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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Feb 1964, p. 17

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peard and this bronght about new requirements. "Whether we go up or down we were unanimous about this Canada Bobsied Team Edmonton Eskies sae Fire Eagle Keys [msi , Cae Take tt All: CS INNSBRUCK, Austria (CP)--;fall during the night. A team ot|their ninth day today with the/Keys was fired from his head|guard. Only Canada's chances for an Olym-|Austrian soldiers was called out finals scheduled in three events. "p THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, February 6, 1964 Andre Boudri re Boudrias | miec Bboy Hull of tho parent Chl Sear ee Chain 3 [ull of wieiit Bu in, Oshawa : Continues Pace|scr sits: favs ot te Ne Hodge, St. Cath. 28 39 In Jr. A Race tional Hockey League, is fourth/O'Shea, Oshawa 2 40 By THE CANADIAN PRESS with 81 points. The league-leading Toronto} DUMART'S MOTHER DIES el, ta "But heck, I appreciate the Martens ad Meh viece Oe lies Dede i ie : Ed 4 rs earlier thelfan support and the wonderful] Andre Boudrias of Montreal awa Gengrals are the ony ee ey Neth Eivaisse yok gold medal soared higher|to clear the chute and get it Seal ih the Geman Tonle ogee ee nice e|trecds I've made during my/Jualor Canadiens continued to ae ilies wag hg ogg ir the ri nies' hackle t when the Canadian No. ljready for today's racing SEEKING WIN Suntesante Wi night, Oak os 'der Ki wesc they stay, It's a new board andjsoar ahead in the Ontario with players ia 7 Y ed ee a ee is ey» bobsled, piloted by Vie Emery,| 'The snow came after four|, The Soviet Union, stil seek:|Cnding 12 years' service withthe t comelone Kay's See with theyive decided to make a new|Hockey Association Junior A parvo agar ee ho. hag|is survived Ey Ege tf $0, of Montreal, ; jing rst gold m in men's t start. ' race last week, scoring three * ' ee oar eer, ee 7 Nag Bidage = speedskating after a one-woman|""e, "lub: Walter Sprague, elected pree-|° "1 hope to stay in football and|goals and picking up five as-[Plaved 19 games in goal for. Nt. PS an Boone sad bie Wael the Tae ms den theleauch ciush on the couree angjsween in the girls' events, lad The unanimous action by thelident of the Eskimos Tuesday |will definitely try to find a post|sists in two games for a total agara Falls Flyers, has the bestiys sqham, Mass,, and hazardous Igls course rice teams accused the organ-|* chance to get it today in the club's new board of directors|night, said in making the an-jin Canada. I'm going to lookjof 109 points. : netminder record, allowing 48\j..chter, " -- Emery's crew flashed downlizers of neglecting the track 1,500-metre final. po i stig ryt ena thalosariauaiag that the chm '/around to ose what's avaliable) His Tnenete, Sve aren eg ede go Ria the course--slightly less than alsafety by holding two heats on} Skiers jae Seubert « ue ii Bg By cana oad he creep mag Bagi or five other = be willing ° Rais ak Leet cel _ Sy hetors drop. outs for a 2.53 ined CONTINENTAL mile--i {th f United States, Marielle | post. most anything--assistant, hea in spot, regained] The scoring leaders n one minute, 3.64 sec-the same day at least a week before they) o¢ the decision, he added: |coaching or what have you. [second place with four goals GA STE AM B ATH 16A Onterie St. Oshawe Finnish Seune Ph, 728-2460 to me, onds for a total time of 3:10.45,| Today, the chute was consid-|schel of France -- the giant sla; A Austria's team headed ae ke erably iene than on Wednes-|lom winner--and Christ! Haas of , "ype roypiarneme ad bso "The complete board met this| "I want to stay in Canada be-jand two assists in his last two|Boudrias, Montreal 31 win Thaler moved into second|day and none of the 17 starters Austria were favored in the vane with Pe . years'lafternoon for three hours and|cause I think I know more about|games for 85 points. Cournoyer, Montreal 48 place with 1:03.74 and an agere-|from 11 countries came any-|women's downhill skiing. = e club. considered every factor in-|the game here." ~ Fred Stanfield of St. Cathar-/Stanfield, St. Cath, 29 Christine Goitschel, the other The unanimous action by the|volved. We decided we must Keys was on the second yearjines Black Hawks is one point/Hull, St. Cath, | of 3:11.35. Italy's No. 2|where near Emery's first-heat fe, with Eugenio Bale a " tecord of 1:02.99. " half of the French sister act club's new board of directors|start a new deal with our new'of @ two-year contract. back of Cournoyer, and team-!Stemkowski, Tor. w i, slipped to third with| That mark chopped more than|who won the special slalom, 1:04.02 for 3:11.52. 5 a full second off the course rec-|was not entered in the down- In Nee te Italy'sjord of aed Vey Ad haere in} pill. pilot y Sergiojthe 1 world championships, were fav- hat, spliciod by Sergiolit* hich the Emery sled fit-locth'te sweep the medals 9 today's third heat, 1:03.59, forjished ninth. " the men's figure skating, which a total of 3:11.64, thereby mov-| There were no serious accl-|ands tonight with the freeskat- ing up from sixth spot. dents today, but the No.2 Amer-|i,9 portion of the program. Back of Zardini came Ger-jican sled, with Lawrence Mc-/Germany's Manfred Schnelldor- many's No. 1, with FranzjKillip at the helm, had to with-/.. Czechoslovakia's Karol Di- Schelle at the wheel. Schelle's\draw when the steering wheel)\j.' ang France's Alain Calmat sled did 1:04.15 for a total of|broke after the runners caught! 4. Jatter the stronger free- a in a deep rut on the No. 12) yater--tinished a close one- cue - ltwo-three after the compulsory figures. Canada's young Donald Knight, 16, of Dundas, Ont., was in seventh place after the fig- ures, and too far back to catch the leaders. Josef Freistmantl and Man- GENERAL MOTORS irropuces envoy & GORDON 10TH Canada's No. 2 sled, driven by|BARE CONCRETE Lamont Gordon, a Harriston,| Then the Belgian bob, the llth Ont., native who lives in New|down in the field of 17, hit the York City, was 10th with 1:05.06|high ice bank at the Witch's and a total of 3:14.12. Kettle curve so hard it laid, bare The No. 1 Canadian sled had|the concrete for a seven - foot the best time ever on the 4,920-| stretch. foot Igis Olympic chute in win-} Emery, jubilant over the Ca-lfred Stengl sped down the to- ning the first heat Wednesday|nadian showing, said he thinks!phoggan chute fastest Wednes- in 1:02.99, and it was second in|Canada's chances of winning/qay and won the men's two- the second heat with 1:03.82. |the gold medal are "around 80) man luge gold medal for Aus- erga his brother, John, a ging luo tria. Toronto plastic surgeon, Peter| "But the man to beat Is , Kirby of St.'Jovite, Que., and|Monti. You can always count on a eer union Anakin of Montreal com-|him to do something fantastic|rou¢ yohannesen and a pair of ted the first two heats injin the very last minute." young teammates swept the! and comfort in the small car field! At last, power :06.81--a margin of 69-100ths of Gordon, driver of Canada's medals in the 5,000-metre speed-| & second over the Monti sled. Today, the Canadians wid- No. 2, had to drive with im- paired vision when slush cov- ened their margin to 90-100ths|ered one of his goggles complet- of a second over the Thalerjely. He could see only with his sled that moved into the sec-|left eye. ond spot, a tremendous margin according to bobsledders. The Canadians tory. thus would have to come through with only a reasonably fast time Friday when the fourth and final heat|' is run off to win Canada's first gold medal of the ninth Games, and its first in bobsledding his- "Wow--driving with one eye means real murder," Gordon said. "I thought we were gon- ers." Gordon put the blame on track officials who this morn- ing had the course sprayed with water and snow. "The idea was fine but un- fortunately the snow did not freeze and that's why it was skating, further rocking the So- viet Union's speedskating dy- nasty. Sixten Jernberg of Sweden, sipping blueberry juice as he raced across the uphill - and- down 50 - kilometre cross-coun- try ski course on the eve of his 35th birthday, proved himself; king of the long-distance skiers. And Russia's Claudia Boyars- kikh, a 24 - year - old Siberian school teacher, boosted Russia's gold medal total to an unpre- cedented eight by winning her; SNOW FALLS The start of the third heat was delayed by a light snow- thrown into my goggles," said Gordon. The Winter Olympics entered cross-country. second title with a victory in the five - kilometre women's Judy La Marsh Says Canada Hockey Team Got 'The Treatment OTTAWA (CP)--Health Min-jtook the position that they could promote their own private in-ithese ideas with her cabinet nesday that the Russian and terests better by having the Czechoslovakian hockey teamsjGames in France rather than in Canada. Miss LaMarsh said that poli- tics are not supposed to enterjest and support in into Olympic matters and added making their European tour|that the suggestions "'may or ster Judy LaMarsh said Wed- in a deliberate pro- gram to incite the Canadian team and make its players an- while the Canadians were prior to the Olympic Games. But the Canadians did not may not be. true." She said another reason Banff take the bait, the minister told|was not selected was because a press conference following almany countries felt there were visit to the Olympic Games atitoo many major sports events Innsbruck, Austria. Marsh did not accompany the the European Canadians on tour. "There was a deliberate pro-|Chile, gram to incite the Canadians by the Czechs and Russians," said "Things were said in an attempt to make the Miss LaMarsh Canadians mad." Miss La-|booked in North and South America in the next few years. The 1966 alpine world ski cham- |pionships are to be held in the 1967 Pan-American Games in Winnipeg and the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico. HAS GOOD CHANCE Miss LaMarch said Canada has a good chance of getting The attempt to incite the Ca-l4. 1972 winter Olympics if an nadians was made because Ca- fadian hockey players have Teputation for roughness, said Miss LaMarsh. Canada a-d Russia now lead the hockey competition at the application is made reasonably soon to the Olympic committee. Miss LaMarsh said a greater' interest in amateur winter sports might be created through a Olympics. The Canadians play|S P oT ts scholarships, Another the Czechs Friday and the Rus- sians Saturday. DOESN'T SAY WHEN Miss LaMarsh did not say ly when the attempt to incite the Canadians was made. Later, a spokesman in her of- fice said she was referring the tour preceding the Olympic Games. She said Canada might have been selected as host for the 1968 Winter Olympics if Central avd South American members Olympic of the International Committee had been present Innsbruck to vote. Banff Jost its idea would be the construction of a competitive centre where She has not yet discussed colleagues but said they are worth experimenting with in an attempt to create greater inter- amateur sport. A good skier with a sports scholarship might be able to HERE'S WHAT IT IS! Epic is a totally. new budget car, built and backed by General Motors. It's the small car that gives you the roominess, com- fort, power, manoeuvrability, luggage space, good looks, economy and value that you've always wanted in a car of this size. Epic gives-you a lively engine, combined with 4-speed all- Synchro-Mesh transmission that does away with that undef powered feeling. No detail of driver or passen- ger comfort was overlooked in Epic's design. The heater is exactly the same type as in big cars, and gives excellent warmth. Also, there's a real trunk... to hold the luggage of the whole family. Epic is available in two models--Deluxe or Standard 2- door sedan. We suggest that you arrve Epic soon at your Chevrolet dealer's... and find out what you've been missing in other spend six or seven weeks in Europe training in several coun- tries, However, Miss LaMarsh said| 9 one of the main problems in Canada is that good amateur athletes turn professional quickly, This was particularly true in hockey where good ama- teurs were tied up by profes- too) sional teams att he age of 16. "T would like to see a lot of good people prepared to play) & amateur sport and not become professionals," we can encourage this." The National Fitness Council, an agency set up by Parliament to encourage and assist ama- teur 'sport, comes under Miss LaMarsh's government depart- ment. amateurs might train under conditions they would face at international competitions. Ontario Motor Sales PLAYER FINED to|. NEW YORK (AP) -- Presi- dent Walter Kennedy of the Na- tional Basketball Association fined Jim Loscutoff of Boston Celtics $100 Wednesday as a result of Luscutoff's ejection from Tuesday night's game against St. Louis at Madison in|Square Garden. Referee Mendy Rudolph ordered Luscutoff out bid for the 1968 Games to Gren-jof the game for using profan- ebdle, France, by only three votes ity. That cost the player $50. The additional $50 fine was for She also said she heard sug-|invading the officials' dressing APPOINTMENT gestions there that the Russiansiroom, [yh wer. Your Home Better with FUEL OIL McLaughlin's Telephone 723- 3481 If of. Mr. il soles staff. Mr. if merly with Von Heusen Motors, JPromet Delivery ! 110 KING ST. W. Budget Plan -- Automatic W. "Turn To Modern Living With Oil Heat" | McLaughlin Coal & Supplies Lid. 24-Hr. Service eather-Controlled Delivery OSHAWA MR. JIM SINCLAIR Mr. Jim Souch Jr., Sales Mane ager of Ontorio Motor Sales Used Car Division, is pleased to onnounce the i Jim Sineloir .to thelr Sincloir, for- comes to Ontario Motor Soles with 5 years extensive exper- ience in the cor sales field. "Serving Oshewe & Aree Over 40 Yeers" Ontario Motor Sales LTD. Bond West | 725-6507 small cars. she said. "I) Hee don't know if there is any way] ® Ree EEE LAER HERE'S WHAT IT HAS! 1.50-HP HIGH PERFORMANCE ENGINE. The peppiest in its class, Gives spirited acceleration in city traffic--high cruising speeds on the open road, 2. SMOOTH-RID- ING INDEPENDENT FRONT SUSPENSION soaks up those bumps . . . gives you road holding you'll revel in. 3. EASY STEER- ING, FAST HANDLING. Epic's rack and pinion steering--wheels ~ around curves like nobody's iness. 4. FINGERTIP-LIG 4-SPEED STICK Fully-synchro- nized on all gears--including first. 5. SURE STOPPING POWER. Big 8" drum brakes, with built-in anti-fade feature. 6. INTEGRAL BODY-CHASSIS combines low weight with great strength and rigidity to give you a rattle. es free body. % FULL-SIZED eng ir poe pd gives lots of heat for front and rear passengers-- tested in' 40 below weather. 8. REAL LEGROOM. Epic actually as more legroom than many s0- called "big" cars. T itt 9% ROOM FOR FOUR ADULTS. Bucket seats in front tip all the way forward to allow easy entry into the back seat. 10, FAMILY- SIZE TRUNK. Open that trunk lid, you'll be really surprised (and pleased) at the 10.76 cubic feet of room! 11. SUPERB ROAD. HOLDING. Epic handles like an ive sports car! 12. GOOD VISIBILITY ALL ROUND. You see all four corners of the car with €a86 oe « drive with extra safety. reas! 11788" *Suggested maximum retail. delivered price of a standard 2-door sedan with heater and» defroster at OSHAWA WHITBY Price quoted includes delivery and handling charges, Federal Sales and Excise taxes, Pro- vincial and local taxes and licence are not included. Was Tested! Here's How It | MANUFACTURED FOR GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS OF CANADA, LIMITED BY VAUXHALL MOTORS LIMITED, LUTON, ENGLAND. PARTS AND senvice FROM COAST TO COAST. See Your Chevrolet/Oldsmobile/Envoy Dealers ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. '140 Bond St. West Oshawa, Ont., _.. Phone 725-6501 n HARRY DONALD LIMITED 300 Dundas St. East Whitby, Ont., Phone 668-3304, 668-3305, 668-3306 mee ---- hie =e i as

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