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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Feb 1964, p. 8

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g@ OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 5, 1964 Simooe Hall Stands As a Haven Of Comfort And Friendliness In designa' 1963 as a yearplace in the life of the commun- pore Baaei dh in thelity." history of Simcoe Hall, the di-/ 1963 attendance at Simcoe rector Mr. Harold McNeill, ad-|Hall (Simcoe street) including dressing the annual meeting of|the Crippled Children's Centre the Women's Welfare League|was 59,112 and for December on Monday afternoon stressedjonly at Eastview Simcoe Hall the inestimable returns in|Boys' Club, 5,596, human relations. Because of the economic con- "Bach of our three locations/ditions of the 1930's, the Wom- has its own particular place injen's Welfare League was pri- the work of the Women's Wel-|marily concerned with material fare League, but our real objec-|welfare, but through the years tive is to understand and help|the members had been alert to people. At Simcoe Street we con-|the changing needs and with the tinue with the Boys' Club pro-|support of the community, the gram of activities as well as|work had expanded to include providing material welfare,| various services to a wide age DIRECTOR H,. W. McNEILL dren and circumstances so much that what is right for one child is not necessarily for other children and other situa- tions, This does not mean that there are no guiding principles, but it does mean that there are no simple rules to follow. "The amount of money spent by the welfare committee repre- sents not only the dollars and cents but families with emer- gencies who have found help; children encouraged to continue at school because books have been purchased for them; older people who have been relieved of anxiety and pain because drugs have been provided, PEOPLE NOT PENCE "There are other family em- ergencies not so easily resolved, but which, if not adequately dealt with will have far- reaching effects, We receive re- quests for counselling from par- ents experiencing difficulties "| Women's Welfare League Returns Mrs. A. P. Fulton As President Mrs. A, P. Fulton was re- elected president of the Women's Welfare League at the annual meeting on Monday afternoon, The slate of officers presented by Mrs. W. M. Shaw was adopted by acclamation as follows: Past president, Mrs, K. H. Braithwaite; president, Mrs. A. P. Fulton; ist vice-president, Mrs. H. P, Millen; 2nd vice- prseident, Mrs. John Chmara; recording secretary, Miss Grace Burns; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Leonard Wakeford; honor ary treasurer, Mrs, A Lander, ris, Mrs, Mrs. R. G,. Mills, Advisory Board -- Messrs. 8. Counsellors -- Mrs, John Har- © K. H. Braithwaite, UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES | 8TH SEA SCOUT GROUP AUX, The 8th Oshawa Sea Scout Group Auxiliary met recently with Mrs, David St, Andrew's "}|presiding, Mrs, John Robertson Sjacted as secretary for the J evening, Mrs, Wilbert Smith introduced the speaker of the evening, Mrs. Claud Vipond, who spoke on "Scouting in Malaya", She showed some of her slides and 'it was certainly interesting to |see how people of another coun- try live, Mrs, John Robertson thanked Mrs, Vipond on behalf of the group, | Final plans were made for the "Night of Cards" under the convenership of Mrs, Stanley) Men! "Cash-in" On This! ! MEN' S SLACKS! Buy One Pair And Get Another Pair for Only counselling and other socialj/range, from nursery school to services; the new Boys' Club is|the Golden Age Club for senior) made 42 quilts for use in wel- concerned with the recreation) citizens. and guidance of great numbers LonG-TERM PROJECT of our young people; and at . The new Simcoe Hall Boys'| Crippled Children's School,/ciuh was the result of years of| Bloor street, our services t0 &/jjanning, necessary fund rais-| crippled child may unlock forjing and attention to myriad de-| po pet beg oa he ili tails by the members of the sii wg +g idloorengs. Horicercviged eral "For the past 14 years the! "Fime is-the essence of coun- VOLUNTEER EFFORT GaN keer Ue Carden Golden Jubilee Chapter of the|selling service. There is no- "Since 1935 when the Wom- Miles speakin; for Mr. Alger|1ODE has served refreshments/thing that can substitute or be Dr. C. Stewart: TD. Tho en's Welfare League moved to , 4 ao lafter the weekly meetings andjas effective as the person to/)' ~* . at os | aod Mis. Robert Clayton indicated that from pledges and), Bist F 31.|Dr. C. Vipond, T. L. Wilson the Settlement House there has during this time has not missed/person exchange and the avail- , . | ; been a continual flow of volun- Genations Wie balence of the | one meeting. Transportation for ability of time to enable the Committee conveners are as| Shown By ORMTA At the close of the meeting, teers, each of whom has Fo sg Png 0 ong mes GUE the Golden Agers living at Hills- worker to go the second mile/follows: Welfare, Mrs, A. C. oe |refreshments were served by tributed something of himself) 1 oso asus tad sil dale Manor and Halliday Manor| when this is needed, |Cliftord and Miss Vera Moyse; tad te' Glass Bimal esa "the| Curlew patrol, FIRST sion of} s : "lis yi the Women's 2 Proper intenance «Akad Feed r A wd to the work. The expansion o stered for swimming by Decem- a can ay ee sane NEED COUNSELLORS on e hlucte ris gt pega Ms: / Festival in Puerto Rico with} SLACKS 9.95 with children; from Egon ened ' id wives with marital problem fare work and large quantities oR . of baby clothing for the Chil-|ahd from those with budget, dif dren's Aid Society. The enter-| |, : tainment committee has a 24-| | Every broken home, every piece rhythm band which has|citizen who has lost his way, given great pleasure to the| affects the community, The bit- members and of which we are) terness and strife reaches out \very proud, jto touch the next generation. R. Alger, E. F, Bastedo, J. H. Beaton, W. B. Bennett, M, G. Coates, G. Coulter, K. D, Crone, Magistrate F. S. Ebbs, George Fletcher, Chief Constable H. Flintoff, Dr. A, P. Fulton, Mayor Lyman Gifford, Dr. R. |Gales, | _'| Mrs, George Fitches explain. 4jed the purpose of the district) "/committee, how it is composed | MRS. A, P. FULTON -- [#4 Its duties, : ; | A few conveners were appoint-| A. Gill, Judge Alex Hall, J, E./X+ ¥. Braithwaite and Mrs. R: oq for this year's bazaar as fol: Harris, J. Henderson, W. Hill-|E. Richardson presided at the/foliows: sewing, Mrs, Douglas man, S. T, Hopkins, F. N. Mc-|flower-decked table, ___ |Redpath; knitting, Mrs, Robert Callum, G. Miles, H, Millen, M. Dove and Mrs, Russell Dionne; Smith, W. Smith, A. G. Strie, Glenn Gould Films dartds. tire, Gelees Wickes 1.00 Tailored from the finest English and Domestic All-wool yarns, dyed worsted and flannels, in smart neat checks and plain colors, In Bonker Grey, Dark Brown, Lovet, Slote Blue, Black and Charcoal, Regular styles with belt loops or the popular young man's "Continental Style", Sizes 28 te 44, EXTRA SLACKS 1.00 You SAVE 8.95 Bonnie Jayne HAIRSTYLING (formerly Budget Beauty Ber) 72 CHURCH STREET FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 723-4212 Your HAIR Will Look LOVELY! i s taken place} : ' this yoo 'onl net tare Neen ber 31, It had not been possible; | "In Oshawa there is a serious|less; Clubs and Program, Mrs pele Foster at the January possible. without the individual|'® &rrange swimming lessons GREAT OUTDOORS lack of service in the guidance|W, M, Shaw; Crippled Children,| Meeting of the Ontario Regis- personal assistance we have re- for all these children, partly due| Through the efforts of the/field, At present, meetings are|Mrs, L, Davey; Volunteer Work: tered Music Teachers Associa- ceived in go many of our activi-/(® @ lack of qualified lifeguards) Westmount Kiwanis Club the|peing held on a communitylers, Mrs, C. C, McGibbon; Per-|tion held in Adelaide ties. The amount of time so/2"d Instructors. With the co-op-/boys of the Junior Fish and/jeye} to discuss this need and it/sonnel, Mrs. H. P. Hart; Ways recently, | freely given cannot be meas- eration of the Red Cross an in-/Game Club are given the oppor-|ig hoped that additional counsel-|and Means, Mrs. Reginald Lan-| Miss Helen Willard presided ured or valued except by im-|Structors' course had been ar-|tunity to learn how to enjoy|jing services will be provided|caster; Nominating and Mem-|for the basiness meeting. Teach- agining what would happen if it ranged and it bi agg hae and appreciate outdoor life. |in the near future." |bership, Mrs. C. H. Vipond; Fi-jers were reminded of the next suddenly ceased to be offered,|this would steel Aver The after-school groups took) qj) sections of community life|Nance, Mrs. A. P, Fulton; Pub-|student recital to be held in the At: Misikne eueak and the vg and = le more children) nart in crafts, woodworking, | were represented at the meeting lic Relations, Mrs. W. H, More- Auditorium of the McLaughlin Crippled Children's School 3,777; "8" °° Wim basket-ball practice, floor hock-|for which Mrs, A, P. Fulton pre-/house. Public Library February 8 at hours of volunteer time were/FOR YOUNG AND OLD ley, billiards, table games, folk | sided. . | Following the meeting which|8.00 p.m. They were also re- given during the year. From the] Mr. McNeill spoke briefly itchy a ey ag ye gm -- i scared by ur, D. W. F, ret ew = eer ys r iviti ious) {hese children enjoy =| \Coughlan, director of probation|ing has been re-schedule r Tie the ne Oye at ened tltbe "Recent sdvances in me.jgether as part of a group and) WANT 'OPEN' CHURCHES services for the province of On-|February 19, due to the Oshawa volunteer time were given at/dical science and public health|stress is placed on participation) ATLANTA (AP) -- Thejtario, tea was served and Mrs. Young Artists Recital. : services have added many years|rather than production," Mr./Georgia Council of Churches| -- ______ the desk and snack bar, 203)services have many y j ae Pegs | hours ni the general program,|to the life of the average per-|McNeill said. "The emphasis is/has called on Protestant de-| ; i " id." ting and vol-/nominations in Georgia to open 210 'hours by junior leaders,/son," he said, 'The Golden) the fun of crea 1 8 rs | and 951 hours in the swimming|Age Club has provided the op-|Untarily working together. their doors to all, regardless of pool. It is gratifying to the staff| portunity for these older people) "We try to know our children race, The council said Monday) that quite a number of the vol-|to keep in touch with commun-|individually and House} 36 KING EAST AND OSHAWA DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA PRICE irs WHERE wr DISCOUNT SAKE ELSE HOUSE THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY SPECIALS ONLY! Norwich Pharmacal Glycerin SUPPOSITORIES to recognize|that any form of segregation unteers are "Simcoe Hall Oldjity activities and remain a part| those who deviate from the|within the church is a "denial Boys and Girls", now young/of an active, useful group. normal pattern and who thus rele the gospel and is incompati- men and women taking their| 'The quilting committee has'quire some special care, Chil-|ble with the Christian doctrine. | Choose Polka Dots or Saucy Stripes and Drift Away to Dreamland on Pastel Toned "Tex-Made" FASHION SHEETS Canadian Made Lamb's Wool and Orlon SWEATERS Sizes omell, medium, lerge; meny essorted colors, Com- pere et 12.95, NO WHERE ELSE 6.66 EACH Men's Sheep-Tex Lined HUNTING VESTS Lerge and extre lerge sixes only, Compare et 7.95. 444 Valentines | Don't Forget We Discount Film Processing and Dry Cleaning 20% BELOW LOCAL PRICES Fresh Jenny Lind Heart Shaped Chocolates reg, list from 75¢ to 4.95 oes: for adults, infants or children, ALL REGULAR hh per box, Compare et $9e LIST PRICES ia SPECIAL Discounted 10, | 33¢ Adulis Only ALL ALLOWED | SPECIALS ---- We Reserve The I 1, OFF i * To Limit uantities SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE Men"s Corded: CAR COATS Quilted lining; sizes 36 to 46; assorted colors, Compare et 22.95. Special Clearance EACH Extra Special FLOYD LLOYD & GRAHAM TOWNSEND * SLIM GORDON -- will -- ALL BE Cut-out; punch-outs; tablecloths; napkins; etc. ALL AT DISCOUNT PRICES OPEN DAILY 10-10 SAT. TILL 6 P.M. Pre-Season Clearance of General Steel Wares CHILL CHESTS Some slightly scratched and dented. Compare ot 20.95 CLEARING from EACH Bio-Lan BUBBLE BATH In Colored Plastic Vase. Compare et 98¢ Special Clearance Suave "His 'n Hers" HAIR DRESSING OFFER Reg. 1.19 NO WHERE ELSE 44: | 66c 0.D.H. 33c Breck Ladies' "'Bon-Ton" FRID AY FUR CREAM | SWEATERS § FEBRUARY § "HEEL RINSE 14th MUFFS for beoutiful hair. 7:30 - 9:30 P.M. nase Compere at 98¢ Compere et 1.25 --so-- CLEARANCE FOR PRICE SAKE CLEARING SET THIS NIGHT PRICED from W7¢ 222 ASIDE TO VISIT 44. 10.88 WITH THESE TOP she OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 1038 King St. W. Cutex HAND CREAM Compare et 75¢ "FOR PRICE SAKE Choose Stripes or Polka Dots Matching Pillow Cases 1.98 pr. Smooth quality Tex-made sheets will add that extratouch Duo-Stripe--Alternating hight and dark of luxury te your bedroom. Colors and patterns so fresh _ stripes with a matching solid border. and eriap you'll want te buy an extra palr of matching Pollea Dote--All over Polka Dot pettern verlamed, ce suirtabee. with matching solid border. Gaia? . Biec Pink « Lavender - - + WALKER' OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Double Sizes 81" x 100" and Fitted Single Sizes 72" x 100" and Fitted 423 6 to 12 TRANSISTOR RADIOS Completely Portable with cease ete, Choice of AM-AM/FM short wave bands. DISCOUNT Sizes 14-16-18-20; variety of colors, Compare at 4.95 ee, hemes e. Sand* - \Sow ped pensern only: S - PERFORMERS!

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