BIBLE LESSON ! Peter, James and John ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON TH GOHAWA THME, tener brn 8 19447, Scripturé--Matthew 418-22; 17:1-13; Mark 8:16, 27; 14: 3242; Luke 8:49-56; Acts 4:13; 12:1-3, ' : Bible School, Nicky works with) Awanona SSl2OWAnTP__ ho iis | the of ied) MONTREAL (CP) -- Her- Three Discipl | Die : | , de, cin, Er <S , é "ae agers. Gloria's spec mine Borduas, 2), is the first 1sc1ip es ' y its ' * OU f | NN is the little people, ata Cansdian woman t6 b0 seuiied ten-year-olds who run on the 1 t Periphery ot the angs. She(W to years of ndvanced study e y Ww Ay \ a) 11S en AN wants to reach these little ones Close To Christ He : : TDN Sc" ttt ' 2. ry j h ! . e d , 0 duas, the only woman in her , By R. H, RAMSEY heard Him talking with two .e | | | ) he, "aos \ class at the' Ecole Ot the Weltltudes who foi-jcnere who suddenly appeared, at : M | GOLDEN TEXT; 'For welnique here, is one of 42 Cana- lowed Christ, only three men whom they recognized, not rt} | aS 2 ' | A cannot but speak of the things/dian engineering $e --Peter, James and John-- mice how, as Moses and) [aa \ \ Bill Vs ; which we have seen and heard."|lected under the fell pro- oer Rl yg na ng Their natural awe becomes \ ' Acts 4:08. ee f today's lesson we shail explore | (error a8 they hear the voice ' from the cloud and they fall \ ' ne Y\y \\ several events in their lives s Soe -- ' { \ face down on the ground, stay N Mat A . 'tt GRA CE : HARMONY which' demonstrate this close: : "y ae ' Boe Pad wate sii Andrew, Peter, James and John leave Christ takes Peter, James and John The disciples witness Christ's Transe Peter, James and John fall asleep UNITED CHURCH Matthew 4:18:22 we learn their boats and nets and follow Christ with Him to witness His power to figuration and hear His conversations --while Jesus prays in the Garden of LUTH ER AN James and John, plying their] On their way down the moun- to become fishers of men and the trade as fishermen, He calls tojtain th ' Seaien Christ vigor-| first disciples.-Matthew 4:18:22, trom the dead.--Taike 8:49-56, to secrecy.--Matthew 17;1-13, GOLDEN TEXT: Acts 4:20. PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 7 5 | bil nT acres ene -- -- Rey, Philip Fiess, Miniater = | ag i og I ag I will make you fishers ofitheir questions, but swears ojunteers trom the gangs.|in B | tn wite Gloria,| Vieer_téverd Newany A tay temedididy, te feurlinen & sagen p+ P h F ¥ we net - Rg ah * s y in Brooklyn, and later, one injare Nicky and his wife Gloria, ' o Chicago, A Nicky js a licensed preacher, He 10:00 A.M. Jeave their boats and nets to|what they have seen, Obviously, Tr eac er ormer inted out five of his boys. a ve oy rp sy our met 7 Gloria while attending : SUNDAY SCHOOL For Andrew and Peter, thisitaith in these three men, | the offering there was a d a - | was fo spur-of-the-moment de-| This trust and faith leads ' sky avned | : cision, for they had met the Christ to take the three 'with ed er ang pen een page Ros Orig GIBBONS ST. BAPTIST HARMONY ROAD i ee ee Master more than a year beforelHim into the garden of Gethse- preacher was trusting him, 'This $50 Gibbon Sivest | BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL |; 11:00 A.M. i | 195 Hermony Re, South | Pastor Wm, Lewis | how gine walking by the SeajSWORN TO SECRECY save when He raises Jairus' daughter with Moses and Blijah, but are sworn Gethsemane.--Mark 14:32-42, Rev, N. T. Holmes, B.A, 8.0, them, "ae . "Follow me, andiously, Apparently He answers follow Him. \Jesus had an absolute trust and) hen they got backstage with) -- Le SUNDAY SERVICES ¥ 11:00 A.M: ohn the Baptist gavelmane, bidding them to wait and) By R, BARCLAY WARREN jgroes and Puerto Ricans, and/ was something new for him, He} Morning Worship witness to Jesus as the Son of|watch while He prays (Mark) Nicky . agg. (especially it means gang mem-'changed his mind and led the! : 11:00 A.M, God (John 1:95-42), 14:92:42), He is greatly dis-iit9 a beatae Air oe bers, Do you know that when poys on to the stage with the] 9:45 AM.--Sundey Schoo! DIVINE WORSHIP One assumes that they hadlturbed and iit at ense for Helin New York City, He was the|they crucified Jesus they crucl| offering, 11:00 AM. ond: 7:00 PM, told James and John of thisialone, knows that His hour has! voungest of a family that lived fied gang members, too? One) mat evening in the service! SERVICES | I. experience so they, too, wereicome, .. in one room, He spent most of/on each side of Him . "-- Inicky realized that he could be! . : 9:45 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL ready oe Christ when He! Ignorant of their own human his time on the streets, He loved After the preaching the speak-qifrerent, He prayed and Jesus) SPECIAL MEETINGS Al rt St U it Ch h ee roa and Gant ethers jpeanaeyee, secure ra eg to fight and had been in jail 12 ge Benes Tove ie naaicame into his heart, He receiv:' February 9-21 (except Saturdays) 11:00 A.M be reet nl ed urc ' siconfident in a valiant fa atitimes, On one occasion when Nicky was ry, NO } stroy: 8 ; comprise the twelve mentioned! axists only in their imaginas two people were killed in a eyer told him that, He said, te eaten tee went er ae Words from the Cross: (Albert St, end Olive Ave.) in Mark 3:16:19, who went uDlijons. the idsciples fall asleep, fight, fortanately for him, he "You come near me, preacher! morning he and. five others of] Seteists bas, Harvey 4 (1) 'Father forgive them!' || REV, ALBERT E, LARKE, Minister MI A Hearty Weleome To All into the hills with Jesus to learnicg it was that, when Judas ar hadn't to go FLL kill you," | i ' s : Judas ar uched the knife and so ill you, the gang went to the police! R Organist-Choirleader; Mrs, C, A. NAYLO A.T.C.Mo RMT. poser an age being sent! rived with the soldiors, Jesusjescaped, Later the preacher with the aon ad asked the sells to! ALL AR EL COME rm, preacn. was, for all practical purposes,| 'This day the group saw a man help of others hired an arena! autograph their Bibles, _------ 11:00 A.M DEEPER SYMPATHY vo . i standing on a chair and read-jand invited the genes. Buses! myo minister, Rev, David Wil: : a iss, We ft eter, James and) The Acts of the Apostles is aling from a, book, "For God so were provided so that the £aNBS |, ops ve up his pastor John Holl n Lake 8:40-8, continuation of the Gospel, ac-/loved the world that. He gave could got through the areas of Pullpemucg, Yeah evertiggdr! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH PUBLIC WORSHIP when Jesus is called upon py cording to Luke by the same/His only begotten Son, that who-other gangs in. safety, NICKY'S) samed a Teen Cahilenge Centre | Jairus to heat his dying daugh: author, Its vivid Dehn moe believeth in Him should gang arrived at the Hey meets | HORTOP AT GLENWOOD The Minister will Preach ter, Why these three? Perhaps the chief source of our know! not perish, but have everlasting ing, It was rough and noisy F Little children cared for in the nursery, \ 'iv Chris itv wg : nant! , . sh LISTEN TO s REV, N, FRANK SWACKHAMMER, B.A,, edge of early Christianity andilife', (Jn, 9:16), The preacher) Instead of having the usual ush:) THE FAMILY BIBLE MISS JUDITH DAVISON, Boe, Mus: Sundoy School sessions et 9:45 and 10:48 A.M, "HOUR | = llSESSSppSpSpEpEHh™™_ESSSSSSSES--E be Fal Bago gdm d the persecution suffered by the said." 'Whosoever' means Ne-iers, the preacher called for six ity to His touch and command, early church, ------ ooo ee : ro ' more profound understanding THROWN INTO PRISON trig» off Simone & Miniter: Rev, W. A. MaMillen GAY 11:00 AM er gar er MA, | CENTRE STREE l 3 motives, or perhaps they In Acts 4:18 we find Peter ' §:30 to-6:0 fitor e aptist Publications Corner King and Centre Si Se 0 P.M, could be trusted to remain hn seized whil reach: KLB -- DIA ' " " allent concerning these miracles -- Ny es eee ana trewa =" FIRST FREE METHODIST CHURCH sos wheeled 7:00 P.M.--"KNOWING AND KNOWN REV, ARTHUR W, MAGEE MINISTER until after our Lord's resurrec- : oe -- : tion, Iwigh at, eye -- Nursery ond Jr, Church ot 11:00 AM, Mr, R. K. Kellington, Organist-Choirmaster Whatever Christ's reasons, he/tiant detense of their actions 10:00 A.MeSUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL HEBRON end ZION Conterence for Teachers ond Leaders ot 3:30 11:00 A.M permitted only these three ofjand faith in Christ, Finding AGES Grater & tors -- His disciples to accompany Himijittle te punish the Apostles urehes 0 awe H Topic--"THIS 1S WHAT THE into the room where the deadifor, the high piest reprimands : 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP One block north of highway 2 on girl lay, and to witness His/them and releases them Tiekaon Re end you ee the ff | CHURCH DOING" Kower to save even to the ut! Herod (grandson of the Herod 7:00 P.M.--THE FAMILY GOSPEL ae dasaiee ALVARY APTIST | ; URCH IS DOING termost. who reigned at. the time of HOUR very Sunday, BIS pm, CRUD canta' oie jenn Knualt 10:00 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL The Transfiguration of our) Christ e bien) ey agit A Warm Welcome Awaits You SUNDAY, FEB. 9th Affiliated with the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches say Prev eV ERYONE. Greccomt. page's in Caneda > Auistant Pastor: Rey, Ernest Winter Plenty of Parking at Centre St. Church All are Welcome Lord, as recorded in Matthew) prophecy (Mark 10:39) by selz- 1143 (also in Mark 9:2-13|ing James and slaying him) m! 10:00 A.M, and Luke place}(Acts 163) | ------any | REV, JOHN VANHARMELEN ), ---- during the third year of Christ's) Following James' martyrdom, lic ministry, Ipeter is once more 'cast into] ROSSLAND 7:00 P.M. _ ' Ki s HW 2 d i this, leston we will not/prison and beaten, but his par: ROAD FREE METHODIST CHURCH REV. JOHN VANHARDAELEN. | * % . Hg a. nite hurch dwell on the Transfiguation|ticular imprisonment is termi: | 1042 Rossland Rd, W. Pastor, Kenneth E, Goodberry, B.5.8.D, ' : a itself, but upon the presence nated by angelic intervention, East of Garrard 723-7760 a . vig © « hej «Rut 129 KING STREET EAST there of the innermost three.jand Peter is preserved for ee i SS ik 1 S&S ec 8 e ve BL AA mL RARE ay inh Minister ves ee " 4 , yd iiems noir Direct . = - 4 - 1 ~ They watehed as Christ became;many years of service before -- Taccdlgured before them and his own martyrdom takes place,| 9:45 A.MewSUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES UNITED -------- 11:00 A.M--MORNING WORSHIP SPIRITUALIST | From the 7:00 P.M.---EVENING WORSHIP CHURCH OF ONTARIO | and Organist Youth Department Boby Creche, Nursery 9:45 AM--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES nt a 0 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP 11,00 AM, M ON ASTERY TO CHRIST ] 6:30 PAM--THURSDAY CYC--6~ 14 YEARS ---- MR, SILAS FOX--MISSIONARY--INDIA--BOTH SERVICES i] "EARTHENWARE JAR" 8:00 PM--THURSDAY--PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY ee i a | 8:00 P.M.--FRIDAY--FREE METHODIST YOUTH SUNDAY FEB, 9th 7:00 P.M--EVENING GOSPEL. SERVICE | V1 Cor, 4c 1-14 Hear REV. G. ADAMS i --BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO--- Installation of members of Committee ot Stewards A CONVERTED PRIEST = SESS -- th 30 es Wednesday, 7:45 P.M.--BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER Solo: Se a lealing rvice \ ; e SAT, 8:00 P.M.--PRAYER MEETING Anthem: 'God Is Love" (Shelley) fromm Sroutvitle, Onterte BYNG AVE. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH followed nee" rege Circle : Soloist: Me Albert Vass : : iM, Senior Confirmation. Cless eat 7:00 p.m. in Church Portor TOMORROW Ree. 728-2426 REV, @. A. CARROLL, vicgons o 728-293) Cleirveyence Service EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 9:50 p.m, Friendly Chat over CKLB ' Senna Frienda = Enquirere ~ welcome Corner of Evangeline and Phillip Murray ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY SPECIAL SUNDAY Call ~ Mra Conroy, 728-7668 9:45 AM.--BIBLE SCHOOL : CHURCH 12:00 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP od -------- at the 2:45 p.m.--Special Af Singi 500 P.M.--EVEN! \ RITSON ROAD PENTECOSTAL CHURCH ae wit atin ton tor sven NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH 220 Ritson Road South Featuring Peterborough Bible College Radio Choir @:48 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL SOLO'S, DUETS, TRIO'S, QUARTETTE'S ---_---- -- (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST, AND ROSSLAND RD.) 11:00 A.M.---MORNING WORSHIP ALL CHURCHES ARE WELCOME CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURC MINISTER = REV, H. A, MELLOW B.A, é ORGANIST -- MR, J. R, ROBERTSON A.R.C.T. ; y 7:00 P.M.--Radio Choir of Eastern Pentecostal 7:00 PLM.--BVANGELISTIC SERVICE Bible College cstad DEACONESS---MISS SHIRLEY M. MeKEE Rev. Adoms will apeak at both services. MARY AND HILLCROFT STREETS Specie! music by the Wallace Family SPEAKER -- FRED DAY RECTOR: THE a ae CLEVERDON = ee CHURCH SCHOOL Superintendent--R. Pierce ev, J, DB. Osborne 9.30 A.M.---Intermed a ---- 10 A.M.--Sunday Schoo! \ TO SERVE GOD! ttt dn Ss at anne wt ee 8:00 A.M--HOLY COMMUNION ae 0, 11 years) Primary (6, 7, 8 yeera), 11:00 A.\M.--Praise and Worship Service : Th Baha'i ¥¥ orld Faith e xt : FEBRUARY Sth 9:30 AM, & 11:00 A.M.--CHURCH SCHOOLS | 11:00 A.M. e A Church where God tt present and everyone ls welcome 11:00 A.Me=MORNING PRAYER TOPIC:--"HOW BIG IS YOUR GOD" : ---- = a 10:18 AM.--OPEN AIR - Sermon----The Rector i f Baha U llah is that ipa a oa SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Among the teachings of Baha U Tey Gare et 81:08 ore: Serv Admission of Elders end installation of Stewards, religion must be in conformity with science |) SIMC N 7:00 PM--CONFIRMATION SERVICE and eaenn so that it may influence the hearts SMG?h PE TECOSTAL CHURCH 11300 A.M The Right Rev, H.R, Hunt, MA; 0.0 Boby Sitter Service i dati be solid and |}. 245 Simcoe St. S. Poster: REV, R, A. BOMBAY HOLINESS MEETING ---- 6:30 P.M.--Church Membership Closs in the Board Reom of men, The foundation must solid an » REY, mg adh ag alg i must not consist of imitations. : ] 9:50 P.M.--Friendly Chat over CKLB--Rev, W. Herbert SUNDAY, FEBRUARY' 2.00 P.M T. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH oe For turther intermation write, SUNDAY SCHOOL --_--_lllSSESaSSSSSaSaBaE=SESSSSE=|=_=__ BAGOT AND CENTRE STS. HAWA BAHA'I COMMUNITY 11.00 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP ae te ale . Os 6:15 P.M.--OPEN AIR he Reverend Re brosks Ment SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH SECRETARY, 29 GLADSTONE Ph. 725-7578 Denror's Sudbject---!"Man Whe Met God" C SIMCOE SOUTH UNDAY, FEBRUARY 9th --QUINQUAGESIMA 10, 12 years) Primery (6, 7, 8 yeore), The Church in the heart of the city with the World its heart. 7:00 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC MEETING 9:00 A.M--HOLY COMMUNION Mnuttia RSV. Some MOMAT Tak. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 7:00 P.M 11:00 A.M.----MORNING PRAYER--Instatlation of Church Officers Director of Music: Mr. R. 6. Geen, LT.C.M, CHOIR AND SPECIAL NUMBERS SALVATION MEETING 7:00 P.M.--CONGRESS FILM--"'The Rebirth of @ Church" i : FIRST CHURCH --- €4 COLBORNE $7, BAST Nursery Facilities eveilable ot the 11:00 e.m, Service Branch of Tre Mather Church Tre Fiat Church ef Crrat Scientat 0 ae » Sch : | Wedraidey, Feb 12th--Ash W : 17:00 AM, planer 10:00, A.M.--Sunday School ond Bible Gnas TUESDAY 2.00 Amy Canmanan (Smee Ores 'eo "UNASHAMED CHRISTIANS" a Ty 7:30 Youtt v =U 2 AM 5 . . SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 AM, ats. 7390 Youn Manting oe ee 2S P Mccirediecnan of Shady for, Lont-- The Minister will preach "< Pp | R | : Wed. 7:30 Bible Study ond Prover "Wace The Congress Report"--Rector Secroment be age Baptism ' , > Bhs ; Soloist; Mra, E. K. Campbell ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND aan ws Thursday, February 13th--Holy Communion --10:00 A.M, ft) is BM Chueh Narberdue Clow in tea chanel Wad. Service (includes Testimonies) 8 P.M M--Joint Service in St. ns | Andrew's Chapel Reeding ag ee sig 00 P.M SSS AT THE ARMY" THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY OR. magi Sedo htons PREACH Listen te: The Bible Specks To You ' i Corner Court & Borrie 9:48 A.M.--Young Adult Bible Closs CKLB 9 A.M. Every Sundey xine st. PEN TECOSTAL cxurce REV, L. M. WARE vem Junior, Intermediate, Senior 611 KING ST. W. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9th--QUINQUAGESIMA 11:00 A\M.--Boby care, Nursery, Kindergerten Primery Office 728-537) E. Howord Kerr, Poster SERVICES: 9:00 A.M; 11:00 A.M; 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Chureh Schoo! 12:00 A.M. 7:30_P.M.--Firat Lenten Service in the Chapel a cans THE PRESBYTERIAN -- IN CANADA St. Andrew's United Church THIRTY VOICE RADIO CHOIR KNOX ST. LUKE'S ST. PAUL'S SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STRERTS MINISTER: REV, JOHN R. LENG, M.C., B.A, 8.0, B.D. SIMCOE ST. NORTH Roasiend Re, W. at Nipigon KING ST, E. & WILSON . Poctiggy | Sunday School 9:45 AM, . hid, Galea ee ood ee aan ay Ren DAP Alun MA. TED Orgonist end Choirmaster; MR, KELVIN JAMES A.T.C.M. Naininter Rev, G W. C. Brett, BA. REV, BR. SINCLAIR, BA. ak : 11:00 A.M, SPECIAL PROGRAM OF MUSIC --- GUEST SPEAKER |] "* Sear Ave FEE | ce ness Dek ~~ SS ee 11:00 A.M ce 0 Orgeniat and Croirmaster "REVIVALS IN THE BIBLE, |." we_Manines etsy ALCA Serra MORNING WORSHIP 9:30 AM. . Saal ; THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM 7:00 P.M. 7:00 PM. SADA mee Ours Shae ag Se . SUNDAY SCHOOL Preocher--Rev, John Wilson, M.A., B.D. Adult Bike Clase * + ae CHRISTIANITY'S CRIME. GREAT EVANGELISTIC RALLY rye 11:00 AM Boby Care Provided 11300 A.M, "WHAT THE SCRIPTURES VISITATION DAY 7:00 P.M Wednesdey, 8:00 arm. Midweek Fetlowsivip SPECIAL MUSICAL TALENT Topie: "ISAAC" PRINCIPALLY TEACH Tent : : .M.--COMBINED EVENING WORSHIP . : naapoangesc IN ST, ANDREW'S CHAPEL | Coming! The Store ge . see Rrenany "ia Evengeliats Pestor's Message -- "The Finding of Lost Treasure" 00 P.M 7:00 P.M.--Young Peoples Rare wee HONS The Minister Will Preach ed. 27 trough March Topic: "THE FOUR HORSEMEN' ) at 7:00 P.M ' ae 7 ; . COMMUNICANTS CLASS YOUNG PEOPLE'S 9:50 A.M.--Senior, tntermemete ond Junior Sunday School ALL WELCOME A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU Come end werkip with ut AR Cordietty Invites. Wed, 7.30: pm. Migheweek Meeting 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Beginners ond Primery Sunday Schoo 9:45 A.M, -- SUNDAY SCHOOL