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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Feb 1964, p. 14

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' The sick mittee visits all its members in the Oshawa General Hospi- tal once a week and also, about once a month, visits all Oshawa and district veterans committee of Branch 43, Royal Canadian Legion, plans to extend the scope of its activities during the coming year, The com- Auto Parking Problem Frets Hospital The finance committee of the Oshawa General Hospital has 'gone around in cireles trying} to solve the parking problem,"'/ boxed in, perhaps we ¢ stated S, E, Lovell, committee/at another use of our land anc chairman, at the monthly board charge for indoor parking meeting Tuesday "We feel that the project Mr, Lovell said that his com: mittee had discussed ways and means to ease a parking prob- lem which \ould be greatly in. creased if .nv extensions were) built, "We feel we are going to} have a problem if we build," Mr, Lovell said, "and we will pay heavily to buy land for! more parking. there are rocks gathering moss SURVEY SUGGESTED "We should not go ahead un. He suggested that the board less we are sure what we want hire a local firm of traffic en-/We are not going to have a gineers to prepare a survey of|parking problem - we have a all parking needs, Mr, Lovell|parking problem now," GM M ithe relevant facts, costs lavailable,"' Roard) Member Keith Ross stated,'this seems to be a fad erts and ,ay for a survey, ering dust in this country than An executive meeting of Gen-jess, who are known to possess eral Motors Male Chorus was/singing talent, had not availed held recently at the home ofjthemselves of the opportunity to djjoin this group, It was nted poe A! peg etter that pilletine " suggested that a parking garage may be the answer, 'We are inigaid: "We don't know whether an area which is being rapidly] ould look! Vahey : j Ul we see it in some places, to get in the ex-/sultants was referred back lthe committee with the recom:| here are more surveys gath- ale Chorus 227 Births Discusses Plans | At Hospital ed throughout all plants in GM, eral LEGION SICK COMMITTEE TO EXTEND ITS ACTIVITIES in Sunnybrook Hospital, Tor- onto, Seen here are the mem: bers of the committee, Seated from left, are Rev, Alfred Wooleock, branch padre; Jan Drygala, chairman and Harry Board Board chairman, T, L, Wilson, 7 Big Crowd Expected At Dinner AJAX (Special) = Response to the first announcements about the ol ga dinner in Ajax Saturday, Feb, 20, has been excellent it was announced this week, honor of this area's parliamen tary representatives will ac: knowledge the fact that all four' of Our members of senior gov- ernment are members of the Conservative party, possibly the only district in Canada for made, The affair is being spon- sored jointly by the Progressive Conservative Associations In the "J laren, Brown, past branch president, Standing, from left, are Earl Gillard, Maurice Proctor, Ed Kitchen, Cameron Oke,. Wil» liam Beaton and Don Iverson, Oshawa Times Photo will be Hon, 'imember of parliament for On- "itario Riding and former minis: BOARD TO STUDY FUTURE NEEDS Expansion of facilities at the Oshawa General Hos: pital was discussed Tuesday at the monthly board meet- ing. William A, Holland, business administrator, out: lined talks which have been or not we will pigeonhole it un- not a "A parking garage is K, thing of beauty,"' said T |should be looked into and that/Creighton," and our fee to the} and/consultants would be wasted if lother factors should be made|we found out the city would not) allow us to build a garage." A. motion that the finance committee meet with the con) to} mendation that the matter be taken up with the appropriate civic authorities and referred back to the board Mr, Ross had said eariier that the matter could be discussed with the Oshawa Planning Board, | In January Members of the Oshawa Gen- Hospital Board learned) held between representa. tives of the Ontario - Hos: pitals Commission and' the OGH, He said that expansion had been discussed but that no committments had been made by either party, Mr, Holland stated that he would consult with the property committee to prepare a draft plan which would be submitted to the commis. sion, "This would be a study of the future," T. L, Wilson, board chairman, stated, "we have a growing popula. tion which means that the present situation will not get any better, We want to get together with the com: mission and smoke the prob- Jems out," Dr, D, MeLean said later that the medical committee advised the appointment of a medical building commit- tee to discuss the needs of a new hospital wing Board Welcomes Whitby Delegate Among the guests of honor Michael Starr, ter of labor in the Ottawa gov- ernment, Joining Mike at the table of honor will be Hon, Allister Grosart, senator for Pickering; Honorable Matthow B, Dymond, minister of health in the Ontario government and MPP for Ontario Riding and Albert V. Walker, recently elected provincial member from Oshawa Riding, A reception at 6 pm, will be followed by dinner at 7 p.m, and an. opportunity for the many guests to meet with and talk to their elected members, The event will be held in the Ajax Community Centre, Other dignitaries are sched- uled to attend including a num- ber of House of Commons and Legislative associates of the |honored guests, Mrs, Kay Wetherall of Ajax, jehairman for the dinner, warns jthat first response to this inter. jesting evening has been most encouraging and those who are planning to attend are advised D. St. Pierre First In Seed Test tario County Seed Judging Com- petition was held in the Port Perry High School, with a total of 43 contestants taking part. During the morning program, contestants were required to judge classes of cereal grains, jsmall seeds, comm silage and identify weeds, plant specimens and crop seeds, During the af- ternoon program, the contest. jants were required to give oral] jreasons on four of the six classes judged in the morning The high contestant in the The reception and dinner in|) which this statement may bel| | On Saturday, Feb, 15, the On.) jat SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1964 PAGE THIRTEEN Grade 5 pupils from E, A Lovell Public School Tuesday toured The Oshawa Times to | learn first-hand how the news- -- girls, under their teacher, Ron | | 'Hit Street accidents in Tuesday, were responsible cemed, Mrs, Christien 172 Bloor street east, by she was knocked down ear near her home, The driver was Don 4 = Elen street, There was a three-car cras the junction of Park roa and Bond street, resulting in Dewey, total of $750 damage, The ae 4 Joseph Childer- ers were June Ballan, Cubert street; hose, 98 Grenfell street and Wi liam Walsh, 312 Buena Vist avenue, Wilson road at the junctio of King street was the scene of a collision between two ve- icles driven by James Oliver, 106 Thornton's road south and Bruce MeGregor, RR 1, Hamp- Oshawa, | for) sending a 60-year-old woman to hospital and amassing a $1,175) damage bill for the drivers con- Pawlenchuk, suffered a fractured knee and arm when Phillips, turn out their own newspaper at the school, Here they try out their skills in the editorial room where the oper- . paper business operates, Their interest was more than normal curiosity, These boys and LOVELL SCHOOL PUPILS VISIT NEWSPAPER PLANT ation of teletype machines and the related functions of the wire editor were explained to them, --Oshawa Times Photo Deputy House OTTAWA (Special) -- Ontario Riding's MP, former Labor Minister Michael Starr, was named Deputy House Leader for the Conservative Party op- position Tuesday, Former Prime Minister John Diefenbaker 'made the an: nouncement following the read- ing of the throne speech in the h!/Senate chamber. 4) Gordon Churchill, the veteran */ Winnipeg politician, remains as the party's house leader and Mr, Starr will substitute for him whenever he is absent, Tn an interview Tuesday, Mr, Starr said he did not attach any tremendous importance or significance to the new post, It is the frst time the official opposition has named a deputy house leader and po age Sees not _-- any @ inere- ment, nm MICHAEL STARR By Auto Starr Is Appointed Woman Hurt to reserve their tickets early, | Leader A house leader is named by each party in the Commons and they confer together from time to time in an effort to arrive at decisions and agreements on the order of presentation and handling of the business of the house. The government house leader is Guy Favreau, the minister of justice, who replaced J. W. ickersgill, J. Watson Mac: Naught of Prince Edward Is- land, the solicitor general, is government deputy house leader, "T was asked by Mr, Diefen- baker to take the position just a couple of hours before pariia- ment opened," Mr, Starr said following the announcement, "I had not discussed it with him or any one else prier to this and his request came as a sur prise to me." * had been plac: ing was te arent bylaws for the governing of this chorus, Some very useful ideas were brought forward and will be pre- sented to the members at a Yater date for their approval, It was felt by those present that the chorus be confined to Gen- eral Motors employees only, The members were also in agreement on their disappoint. ment that more of the employ- but this had not brought an|Tuesday night that 1,676 pa- " overwhelming response, tients were admitted during} aaa egy ed T. L, Wilson|co age was _ ; pes $295. BLE |January, Admissions during the) than the Oshawa General/ Pierre, Claremont; with @ total 4 car driven. by Michael Me: Ne Dodie ten os di |month Included 1,483 adults and/Hospital board for kindnesses|of 633 points out of a possible Clean, 171 Garrard road north, 4 hy : ty rt Onin S/children, 16 chronic cases and/shown to him recently when he/700, David won the Russell Mor! rerod: $200 damage when the earaeee oa "qvetitaie tn 227 newborn, was a patient, "on the inside,"/rison Trophy for the high COMn-/ vehicle went out of control and] others has a. bearing on the! The report showed 1,509 pas Councillor Robert Attersley of|testant in the junior section for! conided with a house at: the! turnout, but steps are being|tlents were discharged during Whitby was welcomed to the/the fourth consecutive time ., {intersection of Bloor street and taken to rectify this, It is felt| January, There were 37 deaths| board as the representative of} Ta the senior section, Alvininicon road. | that for those on shift work, (and the daily average of patients) Whitby Town Council Brooks, Mount Albert, was high} --__._. 1 who would like to avail them: under care was 544.9 The board acknowledged the! contestant, with a total of 614 Leaders Plan Of Jewish Music selves of the opportunities of the) Of the patients admitted, 99o/feceiPt of $1,200 in donations/points, and won the Ontario = en See Progr am February is designated by)the use of instrumental musie Sharad Chay BAN COEAA Qnolwats from Oshawa. 150 trom|<? hospital funds, One hundred) County Soil and Crop Improve-| The Oshawa Fire Depart: those of the Hebrew faith as/has not been restored to this 4 . \ "Jewish Music Month" and with , ; a ah ishve ~ d "and sixty dollars was given inimet' Senior Championship/ment was called out Tuesday to! Plans for the 1964 4-H Agri-| night that 'Gran py "intland 8 trom Whitby Township.) emer y of a Mr, and Mrs,| Award extinguish a fire under a garjcultural Club program were laid) You Group is in mind, members of the th | ivec 4 POWNSMP./Geoge Blayone and the remain). The Port Perry Junior Farm-/age at 397 Mary street, No otherjat the annual Ontario County/Oshawa Centre of the Royal yg eg WithlAJaxI3s. Pickering 'Township (cer, was in the form of bequests [4H Club Leaders' banquet and ton, Total damage amounted to 4-H Club 'Cites Evolution country passed down the tradi- tional music. During all this time, the music was passed from genera: tion to generation orally since there was no method develo of writing music down, In 500 A.D, a method was develop- é ers' team of Bob Tripp, Don/fire alarms were received in the) : Canadian College of Onganists ® Ithese people to help to keep] 42; Other Ontario County from two estates meeting bold Uae Hea 1ves 00 jthem up with those people work-/ni¢ipalities: 2. A tetal of rected by Mrs, E. Dobson, ATOM, Piano and Voice, who ' Beacock and Keith Phoenix won/24 = hour period from 8 a.m, mt Dr. D, MeLean reported thatthe Junior "Farmer Inter-Club/ Tuesday to § a.m. today, There! day evening, Feb, 17, |had as their guest speaker at a | ndical ¢ » recom: ing one shift. patients were admitted from the medical committer recom T Lib | The chorus is very ably di:jother. counties, including seven Y needs no introduction te music The Walther League, a youth:|!overs in this area. The ac Trophy, with Uxbridge Junior! Were three ambulance calls dur) Leaders, representing most of]ecent meeting, Bernard Paper. mended the establishment of a Farmers placing second ing the same period, two routine/ the 4-H Agricultural Clubs in the/nick, BA, Mus, B., of Toronto, coronary unit of the extensive . ' rs, Marie Tay srauning A nae companist is Mrs 1 } again of Grace Tathean "RCT, RAT. 'whe hae the McLaughlin Public Library|Ye'Y accomplished musician in Pe ad e . ight with @ copy of the Book of Cons)"h Own Fig : cord At popularly khown by All types of songs are learned the Latin title, Concordia, this/OY this chorus, ranging from . popular songs, spirituals, folks book contains the Evangelical): : omi-chasgies an Lutheran Chureh's statement of S08 10 the semi-classics and faith classics, A program of music to be presented in the spring is It was compiled from. the now in preparation and the date three ecumenical creeds and'of this concert will be announce: seven Lutheran confessions in od at a later date 1' iy. Tt includes the Smal Cate. General Motors Male employ chism of Dr. Martin Lutheriees, who possess singing talents (3339) which is memorized by and who have not as yet avail most Lutherans before Confined themselves of this apportun mation, Included also, is thelity for an -vening of good music Augsburg Confession which was and songs, are asked to came read at the Imperial Diet at) sat te the south plant parts and 7.90 ave ed as the birthday of the La-/Chute world (wel a third of the 1 700,000 of them are Cana) Oshawa and district war vet: to to Pert Hope. Grace Church) For many years, the sick com: Ontario District, LutheraRiorans at Sunnybrook Hospital in lic. Jesus Christ, the Son of Ged Another function of the coms} the forgiveness of sins, life and lard, presents a film at the ed and Sacraments celebrated, | better coverage by the sick com: Augsburg on June 2, 1090. the cervice cafeteria' Mondays. at date which is generally regard-/7.15 pm. - and contact Deus theran Church Practices are held from Today these confessional/>™ until § pm Statements are subscribed to : by 70 million 'ubherans in the Si } Co itt world popu aticn commonly de ee signated as Protestant.) About. 8% million Luterhans E t d Work live in North America and near ) x en dians erans whe are confined to hos: The Lutheran parish of Osh pital are not forgotten by mem: awa 'numbers 550 souls and €X:/bers of Oshawa Branch 43 of the tends from metropolitan Toren) Royal Canadian Legion. is located just north of the 4@l/ mittee of the Legion has made highway on the Park road exit lregular visits te ailing members The Pastor, Philip L. Fiess,/in the Oshawa General Hospital also serves as President of the and all Oshawa and district vet- Church -- Canada, Terento. This committee dis- The Theology of the Book of tributes cigaretts, candy, books, Concord is often characterizediand magazines in addition to as being evangelical and catho- their weekly visits j and Man, is confessed to be the) mittee is the entertainment of Saviour of the World. Lutheransifered te residents of Hillsdale acknowledge that mankind is| Manor Every month, a mem: sinful by nature and in need of|ber of the committee, Earl Gib salvation freely given by the) Manor for the enjoyment of the Christ, whe 's truly present with/senior citizens His Church, The Church is found) Chairman of the committee, wherever the Word is prociaim-jJan Drygala, plans fer even Miss Elaine Bebes, president) mittee. His work will be made of the Walther League nade easier if people wil call 13.91) the presentation last Friday at and inform the legion of anyone the McLaughiia Library, twhe is sick, from Durham and 62 from Dar lington, Sixteen. patients were admit ted t@ private wards, 666 i semi = private wards, 751 to publie wards and 227 to the nur sery Thé out ~ patient department reported 921 X-rays, 71 labora: tory tests and 1,087. emergency treaiments and operations, dur ing January The physiotherapy depart: ments handled 136 in-patients, gave 1,467 in patient treat- ments, and = gave 1,824 treat ments to 252 out - patients Patient days during January totalled 16,804. This compares with 15,666 patient days in Jan-) uary, This worked out to a daily average of 544.9 as compared with 505.3 in December Staff at the Oshawa General Hospital in January numbered 828 full time staff, 83 part time $1 relief, 123 students from the seheol of. nursing, three labora- tory students and three radiol. ogy students The hoard learned the aver age bed oceupancy in January was $8.2 per cent as compared to 82." percent in December, The average stay in days durin, January was 94 compared to 9 in December MAYOR GIFFORD | IS IMPROVED Mayor Lyman A. Gifford was reported in "improved condition" today in St. Mich- ael's Hospital, Toronto, where he recently underwent major surgery for a bowel obstruction Acting Mayer Hayward Murdoch said Mr. Gifford had personally telephoned his secretary at city hall today to inquire about some "mu: nicipal matters," "This would indicate to me that His Worship was feel ing better than he has for some time,' said Mr. Mur. doch. "He admitted that he had been 'a sick man," but he seemed ta be recover. ing ' care unit, He stated that patients could be treated in the unit dur. ing the acute stage CANADIAN SETTING A movie version of Brian Moore's novel The Luck Ginger Coffey will be filmed in) High School, The Uxbridge High) American countries Montreal and Ottawa, featuring!School placed second, and Portito win support for Brian Shaw and Mary Ure The InterSchoo! Trophy was/and one to ar accident at Bloor/County, attended and planned) E, A, Winkler, at whose home awarded to the Brock District High School, The team mem: bers were Fred Waines, Tom Wileock, Bill Speedie and David Howard, and the coach was John Hawthorne, Perry High School placed third,| street and Ritson road SEBK SUPPORT AMMAN (AP)--Jordan's For eign Minister Anton = Atalla agricultural plans to leave early in March otiteacher at the Brock Distriction a prolonged tour of Latin) His aim is the Arab; states' opposition to Israel REE SEO +| $25 Million 4 Building Scheme FIRST SNOW IN 60 YEARS. RCAF personne! in Yemen, on the Arabian Peninsula, take advantage of the first spew fall in that iT @ years te show the local mm habilanis what a Cagadian- type snowman looks like. Leading Airerafisman P. Beaucage of Wheatland, Man- itoha (left) and Sergeant C Reaman of Springhill, Nova Seeotia, pat the finishing touches on "Frosty" in Sana, the capital of Yemen. Officers and men of the RCAF's Air Transport Command service and fly Caribou aircraft in support af the U ad Nations Observer Mission in Yemen (National Defeace Photo.) * the Oshawa Kiwanis #H Dairy the general program for the sea. son, suggesting some changes|* meeting was held, introduc. aimed at improving the educa-/¢d the speaker, Mr, Papernick tional value of the tubs. jobtained his bachelor of music Certificates, recognizing ten/@earee at the University of To- years of service as &H_ club/ Tonto, taught for a time at Pick- leaders, were presented as fol:/tring High School then went lows -- Donald Hadden of the back and took his degree in law Sunderland 4-H Dairy Calf Clud;|and now practises in Toronto, Walter Kerry of the Scott 4H/He is a professional singer at .|Potato Club; Ronald Werry of/Hely Blossom Synagogue and at Cah aad Hanh aire nx directs his own Folk Choir, Calf Club, a ual | i . ithe Scott Junior Calf Club, A/REFLECTION OF HISTORY club leader's pin was presented) Mr, Papernick opened his talk to Morley Davidson who has/by pointing out that any na- completed one year as a 4H) tional music reflects the history club leader, jof the people and this was de- It was suggested that the 4-H) monstrated as he traced the Tractor Maintenance Club be/development of Jewish music, located in the Ux e area| This was of Egyptian origin but this year, and that a 4H Grainjwhereas the performers in Corn Claud be organized In South) Egypt included women, those in Ontario King David's temple consisted 4H Agricultural Clubs will be only of men and boys, organized throughout the County) Aocordivne to Mishna, a de jon Monday, March 23, scription of the services in the i . written many years | Queen's Starts h | Temple jlater, never less than 12 instra- ;ments were used and never. less than 12 adult singers as well as a large number of Levite boys. ;The adult singers were admit- KINGSTON (CP) -- Queen's/Yeats of study: they sang for University today announced a/% years then retired. 1$25,000,000 building program to/Ments included drums, cymbals, be completed by 1970, itrumpets, reed pipes, harps and Principal J, A. Corry said the the first one to be used was the lexpansion is needed to handle/ram's horn which can still be an expected two - thirds in-/heard in modern synagoguges. crease in graduate and under- > graduate student enrolment to -- Lg iige wpe nae 5,600 from 3.700--in the next six). 4" C., the Greeks under | Alexander invaded Israel .and years, i I The ram includes new)the Hebrews who wished to in- louildings being planned, build.Corporate the Greek influence lings already under construction inte Jewish music were called and the renovation of existing Hellenists, The destruction of structures the second temple by the Ro- Mr. Corry said some of the mans in 7 A.D. curtailed the funds will be borrowed from) Use of the traditional music and sede tortgege and Hi fg orporation because gov CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS ernment funds are restricted to} use for specific academic pur.) Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- poses dent of Oshawa and district who is celebrating his birth- day today Rodert Tate, 1133 Clover. dale, Phone TINT. DISCUSSED ANGELS Legend has it that when Turk. jish soldiers successfully stormed Constantinople in 53, Ryeantine leaders were other wise occupied, arguing whether jangels were male er female. ed whereby the pitch of notes was indicated by neumes and musicologists have discovered in comparing the first written of Jewish traditional services throughout the world that despite centuries of separe lation, amazing similarities exist, \HEBREW CHANTS SUNG | Mr, Papernick also traced the jsimilarity between the early | Christian music and the Hebrew Joantorial chant, He illustrated \this by himself singing some of ithe Hebrew chants, centuries lold, and by playing recordings lof some of the most famous . | Jewish cantors, At this t, explained the original role of the joantor, as the person who jorder and who took the sc centor led the singing, Gradual- ly the two were combined and ithe cantor became more impor. jtant, A cantor is required to be jwell educated, with a jted at the age of 30 after five)», | vices with women taking part. Today in th eUnited States and Canada many synagogues use the reform service in which modern music as well as tradi. tional music is sung. In the or thodox service, the traditional music is stil 'seq exclusively, Mr, Papernick listed a large jnumber of world famous Jew. ish instrumentalists, composers, conductors and singers. INATIONALISTIC MUSIC Since the founding of the State of Israel in I1N8, a great deal of nationalistic Jewish music has been written and the speaker felt that there was no jreason why the future of Jew- jish_ music should not be bright jwith much of the traditional Synagogue instrumental and vo- foal music ~e) restored, A, Turton, chairman of the centre, thanked the speaker for & most interesting and informa: tive talk,

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