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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Feb 1964, p. 4

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"Ay the funds of the Miner Hockey were just about leted -- the Reeve was hat Minor Huekey would re to fold up unless out fore Fob 2, almost three cian after we appeared . cil, "For the benefit of Council Fred Sturch 4 gg Ma an separate school ship was visited a forms sup- ra Ns oa boys who wished AY the "g Hoc up> rters were glad that Ins DELETE MINUTES NO MONEY, NO HOCKEY Pick Manning Chairman | Kids' Coaches Second Time This Year | Battle Goodwin was elected) Mrs, McKenzie said: "I have| BROOKLIN (Staft) -- Whitby)the hn Council for $1,800)* pee oe a Town-jread the Public Schools Act)/Township wh Jo Goodwin| cove 20 weeks of Fan ng whip Area No, 1 Board for the second time this r backwards, forewards and side- ues come water fire of the because the Township ® at a meeting of the board sbout the guncary tulle allow: how Associ; to eget rs ind third h es meat it een mene or 99 por hour, and itnence of the other councillors in Brooklin last night, ed to he @. the Township Council's -- 20 weoks rather be ad : when : the. vote was his and t we stand by the decision not-to increase grants|the roximate e@ weeks a valid tion. jto the Association from $150 to rte the pig 3 ™ elation vas told that the ints Reo sure do not vote Ike apeaking for him-/C elow {8 a financial report ed: '*This| $1,800, tary W. D, pute ime in a very embarrassing Betyg, we Ais . id not have power to election held Jan, tion, an other coaches an jo with 1 es would place it iiss ales wink bile an i wt Gd wot wont the job tn Whelenbistant Conches within the on i . at the aioe, Ree 'Jan, 8 election but there were|{iTst place but, when pik! it, | apoersen hype the follow- you otice all only four members of the board| (00K, the attitude that nt gant ropa ten go ind do the job to the wNethat was quite a story Reevo John Goodwin ha 5 about the @ THE OSHAWA TIMGS, Thuredey, Pebrucry 13, 1964 'before the 1964 Council, "However, a evap Pate held around the middle of arenes coffers the A where the Reeve suggested that] sventually reach the Township few dollars goes back into the RE Balance from 1962-63 Money collected (1964) EXECUTIVE DISCUSS TALK WITH SPEAKER ahead a' present, beet of my ability," the Executive of Minor ace Mr. hay i geny is not a board) ying, MoKensic, queried: "Is/mothers of the re, Iq *heigo out and collect some ar ol Reeve? So why all We fuss, 2 qo hv an ere. (it valid to delete part of this/Brooklin and Minor|money, and then come bac! A. a Wg ) ce paragraph and declare Mr. ew Association nein Min the Council again, oy y trustees fanning chairman in the eame|t? march on his Whitby Town-| "He promised to give the | "a aanaing, te, nao sa anighin re tana rh" Stet ma ; , a , 8 rospective chairmen, nominated Dr. Keith re eke tried: ig you|"!® feare wore unfounded, Only|people to collect Ay pt 9820.08 TS Lieantte indicated hel were not 8 Mtiofien with what Was YOUlone mother advocated this "After not hearing from the EXPENDITURES " pened on wy in the job,{done you had 20 days to com- would be a good idea to get/Reeve for several weeks, the/Equipment and was ni Preah cr Bho 'Ipl some action on minor hockey/Hockey Executive instructed| schedules mm and pom at od : a enning, which they had been kicking|their secretary to again contact/Arena (Twp. of Whitby) 796. ae "bg Se eKenz ng around since last November, /the Reeve, This list was psig ominat r S _, catealcomplain 'within the ah 'The true facts of the case/sented by Reeve Goodwin Jan,| Total wae that Dr, Mourtion's nominetien|@pecitied for complaint in the two} Deficit, 97.20 are ae sal last November,/26, or approximately from Anderson, the Brooklin and Vicinity Minor/months after it was The Professional Develop- Committee, ment Committee of the On- tario Secondary School Teach- ers Federation, District 20, arranged the Association's an- nual conference at Anderson Street High School here yes- terday, The featured guest speaker for the day was Ira G, Needles, Chairman of the Board of Governors of Water- loo University, Left to right: W. H. Trotter, District 20 President of Oshawa's Central Collegiate; Mr, Needles; R. S. White, Chairman of the 1064 Standing is R. H Rattray, Rattray, vice-Chairman of the Committee from Uxbridge Secondary School, --Oshawa Times Photo WHITBY And DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD WILL HELP Janitors Hired Help, Paid It Themselves toh ete tom ae, | J \ton, until lhad one vote -- would stand, despite his desire to decline, -~Mr, Manning and Mrs, Me Kenzie voted for Dr. Mountjoy. Dr, Mountjoy and Hugh Ormiston voted for Mr. Mann. ~~No one voted for Mr, Ormis- Mr, Thompson in: structed Mrs, McKenzie to do as "she had nominated Mr, Ormiston, as he only Mrs, Me- Kenele's second one -- was ev ' Mr, and = Dr, Mountjoy cae tled with two votes each, so Mr, Thompson took it upon himself, and ap- 7 |pointed Mr, Manning to an un- precedented second term, Dr, Mountjoy, who had in- dicated he didn't want the office School Act, then it is right, "If you are not satisfied with tie me as Chairman then ine Kenzie replied; "It's not that 1 T am not satisfied with you as Chairman, I just want to see you. elected to that office in the correct manner,' The vote on the re ion was unanimous with the excep- tion of Mr, Manning who de- clined to vote because "he had an interest in the matter," CORRECTION Due to erroneous information, and my lack of complete ob- servation, a number of errors occurred in the Henry High School reviews Monday night. The cutlines for the tures should reverse the itions of Miss Mitchell and Miss Doug: Hockey Association (ki 6 to 15) placed a budget BEAVER LUMBER DON'T PUT OFF TILL APRIL from/This was really where all the/sh iN before/trouble maces pec promised,)} The $450 grant from the Town e credited to the Arena, when, nominated, expressed/lass, and any references made WHAT YOU CAN SAVE ON NOW! Whitby Public Schoo) caretak- ers' grievances, in a meeting with the Personnel Committee early this month, were answer- ed ata mooting of the Whitby Public School Board Monday. Requests registered by the eight Whitby Public caretakers forced to hire hel; ing for it out of ed by caretakers that it is phys- ically impossible to perform the work assigned to them without help from the family." "Some caretakers have been for Christ- nUps, Pay- their own mas and Easter c included a salary raise, holiday|pocket pay, free weekends, and assist- ance during Christmas and Eas- = schoo! cleanups, Committee recommendations in response to the employees' requests were prefaced with the following observations by act- Douglas Man- eral tenor, the care- ve been goog 0 They have enjoyed no new = _---- for sification, Addi! "The existing salary eched- ule has a minimum pay base rising by seniority to a maxi- mum, Additional wages ere dis- tributed for such extra respon- sibilities as rooms, stairs and auditorium." "The committee recommends that the salary scale be com- pletely discontinued and that it be supplemented with a new schedule He explained that the new schtdule would assign basic to school clas- accordi Steet! salary will be distributed on the basie of) | type of heating in the schools, with an increase in the basic wage due to caretakers of build- to supervise more than one building. Trustee Schilling observed that the wage increases under the new schedule total $670, a 'far cry' from what was asked, However, he said, it represent- ed, at least, 'some movement to bring a schedule with some sense into effect." At Christmas and __ Easter cleanup periods, according to committee recommendation. 90 ings fired by coal rather than) | oil, and to employees required! | RCAF-BOUND Robert Lewis, Grade 10 stu- dent at Henry Street High School, son of Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Lewis, 1022 Wardman crescent has enlisted with the RCAF and has been accepted to continue his education, Rob- ert will do his basic pho | at St, John's, Quebec. R = jens this coming a en pleasure at the secreta: cision as to who shoul the 1964 Board, STAND BY ACT At a meeting of the Board last night the trustees again elected Mr, Manning to the post of chairman after striking the original "election" from the record: s, A resolution, instructing that six lines of the minutes of the last meeting be deleted and that Mr. Manning be elected as chairman was passed and Mr, Manning was elected by an unanimous show of hands, Clerk-treasurer Thompson did not vote, ears per year maximum extra elp will be provided to care- takers of the larger schools and 48 to. employees working in smaller is, Another major point in the = oe in their duties, These fam- embers work without pro- from Workman's Com- pensation, We have been inform. Trio Three area men, who were convicted by Judge Alex Hall| Friday, Jan, 30 on four joint| charges of break, enter and theft, were sentenced here yes- terday Blake "Bucky" Cheseborough| of Oshawa was sentenced to} three years in Kingston Pent tentiary, to be served consecu- tively with a two-year prison) term for assault imposed on) him by Magistrate Harry) Jermyn here last month Brian McLean, 21, of Ajax re-| ceived a two-year prison term} for his part in the breaking and! entering of four Oshawa busi: Messes and the theft of goods valued at $1,000, 'ng| NEED IS SAME aie! IN JOB, CLASS Mathematics, science and English are the most im- portant subjects taught in school today, 400 members of District 20 OSSTF were told here yesterday. Tra G. Needles, Chairman of the Board of Governors of Waterloo University told them that: "The needs for education and making a liv ing could not be separated". "Where does a man go who takes education for its own sake? What does he do? "A world of emphasis should-be placed on math- ematics," he angued. "Not for the formulae, or the equations, but the mental training, and because it trains the mind to be more analytical, more factual, and more critical. "General science training makes a person more crea- tively dissatisfied, "English is important for communication purposes, The employee must be able to write, talk, report, plan, or sell," he proposed, He referred to all other subjects, such as history, languages, and geography as important -- but only on a secondary level -- for the | student ment seeking employ- tions was the ap- t of a "floating care- taker", Trustee Schilling pointed out that such an employee could ab- sord a large portion of the cost which would be otherwise spent) employing outside help. The ap-| pointee would work three quar. ters of his time as a mainten- ance man and two days as a floater, aiding shorthanded care- takers in other schools, he said. He added that such an em- ployee would remedy the exist- ing situation whereby the pres- ent eight caretakers of Whitby's eight Public Schools are with- out replacement, except for their supervisor, in case of ill- ness A 30 per cent increase in} overtime wage was also includ-| ed in the recommendations, as was response to requests for) holidays and weekends, Trustee! Doug Maundrell noted that some! of the caretakers had not en-| joyed a holiday for "quite a number of years", and that) their duties required them to work during weekends, The recommendations, ap- proved by the board, will be broached to the caretakers for approvi al 'Thursday, SCUGOG Peg parvo & Shirt Launderers | hone OnE G68-A34" Andrew Harabulya, a 1%year./f was sen- less one old Oshawa youth, tenced to two. years, day on the charges | Judge Hall warned Chesebor- ough that "he was in danger of being considered an habitual criminal". Convictions against him began in 1954, when he was 16. Stole Light Gets 30 Days James Arthur Jones, 19, H Russett avenue, Oshawa, was sentenced to 30 days after a epotlight he had stolen was spotted decorating his car Jones appeared before Magis- trate Harry W. Jermyn in Whil- by Court Tuesday and pleaded guilty to a charge of theft under $50 Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck told the court that a stolen spot- light was seen attached to the accused's car by the original owner of the accessory Magistrate Jermyn said: "This is far too common an oc currence in this area and since this is your second offence the court cannot take too light a -- 3 days". "TI hope that when you come out you'll have a different set of Giceats on and see things WHITBY-AJAX-BAY RIDGES CAMPAIGN CHAIRMEN: WHITBY... AJAX... BAY RIDGES .. Canadian National Institute For The Blind ANNUAL CAMPAIGN BEGINNING MR, HAROLD HARE. . . 668-2281 + MR, EDMUND STEER . . . 942.3494 MRS, MARY WILLIAMS . . . 839.3134 Canvassers Are Still Needed @ WELCOME YOUR CANVASSERS ¢ 17th, 1964 to the Newspaper. *s de-ito Mr, Gibson should be applied head/to Mr, Leslie, and vice-versa, Perfect Fit? Thot's whet you will get Wt you have your next sult or coat made to measure by e TIP TOP TAILORS e@ HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN e WM, WN, LEISHMAN oe Russ Reeves MEN'S SHOP 129 BROCK $ PH, 668-2091 "Day-In" and "Day-Out" "Rain or Shine" HE'S ALWAYS TIME With Your OSHAWA uM ES! When He Please Be 'On Time With Your Payments Calls!! REMEMBER! Your Oshawa Times Newspeper Corrier Hes to pay for hie papers EVERY WEEK, so PLEASE don't keep him waiting for His Payment. He's in business for himself and the money you ewe belongs to HIM ,. . not im many cases he just cannot afford to keep on poying for his newspapers and not collecting . . . so please try and help YOUR Carrier to meet his obligations . . . by paying him promptly when he celle. Oshawa Times can install @ymstrong EXCELON TILE AND SAVE IMONEY Wen't crack, resiets stains, con be Cleaned with @ domp mop, Need only scissors end brush to inetell, Beautiful trend colours end pot: tern selection, Con be installed anywhere in your home. EASY TO INSTALL P.V. CEILING tive patterns, Easy to install, Prefinished white with pleasing decore- ponels pre-scored te tle effect. Cover 16 99, ft. in single application, . 25 " "nu@ CHAMPAGNE For finished Charm HARDBOARD Light, Bright and Pleasing! 'or rec room walle thia exclusive Beaver pagne but distinctive colour end graining ts herd beat dork room brighter 4x CHERRY z Teak, wells, A groin end shade to match panel only PREFINISHED ROYALCOTE MASONITE Prefinished HARDBOARD - Birch end Cherry woodgreining, @ selection of blending shades for distinctive Se eae. enn ES SET CHERRY HARDBOARD 4.85 VENETIAN any cole PARTITION STUDS 2x 4x7 ft. 42¢ 2x4x8 ft. 48c CEILING AND WALL STRAPPING 98¢ 8 wor re y* aka Ri -acee ah . men BEAVER CADET $299. Ontorio's most preetical 12° | x 20° gorage with @ fresh, neat styling thot matches * any home, Studs and refters ' : ielude easy to follow plane: J ORDER NOW BEFORE | THE TAX INCREASE ° build with BEAVER budget with ONE STOP NO OUTSIDE FINANCING Materiel end labour if necessary con el be mchided in @ Beaver Bg og Plan, Convenient terma . . . payment. One ston bo] oe with Beaver Lumber tren stort wry LOW AS $10 @ meath. SATINCOTE CEILING TILE 11%. A $Q, FT, Eth sarei-glom white We of wnt. colour, Special tongue and po an for fost gowre oe curate imstatiation, Carton Lots. Cah and Corry, MICRO ACCOUSTICAL Satincote bess with more sound SATINCOTE 141,. A $Q. FT, 1000 oho mere Beat Goren Lon' Suan ene Oey. DEPENDABLE QUALITY & SERVICE Gp Paint WHITBY, 419 DUNDAS ST. BOWMANVILLE, 96 KING e ST. BEAVER LUMBER 668-5818 & 623-3388 ecm

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