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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Jan 1964, p. 12

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. Tyg _ THE COHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Jewwury 94, 1964 - Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 é G.im. to 5 P- im, monaay to Friday. 2 perma Serdoning cod Supplies [Mortgages a Srirrenet bulla equipment, F cleereg. power males Call Alor 942-1824) Service "> Samal skier oteen Ont cerperetion monies for ieee ee, ene wee Wards Bes' Chest le. (J Sireet West, Bo Box 329° Wnitby, int OF 668-3809, accountant, 205 es Winibys Ontario, telephone SEPT. seesesinr neiinatehamiasamee MONTEITH, RIRWL, | and Eee "Centres, dulte. 2158) 468-4191. epee Accountants, (8? King 'Ontario, 725-3509. > SALT WILD BIRD FEEDS Wild bird Feeders Small Cut Graine WATER SOFT leumnaa niente uine Grew Uoet| Bast, and) if Gast, al ent of and) je) FIRST AND SECOND mortgeges. on Hennick, Cerritera 3h King WILLIAM §KROONTJE, well digg! work, cleanout and. deeper 4 ing, 468 Park Road South, Dread jest, 723-7232, 1--Women's Column Musical Services Teed, pipe and Ir, taatrumente pvaleee, Se" biadinks 'Alex tab eee Painting and Decorating Meesira, Furmire fishing ve ena. vets msiin Mgt kinds, H, Brown 92 Wil "Scott and Experienced painters ond oy corators in all branches of the trade, Interior end ex terior, 693 Wilson N, R.R. 2 728-6815 DODD and SOUTER PAINTING AND ae Poi a a J Lees U intin: r Gyptex, hh mia nang, 107 ByiGN st ST. ny, Thnirey Niovits 725- 7436 Plumbing and Heating L/ALL PLUMBING ano Fb yy Py Telephone 1, Mareld fark, tld pplies.| athe Pempananre A special. Me Hair) ae Avenue, 'elephone 2---Personal IF VOU have «drinking problenn. write and] Box 933, Whitby, or call ANYONE wlinessing "en automobile 'aeel- ident at AL ) rat Navin ures Simeoe $1 " please felepnone 723: ies TRANSPORTATION wanted lady. Whitby-Torente downtown, ernest at ? to 7.18, Call 668-3101, Mg wanted gua iy Toronto, 050 te 8 Telephone 668-5113 after 6.90 p.m, 5 es of se 9 Marie Murduff will be in sail} BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | 9 |Well Drilling---Digging At BRIDE FEEDS NER HUSBAND OX A MIXTURE oF BRANDY AND RAISINS AFTER A WEDDING IN NETHERLANDS» PORN $ 17----Male Help Wanted 21--Room & Board Wonted | Saturday 8 to 12 |23----Wanted To Rent WANTED immediately, fret class bar. der, In Oshawa, $90 holidays, Write Box 4 'anteed, Paid Oonawe Times, ber|WANTED --- ride from North-west! Wh! to Oshawa, arriving at 8 or 8,90 a.m, Telephone 660-4988, $1000, IN A MONTH Is not too much the man we want in me open 8 Over 4, Take short avlo W. 8. Swallow, Pres. or ore Stores, eH ak, Wee APACE ie gt so patreieurn ad = No. Main. Street N Werth iy Fexas, , 'ort Perry vicinity, Mators north" | " SRE peewernn. bene ai ets In fr. "Mera Tn HW a Gotate Li LIGH Two men 17 to a Dh Valid drivers license helpful, but not essential, ; MR. GENOSHA HOTEL 10 A.M. Saturday Only oh he Real Pye cg tla Centre of Oshawa| Two ot valleble x aS f ltins brie hg Pai Mais ry by three 24---Houses For Rent rote bec Serer ates a Bt Lait Tireplece." Asking tH, ty wm 9Y Nesseu eee Nemes ry. i Vosents Tiewak, SPROR TUNITY. for eos Waly me oe Telephone 728-1 658 ~~ OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Main Floor JUST EAST OF SIMCOE Contect Bill Miller 725-1186 of 725-2557 Apply in person M, H. HIGGINS Oshawa, Feb, 3rd, 4th end Sth, Phone Genosha Hotel on. these dates for 14-- Employment Wented 17--Male Help Wanted ment, ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 PART-TIME office Work or home typing, Telaphone 7286586, MOTHER to mind Monday bia 'prwachool children, her own home, ' LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist in garment altera- tions, ete, Invisible mending, dress_ alterations PRINCE ST, PETER PAN BAY WORTERY quai day care, 7 a.m, te $90 pm, a's Simeoe North, 728-2604, SVENGORAPHIE" Gervice" -- Resimen, presentations, manuscripts, Will pick up] 660-460! and deliver, Quality and fast_ service, Accuracy guaranteed, Whitby, Telephone 668-8033, ied eee you can me br , Sete WANTED Yous, men to ir become Agent raphers. st pay $350, month, Pension, and Commission on Express, Training eproved by officials all across Ci ge Instead of paving for buy the selbteaching) anada, and code machine Li welty a cont, Easy terms, lesmen, Free folder, Write Cassen yg to: Whitby, Ontario, Call wanrap ow Man tor tab! business, lag br wd bg MECHANIC WANTED i| STATHAM B.A, Large gorege, clean, bright ond worm. 5¥a days weekly, to operate garage for OFFICE SPACE Modern New Building in Braemor Plaza 24' x 18', heoted, storage room, private washroom, en- trance, Suitable for berber shop, Professional = office, etc, 728-1973 eee To . Rent three ema ven nes == bedroom chi Private 5 Brooktin tur a aes i ee STASST, Twe oh? Gentiown, gentlemen inne oes wing address after 4 oe AJAX om Wat washing No, eau Vacant March |. Apply address 26----Rooms For Rent Toeehene @ am. fe Td nme afer ?. Raw. S990 Wak aaa Sey sore central, on hie SURNTENED Ty Pent Ane Te ree or four bedroom| qu havee Wented grant nt ORY Lwin two, anit.| Sterne 72-352) La Heating and Engineering, 255 Sieve "Rivest 'sav, ALL TVPES of repairs and and used materials, Totes, Estimates free, Dial 4. Foley. YORK PLUMBING AND HEATING Specializing in repairs. 328 SIMCOE SOUTH 728-1731 After Hours Pickering 839.1556 Rug-Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELOS ene He sree: Free bead to we our tor se-eoverne. Oe Uprolsters| |g 's Charles Stree ren eusromenants Bg ossent Aa Eee. ~ lhe lie a 'Sede bn Diesel 70-727, ore TERFIELOS = redullt, recovered Why pay more? Our rates are Tamas, Satisfaction guaranteed. Mat tresses re-built, ore wa Upholstery Co., YO Bond West, Dia! 725-091) 728-5311 3---Pets & Livestock GERMAN ee eenerd, ;vegistered, black and tan, rv old, male, $75, Apply ® Birch "Streets " alex, Telephone Alex 942.9673, Rewlelgh, Dept, A 16--Female Help Ww ated i Metals Street, Mon NURTE'E ATO reaolred Tor Gloneede Apply Mn he Luated, Setion 'Rood lek Call Mrs, Morton, 655-499) or 655-4516, ering, REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED Ke. Mer "ter arternoone, 'Apply in Yperaon, Some experience required, ercer Lid, 184 Bond Street aie POODLES = small, black minlature| WAT wi oF rae ime ely Excellent potential for ag. Qressive mon, ANY , tond | Mr. "Campbell Genosha Hote Ke Wratlatek enaaion" tennereners FULT VINE cashier, 9 aa pm. Apply Lomson Real Estate Limited Members of the 0.0.R.E.8, 725-8204, fiveday week. Also cashier for tm pasa COCKER SPANIEL puppies, part! color, |ApPly Mr. Campbell, Genosha 67 King Street East _Ask for Mr, Millar MAINTENANCE. FOREMAN References, Phone after 5 pum, 720 3510, RELIABLE Women to share new home sjand three children while par A plant in Oshawa hos on immediate requirement for @ mointenence foremen, ents work, Lote of free time off, in the town, of Whitby, Write Box 528, Oshawe Applicants should have ot least 10 years practical Times, maintenance work APPLY IN PERSON, JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT Grode 12 essential, Office ex- perience desirable, Solary to be arranged, Phone Business Manager for appointment, MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOWMANVILLE WILSON a or Oe nightly You * eee ha hai how, b) March }, Tiare. "pall: Teavoneble 'rent Wire Bow a, sates FURNISRN" bed A vet rs wate 4.30, preferred "id private foom, Tel iephone 18: Macs, or phone after FoRNEO oR REN Nant Amrik ight" netensee (minutes from aol Apaty riment main floor, /@we Boulevard ard North, Telephone Tibaio or Teas " aa Oe 720-0975 Serven bs" pee, CAROE "tne ream ter 'apart: Nets chirones Apply 68 Park \ ATTRACTIVEL sitonSontTorsiine FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Coll between 5 ond 7 Nr 82 PARK RD, N 728-867) Reasonadle 723-1293, me tc. Ri) West, Oshawa, Oni Wrallable. 725-4716 or 725-4717, EREISNTON, eres AND MuROOEH Notaries, Ceener ss Siiaina' 5 sine Street North, Oshawa, Wyn] T. K, Creighton, ie 4 Res: 6, Orynan, QE, 728-9554) L, Murdoch, Nac! yy 4, ¢ wos sasins Agreements Mortgages and sale bougnt, sold and arranged. Louis s, $. aa, 7%, i, Berriser, Salle. Suite Shanes ry "King Street" ean mune Shone' funds available for mortgages. WUMPHREYS, §VS, BOVCHYN ond d WILEMAN,| Barristers, Solicitors, 3642 King Street Best, Oshawa, R. 8. Humphreys, QC) QC) W, H. Hilimen, LLB) BEAUTIFUL baby ~~ erty talking 4 Eigin & budgles, ome Apply ara POODLE pups, miniature, cone | Yeree champion stock, Twin Oaks Motel, NS Hig! Orento. 7 Orono a] COLLINS, Binck" and While, excellent hiworking $8, Glen Giaspell, Town tine Reed, mile south Taunton, 728-4908, quick ESPEN fo live In modern home| for father with five school age. children, Phone after 6 p.m, Alex 942-9168. GRAPHIC ARTS Due to further expansion, Ve- concies exist for High School groductes to learn printing on opprenticeship bosis. Pleasant working conditions, Techni- cal training focilities, AM company benefits ond prom. sing future, PHONE 723-2233 _for appointment testy! BABYSITTER required to look after "hwo Free owt sJehiidren white mother works, Light @utles, Live in or out, Apply household 579 Albert Streei, GOUNTER WOMEN" required, fil ena ritime, day and night work, Apply eMurray's Drivein, Simooe North a Taunton Road, POSITIONS awall single end wy 142 Simece weeks' home-stud' " Y) nay '} isterers, 3 eatudy, Our 50 years experi Free estimates, |5.--Farmer's Column ence Inaures resulta. Our Canadian ABC HAVE VOOR chactotnd sole foary WATER FOR GALE -- 1600 Gallons, I" Cuvcarion buy. Inese 8 iducation, Buy these self-teachi varie abn Be gy oe aL servers. Telephone Roland Ball pooks, 'and save expense, Day and Non School, Free folder, Write Cassan Sys wie Ne persons, room house consider five-room Bar yy Write giv: ine full particulars such local! size, price in firat letter, Cleniflew Box S31, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, FIVE ROOM HOUSE OR APARTMENT ~| Urgently Required By fomily of four erriving in Oshowe Jenuery 27th, Phone 723-3492 OSHAWA TIMES OSHAWA, ONT, Ask for MISS RILEY PEKINGESE puppies, charming pele, English bveaine, Reasonable, ister ed, Dial Whitby 648-3929, Wonse "FoR ae 7 years old, color Western broke, Quiet and sound, aera RrieLns end att chalra Tel Bred to registered quarter horse stel- beara . Get the dest for ess Hon, 720-0769, at Se ieee' ra x South, Call MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALO L. SWARTE. Barristers, bet eg Notaries. Money eck, 244 5 Gent '723-4097, "a WILSON AND BURROWS, CHARTERED sae wea to, me Poel Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-7554, " Crysto! No. 2 Sait Seem me, euite 203, Oshawa Shopping Rew Brond Peligt cfeee & Sei ee] COOPER § - RT HOSMAR, Oar 'Account: C PER SMITH ae) Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, co. Seri, Famers Tae 16 CELINA ST. ~» Barristers GPA. MANGAN, GC," Garris 723-2312 eae Sees 710-8232, : ""instruetion F50ps AND DONALD, 6 iia a» Solleltors, etc. @ King Street Tap RAD Ballet, Mighland Reais Bruce V MACKEY, BA, Barrlaler, Solr eae axa oe Ea, Bincio Svatann 3 ine bat mate vant. | sone School, Ballet, Tap Acrobatic, | énargcien Res. 728. beta Masonic Temple, 723-7253, Roma K 'SRaER, ~ yeerntee: BURNS TEHOOL o Gencing. Top. ball ali. eins. YY i king 'treet ante ranaaen.| (0zz,20e Baten. Kighte ot alee ieoreaow po ne SiTabs, Tarcieters,| new fer sccerian Yessons, | Rental Solicitors, Clients' funds tor] wee Dial new Ba teria Ensen, "eae ee Mortgages Mortgage Loan Private porty to invest in Ist end 2nd mortgages. Agree- ments for sole, purchased. Low rates, mortgage problems gladly die cussed, No fees, no wait Immediate service for results, 725-2539 or 723-3211 Moneys for first mortgages Interest ot 7% Open No bonus No charge for valuotions Mortgages + tag Agreemente SER AND RLY, "bere, ae 14 King street Gast, 723-2278, Residence J. M, Greer, + QC, Dial, reste Terence V. Kelly, BA, eck, Kennedy Upholstering nity Unt tema, 808 Beech, Street, Whitby, Ont. or aw on the spol, Highest prices Sales and Service for dead and crippled Ferm stock, Yete|@4d-d407, Mare) LADIES, make $4, per day In your. spare phone collect, Hampton 263-2721, wills Pur Farm, Licence 450-43 time, For more information, call for FARMERS! Need od iret "Call SBI] appolntnent, 7208002 our ire rei , PECTAB i live In and look Sean or evenings after 6, 'ASTM, Smereccnnye ov atter two children, Light housekeeping CATTLE duties, Telephone 728-046). PORN $89 WEEKLY for Wearing lovely dresses: given you as bonus, Just show North Dehomed. American Fashion Frocks to friends, No ; canvassing, investment, experience nec Arteries picked, no bleeding, [essary, North American Fashion Frocks, For prompt service phone Oshowa 728-7601, WwW. W, SIMPSON 6--Auction Please reply by letter giv. ing full porticulors of post experience and education, All replies will be treated in confidence, BOX 518 OSHAWA Lions 3 Ambitious Men Previous experience selling books, brushes, vaccurns, : ete Highest weekly, If reliable, we wit trein you for Branch Office Monager. Write steting qu Classified Box 537 Oshawa Times Oshawa, Ontario Attention: Mr, Douglass 2bys "kine St, East , Ontario 723-4697 = 2nd Mortgages ~To $10,000 aan le To Homeowners INTEREST RATES FROM 1% MONTH TO 1% PER NR TO 13% PER AN- LL YVPES of bul repairs, rooting, a ce = Gordon May, '728-0994, * PLASTERING, PATCHING and remodel new 'old work. Telephone 723487) # no answer, 723-9298. a CARPENTRY. fi can a ee. "Sine 'wall and 'oor tien, G, Lehman, 'oat ne 'special New work and repairs. Toes aye Jods. L. and H, Roofing fend construction, 725-4957, LOCAL CHIMN' Seer it cna repaired, ges linge. Ur Stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free est mates, 773-2997, Por ALL age needs, cupboards, -- ete. Call Don Brooks, Hamp 263-280) ee. are free. sy? "i wines HOME IMPROVEMENTS Carpentry work of al! kinds, tile I teat end pointing, electrical and plumbing, re- modelling stores, offices, and homes. recreation rooms, basements waterproofed. All work guaranteed No job too big or small, Call us anytime. 728-2061 __ Cartage "JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully @qwipped and insured 728-3661. Dressmaking EXPERIENCED dressmaking, pant come end alterations, Reasonadle rates, tg Eldridge, 67 Montrave, 725-646. BRESSMAKING --"Alterations, repaira, 8 to 5 dally, Mra, Yezzi, 482 Ritson Road South. 78-480, HAIDU'S Tailoring and Dressmoking Professional designer of lodies wear, Bridal, formal, cocktail, suits, coats. All kinds of olterations and fur remodeling. Fit right guar anteed. BASSETT BLOCK, SUITE 2 112 Simeoe St, North PHONE 728-31 12 Oshawa, Onterio--725-3568 Classified Advertising Rates 25 WORD MINIMUM Better described otters get toster resyite, or 6 consecutive days. .. 3.75. 41 3 consecutive dovs 2.28 2.48 Count each word, initial, figure er abbreviction os one word, Box number Se While every endeavour will be made to forword replies to box mumbers to the advertisers as soon oh ible we accept no Hiebility in respect of loss or damoge ai to arise through either foilure or delay in forwarding such a. however coused whether by negligence or otherwise. tt not paid within ? days, charge rate applies, Professional listings only, 3 lines per month. ..... 8.50 Eoch addition! line per month Y stan ve (Not licable tor h DEADLINES Ws WE vce ckccrecess Spm Dey Preview | OShawa 728-3334 Cards of Thonks ..... 5 am. Dey Previous BAILY care for » ter children "ss wy my heme, eeeeeeneses » 3 pm. Day Previous Whitby 668-8344 Telennone + 8:30 am Day of Publi 720-8448. ite eomeraer== ™ | TV TOWERS WANTED Previous Dey Ronanty and POSITION WITH uxe LOCAL INDUSTRY Priced to suit your budget 13 yeors supervisory exper TERMS ARRANGED lence in ol! phases of auto. OSHAWA TV | SEE facture including Dielectrics. Would consider supervisory SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 GLASS AND SCREEN Repairs to aluminum wine dows ond door inserts -- 1 os et _ eo your NASH"? ALUMINUM 95 ATHOL ST. EAST TELEPHONE 728-1633 OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST, E. WHITBY 668-5853 colt Poutine Hobbs 728.5886 or Audrey Moore 668-4088 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS ED PATTERN CAREER OPPORTUNITY POR A Young men with credit ex perience, Credit experience in feed in- dustry preferred but not es sentiol, Agricultural background on esset, commissions = pold Su rveyore Flin ano TROLL, Ontarle herd 1, gin Street East, i) WEVAW AND. Creme bs Hevii NO BONUSES NO HIDDEN CHARGES NO BROKERAGE FEES PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET TV--Redio ag wine Avenue, Telephone 725-0500, CARE Vista, TV Te ma) Towers, Aerial Serv- repairs nit, phe Ronee Parsi GUARANTEED REPAIRS ic al mane Thompson Elec: TV, radio, car redios. tronics, 157 Eliott, 723-9792, Fred, TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Service Calls $2.50 9 am--9 p.m, Daily New 21" Picture Tubes As Low As $19 66 All Work Guaranteed Dominion Television 1206 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY 668.5971 TV TOWERS AND Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. &., OSHAWA 728-5143 GEORGE WILSON T.V. SPECIAL . $42.50 up Applicants should have min- imum of Senior Matricule- tion plus 3 or more yeors credit experience, Must be olert end oble to meet the public. Selory com- mensurate with quolifice- tions, Apply giving full por ticulers to BOX 334 OSHAWA _TIMES WANTED Ist Class Model Makers or Pattern. Makers with model experience Top retes ond benefits, Write INDUSTRIAL MODELS P.O BOX 236° SAND, P.O. WINDSOR. ONT. YOUNG MAN WANTED THE REALTY DIVISION OF SUPERIOR DISCOUNT LIMITED 725-6541 17 Simeoe St. N. 25 Superior Offices In Ontario Mortgage Money Available Low Interest ieee RESIDENTIAL CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND bers Ontario Mortgage Broker's Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED Sales Representative "Soles Representative to sell services of Pete Machine Shop, Experience in reeding of Drawings ond oe of way de sirable. Smal! salary end commission, plus bonus to stort, Area to be covered + to Toronte", - Classified Box 430 Oshawa Times Oshawa, Ontario 18--Male or Female Help Wanted COOK Must be reliable, neat and efficient, whareuten La s ment, Would be willing to right Coach House oe = Restaurant, BS h Whitoy, or after S am, HAIRDRESSER Experienced Man er Worman Apply in Person The Mayfair Salon 27 Celina Street Oshawa 728-0662 20--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD, beds. lunches | packed, Home cooking, MRSS). WHERE CHAIRE, hospital beds, walkers, reducing machines, sick room suppiles Ald _Rentels, 10s Beatrice, 7 TRS 1644, Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra SARGEANT'S RENTALS 725-3338 12--<Articles Wanted OLD ANTIQUE om, een shelts, Telephone 22! WANTED -- amali cance. Ino tion, After $ p.m. glial 448-2) Ltd, 3428 Industrial Blvd, Dept, P26, Montreal 3. AVON tor fun and good earings, Avon representatives will tell you its easy to sell fine products, full of part time, t's prompabte | Wire Write P.O, Box S12 received instructions Public Trustee, 145 'STENOGRAPHER Queen. St. W., Toronto, | REQUIRED will sell by public auction at 225 Conant St, Oshowa on SHORTHAND NECESSARY te Jon, 25 oy - PHONE the towing: ted! - choirs, victrola, book case, : 723-4630 ve. gn bed ros ag eoyNte/ RAPIER UE Rn oi ORN CTR angst electric er, trunk, vo- J cuum cleaner, radio, Rowe COLLECTOR ion Mean ean GO EXPERIENCED drill, sander, mony other Must be fomilior with Oshawe orticien to --w to men- end district, Car essential, tion, Terms cosh, Frank Stirtevont, Auctioneer PHONE 728-9131 11--Articles For Rent OO d CHATRE, core card ond be Banquet Tables: church B KKEEPER ners. Simcoe 'Steeet" North om Rew 2] Full set of books, Some typing, ELEKTRIKORDS And 'Harness Ltd. Ajax, Ontario Vahiatl v For Interview appointment, Phone Ajax 942-4910 SALESLADY For Modern Pharmacy Experienced in selling Drug Store Merchondise, This ls @ full time position, Reply in confidence stating experience end other qualifi- cations, a) WRITE BOX 401 Oshawa Times Classified Qshawa, Ontario Clerk Typist A moture women is needed for @ position which requires typing proficiency and good @rithmetic. skills, This is e@ permanent position loceted in this area which would suit @ conscientious women pre- ferabty ape 30 to 40, This job offers @ good stort- ing salary ond excellent compony peld for benefits, To be considered for the posi. tien pleose write cuttining ege, education ond exper lence to CLASSIFIED BOX 536 TAN aes M ao old cond! SHAW : AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants Cars for Wrecking, Ports for sale, also scrap fron and metals, ete, bought. Open Soturday all day, Phone 725-2311---89 BLOOR E. 13-----Business Opportunities SALES MANAGER Big money for en eroenion, No iwestment. Proven greetien. Hone Bose Gaeee. E ? "FRITZGERALD 185 PENN AVENUE NEWMARKET 14--Employment Wonted By ALICE BROOKS JIFFY and THRIFTY! Kait stayon alippers, made of a few ounces knitting worsted. Gay, dell-ringers! Delight youngsters with slipper socks with pompoms, bell trim. Pat- tern 7033: knitting directions sizes 4-6; 78: 1042 included, THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The. Oshawa Times, Needle. craft Dept, Oshawa, Ontatic Ne poral rites Ontario residents add Ic. sales/*eM residen: tax. Print plainy PATTERN/S&s 48%. Print yy NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. NUMBER. NAME, ADDR 206 HANDICRAFT HITS in care at The Os rea Ties, POR man, craft Catalog, out now! See! po YoU ONO How To toys, fashions, crewelwork, Get A PATTERN Oshawa Times MANAGER -- Oshawa, Ontario | SALES ADMINISTRATION | ROOM AND BOARD Sr Simawe SreaiNeilooms, gifts, bazaar hits -- LY FREE? I's Simple -- order blige sk -- ms Sjeverything te erechet, yo 17--Male Help Wanted THE PEDLAR PEOPLE LTD [ghare. Toleanane MST |RARBER WANTED for Port Perry. Ap| SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, [Room ano © yeaRS es jsew. weave, embroider, he bert Barter Sen, pet Pern) OSHAWA, ONTARIO [wees smock. Send 25c. right now. WRAP 'N' BUTTON By ANNE ADAMS A SWIFTY! Empire charm with wrap + and « Dutton fitting ease! Most bag ogee way fora Uttle girl to look whether wears it as a dress, jumper or Towers .. Roof Antennos .. 22.50 up Rotor Leod installed .. $10. Leod Wire Installed New olf channet heed 12.50 Guy wires installed : For Fast: Service Call Applticonts with any type of e 6 experience will be considered but gece ae ex ae ae would contect wn cummnere, Seer aie proces» ore, expediting end pricing. Ability to read Engineering blueprints @ definite asset. Excellent opportunity for od- Vvercement in our intemal sales administration function oF as eventual member of eur Soles force, Remunere- tion - selery'plus usual fringe benefits, Send us detoils about yourself in own hand writing, Your application wilt be held strictly confi- dential, No phone calls please, Ai. odverti ) NEWCASTLE «= Room and jsuitedie four people, tree meats daily ior funches packed, parking, $18 week each. Telephone %M40S. quires 1% yards SS-inch, FIFTY CENTS (Ste) in coins (ho stamps, please) for this pat CLASSIFIED" DISPLAY My Bm. CANCELLATIONS AND doRRECTIONS 8:30 A.M. Day of Publication REGULATIONS : The Oshowa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertioe. ments submitted otherwise thon in writing, not Ang more thon One incorrect insertion of anv och @ the orice chorge tor @ singie tnesetion of the advertisement "Tn whieh error o¢curs. The Oshawo Times reserves the right to closity edvertising eccordin) to Its proper classification. in the cose of odvertisements, The Times will not be held responsible for more space than thet in which the ectual error cecupies. The publishers endeavewr to reproduce ol! edver- tising motter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement if ery inoccurocies in eny form ere contained therein, ROOM Sad beard Wr gentleman near Fittings and North General Motore. Tele pee . ROOM and board for gentiomen, single Reds. rooms te share, lunches packed, Convenient te North GAL. Apply 6 King Street Bast, or clerical position in reloted industry. Mele Age 47 Phone Ajax 942-5905

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