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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Feb 1964, p. 3

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More than 80 competitors, representing four clubs in this 'section of the province took part In 68 events whon an Inter - Club Figure Skating Competition was held Sunday at the Oshawa. Children's Arena, Seen here are the con- testants who represented the Oshawa Figure Skating Club. INTER-CLUB SKATING COMPETITION HELD Front, from 'eft, are; Debbie Norris, Alex Pankiw, Standing are Sharon McMahon, Judy Kewin, Lana Leach, Kathryn Jones and Janice Tomalak. Th competitor, was absent when the picture was taken. --Oshawa Times Photo eee CAPSULE NEWS Meet In MONTREAL (CP)--A federal- provincial conference of labor ministers will be held in Ottaw: March 9-10, Labor Ministe: Maceachen announced Sunday. The last conference of provin- cial labor ministers with the federal labor minister was held just after the Second World We 'ar, Mr, MacEachen said the two- day conference will examine la- bor standards, apprenticeship training, manpower utilization) and labor-management co-oper-; ticipate, Although he gave no details, it was understood that the issue of national labor standards will be a major topic. Mr. MacEachen has already) indicated he plans to introduce) . Jegisiation in the session of Par- Mament starting Feb, 18 to deal di with jebor standards -- a na- tional minimum wage, & nor. mal working week, vacations) » with pay and statutory holi- days. CANCEL JAMBOREE wik be no national Boy Scout Labor Ministers ation, He said all provincial minis-| ters of labor have agreed to par-| jthe street Monday to escape wovernment to assume control ' of all British commercial enter- 4 EDMONTON (CP) -- There/prises take over last month. .y. eigmbence ln Conada. ln 1005 be. = of an increase in provin- is held every four years, The Lack of time for preparation not holding a jamboree in 1965. BOY DIES BASTIA, Corsica (AP)--Ber- ties have useless. BIRD CAUSES DAMAGE spokesman at --80,000 ($240, 000). The airline spokesman said the engine had to be changed. The plane later took and correspondence i oft for Johannesburg, South Af rica aaa a a - Wins Legion Speech Test BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A ' id-year-old Map'e Grove boy is back on the trail today, hunt ing for an Ontario speaking award asi Speaking Contest, junior high tration class ished third, sented Knox Christian Sctioo! schools: Senior elementary mary Merkley, Central, third Street School, third. tte dates have been eset. nard Ferran, 16, _ said to have been cured leukemia} by Gaston Naessens' serum, | WILL RETURN PROPERTY died Sunday in Prunete, near A ( here, Naessens, self-taught bi- pep ge esa Park has | , Ologist whse serum had at: yaa Rhee personel 'prop [Provincial Riding Association! 'The national meeting is being|105th birthday Sunday, and re- tracted a score of parents of{Syngman Rhee's personal prop-|ang organter_ of the banquet jpeid at the Royal York Hotel,| Jeukemia-stricken children, last/erty, now in. government cus-| 14 dance; Mrs. Godfrey Schil-|Fep. 10 to 14, week was charged with illegal/tody, be returned to him, a practice of medicine and phar-|Spokesman said Monday. The macy, French health authori- ne agua od gen , student-led revolt in caliet Be Arete April 1960, and now is in a John McGuirk, who went to) He represented Bowmanville High School, as did John Budel, of Bowmanville, who fin- Nellie Kundermaan of Maple Grove came second, She repre-| Other group winners and their) Patsy Blake, Vincent Massey,/ first; Mary Bradicey, Hampton Public School, second; Rose- nis Kowal, Vincent Massey, sec- ond; Helen Avery, Ontario March DANCER FOUND DEAD NEW YORK (AP)--A 'dancer who failed to show up Sunday or a rehearsal on television's Telephone Hour was found dead in his midtown apartment,| bound hand and foot and ap- parently stabbeq and beaten, Police said the body of Charles Basile, 33, was found bound with his own neckties and clad} only in a sport shirt, HOTEL FIRE IN ROME ROME (AP)--An early morn- ing fire in the Hotel Alexandra in Rome's fashionable Via Ve- neto sent guests hurrying into clouds of smoke. Firemen put out the blaze in half an hour. No one was injured and dam- age was slight. OPPOSE TAKEOVERS JAKARTA (Reuters)--The In- donesian Nationalist party has ordered its labor unions not to make an attempt to take over foreign oil companies in Indo- nesia, The party, in a resolution adopted Sunday night, urged the which unions tried to PERON MAY RETURN its 'phenomenal growth" by| Nicholson, Saturday. city in 13 years and as he ap- proached by plane, Saturday afternoon, he could hardly date in Ontario Riding; Sam Ontario provincial riding; Lioyd Summerville, president, Ontario) Jones, Mrs. Anne Davidson, or- ganizing Women's Federal Liberal Asso- ciation; George Drynan, QC. Terrence Kelly, Oshawa pro-| vincial riding association; Frank) MADRID (AP) -- Juan D. cided Friday by executive! Peron, deposed president of Ar- thdee " members of the National Coun-|gentina, was reported Monday or ; Fee Ome fee cil of Boy Scouts in Canada.|planning to go back to his home-|wright, president, Ontario Normally, a nationel jamboree/land this year, The Spanish|young' Liberal | Association; news agency Pyesa quoted of 'the Peronist popular Union Minister Is Surprised By City Growth Oshawa was congratulated on Postmaster General Jack He said he had not seen the recognize Oshawa. Mr, Nicholson, member of | jparliament for Vancouver Centre, was in the city to ad- dress the First Annual Liberal dinner and dance. Some 300 party members and guests at- tended the event. He was introduced by Ontario Liberal Association President) Robert F. Nixon, Head table guests introduced at the dinner were: Gordon Edick, executive secretary, On- tario Liberal association; Nor- man Cafik, last federal candi- Hollingsworth, last candidate in Riding Young Liberals Associa- tion; Ralph and Mrs. Frances chairman, Ontario Godley, secretary, Ontario pro- vincial riding association; Eric RESIGNS CHARGE Rey, Dr. John Leng, minis- Andrew's United Church since September 1961, will accept a new position in Toronto offered him by the Council of the United Church tendered his resignation Sun- day, will leave St. Andrew's Church April 30 to become the executive co-ordinator of the division of Congregational County Hog Producers Review Year The annual meeting of the On- tario County Hog Producers' As-' sociation was held in the Legion Hall, Uxbridge, Tuesday, Feb. 4. Clare Curtin, zone director, stated that hog production i Ontario County showed a slight increase of 1.5 per cent over 1962, and that quality had also increased. He congratulated the Ontario pony Hog Producers on their very fine hog improve- of program carried out in 1 Ben Steers, chairman of the Provincial Hog Producers' Mar- keting Board, outlined some of the work carried out by the marketing board during the year, I stated that many peo- ple from other countries visited the Toron:, office of the hog producers to see for themselves the teletype method of selling gs. The election of committeemen, held under the direction of agri- cultural representative, Lynn Fair, resulted as° follows: Gor- jon Taber, Brooklin; Anson Ger- ruw, Port Perry, RR 3; George Davidson, Blackwater, RR °; 'Lloyd Wilson, Ashburn, RR 1; The swearing in of the new officers of Le Club Canadien d'Oshawa (French Canadian Club of Os ha wa) was held at St. Mary's of the FRENCH CANADIAN CLUB EXECUTIVE IS SWORN IN People Church, Stevenson north, Sunday afternoon. Shown left to right, are M. J. vice-president; L. 0. Quenneville, president; A. F. Nadeau, past president; A, F. Lavergne, treasurer; back row are L. D, Bergeron, secretary; directors, J, H. Dallaire, H. M. Gingras, J. P. Couture, A. Clarence Hewitt, Beaverton, RR $; Vyse Westcott, Beaverton, RR 3 and George Gowanlock, Orillia, RR 6. The winners were announced for the Ontario County Hog Qual- ity Competition as follows: Championship Trophy for the year.-- won by Maustyn Me- dian Imperial Bank of Com- Other prize winners were -- Douglas Harder, Blackwater with 85.27 per cent Grade "A", and George Davidson, Black- water, with 75.3 per cent Grade "A", The election of officers and ai- rectors resulted as follows: Hon- orary president, Clarence Hew- itt, Beaverton, RR 3; president, Gordon Taber, Brooklin, RR 1; first vice-president, Lloyd Wil- son,. Ashburn, RR 1; second vice-president, George. David- son, Blackwater, RR 2; secre- tary-treasurer, Charles Hadden, Blackwater; executive directors, Anson Gerrow, Port Perry, RR $; Heber Down, Brooklin, RR 1; Earl Windatt, Beaverton, RR 3. Directors -- Alvin Johnson, 'Clarke To Stuy |Dyplicate Bridge Club Results The winners and high scores)128; Mrs. W, Hunter and R. in the games played last week Niglis, 127%; T. Birze and J. by the members of the Osh-|Coles, 118; Mrs. K. Marden and awa, Fernhill, General Motors,|Dr. Ferrier, 112%. Oshawa 'Golf Club and Brook-| East and West -- Mr. and lin Duplicate. Bridge Clubs|Mrs. W. Baker, 145; D. McCualg Intersections serene -- At the Clarke Town- highest percentage of Grade|ship council meeting road su- ye Roan sbatketed during the perintendent M, Ross gave a re- port to grew outlining present ight, Uxbridge, RR 2, with work and .o1..2 proposals for the Daal ner cent Rada "a" 'Phe|future. In his report he stated championshi; trophy was a si: that the FWD truck was now ver tray, donated by the Cana- ready for snow plowing also that the half ton truck had been merce, Port Perry. overhaulec. The report also noted that there were 190 miles of road for snow plowing and this did not OSHAWA CLUB Mrs, M. R. Clarke and G.|dyke, 124; Mrs. M. Dowdle and Adams, 69; Mrs. E. Wadsworth|Mrs. J. Wild, 123. end Mrs. R. Morris, 6744; Mrs. R., Drew and J. Miller, 67; Mrs. GENERAL MOTORS . Neil and Mrs, S. Sheridan,) North and South'-- W. Cox $2; W. Cox and Mrs, J. Tim-jand J. Wild, 120%; Mrs. S. C. Nelson and R.|Sheridan and J. Patterson, 115; other built-up areas in the town- ship. A revision was also made|* in the sanding operation. ° The superintendent suggested corners be installed. He pointed out that poor vision existed at this corner. A motion was pass- ed that the superintendent make a study of intersections in the township in connection with stop lly|Mrs, E. Stewart and K. Mar- ht.|den, 92; J, Coles and J. Miller, The club at its next will hold a masterpoint On Tuesday, Feb. 18, this clubjg7\. will hold its annual Open Pairs} East and West -- Mr. and Championship for the Marg.|Mrs. G. Jackson, 10244; Mr. and Clarke Trophy: Materpoints will|/Mrs. R. Davis, 99%; : be awarded for this event. AlljNormoyle and A. Niel, 984%; bridge players are invited. FERNHILL CLUB North and South -- C. Nelson ' and P. Versiluis, 1; Mrs. E.lpavseagat tit pan Wadsworth and Mrs. W. Heron, " tardy He asked council's ideas on road surfacing and d that roads be prepared initially for surfacing in a manner to give equal service to everyone and J, Drummond, 128; K, Mar- den and B, Eagleson, 127; Mrs. A. Silgailes and Mrs. H. Thorn C. Nelson and P. Verslius, 102; Mrs, C. Nelson and J. Buchanan, 96; Mrs. M. Dowdle and Mrs. J. Wild, 92%. Orillia, RR 6; Grant Windatt, Oshawa Man Ati. Sioa" Insurance Rally": port ery, fin Toronto, a CELEBRATING t he 57t i tending te Sa enetal mente! BIRTHDAYS ciation of Canada. Judith Drynan, newly elected last one was in Ottawa in 1961,/Carlos Atili' Bramuglia, chief) publicity chairman, Ontario Rid- aiso was cited as a reason forjparty in Argentina, as Bored hag Aeeonge an mr gy e Peron would return to thatitario Riding Federal Associa- country "in the course of 1964") tion; Mrs, William Lawson, jwhether or not circumstances Jeal life, SEOUL (AP)--South Korean Honolulu hospital. REMOVE POLYP SANTA MONICA, Calif, (AP) Comedian Jack Benny ander- went one-hour surgery in St John's Hospital Sunday for re- which is receiving all donations,| said the total reached $979,215) tent during the weekend, T o,./after the dinner. They were: ib i ag \Mrs, Ivor Jones; Mrs. Helen killed Frazer; Tom Farquarson; Len Hughes; John A, MacDonald; Mrs, Jane Hollingsworth; Ray Smith; Dr, Claude Vipond; Allan 000,000 library will house the assassinated president's papers ; A Vernon Singer, QC, MPP, jfavored his re-entry into politi-| nowsview; Mrs Bool Sing- jer; Robert Temple, QC, MP,/ |Hastings; Alderman and Mrs.| 'Hayward Murdoch, Acting ling; Robert Nixon, MPP, iBrant, president, Ontario Lib-|Canada Life eral Association; Mrs, Robert) pany in Oshawa and Port Perry,|in 1865. \Nixon; Russell Honey, QC,)-- "= ---- MPP, Durham; Mrs, Russell Honey; Andrew Thompson, : DONATIONS NEAR $1,000,000 |MPP, Dovercourt; Mrs. Andrew} NAIROBI, Kenya (Reuters)--| pospon (AP) --Nearly $1.| Several members of the Joint jAction Committee and promi. guests were introduced By THE CANADIAN PRESS were Beer; Elmo Dunn A veteran Liberal, 93 yeat-old Pred O. Kirby of Oshawa also took a bow, moval of a large, benign polyp at the back of his nasal pas- sage, His surgeon, Dr. Richard) T. Barton, said afterward that Benny's condition was - good 70 next Friday ASK PAY INCREASE CNR Freight Train Derailed, Line Up to 400 yards of track. _ lroute LONDON (AP) -- The men | CNR officials said the cause/definite date in the of the derailment was not/'ure. Junior elementary: Rick vicewuet waar kere a Morrison, Lord Elgin, first; Den-|" Officials said the east-bound jline would be clear for traffic FUEL OIL ? The veteran entertainer will "| To England Dr. Charles H. Jackson, for- who make Britain's money want|mer psychologist at the Oshawa the provincial finals last year jmore money igh oooey | it. En-/Mental Health Clinic, is return- a year,|pravers at the Royal Mint areling to England and child guid- NTARIO DE. took the first step back Satur-|ceeking increases of up to £0! THE ONTARIO DEAD day in winning Branch 178 S|a week, They have been offered (Bowmanville) Legion Public/gs. The claim will go to arbi- Dr. Jan Verhuist, psychiatrist/nis wife Lillian Susan, 19, in a and clinic director, were "term-|cartrain collision at Coldwater,|Toronto, when hit by @ car in -- inated" at a special Oshawa Board of Health meeting Jan. 2 when fire destroyed her ance work. of this year that Dr. Jackson would give a "near fu- Mr, Godley is representing the) wishes to the following resi- or dents of Oshawa and district which he is currently the first mice -- ~ Life] Patricia Marie Monteith, |Underwriters Association is one) Harwood Ave., Ajax,; Mrs of 77 such groups of life insur) Keith Shackelton Ty High ance salesmen across Canada| ct Bowmanville. and Irene devoted to training and educat-| a) jing life underwriters and in rais- po miag woute" 167 Hillcrest ing their professional status. : , Life Underwriters Gamebridge; Les Faux, Black- water; Maustyn McKnight, Ux- Oshawa, RR 1; Don Hadden, Congratulations and best Phone 723-3474 The Life Underwriters Asso- some} 120 of which! 105TH BIRTHDAY [Magee of Oshawa; Godfreyjare members of the local asso-| NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (AP) Schilling, president, Ontario) iation, Accidents Kill 39 During Weekend A bird flew int i A lelegram of greeting to the i lew into a et @NgiNe | 999,000 has bee i jgathering was received from of a BOAC comet IV airliner) ino pel olga eo nl Prime Minister Hon, Lester B just as the plane started to take/yromorial Library here. The/Pearson . Off trom here with 64 passeM- Merchants National Bank,| gers Sunday, causing damage . estimated by ANR airline weekend including 33 traffic fa- Canadian Press fron 6 p.m, Friday to midnight Sun- Ontario led the list with 19] fatalities, There were 15 traffic deaths, including six persons in head-on collision 15 miles Fires ford. claimed three lives and a youth shot himself accidentally bec recorded nine deaths--eight in traffic accidents and one fire The survey does not include) natural deaths, industrial acci- dents or known suicides. 'Will Return : Que- The services of both him and) pavid Keith Brown, 20, and rnia, front of his home. Stephen Gray, 9, Stouffville, stryck down near his home by a ree injured) two other y Mrs. Ann Rsan, 47, home. | Robert Frederick Procto:, 21, Minutes of the Nov, 14, 1963, Goderich, when his car left the board meeting show that--Dr./nighway and struck a tree Jackson expressed his intention STRATHROY (CP) -- Fifteen|to resign but gave no definite arthur rooming-house fire cars of a CNR freight train date were derailed Sunday in the, The board was advised the centre of this town 30 mijesiresignation would be effective prother Do *lwest of London, ripping up 900) "on or about Dec. 31°" (1963) and Kalle Mustakallio in a Port nald, 22; Donats| HEATING & |Miss Mary Rice observed her called that as a young girl jshe had witnessed celebrations wife, Ann, 18; Robert Best, 31; a truck near Sudbury. 140th Donation Given At Clinic net McLaughlin, D. Kisel, N. G. OSHAWA GOLF CLUB North and South -- Mr, and 17th Donation, Jas. Bertrand,|Mrs. E. F. Bastedo, 8514; R. File' |Stroud and R. Garrett, 68; Mr _| ©, A, Treadwell, who gave his 140th donation was the top donor at the February clinic held by the Oshawa Branch of the Ca- nadian Red Cross Society last Thursday in St. Gregory's Au- David J. Cox, T. J. DeMille, Stanley Weeks, Ernest Liddie,|@"4 Mrs. P. Chubb, 6744; Mr. A. Stone, Robt.|@2d Mrs. F. Turney, 61. Mitchell, Mrs, M. Wright, Lewis|_East and West -- Mrs. _ W Robt,|Karn and Mrs. H. Bull, 17%; Mrs. C. A. Treadwell, who gave her 52nd donation was in second place. Other donors, who given many donations W. Rusnell, 4ist; Thomas 37th; P. W. Kennedy and C. F. Dolley, 36th; Eric Jacklin, 35th; H. A. Davis, 32nd; 0. E, Scott and P, Whalley, 3ist; Hiltz, H. V. Laxton and S, Skir-/ Art Meredith, J. Severs, H. B. Trew, Thos. Barry, A. Kutts- chrutter, Harry Guythers, Jon Procher, J. J, Russell. 14th Donation, Allan Heath, Mrs, Janet E. Stevenson, H. Graham, Dale Thompson, Wessell Wub- bolt, Jas, O'Malley, D. Glover, 26th Donation, Jas. 25th Donation, W. O, Hart, M. Montgomery; 24th Donation, M. Cardinal, D. Fear, H. J. Hew- ett; 22nd Donation, Hugh Gorin; the soldiers returned Com-|home from the U.S. Civil War 13th Donation, John Oegema, Jack Brown, Glyn Morgan; 20th Donation, Lyle Wilson, Thos. Brown, Mrs, G. Pearse; Donation, Wm. Bryan, F, Hen- derson, M. Karpiak, M. Mcal- lister, A. N, Knight, Mrs. Made- line Gates; 18th Donation, Gar- CITY AND DISTRICT MATTRESS BLAZE A mattress fire in an empty room at the Queen's Hotel Sat- urday night caused about $501 damage to the room and $75 to the contents. A water pump was Jack Bent, Hugh Smith. 12th Donation, C. A. Barnes, Fred Bull; A. Dowdle, Mike wik Fairhart, G. Fish, T, S. Holder, : ; T. W. Lawler, Frank Sheppard,|__5th Donation, K. Kelly, Mrs. B, J. Warrington, Elton Johnston, Milgate, K. Harrison, G. Besse, W. M. Lambourne, L. McMur- try, P. Northey, J. David Von- George Fairhart, A. Mrs. Roy Beirnes, 22, all of Canada during the|Strathry, and John William Klumpp, 25, London, in two-car collision on Highway 8 1,15 miles by|northwest of London. Archie Carl Scutowitch, 23, uN-| Highgate, when his car left the five! road. deaths by fires and one shooting) WwW. R. George Paquette, 35, Naugh- ton, when his car collided with) F. Dittmar, Mrs. Marie Gulenchyn, C, Halli- day, Ralph Jewell, A, Malo, L. Sargeant, Miss I. Sawdon, H. Smits, David Smith, J. Wenzel, Mrs. H. S. Myers, Fred Boy- Frances Wilson, 23, london, in a car-truck collision at Brant- -- AMBULANCE CALLS Oshawa Fire Fighers answer- John Currie, 67, Dobbinton of Owen Sound onto Joseph Laramee,6 5, Toronto, jof burns received in an apart- ment fire, sters. den, J. Prescott, R, DeBeaupre ed a total of eight routine am- . Losier, Hendrik Schrievink, bulance calls over the week end. when struck by a car in this community, 16 miles southwest) BROOKLIN CLUB Mrs. R. Barrand and Mrs, R. D. LaVallee, P, M. Gagnon, Not shown are directors J. A. Dorval Garde, J. G. Cloutier, J. R. Mantha, --Oshawa Times Photo NAMED CO-ORDINATOR It was announced jointly this morning by Michael Starr, MP, Dr, Mathew B. Dymond, MLA, and Albert Walker, MLA, that Robert Ni-« col has been appointed mem- bership drive co-ordinator for the federal riding of Ontario " and the provincial ridings of Ontario and Oshawa. Mr. Nicol * is known in the area for hav- ing conducted the election Morris, 74%; J. Coles and R. Mrs. Lambe, 67%; Mrs, R. Drew and Mrs. Sheridan, 66; Mr. and Mrs, Glover, 6514; Mrs. J. R. Walker and Mrs, J campaigns for Mr, Starr and , Niglis, 68; Mrs. Waddell and) Mr. Walker. Mr. Nicol will be working in'conjunction with -- all the execur . = V. Heron and C. Nelson, "ve : es . -- sae Sar yr 8 Jailed Year For Auto Theft LINDSAY -- Dennis Meek,: 20, of 493 Farewell avenue, Osh- awa, was jailed for one year, :/Mhursday by Magistrate C. W. 16th Donation, Ed. Quinn, Jas. = yor tnd We ae Guest for car theft. St war' D. Pollock, Rev. N. J./p. 1 Gignac, A. L. Humphreys, G. eneage ar. om Mr. P. Nee oe ee Pearse, Stewart McKay, J; Car-| Fletcher, 601%. The club will play its next 15th Donation, W. R. Piatt,|zame at 7.45 p.m., Feb. 12. He pleaded guilty to the = 'rear of a house on sureet north. 'The car was the property of Industrial Accept- ance Corporation. S. McKay, F. Woods Mrs. J, Croggan. Donald Dick, D. J. Fairservice, V. Lavergne, W. Noonan, Mrs, Pte --. Mrs Maude rooks, onchek, A M Alberta. ronal ce BS Gibson, Francis oS one a ' 7rant, Lander, Mrs Vera " Szikszay, C F Edgecombe, Jas re i G Porter, G. Rideout, Jas. Mc- R'|Cansh, W. St. Louis, Ernest Piper, M. Faryna, T. §. Lesley,|y"Sopeneki, W. Clarke, E Goyne, A. Vanderholst, G. Free- man, Mrs, M. Lesenko, H. Ir- R. Blyth, E, W. Mosier, W. An- VanSchyndel, M. Olin, M. Al- MA E. Stata, J. Taylor, Jas, McRobbie, Pa uil|¢xander, Mrs. E. , J. Lind. Smith, Stan Jackson, Peter Duncanson, R. Jeffery, Hugh Smith, Richard Malik, Herb Wil- son, E. Lewis, J. Britton, W. Burke, John Goodail, drechuk, W. Patterson, Miss M. sey, Mrs. E. Hatter, Kenneth Gibner, D. L. Wittrick, J. Wor- ona, Mrs. E, Woodman, Miss E. Semple, D. Jackson, L. Ferencz, 728-6286 323 King &. W. Magistrate Guest told Meek that he was bordering on a life of crime. He noted that Meek was given a six-month suspend- ed sentence after being convict- "The theft here was well- Guest. Real Estate Lid. Gerry Wehr, 21, Fort William, when shot accidentally in Tor- WITH YOUR DANCING? WHAT'S Lack confidence . Outdated steps . Friday | John David Himmelman, 4,) Need practice SHORGAS APPLIANCES NEED... late Sunday night, They were Cell unable to say when the west- Zone district finals are next/bound. line would open again PERRY for the young Ciceros. No defin-|but. made arrangements to re- Dey or Night 723-3443 traffic, To The SALE |} The established, reliable Geo LIST WITH PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 187_KING EAST, Industrial and Commercial Dealer in your eree. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) THIS MONTH MARKS iversary OF OUR OPENING IN OSHAWA SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY PRIVATE DANCE ARTHUR MURRAY Ww. MARKS LICENCEE 11% SIMCOE ST. SOUTH SLICED PORK LIVER RINDLESS LEAN MINCED BEEF TROUD' TUESDAY and WEDNESDA Se RENE REM TTT TTT neem BACON 39 19 3 ibs. 1 00 OIA TTT POT ROAST JU"

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