12 _ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Febrosry 22, 1964, BIBLE LESSON Christ Teaches Pharisee Lesson Pha' were not enemies of Christ--as a4 are called throughout. the Gospel pene ede see were, at least, among His severest critics. They feared Him, not realizing that He came not to destroy the ancient laws (which had helped the Pharisees attain power as the strict, legalistic orthodoxy of Judaism), but to fulfill them. In view of this, Simon's invi-| 4 tation to Jesus to dine with him must have been somewhat of a surprise to the Master. Was it an invitation extended out of curiosity about the reported ----. ro of = Boon gee er? Or an a to Puy" Him with flattering hos.|® platy! At any rate, the Sav- oo did not decline the invita- "ie His. arrival, Simon re- fused Him even the commonest of courtesies, acting as if he thought his visitor ignorant of the hospitable attention any guest was entitled to. There were no other invited guesis-- in itself, an implied insult. Clearly the rich Simon was not prepared to treat the carpenter from Nazareth as an equal. JUST WASN'T DONE Centuries ago on such festive occasions, it was not unusual for people--friends or strangers --to wander in off the streets and, uninvited, stand or sit around conversing with the in- vited guests, But, what followed at the house of Simon was not only unusual, it just wasn't |S" done! A woman, whom Simon|® recognized as unchaste, a hat- lot, had come in from the street and was kneeling at Jesus' feet! She brought with her a box of ointment and began weeping as she knelt, His feet became wet with her tears and she dried them with her long hair, Then she began kissing them ten- derly and rubbing them with the ointment she had brought, There is no doubt that this woman knew Jesus was to be in the house 4 Simon that eve- ning. She must also have seen and heard the Christ previously and arrived at a complete and utter faith in Him and His power to forgive even the most appalling of sins, Now, Jesus has the advantage over His host. He sees into the woman's heart, knows her shame and anguish for what she is and her genuine desire for forgiveness and a new life. Simon, on the other hand, is completely unstrung by her sud- den appearance at his table. Laboring under the delusion that Jesus is 'an ordinary man like himself, he is sure that the carpenter of Nazareth is no prophet for, if He were, He would know who and what man- ner of woman this was, and would be as repelled as he at her attentions. Jesus Teads the mind of this Erie St., off Simece ° (Ment after Bl +) Rev, W./A., MeMillen "FMT? Que rar ~-- : FIRST FREE METHODIST CHURCH 10:00 A.M=SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES. 11:00 A.M=--PRESIDENT BYRON WITHEN- SHAW AND HERALDS OF CHRIST QUAR- TETTE: of Lome Park College 7:00 P.M.--THE FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR A Worm Welcome Awaits You jemng, critical, self - righteous Pharisee perfectly and tells him the Fareine of the two tors: One man owned a money-lender| $8 penes, the other Mi Know, ing that neither was able to re- pay thc loan, the money-lender forgave both men their debts. Which, Jesus asks Simon, was more grateful for the remission of. his debt? Jesus further rebukes Simon} Four Listeners Noted By Jesus By R, BARCLAY WARREN this passage. A mother can hear In the first of His great par- her baby's cry above the din ables, Jesus speaks Of f0'r/about her. She wants to hear. jstand"' appears four times in for his lack of the hospitable courtesies normally afforded guests, reminding him that this sinful woman came in off the streets, uninvited, to render the courtesies he had ignored, And not only did she observe the common courtesies, she had ac- corded Him far greater honor and lux a. kissing and tr. t] Fil expression of her love for Him, and the inner repentance that spurred it, Jesus forgives the woman all her sins and bids her to go in peace with God and live a new life, The Baha'i World Faith| "Bahai World Faith is the renewal of all prophetic religion, Revelation is progressive. Christ expressed this concept when He said '| have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come He will guide you into all truth," kinds of footpath where the scattered second layer of soll is so that it is like a hot box, The soon withers away. In the third the thorns choke the seed, In the last there is a harvest. Jesus said, "He who has ears, let him hear." Are you Listening? Do you un- derstand? The word "under: For turther intormation write. OSHAWA BAHA'! COMMUNITY SECRETARY, 29 GLADSTONE Ph. 725-7578 BYNG AVE. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH | REV, G. A. CARROLL, Pastor 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 10:00 A.M:--Sunday School 11:00 A.M.--Praise and Worship Service Tues.: 7:30 -- C.A. SERVICE for all youth, Wed.; 7:45 -- BIBLE STUDY & PRAYER Thurs: 7:00 -- BUSY BEE BIBLE CLUB Res. 728-2426 A Church Where God is Present ond Everyone ia welcome. Usteners. Mt, 18, The/She can distinguish the ery of first 1s Wkened to the hardened|delight from that of fright, pain a heey e people shrug off the seed doesn't make a dint, The waa 'a God as though it had birds pick up the seed, In thejno rolevance to their lives. thin|Satan catches away the seed Others receive it with delight seed germinates quickly and bp they live superficially. No springs up. But in the hot sun it th pth is developed by searching @ Scriptures, aarnest prayer and daily witnessing. When trou- ble comes or persecution, they are offended. In some, the Word is smother: ce LISTEN TO THE FAMILY BIBLE "HOUR SUNDAY 8:30 to 6:00 P.M RLS -- DIAL 1350 HEBRON end ZION Christion Reformed Churches of Oshawe One block north of highway 2 Bt Thickson Rd, and you see church! || Chureh of the "Bock to God Hour" every Sunday, 9:15 pm. CKLB SUNDAY, FEB, 23rd 10:00 A.M, Rey, J, VanHarmelen_and Rev, R. G, Rienks of Toronto Installation of Rev, D, N. Habermehi Minister of the Zion Church 7:00 P.M, Rev, J, Von Hormelen ey UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ONTARIO | (Oshawa Branch) 11 Bruce Street Side Entrance SUNDAY, FEB, 23rd 2:30 P.M. Healing Service followed by an Open Circle 7:00 P.M, Lecture by Rev, Johnson "WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN?" Clairvoyance--Mrs, |, Ferguson Friends ~ Enquirere = welcome Call - Mra, Conroy, 728-7668 ROSSLAND ROAD 1042 Rossland Rd. W. East of Gerrard FREE METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, Kenneth E, Goodberry, B.$.8.D, 723-7760 9:45 A.Me=SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 A.M-MORNING WORSHIP "7:00. P.M EVENING WORSHIP 6:30 P.M=THURSDAY CYC--6 - 8:00 P.Mm=THURSDAY--PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY 8:00 P.M--FRIDAY--FREE METHODIST YOUTH 14 YEARS 'WORSHIP WITH US AT Ritson ROAD PENTECOSTAL cuvrch Nee Ritson 'Rood South ~ REV, M. KUTNEY from Glendon, Alberta will be ministering at both services 9:45 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for All Ages 11:00 A.M, FIRST CHURCH ----- 64 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE COLBORNE $7. Branch ef The Mother Church, The First Church og cat Scientist. |) a) Boston, Massachusetts. } Wed. Service (includes Reading Room Hours, Tues. 1:00-4: Excepting Holidays Listen to: The Bible Specks To You CKLB 9 A.M. Every Sunday "M| N Dp" tl SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. | i } } Testimonies) 8 P.M. 00 P.M. MORNING WORSHIP oo TH0O RM, EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Special Music by the Gospel Tones Quartette xine st. PENTECOSTAL cxurcn 611 KING ST. W. Office 728-537) E. Howard Kerr; Pastor 9:45 A.M, -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 PM. -- Sunday School 9:45 A.M, 11:00 AM.--'REVIVALS IN THE BIBLE' "GOD'S WAY THROUGH" GOSPEL CRUSADE Interesting classes - group discussion 11:00 A.M WORSHIP Women's Missionary Couneti Day | YOUNG PEOPLE'S C ed Dy the cares of mis world, the deceitfulness of riches and the pleasures of this life, What a warning to us all! We must con- tinuslly east our care upon the lavas aauiney io Seoontins Sutwe must not set our heart upon it. The pleasures of this world are fleeting. We must not let these things choke the Word. May we not have a hard heart, shallow heart, or double heart. Instead, let us receive God's Word with an open heart, Let us receive Jesus Christ, the living Word, Let us grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Then we seed, | Will bring forth fruit in our lives, some an hundredfoli, some suner, cose eee Ne soever hath, to him given." Many have eyes to see but do not see und ears to hear but do not fear, Jesus said w His disciples, "But ogee are your eyes, for they see; and your ears, for they hear. " Are you Ustening? Goident Test: "In whom we eva Sse a! Iiwdlen game Kal vid Valentine Tale| Ts Recounted At Blackstock . By MRS. OLGA HILL BLACKSTOCK -- The Messen. gers met recently in the Sun- ra days last week, Chapter 2 of pd have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to tho riches of his grace; 'wherein he hath abounded toward us In all wis- Buffalo and peek, ~ taken by Tilsebeth > The children colored pietures to be placed on the of that country, day School room, The Messen- ger hymn was sung and the motto and prayer repeated, The worship period was led eg = prudence"'--Eiphesians 17, 8 RECTOR: THE MAN, Assistant: The Rev mk CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH] LUTHERAN ANGLICAN MARY AND plea PAI lags -- roe Phone 126-0782 = CMURCH OFFICE TEL 720-898 8:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUN 1ON 9:30 -A.M, & 11:00 A.M.---CHURCH SCHOOLS 11:00 A.M,.---SCOUT Pbea CUB CHURCH PARADE rmon----The Rector Nursery Core ot 11:00 a.m, Service 7:00 P.M.---SERVICE OF CONSECRATION Sermon--The Bishop of Toronto HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Rev. N, T. Holmes, BA, 8.., Rows Metealt AR.C.T,, Organist end 10:00 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, Kindergarten end Tiny Tot 11:00 AM, Morning Worship A Hearty Weleome Te All GRACE PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401! Rev, Philip Fless, Minister Viear Edword Nelson, A SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, DIVINE WORSHIP |) ST. GEORGE'S A NGLICAN CHURCH BAGOT AND CENTRE S&TS, | The Reverend Conon F. | The Reverend R, G. 9:00 A.M.---HOLY COMMUN! 11:00 A.M.---MORNING 7:00 P.M.---NO SERVICE AT Wednesday, (Simple Thursdoy, February 27th---10 15 P.M 8:00 "THE CHURCH OF REV, L. M. WARE SUNDAY, CONSECRATION OF CHRIST MEMORIAL OHURCH Nursery Facilities available at the 11;00 a.m. Service Februory 26th--7:00 A.M.----Holy Communion THE HOLY TRINITY G, Ongley, M.A.----Rector Brooks ==. Assistant SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd -- LENT Ii ION PRAYER ST. GEORGE'S-- Breakfast) 00 A.M.--Holy Communion P.M.--Lenten Study Albert Street United Church . (Albert St. and Olive Ave.) REV, ALBERT E, LARKE, Mintster Organist-Choirieader: Mrs, C, A. NAYLOR, A.T.C.MooeRM.T, 11:00 A.M. PUBLIC WORSHIP . The Minister will Preach Little children cared"for in the iursery, Sunday Schoo! sessions at 9:45 and 10:45 A.M, Corner Court & Barrle RECTORY 728-7093 FEBRUARY 23rd---LENT II 11:00 A.M.; 7:00.P.M. Church School 11:00 A.M, 1° HARMONY ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH 135. Harmony Rd. South Pastor Wm, Lewis 9:45 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M THE SEVEN WORDS (3) They Son... Thy Mother. 4 TO SERVE GOD! SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23RD ANNUAL (Prize - Giving) Guest Speokers Brigodier ond Mrs. Preece 10:00 AM.---OPEN AIR 11:00 A.M, DIVINE SERVICE PARADE Cubs, Brownies & Guides, 2:00 P.M SUNDAY SCHOOL (Prize-giving) 7;00 P.M. SALVATION MEETING 8:00 P.M. WED - BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER MEETING 2:30 P.M. TUES. -- HOME LEAGUE "A WELCOME || AWAITS YOU AT THE ARMY" SPEAKER -- MRS. KATHERINE C. KERR 7:00 P.M EVANGELISTIC RALLY The Postor Ministering Choir ~ Inspiring singing Ail are Welcome 230 Gibbons Street ! | | | | || The Second Oshawa Scouts Troop.and Cub Pack wilt porede, GIBBONS ST. BAPTIST | CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH Corner King and Centre REV, ARTHUR W. MAGEE. MINISTER Mr. R, K.:Kellington, Orgonist.Choirmaster 11:00 A.M, -- SERMON "A BOY THAT'S WORTH HIS SALT" 10:00 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL Care provided for small children during serviee EVERYONE WELCOME Plenty of Parking at Centre St. Chureh 9:45 A.M.--Sunday $choo! 11:00 A.M, MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M EVENING SERVICE ALL ARE. WELCOME ! in Assistant Pastor: 11:00 A.M:--MORNING YOUTH SUNDAY Wednesdoy, 7:45 P.M--B8 | Canvanr Baptist | CENTRE ond JOHN STREETS Affilicted with the Fellowship, of Evangelical Baptist Churches 'anada Rev, Ernest Winter 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES WORSHIP REV, DONALD MERRET--BOTH SERVICES 7:00 P.M--EVENING GOSPEL SERVICE BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO-- IBLE STUDY AND PRAYER SAT, 8:00 P.M:--PRAYER MEETING Major & Mra, Fred Lewis Corps Officers Corner of Evangelin 11:00 A.M.----MORNI 7:00 P.M--EVENIN 133 Sineoe South | EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH @ ond Phillip Murray 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL NG WORSHIP G GOSPEL SERVICE REV, ERNEST WINTER FOR BOTH. SERVICES Special Musical Talent Services YOU Will Enjoy {Location ~~ one block west of Shopping Centre) A WELCOME ALWAYS AWAITS YOU AT THE FULL-GOSPEL CENTRE IN WEST OSHAWA MOK PENTECOSTAL CHURCH " Simcoe St. S, Pastor: REV. R. A. BOMBAY - REVIVAL MEETINGS "FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH REV. N. FRANK SWACKHAMMER, BA HORTOP AT GLENWOOD a NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST, AND ROSSLAND RD) MINISTER == REV, H. A, MELLOW B.A, ORGANIST --- MR, J. R. ROBERTSON A,R.C.T, DEACONESS----MISS SHIRLEY M, McKEE CHURCH SCHOOL Superintendent---R, Pieree 9.30 AMer-intermadians and Seniors (12 ond ever), dunier . 11 years) Primary (6, 73 your). * 11:00 A.M, "WHO !*S MY BROTHER?" Boby Sitter Service by Come Double Chan 6:30 P.M~--CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS 7:00 P.M.-HYMN SING AND DISCUSSION 9:50 P.M.--Friendly Chet over CKLB--Rev, W. Herbert aD SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church In the heart of the city with the World en Ite heert, MINISTER: REV, JOHN K, MOFFAT, B,A, Director of Music: Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.C.M, 11:00 A.M. Lenten Theme: "THE PIONEER OF FAITH" (2) "HIS SELFLESS SERVICE" 12:15 P.M.=-CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS 7:00 P.M.--Joint Service in St, Andrew's Or, John Leng will preach, SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:43 A.M.~--Young Adult Bible Class Junior, Intermediate, Senior 11:00 A.M.--Baby core, Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 7:30 P.M.---Lenten Service in the Chopel, | | | | MISS JUDITH DAVISON, Boe, Mus. 11:00 A.M.--"Thinking Th "11:00 AM. roug the Creed" "THINKING THROUGH THE CREED" (3) AND IN JESUS CHRIST HIS SON 7:00 P.M "THE DEVIL IS BUSY TODAY ISN'T HE?" Nursey and Jr. Chureh at 11 A.M The Bible Sc hool 9:45 St. Andrew's United Church SIMCOR SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS MINISTER: REV, JOHN R, LENG, M.C., B.A,, 8.0,, 0.0, Organist ond Choirmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES A.T.C.M, 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP SCOUT--GUIDE CHURCH PARADE "CORDS AND STAKES" Baby Core Provided 3:00 P.M.--CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS 7:00 P.M.--COMBINED EVENING WORSHIP IN ST. ANDREW'S CHAPEL 9:50 A.M.--Senior, intermediate and Junior Sundey Sehoel 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Beginners and Primary Sundey Schoo! SUNDAY "THE SUTERA TWINS" of Minneapolis Minnesota Internationally known Musicians and Evanaelists February 27 through March 8th -- 8:00 P.M every night except Saturday ALL ARE WELCOME 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Tues. Wed., Thur., Fri 7:30 P.M COME TO THESE MEETINGS TO MEET WITH GoD REV. and MRS. RALPH RUTLEDGE Preaching ond Singing the Gospe! FOR PROTESTANT, NON-PROTESTANT, CHRISTIAN AND NON-CHRISTIAN EVERYONE COME ee THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX SIMCOE ST NORTH (Four blecks from King) Minister Rev, G. W. C. Brett, B.A. 454 Bader Ave 728-6122 Musica Directo: Mr, Matthew "Gouldburn, AL.COM 9.48 A.M.---The Church School end Adult Bible Clase 11:00 A.M JACOB'S CONVERSION 7:00 PM ST. LUKE'S Rossland Ra. W ot Nipigon Minister 0. R. SINCLAIR, B.A 28-9178 REV 492 Masson Street - ee ne 9:30 A.M Church Sche h 11:00 A.M "IN THE.OTHER MAN'S SEAT" 7:00 P.M.--~Young Peoples TRUMPETS OF DOOM Come ond worship with ue COMMUNICANTS CLASS Ali Cordialty tnvitee. ST. PAUL'S KING $T. E. & WILSON Rev. 0 AP Allen, MA. TCD Minteter 448 Beverley ~-- 728-6014 Mr Prank Walter Orgenist and Choirmester 9:30 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM MORNING WORSHIP Presentation of ewards, (Nursery care provided) 7:00 P.M, YOUNG PEOPLE'S Wed. 7:30 p.m. Midweek Meeting King St. United Church 129 KING STREET EAS? REY. L. WESLEY HERBERT, Minister Mr, Rhyddid Williams Choir Director and Orgenist Baby Creche, Nursery and ae Schoo! 1:00 A.M. Christian Youth mR 11.00 A.M. "IT'S IN THE BOOK" St. Motthew's 5: 3-12 Solo: "'1'H Walk With God" (Brodzsky? Mr. Albert Voss Anthem: "Go Forth With God" (Shew) Senior Confirmation Closs at 7:00 p.m. in Chureh Porter 9:50 p.m. Friendly Chat over CKLB ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH Youth Department 10:00 A.M on