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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Jan 1964, p. 7

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" THESE TWO young gentle- "men are Louis Shawn and , Darren Douglas, sons of Mr. ;-and Mrs, Louis. 0. Majoros, Broadview avenue, RR 3, Osh- MICHELLE DAWN is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gledhill, Ronlea ave- nue. She was one year. old last October." Her grandparents. . . awa, Their grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Majoros and Mr. F. W. Douglas, all of Oshawa. Shawn is three years old and Darren is one and a half, ade are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen and Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Gled- hill, all of Oshawa, and Mrs, F. Robinson, Bowmanville, is her. great-grandmother. ' WM. MILDRED CARNOCHAN Victory LOBA 583 Installs Officers Officers for 1964 were installed at the regular meeting of Vic- VON Directors January Meeting The directors of the Victorian Order of nurses held their Jan- uary meeting in the Board room at the City Hall with Mrs. Charles Russell presiding. Mrs. Russell introduced and welcomed a new representative from City Council, Mrs. Alice Reardon. Miss Isabelle Sorley, urse- in-charge, reported that in No- vember 416 visits' were made with a total of 15 new patients. Four students from Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital observed for two days each. In December, new patients. Three students from Oshawa General Hospital observed for 'two days each. | Total number of. visits made by the Victorian Order of Nurses during 1963 were 4,915. The annual meeting of the VON will be held Monday, March 9, in the Board Room of the City Hall. The meeting is open to the public. » tory. Lodge 583, in the Orange Temple recently. Those installed are as follows: Worthy Mistress, Sister Mildred Carnochan; Dep- uty Mistress, Sister Betty Atkins; Junior Deputy Mistress, Sister Eliza Warren; recording secretary, Sister Anne Burgess; financial secretary, Sister Doris Law; treasurer, Sister Elda Howard; chaplain, Sister Ger- \retary, she reported,| 397 visits were made with 23) SHELLEY ANNE is_ the seven-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hoskin, Mary Street. § the granddaughter of Mr. and LE LORE LRT EE Mrs. Marshal Knipe, Oshawa, and of Mr, J. A, Hoskin, Bow- manville. Her great-grand- mother is Mrs, John Knipe, Campbell's Bay, Quebec. --Aldsworth Photography EE i Bae ue UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES 21ST SCOUT GROUP AUX. The January meeting of the 2ist Scout Group Auxiliary was held recently at Kedron lower hall, Mrs. Nelson Wright, presi- dent, presided and the scout mo- ther's prayer. There is to be a paper drive, February 1, There will also be an apple drive February 8. Plans for the father and son banquet February 22, were out- lined, The next meeting will be held February 26, The meeting clos- ed with the Scout Mizpah. 8T, GEORGE'S GUILD The regular meeting of the Westmount Group of. St. George's Women's Guild was held recently at "Cowan House." The president, Mrs. Cecil Rowden. opened with the Guild prayer. Mrs. Wilson Anderson gave a very thoughtful reading called "Jesus and Money," The secre- tary's and treasurer's reports were read by Mrs. Peter Syperek showing a very suc- cessful year, Mrs, Cecil Rowden thanked the Group for their help and co-operation during her two years as leader, and also thank- ed those who helped at Hills- in the parish hall 'Thursday, February 6 at 8 o'clock. : The evening closed with re- freshments served by Mrs. Wil- son Anderson and Mrs. J. A. Armstrong. The next meeting will be held February 21 at Cowan House. KNOX WMS The regular meeting of the Afternoon Auxiliary, WMS, was held in the church lounge. The president, Mrs. Malcolm McGregor presided, opening} with a poem, "'God Giveth Unto Us Another Year". The scripture reading and Ig was given by Mrs. Leslie Mrs, ld Polson gave the treasurer's A ' Mrs, Malcolm McGregor and Mrs. Jack Taylor will represent the WMS at a meeting in St. Andrew's Church on January 24 for the World Day of Prayer. Mrs, Donald Polson took the first chapter of the study book, "What the Church Was Doing in India", She was assisted by several members in presenting the study, The Reverend G. W. C. Brett installed the officers for the en- suing year as follows: honorary president, Mrs. G, W. C. Brett; id Mrs, Malcolm Mc- dale Manor !=st month, The Reverend R. G. Brooks installed the new officers, intro- duced by Mrs, E. M. Ostler President, Mrs. E, N. Weldon; Jo Aldwinckie, Women' Wemen s Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, January 24, 1964 7 | LODGES AND SOCIETIES vice-pr t, Mrs. E. O. Stauf- fer; secretary, Mrs. Fred Mothersill and treasurer, Miss Peggy Jackson. Mrs. E. N. Weldon continued with the business, asking all to attend the vestry meeting be- ing held in the parish hall, Monday, January 27, at 7.30 p.m. Tickets were handed out for a dessert bridge to be held pr Gregor; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Joseph Swindells; 2nd vice-pres- ident, Mrs. Leslie Blair; treas- urer, Mrs, Donald Polson; sec- retary, Mrs. Jack Taylor; glad tidings secretary, Mrs. Milton McEachern; bale secretaries, Mrs. F, 0, Mcllveen, Mrs. W. R. Archer; welcome and wel- fare, Mrs. W. R. Archer; home helpers, Mrs A. H. Dancey; pianist, Mrs. David Douglas. 28th SCOUT GROUP AUX The 28th Scouts Group Aux- iliary held its monthly meeting recently in the ladies' parlor of PERSONALS First Baptist Church. The president, Mrs. William Blight, opened the meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Anderson and Mr. Roy Anderson were in BETA SIGMA PHI (Ont, Gamma Epsilon Chap.) The members of the Ontario Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi began the New Year with their regular meet- ing recently, at the home of Mrs, John O'Driscoll, Grass- mere avenue. St. Stephen's UCW Elects Officers At Annual Meeting St. Stephen's UCW elected its new executive at its first meeting of the New Year. The new officers are: past president, Mrs. §. Charles Rundle; presi- dent, Mrs. David Duchemin, vice-president, Mrs. Lloyd Jew- ell; treasurer, Mrs, Raymond Smith; recording and press sec- Mrs. John Cook; cor- responding secretary, Mrs. S. Charles Rundle; supply and so- cial assistance, Mrs. Carson Heard; Christian citizenship and social action, Mrs. Bruce Vail- lancourt; community friendship and visiting, Mrs. Gerald Lang and Mrs. Robert Ambrose; flow- ers, Mrs. Emmanuel Hurvid and Mrs. Raymond Smith; social functions, Mrs. §. Charles Run- dle; stewardship and recruiting, Mrs. Alex Ferries Jr., program, Mrs. Henry Bickle; membership Mrs. Ray Smith; pianist, Mrs. Lloyd Jewell; co-operation in Christian and missionary educa- tion, Mrs. Frank Crawford. Mrs. Stephen Saywell conduc- ted the worship service. A record based on the new Eng- lish Bible was played. The' secretary's and trea- surer's annual reports were read and it was decided to donate the balance left at the end of the year to the Building Fund of the Church. All other annual reports were read. It was decided to ask Kedron, Columbus and Raglan UCW's to a World Day of Prayer to be held in St. Stephen's Church. The February meeting will be a social. evening with a short film on "Tying Bows' and a Vaentine party. A tea towel shower will also be held to stock the supply for the kitchen. The supply allocations for the year were read by Mrs. Carson Heard, Refreshments were served. Following the opening ritual, Mrs. Harold Baill, president, presided over the business meet- ing. Plans were finalized for the Friendship Night,"' January 28, 1964 at the YWCA. The social committee is making plans for a skating party to be held Feb- ruary 1, The chapter has de- cided to hold a bridge in the near future. Mrs. R. C. Moulds gave the cultural' program for the eve- ning, "You and Your Audi- ence' combined with the pro- gram "'Express Yourself." In her talk Mrs. Moulds pointed out that in giving a speech you should be mindful of your physical poise and mental poise. To hold the attention of your audience, your speech should have a good beginning, empha- sis on important points and a good summary or ending. ST. DAVID'S WELSH SOCIETY The regular meeting of St. David's Welsh Society was held recently a' the home of Mr. David Andrews, Quebec street. The president, Mr. David An- drews presided. The minutes were read by. Mrs, Fred Wil- liams; The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Patrick Chappell Jr. A business discussion followed. Plans were made for the annual Welsh banquet which is to be held in the UAW Hall, Bond Street, March 14. | The next meeting is to be held jat the home of Mr. Grove Sut- jton, 378 Highland avenue, Feb- ruary 9%. Refreshments were served by the hostess. HOUSEHOLD HINT When ironing clothes with fancy buttons which may be ruined by the touch of the iron, simply invert the bowl of a spoon over the button and iron around it, BROWN GRAVY When thickening gravy and sauces with browned flour, brown three tablespoons of flour with two tablespoons of fat and add one cup of liquid. Browned flour has less thickening power than regular flour. Renfrew on Tuesday attending the funeral of the late Keith Ritchie, husband of the former Florence Anderson of Oshawa. Mrs. George Brown of Belleville accompanied them. Among those holding reserva- tions at the Oshawa General Hospital Auxliary's (Evening Chapter) Capricorn Capers at the Jubilee Pavilion are Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Schoenau, Mr. and Mrs. A, Hermanson, Mr. and Mrs. "'Tep" Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. John Borrowdale, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lovell, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weiderick, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cruwys. Those entertaining following the Capricorn Capers at the Jubilee Pavilion, sponsored by the Evening Chapter of the Osh- awa General Hospital Auxiliary are Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Jenkins, Mr. ard Mrs. Stephen Heney, Mr, and Mrs, John K, Liston, Mr. and Mrs, Colin Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Joness. Mrs. Walter Dervent celebrat- ed her 8ist birthday last Satur- day with her family and friends' at the home of her son and daughter-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dervent, King street east. Mrs. Dervent was presented with a sum of money and re-- ceived numerous cards. More than 20 guests sat down to a beautifully decorated table ar- ranged by the guest-of-honor's two daughters-in-law, Mrs. Lorne Dervent and Mrs. Her- bert Dervent. The table was centered with a large birthday cake. A pleasant evening was spent with games and cards. the scout mother's prayer. New business was discussed and plans were made for a father and son banquet, Febru- ary 22. The meeting closed with the scout mispah. Refreshments were served by the Tawny Six. SOUTH COURTICE H AND § South Courtice Home and School were privileged to have Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Allin with them at their January meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Allin told of a trip from Malton Airport to Win nipeg where they made their first stop, on to Vancouver, then to Hawaii. From there they flew to New Zealand and Aus- tralia, The Allins are interest- ed in sheep and this took them to many ranches in these coun- tries, They noted that in New Zealand sheep are raised chief- ly for food, wool being the sec- ondary product. In Australia, the reverse of.this is true, wool being the most important prod- uct. They noted also the fact that there are no files in New Zea- land. From Australia, the Allins flew to Hong Kong and Tokyo and thence home. This was an interesting and informative tra- velogue. The president, Mrs. Archi- 'bald Campbell, presided. The treasurer's report read by Mrs. John Collier showed a bal- ance of $61.42. Mrs. Bruce Lush's room won the banner again for the room count. The following were named to the nominating committee: Mrs. Herbert Mackie, Mrs. G. A. Baker, Mrs. Douglas Poole, Mrs. Allan Tamblyn and Mrs. Alvin Metcalf. Mrs. Alvin Metcalf was call- ed upon by Mr. Fred Wright to introduce a favorite trio of Mrs, Lorne Dervent assisted by Mr. 'Harold Dervent showed moving pictures which were the light of iiie evening. Bonnie Jayne HAIRSTYLING (formerly Budget Becuty Ber) 72 CHURCH STREET | FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 723-4212 Your HAIR ® § Good foo - : IFE PRESERVER trude Somerville; guardian, Sis- ter Cora Gardner; director of ceremonies, Sister Agnes Well-| man; senior lecturer, Sister Isa- To fasten a food chopper firm- ly, put a piece of sandpaper. rough stde up, under the clamp |before tightening the sc.ew to belle Roberts; junior lecturer,'the table Sister Donna Wassell; outer guard, Sister Donalda Strong. Committees: Sister Anne Foote Foote, Sister Reta Butt, Sister Olive Harrison. Sister Louella Newman: auditors, Sister Eliza Warren, Sister Isabelle Roberts and Sister Murray; trustees: Sister Elda Howard, Sister Nel- lie Kemp, and Sister Agnes Wellman; pianist, Sister Eva! Tipton. . Worthy Mistress Sister Mil- dred Carnochan presided assist- ed by Sister Gertrude Somer- ville. The chaplain, Sister Louise Hockett read a portion of scrip- Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C, CHIROPRACTOR Sinusitis Spinal Arthritis | 100 King St, E. 728-5156 Mothproo Machine ture and offered the opening prayer, Several sisters were re-| ported ill and are to be looked) after. , | | Reports on committees were given by Sister Howard. Sister Howard won the lucky prize. Lodge closed with prayer by Sister Somerville. Lodge meets again Thursday, February 6. - Refreshments were served. Approved vi Upholstery Cleaning ----- Home or Plant Authorized Filter Queen Sales & Service Genuine Hoover Seles, Service & Ports Rug Dyeing OSHAWA"S ONLY RUG CLEANING PLANT NU-WAY RUG ibd td ee ee ee oe eo ee 2 es fing and Deodorizing Binding, Serging, Fringing by the National Institute of Rug Cleaners SITORS WELCOME deserves good wine MEDIUM DRY Why Take Chances With Your Valuable Rugs and Upholstery Joscesercstrsccscescescsscssrses For free home delivery, call Chateau-Gal poosects OF CHATEAU-GAS WINES LIEITED eneana PRLLOCOABASA this area Mrs, Murray Osborne, Mrs. Wesley Down and Mrs. Lloyd Down. They sang two se- lections 'Frosty the Snowman" and "May You Always" accom- panied at the piano by Mrs, Glenn Pickell. Mrs. Garnet Goyne and her committee served refreshments. SIMCOE STREET UCW (Helping Hand Unit) The Helping Hand Unit of Simcoe Street UCW held its January meeting with a pot luck supper. After the supper a short busi- ness meeting was by the unit leader, Mrs, Arthur, Morrison. The secretary's report was given by Mrs. Alex Ark- wright and the flower fund re- port by Mrs. Witfred Snell. Mrs, Morrison gave a detailed report of the executive meet- ing and the unit's . meetings were planned for the coming year, It was decided to send a plant to a former teacher, Mrs, Thom- as Adair, to express the 'unit's sympathy in the passing of her husband, ALBERT STREET UCW 5 Unit 5 of Albert Street UOW held its first meeting of the New Year in the friendship room with Mrs, Gordon Shemilt as leader, Mrs, Clayton Lee led the de- votion. Hymns were sung and Psalm 72 was read in unison. The devotion theme was "New Year's Meditations', Mrs, Lee led in prayer. The officers for the two year term are as follows; Mrs, Gor- don Shemilt as Teader; Mrs, Clarence Ellis as secretary; Mrs. Frank Cooper, treasurer; and Mrs. A, E. Larke as assist- ant treasurer; Mrs, Harry Long- bottom, social convener; Mrs. Clayton Lee, devotional pro- grams and also the nominating representative; Mrs, Andrew Knox, sick convener; Mrs. Er- nest E. Jones as press reporter; Mrs. A. E. Larke "Study Book". It was decided to hold the/the meeting the second Tuesday of each month at 2.00 p.m. in the Friendship room. A discussion Dr. Stanley L, Osborne of- ficlated at the marriage of Marilyn Hodson, Streetsville, to Harold Hunt, Bradford, in the Grace Chapel of the On- tario Ladies' College, Whitby, recently. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Hodson, Streetsville, and her bridegroom is the son. of QUALITY IMPROVES WINNIPEG (CP) -- Gradual improvement in the qualifica- tion of Mantioba teachers is in dicated by a survey. Answers to a questionnaine show 2,039, or 23.8 per cent of all the prov- ince's teachers, have degrees. survey, taken last fall, compares with 1,824, or 22.5 per cent, the previous year. REGISTER Mrs. Albert Hunt, Bradford, and the late Mr. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hunt are residing in Cooksville. \ --tIreland Studio Volunteers Need Typewriters REGARDLESS OF AGE . TO HELP MEMBERS OF THE White Cross Centre Please Phone.728-9931 was held on ways of raising funds. Many new ideas were presented. Mrs. A. E. Larke gave the study book "Christian Issues in Southern Asia" which was very interesting. : At the close of the meeting @ social half hour with ea friendly cup of tea was enjoyed by all. WIFE PRESERVER A pad for your office chair is a good good investment in term clothes, Now's the Time to Beautify Your Home with CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPE M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 Will Look LOVELY! Jayn-Modde-Dresses CLEARANCE Reguler te $59.95 Sizes 70 TT * 5.00 7 to 22% in the group. e 100 DRESES Cocktail and TO Pape 10.00 Daytime Dresses included in the group. Beautiful Crepes, Velvets and Wools, Regular to $59.95. e BETTER CINe DRESSES "*1'" ¥% to ¥2 OFF e Our HALF PRICE TABLE includes BULKY KNITS - SWEATERS - BLOUSES & LINGERIE "+ ' PRICE SABRE SLIMS ' ROM OUR FALL STOCK IN PLAIDS & STRIPES 10.00 oor. WINTER COATS REGULAR TO. 159.95 PLAIN AND FUR TRIM TO CLEAR AT 2 PRICE JAYN-MODDE-DRESSES 77 KING STREET EAST PHONE 725-4561 @ OPPOSITE GENOSHA HOTEL e@ of. keeping the shine off your ELLEN S @ & Felt pads Wax applicators HOOVER WEEK SPECIAL Hoover Two-Brush Polisher has power to spare and three sets of pads as shown. Act now-and save as never before at this low price. JUST SAY "CHARGE-IT" ZELLER'S SPECIAL CLEARANCE SAVE THIS WEEK AT ZELLER'S

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