12118 P.M | 8--The Match Game 7:30 P.M. és THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, February 22, 1964 17 7--Tralimaster 9--Burke's Law ' 9--Kiddo Cartoons id | 8-2--Movi torn LEVISION LOG| "338-- Se [ER | asi || CONTRECT BRIDGE 2--Captain Bob §3--Don Messer's Jubilee (Tera Wwerous SATE? 1 . . its carat WHEN HHT. COMES. AND THEY rie sys I ctssiet-4h--tanatiton-CBLT-TV- Cumnuel GTeremte | Oo nace Pee 600 OM "NO WONDER THEY yo] | THERES avon START TO FLY OUT, Z COULD FOLLOW By B. JAY BECKER onsequen B oe, THEM AND---- HEY, ANOTHER (Top record-h older in Mesters' 6--Movie Matinee 6--Father Knows Best a ' Beaver --oarry > ' 4 : Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo 4-Staren for Tomorrow 4--Leave It (0 Beavi we. wg Uy Show ; leapt OPENING iiers set WHERE Hb Pe se . ' East dealer. e Channel 7--Baffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester | {-Cuiding Light MONDAY @VENING | , 0190 FM. 1:00 P.M, 5:00 P.M, 7--Wagon Train - vulnerabl Channel 9~Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie| 1-one--with Tne Sonins) \)_eamiy theatre 4--The Lucy Show Boat. ¥e a tude 9--Theatre 9:00 P.M. 7 cAthernpan: Shame &--Superman 11- The Untouchables =e RDAY EVE. 11:00 A.M, 1100 P.M. 4--Meet The Millers | 7 The Early Show eat Hah blades 9--Meta Presents oDany Thomas Divorce Court 4--Five O'clock Snow | 4--Danny Thomas Show 8--This Is The Lite 'ak Mase 1:30 P.M. 2--Yog! Bear 9:30 P.M, Pri thinelf reuse aot assie 11--Mid-Day Matinee 0 PM 9--Take A Chance , 9--Our House | . : 8-2--Hollywood Story UZ MAKES A HASTY RETREA 2--Frontiers of Faith 110): Me 6--Time Out For Music i A 11--Special Movie te eee Tere 3--Cheyenne 4--Star Performance AND CLOSES THE HOLE, 130 AM, o--Mr, Novak 2:00 P.M. 2-The Rifleman ' 10100 P.M. " . Spectrum 8-2--Disney's World of 9--The Millionaire | aie Bk: Maa igh egg 7--The Bibie Today Color 6-4-3--Password : : 8-2--Mitch Miller 2--Satari J--Jaimie McPheeters 2--Lets Make A Deal | 6--Generation 7 Bresking Paint 12:00 NOON 6-3--Flashback 2:30 P.M. 2--Today 1963 $3--Inquiry |11--Comment and 4--My Favorite Martian | oa) star Theatre 6:13 OM. 4--East Side, West Side . Somction ; 6:00 P.M. 8-2--The Doctors 4~--Headline News 10:30 P.M, Haller | Journe 643--Ed Sullivan 7--Day In Court F 'iad ape slpgtnc eel 4:30 P.M. G2--Seariett Hilt nskeactoast Waatucl Clee ais ote ane Lert 9-7--Arrest and Trial ee and | Sports SH thi , Bouth 4--News; Weather 3:00 P.M. 7--M-Squad 3--Andy Griffith ? : OFF THE bidding: y | 26 BUZ SAWYER Sports 9:00 P.M. West North w ' _-- eather) 1 Ths Aner FO Pa ese Pee tage blag You| 6--Citizen James 11:00 P.M, 4:45 P.M. 19-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--Newsy ' - aie: ling. sees wi 4--Judy Garland Show 7--General Hospital leather and Sports - nee p ; Opening lead -- three of 7 hearts. 7:00 P.M. | 12:15 PLM. | | H M, : Take Thirt N--Family Theatre verly Hillbillies 9--Carosello | 9:30 P.M. 6-3--Take Thirty Round Table Panel| 4--Congress |11--The Bil! Dana Show | 4--To Tell The Truth page ol Briekiey 11:20 P.M. 12:30 P.M. | 10:00 P.M, 2:30 PLM, %--Metro Final Z B { 7:00 P.M. 6--Night Metro Bs Part-score hands lack the dra- | | tet' |11--Richard Boone V--Randy Dandy } ; NveSther Meehan" | 8---The Hourglass 2--People in Conflict' | ¢--Farmers Daughter --e cago | P ) matic impat of e or # 8-2--DuPont Show of 8-2--You Don't Say 11:30 P. : | ' d Pac teaening Ermer The Week 7--Queen For A Day 1-6--News, Weather, 'icine | > 3 hands, but, cons that nel- 4--Bowling Champlonships| 7--Dick Powell Show ee ee Ne ergo Theatre | 9--Plerre Berton Hour ther side can make a game in 2--Family Playhouse | 63---A Second Look biaaur 3-My Favorite Martian | 7--Late Show P é a! approximately half the hands 1:00 P.M. oo . Pgoing 9--Mickey Mouse Club | 2--Bachelor Father 6--The Fugitive 4 ; dealt, the subject does not re- 0:30 P.M. 5 : 4 : ceive the attention it merits. | '}--Rev. Oral Roberts | 63--Question Mark \ ey £:00 P.M. 9--Theatre vestion g The fact is that the play of 7~Di 4--What's My Line Wve Eleven Dance | z-Piscovary die Pac CROSSWORD part-score hands is often more 1:30 PLM, | 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) nial dey : ; challenging than the y of 11--Spotlight 11:20 P.M, : game or slam hands, is be- | potligl : | S--Penerema Rolietts |" Forum Unversity papacy ee req ' more evently div tween I= nd A 9--Metro Fi i éaccountry Calender | Jackets Show ACROSS 2.Foldover 27.Away = [f a ee opposing sides and the battle 4--Ted Mack Amateur | 2--Award Theatre 1, Family 3. Hades: 28. En- t rm + oe Hioaeh group Old Eng. graving ia EFT mela : '0 make or defea contract ae OM. ie udas Uanca mses 5. Egyptian 4, Settle down on folBlely is] , : ] » eee Me eat "iba i | jour dancing girl comfortably wood [LIAN IE} (i , ical case wi 11--Sunday Movie R South is t I--Wrestling | 9--Jr. "A" Hockey 6--No Hiding Place 9, Shield 5. Fleet of 29. Ambas- Gnas Boa ' oul s trying to make three At Hollywod Palace 8--Henry Aldrich 8-2--Grindle 10. Attain armed ships sador haere | Pls BOAT! ae eo wagh ae ge be ough he mi go 'ter MICKEY MOUSE pagh tiny Me ta Bay ig MONDAY 12, Points 6, Thin 31, Poured Fe. Sblshop' visits "Your as de of land ; forth, East cashes the A:K of hearts 7BE hoe he gt Home sean Kingares 18, Devilfish as and returns the t ek 2--Indoor Tennis | 14. Boy's 5 tears But if declarer pays attention 64<-dullotte | Ghemelonships 8:30 A.M, nickname 9. Beetle 32. Wing. Yesterday's Answer to his knitting, he winds up mak- 2:30. P.M, 9--Cartoons 15, Odder 11, Difficult like 37, Bishop's ing the contract. He ruffs the 10:20 P.M. 4--World Sports 9:00 A.M, 17.Tearapart 16, Free art headdress: . P heart, West following with the N--Bloekbuster 3:00 P.M. 11--Captain Andy 19. Cover 18, Cherished 33. Colliers var, jack, cashes the king of clubs be ea Heritage | eT ne show | 20. Extra animal 35, Wine re- 41. Glacial and then plays the eight to the athe 2--Bowling 4&--Popeye's Playhouse . Highes 23, Possessive ceptacles snow field Se i ge 4:00 #M 2--Mike Douglas Show card pronoun 86, Morein- 42, Let fall A "Now he leads a low spade ; N--En France ' 22, Kind of 25. Like frequent 46, Self . \ ' i : i a 1:15 P.M. ere 9:30 AM. | chines a = ' from dummy. East cannot af- 9--Answering Service 62-~Golt | 9--Meta : } Greek ia ry 5 7 16 . ford to go up with the ace, be- $-2---Saturday Night at 4-One Of A Kind | 7~Tennessee Ernie Ford . Gree : guilions Meine 'ie 10:00 A.M. -- WL, = me ona hay oP a -- an Movie Vedtiny Tolone V--Eddie Allen Show » Cry, af My beret 9--Edueated Guess o--Playtime With. Bobby & dog tract. When East ducks, South 11:20 P.M, Ga-The 201n Century | #2-SAY When . Moved wins with the king and enters pear ol 5:00 P.M. 63--National Schools | -- . , dummy with a trump to ring wise em | NFamiy sneate 4-Calendar | sc: emny mh "VOTRE FRERE A ORDONNE LASAISIE DE TOMTES se shout this position: N--Blockbuster Movie | 7--wrestling ue A.M. | 35. Upper limb j ; LES FOURRURES ACCUMULEES AU FORT FRONTENAC - if -- aa see Nee Lae Ste |GET Pg | 38 High pleat cee &Tight Rope 4---New York 7--Seven Keys , London Phitharmonic Concert 63--Chez Helene hazard SUNDAY 2--Wiid Kingdom . 4+! Love Lucy 40. The con- pum aM 5130 P.M. | 11:00 A.M. "tinent ye's Playnouse 9--Sgt. Bitk Wer i i Cartoons [IGE College Bom | SaMeoncduronarn™' | 48: Rope fiber & 9:30 A.M. Some of Those Days| 7--Price Is Right an yprnoed en Fi 6--Loretta Y: heatre Fhe Bible Answers | *~Teke # Chance 'The Real McCoys tion: Russ, 7--The Christophers 6:00 P.M. 'i 45. Build 2--Portraits of My People ae Ce : y $--walt Disney |11--Albert J. Steed Show) 47. Waiton 10:00 A.M. | 7--Big Show of Week reat h 48. Rascal 5 a e \, é--mr. Ed. 8-2--Missing Links C1 , Wilt), y ns sess N--OHA Junior "A" &--Twentieth Cent The Obiect {s 49, Bamboo- . Vi . Hockey Shue. | [cabo Se oui like grass ISceMAMONTERMY SEDITLACALE Pe YA Fig OS hamalade ; \ mf) 4--Lamp Unto My Feet | 2--Meet The Press 50. Blemish 2--Social Christianity «0 PM. DOWN saaowementanmene / Ave 2908 iv . "1. $BWED, MOUNBOTA NE HL HANA HOOP 10:30 A.M. 11--Rawhide 1 1, Kind of cup r POMOON HE WAIG HHL I HLNOW DIHKLOMY » ewess sins 1 29D BHC ORPTCNO FH DMLOOR DOA, // AWWA I HRAD GOO? V ORY OR ICDS 3908 ¥ DMITRI jee ot 4-Uncle Jerry's Club ister 2--This ts The Life 2--Pic-A-Polka sad ee OT | FROM ~ The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. &R--/ HATE TO SEEM CRASS %\ iN EW The All New HANDI-VAN! .;. Now Available -- On Display YOUR-sNEER!-IDEEL, FOSDICK, HE HAIN'T INT'RUSTED IN KISSIN' )] AH/LLSLEEP WIF TH' PIGS TONIGHT? --~ M--. SEEMS TO BE MIGHTY NO GAL/T HEONLY DOES IT Fo' AT LEAST THEY WON'T MAKE ANY GUuTTIN' INT'RUSTED IN KISSING TH' SAME. REASON AH DO" )I REMARKS 'BOUT TH' IDEEL OF EV'RY .--1 ALL THOSE CHORUS -- gli ty en aan tq RED- BLOODED i GALS? hi "4 * LI'l. ABNER THE LONE RANGER WHAT HAPPENED REALLY... WHAT DID A Seon | = wey NEW & USED ALLOWANCE 2 5 : on NEW & USED . Ait) i> fuer Relinished, New Laces and : ke STAN'S SHARPENING : & RENTAL LTD. 223 KING ST. W. 723-3224 DONALD DUCK \ MUGGS AND SKEETER *I) j WHAT DOL DOF MEN LIKE CAL PEDDY din HEM 2 WHAT DO _ SMART WOMEN ... have their ca end oe. stery cleaned Safe Way' by DURACLEAN 728-8518 LET'S SEE, 1 GOGH, T CAN'T THINK ECKS ; OWE #40 ON HOW "TO 6PELL 40... ' ERNIE CAY THIS BILL... PLL F-O-U-R-T-Y OR ' F-O-f2-T-¥ f/ ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS } ""\€ it's LUMBER, coll our NUMBER" | PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST.