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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Feb 1964, p. 20

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20 THE GSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Pobrwery 13, 1964 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 eta + we: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 17--Male Help Wanted |25--Apartments 27--Real Estate For Sale LESMEN, wanting. seine, caling on|FOR" RENT | -- Three-oom | apartmeni |. 1o ; oa "lit orlanc bath, ground floor, hardwood tloors, orey brick BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | to" 2 otis EStazeeH eames | S rari. Wholesale, Clitord, Om a FLOOR apartment, four-room| Joseph Bosco, ee 728- ince apartment, private bath ir " --- Reliable man as dealer in garage. Available March 1, Telephone| A Oshawa. Experience not necessary. Fine oft tunity to step into old p chill $500 wert RED zi busthess where Rawleigh Products have|NEWLY decorated two-room furnished ; . Se oO been sold for years. Big profits. Produ ; Winter Works Bonus Accountants Gardening and Supplies _|Mortgages TV--Radio Repairs Suupren Is RichER IM furnished on cra # Write "Rowelgh.lenir nvoiasta Marck ie Sit con noes WiCSON AND BURROWS, CHARTEREE . : GUARANTEED REPAIRS 10 all_makes Dept, B-310-763, | 400! hang pn FE aT ale toll ial eld OT ef meas ,garaene, lew! = MAORTGAGE TY, radio, car radios. Thompton "Elec Bune Montreal. fe . ONE: AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments 1 Left, $14,190 Oshawa. Ronald FD. Wilson, CAilure or sludge now, Phone 770-3901 today, Fronles, 157 Elliott, 725-9792 Fred, a FULLY EXPERIENCED social, ae CALL, oman tee G. Edmond Burrows, CA 728-7554, LOANS - [ARE VISTA TV "Towers, "Aarel Serv. ' A HEAVY FLOOR supplied, $108. - $118. montiiiy. 730-1544, $558 DOWN CLANCY'S Accou! stru » ice at evision rey irs. " sos book rock Bg TAT In ction , Murray Avenue, Telephone 728-6879, . MOULDERS Ie wi hee ene pp ees 6 ROOM BUNGALOW Complete bookkeeping Moneys for first mort , treet West, 725-0397, Res. 723-7605. LILLIAN MAB MARSH, D.B.A., Danci deletes Pd Fela call tad ad CITY TV, Towers, Antennas, al yi March 1. Phone 728-5316, ' i RD JAMES BROOKS, Chariere School, Ballet, Tap Acrobatic, Character,| Interest ot 7% pairs; All_ work guaranteed." 811" Dean g Dov. shifi, Yon waees, phd TA el dee with attached garage Accuie, se 20M, Ontne SPD Ss Mahe Ferlervane"n"| OPM? Mortgages oeanmemeeatee om i BROWN BOGGS FDRY. |PIvisioN, SFRNET. peer supe. ur $ wi he : ' No bonus . " , ( . ' , arene -s -- PROSSER, Charfered|WILSON AND LEE Music Store. Regis.| No charge for valuations Well Drilling--Digging ae Nee 4 ee cna, CO. LTD. adults, $75. ee month, James Real 4 Left -- $12,890 Accountant 906 Centre Street North,/ter now for accordion lessons, Rental Mortgages and Agreements {WILLIAM KROONTJE, well digging, BROADCAST : 659 lwean KING STRNRT BAIT -- bi $1126.34 DOWN by. es ~ | 725-4706. lax neta purchased, Compressor work, clean-out and deeper ¢ ) ---- es oy4 r= unfurnished apartment, in rn Ht ALSERT, HOSMAR, | Cherrered Moneys for second mor a PL an : [basement, oll" heated,' adults ich Ext " Longe 4? Prince Street, Suite 4 Oshews, HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, Fost service, WELL DIGGING by machine specializing gee ; \ $85, month, 725-3353, 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW Onierlo, 723-122 Tap, RAD Ballet, Highland. Register now. M. F SWARTZ 1 30-inch tile, W. Ward, 204 Chesinur 91916, PROM \\ BAKER ee YALE, FRIEDLANDER ial Ra ge Shopping Centre, 725-6122. rae, Sireet ee, PO Box 329 Whitby, 668-2563 MEW YORK BY ; phd eA af Nip ee vererenes Weednabicy ts King street ast East mea HL adh iva Reger Lv rte King St. East LEE DE FOREST. EXPERIENCED No small 'children, Quiet people Rent wil All homes ore detached, bol- HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter-|720-7902. ize ues I-- Women' Ae Part-time tbe 10 right peope. Atter 4 pire. Fae] once is one 614% NHA PERMANENTS on special. a Halr- mortgage included storms and @d Accountants, 187 King Street East, Osh- ; acids gon" Peas Hours 4 a.m.-12:30 (noon) |26--Rooms For Rent _ ep apr taping awa, Ontario. 725-3509. LOOKING for something unusual and dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, 25-5363. mndinene Are, L. 0. 'acountant, 205|hard to find? A far-reached ad in|Musical Services SKAIFE, sek Sinitoy. Ontario, Tele-/Ciassified is the answer. It's inexpen-|5iayo, Teed, pipe and electronic "organ|>_ 1 OF EAS cots seutl =... Wednesday and Thursday SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, 182 -- Four. dlaihiie clocks, welded tk: Ce ee suTaiyaeeigWS--ena|"" Tum Mia 799-2408 today. Hhuning repair, Instruments ap- ereone SEA SLANDS, FLOAT THOUSANDS OF MILES | ne week Saturday and" {fnet, 2a. ita author, 'bua) SURSINE be MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, pralaed, % Hiddunks' Alax 942-1664, ANYONE witnessing accident at corner | ACROSS THE PACIFIC. THE SEEDS ARE PROTECTED be) * ly {area vaean lephone rs ' x some coloured Sunday the next. rid "room for gentleman, Tele| fixtures. Carries os low a pens ggg ot Accountants, 7.70 of Willlam and Simcoe Streets on Janu-| HARD, FIBROUS COATIN ING. Alax Micon, Whitby sseat3i« Sune "2188, t.2 c METHOD Painting and Decorating ary 2 ,at approximately 9.10. p.m. an | BYA feee ea ten OA Pad hn sme, phone 723 a 48:30 seater, Wiehe oie DRIVING SCHOOL PAINTING AND DECORATING, interlor|please call 725-1163 or "9s 728-8822. Please apply in person to: [Ato Nos ering AP" gentleman, eisai ond wanna if oul aa, Barristers : and exterior, work guaranteed, reason- - a rinkis apeblon | Street, Telephone 728-680: ; able. Free sitimates, rasa.' /Boy'ht, vniby, or cal asec" """|13--Business Opportunities|16--Female Help Wanted | DIRECTOR OF rev Tssonone rin. --____| Located in Whitby and shown THOMAS H. GREER, BA, Barrister, B oe iatene tenet elder =F ery d Ie ronch GENERAL painting, papering, repairs, | Appoi een cert Sane, tne, Tene News Oohawe furniture. finishing." Sign paintings Hi, [BUSY RESTAURANT, 333 Simcoe Street|MAID for upstairs work; steady employ- PERSONNEL clean, newly decorated, In quiet home,| by ointment only, Cail Ing Street East. 728-6209, English Buliding, 86 King iit sald ' 7 0881 |Brown, 490 Drew Street, Telephone |South, for sale, Telephone Joe Cyr,|ment, Must be reliable and have good lephone 725-2124, '| Gerry Hill, Mortgage funds available. _| PHONE 728- | 728-0225, | ENGLISH TAILOR 728-4391. [character references. Apply Holel Lan-) CLI AWWA GENERAL. + Telep i Meee ee ee The one M ToL "W. G. Sco ond bon | Specialist in garment altera- | BEAUTY SALON, fully equipped. please exe 'aieee are ent oe toll Lal Sr peotonan wean Toe: AM 7-9712 Building, 86 King Street East, 723-4943. loney LZ. oan ae i Exe ari cad interes. end ile tions, etc. Invisible mending, | write Classified Box 626, Oshawa Tete, |AC at figures tor downtown office, HOSPITAL phone 728-1946. Chante" turds. eveiinels, for mortgages. _ |" NEED -- nerrewed pe r dress alterations. [FOR SALE -- Barber Shop ond adloln. Write to. Box 530 Oshawa Times. TWO large, clean, furnished housekeep- JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, congtors _inail. broncnes of 10 PRINCE ST, [modern equipment. Call 728-4059, | | EX RIENCED meat packager for sel |ing rooms. Private home. Bedroom, kitch-| AA ANIDERHILL Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 144 King the trade, Interior and ex- ited ek ti acer °°" counter. Please state full len, cupboards, sink, refrigerator. Near Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. 728-5311 : Rorticniare' Classined: Box 726, Orhowe SALES [Respltal, downtown, Sull two girls REAL ESTATE LTD. Ties | 725-5228. j terior, DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers and ' |- - act ; 2 Soliciors, atc? Kina Street East. $ hy @ 693 Wilson N, R.R. 2 | "Removal of superfluous hair, | $3,000.00 operating | WOMAN required to do Irnoning for busi- | OPPORTUNITY 'on eg Sa siting Over 30 veers "Sasanaiok | 1 a i | i Marie Murduff will be in r il pick deli 728-6815 Oshawo, Feb.. 17th, 18th, capital required. [ter So pms rages. SN aired geewniow. et" retro, Te DODD and SOUTER | 19th. Phone Genosha : Hotel BUILD ® business ot your own saree | for the person who is inter- FURNISHED "SOBA Ie Tata shal MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers, Soll- citors, Notaries Public. Mortgage fund facturer has franchise Dis- | profits. Modest severe Phone 10 a.m.| ested in progressing with « |beds, $7. each. Close to hospital and) $12,000 modem three bed- tributorships available for to 12 noon. 723-9399 lassen corners, le tee nestle a 'ine a Pilg as (protected ter- |@ARN extra money In spare time. Re- 0 ungalow 3 -- al Comer Can quire three women for pleasant work in LARGE BAKERY Ie aval now. Apply 574 Crerar ea ge Mage a , hike Pail A = itchen wi rea nook, PART-TIME CASHIER, / Apply Mr. Camp i tor wnntnBe| tiled four piece bath with DAYS 668-5862 |3--Pets & Livestock field. Above average earm- ineii, Genosha Hotel, 73 King Street East. private home, for gen i : cr NIGHTS 725-7426 |SHETLAND SHEEP DOGS, mintahire| iNOS for mon with excep- SALESLADY for drug store, some exper- WHOLESALE Faeonane. feguieorem aes mh dig gee eS Se comers os Collies, elght weeks old, two males,|. tional soles ability. lence necessary. A Aooty | McCordick's Phar- Se RE TN Pore BRE eT eed LA.» ROE NO OEP OORT OS ( ) TW ) ' |b CARGE mod furnished bed-sitt GREER AND KELLY, Berrlster, Soll FOR WEEKS ROXY'S brown end white, from champion stock,| south Frigiceire, vanity. dressers with tors, fe, 114 King, Street Eat. -- Diall |8100, each. 725-2646, | xX 629 ; alm won mesa oie Bera {room wey, tion. aluminum windows end 7as-t27. Residence Phones: J. M ee |DALMATIONS, two male puppies, two BO |Wear, full digs firme: Ladi vena SELLING Shopsing entre Su seaman. doors. WORTH INVESTIGA- . Greer Home ond Commercial. Gen- § Terence V. Keil » BA, BcL 10 ---- ST, SOUTH ) A ted, $3: f ight party. Write Classifi 625,| ; | TING, % ee rence Ny RF neniy. Meneaer eral repairs and alterations, Phone 'Brooklin ss 3868. $15.-eheh, "Tele OSHAWA TIMES Conse Tee jo: Giassitied Bex Accepted applicants will be 460 King Wi h Pp od te iba i i [oats Avenue, 208, furn MeOIBBON_ Gnd BASTEDO, Barristers. PHONE 728-7311 Fainting, decorating. Tile, | acAcK GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, |14---Employment Wanted |CANADIAN COMPANY requires young) Provided > pear with lght Rovsekeeping facies, Sultenie| $14,500 four bedroom 1%4 Solicitors. Clients' Big ont avaliable for! |six weeks old, males and femates, bred RSE, 12 fo 8 ams Pre\woman to train as part-time repre} ing. Fringe benefits, good woman. oe home. Near hos- oy. Bog double attech- marine @ esate, te PHONE 668-2944 |i, seminary, PRACTIEN, NURSE 2 Ate, se sf ate Sk) working "codons" airy |B cs aie ails tee F. Bastedo, QC) Norman H. Edmond : --_ FeS¢ eC | Ti WHITBY ichay cree ae rmate7ana| Kind care, After § p.m, 725-9192, Ose of car. Salary of $38. per week to) ond commission. Appt gia "ATTRACTIVELY follyeott ino' canes HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and Hil WIL, Ne [Plumbing and Heating female, excellent' temperment: Tete-| PETER PAN DAY "WURSERY qualities anes etl Baa! i adc a ap ag biped A i FURNISHED ROOMS po a 'othe oa. ris phone 728-9729. y . XPERIENCED hairdresser. Must be : < , ree piece - 4 Oshawa, ae 2 amet | } ASMOR ON LANKAN laALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling,| BEAUTIFUL baby budglen, a a coe North, 728-2604, clean ane, efficient. Apply Barbara's| ture with good earings. Available in private home. LIP MURRAY AVE. Owner o:8. On chen, GC) qi al pe and used a eee 3 ining, talking strain, Apply mre Secning sores x. ie work pacar 75 Celina Street. Tele- intervinin. co: Thuss..> Bab Call between 5 and 7 p.m. moved offers this" lovely Whitby 668-2761, 725-4604, NHA ona other J. Foley 5 road, 114 Elgin East. emg Reg raig pee dan anne ei. Boab 13th from 2 9 : a in excellent condition : . d OURS a d ii pay the Avon! D.m, to 9 p.m, funds available, Mortgages ret | ~ 5; POODLES, petite black miniature puppies, | 7 ye eee Waverton esa oe | pay he von] 82 PARK RD. N. for $2000 DOWN, EREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND MURDOCH PRIVATE and corporation monies for all and heating supplies.|three months old. Paper trained. Regi-| MOTHERLY care for children in my own ob nd i Bank of es and agreement of| Lelephone 723-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd..|stered. Champion. stock. Clipping avail. |home by day or week. Telephone 728-1383. he 728-867] Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe Sirest|suig 'purchased, "Creighton, 'Grynen' end coene, letting, ong Ing 285] able. 7 725-5294, [YOUNG MOTHER will give day careln| EXPERIENCED GENOSHA HOTEL | $13,500 Estote sole, ~~ North, Oshawa. 723-3446; T. K. Creighton,|Murdoch (See "Barristers"') TWO fuli grown, purebred Dachshunds,,own home to one or two cnidren, Gib- |27-----Real Estate for Sale cally new 1% storey ' QC or residences: G. K. Drymen, GC, 728-| PRIVATE end corporation monies for ail R Uphol $25, each. One purebred Beagle hound,|bons Street area. Telephone 725-6981. COOK | brick CONANT ST. six ae 46. EI mrtotes PtP nn c. rrarivegee mortgages. and agreement of|_ ug-Upholstery Service $20, Tel 728-1875. |LADY, middi-aged, Christian character, ROOM 504 rooms, colored four piece * sale purchased. Creighton, Orynan and|CHESTERFIELDS and irs re pod! rt Mon sitting with: invalid"! bath, hea ments of sale bought, sold and arranged. Murdoch (See 'Barristers' covered like new. Get fe ee te ress |es ed, ys Imported gag ing sans child shes veers: oF vider for 3 FOR CAFETERIA IMMACULATE extra poe ss were Building Trad Fins AND SECOND Saie|t! Mode rn Upholsterers, 142 Simcoelarranged, for good homes. Ideal Valen-|muneration. Write Box 621 Oghinna rime | DUNLOP wey 18--Male ct Femele er 0) in uilding Trades ne dens preianand eee were|South, Call 728-6451. Free estimates. tine gift. Brooklin 655-3405, a Po ep eaten FROM 9 A.M. to 4 P.M Helo W. d BUNGALOW 2-1 CARPENTRY -- Cabinets, Arborite, nick and. Hennick, Barristers, 31 King/RE'- UPHOLSTERING by experts.|THE PERFECT Valentinel Chihuatuel CALL 668-2380 elp Wante bathroom, kitchen hg rg Lge G,| Street East, 723-7232. established 17 years. Completelpuppies, seven weeks old, black. Rea- GE T T ING $40. TO $120. PER wick depending on AMES A. M. DONALD, BA, LLB, CONTRACTORS ment Barrier ahd Solicitor and Notary Pub- : ic. The Commercial Building, 286 King t t Painting, Paperhanging, | ELECTROLYSIS West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking Gyptex, Full Wall Murals available. 725-4716 or 725-4717. Spray Painting 723-4641 MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD L.| . SWARTZ, Barristers, Soleiors, Notaries. Onl 4]c 107 BYRON ST. S,, WHITBY to loan, Henry Block, 262 King ooh A East. 723-4697, Residence, dial) : ek Ll i ut in, Tel 728-1505 pany, fostest growing in its |*™* office, Will train. Telepone 72 ON | is | pent Street ont, 70-007 "TIT DAY DAY (| PAINTING AND DECORATING | on these dotes for appoint- | Leading Potato Chip Manu- [Beauty © | | range of materials. Wor guer-lsonable. Plekering 942-1645. abliity. Car necessa it appointment: With YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. ei Mortgage Money Serre Metrcenee aan CrelltlSeAGLE puppla, "purebred, ton weeks AHEAD IN Mornings, 10 unl 2 telephone. 728287 FOR SATISFIED SERVICE CALL po gy ively hen lh sre OA old, le and female, $15, each. Stalled, furnaces vacuumed esti Available Minlshed. Oshawa Uphelstering Company, Telephone' Brookiln 6s8052. on ' YOUR CAREER . big N T sh 20-Room end Beard 3 Room Apartment R VICKERY Serpe erertaaene acer arentanennereenenne sonra GERMAN SHEPHERD ies, six u ime secreta ; NEW PLASTERING and repeirs, re |Fe-bull. TT pclae rcleae ree rery| weeks eld, Apply a9 crerer avenue. To get ahead in your car- ; : ih Backed, fivedey. weeks Whifoy 668-529, mee Nae am bed. , a. Low Interest {ereniege 728-2439. Kennedy Upholstering| Telephone 725-6753 eer find out what posi- for medical office. SIMCOE AND ROSSLAND WEST aree.! Tastefully decorated through- REALTOR ALL TYPES of bullding repairs, rooting, Veluetions An CHESTERFIELDS reophostered ana|4--Sportsman's Column tions are availabe to best | Young, hord working lody, [private bath, entrance, good food, tunches| Ut, excellent home for two 46 King West Gordon May, 728-099 | restyled. Free estimate. See our mate-/ice FISHING huis, two to four _men| fit your skills and talents | good typist, able to deol /Packed. Shift workers welcome. 708 Car-| families, opposite separate -- cs RESIDENTIAL rial for recovering. Dalton Uphelatering,|capactty, for white fish end. lake trout,| p, ™ : ; th R No |neale Avenue. ond public schools. 728-9511 POR ALL BUILDING needs, 78 Charles. Street, 20-72 ' ' by. checking today's | with public. References. . i remodeling ete. Call Don Brooks, Hamp- CITY AND DISTRICT CUSTOMCRAF tublbcvsot lage toys Bier gorda ier] Bt te Wanted Ad- | Medico! knowledge or exper. /ROOM, of com and Board available: in Evenings Coll i, Depart.| tran: e da' y ® ior or » ton_269-2501. SUMMER PROPERTIES ment. Experts 'in "cui Ba Unlimited: 'Virginie, Beach," Wnty "ae. Limes' Help Wante tence, no shorthand necessary. |g entlemen. New district in" Alax. Tele. Ask for Bill Millar, Steve Lehon ..... 728-9326 Chrome chairs a specialty. Free esti-|3140, Pefferlaw S7R2. | vertisements in the Class- | inwediote or 1-st of prepress phone 942 Wen lan 728-2868 VACANT LAND witha Lil | ified section ROOM | ae BOARD for two gentlemen, 725-1186 ee 2 Members Ontario OSHAWA 5--Farmer's Column | : : WRITE lunches packed if desired. Telephone, W. T, Lamson Real Estate Ralph Vickery .. 725-6342 Mortgage Broker's Association GRAIN mixed) for sale. For furiher| Please Be Advised ; OSHAWA TIMES 728-0159, 09 CLEANERS information. Telephone 728-8974 When replying to advertise- ' ROOM AND BOARD. Gentlemen: ; pa ments in The Oshowa Times days weekly. Home cooked meals, Baars Sem FE) SUMMERLAND | too ond Unison faut eam) Sion oa toe Re |__ BOX 523 __ ig ts i ei, EUSTOM BUILDING, remodelling Cleaning. At Our Store, or evenings | Oshowa Times," that iden; |17---Male Help Wanted -- Re OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS ps eel -- ~sooogg tt yin aban nage SECURITIES or at your home. |CASH on the spot. Highest prices. pad tity of the Advertiser ond | ate elp BLOOR STRaGT BAST -- | Rion "2 and 5 jfor dead and crippled farm stock. Tele-| information pertaining to the Getked, parkinn specs. Baby weeks B16, 'Va a phone collect. Hampton 263-2721. Marg: A ed, " . General Electric LIMITED 725 9961 will Fur Farm, Licence 245-C-63. advertisement is strictly con- Real Estate Salesman Telephone 723-1671. fidential and cannot be BLOOR Street East, room and board for) CUSTOM KITCHEN 112 Simeoe-St. North Sales s and Service ics (6--Auction | giverr out. Self starter with good per- [Barking apace, iveday wee Ne Tee, . , PRINTED PATTERN WALL WASHING by machine. No sonality and Real Estote on display Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 No fuss. Call aye 'Alex Rae The way to reach The Adver- Shien eeparianc. Coll Walter woot ba F 'and board for | 'ast, 29, room gen- Wayne Appliances | GUARANTEED repairs all. wringe| AUCTION SALE fully pb ie nee Frank. tleman, close to downtown sed North shers and ranges. Free estimates. | jephon: 78 Simcoe St. North | ? d M | 720-1742. to the proper Box Number. General_ Motors. Telephone _ 720 Telephone 723-141__| 41 ortgages "GLASS AND SCREEN| SAT:, FEB. 22, 1964 | Your'tetter-can be mailed to W. FRANK [Room aNp BOARD 'or gentieman, & The Oshawe Times, or depo- REAL ESTATE LTD. packed. Near South General" Motors Cartage Up To $10,000 Repairs to aluminum. win- Household fumiture, _ proper- sited in the Letter Slot of The B ille 623-3 Telephone 725-3710. : JOuN"S MOVING. Ai AND CAR TAGS. Available To Homeowners cone and door ak eh --_--1 ty of Millord and Boker ot Times Building, West Side of jowmanville 623-3393 ROOM and board for two gentlemen, will- Oshawa, easonabie ra iu _- . : equipped and Insured. 728-366). | - INTEREST. RATES FROM 1% | fromes Inte. cur factoy, "| 227 Kent St. North, Whitby, | grtvonce | door, 86 - King mi rea Close. fo South "GM, Parking. Telephone | TZ @ $ " 5 | Street East. 5 ee ae c . Dressmaking TO 140 PER MONTH | NASH ALUMINUM | Eletric Stove (McClary, SALES CAREER salad Freezer (Westinghouse), | EXPERIENCED dressmaking, pant cut) NUM). wee Le Clothes dryer, 2 dining room |/6--Female Help Wanted Well established: Oshawa |2!----Room & Board Wented ee ee eee) Nin BONLICES POI cate cM An ad A ; she |TELEPHONE SOLICITORS required.) branch office for a large |ROOM and board for school teacher, In Mrs. Eldridge, 67 Montrave, 725-6476. YOUR LAWN MOWER suites, chairs, tables, beds, |Bowmanville, Oshawa, Whitby areas, for) Notional firm desires to cc quiet home, Whitby Oshawa district. Lege sig 2 ee Aneretions, repairs | NO HIDDEN CHARGES Hove your. Lawn Meues dressers, vacuum cleoner, [Natural Gas appliances. i can, aay toct a local mon 25 to 40 | Write Box 520 Oshawa Times. ¢ irs. tezzi, ' \done in ir r ime, wi train : room South. 725-4562. | NO BROKERAGE FEES Tractor, Tiller, or Outboard mony other orticles. Highest Commissions paid. Call 720-644 6440.) years old, for sales position. SERCO Mesias 5 ie aeenen : | PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR d CS at Soles "experience desirable [Box 8° saaia Gardening and Supplies BUDGET og Bigs ag SALE AT 1:30P.M. | CLERK-TYPIST ee ee eee THE REALTY DIVISION OF | Stratton, Clinton, Lauson, TERMS -- CASH starting eatery with opportu. |23--Wanted To Rent Moto Mowers, Briggs and ase nity for advancement. Group | GENTLEMAN wants two furnished light LEON, TREE SERVICE | S U p F R l 0 R Lawn Boy, Arg make serv Auctioaier < Lovel, Pooue Shorthond erefered benefits including hospitali- _|nousekeeping rooms, with areas. Tole Experts in chain sow work, iced, free pick up. Dial 728- zation, Wfe insurance ond [phone between 1 and ¢ pam. 7a-18a tree removal and trimming, 2791 or 725-4633. |11--Articles For Rent ae i ee 290 Sete tag Gun Cig seater. Pa pbvthg ee en ee DISCOUNT LIMITED O. OLAN | CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church| All inquiries in merictont phone 728-0334, 564 ROSSLAND RD. EAST 725-6541 | 74 BARRIE AVENUE jaisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412) APPLY confidence. Apply SMALL FURNISHED apartment wanted 8-8 17 Simcoe St. N | Simcoe Street North, | by, feliable couple. Telephone between Whitby 660-2468 ee [WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, LABOUR OFFICE BOX 527 5.30 and 7 p.m. Oshawa 728-2339 25 Superior Offices In Ontario | Surveyors nines, sick lies. | arnt eee DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, nia Rentals, os "Beatrice, '72s 1644. OSHAWA TIMES -- |Wany Sage mS lore ~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES _ [pone 11 Sonne Sita Setar" "| 'Dishes - Cutlery = Glasses |GOODYEAR: TIRE |__ Giving Qualifications _ [Maren Tmo rau" "© 25 WORD MINIMUM H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Lana Punch Bowls pa orga, Monel 403, tt toast Its, | | Better described otters get taster -- tous erage NI Elgin Street East. Phone Coffee. ins and Rubber Company | J area, 725-4641, Room © eonsecutive deys. ... 66. ccc 3.75 4.13 Sil Tea Service | : : lsauner five-room house, wanted" by 3 consecutive dove secon, onettg || teacnetie Revers "| Silver Candelabra | Bowmanville, Ontario _| PHARMAACISTS [sistem era seer Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation as one word. | | 4 LOVEE -- nea IF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES. TV SE SARGEANT'S RENTALS OM EMPLOYEE needs two-bedroom CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 15c Vs RVICE 725-3338 CLERK-TYPIST UNUSUAL elon pl ata Canal, While every endeavour will be made to forward replies to box OR EVENING RESPON: ia Sore eg Solas ceesira| numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no | 28-5286 '12--Articles w sie ss Switchboard relief and OPPORTUNITY two ogee vetymniehed home In Oeh- QUILTED LUXURY | j | a - . | liability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through = | OSHAWA | good pO A piano wach ans! General Office routine, 5 | it desired. Telephone after 9.30 p.m. | TEV TMA. By ALICE BROOKS | { | either failure or delay in forwarding such replies, however caused heth: ii th : | young male or female go! wanted for) | da week. A ly in rson 2 deeb tg eo. ony 0 ggg Se PE ELECTRONICS _|smet!_srovp. telephone 723-7726. y PE Managers and Assist- | Whitby--Oshawa Save a fortune! Use satin, taf- S| WANTED Piano, in good condition, res- "4 Ai feta, sateen to make a decora- (Not applicable for merchandise odvertisements.) lsc "RR VIGUM ashe Sestak ales oie ants to operate. drug fox itive spread, pillow, too, Each edditional line per month : | TV TOWERS sonable. Telephone Brooklin. 655-3206. | MR. J. W. LOGAN, DEADLINES ANG shells, Telephone 725-8183. ONTARIO statin. tn adlonal ae hen ae costed | Spread is made of separate SEW-QUICKIE!! WORD ADS 5 p.m. Day Previous | ' PIANO WANTED, any make or style, or : sives, I Whitty bala \blocks. To quilt, work from the Cords of Thanks «+... gem do peiow | Antenna Repair jure" ttm | | cat ce | chain of department | Xx" oro" Fa inopectin RCE A block makes a tine pik] 54 By ANNE ADAMS n OMOTIUTMS ..ceeee ly revious ens anne ~~ 1 - A Lost ond Found .......... 8:30 am. ay of Publication | TRIO Cesar pela a, Gaon eR | stores. Ha -- 330, Whitby pply motifs; directions. __|or nightie -- two main pattern Births and Deaths 8:30 a.m, Day of Publication Hespeler 140 BOND WEST tere: THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)|parts! Whip up the popular, CLASSIFIED DISPLAY : 3 p.m. Previous Doy | TELEVISION SHAW a a 4 for this pattern (no stamps,|carefree drawstring. dress in CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS ' | AUTO WRECKING CO Salary open to discussion. 24. Houses For Rent please) to Alice Brooks, care of|smashing prints and solids, 8:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION 171 BOND ST. £., OSHAWA JUNIOR Stoff benefits include free sur- |THREEEDROOM home, east or Oan.(The Oshawa Times, Neeclecraft| Printed Patterns 4755: Misses' Concellations 'and Corrections received after the 8:30 AM 728- 5143 Worts | Cors for Wrecking. ical 'pion for emph 4 |awa Available February 15, Telephone|Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario|Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 Deadline will be processed for the following doy's poper? Parts for sale, also scrap iron STENOG HER dai alee yess one' |Whtiby 648-5915, acme _|residents add ic sales tax, Print|requires 25 yards 45-inch fab- gine api ace es aes en spec 9 ------|. and metals, etc. bought. RAP dependents. HOUSE, close to school and bus. | plainly PATTERN NUMBER, |ric. REGULATIONS ; two children only, $80, monthly. Aner 5) : The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- Doin Sotuiday All doy. Fhene } P.m.» telephone 725-9646. |NAME, ADDRESS. FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins ments submitted otherwise thon in writing, not for more thon | V TOWERS 725-2311--89 BLOOR E.| SHORTHAND and | Contributory pension pon | twosgepROOM modern Trailer, furnish} 206 HANDICRAFT HITS in|(no stamps, please) for this one incorrect insertion of eny adivertisement. nor beyond the or ; TYPING ond life insurance with no [@d, $85. monthly. Immediate Possession. our big, big, new 1964 Needle-jpattern. Ontario residents add price chorge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which Economy and 4 Oa re ee Wher Lemon Reucraft Catalog, out now! See|2c. sales tax. Print plainly error occurs. | Deluxe Smart Age 18 to 25 years of age, oot recnaved, Estate Ltd. fae jtoys, fashions, 'crewelwork,|SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, The Fp we Times reserves the right to classity odvertising | e : | at leost Junior Metriculation | {heir! looms, gifts, bazaar hits --|STYLE NUMBER. according to its proper clossification. | Priced to suit your budget Business Education. . All. Eolas | Write or phone collect 25--Apartments _____jeverything to crochet, knit, sew,| Send ge to ANNE ADAMS, f i Ti Il not be | o had sesponaible for more space than thot it which the ectust | TERMS ARRANGED | People Benefit." Five doy week | = K_AAART TASTEEULLY DRBDRATED -- [SwEy Sec nga cate Seen fe eae cena amen error occupies. The geen oe ae ce aa adver. | Sing the 'Prolene | Hours 9 @.m. until 5 p.m, NE AND TWO BEDROOM' DO YOU KNOW HOW TO i itter correct! it assume no liability of advertisement eee fo a pen veshnin tay tha erly ally | OSHAWA TV | &™! | Fe, opztnumens, for ier, DRUG DEPARTMENT "APARTMENTS -- | Want-Ads: Dont' Cet TRERN ABSOLUTE. Telephone the Direct to Classified SUPPLY LIMITED Sim 84 Shepherd Ave. E., y een oo ag Oh our Spring - Summer Catalog Number 723-3492 | Times Classified Ph 723 7855 Willowdale, BA 5- 8811 668. 8691 or 668- 4037 Cost The Pay including FREE COUPON to For Classified Services -- For All Other Departments. i one - ' r ba get any one of 250 design ideas. Celi The Times Switchboard, 728-8180 | | After 5 Y Send : Ade

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