we Souawa GOOD EVENING CIVIC DEPT, HEADS SHOULD BE HEARD 'Should City Hall departmental heads attend public meet- ingh in an official capacity as speakers, where they can be quizzed on official policy, asked for interpretations (where i theP car, to put it bluntly, stub their toes)? Mayor Lyman Gifford says "no", or at jeast he was quoted that way this week; specifically, he was quoted as saying it was the duty of TIMES Thuredev, January 90, 1964 ) | government is hoping jfarms in Canada for 1,000 fam- Two officials of the French) government meet: with officials) availability of farm lands in the |provinee, 1000 Former : (May Settle In Canada HALIFAX (CP)--The Frenchieral survey of Canada in three|/French farmers would be a charge involving disposition of to find) weeks, 'ilies, repatriates from Algeria.;wasy chosen because French is spoken by many Canadians and the language is taught in most lof the Nova Scotia agriculture schools, department today to discuss the! easier for the new farmers. Canad Mr, Baudouy -- said a "This would make life He said the farmers would not be poor. They would be as- Igerians the French govern-| 'Holding Lottery ° Coste Firme $2000 eS SSS LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Two city business firms Wednesday were fined $1,000 each without costs on a joint charge of con- ducting a lottery, and one an additional $500 without costs on screened as immi-|trading stamps, grants. ion Poe charge was road ra age ; ger a vy) Clty magistrate's court against A, W. MacKenzie, settlement Frederick's Department Stores supervisor in the Atlantic prov-|Limited: and Saddy Petfoleums inces for the 'immigration de- Limited, Saddy's faced the ad- partment, said the Canadian Mtional charge resulting from inne : carmen Police investigation into the government would encourage!) lthe F idistribution -- of istic discs @ French farmers to work for known as "Freddios." The are other an elected representative, not a paid civic official, to submit to such public grill ing. | Robert Baudouy, of the min- sisted by " j istry of foreign ' affairs, and|ment in purchasing farms, A/Canadian farmers for a year iJacques Toutain, inspector of grant of $6,500 would be made)before settling on their own the. ministry of -- repatriates,/fo each family and a $1,300 sub-/farmy, This would enable them jeomplete g whirl-wind visit ofjsistence allowance would be|to become familiar with Cana- jfirms pleaded pil. Morality officer Charles |Wright said police launched an investigation into the lottery op- inine provincial capitals--miss- iven for the first year, The Mr, Gifford was referring to that recent, much-public- ized Sunday night visit of Mr, Kevin Cahill (the City's new Director of Operations whe ig getting more local public: ity than Richard Burton) to a meeting of the Lake Vista Ratepayers Association. Does Mr, Gifford seriously ' , Suggest that departmental > heads, (especially. Mr, Cay 4 REthy PaaL, hil whe bag an important eelting job to do on and off Council it-we are to curb some of 'bur neediess" municipal waste) be kept under wraps and cover at City Hal like inmates of a juvenile school of correc- tions? If he is, he's heading for stormy municipal weather, 'Most Oshawa's civic department heads are far better qualified than certain of our aldermen to meet the rigid tests of public scrutiny at an open meeting, and the record proves it, Including Mr, Cahill's Sunday night performance down Lake Vista way; this statément is made with the full knowledge that department heads are more restricted in their public remarks than are aldermen, They can't speak for Council, only for themselves. Department heads, as.a group, are well trained in 'their jobs, There have been one or two glaring instances of late where a Oity Hall department head (in the humble opinion of this department) did exceed the bounds of his authority when publicly commenting on a highly controversial financial matier, but this was a rare exception, We would certainly not relegate him to silence before he committed the same "offence" too many times; more than that, we would hate to murrle his colleagues because of this, just as much as we would hate te mugele any alderman, including Joha Dyer Why did Mr, Gifford not make a similar protest when other departmental heads stood up at open meetings and answered questions on civic matters? Does His Worship suggest that aldermen are betier qualified for such. assign- ments than department heads? Where could one find a more lucid, informative speaker on*such subjects as municipal parking of parking meters thah the personable Robert F. Richardson of the City Engi- neering Department, or G, A, "Bert"? Wandless, the City Dir- ecoalor of Planning, when they show up at open meetings? AN may not agree with them at ail times, which rule also applies to His Worship, but they create a good image, send their audiences away better informed, Have you ever heard fem retract, stub their toes, neither has this department)? Mhey are but twe, Would they not be an asset to any diplo matic corps? They are not only well informed, they know their place The same applies to Mr, Cahill, If we stifle the Cahill Report, let's not stifle is author inthe way of public appearances DOES BIG INDUSTRY THROTTLE "POLLUTION" LEGISLATION? "The government is afraid of big business and won't introduce industrial air pollution controls until the people. of Ontario force the politicians into action, The Provincial government doesn't want to offend big industry, It has given Us power to deal with every other type of air pollution but the one big one -- industrial pollution." W. G. Harris, chairman, Hamilton Air Pollution Control Advisory committee, at a meeting last Monday (EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr, Harris's allegations will un- doubtediy receive widespread report -- this does pot alter the fact that City Council should place such legislation offi- cially on the books, despitt its limitations, The place to start the ball rolling is at the municipal level, LIBERALS' NATIONAL ORGANIBER TO VISIT OSHAWA Don't be surprised if a three-way fight develops for the presidency of the Ontario (Federal) Riding Liberal Asso- Cation at that niuch-heraided annual meeting March 5 in Whitby Wittiam G. Lawson, the Pickering Village lawyer, is the TeUNINg Proxy, a man with a good long-service record as a Party workhorse out and around the hustings. He is recov- ering from a serious 1963 heart ailment re Tre impression bas deen Se created, thanks to the con centrated efforts of inner. party groups of late, that this Riding convention will be a red-hot, slam-bang af fair with few holds barred in &@ down-lo-the-wire fight for several of the 33 offices te be compeled for, including Vat of the presidency, Dees this abuormal ianer- party aclivily aad busile ia- @ioate that We riding execa- uve Will have &@ completely mew look for 196445, as sa many believe? The man whe appears te have the inside track for the KEITH DAVEY presidency is Sam Hollings. worth, Sbyeareld Dunbar ten High School teacher, a late entry im the Ontario (Pre. Vincial) Riding race last September whe went down t defeat before Dr. Matthew Dymond, PO. There is a strong feoling that 'Hollingsworth, a personable platform speaker, could Serve well in the lime-consuming, vilal job of the presidency, The men whe will oppose Aim, unless there are last- minute drop-outs, are Norman Oafik, M-yeareld party can didate in Ontario (Federal) riding im the two most recent elections; amd John Lay, the Ajax iasuraace executive whose uhcle was the late W. LL. Mackenzie King, the long-time Prime Minister and Party leader. Te say that the Federal Liberal Association is keeping a TRI eye on Ontarie Riding (Federal) is to make the understatement of the year wis is visible te even the casual ebserver who stu@ies the guest rester fer the uncom: ® Banquet and dance in the Hotel Genosha Feraary 8. The latest headtable guest is Keith Davey, national organiz- ef of the National Liberal Federation whe will take his place atongside party big-wigs Hike Hoa. Joka R. "Jack" Nicholsoa, Hooming Post . of Canada Did riding Liberals (Unis social eating, incidentally, wee cater te all three Liberal associations in this district at Federal and Provincial levels) ever plaa suck a gala outing locally since the lush political days of the late "Rilly" Moore er W. EB. N. Sinctair incidentally, the riding Liberals @eudt enviows of their Tory counterparts aw ties fest genized a Young Liberals croup, which is to meet pm. February § in the Hotel Genosha. z CWoeT moeacral the te z ro have © a 3.90 RED JET KILLS HUSBAND Betty Millard, wife of Capt. Donald Millard, one of three officers killed when their U.S, } Air Poree jet trainer was downed by a Soviet fighter in- side Bast Germany, faces in- terviewers Wednesday at her home in Urberach, a small village south of Frankfurt. She is holding daughter Darcy ® Grant, 2. The Millards have another child, Tracy Donna, 16 months, (AP Wirephoto from Frankfurt) via cable Welcome Que. Surge 'Gordon Urges Citizens WINNIPRG (CP) Finance Minister Gordon suggested Wed- nesday that the emphasis in federal provincial relations should be on co-operation rather than on shifting responsibilities from one government to an other "There may be some exist ing federal tasks which can be transferred to the provinces," he told the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce "But I believe. that both levels government can make their existing responsibilities work better by experimenting with new techniques of co-operation and consultation between the federal government and the provinces," Mr. Gordon said this was one of the conclusions of last year's two federal - provincial confer. ences His statements here indicated the general line the federal gov ernment: will take at the next such conference, due to open at the end of March in Quebec City, where a main topic will be provincial assumption of some of joint programs now partly financed by Ottawa HAS RESPONSIBILITIES He said the federal govern ment has taken on many re sponsibilities "that every one of us Must hope and expect it will continue to shoulder." These in- cluded aid to slow-growth areas and assistance in providing ade quate welfare standards Mr, Gordon also said that the growth of provincial programs ef economic promotion, while welcome, not without its dangers to other provinces and to national unity and strength." "It is to be hoped that the provinces will avoid taking measures Which can only assist of "is the of expense of other = prov- themsdives al the industry inces."* Dealing with relations -- be- tween French and English Can- ada, Mr. Gordon said English- speaking Canadians "must make an efiort of the imagjna tion" to appreciate the position of French-speaking Canadians "We need to make this effort because as individuals and as members of a community we have never found it necessary to assert our language and cul tural distinctiveness against oth ers."' In addition to the "immense difficulties" of 6,000,000 French speaking Canadians in presery ing their identity In North America, they had only recently achieved the political and social progress in Quebec that other provinces had taken for granted 'or a long time All other Canadians should welcome the decision of Quebec to modernize its social and eco nomic institutions Mr, Gordon said national un ity has been threatened many times in the past by clashes of racial, regional or economic in- terests "The forces of national unity have always prevailed in. the end." At a press conference, Mr Gordon said he expects no ma- jor taxation changes in the next budget He said that while "some per- sons have been urging changes it would be premature to make any major changes before the report of the royal commission on taxation is received at the end of the year," The finance minister said he was sure if the commission found taxation is bearing too WEATHER FORECAST 'Sunny Friday, Remaining Cold Forecasts issued by the Tor enlo weather office at $:98 a.m Syaepas: A disturbance aiey wg Gul Of the Canadian west will bring some snow te North ema Oalarie ale longht and Taursday Lake St. Clair, Lake southern Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, London, Windsor: Fri day mainly cloudy. Winds south erly 15 Friday Niagara, lake Onilario, Hali burton, Hamilion, Toronto: Fri day supay with cloudy intervals. Winds light Northern Goorgian gema, Timagami, North Bay, Suadbary Friday with occasional snow Friday, Winds 15 t@ BD tonight Perecast Temperatures Loews. tonight, highs Friday: Windsor 2 SM. Thomas....... 8 Landon .....0. is Artchener veces BB Mount Porest...... 18 Wingham is Hamilton Brie Bay, Alb Cochrane, Cloudy light southerly RESULTS COUNT! ous MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Come © Member of the Oshawa & District |; Real Estate Boord e St. Catharines.... Toronto Pelerborough . Treaton . Nillalve MashOka vo cccsces North Bay.....s.s SMGDULY cccececes Bariton . Sault Ste, Marie... Kapuskasing ..... White River...... Observed Temperatures Lows overnight, highs Wed, DAWSON sscveesees "Bl Vancouver sau... 39 Victoria caseseeeee & Ramanion 3 Calpary A] Saskatoon asecacee 12 Regina asavecceee Winnipe® vessveces ett tit ity TDabohead s.scsesee T Poronto Special Weekly Message Te Members Of CHAMBERS FOOD CLUB 2 223 2a jthe transfer of grants, or heavily on any one class of so ciety "they'll recommend changes," While Mr, Gordon implied an increase in government spend ing this year he did. not rule out the possibility of a balanced budget within a few years When we get to the point of full employment and steadily expanding economic conditions --Why not? "T expect a good vear in 1964 and byt he adoption of appro priate policies I hope a steady increase in productivity and output." for Grant Transfers For Hockey Players Probed ST. THOMAS (CP) - ion Minister Davis has ap pointed a committee to study the problem of grant transfers for tuition of hockey players at tending high schools other than their home-town schools, Mayor Vv. A. Barrie said Wednesday Mayor rrie said he was in Toronto Tuesday, accompanied by Ron K, MeNeil, Progressive Conservative member of the egisiature for Elgis. and out lined the problem as it relates to the St. Thomas Barons hockey team and the central El gin district high' school board Mayor Barrie said: "Mr, Da vis told us that 'he was well aware of the situation in St Thomas and had received rep resentations from other Ontario Aras "We asked him consider altering the regulations to allow allow the players to be considered residents during their 1@-month stav in the city." The problem between the St Thomas hockey club and the school board is a fee of $55 a month for hockey playing stu dents attending the Arthur Voa den secondary 'school and $58 a month for those attending the Central Bigin Collegiate Tosti tute Kduca- t to ing Newfoundland -- after to-/farmers would range in age day's mecting here, from 25 to 50 years. : | The representatives outlined) The men visited Prince Ka- the purpose oftheir visit at ajward Island Wednesday and press conference here Wednes- said there was a possibility of iday'. some' of the repatriates moving After Algeria gained inde-jthere. Farms were within finan- pendence in 1962, nearly 800,-/clal reach, ae /000 French citizens left the! Mr, Baudouy said it would be leountry, Most of them. settling left'to the farmers to make up lin France, their own minds as to where they wished to settle, COULDN'T FIND FARMS pa | Farms could not be found In WILL BE SCREENED France for about 5,000 persons,| J, D, Beraile, head of the ag: representing 1,000 families, and ricultural section of the immi- Mr; Baudouy and Mr, Toutain!gration department who accom- were appointed to make a gen-|panied th officials, said the INTERPRETING THE NEWS Expect Brahmin 'To Replace Nehru By ALAN HARVEY He won his first big political Canadian Press Staff Writer 'advance at the age of 31 when A man who calls himself/anpointed general secretary of mediocre, and probably meansithe Uttar Pradesh Congress it, has suddenly emerged as the/committee, Like many other probable future leader of India. Congress leaders, he got to With 74-year-old Prime Mit-)know British-administered pris- ister Nehru showing signs Of/ons from the inside as a poli- weariness, the expectalion Sica) detainee, but he seems to that the complex burden of /have little 'bitterness. He has governing India's 440,000,000 never travelled outside India people will gradually be &s-) His transparent modesty, his sumed by gentle, self-effacing sorupulous honesty ad his po- Lal Bahadur Shastri, recently jitieal pragmatism have en- appointed minister without deared him te Indians, An in- portfolio . dustrialist, G, D. Birla, They used to say that Nehru, cummed up a general feeling India's ruler ever since inde-)py saying that Shastri is nei- pendence day in 1947, was "the iner Jeftist nor rightist but a banyan tree under whose shade good clean man who "has no nothing ever -grows." Abruptly great ideas about economics." however, the shade was lifted, "In the brief period since he and Shastri stands revealed as the heir apparent, SMOOTK TRANSFER SEEN InformantS visualize, the transfer of power smoothly tak- ing place over a period of. six months to two years, Continu- ity will be assured, Indians feel, by Shastri's devotion to/tree Nehru's policies, and by the presence at Shastri's elbow of ently to be groomed for Nehru's giant shoes, Shastri has lected golden opinions from commentators, It seems almost too good to be true that such an engaging plant shoudd flour- moved into the cabinet, appar-| col: ish in the shade of the banyan eration as a result of a full-page dian methods. 'newspaper advertisement -- last | The first delegation' would August. \probably arrive in Canada| e advertisement, he said, jabout Easter to examine the outlined a scheme for 'disposing /Proposed farms and the settlers/of a 1963-model car through & jwould begin arriving in thelticket draw which Was held at [country about July. Frederick's store in Odtober. Taxes To Go Up | Liberal Claims TORONTO (CP) -- A "politi: crease and an increase in the cal moratorium" was suggested' price of drivers licance fees in the Ontario legislature Wed- and rumors of increases in the nesday to make the province gasoline tax and the cost of hos- more financially sound, pital insurance premiums, Ross Whicher, the Liberal op: The sales tax might go up de- position's financial critic, made spite a statement two years ago |the suggestion as a solution to/by Provincial Treasurer Allan rising taxes, Parties should that it was a tax to end all work together on a friendly ba- taxes, Mr. Whicher said. SIS. In other legislature business, The government could notformer Toronto Maple. Leaf continue to increase taxes, he er ened psi Syl Ape hoy : : ipa ea 'op Athletes should present a said during. the Thrgne speech example to youngsters web ty ebate. Business procedures tg copy their yn Nees will have to be brought into goy- scent ; a bifsrebnthy _Surning to his home riding x Kingston, the Progressive Con- Mr, Whicher, member for servative member asked the Bruce, said Ontario firms have government to build a bridge to compete with United States/across the St, Lawrence River firms who will benefit from a between Kingston and Wolfe Is- planned 10 por cent income taX land as a centennial project, It reduction in the U.S, could be called the Sir John A, He said the government Macdonald Bridge after Can- fooled the people by increasing ada's first prime minister. some taxes after implying dur) peo 'Troy (L -- Nipissing) ing the provincial election cam- pointed to the availability of paign there would be no/pornographic literature and the changes, subject matter of television He said the forthcoming pro-|piays as a cause of the deterior- vinciar budget paper will an-lation of tamily life nounce new taxes and even). : : these will not be enough to meet "aan revenue neds, H mentioned a liquor tax in- ot NEED... FUEL OIL ? Call PERRY Day or Night 723-3443 LIST WITH PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 728-9474 Ysa? the premier's daughter Mrs Indira Gandhi; with whom the coming man sees eye to eye Despite vast problems of pov- erly and illiteracy, despite the handicap of religious and racial taboos, India after 16 years of independence appears to have an inner confidence, There is no disposition to dis- pense with parliamentary de: mocracy, a system fostered by the former British rulers and bred in the bone by a tradi tional village life based on ma jority decision and protection of minorities Shastri, a silent figure of only five feet, two inches, is a Brah- min or high-caste Hindu, born Oct. 2, 1904, of a humble fam- ily in the holy centre of Bana- ras in the state of Utter Pra- desh. Asa schoolboyd, he was so poor that occasionally he tied his books on his head and swam the Ganges River to avoid paying the ferry fare HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER SO YEARS with the provis 43 instolr In accordance pursuant to By-Low No 6th, 1964 the first will become due as follows, COLOR OF INK PRINT ON BULLS No. 1 Green No. 2 Rea & AN Realty laterim Tex Bills h or Mo BILL FOR PROPERTY WHICH (EXCEPT THOSE PAID BY MO THE DEPARTMENT STAFF BE Texes may be poid>--- AREA in the City ONLY PROVIDING NO moke @ smell charge for (2) By mail te City Hell, IF return complete tex dill sed envelope or postage 12:00 p.m. of due dete At the City Hell - p.m, Mondey to Friday. envelopes containin: be deposited in "CITY City Hell mein entrance, ED" above) CIVIC ADMINISTR CITY OF OSHAWA Ist INSTALMENT OF 1964 REALTY INTERIM TAX DUE LAST DAY TO AVOID PENALTY ges liable. 1F YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED A (1) At eny branch of @ Chortered Bonk or Trust Comepn ef Oshowe ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DAT! receipt, 1F NO RECEIPT IS REQUIRED:--Detach stub (or stubs) and return with your cheque or Money Order. Moil remittences must be POST-MARKED not eter then Olfice Hours 8:30 em. te 5:00 cheque and tex dill or stubs may CITY OF OSHAWA TELEPHONE 725-1153 The Municipal Act and adopted by Council on Jonuary ments of realty toxes for 1964 ion of Tet 2nd INSTALMENT instalment Feb, 3rd. Feb. 10th ave been moiled to Taxpe: No YOU ARE LIABLE FOR TAXES RTGAGEES) PLEASE CONTACT FORE DUE DATE: < Rlaveu mark of ARREARS ARE QWING (Banks this service), RECEIPT IS REQUIRED please with your stemped-self_eddres- stamps sufficient for return of ~ Adams GOL te prevent penalty charge. After Office Hours -- Seoled HALL MAIL" letter drop ot (See "IR RECEIPT tS REQUIR- ATION BUILDING MWA ~. &, COX CITY TAX COLLECTOR _Bven melting ice cubes can't dilute the tru 'taste of Adams Gold Stripe. It will keep it rte the very bottom of the glase--the -- a great whisky, So next time you buy, _ tyy mellow eustom- blended Gald Stripe... . you'll enjoy its lasting flavour, -- D STRIF _ __GANADIAN RYE WHISKY THOMAS AD. . ES MAA__.2Q{ AAG AMS DISTULLERS LIMITED, TORONTO. ONT. Ss SERS Bonn Al BAG dO