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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jan 1964, p. 3

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"SMALL FRY" HAVE OWN ) Fines Top | 4 | $400 Mark | ' < . 3 "| More than $400 was levied in| '\fines at Oshawa Magistrate's) Court, \ 'nesday, against 15) 'motorists ior traffic offences, | Magistrate Harry Jermyn stressed in the court during a Ficase, the importance of report- ing all accidents, if you are in- volved directly or indirectly im) them, to the police, | Howard Elliott, 889 Naroch; boulevard, Bay Ridges, was) fined $10 and costs when he pleaded not guilty te failing to * |report an accident, | Elliott told the court that at) the time of the accident dam: age did not look bad and he did not think it necessary to report it, Later, however, he discov» ed there was $300 damage to his! car and he went to the police $0 hours after the accident, | Magistrate Jermyn said that |Bitiott had plenty of time to re- |port the accident before he did, | Don A. Tandberg, RR 2, Dun:| ldas, Ont,, was Mined $100 and! leosts when he pleaded guilty to) ldriving carelessly, Tandberg) jsaid he was driving when he fell; ; . | asleep and ran his car -- an ; - | embankment, He was still sleep-| Walker S eaks jing when police came across the RECEIVES TOP EDITORIAL AWARDS p He iy seated sully t6 fal: Vincent Prince of La Presse Jean Baptiste Society for the Prince are Raymond Dupuis, ciety, and John Laroche, ; . diigo Re "| (Second from left) receives best French-language editor- . . ing to produce his driving li) the Oliver Asselin Award, ials, at a presentation in (far left), Paul-Emile Robert, Montreal's pro-mayor. ° rT wersas : awarded annually by the St, Montreal, Shown with Mr, president general of the so- (CP Wirephoto) | Four drivers were fined when rst stata sneisineinialianiciesebbiliommDehinee sincncsblaaiaiiiaestiiansniliigeianddiigtabtiiiiabes \they pleaded guilty to speeding ences, They were David Wise- ' Aan Wale, former Qanity ever increasing cos. rad sg whey wen es WAT On't Change §|Woman Fac awa alderman and now Pro-| ". . . The policy os provid-| view gi0; Robert Davies, 142 '@) a g | es gressive Conservative MLA forling free text books for Grades Brookside. drive, Toronto, $20; Oshawa Riding, mae 7 ha Bas! of gegen gt Septem: |Waiter Lanos, 555 Mary street speech in the Ontario Legisla-/ber is year will be a wel-| $18; Allan 8: mech nie Ona Lester of i ew cul eee va, ae ee Funeral Plan 'Murder Count be aad were Proceed foamy wae. So M le Doi laso Branchton |" phere is a considerable] introduction of the Ontario Tax) Merle Bonads rg : ee: : i : th Z 'ney for a solution to the|Foundation Plan will provide|Ont., was fined $10 for improper, Oshawa will not likely follow)must stay together or some-| SMITHS FALLS, Ont. (CP)--jbut released them, ws Wier y awaaled pension situa-|some measure of financial re- passing; James Gordon, 107.a Metro Toronto move to stop one would get lost and stops for/Mrs, Jean Lois McArthur, $2,jlieved the stabbing ae ae tlon I have been approached by|lief and more equality for all| Roxborough avenue, was fined letting funeral processions go/traffie lights could easily break/o¢ Smiths Falls was arraignediin a private home in the south Von imber of people on this|School Boards -- both public ny for te Pb oe ee wee sem er up a procession, peta genic d not = _ end of Smiths Falls. '. is contract yearjand Separate. of way and Ar ony Wadden, 950/Chie nstable Herber Nt some parlors in the United/der in connection wit 8 Mrs, 5 6 matter. 1064 Crocus crescent, Whitby, was off States have their own traftic/bing Tuesday night of John pital ry cen ~~ the larger indus: ". . . when tax increases are|* ; he veo a Riding and it/being 'considered, every consid-|fined $100 and costs for care: Motro 'Traffic Safety Council|police, "but ofcourse it adds/Burton Hall, 25, of nearby thou; res in oe sthat the pensionieration be given to the finan-|less driving. made the suggestion Wednes-\to the cost of a f 1," Mr,|Kemptville. pig ed were te only yee: is expected that the pens to the cost of a funeral, r Chief Reg Wride of Smiths|® heart-attack victim. He was ill be one of the more|cial plight of the many thou-| The following five drivers|day, following a chain of com-/Emke noted, 4 Eeostiees inones to be debated,|sands of persons in our province, were fined $10 each with costs plaints concerning collisions and) |. Foc case ahaa R bbe town police said the Se ree Ped A definite decision on the gov-|who are on fixed incomes, Oldjon the listed offences: Robert near accidents involving funer-| The instance which brought/mother of four children is be-| 3) wetted See tab: senele siti sions|Age Assis Disability ibs 6 Nassau street, no/als in the Toronto area, the matter to a head in Torontojing held in county jail here on ernment position on pensions}Age Assistance, Disability and/Gibson, 16 N s in the Toron involved two young school chil'lan open charee of murder in his left chest. i sions . ; Rellan «we can' ikaw A lwould be helpful on both sides Blind Pensions, operator's licence; We can't consider a funeral!' ; ; } ' lof the bargaining table "| My experience during | Beatty, 344 Pine yg wea NOlan emergency," said Deny hd a. thn aaniea har pays eld oa a = | « . . Oshawa Riding hasithe past twenty-five years injlights; Harry Shaw, ----. Metro Police Chief John Murray pi was aimest knocked Gowalder, non - cepitel murder. or/t@mees from his wife. He Was enjoyed tremendous growth dur-ithe Trade Union movement has/Ont., not having sufficient) yesterday. He promised hejcheh Was : Aves big telegraph t t the Be- ling the past years, but with the been that 99.9 per cent of union|lights: Raphael Naughton, RRwouid consult Toronto 'region pe Hiathoad pore sine gg er ang Se ae lan CO Galea eae Kempt lgrowth comes the inevitable leaders are very solid citizens i eagenry . no -- funeral directors about the prob- Ma ane DORMAE : OEE | 'The woman ts seiveneed tolville and lived at the Kempt- iproblem of increasing 'financial)who are interested solely injlamps and Wayne ° » Siem, Some motorists, acerding oo appear in court Monday ville hotel. | j rel. " ' y , Scarborough, . 'ray ap » airo Safety C 1 -| : y. need at the municipal level./the welfare of their fellow Sherwood avenue to Mr, Murray, try cheating the) Metro Safety Council mem-| "pay ; BELIEVE IT OR NOT, but game, these youngsters par- |This problem of Provincial aid} union members and the secur. unsteady = ons ee traffic signals: by cutting into a ner ¥ vy, bee gg principal was Sieneht te ce Satie Pak EYE . howl- ticinat an o ned | to municipalities is one with)ing of better working condi-| Clifford Mather 2 Pick-)funeral cortege. of a Toronto school, said chil! jubtie sal Sk Ak no as ae cel ae wag stg wo: hg i which I have been familiar aSitions for these members, lering, was fined $5@ for driving) yy Oshawa, this morning, Po-|dren are taught traffic rules and| Tuesday' by "ie ahd sions EXAMINATIONS "gmail trys" (little boys and as well as boys, Their aver. [a member of the Oshawa City) « -- qT) the worker the; without insurance. lice Chief Fiintoft said: "Fu-/expect to walk on a green traf-ltwo men, who drove off with: PHONE 723-4191 girls). This is especially true age score is somewhere in the |Couneil tor the past eight years./sunject of automation repre-| Charges were -- dismissed/nerals are nota problem here, |fic signal 1 think eae out giving hospital authorities! by of youngsters in the six, seven 70-80 ratio, Seven-year-old |It is obvious there are limits | cents a threat to his livelihood, against Betty Lanwick, 115 New Directors notify us well in ad-|ing funeral practice is barbaric! any information. iF. R. BLACK, O.D. be eight-year-old age groups, Eddy Misztak, of 9 William |as to how far the government !ang to management it repre-|street, Uxbridge, failing to stop| vance and we station officers atjanyway."" Quinn concluded. | Police said they questioned 136 SIMCOR ST NORTH some of whom are shown dur- street, Oshawa (below) is typ- berg gli ges p Rng a more efficient way ofjat a sign; John Seveen. ie lights to clear the intersec-) ae jone other woman and two men, 3 ing a recent session at the " vers in (om Pilate » NO' production, Automation, with its|Centre street north, y, |tion,"* | PLEDGES MON -- Dowling alley in the Oshawa 'cal of the young players Im lonly to the government, Dutlinoreased production, means ajcareless, driving: and Percy) Chief Fiintoft sald he regard) WASHINGTON (CP) -- The : Shopping Centre. To show how this --. . aes also to 'Ags oe aed Pape steady high rate of ccanoic Lindzon, 198 Glen Come road. !eqd the special treatment ac-\canadian government has form-| Women's Mission---Feb, nd to Feb, 9th Inclusive serious they are about the --Oshawa Times Photo |owner who is ¢ on to P&Y/crowth, which is a desirable| Toronto, careless driving. leorded to funeral processions in | Men's Mission--F Inetus ehatreicatashastiaiat oo lresult, 'but we must also be|--------------- the city to be 'good public re-|#lly pledged to make the equiv- en's Missi eb. Mth to Feb. 16th ive very sure tnat our people are the city, one privately-owned). /lations", He added that to his/alent of 200,000,000 in U.S, going to benefit from that also sits Knowledge, no cortege had ever/funds available to the Interna-| S$ * « Commun ab j Ald, John Dyer, who e 1c le Disease growth. Automation need mot D@ion the Industrial Commission, been involved in an accident in tional Monetary Fund, it was/ The Cend d by the Red: tet Fathers aah praser' eon Ht could, says the Zoning Bylaw "doesn't / Oshawa. announced Wednesday. with proper planning, prove t0/.ay we can (have them) and) Oshawa funeral director, Man-| pn oney ig needed in case the ei, BJ Shen, Cied. ual bs . fe ohe: ie See . d L H be one of mankind's greatest) aoasn't say we can't." sell Gerrow had high praise Inci ence ower ere -- ..| The Zoning Bylaw contains ajfor city police, "They do a tund bas te fall back on further Rev, A. J. MacHugh, C.Ss, R. .» T support the basic long list of permitted uses in splendid job; we get awfully borrowings to keep the interna- The Oshawa Health Depart-jand inspection of animais killed|fully vaccinated against small-/mechanics of the government's an M3 zone, including fish smok-|good service from the police tional monetary system work, HOLY CROSS CHURCH ment, in its quarterly report,jis carried out if the meat is to)pox. The total attendance at)medicare plan and am opposed : here," he said, Mr, Gerrow said ' notes that the number of cases/be sold in Oshawa. these clinics was 1,398 to the principle of compulsion, ae ee dumping and tar ce Whnuhr tines wen Wile Gc ing smoothly, 361 Sikene Sein beth <Ghcs Gaks of communicable disease report-| " | Reinforcing doses of dip-|I feel the people of this prov: " | " » other cident hazard here, because fu- ei uring 1962 were fewer than|SWIMMING POOLS | |iveria whooping cough, tetanlince. want the right to 'choose|ct' neh may be iawhguy ex (neral processions move at a Te-| WETWS EIOIME: | diaaecipshiveieraraee during the preceding year:|nening of the new swimming|"® and poliomyelitis vaccine/for themselves -- many thou-|)biiched in Oshawa, and which/latively slow pace | Miasi Fight hundred and eighty-five) soo) ar the Boys' Club is a wel(Combined were offered to chil-jsands of our citizens already|i, not permitted in any other! One local man who recently| SPECIALISTS ission Sermons Each Evening at 7:30 P.M. cases were reported. during the} come addition to the city, Dur- dren entering school, Seventy-/have a complete fully, or par- istrict." atended two: Metro area funer Ba yy wt lag : A ~ strict, 12 months compared with 1006 jeight doses of DPT-Polio were/tial, paid medical health pro- . ao HE t bot? . m. during 1962. pas Php encllaggahow ve at ihe given to this group. One hun-igram under a union contract] wrabs ses Rape ph path wi neh ade agora Morning Masses 5:30, 7:00 ond Art AM, Mumps was the most preva-| jdred and seventy-six doses Of/and are not anxious for a LB etl . * cars in the cortege were involy- Somerset Pool. There are now ' | ' wants them, let them go ed in collisions. The problem and following afternoon Sermon ete. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thureday, Jenuary 30, 1964 J lent communicable disease with cha |this vaccine were given by fam: " ; 311 cases. Next in line was|'¥° satisfactory outdoor and|iiy physicians. woes penenee.. ___| The Commission: voted last/there, he said, is. "quite con- while/one indoor pool, all of which) ~ night to recommend approval/ciderable", but he didn't think WHAT IS A MISSION? measles with 253 cases; : ; " spected and sampled) Triad vaccine is offered to| by icouncil of a cost-sharing} : ia the Onhi chickenpox was third with 237/87 Insp : . vie ' lit posed any trouble in the Os' . bk regularly, Grades 1, 5, 9 and 12 at school ar' |forntula for the services of thelawa area a in 2 orien of net sermons predet ? cases, , i < , '4 : Weekly samples of water were/clinics. One thousand three hun- Industrial Commissioner when > it . A i : . Also reported were three) oF Guten Vin Samer tt 13ared lak Ginaiathres rédalere. Vernon Emke, Ontario Funer-| Real Estete Ltd. jf necessity of coring for one's soul, the means of saving one's cases of aseptic meningitis, one|ocations along the lakeshore. he is acting on behalf of both/,) Directors' Association presi- TRADES ACCEPTED | soul ond the obstacles that most frequently stond in the woy ' ysipelas, 42 cases of ing doses of this vaccine were the Commission and the Osh-'dent, said Wednesday evenin , panne yong 1. ates |The samplings this year indicat-/given, In addition 662 doses Defended awa Harbor Commission, he appreciated. the problem mo "728-6286 323 King S. W. 2 or infectious hepatitis, 12 cases of/%@ bacterial counts were within/were given by the family phy- A clause added last night by/Toronto but added that corteges' | 2. A mission is o time of extraordinary grace. in fect there scarlet fever and 16 cases of the limits recommended for/sictan, | Ald. Cliff Pilkey assures that _ sareeneneneenresnesnannan ] is no religious exercise thet brings God's graces upon us in whooping cough. aie! dig pe aay Ae Three hundred and thirty-/ Junkyards, or salvage depots the Industrial Commission will jG G RR RG MRR RRRMMRMER) ch cbundonce os o mission. The wonderful effects of every Rirths and marriages were, It was noted that some Osh | three pupils in Grade 8 werejas they are sometimes called,/always receive first priority, mission prove how lavishly God bestows His groce upon us at 1962,/@wa children swim in creeks|revaccinated using the Ster-jare not likely to proliferate in| Slightly less than one-half this "If You Come Once--You'll Come Again" -- to nad ~-- the mission well end you will be firmly winced us. higher in 1963 than in : | " og report states that during|Within the boundaries of the needly apparatus fitted with the/Oshawa under the present ma-jyear's proposed Commission _ Watt/vaccinator head jority attitude on city council--|budget is devoted to promotion = NORTH END FOOD WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF A. MISSION? i 1. To increase the foith and virtue of the good;<te encourage the first 11 months of 1963 there City. This practice, Dr were 1676 births and 603 mar-\Points out, is not recommend-| One hundred and eighty-three/and Ald, Gordon Attersley does-| costs. J. P. Williams, the city's MARKET riages. During the 12 months|¢d as considerable pollution of home visits were made to tu-in't like it Industrial Commissioner, told of 1962 there were 1673 births the creeks is evident berculosis cases and their con:) "1 don't like it at all," he/Commission members last night 909 SIMCOE N PHONE 728-3361 them to lead stl better lives ond help them persevere in virtue and 509 marriages. A total of 112. barbers and/tacts. told the Industrial Commission/he is' "disturbed" at the lack i @ FREE PARKING e until death, During the first 11 months of Mair dressers are licensed in SCHOOL HEALTH Wednesday night. "This man/of knowledge of Oshawa on the & "Be thou foithfu a eth ond | wa 1963 there were 436 deaths, 33/Oshawa. Ail such premises re- ee aga 4... |has been here 36 years and we/part of development agencies. jj eas Qe aan a eee infant deaths, and 24 still births, Wire routine inspection, 'Thirty-| A public health nursing ser-itet him to get out of town." "Since 1961, there has been MB "IE It's the Best, We Sell It"! : eee The figures for the 12 months of ight schools require at least Me ag go by 12 public| "Aid. Attersley, newly appoint: |little promotional literature out s ae ' ea 'a © . Th arcuate bh ond lest to © real ot 1962 were 441 deaths. 47 infant/one annual inspection, ct nurses for the 16,641 PU-'ed to the Industrial Commission, |of here," he said. "We have to e lf We Sell It, It $s the Best ! the great risk they take in leading ted end indifferent deaths. and 22 still births. Following is a summary of/PiS enrolled in the city's 33\was referring to the owner of/expand our image and tell peo. as lives. the visits made during 1963 by lementary and five secondary) ¢ S " s on the move.' TUBERCULOSIS CONTROL. the staff of the environmental/schools, Two thousands helen tina --~ Se cae figures are not & ALL RED BRAND BEEF It was reported eight new Sanitation -- section: -- premises/hundred and thirty-six _ visits! Council s : sased until the budget is cases of tuberculosis were add- Serving food, 452; swabs taken, Were made during 1963 to thelary: jand pega os 'Gaeet Qo osha down by council Lal STEAKS c "Today if you shall heor His voice horden not your heorts."--Ps, 94: 8, 3, The mission gives the sinner his very best opportunity: te rise from sin, to overcome habits of sin and obtain the groce and the courage to avoid sin in the future, "If your sins be os scarlet they shall be mode white os snow; ond if they be red os crimson they shall be white os wool."--Is, 1: 18. WHY SHOULD | COME TO THE MISSION? 1. Because no matter what my state of soul may be | ottord to abuse the groces that God hos in store for me this holy time 2. Becouse the very foct that | may be inclined to neglect mission is the best proof that | need it very badly. A virtuous person does not refuse the holy grace of God, 3 , speak of the wonderful blessings it hes brought them | shell regret very much that | have not made it, | shall save myself much sed ond useless' regret by attending the exercises, WHAT SHALL | DO IN PREPARATION FOR THE MISSION? ed to the register during 1963,/808; food shops, 114; raw milk|Schools of Oshawa, 'sy rage business" ric rt was re-elected This compared with 10 new)S@moples, 504; pasteurized milk) One thousand and three chil- Bing long muse" ot He sea g we Ceebarion for lb cases' during 1962. Nineteen|Somples. 1060; ice cream sam-idren entering school for the) In council, Mayor Lyman Gif-|19¢4; Ald. Pilkey repeats as gy ROASTS cases moved into the munici-Ples, 154; 'meat carcasses, first time were checked by theirlrord asked why the city should't| vice-chairman 3 pality during the year. Twelve/§l?; soft drink sam-|physicians, A total of 6,554 pu-|.on "it it is noned for this pur. a : (Cut Te Your Request) persons were admitted to sani- ples, 34; civie water samples,|Pils were given audio tests @Ur| nase?" : taria; while 14 were discharged, 964; private water samples, 52;/!ng the year. One hundred and)" "we are an industrial city, | SHORG AS BLADE ROASTS , lb 53° SHORT RIB ROAST ° Twenty chest clinics werejswimming pool samples, 177;/fifteen of these were found to held during the year with 480|lakeshore. samples, 97; school/have a hearing loss. [there are. twe scrap yards " Bloor street right now," said persons x-rayed. Three hundred|inspections, 44; septic tank in-| Tuberculin testing carried on|Ald. Atterstey last night. "He is -_ sixty-one -- wpaceens, he barber and hairjin the schools resulted in 1,651! going to employ 1@ men and we APPLIANCES re e in the of health dressing shop inspections, 116;)tests being done during the year in re w i office. animal bite investigations, 91;|with 72 pupils found A have i." him to leave the industrial and D CONTROL. complaints ' investigated, 386, | positive reaction. Further in- There is a question of inter- Commercial Dr. J, E. Watt, supervisor of PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING [dren 'being samithed to ening) Deslation regarding the Zoning | The established, reliable Gee pacromacetal spaltiiten stave During 1963 the public health/for treatment . pe tage Rem gsr vie Deoler in your ares. a con is a large and/nursing staff made 7,896 visits EOE S a leter fast nignt from the! complex field requiring fre-|to 2,660 families, Visits to ex. Routine vision tests were done) city planning boare saying "sal-| 31 CELINA ST. quent and thorough inspections|pectant mothers, the mother fol-|i" the kindergarten and Grades|vage depot and auto wrecking (Corner ot Athel BOLOGNA 3 us 1.00 of the following premises: 125|lowing confinement and new-|¢ &n¢ 8 Ten thousand . fourlyards are permitted" in M3 Fi = = cd eS ad Ll & H dairy farms, two dairies, 98\born infants totalled 3,499. Inj®wndred and four pupils were! areas. 728-944 public eating establishments, 48) addition, 1,332 visits were made tested. Of these 334 were found) (There are two M3 areas in 1 ¢ I oe ae agen = = e id s al saa a : x a J ESSEX, NIAGARA VAC-PAK uw 99° HEADCHEESE _ .,... 1.00 TIN @e the Parish in general, my Family ond myself in porticuler during this holy time, 2. 1! shall orrange my temporal affairs in such @ way thet and all the members of my fomily moy be able to attend the entire mission night and moming 3. 1 shell also endeavour to bring others to the mission who might not otherwise come. | shall be on apostle to those who are careless. 4. Finolly | sholl firmly resolve to give to God all thet He asks during the week of the mission ond ihot is the entive week, church banquet facilities; 15/te infants in the one month to " -- pg vision, Bae -- -- cafeterias, 19 private halls, l3/one year : « pupils had vision ects trod booths and stands, 13 but: One thousand and seventy. Sorrected. Nine hundred and? Garage Cost and Administration Clerk ¢ FREEZER SPECIALS! ¢ Red Brand Hind Quarters lb. 59° eher shops, 16 bakery shops; jseven visits were made to pre- ninety-seven pupils in Grade 8) over 100 grocery stores, three/school children; while 1,117) "ere given. a color perception SALARY RANGE $4260.00-$4417.00 BEEF" Front Quarters. Ib. 45° CUT AND WRAPPED FREE! soft. drink plants: I4 other f visits » regar ,.;test with 29 found to have some plants 0 ood) visits were made regarding phy deticiancs ae . ae ue (ALSO FREE DELIVERY) SWIFT'S TENDERED preparation premises, numerous'sical defects, illness and other ; OE hs ne . t ri - -- Jae system. Operete pr e i hedule for ve- food vending machines and nu-/health problems of school ¢chil- Shetes eed . ; Set we t taventety ond teal BEEF 5 ud Hind Quarters 7 ples for laboratory atalysis hundred and sixty-twe children M + Almost daily visits are made were given reinforcing dases Secretarial staff will be located City Hell (CUT AND WRAPPED FREE) Oshowe, Ontarre. merous refreshment vehicles. 'dren WILL, OPEN OFFICE system for vehicles, equipment end parts. Set up and keep a an - s to ene aporoved slaughter howseland 129 children were wcce-in the oi . IERRRRReCRRRCURRERR eee it is pointed out that in ad- The immunization program OTTAWA(CP) 2 d costs. dition ot inspections «@ these|was maintained at the normal awen -- The royal/ sh bal ae Sits al : 341 premises and other facili-/level. Two hundred and seventy-/COmmission on bilingualism and| QestRections: Wigh ee ~~ A La ae ties, much time must be de-jone children completed primary|biculturalism said Wednesday] eperation, cbility te type desirable eae voted to the collection of dish|immunization at the city hallithat it is opening an office in Apeli aan close 3:00 he ek 16 swabs, and food and milk sam- and Legion Hall. clinics. Three Montreal. Some 'esearch and estas 508 p.m., Folewary . ot. : ! ' eetanad Obtiaae EVERYBODY WELCOME "Come to me all you that lobour ond ore burdened end | will refresh you."--Matt. 11: 28 .

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