10 THE OSHAWA TIMED, Theredey, Pobrwcry 13, 1964 Becancour Ready For Giant Steel Complex Gerard Filion, » Beneral direc- tor of the coropration, has an- . Becancour residents, convinced) that their tiny community will/nounced since that the proposed be the site of a = steel-mak-|steel complex will -- one ing complex backed by the Que-|square mile of land, and the re- bee government, are maining 10-square- mile area eagerly to make an overnight/will be developed for the use of transition from general - store/secondary industries wanting to village to supermarket town. | /become established close to the J saade cise, 'bet Geel ate oe been made , That's as close as anyone has are reliable indications that this eave ra the spot government experts|°O™e to saying there will be a steel industry here, but it's con- have in Becancour, situated abou tivincing enough for the people of halfway Bayes Pegs Sin Becancour. Quebec on the south shore; The government of Premier of the St. Lawrence River, has) sean resage has been studying long been favored in "ithe possibility of building a tion about a possible site, steel mill in Quebec province That guesswork was relN-/aimost since it took office in forced last month when the] 9g Expert reports received by General Investment Corpora-' the government so far have tion, a body set up by the Que- been in-favor of going ahead bee government to finance new with the project. industry with public and private The Becai © village coun- Sie, wok 88 options to Suy' it cil, calculating that an industry equare miles of land here, et thie magtituds could swell Five farmers who wouldn't population to 40,000 from 850 in cena sxiing oplens Wal five years, reacted quickly. il 1 were bought out on the = ig , They dispatched a request to PARLIAMENT HILL Signs Indicate Lively Session By JAMES NELSON This-is the kind of issue the OTTAWA (CP) -- Political/Conservatives will be seeking. trends are developing that could) Government sources insist the make the Bsa te gga gol Liberals are determined to session opening next week ai climactic as any session in re-/°@!ry on es though they had a cent years of partisan in-fight-/clear majority in the Commons. ing. However, the government can Keys to the outcome are the/call an election whenever it government's legislative pro- the provincial government for the services of a town planning consultant, and began drawing up plans for a $35,000 sewage disposal system. A_ hasty survey of available land in the village indicated there is room to build 1,500 new homes, Mayor Pierre Blondin was quick to point out, however, that a village can't do much economic planning on a $2,000 annual budget, : WANTS A PLAN "In any case, we absolutely must have an over-all plan," he said. "We are starting with no- thing. Thus we have every chance to do the job well." Becancour today is a village with one street, a general store, two cafes, two funeral parlors, It hasn't a movie house, a tav- ern or even a shoemaker, Sur- rounding farms contribute to a marginal dairy industry, The five farmers who already have sold their land said they were glad to get rid of it .at $200 an arpent and will be happy to give up their pitch. forks for lunch pails, An arpent is a land measure equivalent to 8448 of an acre. Pierre Piche sold the biggest individual parcel of land for|1 0,000, 000. Farmers reasoned that the price was not too high, but if they had asked for more the corporation might have gone elsewhere, At least the children of Becancour would be able to find jobs at home. Residents cited the experi- ence of nearby Nicolet, where a defence department plant now employs 300 persons in the man- ufacture of explosives. In Nicolet's case, only one or two of the landowners who sold out to the factory thought it worthwhile to buy another farm, Bottom Falls Out Of Navy Recruiting OTTAWA (CP)--The bottom has nearly fallen out of navy recruiting, defence department officials disclosed W dnesday. They attributed the big drop in enlistments to several fac- tors, prominent among them ) 2- ing cancellation of the super- frigate program, mothballing of 14 older warships and the at- tack on the navy last summer by retired Commodore James Plomer. The navy was able to sign on only 51 recruits in December, far below the monthly number required to replace sailors who leave the service or retire, October enlstments _ totalled 327 and in November 206, Fig- ures for 1962 were 391 in Octo- ber, 286 in November and 213 in December. Recruiting in the army and RCAF is also lagging but not to the same extent, The army signed on 301 men in Decem- ber and the air force 190, When Associcte Defence Min- Death Claims Up Reason Mystery TORONTO (CP) -- Continen- tal Life Insurance Co, of Tor- onto Wednesday became the second life insurance firm within two weeks to report a jump in om value of death claims in Continental's president, Her- bert Pilling, said in his annual report that the company paid out $1,161,056 in death and dis- ability benefits last year--38.8 per cent more than in 1962. The jump was a mystery to management, he said. Earlier, Imperial Life Assur- ance Co, of Canada reported an unexplained rise of 19.8 per cent in its mortality claims last year. New business written by Con- tinental in 1963 totalled $48,239,- 468 compared with $41,081,000 in 1962, not enough to account for the increase in death claims, Mr, Pilling said. ister Cardin announced Jan. 8 that 14 wanships would be taken out of service, the navy cut its manpower ceiling to 20,700 from 21,720, It said at that time that recruiting would temporarily be slowed to 130 sailors a month compared with the normal 250 to 300 men. At the present rate, officials said, the navy will be down to its new ceiling before June. Texaco Gains On Toronto's Stock Market TORONTO (CP)--The stock market closed mainly ahead in active trading Wednesday. No section of the industrial board showed a definite trend although main advances out- weighed losses. Among selected industrial stocks, Canada Permanent mortgage gained 1% to 79, Tex- aco 5g, Interprovincial Pipe Line ¥% and Industrial Acceptance %. Among losers, Distillers-Sea- grams, Canadian Westinghouse and Canada Steamship Lines al! fell 4. International Nickel advanced one point to 79% among senior base metals, Falconbridge was off %. In the speculative sector, Win- chester-Larder was the most ac- tive issue, ahead one cent to 18% cents on $86,500 shares. Candore gained two cents to 37% cents. The exchange Index rose .31 to 131.75, industrials .32 to 140.93, base metals .18 to 61.42, western oils .47 to 81.71 and golds dipped .62 to 131.85, Volume for the day was 3,971,000 shares compared with 3,436,000 Tuesday. WHALE PERFUME" The precious, musky amber- gris of the sperm whale brings high prices from _ perfume makers. This doesn't bother the navy en APwt, OPENED much, But what does bother 1 England is the fear that recruiting won't|(L.. .. ..ormon chapel, first pick up afer the navy hasjof 40 planned.for Britain in 1964, pared down to 20,700. has been opened in this Essex Naval strength at Dec. 31 was|aren ~' was built at a cost of 21,432, The army stood at 49,253/" + Mormon labor_mis- men and the air force at 51,830. sionaries, : Te TO a LOVELY 'VALCN TING DAVIDSON' Final Clearance SHORT LOTS LADIES' NAME BRAND SHOES formerly to 17.95 GIVE HER THIS BEAUTIFUL NEW DIAMOND DUETTE the latest design, styled by BLUEBIRD, Guaranteed perfect and insured free against loss, BLUEBIRD diamonds for happiness CREDIT JEWELLERS 32 KING ST. WEST 723-7022 LAST 6 DAYS SALE ENDS WED., FEB. 19th DAVIDSON'S 31 SIMCOE ST. N. DIAL 725-3312 SNOW BOOTS formerly te 16.95 SALE 9.98 gram, to be announced Tuesday thinks the time is ripe for it. in the traditional speech from the throne, and the attitude of the Progressive Conservatives led by John Diefenbaker. the element of surprise in par- lamentary 'tactics. However, it is believed the legislation left unfinished by last session and the work of passing new spend- ing and tax budgets alone are more than enough to provide hot and extended debate. Mr. Diefenbaker, fresh from his re-endorsation by the Pro- gressive Conservative Associa- tion's annual meeting, is re- rted riding high in enthus asm for' political battles, Party standings in the Com- mons are: Liberals 129; Con- servatives 95; New Democrats 17; Creditistes 13; Social Credi- ters 11. There are no vacancies. MUST COMBINE This combination, the same as the outcome of last year's general election except for the Social Credit - Creditiste split, mean all opposition parties must combine on an issue if they wish to defeat Prime sfin- ister Pearson's Liberal govern- ment. Sources indicate Mr. Diefen- baker and his supporters want an election as soon as possible, The minority parties, however, are regarded as being. suffici- ently anxious to avoid one that they will try to dodge any vote endangering the government. There is always the chance, however, that one of the opposi- tion groups will raise an issue of such a nature that all other opposition parties will be bound to join in the government's de- feat. Sun Life Sales Up 5 Percent During 1963 Sales by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada in 1963 were five per cent more than in 1962 and reached an all-time record for a Canadian life company at $1,183,000,000, W. Roger Wolfe, Sun Life Supervisor in Oshawa, announced following the com- pany's annual meeting. Sun Life scored new records in all phases of its operation and announced that dividend scales to policyholders will be increased in 1964 for the 15th consecutive year, Sates of individual life insur- ance in 1963 were up 83 per cent at $849.7 million and group insurance sales were $333.9 mil- lion, Total Sun Life insurance in force at year end was $11,- 512,000,000. Annuities were the equivalent of an _ additional You've Never Seen nuitants, eight per cent more than in 1962. Dividends to be paid in 1964, at $51,000,000, will be nine per cent ahead of last DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Acklands Ltd., pfd. 37% cents, Feb. 29, record Fev. 15. Consolidated Building Corp. Ltd., common six cents March 10, 'record Feb. 28; pfd. 15 cents, March 1, record Feb, 18. selector switch. Speokers: two 8" woofers, two 4" speoker. 4-speed Garrard Auto-Slim stereo record ROGER APPLIANCES ELEPHANT-SIZE SAVINGS : Bargains Like These! MODEL 23-644: T-V RADIO-STEREO COMBINATION 21-tube Custom TV chossis, 23" screen, 10-tube AM-FM rodio, seporate apn amplifiers. Adaptable to Multiplex (FM Stereo). Power . transformer tweeters, one 5" Soe pos wide-ronge changer, Diamond stylus. See The Very Finest In STEREO & TV BY 10 CU. FLEETWOOD AT MOST SENSIBLE PRICES Hlectwood STEREO Raedio-stereo combination. rodio, Adoptable to Multiplex (Stereo FM), Push- button 'selectors. Bross and treble controls, visual Indicators. Volume ond 'balance controls. Magic- eye tuning. Gorrord AT-6 automatic changer. 6 speckers: two 8", four 344". Frequency response: 30 -- 17,000 c.p.s. 5 MODEL 4089 Relrigeralor ll-tube AM/FM/SW 4 a We at ROGER APPLIANCES must clear the balance of our FLOOR MODELS to make room for new stock soon to arrive. YOU CAN PROFIT by obtaining the VERY FINEST in popular new Brand Name appliances now on display . . . every item featured is'in PERFECT SHAPE... & ROGER ANNAERT and COMPLETE WITH FULL NEW MERCHANDISE GUARANTEE, SHOP and COMPARE . .. you'll see just what we mean! OUTSTANDING VALUES ALL AT REALLY REDUCED PRICES TRADES ACCEPTED! FT. 'f i peer OPEN FRIDAY iI j = a. TILL 9 P.M. Fleetwood STEREO MODEL 4078 THE FESTIVAL 19-tube AM/FM/SW radio ™ ate (Stereo ~ Automatic frequency control. push-button controls, 4- speed Gorrord Studio "A" record changer; diamond 'stylus. 6 speakers: two matched 12" speak four 32" t Peak power, 80 watts. Frequency response: 20-20.000 c.p.s, @ PRICE and COMPARE e COMPLETE SELECTION OF Fleetwood TELEVISION SETS NOW ON DISPLAY 1. We handle the very finest in Quality Name Merchandise . . names respected in the appli- ance field. 2. Everv item in stock is FULLY GUARANTEED to meet the high standards you expect. You Must Be Completely Satisfied at Roger's 135 SIMCOE SOUTH 728-2151 IF BUSY CALL 728-2041