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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Feb 1964, p. 5

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eee {2 #226¢ > so tntuvesran wt - 2c Ne <i nena WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gault Tel, 668-3703 PLAY MAROONS SUNDAY Youngsters Berto MOUNT ZION LODGE, AF AND AM, INSTALS OFFICERS Officers to serve in 1004 were recently installed to of- fice at Mount Zion Lodge Number 30 AF and AM in Brooklin, They are: back row, left to right: Arthur Richard- son, chaplain; Neal Grandy, 3.8; Glen Smith, 1LG.; Robi Wileox, §.D.; Lioyd Stephen- son, J.D.; Kenneth Greer, Ty- 8 BOARDS MEET COUNCIL ler; William Manning, Sect.; Jack Schell, 8.8; and Jack Patterson, D.C. Front row, left to right: James Sandison, 8.W.; Howard Farndale, In- stalling Master; Hugh Ormis- ton, WM; Neal Smith, IPM; Milton Mowbray, JW and C. §, Thompson, treasurer, Annexation, Overcrowding, Waste Worry School Boards BROOKLIN (Staff) -- Many @t the varied problems facing were loca) =echool = boards brought to the floor at an in- formal meeting between 22 members of Whitby. Township's eight school boards and mom- bere of Township Council Thurs- day night, . It was well received by members of the various M Council ve an Insight into the rds in the of this | accomplish "many lsessment, began construction. on township jand in the corridor be- tween Whitby and Oshawa, "Almost immediately the Town began talking of annexing the parcel of land around the mill to gain for themselves the assessment the mill represents, "The township, having no in- -idustrial assessment to help the -/taxpayers, is seeking to either hold the mill In the township or come to an agreeable agree ment with the town. "If the township is able to sIkeep the mill it would mean a great deal to school boards be- cause of the increased rev- enue," ONE LARGE BOARD The question of one la school area, replacing the eight areas now controlling the educa- tion was discussed by William ineighborhod of $1,000,000 in as If we were all formed into one area that many of our problems could be ironed out." On the question of annexation Mr, said: "Our school area jwould the one affected by the annexation. "As I have said, we pian on adding to the present school, What will happen if half of our school area is annexed and we are faced with empty rooms be- cause the children for which they were built are gaining their education in town schools?" Mrs. ©. Arskey, Sinclair School Board, sald that her group also faced a space prob- lem -- "too much of it, and not enough students". : Mrs, Arskey continued: "We looked ahead for the next five years and find that we will have even fewer students attending then than we now have, "At present we have one found that a previou future stu- dent count was incorrect, "Allowance had been made for students coming into the school but no consideration was given the fact that students would also be leaving "Nor was the fact that nearly 20 of the students planned on attending the school were Roman Catholic and would be attending a Separate School." Deputy Reeve Dryden asked Mr. Fry and Mrs. Arskey if an agreement could be reached ere the under-pupilled Sin- clair School could help relieve the overcrowding at Dr, Robert Thornton, Mr, Fry replied that Sinclair had only One room available ~ his board saw a need for r. Reeve Goodwin concluded the meeting saying he had _ been "most enlightened" and hoped a meeting could be called in the By CLIFF GORDON re ee nat r es ea string of the season will be go- ing for 10 in a row as they in- vade the spacious Tam 0' \" ter Arena on Sunday afternoon to do battle with the front-run- Neil McNeil Maroons, The Dunnies trail the Maroons by @ scant five points and could pull to within three with a win on Sunday, Both teams have three games left to play count- ing the Sunday affair, Should the Dunnies win all their re- maining i somes and the Maroons drop their three encounters the Dunnies would then take over! the top slot in the league stand- 'anager + coach Ivan Davie his players playing about as well as I have seen them play right now, The game on WHITBY. PERSONALS Mrs, F, H. M. Irwin, Inver- lyn is leaving Sunday, Feb, 9 for a three-month trip to Africa, this trip is arranged by the University Travel Club, Mrs Irwin will visit England on her return. St. John's Anglican Church Fellowship Group will on Satur- day enjoy a skating party at Park Vista Ratepayers Associa- tion rink, They will be enter- tained following the skating at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Gor- don Kyle, Dovedale drive. David, son of Mr. and Mrs. . W. Fuller is celebrating his 10th birthday today, Saturday, Feb. 8, His companions of King street school and friends wish him many happy returns of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lewis and son David, formerly of Toronto established residence at 107 Keith street, Their friends wish them happiness in their new surroundings. And Young Pacing Dunnies' Drive Monday night, when they toppl- ed the once unbeatean Maroons 6-2, was a really-thrilling en- counter, The were skat- ing very well, they were check- ng much betier than they have in some games -- and only three defencemen for this game, Art Hampson was injur- ed two weeks ago and will be lost to the club for at least an- other week, One thing that really impress- ed many of the fans we have . Thie the Danny Sandford, Darryl Leach and Jerry Dionne, They are one of the youngest lines in thelq Metro Jr. B league, Dionne is the youngest player on the Whitby team and possibly the youngest in the league, He is only 14, Leach hag four reat of Jr, hockey left while Sand. ford is in his first year out of Midget, In all the Dunnies have 10 players under 17 years of age with the new age grouping. One fellow that deserves a lot of credit for the Dunnies fine uphill battle in the league this year is Ian Young. This youn, fellow hails from Scarboro on is only 16 years old, He is six feet tall and hits the gcale at 180 pounds. He goes to school and played last year with the Scarboro Midgets, He has the best gonis-against average in the eastern division of the Metro league having been beaten only 77 times in 25 games, Reeson, who played four games for Whit- by had 12 goals scored against him in that time, So the com: bined total of 88 goals in 20 games is just over an average of three goals per game, Pretty good for 9 16-year-old lad, The Dunnies have a rough weekend as they play Sunday against the Maroons and then play back here on Monday night against the St. Michael's College team, This will be the final home game of the schedule they had/Club ®/those present on the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Pebruery ©, 1966 5 CNIB Officials And Societies Harold Hare, chairman of-the Whitby - Ontario County Advis- ory Board to the CNIB, held a meeting recently to plan the details of the CNIB's annual drive for funds in Whitby and surrounding area, Present were representatives from the Lion's , Holy Name Society, Bap- tist Church, Anglican Church, Catholic Women's League and other organizations, Represen- tatives were also present from the Towns of Ajax and Bay Ridges, who are having their drive at the same time, David Hatton, Field Secre- tary for the CNIB, addressed services rendered to the blind, On the basis of a medical report, those elegible for registration with the are interviewed by the Field Secretary and their indivi- dual needs determined, He outlined the type of books that are available to the blind In both Braille and the Moon System. He described what was done to help the preschooler who is sightless and to help his parents, He stated that it was found beneficial to enroll the child in an ordinary school for the first. couple of years and then transfer it to the Ontario School for the Blind in Branf- ford. He also outlined the voca- tional and employment guidance given by the CNIB to those needing it, Re stated that there were 83 bling people in Ontario County who 'need the assistance of the Advisory Board, The Whitby area was divided into 15 sections, with a captain to head each section, Many of those present volunteered to act as captains and arrange their Own canvassers, A short discussion was held on the advisability of organizing a Community Chest for the Southern part of the County as pressure was being brought to bear on the residents in these areas who are employed in Oshawa and Toronto, to donate} The playoff dates have not been set as yet, to the Community Chest Drives in those cities.. An approximate 20 per cent increase in Whitby Publie Lib: rary memberships this r brought the total of town a gy to ge ™ annual li report, issued by the Board herday: noted an enrolment of 984 new bers, with 468 of \* Der joining. the Children's "Lib. 2,800 borrow books from Rise In Readers Of Library Tomes adult use the A total circulation of 70,781 oooks was socounted" tor ep 41,118 volumes circulated the adult room and 29,618 the previous year, New year totalled additional from 1,811, Donors UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES §T, ANDREWS WA St. Andrew's pre Od aa a monthly; mee ternoon in the Sunday school hall, wand tp montig Vo eee open ie mee! with r, rs. W. J, S, Moline bath group in the devotional period, During the business meeting final arrangments were made for the forthcoming "Valentine Tea and Bakesale" to be held held Satunday, Feb, 15 in the Sunday school hall with general convener Mrs, George Stott in charge assisted by members of the group. The meeting closed with pra. yer, Tea hostesses were Mrs, C. Dalgleish and Mrs, J, Cowan, The next meeting will be held ST. MARK'S UCW (W's St, Mark's United Church 4 W's Couples Club held its monthly mee Saturday, Feb. 1, at the Chi house with the members gath there before journeying to the Oshawa Auto- motive Museum, Upon returning to the Church house a short business session was presided over by Mr, and Mrs. Murray limented the large attendance 0 new couples were welcomnd to the Club, they are Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Marshall and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Grylls, Lunch was served by Mrs, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Jardine and three sons Gordon, Andrew and Dale are spending the week- jend in Welland, the guests CLUB CALENDAR of Mr, and Mrs, William Lem- mon, Mr. and Mrs, Jardine will also attend the Baha'! confer- ence in Hamilton. Mrs. F, W. Browne, Dundas street west is BE her home Monday, Feb, 10 at 2 p.m. to the executive members of Vis- count Greenwood TODE Chapter. Mr, R. J. Betson and his mo- ther, RR 2, Whitby ... leaving MONDAY, Feb, 10 St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church Explorers u ist Whitby Scouts Salvation Army Brownies Whitby Baptist Church Explorers Pentecostal Church Women's Missionary Council St. Mark's UCW Unit No. ? St, Mark's UCW No. 5 House of Windsor Chapter ODE: Manning, chairman of School Area Number One, ¥ boards are not a king: dom unto themselves" and that tall should work together, "In Area One we are faced with the common em of coming to the point of operating at capacity, "We might soon have to tell .jthe students In the Myrtle-Ash- burn area that they might have to be turned away because of -jovercrowding. y| "Most of us are only concem:- ed with immediate problems, about either annexa-|We should be looking ahead five operations of other/or ten years, and if we had look- ing school areas, jed ahead ten years we re seems ot be no com-|might not be in the position we eating grounds between|now find ourselves, eouncil and schoo) boards and I) "At the rate of bullding going that if we establish one andjon in local schools a little fore- each other with our/Sight would answer the pressing ms and various experi-/problem of overexpansion in an that all will benefit, jarea, and empty classrooms 15 : years from now PUSSY-FOOTING AROUND? |" "In surrounding townships "Both spend money and a dols|school areas are formed into tar misspent regardiess Of Wholone large area and central does the spending hurts the tax-/schools have been erected with payer," he concluded modern bus transportation to The meeting was attended by/and from school Dare of both Separate and, "T feel that if we Were all Schoo) boards. joined. together that we could stee Arthur Pantony asked/fing 3 solution to many of out Counci! if any plan was in the problems, lower education costs, making or if Council wWaAs decrease administration costs Mr, Manning said he felt that,/@f@ not 'school empty classroom and the others rating at capacity, "When I came to the board I aid a survey on my own and near future to "delve even fur- ther into the problems of educa- ton and possibly come up with some of the Elusive answera", By CLIFF GORDON Ajax Juveniles took a 1-0 lead in their best of five group finals at the Whitby arena Thursday night as they handed the Whitby Consumers' Gas Juveniles a 64 setback. Second game of the series goes at the local arena tonight. The game Thursday was a very chippy affair with both teams appearing to be carrying hot just chips but full slabs of lumber on thier shoulders. The Teferees were kept very busy on the night and handed out numer. ous penalties including = six majors and three game miscon- jducte went to Clovgier and Burnett of the Ajax team and Cookson of Whitby, High McLean was the only re peat scorer of the game for the winners as he clicked for a pair. agg around" jand improve the standard of puty Reeve John Drydenjiocal education | teplied: "We are trying to get) "We have problems of growth| the feeling of the school boardsiang are going to have to pro-| oan © cayming comes out of Ourlvide more classrooms -- the) @seussions t is mutually/question is how and where to! agreeable then we would seize provide them," it and act upon such suggestion, | no WHAT WILL HAPPEN? i plan | When asked how close his area Reeve Goodwin added: "Welwas coming to capacity opera-/ lack information on the opera-|tion Mr. Manning replied that But, as yet, council has tions af our school system andjhis Board did not anticipate any) council is seeking enlightenment building this year but they) with an eye to possible assis-/would soon have to face the tance." problem of overcrowding in) When asked what annexation Grades ¢ through § j would mean to township | Deane Fry, chairman of the! deards Reeve Goodwin replied:/Dr. Robert Thornton Schoo! "First I think I had better ex-/Board eald that his sched! was Fe in the stand on annexation operating at capacity and would) the town and the town-/be seeking debentures to build ~_ -- a four-room addition to the pres. . the last year a new/ont building In.the § @teel mill, representing in the' Mr. Fry stated:. "I feel that! BROGK Evenings Shows Start 6:55 & 9:00 | wire' Seturdey Matinee Sterts 1:30 ¥Cictia TRUE... eermaty shot tm the metbeval eaten hs eetead tary tek poe A SIINEY PINK Production ~ PANACOLOR Presented By WARNER BROS. a STARRING CESAR ROMERO -- FRANKIE AVALON BRODERICK CRAWFORD -- ALLIDA VALLI WORLD HAS ONLY KNOWN ONE LIKE... ier Single tallies were picked up by Dave Turner, Mickey Flynn, Paul Clougier and John Me. Lean, For the losing Gasmen it was Barry Gould, Bill Bell, George Dair and Wayne David: son with one goal each, Fred Keech, in goal for the Ajax team, looked very steady and displayed a fine left hand, glov- ing almost every shot that was above his knees Ajax Tops Locals As Series Opens The first period was perhaps the best one from a@ local stand- point as they held the fast skat- ing Ajax team on even terms despite the fact that the visitors opened up wih two quick goals Me 4.41 mark of the period, Clougier and John McLean were the marksmen. Gould and Bell got those back at the 6.00 and 12.55 marks respectively. The Ajax team started to turn on the steam in the second period and completely fooled the Gasmen who were having trouble getting the puck out of their own end of the rink. Fiyan put the visitors one up at 6.19 and then Hugh McLean got a pair of tallies to make kt 5-2 and what looked to be a com- fortadle lead Dair got one dack for the Whitby team with just over two minutes to go in the middle stanza. The third period was another ttl ga ay Freon Phy the aS. ' ta rally golng. Gamer wh ag Poe Ajax fans another ance to cheer as he rounded out a deat play with Peterson, Whitby fought back gamely and man for a tive-week.sou" mm vaca. tion in Florida Keys. All Saints' Anglican Church Parish Guild are holding a '"Val- entine Tea" Tuesday, Feb, 11. Tea conveners Miss L. Meln- tosh and Mrs. T. Henstock. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Jeffrey, 307 James street are celebrat. ing their 12th wedding anniver- Sary, Sanday, Feb. 9, Their friends wish them e¢very hap- piness. The annual meeting of House of Windsor IODE Chapter will be held Monday, Feb. 10 at the home of Mrs. Clarence Freek, 905 High street. Mrs. Freek will show slides taken while on their TUESDAY, Feb, 11 Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club Red Cross work room Salvation Army Cubs 2nd Whitby Royal Canadian Legion LA St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Helen Marshall Soc. All Saints Anglican Church Afternoon Guild Whitby Chapter Order of the THURSDAY, Feb, 13 Whitby Baptist Church Cub Pack St. John's Anglican Church Parish Helpers Salvation Army Women's HL St. Mark's UCW Unit No, 2 Christian Reformed Church La- dies Society Work and Pray Work and meeting Whitby Ganien Club FRIDAY, Feb. 14 Red Cross Senior Citizens Social Club Pentecostal Church Young Peo- ple's Christian Ambassadors SATURDAY, Feb, 15 found, and Mrs. Murray Beadle. The next meeting will be held Saturday, March 7. BROWNIE PACK NO, 3 The Brownies of the Ind Whit- cerem: Monday, Jan, Presentations of badges were made Ow! =. J. Bea' sr donee gs Lever); Joan Br ttle, Beadle who comm- Film Clase visits of Whi School children to the the| library were carried on through- out the school term. CWL Attending Communications cation nuapeene by the Radio TV and Films convenership To- ronto Archdiocesan Counetl at 9.30 a.m, till 3.30 p.m. at the Catholi¢ Information Centre, 83¢ Bathurst str-et, Toronto, Saccoceit ua convener, is attending. Jack Mesher, Mrs, Lorne Pen-/Devie |Budi Deeth, Bark Devie Tayler Oe ony i) oo ce lowed with thee Brownlie Wings resented by Brown Owl Mrs, Salvation Army Timbral Brigade Salvation Army Young People's Band St. Andrew's Presb: Church Jr, -- Eastern Star No, 8 St. Mark's UCW Unit No, 1¢ WEDNESDAY, Feb. 12 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chil- dren of the Church Unity Club Past Noble Grand (Rebekah) Whitby Kinette's Club ET COFFEE RECO xports African territory set a record in 1963 with more than 316,000,000 © coffee worth about! 70,000,000, | European trip, Mrs. Agnes Johnson, (14 Byron street nortt entertained! & group of friends at a dinner) birthday party in honor of her} friend, Mrs, 0. Potesuk. It was! also the hostess' birthday | The many friends of M Lorne Johnson, 120 Bowman a enue are sorry to learn that he is in the Oshawa General Hos-; pital. They wish him a prompt) 1) Recent wisitors at the home of/ Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Johnson, 919Annes street were: Mr. and Mrs. Les Garner, Mr, and Mrs. Art Kumpf, West Hill and Mr. and Mrs, Alan Watkiss, Dunbar. ton, | Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Jordison! attended on Wednestay in| Peterborough the funeral of the| late Mrs, th Howson, aged to get one goal as David- son scored on a pass from Beil, Lionettes Plan Valentine Day Masked Ball Ajax Lionettes held their regu- lar monthiv meeting Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs Thomas Wilson of Almonds. aa. . Robert = enrie opened meeting_wi the Lionettes' prayer. Mrs. Lioyd Landry was appointed sec-) 7. Alex: 4. McLean retary for the remainder of the The Lions Men's Club. are The next meeting will be held Wednesday, March 4 i The G will now have to really pull up their socks and Stay out of the sin bin if they expec, to take this classy Ajax team to task and advance in the Onario playdowns. Game time is ¢ for 8.00 p.m. tonight at the Whithy arena SUMMARY }. 2 X 4 < % ? oy 1S) V easy Bell 15.46, Ashton 17.91, MH. McLean et) ane Period Flynn (Peterson) ..... M. MeLeen saeeeeee S Aja % |< Alen SY (Tyrner, _ Peterson) "| Swhlity: Dale (Vesters) Penalties -- Clougier cue' Penalties = Netiring. ate, | #7), J. MoLean 12.4, 'Sarr 1451, Crom YOU DON'T DRINK +. pay less for your auto insurancel Insure with ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, the one insurance company in Canada that issues poli- ciea only to non-drinkera, We will be glad to give you full information, without obligation. Alex: Turner (Petersen) aM t Davidson (Bet) O.35 Pron Willems Ns 4p.) Murminok oe, Crna Sheedy tmaler) 14.4, Goold he, SSS & Shirt Lounderers PHONE 668-4340 | 218 DUNDAS STREET E. PH, 668-5431 -- WHITBY, i H Only RIEGER = and OSBORNE. "INSURANCE Bere ang the, The Presbyterian VALENTINE HOME BAKE SALE & AFTERNOON TEA Saturday, Feb. 15th 3 TOS P.M At The... Sunday Schoo! Hall Under the ouspices of W.A. Family Monuments Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. | LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST MOODIE'S RESTAURANT PICKERING VILLAGE AT DUFFIN'S CREEK } \ ~ Every Sunday BUFFET @ Various Salads e TO CHOOS . «+ 1.75 Per Person ALL YOU CAN EAT MANY TEMPTING SELECTIONS E FROM } 9:43 AM--Sundoy Seheet p J, Beattie and assisted by VALENTINE TEA BAKE SALE & CANDY BOOTH TUES., FEB. 11th 2:30 te 5 PLM. in ALL SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOL Cor, Bundes W. & by | S. Under the Guspices of The After. noon Branch of the Parish Guild ADMISSION S0¢ Come ond bring @ Friend FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK ST. WN. REV. DELOSS M, SCOTT, MINISTER SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 AM--*Faith Tidings" Radio Broadcast 9:45 A.M.--Welcome to Bible Schoo! 11:00 A.M. and 7:45 P.M. THE PASTOR WILL PREACH WEDNESDAY EVENING, 8:00 P.M. Centinuing our tout of "The Holy Lend" with the Postor'e Kodechrome Pictures, "THERE'S ALWAYS A WELCOME AT FAITH" WHITBY CHURCHES WHITBY EMMANUEL REFORMED REV. GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD Orr Hiway ta ENGLIE M Wick AND SUNDAY Seog. 2PM 7PM, ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTY WELCOMED ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. J, M. Smith, BA, B.D. Mr. i. kL. Becton, ARCT, Miss tla Newton, 1) A.M, MORNING WORSHIP "The Bivine R ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St. John Rev. W. J, S$, MeClure, B.A. Minister Mra. PLN. Spratt, Organist "as AM TT AM, Beginners. =-- hunioe negation tatant Core, 1100 AM. "How Much Will | Keep?" Cere ond " Congregation: Nursery vm ter books bought this year,

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