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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Feb 1964, p. 9

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croft, Thomas street, is under treatment for face cuts, His condition was listed as good today. Two other men who were in the cars at the time of the crash suffered minor cuts and bruises. They ONE MAN WAS detained in Oshawa General Hospital suffering injuries sustained when the two cars above were involved in collision on Town- line north near Taunton road Friday evening. William How- By BOB HOOBING BOSTON (AP) -- Charles 0. Finley, who confidently pre- dicted he'd remain the owner of Kansas City Athletics, is on the verge of being thumbed out of baseball. The umpires in this unprece- dented American League battle are his nine fellow club execu- tives who began ejection pro- ceedings with a 9-to-l vote Fri- day. Finley and his franchise may be parted within a week to 10 days, That's how long it is esti- mated the board of directors will need to set up a date and site for a general meeting which would consider and act upon the termination of Finley's league association, Finley, usually outspoken, stood silent after the meeting while Louis Nizer, his lawyer, read a statement which said the owner would await the outcome of the ouster meeting "and make an appropriate statement) at that time," Previously, Finley had threat- ened legal action if the league took away his franchise, COMPLICATED ROUTE A league spokesman termed it a 'very complicated legal! procedure," but here is the es- sence of what will happen, as- ,|Kansas City A's '(Owner Nears End ar SECOND SECTION Although the action is new in American League annals, Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis, for- A Oshawa OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1964 g > WAAL ines LS PAGE NINE mer iron-fisted baseball com- missioner, struck at least twice in the National League. Landis ended William D, Cox's brief ownership of Phil- adelphia Phillies in 1943 when the latter admitted gambling on his own team, In the late 1930s, Landis read-C, F, Adams, part owner of Boston Braves, out of the league, Adams also was con- nected with Suffolk Downs Race Track and Landis ruled no man could associate with 'baseball ped horse racing at the same time, Former MP Here Sunday Arthur Williams will be the guest speaker at the general membership meeting of the New Democratic Party Ontario (Fed- eral) Riding Association, to be held Sunday;. Feb, 23, at 7.30 p.m, in Hotel Genosha, Mr, Williams is well known to local resdents, many of whom elected him as MPP in 1943 and MP in 1948, On both occasions suming the league Escorts. Fin 'ley all the way down the path! to disfranchisement, | 1, The league will take over Mr, Williams was running as CCF candidate. His Welsh ancestry shows not only in his accent but also in BAX, \sale of the club when suitable are James "Mal" Goodwin, RR 3 Bowmanville, and Ray Bowerman, Ravine road, Osh- awa. One of the two cars in- volved was reported to be parked at the time of the mishap. Pupils At MCVI To Present Play The students of R. S. Mc-jpathos, particularly when the Laughlin Collegiate and Voca-lmen discover the secret of tional Institute, next Thursday Lachie's witha E and Friday evenings, will pre- capsid : rawal. Each one sent their first full-length play in turn contributes what he can in the school auditorium. Direct-|to the happiness of the ward, ed by J. B. Palmer, of the his-land to' the life of Lachie. tory departmen' the play is|*yank', the American, is play- Th. Hasty Heart" by John \ed by Jim Lawrence; "Digger", Patrick. |the Australian, by Bob Ruddy; Although the play is set. in an| 'Kiwi', the New Zealander, by army hospital ward in Burma,|Mike Kassinger; "Blossom", the} during the Second World War|South African negro, by Dave and has been adjudged one of|Stuart; and "Tommy", the En- the best play. to come out of|slishman, by Peter Wetherup, the war, iti not a war play. The colonel (pl..~ by Tom The story revolves around ie ae a gtr pv oes vo men, of varying nationalities, |. : " sage ayer oe eee who have been thrown together) a by the war. The easy hospital routine of five of them is sud-| . : for everyone, denly disrupted by the arrival) of Sgt. Lachlen MclLachien| The students are looking for- ton) is the tradtional scapegoat ODHS Plans For Meeting Preparations for the forth- coming annual meeting were of main interest at the monthly meeting, Board of Directors of the Oshawa and District Hum- ane 'Society, Thursday. The annual meeting will be held on the 16th of April, 8 p.m. in the library at Adelaide House, Gimcoe Street south. Mr. W. D. Jefferson, Vice - |President of the Ontario Hum- ane Society, is expected to be the Guest Speaker, Further 'ja lease with Kansas City for operation of the Kansas City) his fine flow of rhetoric which /}team and appoint a sort of over-;must have dazzled many oppo- |seer pro tem. jnents in the past and can still A are eal eee Deen Willems Wil te tate Municipal Stadium, the dead-jduced by Albert Sargant, an- locked tere oa which Finley bt Bh ai ei and Gen- os' e battle, if not the war. ' rs retiree, ad would ae nothing pe fig ha game gah J mee ryear lease, city: officials| ' ' 8, 7 at least four, jamong others, by Stan Ibbott on 3, The league will conduct the|t"e@ -- provincia & ldrive taking place this month, buyers are found. by Vie Ayling on poll organiza- league expenses in running the|the social committee on the club in the interim period and May Ball to be held May 16, none costs--will go to Finley.| i meri is gpen ® the hese moves are authorized|public, an e utive hopes by the reorganization agree.| that non-members as well as | ment and the constitution of the;members will turn out to enjoy league. hearing Mr. Williams. Church To Induct New Minister | At the 10 a.m. service this Sunda; in Hebron Christian Re- formed Church of Oshawa, Eliz- abeth crescent, Rev. D. N. Eabermehl of Newmarket will) | be installed as pastor of the re-| © cently organize . Zion Christian Reformed Church, | 'The new group consists of 90 |families living east of Stevenson jroad. Land for a new church has been purchased on Adelaide |avenue along the proposed ex- {tension of Central Park boule- vard north, | For the time being the facilities of the Hebron Church will be used through the co- loperation of its pastor, Rev,| \John VanHarmelen and the jcouncil of the church, A sched- membership 4, Proceeds of the sale--minus|tion, and by Nick Matejuk of Rabbi Cites Meaning Of 'Brotherhood Rabbi Louis Cashdan of Tor- onto was the guest speaker at the Thursday meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Westmount, Oshawa, The theme of his ad- dress was Brotherhood Week land What It Means To Us. He stated, "We need a ticket to know where we are going and right now our ticket is brotherhood, We need brother: hood to show us the way. Where do we get the inspiration for the brotherhood material that is | iprinted and distributed through- | jout our nation? It all comes from. the greatest book of all- The Old and New Testaments, "When the Lord was asked | | 'what is the greatest of all com- mandments?' he replied, 'Love the Lord thy God with thy whole jheart, with thy whole mind and) with they whole might and love |\thy neighbour as thyself for the llove of Thee,' This is the basis awa B'Nai B'Rit plans for the evening include the/ule still has to be worked out; showing of a short color movie.| put in all likelihood four worship It is hoped that many members| services will be held each Sun- of the Society will be able to at-| day. : tend the meeting, and all inter-) Hepron ested in the prevention of crueltychurch was established in 1954 to animals are invited. |with approximately 40 families: Mr. W. Selby, vice - president) During the past 10 years it has Christian Reformed jof our living and the way we /live - good or bad, | "How can we possibly ap- jproach brotherhood without this junderstanding. We all have to REV. D. N, HABERMEHL {think brotherhood, not just daily : . or weekly but, yearly, How. can called as its pastor, This call|we call ourselves Christians AMONG THOSE WHO WILL participate Tuesday night in the Brotherhood Week So- cial of St, Gregory's Council 2671 of the Knights of Colum- bus are (top row, left to right) Anthony' Merringer, St, Gregory's Council No, 2671 Knights of Columbus, Oshawa, have arranged for a social night to be held in their Council Chambers on Bond street, on Tuesday, February 25, 1064, They are being hosts to the Club and the awa B'Nai B'rith Club andt he Corinthian Lodge No, 61 of Osh- awa, The Council will hold a brief business meeting prior to the general social evening which will begin approximately at 8.30 p.m, Members of the Council 2671 are particularly anxious to have this event arranged to foster a better understanding between themselves and the members of the other organiza- tions who will be guests for the evening, The guest speaker for the evening will be Canon Richard D, Jones, director for the Cana- dian Council for Christians and Jews, The Oshawa Council is Rev. R. Jones Guest Speaker Grand Knight; Al Rich of the Oshawa B'nai B'rith; Cecil Elliott of the Oshawa Shrine Club; William "Bill" Hallo- way of the Oshawa Shrine Club; and Frank E, Shine of the K of C, Although Brother. hood Week concludes this week, the social will be held y mn Tuesday because that late coincides with the regu- lar meeting of the K of C nearest to the . celebration, The guests are scheduled to arrive at 8.90 p.m, particularity fortunate in obtain: ng Mr, Jones as a speaker, because of his ability as an orator, his wealth of knowledge and understanding in regard to the association (and relationship between the Christians and Jews in this country) as well as many other countries throughout the world, Members of the Knights of Cofumbus in Oshawa and their guests will hear one of: Can- ada's outstanding speakers on this subject, The committee, under the di- rection of Grand Knight An- thony Merringer; general pro- gram chairman, Deputy Grand Knight, Frank E, Shine, under jthe direct chairmanship of Mr, Ed, Clarke, has gone all out in an effort to make this the most outstanding event for the Osh- awa Knights of Columbus Coun- cil this year, It is hoped that this will be. come an annual event, Game-Fishin Opens Next earliest ever. with gusto until late November, On Feb, 29 ardent anglers in eastern Ontario and some parts of Northern Ontario will cut holes in ice-bound lakes, rivers and sreams in search of elu- sive, hard-hitting trout--speck- led, brown, rainbow, steelhead and Kamloops, Fishing ends Tuesday, Sept. 15. As an experiment the lands and forests department last year started speckled and TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario's,steelhead and Kamloops were 1964 game-fishing season OpenS/added and in earnest next Saturday--the It will continue g Season Saturday the territory ex: tended to include a Northern Ontario area. The northern section, some of it bushland, includes the terri- torial districts of Cochrane and Timiskaming and parts of the}, GUEST SPEAKER Dr. K, J, Pa , professor and head of the Department of the Oral Anatomy, Faculty of Dentistry, University of To- ronto, will be the guest speak. er at next week's meeting of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club. Dr, Paynter is a nationally known ey on dental research and will speak to the club on ae esearch in Can- Damage $2000. In 2 Fires; Man Burned Two fires overnight caused a total of more than $2,000 dam- age to Oshawa homes and sent suffering one man to hospital poner A -- pn We goma, Many 0 olat lakes and rivers are accessible/Stteet, Was reported in good by air and may attract Unitea|condition today, He suffered States as well as Canadian fish-|fitst-degree buras when fire ermen. broke out in his bedroom s! before 4 a.m. Damage is esti- TROUT OPENS MAY 1 mated at about $1,500, urns, Harold Doyle, Westmount In other areas this year the} Earlier, about $500 damage opening for trout fishing is Fri-jresulted from fire in attic day, May 1, The closing varies/space above a hall in the home from Sept: 15 to Now, 30. of Richard Bradley, 684 Glen There will be earlier pickerel/ cairn, jfishing in southern Ontario, too.) No cause has yet been deter. {Angling will start May 9, ajmined in either fire. }week earlier than in prvious} Oshawa firefighters answered jyars, and nd March $1, 1965,/tw other calls during the past |to permit spawning, The area}2« hours, Friday afternoon they |involved is south of a line start-/ assisted after a laundry dryer ing at Pembroke through Al-|motor overheated in a Lakeview brown trout fishing on March 1 --instead of May 1l--in 13 Ot- tawa Valley countires, A departmental official says of the Oshawa Humane Society,|grown to about 210 families,|' '8 accupted. without knowing the fatherhood gave his report on the progress|Last summer it was decided) A pastor in Newmarket for|o¢ God and brotherhood of man, of the Direct Mail Campaign|steps should be taken to split|slightly more than four and a} "The discoveries civilization be friendly, and through all the|'Heatre club, are providing most|neld recently by the Socicty.|the church group into two parts,|half vears, Mr. Habermehl pre-/has made today are here to) indignities and int'macies of the °! the backstage help. {Although returns have not been| The Church Council of the new| viously. served churches in the/stay, Scientists have brought/catches were good and there hospital; remains aloof. Tickets may Le obtained from/as successful as hoped for, the/Zion Christian Reformed | Netherlands _and Canada, He/man himself and nations closer} was no depletion in the fish pop- The one girl in the play the form representatives, and at/Humane Society is still pleased). hurch proposed to the congre-jand his family will make their/together than we have ever been/ylation. As a result rainbow, Nursing Sister Margaret (play.| the door with the large number of ret-/gation that Mr Habermehl be/home at 446 Juliana drive. \before. We must fashion the i a PCRS ETE RD. MP Rieck pa Reperteh pae aa} Gaeta » world ed e nig y Ter urns, and wishes to thank every jworld to be a brotherly world, tle pe ghee rg Be is) ADMITS SHOPLIFTING _ |body who cared to send a dona- but first we haven't gained do- BIRTHDAYS gonquin, Park and across thejavenue home. Shortly before Congratulations and best /north boundary of Muskoka| midnight, fire crews were called only partly successful in break-| Francisca Maria, Botelho, 35, tion, Since donations are still minion over ourselves and have wishes to residents of Osh- (County to Georgian Bay, Thejout to flush spilled gasoline off c | aie not, as yet, learned the meanin ing the ice, She is successively of 185 Court street, ers O Seei nambere peers rot awa and district who are |depariment says the second Sat-the road after a traffic accident entered a) week, a final statement regar- of brotherhood, mother, sweetheart, friend, and|plea of guilty: to a shoplifting|aing the co: ign w issue "Don't just speak brother- confidante to all the men, and/charge y P ding the campaign will be issued Just SP r celebrating their birthdays jurday in May will be a regular/at Bloor and Simcoe, this weekend, starting date in future, There were six routine ambu- Mark Rotary' Defer Sent J ties te ; and was fined $25. and|at the Annual Meeting. A spring Anniversary On 28 Charges hood, Practise it each and every ponte g Orin Po hat|costs or 10 days jail. Crown At-/rummage sale will be held Mar day. We are partners with God. Those who celebrate on | Most parts of. Lanark and/lance calls plus one to transport Sunday are: Dale Wilson,.24l/peeds Counties in eastern On-|injured persons from the scene anjtorney. Bruce Affleck said that/27th, at the CRA building. The Next Week Magistrate F. S. Ebbs told/He has given us a mind and the Athol Street East, \tario also begin pickerel fishing/of a taffic accident at Taunton explosive situation. the accused stole $3.50 worth of/meeting was adjourned, with the] Douglas Charles McMullen, 21,/freedom to do what we wish." The play is essentially a com-|goods. from a Simcoe streetidate for the next meeting set to| of Grenfell street, that he would) The speaker was thanked by) Next week the Rotary Club of Deere ar ee hae a Phone 723-3474, [fey # with end of fishing Feb.'and qowaline north to Genera 28, ospital, (played by Alan Rutherford) the|W@td to this, their first big traditionally dour Scot. He re-\d™amatic venture. The Lime- sists all attempts by the men to|!ishters, the school's drama and | edy but there are moments of south chain store Feb. 18. lbe March 12th. sentence hint on 28 charges on/Kiwanian Jim Waddell and a/ ; Binh sane. Rs aaa sien |Mar, 2, He also told Crown At-jcertificate of appreciation was| |Oshe e 5 , A |presented on behali » club. Jannvereary of the founding ef mtay Rrur® eck, that e[presened on petal of the cl Rotary, worldwide service OF \Gharges to which MeMullen e0| pes | ase tered gully pleas Fine Accused | In announcing the anniver-) M¢Mullen appeared at Osh- | $10, Costs of the observance, saying, "Ro-|8¢S of obtaining goods by false) 4 janqiady visiting a tenant at| tary clubs are functioning in/pretences, one charge of at: jwill be paid to Rotary's found-| The charges read that the ac- er, Paul P. Harris, a Chicago|cused_had, between Nov. 1 ana eermens gia o lawyer, in many languages since|Feb. 7, obtained $459.57 by for-| Mrs, Mildred Kimmerly, 200) Mullen also obtained a dozen/Court Friday after she charged The Rotary Club of Oshawa|Toses from two Whitby florists/Kylie with causing wilful dam- comprises 140 business and pro-|"Sing worthless cheques. lage. He denied the charge. |sary meeting, Murray Macleod,@Wa Police Court Friday char- president of the local Rotary/Sed with: 11 forgery counts, 18 | 11,600 communities in 125 coun- tempted theft of an automobile|!*!5 a mM. Feb, 1, called police) ltries and in some way each will| and a charge of being drunk in) When Edward Kylie, 220 James| lthe 544,000 Rotarians in the/Sing and uttering welfare che-| King street west, appeared to, world speak about 35 different) Ques cheques. Mc-/give evidence at Oshawa Police! club, described the global scope|Charges of uttering, three char- jmark this milestone. Tributes|® public place street, tried to break down the! and bank languages. Two changes Turkish Premier Ismet Inonu, second from left, is es- corted by deputies and sen- ators as he enters Parliament in Ankara, Turkey, today just after a man fired three shots at him. The bullets missed the 79-year-old premier and smashed into his car as he was waiting to go to the session-of Parliament. Police fessional men of this community who meet once a week for fel- lowship and to plan their pro- gram of service activities. Re- cent activities of the club in- clude work among crippled chil- dren as well as monetary sup- port to a number of civic |projects, |_ Under the leadership of Carl iP. Miller, of Los Angeles, Calif., jpresident of Rotary Internation- al, Rotary clubs everywhere are participating in a program aim- ed at intensifying their efforts to 'further friendly relations among. the people of different nations, The core of the pro- gram has been the matching of Rotary districts in different |parts of the world as a means of encouraging clubs and Rotar- ians in linked districts to create photo are unidentified. (AP |and maintain relationships Wirephoto via cable from |through exchanges of all kinds, Ankara. See AP Wire Story) |including personal visits. | al AFTER ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT arrested a man described as a political foe of Inonu for firing the shots. Others in of forging en- |dorsements to welfare charges |were withdrawn. Thieves Get $150 In Cash Thieves made away with $160 during Friday night from the front office of Canox Weld- ing Supplies Limited, 306 Kit- chener road Entry was made into building through a sliding glass window which had not been jlocked. The thieves made an jexit via the front door A drawer in the office had been forced and $150 in bills taken. The other $10 was in change and taken from ismall cash boxes. | the _|apartment in her building early Mrs, Kimmerly said that Ky- lie was refused entrance to an in the morning when the tenant tried to close the door the ac- cused attempted to force it open and damaged a door panel in the attempt, she said. Kylie said that he though that the apartment was occupied by "an old drinking companion," He admitted that he was intoxi- cated at the time but denied forcing the door, Kylie said that Mrs, Kimmerly came to his home the following day and demanded money. He stated that a man who accom- panied her said that the matter could be settled with a case of beer Magistrate F, S. Ebbs levied a $10 fine, plus costs, or ten jdamage had been caused, i PROVINCIAL DAILIES ELECT OFFICERS The Ontario Provincial Dail- ies Association elected its new two'days jail. He estimated that $5| Officers at their two-day con- vention ending in Toronte Fri- day, From left are: C. B, Binder, Port Arthur News- Chronicle, first vice-president: P. §S. -Robertson, Cornwall Standard . Freeholder, presi- dent; W. R, Sootheran, Niag- ara Falls Review, second vice-president; W. J. Garner, Peterborough Examiner, past president, (CP Wirephote>

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