'TELEGRAM SENT TO PM Prime Minister Pearson has received a telegram measured in length by the yard. Muriel How, a secfetary in Prime Minister § Peargon's office, looks over the telegram ¢on- taining some 4,000 names of residents of the constituencies ERECTED BY ROMANS Laborite Drives To Restore Wall By JOSEPH MacSWEEN In later Genturies the wall fell NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, victim to another type of ma- England (CP) Every totitist|fauder--house- and road-build- knows the letdown feeling that|/ers--who found it an excellent comés When in the iiidst of gaz-lsource of free materials. But = Bae | ca fovinedh some stretches are réasonably and parts are perhaps fot much|Well preserved. Now Charles Grey, Labor oldér than himself. Tourists alsé know that anci-|member of Parliament for Dur- ent sités leave something to be/haim, is leading a campaign to desired When to the layman's|rebuild a section of the wall to yé they show only a moundiits original shape. He says: turf-covered earth and an ap-) "It would be @ wonderful tour- arently haphazard pile of fub-list attraction and would show le. thousands of children exactly S00n sightseers may have it)what the wall was like when the both ways if plans go through)Romans built it." Grey's drive is backed by for mae a short section of a Erie Birley, professor of Ro- Hadrian's Wall, the Roman wall erected by Emperor Hadrian in|man-British history at Durham University, and Alex Cussons, AD 121-127 and added to by COMING Servius a century later. One v. the most immense and etnias Ryne River to Bowness at the head of Solway Firth, across the 'lan archeologist who bought 4 fafin ih Lancashire ta preserve eet . 3. Moman. reed, reconstructing. SOME DISAGREE this policy goes beyond th fast c The plan goes beyond the works ministry's policy of re taining and consolidating thé wall in the state it is found, replacing fallen stones but not As The Guardian notes, éven some critics. It is ar- gued that what should be pre- served is the wall as it was be- fore the archeologists tackled it, a softened by moss and turf. The British National Trust, which controls a short section, a milecastle were once like, pol: follows the more traditional foy =86 "THES Sisenay a 5: view Of tie Wall can be oh tained, Grey's proposed sec: tion might now show the wall and a fort--"'milecastie'--pre- cisely as they were built by thé Romans, but probably they would he considerably closer to the original than what ¢an be viewea today. The Guardian suggests: "A possible compromise might be to build near some sg of thé wall, a much shor: er. ection which made no pre- tence to be Roman work bit which gave the best archedlog- ical view of what the wall and Pres rrr i ta eadaiateiaiads, FIRST RUN HCRROR-THRILL SHOW! RAY MILLAND Starring As ""y" THE MAN WITH THE X-RAY EYES In Color Adult Enterteinment DOORS OPEN natrow part of the country. With watchtowers and forts at regular intervals, it was} 6:30 P.M. BILTMORE 18 King sn: Monsters! BORIS KARLOFF ln His New Picture of 1,000 Horrors! 'The Haunted Strangler' Adult Entertaiment Coti SAT, & SUN, From 1:30 P.M. S-ACT PLAY by JOHN PATRICK produced by the students of MeLAUGHLIN C.V.l Thursday, Fob, 27, Friday, Fob, 28 Yeserved Section 75¢ © General Admission S0¢ Seveoes } ; ; $ nna 1:30 3:30aB i 7:35.98 N.ALL, HOGKEY SUNDAY -- LEAFS ve RANGERS = 7 P.M. significant remaifis of the Ro- K.F.C. man occupation, it runs 73% miles ffom Wallsend on the 295 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA manned by a force of 25,000 and for 200 years repelled fierce marauders from the northern hills--conceivabiy ificluding the ancestors of Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home and former prime minister Harold Macmil- lan, both Scots. of Kootenay East and West in British ' Columbia favoring early ratification of the Columbia River Treaty. Tony Curtis "Tarzan in "THE AND THE Pothead Whale Lack Hurts Mink Industry WHITBOURNE, appears to be facing a bleak fu- ture because of the scarcity of thead whales, for feed, and) fur prices, Ranchets in the Whitbourne- Dildo area at the south end of Trinity Bay -- about 40 miles qest of St. John's--are becom- ing alared over the decline of the potheads during the last few years. The whales are a cheap and important source of mink feed. Last year's pothead harv- est was the lowest on record, and to make matters worse other types of whales also were scarce. Victor Clousotn, one of New- foundiand's largest mink ranch- ers, after being in the business more than a quarter of a cen- tury is closing down his opera- tion, "There has been a shortage @f whale meat for the past few '*, he gaid, "and ranchers e been forced to import feeds at relatively high cost." WHALE MEAT CHEAP The Clouston mink ranch, @ $60,000 operation with about 8,- 500 animals, could befed eco. nomically when enough pothead | whale meat was available at) four to six cents per pound. Feeding the mink on imported Ontario liver, at 16 to 18 cents) @ pound, or horsemeéat at 12 to! 14 cents takes the profit out of/ the business. | "Other headaches are over- supply of mink pelts and lower prices," says Clouston. "World production which was 5,500,000 its in 1954 skyrocketed to 19,- 0,000 last year. Europeans,! who came over here to buy mink furs 15 years ago, were able to export 5,000,000 pelts to North America in 1962." | Pelts that brought from $18) pounds of feed is needed to sus+ months from bitth to pelting. AFFECTS FISHERMEN The pothead scarcity also is having an effect on fishermen in the Trinity and Bonavista bay areas. In 1956, an excep- tional year, fishermen took some 14,000 potheads yielding hearly 7,000,000 pounds of meat and fat. This raw material put more than $200,000 in the pockets of the fishermen and others taking part in the pothead drive. Whale meat that year was cheap and also available for ex- port. Nfld. (CP) Mink ranching in wri a mink through the six Since then the pothead harv- est has been declining each year. There were only four drives in 1963, with 183 whales yielding 156,000 pounds of meat for mink. Of these, 164 were potheads. One factor in the smaller catch is that squid, the main diet of pothead whales, has been scarce in Newfoundland |watens in recent years. Another factor may be the method of hunting. There are fishermen who agree with Skip- per Nath Smith of Norman's Cove, Trinity Bay, who says "the noisy and spectacular method used to snare the pot heads has kept them from re- turning to the coves and har- bors along the coast." Chicago Blaze Takes 8 Lives CHICAGO (AP)--Seven chil- dren of a police detective's family and an unidentified per- son died today in a fire that de- stroyed their 1% storey frame jhome on the west side. The parents of the seven chil- dren, Det. James Alford, 37, BIG HITS EXTRA! THREE STOOGES COMEDY Lost Safari" Starring GORDON SCOTT "pnatnnmemoneranenn san ian sant a } OUTSIDER" -- with -- BRUCE BENNETT | This is the traditional method. When a herd of whales is spotted large humbers of smaill motorboats surround them and the fishermen make a terrific/ din by pounding on empty oil drums and banging the sides of the boats, until the herd is frightened toward the shore. There, floundering in shallow water, the mammals are shot, harpooned or slashed until they) | die from loss of blood. SATURDAY The Great Big Wonderful Sound of Music Sunday Meeting 11 A.M. SPEAKER: DR. LESLIE DEWART, Ph.D. of Philosophy, St. Michael's College A inte Prof, ? UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP | | 401 at Liverpool Rd | TEE PEE DRIVE-IN | = Free In-Car-Heaters FRIDAY--SATU 3 Big Stars! * ROCK HUDSON * SANDRA DEE 1. Gathering of Eagles 2. Wild and the Innocent 3. The Midnight Story RDAY--SUNDAY! 3 Big Hits! * TONY CURTIS UNIVERSAL |] ery stuns Cary Couples only Dancin itt Reservationss 723-2143 725-134 A Cos Kan BOB MINNS and his orchestra Tt ADDRESS: : 'Religion and Politics: The Lesson of Cuba' CRA BUILDING 100 GIBB ST. You are Invited to Attend MONDAY and TUESDAY FEBRUARY 24 and 25th [ HELD OVER-Tues. Last Day All Oshawa is Talking About... Ls Audrey SUNDAY 1:30 P.M, Walter Matthau /sames Cobum " teenpiey ty PETER STONE rreduee and Ovected y STANLEY DONEN Hh fuse HENRY MANCINI A Universal Release' TECHNICOLOR® 2 PLATA a OPEN DAILY 1 P.M. PHONE 723-2843 | TIMES:--1:20 - 3:20 5:20 - 7:25 - 9:30 LAST COMPLETE | - the prompt, polite service and wide array of dishes WHAT: A Swinging Dance WHEN: 8:30 to 11:30 P.M. Saturday Night WHERE: 0.6.V.1. HOW: Shirt and Tie WHY: Greatest Music Around Good food Is a family affair Family dining is always a pleasure here, due to to please every palate. GENOSHA HOTEL @ AMPLE PARKING @ ri 17" ANNUAL CANADIAN EXHIBITION PARK/TORONTO SHOW 9:20 MARCH » | =e NATIONAL 13 21 SPORTSMENS SHOW last two years. re ; i | ported in serious condition in rey POWER GRADE "A" FRESH giness he has carried on since! An eighth child of the couple, | to $20 in 1954 were bringing! These factors have convinced|a hospital suffering from 1938. \Keith, 13, the eldest, was re LARGE = only $15 as an average in the|ang 'his wife, Gloria, 35, "he Saw Clouston he should quit the bu-/burns and smoke inhalation. MAY IMPROVE jported by police to have jumped About 30 other Newfoundland mink ranchers, who raise a to- tal of 40,000 mink annually, are facing the same difficulties but most say they will carry on forll ANCE the present, at least . | "The pothead whale catch may improve, maybe not," said) rancher Garfield White of Whit- bourne, "I'll wait and see." | Whale meat comprises only) about 10 per cent of the mink/ food ration, but more than 00,-| 000 pounds of whale meat is) needed annually, Meat products imported from the Canadian) mainland, the bulk of the diet, cost at least 12 cents per pound. It is figured that at least 110 to safety from the top floor of the home. D TONIGHT Old Time - Modern ADMISSION--$1.25 TEGGS re DOZ. CHASE AND SANBORNE : COFFEE @ SAVE 15c @ yl ee E ONT. NO. 1 GRADE AND BRUSHED DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. 8 King Street East 360 Wilson Road South 1204 Wecker Drive Jury and LOVELL LTD.. Phone 723-2245 McCORDICK: DRUGS Phone 725-8711 LAW PHARMACY Phone 725-3525 a COOKING ONE POUND C BAG a cE POLLY BAG FRESH SLICED PORK s LIVER a - 25: | | Co featuring oo | f the ik yy} smashing Splashing by, * * Specrreular PLUS: A Great Exhibition of: Hunting, Fishing, Boating, Travel, Camping, Sporting Equipment, Cottages, and Automotive Ex- pega Wy > Loe bevy fal a b+ or an evening or an after+ oon to The Sportsmen's Show, Visit the di the fantastic Aqua Spectacular. ne ORDER You TICKETS NOW! Performances t 315, wice dail 4:15, and Br gicent Sunday) 4:15-9.45 ~Evenin sey Res.§ ot and Saturday to bulldin ra ldren 25¢. Ethibte &m. to 11 p.m, Adults day) from 44 Parking for 8,000 cars--Street Cars right to the door. Write (enclosing cheque of money order) to THE CANADIAN NATIONAL SPORTSMEN'S SHOW Exhibition Park, Toronto "2 PLAZ THEATRE CHARA HELD OVER Till Tuesday