a Rg ree te (sd cis ah co lee te Turn PM Shuffles | Publisher Defends oe Re Position Of ee Ie | To Reds With Thanks) secretaries | Editorial, Cartoon = Orr ial and a cartoon published by|famatory NICOSIA (AP) -- Feelings;Cypriot leader accept the|karios. Greek-Cypriots pictured 'AWA (CP) -- Appoint-ithe Sudbury Star Nov, 16 y shed during against Americans as well as stationing of NATO forces on|the British as doing this only a|ment of one new parliamentary refiected a difference of opinion the 1801 "ctvig election cam: ave been rising injthe island to help British forces|few hours after warning the|Secretary and a shuffle in thelon financial judgment but there|paign, when Mr, Guimond was Cyprus among the nearly 500,|already here to maintain peace|archbishop not to take the Cyp- position of seven others werelwas no animosity behind it, anjrunning for mayor, He was de we beans of Greek back- beret ee Sao Greek and rus problem before the United auareaae" Bg B..3 : ae Ontario Supreme Court jury|feated . : s. Stron, : stioned Dubin, This animosity seems to bejeffort: also were mands to aie ct 'the Americans or anybody| Pearson. by Re made b; Bn ry to The Sar Mi ars Erne owe ane Mak rom sine oe smd ep To CBT act alt mir ene ey Meteo bed eh ' x ; mpose a solution favoring par- treubie oping has Archbishop Makarios rejected|tition we will fight them just as|Were continued in thelr present an getiea Sotere seas Toue "oo - ha in the " c oo ion undergone|NATO involvement in Cyprus|we fought the British five years poss. The Commons aides re- Campbell Grant, The. newspa rjnews pa i ey con : gn thet last few weeks.|because he had been pursuing a|@g0," says a prominent mem-|Celve annual salaries of $4,000/i5 being sued for unspecified|them an honest reflecti Buppose : a Washington|non-aligned policy, though he|ber of the Greek-Cypriot Trust|® year atop thelr $18,000 pay 88/damages for alleged libel by|newspaper' ile pbs: po ghey We Reach yo himself is anti-Communist. pea ogg for its conservative oe ae ber forformer city controller Peter ASKED cau MOTIVE , sud a e. uleau, member ' denly decided to call on the So-|,,He s80 reflected the general Montreal Dollard and chairman|cumoné. 9% who claims the! Mr. Dubin asked: "In viet ambassador at Washington a Ni dh eg a RIFT POSSIBLE of the Liberal caucus, is ap- lishing this article anid os re d congratulate him on "Rus-lamang Greek-Cypniots . that thir peoblnes in © ole can en ene reas ee eo sia's brave stand in defence Of|pritain and the U.S. 'might sac- eir problem in the wider con-|\to the prime minister--a move ans personal animosity?' freedom and democracy." 27 gag Bm dort is text of the cold war and a pos-|forecast by Mr. Pearson some Mr. Meakes: "We had great hematin 'ar thas SAA deslatiensn sts of tiny non-|sible rift in the NATO alliance|time ago regard for Mr, Guimond as @ taken place in Cyprus. awad Ae onder al nag Bs if Greece and Turkey are forced) He replaces Alexis Caron 3 New Farm man on council, There was no Many staunchly anti-Commu-|is an indispensable link between tet cnceg oven ahd wats rat who venoms armors to ae Dl "Ni nist Grock-Cypriot leaders have 0 North Atlantic Alliance and) Greek-Cypriots see the prob- cco bar Me ee Measures mosiiy?"™ in: "No personal anl- ae ne eer ae re iy Ocgeaieain en (eae eee: 'el: wllementagy sscretaey a v4 Mr, Meakes: 'No, we differed thee My Maga . me A der igeer ere by|riculture Minister Hays, takes|, OTTAWA (CP) -- Three new\with him on his financial judg. Sala' Wale oa Was" Coras HAP? "NED VIOLENTLY gn aor ae py ied SOlon the additional role as sec: farm measures are planned for|ment, but we had no animos- ar oll This widely held belief hard-liticeq hk . ie Pe ependent retary to Forestry Minister|this session of parliament in ity 'at all." F ened into violent resentment eiher Greece ar "Turkey, They -- pele Vapi Melee egy Be ooo ! weg ditorlals OLLOWED WARNING against alleged British-Ameri-|assert the Turkish minority pad The other switches: Hubert portiolle of rural developmentiper had published 06 edie e rush to the Soviet em-|can support for Turkish de-|na rity can|padanai, Fort William, to im-/and forestry, Prime Ministerjon the subject of city finances bassy came after Premier|mands for partition. This in Se ae ae nad rights} migration from public works;|Pearson said Thursday. in the period 1980-1961, He sald Khrushchev's 'message Feb. 7.\turn erupted into anti-NATOlenjoy under the ele gal they/stanley Haidasz, Toronto Park-| The Farm Credit Corporation,|the newspaper. was concerned ent consti:/dale, to external affairs from|created in 1959 and lending|V¢? mounting debenture debt This warned against any NATO|street demonstrations and)|tyij involvement in Cyprus and sup-\bombing of the "American em-\cnce which the Greek-Cypriots|health; G. Roy MeWilliam,|some 110,000,000 in 1968 to/4"@ the proposition of "luxury ported President Makarios' de-|bassy in Nicosia early this Proce alg 'imposed" on the/Northumberland - Miramichi.|farmers, would 'be provided|P'o,cts" over necessities. Grveue' tp de ale guarantee of|month, A moderate Greek - Cypriot|{@ . Public works from Post-/with broader and extended pow-|, The case is expected to go to ore flere nce and terri- Be giabd fedling | tinzeaned politician contends Khrushchey mae tes - General; John C,jers, he said, the six-man jury today. At the time, Britain and the|government went to the UN Se- in vcd Bhan Mgr health' Gon inicielien, 'eal pa rete a i " U.S. were exerting great pres-jcurity Council with the Cyprus|he. tg hod aun fon John B. Stewart, Antigonish: Harnpes @ to lighten "the high Burlington Man sure on the bearded Greek-lissue ahead of President Ma- &, h proposed merger of the agricul- é out Shoots 49.98 Ce nts Lb. Sere and tereetiy Gapeitaaehe Holstein -Friesian Association more proGoviet in two weeks Guysborough, to state secretary|cost of modern farm machinery ® than the Communists managed from external affairs, presumably through a system Heads Dairy Group to in 20 years' effort. of rentals or co-operative own) qoRonTO (CP) -- E, Rose ership. Tobacco Sells At rnc' srime minister said the|ay'wes elected present oth Livestock Market Trading Stronger [Com Syrup | mg37ta Tish enna oe et ae of 1,502,022 pounds of tobaccolestry Minister Sauve--will pro-|Roy H. Barker of W: ; OTTAWA'S SCOOTER PATROL fetched an average price of|mote efficiency. Ont dvi oe : : 4 TORONTO (CP) -- Trading;ments to eastern C i pgnonged Faye ap peperinets® Suite torch, Fe jive a so hey ak aoe in OP- |opened actively at strong to|slaughterers, Eighty Bh gone At Budd 49.98 cents a pound at Ontario| Other results of the merger|Hardy Shore of Glanworth, ae oa te the 'Ottawa alloe patrol sonalee The theta : (CP Photo) higher prices on good and choice|were shipped off the market for Y Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers'|Would be that the worst {Oat nee, Seemprenners. . anes Man Bnedated A --_ *< cry ag steer, héif-|slaughter in the United States.) SIMCOE (CP)--Peter Pender,|Marketing Board exchanges -- 4 phir de -- those of] 7. Gi. MecGeerge. of St. Val : « : aot ae oe Mapar ve ans ea i tle: choice|17, was remanded to April 9 for| Thursday. wena wet tg ererantan at: heey 'a the pd yg Hs 4 ak pakile aemees ee ed ~ Ae $23.50-24.40 with|@ pre-sentence and mental re-| Total sales of 109,169,626 to|tention and forestry programs iaseelaiion of see with Dore : 1crop one VW ¢ } e] lS |week, goed 4h: pes Missal) oe Chamaee any in|date have realized an averge|would have a more importantiald Melntyre of Finch, Ont, | Lower pe de + ot alandiaer Son 1619; choles he 4 Eom guaeeclala elles' ha He, 2 price of 51.30 cents a pound, 'place in the government, elected vice-president, ¢ . were fully steady, Mid-|22 with some fancy feedlot heif-|companion in the back with a week pressure on medium andjers to 22.80; good 20-21; medium|certridg? loaded with corn il Chi p low - good and heavy steers|18-20; common 15-17; choice fed|syrup. Tal ind Te miuer eased prices on these grades.|yearlings 23-25 with'sales to 26;| Police said Pende At sea and |Short-keep feeders weighing 800| good 21-28 good cows 15.50-16.50 year - old Neil i er so Shasto went to 900 pounds met a broad de-| with sales t : "15; i RAWALPINDI, Pakistan (AP); Now 66, Chou appears frail. But when the government|mand on a scant supply. canners "and Barre 50: rag oe Hn apm lg gissiae: Premier Chou En-lai has been|He often stumbles slightly as he|made it. plain -- with sound| Veal calvés traded actively on|good heavy bologna bulls 19-| They took th * shot galled Communist China's best/walks along the ranks of ajtrucks--that an all-out welcome|a strong price market. Hog|19.50 common and medium: 16-|three shotgu Pe tri gal: ee -- an. When he's trying to}guard of peed his right hand| was pond oe of citi-/prices were generaliy un-|18,50. |shell was loaded with piel poor 0 tial cust s injis behind him. /zens in Ra indi, the capital, | i is \} fi . m walpindi, the capital,/changed. Sow prices showed) Repjasement cattle: Good|Pender fired this at Shasto who Asia, he doesn't court the crowd| But when he reaches a micro-| went wild over Chou. strength. Sheep and lamb prices | a . § i . {st with ng by gs 4 rw" ». hammers away. | Why the Pakistan govern-|were steady. ek i -- on. Ra aac eyed Thaite cout ~ BE. egctawes itully copa Pesutan's "tame a gi ae oe the "ag receipts were esti-\and stock calves 17-21. fener | passed through Shasto's hair 2 2 " "4 : Ae m j Chou is touring Pakistan, |pendent path" and "'independ-|switch came after Chou met tor| about 108 nal Gin aie ae Coleen: Conte vee So yy oo ye Bg ang 20 with where Peking would like tojent development." hours with Z. A. Bhutto, Pakis-| with sales to 37.50; good 30-33; ken US. infl al tto, Pakis-iwetk and about the same as/p 29; com .95.|corn syrup. At this stage, po- jc oun simed a. Plan eno erh ine se weak in ak Went Game esg ommO® ce ld shan at "ue influence in their country's af-|United Nations debate to meet|y..4 cattle receipts were up 224] Hogs: Grade A 26.80-28;|Pender followed and fired. 'Ife : : Edinborough, fairs that has accompanied U.S,|the Chinese leader and his tra-/"ead at 712 head. Included injheavy sows 19.10-19.55 with light cee ee See ee aid totalling more than $4,000,.|velling companion, Foreign|"¢, 722 head was a good per-\sows gain ium; " 000,000. ' Minister Chen-Yi. s [centage of Pee sayprn pagan Gare tas : dessa eon . | ' r steers, Western stock caives i | He was tak Davies Defend |syuza sor tr, ine rant Pasen seashell, heh ta, ante 2 ae oe a mn : ely|* f 0 ast week, In addiion to ht wi and clo; F Hill' in Karachi, the largest city in|sign a non-aggression treaty. |the westerh receipts, there were eles pret he Alig who nda PALM BREEZE WHITE CAP anny 1 Parise, where, Precident Mo-| Ayub, asked about a pact, re-|24 cattle and 14 calves received|counted at $1 per andrea' SHIPPING TONNAGE eatin ies ammed Ayub Khan's govern-|plied: "Nn othing sinister will|from Quebec and 26 cattle and|weight; sheep 3-10 according to| Twenty-one Norwegan ship- TORONTO (CP) - Robertson tone aad sr tbanlensie Ipen Gale my feet: Why are|26 calves received from New|quality. Included in the lamb re-\ping companies have fleets tg A nl rege Ah heal cate (Brunswick. Tiere were no ship-|ceipts were 347 western. totalling 250,000 tons or more, the University of Toronto, Thursday defended Fanny Hill, the 18th century novel which po- Mee claim is obscene. Mr, Davies told a hearing: be- fore Judge E. L. Weaver the book is an outstanding example of 18th century literature. The hearing follows seizure of 1,989 copies of the book from a book store here. A warrant was issuer against the store and the hearing was set to show why the book should not be con- fiscated. Mr. Davies, the defence's first witness, said the book gives an accurate picture of the age it describes and depicts the so- ciety of the time in an interes-). ing manner. Arnold Edinborough, editor of Saturday Night magazine and a former university lecturer in English literature, testified there is nothing wrong with the novel. IT'S FUNNY "It is funny, gay and light- hearted,' observed .Mr. Edin- borough, and added that Fanny Hill does not snigger or sneer at sex, but glorifies and glories in sex. "She has unfailing good hu- mor, and you feel the happy ending is deserved," he said. Sergeant William Quennell of the Metropolitan Toronto police morality squad said he read the book and judged it to be ob- ecene. He said certain passages of the 18-the-century novel were oar Ie, 'erterined saizure of ou Can Save to0 They're going CN because just about every ® pare vor Fanny Hill being sold ) r Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday os aWa 0 @ in Toronto. and Saturday till June 1stis a Red h 'Bargain' Day. nog oa a W en you go bese ew eer north bay $6.40 . save more bys aring sleeping . Against Priest red,white & blue simitercsceveze" -- winnipeg $21.80 AP) -- A U.S. fed- i i BB gor ag $14,623 dam- reservations in Red, White & Blue ages Wednesday, to a salesman territory... because coach seats are oy gee Se ra free on the Super Continental and edmonton $33 80 fections. wig ' the Oce i : "The judgment covered sctael - They're going CN because Red 'Bargain' an One : r ven damages of medical, te- Days are here again. a and relied expences of They're going CN because there's walking - ; fared by Robert P. McArdle Jr., saan inn Coit Redd roem, dining room, lounging room, vancouver Rev. Ronald B. Runkle, 50, ey re.golng BCAURS ed days are sleeping room... room to live and relax! * now assigned to agree Tex., rock-bottom fare days inthe ' h the judgmen i ' : ' ; : spar Pg ciewer pet ien qin ee of Savings'. They're going CN because of one-way Red halifax $25 50 uit and made no appear- sk for your free copy today. ' in? : ; po ty personally or through y Py y Bargain' Day coach travel fares like these: 8 pounsel, at the . corn syrup penetrated Shasto's ack pad