ome eng, meLenen Pea THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Feoruary 5, 1964 47 Club 2; aa TV 1, Ont. Steel "A" 1, Ont. see ene i (247, 236), W. Matthews 633 (20%, 288),| Senior Girls -- genet MacMaster Points Albany Rest & 'ser Sis6l einer.' 478. (298, 212), Clark das case 24) and Mary Ann. Kolynko we F gett: itl, 8 z pee bese?, ai ip di; fi a ig + ad 8 > . a 3 a, re 38 Fg g 2 > A se uneme end, MeLatiOn A, Gat, (isa) ond _J- Cook 613: Cass, i). ik. Lemon -- T. LeBlanc 93, 63,)bins 666, Li hes A" 3, Navy Club 17 Macks 3, Hill Lg yg et ya Be Bh ato 57; A, Bu va a aio i" % Te x ty Ke Seen (ay a a. i | Benneit Team. Standings -- Pleas 9 pty. Horn- tte 3, Beetles 3, Ants 1, Spiders' 1 J 5 , 203, J. ee iF hy OPUC LEAGUB Shrigley 265, 201, Ri Rozell 674 » B, Gardian | 673) Oyen ae Carvel al Rocker to ed Hood Pine st Donna Flaminlo 246, ae Grimbieby |G. towilionns $40" C232, 262) and '8 'Barte | _chevrolets Ty Maple Leste Pon Pu ad Triple -- P. Blk : nent 202,| 687. (246, 248). tiacs 1) Oldsmoblies 2, Buicks 2. 1 149 229). 88 A MOTOR CITY JUNIOR LEAQUE Man's "High Triple -- 8. Bishop §58 ary R. Adair 288, R, 252 and| aie 7. Ba nh Points Taken: ms (2 Games Fg ag Be g 7828 ii 244, 208. teen Lemon Leaguers this week! AUX, No, 2 LEAGUR Some of the girls aure had their wheat- LAKEVIEW LADIES' LEAGUE les this week, Congratulations to Little Women, win-| We qe four shutouts and 17 In the Lemon . Bari » hers of second ¥ Lemon sgega serge 600 -- L, Glover 697, 286, 223, 218, C.| Doubles -- H. arrow 424 (24), Y,|Wurrteanes'. NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS LaAQUE | 200 -- D. Temple 138, B. Cory 237, M. sa oe Seniors (3 Games) -- Jupiters 3 Mar elt ig M. -- ss 20, Woodview|Brown 235, M. Patterson 228, J, Brown| Singles'-- &. Burrus 238, F, v ren ie pea Plutos 3,!19. Me ta, Foon 1-3, Storie 3,/225, G. H 218, 213, B, Wiiband 218,|and 'B. Fogel 206. Tn. eheiasssnantens dirs << ide Elliott 211, bay Lindl gd 210, Alrstars 3, Hot shots o ahioneal cornet tog {to sirte ee le 1/G, Lavergne : 20% Z. 206, 'M, Pin Hitters.) Miuoe" te Ball Ringers. Gy] PR nagagflh ck 'ae Hall 206, V. Myers 208, M. Holmes 204 and! Jokers "3," Milipities @, pap ree TB ayy J 'Road, 90 Sar cen wtih elbdha Teme Send Lofe 1 lokers| and Doug. McLeese 263 (133 Pherson 648 ¢ view 2-0, FY taps 34, Kingside 51, aNd) total Points -- Hillbillies 52, Little Women| 11, Moctenentes Asters n olin ers junior Girls -- J 347/219), R. Gay 636 (280), ig vg ere 4, Hot Shots 44, Granny Gal's 40, Ci Pin-Hitters 2, Hot-Shote MM sen' S (he 229), M Nantals 612. (209, na Lugtenburg bowled an_e2t_ triple|se' far snot dM ara ee eae tate kann ace quar Mawte|22 G7 (221, 220), and ana armed the Tight fo anter The Caring ral witows_ 8, Huan Puppies 24 end Hooton Vere 5 am. ng | any ae foto as the representative annies PARTS AND SERVICE LEAGUG Neh Triples ~ P. Jarvis 730 (228, 2 zi 28 £27 a : 4 § 28e ge : af g = Junior Boys -- Back In form again was Cooper hy A racked up & 4 lover 182, Shemilt 745, Ken John-| High Triple P. 'eihoft 747. 1 Ce | Garry High 5 . Van mice double 464 (233, 231), followed b re Scoreugh te bave et ag ro 4 (238, 294) i. mar Heard 385 (210), 7 Konkle 379. Rader ete NIGHT Bae a pa vitae ee wy hy aan oe rll a ee poor HE yl Rick Beare 328. 675, Murray Vennor Team stand! egion "A" 11, (ay 6, Wait Dixon 637, Jeanne Sa-'bany Rest, oe Kintoch's 10, Mack's % R. Coulson 659 (266), OD, Crandell 645 (176), SING A SONG of Good, Solid, Old-Fashioned $$$$ @ $$$3$5$333$ With new '64 cars moving so well, we've added, and will continue to add, the finest, well-kept trade-ins on the market on our huge used car lot. To keep these used cors moving off our lot, we've chopped prices te the fine point. It's your opportunity to save dollars with ever 150 cars to Choose from. Why not visit us a 1963 1960 1960 oe Oldsmobile ENVOY | CHEVROLET YOU. SAVE -- ---- SUPER os hg Pggiobei waeer 4-DOOR SEDAN A tie end radio . . . power | $4 power brakes, ate. ete. $ In More Ways $2195 1595 295 THAN ONE!! FALCON | CADILLAC | RENAULT | PONTIAC | etre ste vcted i HARDTOP GORDINI 4-DOOR MODEL Ontario Motor Sales .. i mee my var cine" re Used es @ Yecond car, With powerful V8 engine. serving Oshawa and $3195| $695 ere @ 2 Warranties... 1963 1963 1963 GMAC 30-day 50/50 CORVAIR CHEVROLET CHEVROLET Y fa Your GW. Wenent MONZA COUPE BISCAYNE 2-DOOR IMPALA CONVERTIBLE ¥ a3 backed by the Ontario 4-speed transmission. 105 H.P. engine. With custom radio, Fully equipped, new cor \ -- ' Auto Deolers, $2095 | $2195 |$2995 tw... .. G.M.A.C, Time Payment Plan. 1962 ° 1962 1962 1961 CHEVROLET | CHEVROLET | CORVAIR § | VAUXHALL | 6 was sche tome 2-DOOR 4-DOOR SEDAN "a ae selecti to ioe Sk ha BEL AIR SEDAN Cumslete Wik snes sale. A "One-Owner" Sedan on choose $1695 | $1775 | $1695| $645 | 22S really good price. 1962 1959 1959 7c omy | Volkswagen | PONTIAG | GHEVROLET | * \¢.' true, N.S.U. PR i ' Z 2-DOOR MODEL a vir agua = ae Pic stg yer = ---- Sage baie $295 | $895 |%1395/ sog5 | = 1958 1958 1958 . 1957 LOOK TO THIS CHEVROLET | PONTIAC | Oldsmobile | METEOR sigh SUPER SEDAN 2-DOOR HARDTOP STATION WAGON | with "Power Stecring, Power 4-DOOR SEDAN With custom radio. prod mags pie meniegs py bn gga _---- In excellent condition. $995 | $1095) $795 | $395 "SERVING OSHAWA & AREA OVER 40 YEARS" ONTARIO MOTOR SALES) ...r.. 140 BOND WEST LIMITED 725-6507 "An Ideal Gift For A Pretty Woman" She'll love the softness of these Bulky Knit Orion Cardigans Make Wonderful Gifts Popular collorless style in colors of soft pink, blue end white, Sizes S-M+L, Noe NS Se i eee bodice. Sizes = 42. 5.95 SPECIAL 2 for 5.00 A Valentine Extra!! For snot Valentine choose the 2-way Stretchy Top Nuon t fashionable Spring shades that will be sure to enhance your Valen- tine's wardrobe, Sizes 9 to 11. SPECIAL poir LADIES' APRONS Fine quolity half J for the Valentine \ ection of patterns styles included. styles BLOUSES FOR HER! Cotton blouses, Sizes 10 to 20. 2.97 and 3.97 LADIES' PURSES New Spring styles in quolity Morsh- matiow and Vinyl Plastic purses, They look like leather, The handsome styl- ing. along with the lotest colors will win her heort for sure 2:98 and 3.98 LADIES' NYLON Ladies' Slip and CHIFFON # Pantie Sets Arne half slip with pantie set with elastic waist and slit in front of sti ae oe nen oe E set box, White, a ate Bhs, oe aqua, block colors. Sizes S-M.L, Chocolate Hollow Mould Heart For her heortful thanks, give choco- late to your Valentine. 59c Each heart in on attractive box. "BE MY VALENTINE" GIVE A CANDY TREAT! _ 1-18. s0xep CHOCOLATES 1b 99¢ GUINAMON = Qe VALENTINE JELLY agg and bows . T LENTINE HANDKERCHIEF FOLDERS 1 ALENTINE CUT-OUT BOOKS 5 ae dene book S40 piece new sticker fun ) GIANT PUNCH-OUT Sox' s 50 Veientines . 2 STORES To SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED