Mrs, M. Sparks who spent two months with her daughter, Mrs. C. Porter, Winnipeg, has Tewiinea home. H Mrs. C. « Playfair, visited with her parents, and Mrs. R. Richardson, 1a 8t/The president, Mrs. R, Batten, week, chaired the meeting and led in The World's Day of Praver|the meditation. Two films were us aeehl-tecently_-awith-a--sese shawn and Mrs. Rav Graham Burn's Churen,(8@¥e @ Soto. 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Februery 21, 1964 NRC Studies Space Dust OTTAWA (CP) -- An intricate electronic detector is being de- by the National' Re- u alietn tn wie 7G bert o-peT FCC Chaves, attendance in roronto,{ Mr. RAY MILLAND Starring As sips el King x: Monsters! BORIS KARLOFF J the WMS. Mrs, F. Daw hadla plano sclo and lunch was/daughter, Donna, Toronto; Mr. Ashburn La ies\in- study, and told. of the work|served by the committee, and Mrs. W. McAndles and eo | = ione--by--tho--saobits tints in|, mne members of the YOUNgltamily, Don Mills, 'and. Mrs. H Id = the Bhi ' Field, India, Mrs inion with { | Reynolds-were recent "Sanday tin * --1|Night" with the Young People ay 0 Mee g uns wet ice wnt 4 Me or Uxbridge on Saturday eve-|visitors with Mr. and Mrs. By MRS. R, RICHARDSON | Mrs. R. Batten entertained\™"- Edgar Heron. ASHBURN The regular the Ladies' Bible class. Mrs.|PERSONALS » | meeting of the Ladies' Guild|Douglas Ashton chaired the| Several from Ashburn recent- > of Burn's Church met tecently|meeting and gave an interest-|ly attended a Valentine Tea at | at the home of Mrs. F. Daw. ing meditation. Mrs. C, Bryant|Meadow Crest School, Brooklin. The officers for 1964 are:/and Mrs, H. Ashton gave read-| Recent visitors -- Miss Beat- Mr, Wlochowicz said space/Mrs. W. Gardiner, president; lings. rice Nufer and her brother, Mrs. Ray Graham, vice-presi-| Mrs. L. Bradley gave the mes-|Andrew, from Victoria, B.C.; dent; Mrs. J. Hopkins, secre-/sage. Miss Judith Batten gavelMr. and Mrs. R. Cromie and tary, and Mrs. L. Doble, treas- vehicles are not likely to en- Fantastic MADISON'S nag Council ' effort to| counter large meteoroids which are few in number. However, small meteroids or space dust|they were likely to encounter large numbers of meteoroids which are of the order of about one two-thousands of an inch in diameter. The velocity, and direction of travel of this type of meteoroid -- known as space dust~--was unknown. deter mine whether infinitely will have any damaging effect on future space vehicles, The complicated instrument consists of a small crystal mi- crophone mounted inside the nose cone of a Black Brant rocket and linked by radio to a recording station on earth. urer. | The following ladies attended the annual meeting of the WMS| held at Lindsay: Mrs. C. Harri- son, Mrs. Fred Daw, Mrs, R. Batten, Mrs. E. Huron, Miss V.| Leach, Mrs. L. Doble and Mrs.| C, Bryant. | WMS MEETS | Mrs. A. Fisher was hostess for the February meeting of concentration 2 BIG Tony Curtis in "THE OUTSIDER" | -- with -- BRUCE BENNETT "Tarzan AND THE Lost Safari" Starring GORDON SCOTT The microphone is s0 sensi- tive that it can detect meteor- oids striking the rocket's nose cone as it streaks through space a altitudes of 100 to 200 miles. The sound of each individual impact is trnsmitted by the ra- dio link to receiving equipment at the Churchill, Man., rocket range. The Canadian-designed rock- ets are being fired into the up- per atmosphere at the Church-| ill rocket range as part of Can- | ada's space rese"ch program. | Romeo Wlochowicz, of NRC's | rdio and electrical engineering | division, said Wednesday in an interview that scientists want to learn more about meteorods to increase man's knowledge of the universe and for a variety of practical reasons associated with spce travel. NOW APPEARING IN OSHAWA KENTUCKY BAR B. Q. CHICKEN Packed with savory dressing from |) en old Southern recipe. 3 tbs, and over. SPECIAL THIS WEEK Bor B.Q. Kentucky Southern Fried Chicken .. . French Fries... Chef Salad . . . Hot Rolls. «++ TAKE OUT ORDERS DIAL 725-0907 Carmicheel's Bar B.Q. DANCE the.. Royal Canadian Legion Hall 90 Centre St. -- Oshawa this SAT, FEB. 22nd to the music of Jack DODDS ORCHESTRA Refreshments & Lunch Adm, $2.00 per couple Park Rd. S. at 401 pene eoetese ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FEATURE DAILY 1;:30---3:30--5:20 7:35--9:50 HITS EXTRA! THREE STOOGES COMEDY ; i STARTS foda THE MAN WITH THE X-RAY EYES In Color Adult Entertainment DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M. - In His New Picture of 1,000 Horrors! 'The Haunted Strangler' Adult Entertainment KFC. 295 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA | Dancing 9 p.m. till 1 Admission $1.50 Cotinuous SAT. & SUN, From 1:30 P.M, TEE PEE DRIVE-IN 401 at Liverpool Rd -- Free In-Car-Heaters FRIDAY--SATURDAY--SUNDAY! 3 Big Stars! 3 Big Hits! * * * ROCK SANDRA TONY HUDSON DEE CURTIS 1. Gathering of Eagles 2. Wild and the Innocent 3. The Midnight Story WHAT: A Swinging Dance WHEN: 8:30 to 11:30 P.M. Saturday Night WHERE: 0.6.V.1. HOW: Shirt and Tie WHY: Greatest Music Around RT @ PHONE 723-2843 TIMES:--1:20 - 3:20 ~ SATURDAY LAS : co-starring Walter Matthau /James Coburn senenplay ty PETER STONE produces and Ovected by STANLEY DONEN se HENRY MANCINI A Univeral Release TECHNICOLOR® ii 5:20 - 7:25 - 9:30 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:20 OPEN DAILY 1 P.M. SUNDAY 1:30 P.M, 500, Gal 4 a je 500, Gal 'The SUPER TORQUE FORD- " us lavish comfort, delightful ride and beautiful lines make this the hottest selling Ford ever! Ma fucks the 1964 Ford! The 1964 Ford Galaxie 500/XL Convertible, one of the Total Performance Fords Built in Canada, ore fa On d ¢ The Super Torque Ford is selling up a storm! ... because it has what new car buyers want! Fabulous exterior beauty, capped by your choice of three rooflines. A settle-in-and-smile kind of interior luxury--more comfortable than ever, {In the XL's, shell-type bucket seats are standard, and the Swing-Away steering wheel is a delightful option!) The ride of this Ford--where you fully realize true automotive luxury-- is smoother, quieter and more relaxing than you'd have ever believed possible. Which Ford is your Ford?--there are 16 models in 4 series, including the Ford je 500/XL. Test drive the total performance of the '64 Super Torque Ford--at your Ford Dealer. Certain features illustrated or mentioned are optional at extra cost, IT'S FUN TO DRIVE A WINNER --SEE YOUR FORD DEALER! SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. 200 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Phone 668-5893 | USED CARS YOU GETA BARREL OF FLAVOUR IN EVERY BOTTLE OF BRADING a Sens ee eee BRADING ALE Call for Brading-the quality Ale that's strong on flavour