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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Feb 1964, p. 4

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'THE CUNAWA Times, Saterday, Febveary S, STS= WEEK'S NEWS IN REVIEW Fighting Breaks a | Out Once More In Cypru Tt Was the heaviest fighting since the feud between Greek: Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriots erupted during the Christmas holiday, and resulted in Thant's UN headquarters with a recom: mendation that the Security Council intervene -- provided the Cypriot governments ap- proves, Archbishop Makarios, pres!- dent of Cyprus, has refused to accept a British-United States proposal to send a police force of 10,000 men from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to Cyprus unless the force is under UN Security Council control, Britain and the U.S, wish ing to prevent the Soviet Un- jon from getting involved, have rejected Makarios' con- dition but the U.S, state de- ay og implied Thursday t the question of a UN role in Cyprus might be reconsid- CASTRO CUTS WATER Premier Fidel Castro Thure- @ay cut off the normal water to the United States paval base at Guantanamo in eupply to the base would be allowed to flow an hour a day ~ftom § a.m. to 9 a.m.--to werve. the essential needs of the lation there, "partic. ala y the women ohil,.. Gren." President Johnson said such Cuban action had been ex. pected ae aes ye! ~ contingency 8 are alrea tm force to keep the big base bes plied "indefinitely" by Pp. BACK est annual meeting in history. The convention saw Leon Balcer of Trois-Rivieres, Que., aimed aa Diefenbdaker's bec lieutenant and dele. gates committed the party to writing a new charter of con- servativism in Canada. AGREE ON TUNNEL Britain and France an- nounced agreement to give the green light to a plan te duild @ reall tunnel under the Englieh Channel to link the two countries The announcement came Thureday after' month: of study, No Gate wast eet to start work on the project. The proposal calle for a Sd-mile, two-lane railway tunnel be- tween Dover, England, and Gangatte, France. Itwas estimated the project will take between six and seven years to bulld a a total cost of about 160,000,000 ($480,000,000), QUEEN MOTHER ILL a bene nied was forced by an appen: eration in London Tuesday cancel a 90,000-mile tour to New Zealand and Australia, The trip would have started Friday and plans called for Drief stop-overs at Montreal, Vancouver and Victoria, The Queen Mother, 63, wae report -- well after the operation and is expected to leave hospital next week, HOLD PRACE TALKS Ministers from Malaysia, Indonesia and The Philippines held peace talks in Bangkok, Thailand and reported "some measure of agreement on guiding principles." The ministers also reported they made some progress to- ward implementation of a plan to set up a "Malphindo" confederation, Under agreements drawn up in Manila last August, In- donesia, The Phillppines and Malaya agreed on a formula for the establishment of Ma» laysia and the formation of a loose confederation of the three countries, PEARSON IS GUEST Prime Minister Pearson re- turned to Ottaa Thursday after a 34-hour visit to New York to join with President Johnson in urging a greater fight against mental retarda- tion Pearson's main engagement in New York was the annual awards dinner of the Joseph P. Kennedy Jr, Foundation, get up in 1046 to fight mental iiness. MINER RESCUED Miner Gerd Eggers, 31, ay Sunday in Atikokan, nt., to stay above ground from now on after being res- cued from an underground tomb. He had been trapped for 17 hours in a tiny hole 700 feet underground at a Steep Rock Tron Mines operation follows ing @ cave-in, GANG ESCAPES Police quickly recaptured four of six men who escaped early reday from celis in a courthouse in downtown Montreal where they were being held in connection with the activities of a rob-and- rape gang Two of the men, believed to have been joined by women companions following their escape, evaded a police dr net and an isiand-wide searc tor them continued KILLS SELF Ewald Peters, Chancellor Ludwig' Erhard's chief secur. ity officer, hanged himself Sunday night in a Bonn jail where he was held on suspl- cion of killing Jews in the So- viet Union in the Second World War World briefs: Experts said @ mummy accidentally un- earthed at the edge of Rome Wednesday was so well pre served they are able to say it was the body of @ gir! who age of 10 or 12 Com- Munist guérrilias seized the initiative' in the South Viet namese war Thursday, étag- 'The Oshawa ine a series of attacks that Us. BF ag peg could coun Wee ee a) George Drev, the retiring Cae nadian commissioner to Britain, re Ag a fare- well Queen in Bucking Palace, WEEK IN ONTARIO rl inte i pa imited, the word's largest nickel pro. ducer, announced Lae it will immediately rehire 1,700 or 2,600 Sudbury workers laid off in the fall of 1063 Caring a period of production cu backs, Announcing plane for expa production, the firm said it will also rehire 100 men laid off in Port Colborne, A spokewman for another big nickel producer, Falconbridge Nickel Mines Limited, said the company has no immedl- ate plang to recall 580 work: ers laid off in Sudbury last October, Hospitals and the duties of Dr, Morton Shulman, Tor onto's chief coroner, occupied Attorney « General Cass and bis department this week, Un- der pressure from Dr, Shul- man, Mr, Cass -Monday or. dered an inquest into the Nov, 4 death in Toronto East Gen- eral Hospital of Patricia Mor- gan, , Who died 18 days after an operation in. which surgical forceps were left in- side her, Later in the day Mr, Case met with Dr. Shulman to discuss the coroner's charges of itioal interfer- ence in his duties by officials of Mr. Cass' department. Thursday, while Dr. Shulman was away on a two-week va- eation, Mr, Cass rapped hos- pitals for not obeying the law in supplying coroners with in- formation about operative and pent * operative deaths and criticized Dr, Shulman for overstepping his authority as c0 deapit oA from the attorney - ral's department, Deputy: Attorney- General W. B, Common has recommended the chief cor oner's post be abolished, | Workers at Trenton Hospl. | tal were to return to work | Monday after a three-month | strike that raised the ques. | tion of compulsory arbitra: | tion in all similar hospital | disputes, Labor Minister | Rowntree Wednesday an nounced a settioment between the hospital board and mem: bers the Builéfe Serv. ices Employees International Union {cl ) but gave no de tails, workers went on strike Oct, 01 after the On- tarlo legislature ended a spec. by Mr, Rowntree that would have made arbitration com: ory in the dispute. Mr, | jowntree next day appointed a three-man commission un- der Judge C. BE. Bennett of the dispute and consider com- pulsory arbitration, The com- mission has yet to make pub- Ne ite fin . 'Thursday, Mr, Rowntree's the promised legislation Twelve Toronto Protestant notism in thelr 'pastoral counselling' ran afoul of @ied 1,800 years ago at the | By MRS, OLGA HILL BLACKSTOCK -- The Annual Yoeey, meeting of St, John's Chu was held regeatiy, Canon Ashmore opened ¢ mee with prayer, After the soerarye and treasurer's rte been res celved and |, the Canon' preeented the incumbent's re- mentioning the work fravvigunls @ by within the ---- He mentioned the need Zor some immediate repairs to the outside of the were. : During 1063 in &t, John's there were five burials, one marriage and one confirmation service when seven persons were con: firmed, Canon. Ashmore nted 1904, Nell Bailey was elected People's Wi " The following reports were re: : Envelope secretary, Miss Eva Parr; WA report, Mrs, John Hamilton; Sunday School, Mra, J, A, MoArthur; Cemetery Board, Mr, John Hamilton, Following are the officers for 1904; Sidesmen -- Frank Stani- land, Harry MoLaughlin, John Hamilton, Harold Hamilton, Harold Crawford, Jack Groen, Donald Green, Advisory Council -- Frank Health Minister Davis of On. tarlo Tuesday, The group said it would ask for exemption under Ontanio law which fe- stricts the use of hypnotiem, but Mr, Davis said he would not grant it if they applied, The ministers called a meet: ing for Feb, 18 to plan a cam- paign to have exemption ¢x- te to 'qualified' clergy- men, fal one-day session without | adopting legislation, promised | Grey Conty Court to settle | James Trotter, Liberal mem: | ber for Parkdale, demanded | resignation | because he had not introduced | ministers hoping to use hyp- | Annuai Vestry Meeting Held At Blackstock George Wolfe as his warden forjay Staniland, John Hamilton, Har- old Crawfo Tom ; Charles Smith, Net! Ratloy George re be leaders of all church organizations plus the Lay Delegate, Great Chapter -- Jack gre wrence McLaughlin, Harold amilton, Frank Stantland, Fred Hamilton, Harold Craw: ford, Nell Bailey, George Wolfe, Cemetery Boar! -- Fred Ham- fiton, John Hamilton, Arthur' Baile sell Lay Delegate -- Jack Green, J , Harry McLaughlin, Rue Lava, Weerman tree. CARD Christian Youth| Service Is Held At Enniskillen By MRS, RUSSELL GRIFFIN ENNISKILLEN -- Christian Youth Week was observed on fo me @t Enniskillen United Church, Guest speaker was Rev. H, G, Lester, if Hig sermon was a -- to youth, and advice to pa and adults, Mr, Crawford, M..) mete " the prayer, was conducted by the A PARTY A card party at the Commun- The People's Warden was au: thorized to make inquiry of Bm: merson Insurance concerning "ability insurance' covering the grounds of St, John's an fee) se same if rates reason ¢, Some type of budgeting was suggested so as to be prepared financially for repairs "© rec: tory, Meeting closed with prayer after which the ladies of the WA served lunch, WINS IN P.ELI, SUMMERSIDE, P.B.1, (CP) A rink skipped by Roger Clair of Montague will represent Prince Edward Island in the 1064 Canadian schoolboy ourliag championships at Regina month, The Montague Regional High rink ran up an undefeated record against four other nia sohoo! rinks in the provincial schoolboy bonepiel here, DROPS BIG 8 MIAMI, Fla, (AP)--The Or ange Bow! decided Monday to drop its Il-yearold contract with the Big Eight Conference and go into the open market to find opponents for the annual New Year's Day football game, ee ee ity Halt had nine tables of pro- SATURDAY to toe yee mer toa Camelot (formerly Vereoe's) SATURDAY 9 P.M, UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP Sunday Meeting 11 A.M. FEBRUARY 9th SPEAKER; REV. T. H. FLOYD CHAPLAIN, Onterie Heepitel, Whitby ADDRESS: "Religion and Psychiatry" C.R.A. BUILDING, 100 GIBB ST. You Are Invited To Attend SERVICE ee eee emma Sees STATICNS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. MEADES SUNOCO 508 KING STREET STATION ust LITTLE CHIEF TEXACO STATION 63 RITSON ROAD SOUTH CLEMENTS SUPERTEST STATION 102 SIMCOE STREET NORTH LAWLESS SHELL STATION 227 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH SHAWA CLEANERS SER a { DANCE TONIGHT Old Time - Modern ADMISSION---81.28 BARN DANCING RENEGADE IN POWER The DiefenbakerYears by Peter C. Newman ' $7,50--available at SAYWELL'S 16 SIMCOE ST. -------- "SPOILERS OF THE FOREST" STARRING ROD CAMERON IN COLOR COMEDY "EXTRA! THREE STOOGES eee €.usp Bayview | Dancing. Every SATURDAY NIGHT @ TABLE SERVICE @ 3.00 PER COUPLE TWO ... ONE-ACT PLAYS anda MUSICAL FANTASY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13th and FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14th CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM ADMISSION 50¢ AT 6 PM, ELVIS PRESLEY in "Love ender" TODAY end . ~-- SUNDAY "Kiss Them for Me" -- in Color! ae -- GRACE METALIOUS BEGINS WHERE Great Novel "PEYTON PLACE" LEFT OFF! 'RETURN TO PEYTON PLACE" LANA TURNER wth ond Great Cost! CAROL LYNLEY Adett Eatertetmment Adult Entertainment pata Now on the Screen! "PEYTON P L, ACE" awit TEE-PEE DRIVE-IN 401 AT LIVERPOOL RD. Free electric-in-car heaters Friday, Saturday, Sunday 3 TOP COLOR HITS To Scare The Yell Out ef You (1) "Horror Of Dracula" (2) "The Mummy" (3) "Creatures From The Black Ragoen" @ ADULT ENTERTAINMENT © Young Women's Christian Association announces its Nineteenth Annual Meeting ADELAIDE HOUSE Thursday, February 20th, 1964 6:30 P.M. (Dinner Meeting -- Tickets $1.50) GUEST SPEAKER -- MISS ALICE TR Physica! & Mealth Education Secretary of tte Otnner 9 ot am AISMISCe TES appreximatety Division of Oshawa Cleaning Contractors Give Your Rugs--Broadloom AND Upholstery A NEW LEASE ON LIFE! Let us restore likenew beauty ond freshness to your rugs, corpets and upholstery, A Ih dry-cleaning by our skilled technicians is guar anteed to please you with the re- suits, Rates are reasonable. Call for free pick-up soon Cleaning At Home Too! tf yeu we'll clean we! t Wefan d tasty So iar Se tee process permita use seme dey Ge 4 "sit Pravda tacatee WAHL. HOCKEY SUNDAY Leafs ve Chicage ot 8:30 ENJOY LIFE! Lot Out More Oftent | This Sunday NN | TAKE THE ENTIRE . FAMILY OUT TO DINNER MENU SPECIAL FULL COURSES | Roast Prime Ribs of Beef Young Ontarie Reast Turkey aowete ty PETER STONE reset ont truant to STANLEY DOWER tam= HENRY MANCING A Urenat Rime TECHINICOLOR® TIMES = 1120 » hae svn eae" SHOW 20 Y | PN. SUNDAY 190 PLM, sSmzevsrzeoas" ---- ~ = 4 = a ~ : "GET ; THIS WEEK | BILL BRADY of CKEY With Top Hits. REGULAR ADMISSION al DRUG STORES | OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. MEDICAL PHARMACY 300 KING ST. WEST PHONE 728-6277 North Simcoe Pharmacy Ltd. 909 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE 723-3418 POWELL DRUGS 3544 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE 725-4734 32 = 2. shohonnas FOR PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE CALL § 725-9961 \\ As ii $s GENOSHA HOTEL AMPLE PARKING te

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