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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Feb 1964, p. 5

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WHITBY. And Di TS Tt ah oN SE Wo ak Whitby Bureau Uffice 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gault Tel. 668-3708 Ssrav a ntti rete READY FOR THE BUZZERS Fletch Paces Dunnies In Win Over Monties Officers of the Whitby Branch, St. John Ambulance Brigade, are concerned about the present ition of the current cam- paign, » date there have been only} 99 replies to the letters sent to Whitby households, with a total return of under $400. The attendance of the St. John first - adid Brigade at all Town and community gatherings especially at all events at the Arena, - has already saved ser- ious injury and possibly lives. especially the 550 sthool child- ren in Whitby, will almost cer- tainly result in lives saved the future, This is the type of service that just money will not buy, but a certain amount @f money is re- quired to-enable it 'to continue, The contributions of citizens to this Once-a-year campaign are the only source of revenue of the Whitby Branch, 'Won't you help that someone may be saved from serious injury + or even death?" Bantams Top Wednesday night the Whitby Bantams With their bat Bowmanville to do battle with the high flying squad. Bowmanville took a one-game lead in the best two-out-of-three series When they upset the Whit- by b0ys last Saturday 6-4, right on their home ite, Whitby came back and gave the Bowmanville boys some. thing t6 think about @s they dropped them 7-3 to square the Seties at ohe gaine each. To Tie Semi-final Series atks|ing from the fast and rug in|against the wall, moved ifto THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, February 22,1964 5 Bowmanville teams showing signs of weaken- play, Howes of Bowmanville hit at the 16.58 mark to put a spark of life in the Bowmanville crew. But that was the best they could manage. Keenan for Whitby, on a solo effort from deep in his own end completed the scoring when he managed to stickhandle through the whole Bowmanvlile team and blast a shot into the top right-hand corner that the goal- tender never saw. missed, & s8 ee woe = AOU S By Ajax High | Fantastic' By ROD WILLMOT AJAX -- Wednesday night was Opening Night Rouhd the Moon" (directo Alex E' School, success Not @ eifgle line nor clie was' everthing went smoothly -- extra - sm ir mH at Ajax Hi Hy avht Whee Ring for 'Ring gh it was a fantastic' ' Reels Bulle Dian League Formation An organizational meeting to form an Ontario County Minor Lacrosse League will be held in Oshawa some time in March. It ig definite that teams from Oshawa, Whitby, Brooklin and St. John's, Uxbi will be entéfed and it is hoped that several other centres will started at least at the and Pee Wee level. The new organization will dfaft schedules for the various age series, administrate the league and arrange playoffs. But age rn oye Of this pe group 'o encourage an assist new centres in enablish. minor lacrosse clubs. interest has been shown and some enquiries madé by Bay © Ridges, Pickering, ax, Port Perry and Bowmanville, and it © is hoped that minot lacrosse ean be further developed in these areas. : Any person in these areas, in- terested in minor la e, whe would like to attetid this meet- ing, should contact Lyle Ste venson, Brooklin 655-3158, NAB MAFIA SUSPECT PALERMO (AP) -- Giuseppe Fiore, one of the top men on When a certain actress was , 55 the govern ent's most-wanted Supposed to cry, (whieh she has\iist of Mafia suspects, was cap- never done properly in rehear- tured Thursda ( y hight during a sal), she eried -- and without! police raid in' Palermo, sicily. sounding as if she were laugh: iore, 57, was found hiding in ing. Which proves that all the cast were really "living an ot ring ltl yng their parts" to the utmost, The entrance to the compart- Although I had not originally| ment was a trap door covered planned to write this article for/by a picture, The Times, you can tell I'm very enthusiastic about our pro-|good it really is. I sincerely duction. I want to give it as/believe that play deserved many laurels, as I can -- es sae 0te he 80 aay geen oe possible, pecially now that I've seen how Also, ih ty previous articles I had said that the play had "'its funny tmoments'-- ah under. statement, to eay the least! (Al- though "Ring Round The Moon" is Certainly not a meré Comedy routine.) It seems that during tehearsals one misses half the jokes, Or else the actors hide the ham, It must bé true in both cases, for last night every- one had the fight timing -- everything -- to produce abso- lute hilarity, and when "ham acting" was called for, the y|Ushed it out in large and well- made portions -- but not slop- pily, so that {t never became just & silly farce. At the 10:00 matk tle walls eame folling in along With the Ottawa water bottle. Bonnar of Ottawa was banished for cross checking, Des Maris and O'Shea got five each for fighting and they continued their fisticuffs in the sin bin and drew game mis- conducts, This brought -- the water bottle scdoting out from the Ottawa bench and they were assessed a two minute pehalty for the ill doings. The Ottawa players and coaches were somewhat per- turbed to say the least. Chees- man followed with an elbowing|when the Dunnies meet St. penalty and the sides were all Michaels College Buzzers in the just 59 even, Landry got his we nr ah ee 4 ae of 2 se 10. Ottawa. ener bg ay ra absence made/Lavender followed just 59 Sec-\of the night at and arellijgroup semi - finals. . . Better) 11, ottawa, Chiarelli - Eccles 16: Ga weasence fet very strongly|onds later and the home town|clicked for his counter. {plan to get there early as we Yet ime vere nats Bevin nnd ag he fired one goal and assisted|crew were out front 5-3, the wav, The local team did not appeny expec to see nearly a full house! 4+ 10:00, Des mars fobior and seme en another, Tommy Lavender|the score stood at the end of 40|too sharp at this point and many "or Ha ghee ebilit vine jconaves N08 9 be. jor sin we aiid Ted Donaldson each added| minutes of action. lof the fans felt that Whitby|ADe MR uiebe ROINT ¥ NOOO, Cheesmiah 10:49, Bonet 17:18) singles in a winning cause, The thire period was a sizzler.|were going to 'blow it.' Ottawa| SUMMARY Cheesman: minor and misconduct, Bonar For the losing Capital City |The fans were on their 'eet|pulled their goalie with 56 sec-)___ Ist Period team it was Mike Landry with|MOre than sitting down. There!onds to go, but failed to get al major 19:47, Donaldson 19:47, three and singles to Doug|was plenty of action all around.;dangerous shot on goal. Bon-| P Py . 4 Donaldson scored for Whitby atjnar and Donaldson enlivened) a s resi ent i, ers oe oe Suere 2:49, and the Dunnies appeared|the final 15 seconds of the game} BY CLIFF GORDON the fans made it back to their seats from the coffee break. Pg Pe Bouae ts The score keeper no sooner' fm an tion game played at|g0ot the Ottawa goal down and thé Whitby ai oe The game ai boom! --Fletcher had hit again. but broke a real donny-| This one coming just 17 sec- brook in the third afd finaljonds after the Ottawa tally and riod @§ some would be 'Sonny/&8ve Whitby the lead. for the * were making with the|sécond time. Goals were coming ticufts, Ag a result Des Maris|hot and fast at this stage as of Ottawa and Kevin O'Shea,|neither team were showing too of Whitby were tagged with|muth in the way of defensive major and game miscondict|hockey. Drummond clicked | to penalties. make yh e a oe | Wayne Mayhew se hes * fy aie bans pee for the fourth Whitby goal and it ed up a tric of goals for, his|gave the Dunnies the lead and nights work, Bob Marshall, back/they never lost it from here. This is @ service that is vitally heeded. Also, the first - aid training given our citizens, and Donations should be addres- sed to Walter Porter, Bank of Commerce, Whitby. ICE CHIPS: For Whitby, Adams and Partington came up <b with real fine efforts in the nets Baan : ... While Pritchard did a ro- Bowmanville didn't --waste|/pust job patrolling the blue line, much time as they opened the!for Bowmanville Peters, Howes, storing at the 1.38 mark of the and Giihouley did a real job in -_ a when ig eR @ losing colle . « » Don't forget 0 e-way pass from Tay-|you Whitby fats, ¢ lor and Hircoek, But Whitby, not ! a aaa as ae noticheer these boys On in this, to be outdone, came back with|their third and deciding game four unanswered tallies: Reeson|this afternoon at 4 o'clock at from Vipond; then Keenan from|the Bowmanville Arena. sag | and Vipond; Sandford guy ny rom Horack and Town; Reeson ; again from Town. Craver iiftecer In the second period the ! tempo slowed down until the 10.20 mark when Reeson hit again. Bowmanville came back 9 elose the gap when Peters hit for his second goal of the hight. Sorichetti closed out the period when he fired a screened shot from the right point that went all the way to make the count read 6-2, In the third period, with both Delegates Names At The third and deciding goes Of today in Bowihan ame le at 1, Ottawa, Landry = Eccles - Draper 1:55 2, Whitby. Fletcher - Marshall - Gay 5:59 3. Whitby. Fletcher - Mayhew 14:31 Penalties, Beverley 9:27, Cheesman, 11:42 mcNaught 14:00, Marshall 15:25 2nd Period ded with the Dunnies in the Ot- tawa end trying to get a shot on the empty net. Just talking ... Man ger Davié was rather hn%*-~! after the game. He had been cheering and shouting Woru, » encouragement at his charges all night... The game served as a warm up for the big play- off opener here on Monday night 4, Ottawa, §, Whitby. 6 Ottawa, Drummond * Grioux + Kuntz 1:30 7. Whitby, Marshall - Mayhew 4:11 8. Whitby, Lavender 5:10 Penalties, Bonar, 2:11, O'Shea 5:85, McNab 5:35, Leach 15:00, Cheésman 16:12, Marshall major, Grioux mifor and major 18:05 3d Period 9 Whiiwy. Donaldson 2:49 Whitby: Sandford (Horack, Town) tees Whitby: R**son. (Town), Second Period Whitby: Reeson (Vipond, Sorichetti .. Bowmanville: Petérs (Taylor, Hireock) Whitby: Sorichett] (Gibson) .... Third Period Bowmanville: Howes (Bothwell, Gilhouley) Whitby: Keenan ... w 2 3 4, 5. 6 1 8. % 10, s Columbus Choir . pot og ea Reed apt hn to have a comfortable lead, How-|with some minor fisticuffs and} PANDERER CHATTY the D DETROIT (AP)--Edward In- gle, 34, blabbed so much out of turn i. court that Judge W. At Columbus McKay Skillman ordered him ¢ ever, the game was far from|got majors and and-early show-) Sguinst the "Montes, note. vor over. ler for their part. The game en-| tories coming on the strength of ene big goal. Ottawa drew first blood as iclds Hayride COLUMBUS -- The Church choir recently held a hay ride at the home of Mr. and Mrs. CLUB CALENDAR MRS, E, LAVIOLETTE Landry got his first of three| before the game was two min- utes old. Eccles and Raper got Re helpers on this one. The innies fought back strongly, peppered Tommy Cullen in the visitors' cage with some hard shots. Fletcher finally hit the pay - off spot as he combined with Marshall and Gay. Flet- eher put the Dunnies out front for the first time in the game at 14:31 as he scoréd on a power gry with McNaught of the Monties cooling his heels in the sin bin. Marshall of Whitby was banished less then a 'minute MONDAY, Feb. 24 St. Andrew's Church Explorers 1st Whitby Scouts Salvation Army Brownies Whitby Baptist plorers Vimy Ridge LOBA No. 639 3rd Scouts and Cubs Ladies' Auxilia ty St. John's Anglican Church Ruth} WA % TUESDAY, Feb. 25 Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club Red Cross work room Chureh_ Ex- jAjax, Pickering dren Auxiliary WEDNESDAY, Feb. 26 dren of the Church Women's Institute THURSDAY, Feb. 27 Whitby 'Baptist Church Packs League and Whitby Presbyterian} Association for Retarded Chil-| Royal Canadian Legion Ladies'| St, Andrew's Presbyterian Chil- Cub Salvation Army Women's Home Columbus The Regular meeting of the United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. T.F.LETT. Mrs, C. Henry open- ed with a few words on Abra- ham Lincoln. The north unit was in charge of the meeting and Mrs. Holliday read the scripture. A short play was presented by Mrs. A. Fowler, Mrs. E. White, Mrs, C, Naylor, Mrs. F, Me- Laughlin, Miss Sharon Stark and Miss Pat McLaughlin entitled "Three Generations." Sharon Stark gave a piano solo and 8, Cosway's. They then returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Webber's for games and @ meeting. Election of officers was held with Rev. R. H. Love presid- ing: President, Mr. Harold Davey; secretary - treasurer, W Mrs. Kenneth Powell. Membership committee: Mrs. Russell Nesbitt, Mrs, Kenrieth Powell, Mr. Harold Davey and Mr. Stanley Webber; Gown ten- der, Mrs. Glen Smith, An alternating music commit- tee was arranged. The resign- ing organist, _Miss Blizabeth Hayes was presented with a Myrtle Meet By MRS. ALLEN DOWNEY MYRTLE -- The United Church Women held their Febru. ary meeting recently at the home of Mrs. Albert Eyers. The meditation was taken by Mrs. Clark and the study was on Dorcas taken by Mrs. De Mille. The four voting delegates were named to be represented at Presbytery along with the presi- dent. The prices for catering were set. Mfs. Lane started a travelling apron and the money gagged. A court officer plas- tered adhesive tape across In- gle's mouth from ear to ear. Ingle was ordered held for trial on a pandering charge. INCOME TAX RETURNS PHONE 668-8252 SCUGOG CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers ER Pick-up & Delivery Dolly PHONE 668-4341 -------- For fast relief from menstrual paln you can count on help from the 4 active ingredients * DR.CHASES The Salvation Army Bro. Bob Habkirk from Vancouver and a group from Toronto Bible College. later but Ian Young in the Whit- by cage rose to the occasion and made three fine. saves in léss than & minute, The Montagnards broke out fast in the middle frame as they did in the first. Landry was. once again the big gunner as he tied the count at the 35- second mark before several of the turned in to the treasurer which netted over $13. The meeting closed with prayer and a social hour. The next meeting to be at the' home| of Mrs. Elmer Cooke, March 4) when all ladies are invited to! attend. | Whitby Chapter Order of the meeting was Eastern Star No, 248 FRIDAY, Feb, 28 Red Cross Senior Citizens Social Club Pentecostal Church Young Peo- ple's Christian Ambassadors St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Two by Two Couples' Club SATURDAY, Feb. 29 Salvation Army Timbral Brig- gift from the choir members ahd friends. The evening ended with lunch and a sing song. McCLUNG JISPLEASED LITTLETON, Colo. (AP) -- Lewis McClung walked along a shoppine centre mall Thursday, throwing a soft drink bottle through each of the 10 plate- glass windows. McClung, 46,|s0ar on thermal drafts nearly was still there when sheriff's|half a mile high, then glide to officers arrested him on a|feeding ponds 20 miles away. chargé of malicious mischief. "He said he doesn't like shop- ping centres," one officer said. o pen © Special Singing @ Special Music SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. PARADOL brought to a cloe with test on birds conducted by Mrs.' W. Beath. A request was made for ar- cles for the childrens table at the bazaar to be held in May. The hext meeting will be held at Mrs. S. Coswys, April 8. ATTEND ANNUAL MEET Mrs. C. Henry and Mrs. M, Gilroy attended the Annual Presbyterial at St. Maries United Church, Whitby. PRAYER DAY OBSERVED A number of the Columbus United Church Women attended the World Day of Prayef at St. Stephens United Church. Mrs. BEATLE cuts 4.00 Peter Smits Hairstyling for Men 102 Byron St. $. Whitby 7:00 P.M. On warm days, wood storks Whitby Red Cross BLOOD DONOR = CLINIC ou DON'T | Monday, Feb. 24th DRINK 2-4:30 P.M, _-- 6:30-9 P.M. --. pay less CANADIAN LEGION HALL for your auto BYRON ST. $., WHITBY insurance! Insure with ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, the one insurance company in Canada that issues poli- cies only to non-drinkers, We will be glad to give you full information, without obligation. RIEGER and OSBORNE INSURANCE PH. 668-5431 -- WHITBY 218 DUNDAS STREET E. ade Salvation Army Young People's Band St. Andrew's Church Jr, Choir R. Alexander of Columbus sang a solo. Presbyterian Family Monuments -- Created To : Individual a | | Requirements STAFFORD BROS. || y LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 Salvation Army Cubs 2nd Whitby Women Unit No. 1 St. Mark's United Church St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 4 tor Christian Service ecouver, B.C., will be guest|Graham Lawson, president of| aker at the Salvation Army,|the Association, was assisted by a.m. and 7 p.m. He will be ac-| Winners are as follows: Mrs. companied by some members of|D. Catherwood, Mrs, M. Warde, ST, PON KR There will be special music|Goldring, Mrs. Edna Thompson, and singing. Plan to attend. Get}Mrs. C. Jensen, Mr. J. Beattie, any member of the Army. |Paddick, Mrs, H. Boyes, Mrs. F, Foster, Mrs. R. Quilter, Mrs. avenue, is celébrating her birth-|tin. Social convener Mrs. Hart day today, Feb. 22.. Her friends |Giffin and her group served re- St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 9 Whitby Baptist Women's Society Brother Bob Habkirk of Vari-|cessful "Games Night". Mrs. hitby, Sunday, Feb. 23 at 11|/members of her executive, the Toronto Bible College. |Mrs, A. Harbottle, Mrs. Eileen your reserved seat ticket from|Mr. Ralph Crawford, Mrs, V. Mrs. Annie Fraser, 97 Starr|J. Collinson, Mrs. Donna Mar- wish her a happy birthday. |freshments. Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Keith, ts celebrating his fourth birthday, Sunday, Feb. 23. Many happy returns of the}! Mrs. Mary Lowe has returned) from a_ three-weeks' visit in Poughkeepsie, New York, with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Willlam pias and|day are extended to Paul. family. Fc ct ae Tony Vella andj} Ruth, daughter of Mr. and three children' of Mount Vernon, Mrs. C. W. Howlett, is celebrat-|New, York, visited at the home|| ing her 15th birthday, today, Sat-|°f Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vella|| urday, Feb. 22. For the occa-|°Ver the weekend. og Fle be dining out with) Jack Green, stationed with the || Canadian Army in Regina, was Mrs, P. N. Spratt, Lyndeview|@ recent guest at the home of drive, opened her home to the|Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mas Ontario Registered Music/Suire, 1016 Centre street north Teachers Association, Oshawa|2%d also guest of Mr. and Mrs. District Branch. Dr. Stanley Os-| Robert Green, 308 High street. borne was speaker. Co-hostesses | M rs. George Scott, 1009 Byron were Mrs. J. Broughton and| street south entertained at Mrs. W. E. G. Summers. jhome Thursday evening at a| Kelly, grandson of Mr. anq|bitthday party for her husband. Mrs. Wilton MCGillis is cele-| Guests spent a pleasant evening brating his first birthday today,|#"4 were served tasty refresh- Friends of the family wish Kelly, ments by the hostess. many happy returns of the day.| 41 saints' Anglican Church St.| Mr, and Mrs. Al Harrietha|Margaret's Guild held 'work and two sons, Neil and Paul of|Might's" sewing group at' the Richmond Hill were visitors at|home of Mrs. B. A. Box, Maria) the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex|Street, handicraft group at the MacDonald. Mr. Harrietha {s|tome of Mrs. D. B. Fry, RR 2,| Mrs. MacDonald's brother. |Whitby, and knitting groups at jthe home of Mrs, Ken Corner, a, D POP WINTER CAN CAUSE NO HARM Our Fine HEAT) ey Whitby Pentecostal Tabernacle 11 A.M, & 7P.M. "THE SOWERS TRIO" A top rated singing group for Peterborough Moming Subject: "At the Foot of the Mountain' Evening Message: "How Goes The Faith" 9:45 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL An interesting program for every age warm glow of Christ's presence ond the genuine friendii- of the Christian People will linger long ofter your visit to the Tabernacle, ' WEDNESDAY: Prayer ond Bible Study "Greot Texts From Acts" FRIDAY: Young Peoples Service REV, MAXWELL CASE--Pastor See Lisbon, Madrid - lovely cities that sparkle in the sun = just a few hours on direct Super DC-8 Jets. Take advantage of Canadian Pacific's new low 21-day fares, Round trip economy from Toronto to Lisbon, $364.40... to Madrid $409.60 = minimum stay 14 days. Explore Portugal and Spain en route to any destination in Europe = it often costs no extra air fare, Low cost tours. For period of fare applicability, call your Representing the | PORTUGAL-SPAIN the only direct jets t , a Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs./915 Green street and Mrs. L.| epieaesaditishaccenasaahinccng ~--- , A as ' nee ' Y Fare effective April 1, subject to Gov't Approval, || a pons Aig ao va Warden-Wilson. | TRAING/ TRUCKS / SHIPS /PLANES /HOTELS / TELECOMMUNICATIONS ¢ WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM 23. Friends of the family extend) Mrs. E. A. MacMillan attend- |. ol 3 TG ee ait, : their best wishes for a happy|®4 & meeting of the Toronto| '" ie ; ------ : birthday. Affiliated Branch of Ontario we : ; ee, = Bs |i Colborne Home and School|which table elince were nemon prensa -- , , as Association held a most ne Strated. teat wane ~-- ' 'S | INSTALLATIONS- . : ? | -- REPAIRS-SERVICE BROCK Evening Shows Start at 6:55 & 8:20 : WHITBY Saturday Matinee 1:30 | Cc a | ] a J 6 e" TECHNICOLOR' Mera >. . ; La ray THE PLUMBER 1S.THE CooLesr (Joseph Southwell) 668-4247 PLUMBING -- HEATING SHEET METAL WORK Quolity Material & Workmanship 128 BROCK ST.N. WHITBY Call us for information on any Ges Equipment AUTHORIZED... CONSUMERS' GAS DEALER \\ ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE COMPANY 444 24 Peel Street, Box OBSOLETE PLUNBINg ('id - EMMANUEL REFORMED REV, GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD CONCESSION WEST OFF HIGHWAY 12 WHITBY CHURCHES WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister: REV, JOHN McLEOD al er Mrs. W. €. Summers, A.T.C.M. 10:30 A.M. ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 P.M. DUTCH SERVICE 7 P.M. ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. J, M. Smith, B.A., 8.D. rs. J. L. Beaton, AR.CT. Miss ila Newton, Deaconess DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY meon. Ordinance of believers baptism. 9:45--Bible School Classes for all ages. PHONE 668-3304 Y.P.U. For Personalized Travel Arrangements -- Call FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) LTD. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St. John Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A. Minister Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Orgonist Gir} Guides, Brownies, Boy Scouts and Cubs. Sunday School 945 AM, ° Juniors, Intermediates, Seniors 1 AM, Beginners, Kindergarten, Primary Junior Congregation Infant Care, 57 KING ST. EAST 728-6201 MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH PHONE 723-9441 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 oN ' i rvice WYRE NE BEY NE ES WES ROH ages CINEMASCOPE FINDLAYS' Meet the new anemripecs and yore i ul OIL&GAS Tintieac FURNACES | Nursery Care and Junior Congregation

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