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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Feb 1964, p. 1

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ge Thought For Today The man of the hour is the one whose wife told him to wait just a minute, Price Not Over 10 Cents per Copy VOL. 93--NO, 44 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1964 he Oshawn Times Authorized os Second Class Mal Ottawa and t for paymen Weather Report © Mostly sunny and not so cold Saturday. Winds northerly be- coming light tonight, I Post Office Department of Postage in Cash, EIGHTEEN PAGES Pearson To Face First Test Vote Over Medicare SMALL ARMS ORDERED BY Seeks Jurors Asked if he wants well-edu- ROUNDUP HELLYER | 3rd Raid Sparks | Strict Security OTTAWA (CP) -- All smail) respect with local police forces arms will be removed from mil-|to try to find out who the itia armories which can't be} thieves are and to recover the » given maximum security, De-/stolen rifles and ammunition. fence Minister Hellyér said to-\ day in the Commons. SHAWINIGAN, Que. (CP) -- t|Five armed youths who robbed He said orders to this effect) ; were sent out today from de-|a" armory of guns and equip- . nt Thursday also made off fence headquarters. jme' > what w said R 1 Melvin Bri non-confidence motions as thelder which advertisers will not|had been informed: of the fed- Conservative and New Demo-|which for some time have pub-|provements" in crop insurance, what rambling condemnations|strong criticisms of the Canada|continue to expand this year at) paras (AP)--Defence law-} Causey, 35, holds a master's; baker's motion seeks to bring|waiting for the federal-provin- jor economic problems. persons with a respect for mod-|tioned by Belli, and knew about|are going to try to get well- the budget last June 13. The He also rejected the atti-|statement and he followed his tion on government failure a way penalize the English-speak- OTTAWA (CP) -- The Pear-|nadian periodicals against tough| rights, There would bea close party leaders opened an eight-| be able to count as tax-deduc-/eral plan before it was an----- day throne speech debate with|tible expenses the cost of buy- nounced in the throne speech. ' eratic Party tactics in confin-|lished Canadian editions in Can-|and measures to ease the high ing their motions to single sub-|ada. cost of modern farm machinery that make it far easier for the | Pension Plan and said the leg-|the ,'substantial"" rate estab- yers in Jack Ruby's murder|degtee in education. Under|cated persons for the jury, Belli parties to choose a voting posi-jislation for the contributory, lished in 1963. With economic yNal, having accepted their|questioning, he said he was fa-|replied, 'That's like asking if down the government for "fail-)cial conference in Quebec city; Mr. Pearson's speech also in-|) 7) psy ure" to repeal the sales tax it}starting next March 31. \eluded a major pronouncement sivor roll-call vote will be taken on tude of Quebec Premier Jean prepared text closely. -- his motion next Tuesday, Lesage that the proposed fed-| He stressed that the bicultura initiate a federal - provincial ® ing majority, ethnic minorities medical care plan, Accepted) illed hen or unilingual civil servants, land bilingualism which was lcomplicating the strains on na- tional unity, reaches a vote at 5:45 p.m. EST today. ARE FIRST TESTS electronics Pour Troops Into Cyprus books they have written. Hedid!educated people for the jury." not indicate he had read the! He said the fact that a jury books. A has been found does not shake} Ruby's defence against &)nis opinion about the outlook for charge of murder with malicelassembling an unpreju- will be pased on temporary in- diced jury in Dallas. He says sanity, Causey said he has anit can't be done, because the| ene mind ae bli Belli city wishes to "vindicate" itself called 'transient insanity." nf MOET sty Ruby killed Lee Harvey os-|D» sending Ruby to the electric wald, accused assassin of pres-/)2'T- : ident Kennely, as Oswald was The _ score for jury-selecting being transferred from a Dallas stands: ; jail, | Accepted, one; rejected by de- fence peremptory challenge IT'S DRAMATIC five; rejected by prosecution The moment before Causey|peremptory challenge, one ex- became the first juror on the|cused as opposed to the death) chiatric findings. Max E. Causey, an analyst, is "just e've been looking for," uby's chief of defence, M. Belli. tish Still Mr. Pearson appealed to all) t parties to help argue the case first tests of the new session) MANILA (AP) -- A Philip-jagainst prejudice, dissension NICOSIA (Reuters)--The air- lift of 1,500 British troop rein- forcements for troubled Cyprus fourth day of the trial were son minority government was|foreign competition will include consultation with the provinces some of the most forceful, inci.|ing space in a foreign periodi-| 4. He previewed three new heard for some time. Canadian market, Exempt will/extended powers for the farm : WW ell-Educated jects--sales taxes and medicare} 2. In effect, he turned aside The prime minister predicted) tion. |wage-related pension measure| stability prevalent, prospects) ¢ nc juror, set out today to find/miliar with the names of somelyou like redheads; you _ like imposed on building materials) jon national unity, It. obviously NDP Leader Douglas, in turn jeral student-loan fund is an in-|program on which the govern- with hesitancy by Speaker Alan| There had been. considerable} . Into Mountain | electric with drama. challenged Thursday by twojan income-tax amendment un-/in working out detail. Quebec sive oratory the Commons has'cal aimed specifically at the/farm measures -- broader and A surprise element was the/be Time and Reader's Digest, credit corporation, '"'major im- instead of the usual, some-|Ontario Premier John Robarts'|that the Canadian economy will) Opposition Leader Diefen-| will be introduced soon--without| were better for alleviating Ma-|\ ore ke hm--well-educated| prominent psychiatrists, men-\some, But generally, yes, we and construction equipment in|REJECTS LESAGE VIEW jwas a carefully - considered based his non-confidence mo.|Y2sion of provincial education) ment has embarked would in no Macnaughton, the motion iJoose talk'? about biculturalism The two votes will be the) had indicated he might agree to seat Causey. First, District Attorney Henry Wade acceped the juror. When District Judge Joe B. a ne as 1 Rr tke neck ot ak are excused having 10; excused| i; opnons, penalty, formed Bellis manner of questioning) for illness, one; still under ques-|,+eliminary hearing police said tioning, one. Four persons have been ta- ken into custody in connection} with the Jack Ruby trial since) i thegan Monday. 3 a day after he arrived for a PAUL HELLYER azzman Cleared On Narcotics Rap BERLIN (AP)--A West Ber- lin court acquitted American |jazz trumpeter Chet Baker to- '\day of narcotics charges, but jordered him to remain in a S8a- natorium indefinitely, Baker was arrested Jan, 22, three-week engagement. At a the 34-year-old trumpeter had feigned a painful illness and ob- tained prescriptions for narcot- ics from six West Berlin doc-| tors, U Thant Sata aie UNITED NATIONS (AP)-- Delays @} me) ant vad over legislation, and they fear He also said at least one per- son will be on duty at all times at all militia units in Canada. Other long term security measures would be introduced as soon as possible. The action follows the third the last three weeks, An. army spokesman said there are more than 600 arm- ories in Canada but that the army didn't yet know how many were to be guarded with maxi- mum security or. how many would be left without weapons. The spokesman said the en- tire militia training program would be upset if many mili- tia units lost their small arms. There wouldn't be enough manpower in the regular army) and militia together to guard all armories in Canada in the same way that the Royal 22nd Regiment now was guarding armories in Montreal, he said. Opposition Leader Diefenba- ker asked whether the raids are being made by an 'organized theft from Quebec armories in), with Canadian Army uniforms, army spokesman said today. The total number of uniforms, all battle dress, in the armory was 20 and not all of these were taken,' spokesmen. said. There was no indication of what use they would be to the loot rs. The youths smashed thelr way into the armory of the 62nd Field Artillery Regiment in this city 75 miles northeast of Montreal and a three - maw" army court of inquiry was ap- pointed Thursday night to inves- tigate, Its inquiry started today. Col. S. M. Suttie, a member of the court, sadi the bandits are probably 'a well-organized bunch of kids," | Acting with Col. Suttie in the investigation are Maj. Comtois and a third unidenti- fied officer. The raiders tied up a cate taker and two army members before. escaping with 33. semi- automatic FN rifles, three 9 pistols, 12 political lished to" make recommenda ." Mr. Hellyer "authenticated |millimetre r : ee dal smashed the locks on doors at the armory, tions on security measures at all defence installations had te-|_1n Ottawa, Defence Minister ported Thursday. Immediate ac-|Hellyer said he would make a a Turkish invasion to partition the island between the two com- munities. Britain, Turkey and Secretary - General _U_ Thant sought to delay United Nations \by the Liberal government in| cidents occurred Thursday in|be barred. the Yiallia area near Polis, Security Council debate on Cy- the United States are insisting SUITS BELLI Later, Belli said of Causey: "He's just what we've been looking for. He has a respect for psychiatry and what's been done since the Dark Ages. He's going to be very alert about that part of our case." | | ucts exported from Canada will! rise to at least 10 per cent. Mr. Mahoney described as "unimpressive" the explanation] that the increase was necessary| meet underpriced competi-| largely from Communist! countries, in the six countries of the Common Market for the government. At the last|pine Air Lines plane carrying|and extremism. : of-confidence motions, despite|crew members rammed into a|99 minutes, appeared to strike|th eaare here. é the fact that the Liberals are|Mindanao mountain today. The|hardest with a cutting critique 4 ee n Thursday and is to| outnumbered 136 to 129 by the/constabulary said only one per-jof Mr, Pearson's handling - of ka comeneed ty Sunday. | combined opposition. json survived. 5 ifederal - provincial affairs. He} 'The British troops are trying! a There was no immediate in-| The crash area is in Lanao del|caiq jn part: lto prevent fighting between the|Brown asked the decision of dication of how the opposition Sur province near Lake Lanao, th f action of(traditionally hostile Greek- anaithe defence, Puby's lawyers parties would line up on the two|largest lake on the island. this foverament in' the short|Turkish-Cypriot communities, |Went into a huddle around him. divisions. The plane, a DC-3, was enitime my har been in power has| A communique from the joint They asked his opinion of Cau- Prime Minister Pearson'sjroute from Malabang, Lana0|peen one of protestations ofjtruce force of Britain, Greece sey and said he replied, "he two-hour speech brought thesejdel Sur, to Liligan city, Lanao 'goodwill, uneasy concessions,|and Turkey Thursday said a looks all right to me. x major y del Norte; when last heard from|2ng 'a.' i tralization|British patrol was fired on by|, "We 'accep tthi sjuror,"' Belli 1, His measures to protect Ca-iat 3:57 p.m, disgui ease teder-| Greek-Cypriot irregulars near; court, : r alism, e cease- ine a . ring the night. There were no;fl&s : eaebenmnensotcerrmensceraises.* realy" reprinianded hy =the e Ss iss mad by its belie dronand tol Cyprus gowernmentjjudge, who said anyone who the arena of seethens elites spokesman said two smal] in-|runs in the courtroom again will) Leader Of Turks (n.cu.es ten oslo ee ovat Tom 'Civeson detween anid, A a or seven Turks am-| S. s a roli | ANKARA (Reuters) -- Prime,into an automobile to drive to bith eeinding sie eurieity War tae Minister Ismet Inonu of Tur-| the National Assembly ® |slightly, In the other, Turks cut} key, 80; narrowly escaped an| Inonu later drove on to the Mild Tremor Hloose with about 30 machine-gun attempt on his life here today|National Assembly, smiling and jrounds at a Greek-Cypriot pra! when a man with a pistol fired|apparently calm. A heavy mil- arme post. | three shots at him and missed,jitary guard escorted hm into Rocks Azores A member of Inonu's body-|the building, | guard fired one shot at the} The elderly Turksh leader,) aANGRA DE HEROISMO, the| U.K ELECTION DATE prime minister's assailant, but/once rresident of the nation,| Azores (AP) "knother 'mild : * a grone 'a bow ge an man to Kemal/tremor shook Sao Jorge island| ' yuards swar over | Ataturk, founder of the Turkish|in the Azores early today t would - be assassin and dis-jrepublic. He has been prime| inflicted aot Flo Home C 'ontinues armed him. He was later iden-|minister, except for brief pe-|the earthquake-ravaged island. tified as Mesut Suna, about 30,/riods, since 1961. The tremor also jarred the ro in a textile fac-) 1+ took both bodyguards and|neighboring islands of Faial and W Of N ve olice to rescue Inonu' .|Terceira, where 1,087 Sao Jorge S __Polee said Suna told them: etl tibia CS ae sree orireaidents kava: been, yiveer bate: ar e T am against the May, 1960,|,,out 100 civil servants and by-|porary refuge since the quakes} : : : : revolution, Inonu has been push- standers who witnessed the|began last Saturday, LONDON (CP)--Tory leaders} interval for pushing through ing the country toward thel.hooting. The crowd swarmed) About 19,000 other residents today advised members of Par-|legislation and explaining pol- worst, and I hated him. I havelover the assailant and beganiremained on Sao Jorge, a nar-|/@ment to forget election jit-jiey throughout the country. been carrying a gun for ®l0NZ/beating him, Police and body-|row, 34-mile island 'in the|t"S 8nd get busy for at least] Queried about the election on time to kill him." lguards charged into the melee|Azores, 1000 miles west of Por- another three months in the|TV, Sir Alec replied: "We are jto rescue him tugal. - llight of a new statement by Sir) getting nearer the time when it OTHERS ARRESTED | _ " ___.___. |Alec Douglas-Home, lis difficult to have one in Police also arrested two other) The prime minister's state-|March." oe men -- a Turkish driver em-| ment was made before a tele-| Sir Alec's admission came, ployed by the Romanian em- vision panel Thursday night/however, in the mysterious and bassy and a sports writer on) and, although he shows signs|coquettish manner he has the evening newspaper Vatan,| lof being coy to the last, he in-/adopted for such questions, He Lutsi Aktas, 30. : | dicated the choice for the gen-\obviously aims to wage a war 'The shooting occurred in full) leral election is either June orjof nerves against the Labor view of passers-by as Inonu, October, not' March as some|party and keep his Tory who had just left his offce, got). pundits suspected. troops on the alert, The government apparently, His: statement Thursday was . hopes to take advantage of the the clearest indication he has ECM Tariff re vet given oF Tis thoughts on the | jelection date for which a ' June and October are consid- Boost Irks | Argos Trade ered the only practical months. | - | Pressed to say whether he j has se¢tually decided, the pre- Steelworkers | Three Players. itie:'senica: "aoe thin 1 | jam going to answer ied ques- _ i | j ecause it is really an- eicsrerkore of heres (ECL 'To Montreal os: war of ae criticizing a recent European firm that it is either a date in Common Market boost in steel TORONTO (CP)--Toronto Ar- June or a date in October, tariffs,has asked the Canadian gonauts, seeking to improve on Those are a meee government to ensure that the their 1963 last-place finish in the Possibilities, I think, now W increase isn't used as a_bar- Eastern Conference on the Ca-\ate getting nearer the. time gaining lever in this year's in- nadian Football League, today| When it is difficult to have one ternational tariff talks. : announced a three-for-two trade | in March. saa de ant 2 to ges 'age lwith Montreal Alouettes, who) Gordon from .the union's Cana-) jfinished third. ' dian director, bb ng oa pg The Argos traded offensive Red China May Get of Toronto, said the increase or-| end Gerry Philp, defensive half-| dered by the European Coal) back Clare Exelby and lineman! UN Seat.In 2 Years and Steel Community means Chuck Wood to the Alouettes) 9 - 'a ate that tariffs on most steel prod- for defensive 'end Don Paquette| TORONTO (CP) -- A Frenc and fullback - linebacker Ray|United. Nations official sai German. All are Canadians Thursday the cold war thaw German played for the Uni-|8' versity of Toronto last year and N was picked up by the Alouettes in the college draft, ations seat. Pau!-Mare. Henry, associated to tion United that told a dinner six tions, with board Canadian, years ago to Argos playing came after more elby, 26, has been with Toronto)ing mainiand China for For four. years. Wood, 24, was/mosa jpicked up last year from Ot CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 tion, Paquette, 24, who also plays'two vears." dad, |offensive' guard in addition to) He said the world is shifting for |defensive end, has been with the|from a cold war situation to a Alouettes since 1960 when he;more fluid position, restoring ATTENDS RUBY TRIAL 6-year-old son accompanied _ his chief defence attorney Jack Ruby, to the trial --AP Wirephoto ijHamilton-Tiger Cats. =X boy of Me , Waits for his dad to pick up his brief case before 'going into court in Dal- i las this morning. The lite ltions. . jother way of getting me to con- e really practical guarantees Red China a United director of the United Nations' Philp, 31-year-old native-born special fund's bureau of opera- Church) Rossia and |p. Florida State University. Ex-|more countries favor substitut- prus today while he continued private talks on his plan to ease the crisis. Council members were ex- pected to go along with Thant's jrequest to postpone an after- noon council session until Mon- day. General agreement on broad lobjectives was reported from private negotiations on Thant's proposals for an international peace force, an impartial medi-| ator to seek a political accord) between the feuding Greek- and Turkish-Cypriots, and a Secu- rity Council guarantee of Cyp- riot independence and _territo- rial integrity. A Cyprus government repre- sentative said there was gen- eral agreement that a media- tor should be named and that the international force should be linked to the council through la committee headed by Thant. that the council take cognizance of the treaty. Thant told reporters he thought this dispute could be compromised. Sporadic shooting continued on Cyprus, where British troops are trying to enforce a cease- fire until an international force can take over. A communique issued by the Greek-Cypriot government said Turkish-Cypriots wounded three Greek-Cypriots at the north- western village of Yialia. The communique said a Greek Cypriot gendarme s ia- tion in nearby Kato Yialia also was fired 6n, but no casualties were reported. At the UN Thant met Thurs- day with U.S, Ambassador Ad- lai E. Stevenson, Cypriot For- eign Minister Spyros Kypria- nou, Turkish Ambassador Tur- of its recommendations. Mr. Hellyer said his depart- ment will co-operate in every tion was being taken on some rhc gaidl to Parlament today on the ri ry. The stolen weapons were said |to be useless to the thieves be cause their firing mechanis: UK Grounds Old Rockets LONDON (CP)--Britain plans to scrap her Bloodhound Mark I ground-to-air missiles during the coming year. A defence ministry spokes- man said the missiles would be "progressively withdrawn" and replaced by the Bloodhound Mark Il, which is faster, can hit targets above 70,000 feet and has better radar homing facil- ities than its predecessor. Like Canada's Bomare mis- sile, the advanced Bloodhound can be armed with both con- | However, discussions were jeontinuing on the nations that) should be asked to supply the) ltroops, which Thant wants to draw from British Common-) wealth and non ~ aligned na-) tions. | Disagreement was reported) lon whether the Security Council jresolution should refer to the 11960 treaty by which Britain, Greece and Turkey guaranteed the independence of Cyprus and ithe maintenance of the island| jrepublic's constitution. Greek-Cypriots want no men- tion of the treaty because it per- | mite Greece, Turkey and Brit- Greek-Cypriots want to end the |Turkish-Cypriot minority's veto | Soviet Gives | New Version Of Hitler's Death LONDON (AP) -- A Russian marshal whose armies stormed into Berlin gave a new version today of how Hitler died. He in- jsisted his men found the Nazi lory.: The reminiscence came from Marshal Vassily I. fender of Stalingrad and later iSoviet commander in Berlin. He wrote his memoirs in the Soviet weekly Literaturnaya (Literary Russia) and ass distributed some of the material today. Chuikov's version, as reported by Tass news agency, disagreed body was burned, . along with that of Eva Braun, the girl he married just before their sui-| cide pact, and the ashes scat- was oblained ina trade with freedom of action to many na-jtered in the Reich -chancellory| operation today |garden, Chuikov, de-} gut Menemenciouglu and dele- gates from Canada, Norway,}| Bolivia and the Ivory Coast. | ventional and nuclear war- heads. The earlier type could carry only high explosives. ain to intervene militarily. The) 5 n| dictator's body wrapped in a} q charred rug inside the chancel-| "T'-don't know when it will with that accepted over | the! |tawa but didn't see much ac-/happen, but that it 'will happen|years in the West. Most inform- | I have no doubt, maybe within/ants have agreed that Hitler's KING'S COND King Paul of Greece, above, underwent an emergency and special locked up separately, were ni found by the intruders. The theft set off a round of questions -- some serious, some mocking--in the House of Com- mons and the Quebec legisla jtive assembly. |. Opposition Leader Diefen- |baker demanded to know from |Mr. Hellyer what is' being done "to protect the armed forces and also the supplies in the armories from dastardly con- duct such as this." When the defence minister promised a report for today, an identified member cried out: "The minister should resign," It was the third weapons theft from an armory in Quebec in recent weeks. The two earlier breaks occurred in Montreal Jan. 30 and in the northwest- ern mining town of Noranda last Saturday. eee eS described his condition as grave or critical, The 62-year- old monarch underwent sur- % ITION CRITICAL left background is his son, Crown Prince Constantine, 23, who was named regent yesters editions of Athens newspapers gery for a stomach ulcer. In day for his ailing father.

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