- .Krochmal,|son, Ostle, Hewer, Goodchild, Wayne Cromaz, Ron Kulik, Vic-) most of the U.S.-and southern|O'Brien, Dionne, Nowak, Dart, Sawyer and Wayling. tor Fuke, Alex Krawek, John Canada around the third week|Blanchard, Allman, -- Hewer,| Officials -- Wm. Severs and|Bartosik, David Brabin and Tom \ ] ' , Whiting, Pultz,/Mel Suddard /Tullock, -- a mercer -- sh = ma a Junior Floor Hockey Schedule A TIGHT for Wednesday, Jan. 2% -- creation complex are approved.jof its kind in the world, Apache vs Huron; Blackfeet v Sioux and Iroquois vs Cree. I Fi hi P lar In the initial gtages, the pro-| Mr, Tonks said the scheme) é ject calls for a 50,000-seat stad-;would include an amusement jum and a 20,000-seat arena, |atea along Disneyland lines that ac n en '@ | gays designer George C. N./could make it a paying propo- re Indoor Stadium Is Next For Toronto TORONTO (CP) -- Canada's)sional football, baseball, soccer, first indoor stadium will bejand track and field events, A completed here by 1967 if plans/similar structure has been built for the $32,000,000 sports and re-jin Houston, Tex., the only one A genuine Fe ion Royo! Winter Tire et Below Retread Prices . » NO RED TAPE We do our own financing! STORES (Corner of Chureh) LAST NIGHT'S sition, He said four smaller re- 9 | By THE CANADIAN PRESS John Ferguson, Montreal's jrookie left winger who scored von jtwo goals and assisted on an- , City and Metropolitan Toronto|creation buildings with seating mh ofticlais have discussed the pro-|capacities of 3,000 each would) by KEN ROBERTS more." quired a firm constitution, but fect and the outlook of its suc-|handle ice, roller skating, bas-| What ever happened to the old AL thie point, I piped in andithe rewards were there, an cess is good, says the president) ketball and swimming activi-jfashioned ice fishing techniques ruined: "and what did you|were abundant"'. ef Arcon Development and In-|ties, that were prevalent to nearly|carry in the way of equipment?"| 'These words seemed to lead|the Hawks dumped B jother_as the Canadiens defeated vestments Corporation Limited, A 20 - storey tower - shaped every sportsman? This question with a sly look and a quaint me more to his way of thinking) Mr, Tonks proposed that the/structure with a roof-top res-\I recently asked a visiting uncle erin he went on about his dear-/reparding the idea of ice fishing] what you carried with you, welled winds and scant cover ,re- LIMITED® 725-6511 DOMINION TIRE 48 BOND WEST would accommodate _pret: Toronto iences now taken for granted, contained two compartments,| iver' shoreline, the struggle eats This is how he told it to me. one which housed bait (usually | .ynerienced in walking. "i a small tank 'of minnows), ice "Here is where the advantage IGHER THEN k -OOp, y still sw TOUGHER pick and scoop, allowing still a of ice fishing by sleigh beats Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS, NB. ONeill Girls Finish Second | In Relay Race Detroit 98 San Francisco 125 TORONTO (CP)--Dave Bai Baltimore 130 New York 114 ley of Toronto won the mile Boston. 126 St sows it "T could' remember a time jittle space in reserve for the) when all these things were wish-|catch. The other compartment flashing along the shoreline at ful thinking, our ice fishing was/was smaller in size, and held the 30 to 35 mph, Step by step, foot a little tougher. Though it was bulk of the day's fare, usually|®Y foot, a chance, a chance to east of Ottawa, I feel the tech-|stick bread, cold meat, and tea/S®® nature at its best and at niques used those 25 years ago|-- all this housed ina small pot) Work. On these words that im- were much the same as used in suitable for tea. pressed me greatly, he closed this very neck of the woods."| "For flame we used an alco-/Mis conversation, He went on, "fishing then was hol based jell which, incidental-|_ I can only say this type of more than an event, it was an ly, I believe is still on the mar-fishing will indeed not suit one event in 4:25.6 Thursday night in high school track and field competition at Maple Leaf Gar- occurrence, and would occupy ket, On the sides of the sleighand all. However, there are the day from sunrise to sunset.were hooked the ice tip-ups,/some who will take great pleas- "River fishing was our prime/ysually two to each side (I was/ure in reliving this exciting pas- St. Kitts Nip dens, a prelude to tonight's in- vitational international track meet Richard Grace and Richard Pyne, both of Toronto, were runners-up in the event John Reynolds of Galt finished attraction, pike usually, but we/told on the side, supervision of|time. I'm inclined to think this did get a crack at lake trout injjce fishing was not too rigidly|type of sport wil appeal to the some of the surrounding lakes./enforced in that area), These/antique gun collector or some- Petes To Tie , The thought that crossed my|provided the angler with scopejone with a keen sense and mind most often was the factlin fishing various depths andjawareness of the history and For 3rd Place that one was so self-contained, spots. These tip-ups were of the|heritage this sport holds, By THE CANADIAN PRESS (2 unit, one against the cold, This|spring - and - red -flag type,| NEXT WEEK: A look at and the 440-yard run in 59.5 seconds, St. Catharines Black Hawks feeling was brought about from/and were ideal for the purpose."' first-hand report from Lake} He defeated Bob Bilarewcki of snapped one tie to create an. the fact that you lived (often in) Uncle recalled "Ice fishing in/Simcoe -- mecca of the South-| Burlington and Rich Cummingsother by egding Peterborough SY? zero temperature), on justithose rivers, with their channel-'ern Ontario Ice Fisherman, } of Oakville Petes 2-1 in Ontario Hockey As- i Fe USE eee ras i '@ aa a In relay races, Richmond Hill sociation Junior A Series ac- EVERYTHING'S NEW!!! BRING EXHIBITION PARK TORONTO JANUARY acheme be developed by metrojtaurant and hotel-motel accom of mine from near Ottawa. T est sport of years past. and the various methods. He} and receive federal and provin-;modations for 1,200 persons! was t with the answer which eles . s | cial financial assistance as aiwould also be included. aaa ~ "What old fash- EQUIPMENT pom nerd te ees bee te! centennial project, He mentioned three possiblelioned way?" You know, I said, "Why, it was a mere sleigh,| 01. not always in the form of "Our next move is to present/sites: the Canadian Nationallishing Jakes and rivers without)not a child's sleigh, but one). pood catch, that 20-Ib. grand- it to city nd metro centennial/Exhibition grounds; the Maple|the aid of bombadiers, ice huts,!which was about three feel 1ong/asday pike or that fat lake committees," he said Leaf Stadium area or near the|ready made holes, space heat- by two feet wide, Upon this) rout. but sometimes were. in O'Keefe Blended | is the friendl is the. frien y ® e ; name that beerdrinkers have given to ? : ® O'Keefe Extra Old Stock Ale. It isa blend of e two great ales for flavour that really satisfies. b] 2 e rn O'Keefe yields to its public and now b O'Keefe Blended The dome - topped stadium) Woodbine Racetrack in westlers, and all the other conven-/sleigh was built a box which)ine form of the countryside, the J (Who says a brewery can't be human?) with Oshawa O'Neill and Wind- Hawks were tied for fourth sor Parkside following. Dundas place with Niagara Falls Fly- Parkside finished in 1:398 tolers. The win lifted them into a take the 88-yard boy's relay, tie for third with Peterborough, with Hamilton Centra! and Oak- each with 42 points ville-Trafaigar coming in sec) In other action, the league- ond and third respectively. leading Toronto Mariboros in-| Other results included creased their spread over sec- Two mile: 1, Dave Tong, Tor- ond-place Montreal Junior Ca- onto; 2. Grant Osborne, Osh-nadiens to 11 points by tying awa; 3. Lionel Gray, Guelph./the Red Wings 6-4 in Hamilton. Time 9:54.9, The Mariboros have 62 points.) Shot put: 1. Paul Patterson, Niagara Falls holds down Toronto; 2. Ivan Zvargenite, fifth spot with 40 points, 10 up) Toronto; 3. Michael Milligen,/on Oshawa Generals who in turn Brantford. Distance 3@ ft. T\ lead the Red Wings by 10. Kit- in. chener Rangers are in the cel- Mile relay: 1. Toronto; 2. St. lar with 15, Catharines; Toronto. No Doug Jarrett and Ross Eich- time. ler fired one each to pace the) ---- ig Be St, Catharines. The! } Remenber Weea?... ica et By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Peter Stemkowski's goal with Henry Armstrong success-. less than two minutes remain- defended his world ing in the game gave the Mari- welterweight title at New bores a tie ' York M years ago tonight, Wayne Carleton scored a pair i Pedro Montanez for the league-leaders and one nine rounds in a terrific (each came from Grant Moore, two - fisted attack. Arm- Mike Walton, Rarry Watson and strong, whe had outpointed Stemkowski Barney Ross for the title, | John DeDiana, Gary Marsh jest it the same year when Pete Mahovlich, Sandy Snow he was outpoinied by Fritrie Brian Campbel! and Pete Love- Zivie. tesa divided Hamilton's goais.! High School topped the girls' tion Thursday night THE WHOLE CREW TO. THE competition in a time of 41.2, Going into the game, the CANADIAN christens the brew BOATING IS FUN FOR THE FAMILY A spectacular showing of the newest and finest ma- SEE THE SPECTACULAR CANADIAN tine products, including luxury cruisers, yachts, run- abouts and outboards... everything from hulls and engines to hardware and accessories. Special... See "'Voiga II' the Russian hydrofoil boat. PA te 42 NOON TO 10; SATURDAYS, 10 i

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