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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Feb 1964, p. 4

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@ 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Fobruary 24, 1964 REV. CHARLES R. CATTO, Photo by LeRoy Toll Hampton Church Induction Held In Hampton United Church onjronto, He is a graduate of Vic- Friday evening an induction|toria and Emmanuel Colleges service was held by Oshawajin. that city, Following his or- Presbytery for Rev, Charles/dination in 1954, he served as a R, Catto, BA, BD. |missionary yrpee eg rag mo idi inis lin northern Manitoba, en for Fi be penis em " g for ee tive years his work took him to stead, chairman of the presby-|Northern Rhodesia, Africa, Be- tery. Rev. L. W. Herbert preach-|cause of illness in his family, ed the sermon, During the ser- Mr, Catto was unable to return vice choirs from Zion, Eldad|to Africa after a furlough. and Hampton appointments pre-| Mr. Catto's wife is a graduate; sented anthems. Douglas Dewell/dental nurse. They have three presided at the organ. children, Danny, 8; Linda, 8; | In his message Mr, Herbert/and Wanda, 5 months. suggested that officers in| The new minister was present- churches should shoulder morejed to the congregation by re- responsibilities, All members/presentatives of the three should guard against allowingjchurches he will serve. After- either material things or their|wards, members of the United own spiritual conditions to stand|Church Women from all ap- between, themselves and God. |pointments served lunch at a Mr, Catto-is a native of To-lreception. French TV Centre Has 58 Studios ( ' PARIS (Reuter -- A huge|main principle in mind -- that mew French radio and deleve: reiaeers of ee f 7 ine [Program have to draw heavily sion centre here has 58 studios,|-- records, whether written or including three public concert! corded on discs or tape. halls, | All records including books,| It also has an atomic fallout|periodicals, musical scores and| shelter to accommodate 700 per-|the . .igh fidelity library are sons, jhoused in the tower, orming| The ultra-modern building onthe nerve centre and core of the right bank of the River|'h2 building Seine consists: of a ". of EASY ACCESS cone entric a a 20-foot) 'Surrounding the tower are the wer in the midd!., technical departments including It took 10 years to complete|a musical instrument workshop, and cost an estimated 200,000,-}4 second circle of buildings 000 francs .($44,180,000), houses the studios, so arranged The new broadcasting house that each has easy access to was designed and built with one'the central tower The outside circle, 10 storeys jhigh and with nearly 1,000 joffices for the administrative jstaff, forms the outer facade of jthe building. It acts as a pro- jtective buffer between the stu- dio section and outside noises, | Explorers Are Window Crashed By Year-Old Doe win yp sty BB ve ea leer jum rough a Plate glass window in the main street here Jate Saturday after- noon and landed unhurt in a giant meat freezer, ; Police were called to Bow- manville Frigid Locker Sys- tem, 73 King street west, where the incident occurred, They tied the doe's legs, put it in the back of a cruiser and drove out of Half a mile north they let it go near the bush, It ran off at a great rate. Constable Les Ricard told The Times: 'It was pretty hard to believe when I first took the call. But sure enough when we reached the plant a couple of men-were holding down the deer. "Tt was ecared out of its life. legs. But then we carried it into the back of a cruiser and drove half a mile north of town." Constable Tracy Davies, who comes from Northern Ontario, Tobacco Board Rims To End Test Protest AYLMER, Ont. (CP) -- The Ontario Flue - Cured Tobacco Growers Marketing Board de- cided Saturday to have a trailer and car blocking the entrance knew how to handle the deer.jof the Aylmer Tobacco Ex- When he let it go it ran into the bush, The refrigeration plant is run by Wilred Kitson who was working there at the time, Last year more than 100 deer were butchered in the plant, Dr. I. J, Woolsey, government- al agricultural expert in Bow- manville, said: "In the seven years I've been here this is the first time a deer has come into town, "T can only think it must have! been chased by hounds or dogs, Certainly there is no shortage We had quite a time tieing its of food in the countryside." REPORT FROM OTTAWA By MICHAEL STARR, MP The second session of the 26th Parliament was officially opened by His Excellency the Governor - General on Tuesday. The Speech from the Throne, prepared by the cabinet, was read by him, In it was outlined the program that the House of Commons would be dealing with during this present Session of Parliament. A new method has been adopt- ed by the present government in drafting the Throne Speech, One peresss, h is drafted in Eng- ish and the following one in French. This is done alternately Speech Outlines New Legislation tends to this port, We have been assured by the government that the Canada Pension Plan will be proceeded with at an early date, The government has an- nounced its intention to intro- duce legislation in respect to labor under federal jurisdiction, The list includes minimum wages, maximum working hours and statutory holidays. It must be remembered that only about eight per cent of the total Canadian labor force is governed by these measures. Of course we are told again implement re- through the whole Speech. The Speech itself revealed no, great surprises. In the main it contained: many of the policies| enumerated in the previous Ses-| that a measure will be intro- duced to retire Senators. OTHER MEASURES I feel that an important meas- change removed, Paul Stewart, 24, of Eden, Ont,, started the blockade after he refused to have his 500-bale crop placed in dentention while government inspectors tested it '0 see if he had used MH30, a) sucker control chemical, on the crop. | Mr. Stewart said he has main- tained an around-the-clock vigil at the exchange entrance since Friday and will continue it. George Demeyere, marketing board chairman, declined to say how the trailer and car would be moved, Mr. Stewart was joined by about 200 growers Saturday. Mr. Demeyere said not all of them were taking part in the blockade, | Wheat Farmers Told Of Levy Increase Need CHATHAM (CP) Kent County wheat growers were warned at their annual meeting Saturday that the Ontario Wheat Producers' Market- ing Board would have to borrow from the government or lower the floor price on wheat unless an increase in the stabilization levy was approved, Board chairman Roy Coulter of Campbellville said a higher deduction was needed to create a more stable market, Ontario producers are voting on a pro- posal to increase the levy from nine to 15% cents a bushel. Re- sult is expected about mid- March, celebrated the 46th anniversary of the Soviet armed forces Sunday be de- nouncing their country's Stalin- ist era and the United States. They claimed the U.S. has been threatening to destroy not only the Soviet Union, but China and other Communist countries, The Soviet marshals called this impossible and said any at- tempt would be met with '"'in- exorable, all-devastating retribu- tion." As for Stalin and his methods, th. marshals said he crippled Soviet production and seriously weakened the armed forces be- fore the Second World War, Since Stalin, everything has been changed, claimed Marshal | Vassily Chuikov in an article in keg newspper Sovietskaya Ros- / Sl, itary leaders OINS ATTACK Also criticizing Stalin was De- fence Minister. Marshal Rodion Malinovsky, who praised the Com.nunist. party for 'resolut- iJ Moscow Military Men Slap At Stalin And U.S. MOSCOW (AP) -- Soviet mil- ely denouncing the Stalin per- sonality cult and the methods produced by it," He said the party's action has "provided a vast scope for the >t activities of the peo- D " Marshal Andre! A, Grechko, writing in the military newspa- per Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star), used the word "enemy" in referring to the West. The Soviet armed forces "are being incrcasingly equipped with global rockets capable of effectively overcoming the en- emy's anti-missile defences, and with a sufficient degree of ac- curacy to strike nuclear blows of tremendous destructive power at targets situate? in any area of the globe," he said, DESTROYS QUICKLY A British company has de- veloped a machine that can destroy confidential office doc- uments at a rate of more than 500 pounds an hour, Are you one of You may need the Food,,.a time-teste rest, feel better fast. right away, CHASE Nervi OR te ( the Or Is a rundown condition making you feel over-tired, upset and irritable? tonic benefits of Dr. Chase Nerve d remedy which provide: ficial iron and other essential ingredients to he! you eat, Tiredness can put you out of sorts and Dr, Chase Nerve Food is worth a trial, Taken as directed, this well-known temedy helps to improve the blood and thus helps restore a sense of general well-being, Ask your dru for Dr, Chase Nerve Food and st ist fart taking it regularly 1 Helps Fight F Dumond, Mrs, I, H. Martin and Mrs, N. Grylls, Miss Sandy Eberhardt enter- tained at a shower for Miss Reid, It was held at her home with Mrs, Eberhardt assisting. ; . Friends attended from Ajax, Oshawa and Pickering Beach. Pickering Beach Bridal Shower Is Held By MRS, W, SEYMOUR PICKERING BEACH -- A bri- dal shower washeld recently at the home of. Mrs, Ulla Sund- strom, of Ajax, in honor of Miss Pauline Reid of Pickering Beach, Guests present were; Miss Elinor Jack, Miss Carol Town- son, Miss Annette Simmons, Miss Juliet Lang, Miss Marion Don't Neglect Slipping FALSE TEETH ooh athens aad yout Im frag nd Bee Gives url ry ity and added com: caBiecetadtnanned rence ure to amend the National sion, but not dealt with for vari-|Housing Act will be forthcom- ous reasons, jing, which might be helpful to Some were dropped and two|owners of older homes, We can or three new measures were/Only wait and see, mentioned. I shall be dealing with other measures from time to time as GILL REPORT they are presented in the Among those not mentioned) House of Commons. | was the Gill Commission Re-| Two new members started the! port on the Unemployment In-\debate, as is the usual custom. | surance Act, I don't believe the) Thursday was Leaders' Day. government intends to deal with) and the leader of the Opposition this report in its =: How-| spoke, followed by the prime ever, time alone w: show inis '| | what extent the government ini eo. -- The leader of the Opposition moved a motion of non-finfi- dence, condemning the govern-| ment for applying the sales tax! on building materials and pro-| duction machinery, | This sales tax of 11 per cent will have a detrimental effect on the economy and a definite effect on inflation and the cost of living, Junior Farmer Anniversary To Be Marked A banquet will be held at Ebenezer United Church, Courtice, on Saturday evening,| March 14 by the Durham Coun- ty Junior Farmers' Association to mark the 50th anniversary of the organization of the' first Durham County Junior Farm- ers' Association, On February 20, 1914, the late R. S. Duncan, agricultural re- presentative for Durham Coun. ty, organized the Junior Farm- ers' Association, At approxim- tries Limited, Says the removal ately the same time, the first/f all industrial wastes from Junior Farmer Organizations|Streams and rivers "tis not only |were also being organized in the/economically impossible but also \counties of Middlesex, Peel and|unnecessaty." | York counties. At the organiza-, Mr. Cooke told the monthly |tion of the Durham Count y/meeting. of the Quebec section |group, Milton Fallis, Millbrook,|of the Canadian Association of| lwas elected president and Wil-|Colorists ang Chemists Saturday jlard Lord, Campbelicroft, 'was | that sireanjs and rivers' have! lelected secretary " certain* natural capcity for! Stream Sewage Not A Hazard: CIL Chemist | MONTREAL (CP) -- Norman) Cooke, head of the engineering department of Canadian Indus- the Purina Dealers in GLENN SMITH | Special invitations are being) #8S!milating wastes without ser-! sent to former officers of the|!ously affecting their quality," \Junior Farmers over the 50) He went on jyears and a special ribbon cut-| 'The raptional approach to jting ceremony will form part of} pollution control, therefore, is to this area. Sanitation Products will also be available. Serving the Oshawa Area with PURINA CHOWS and SANITATION PRODUCTS SMITHLANDS LIMITED The Ralston Purina Company, Limited is pleased to announce the appointment of Glenn and Neil Smith, R.R. 1, Oshawa as Smithlands Limited will offer a bulk or bag delivery service of Purina Chows and Concentrate, A full-line service of Purina PURINA CHOWS, BAG OR BULK Purina Chows are backed by. over 35 years of intensive con- tinuous research and are designed to help you get efficient production of meat, milk and eggs , . . at the lowest possible cost. Smithland's Limited now has a complete line of Purina jthe golden anniversary celebra- permit the limited use of re- Livestock and Poultry Chows. Also concentrates which help jtion jceiving waters for transporting R. G. Bennett, assistant dep-|wastes, regulating this use so uty minister, Ontario depart-|that the streams and rivers are ment of agriculture, will be the /SUll sultable for whatever other guest speaker, Mr. Bennett was Purposes are deemed desir- at one time, secretary-treasurer| able," jof the Junior Farmers' Associa.) Any over-all legislative decree , jtion of Ontario and is welljof the imposition of arbitrary archi-/known to many of the former|and restrictive standards is ui \juniors, necessary, he said, | tat " 'ha a Plans for a new radio.centre Initiated At Blackstock jwere under consideration as jong as 30 years ago, With the) BLACKSTOCK -- John Larnerjou reak of war, they had to} ani Linda McLaughlin assisted be shelved and it was not until} Mrs. Romeril in the worship}1952 the government launched a -asigg' ¢ the yi mect+!competition for the design of ing e! recently, ne Study the buildin . of "The Golden Coin" was con-| It was a vy Paris coma _. a new Explorers pect Herry Bernard, whose de- vere initiated, sign fv'"Ned the two main re- The following received Stars quirements -- tha* the building | in that ceremony: Ist Red Star/should be a functional broad-| -- Janet Turner, Linda Mc-jcasting house and that it should] Laughlin, Heather Dorrell andjcontribute to the architectural} Joanne Ballingal; 2nd Red Star,'beauty of the city, | Blair Martyn, . | At -- _. from pd Ist Blue Star, Bob Swain; 2nd)<'gn language broadcasts, the Blue Star, Leanne Dorrell, Lor-| French radio runs four networks raine Turner, Beth Dunsmor,/in the French language, includ- John Larmer and Dennis ing a frequency modulation net- Romer! work | you use your own grains to provide low cost rations that contain everything your birds or animals need for healthy sound growth. In bag or bulk, ALUMINUM OSHAWA Weve FREE PARKING ALUMINUM Aluminum Combination AWNINGS STORM-SCREEN DOORS "To Save Cash-- Buy Nash" PURINA DISEASE CONTROL 'PRODUCTS Purina Disinfectants, Purina Fly Killers, Purina Rat-Kill, Purina Hog and Cattle Dusting Powders, Purina Liquid Worm- ers -- there are over 50 different Purina Sanitation and Health Aid products that are designed and tested so they will be completely compatible with Purina Chows. When a Purina PORCH ENCLOSURES STORM-SCREEN DOORS-WINDOWS PRIME WINDOWS CMHC ACCEPTED FLEXALUM SIDING NEIL SMITH Glenn and Neil Smith hove been Feeding and Sanitation Program is followed there is never successful farmers end business any chance of giving your animals or birds a double dose of i] ir life. Th naintai . lecus : men all their life. They maintain any drug or anti-biotic. Be sure « a feed the Purina way. nm one of the top dairy herds Always there with ready cash... Ontario County as. well es operat- ing a livestock trucking service For Home Redecorating or any good reason $5022 to $8,00020 NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 240 Branches from Coast to Coast 286 King St. West 728-1636: JALOUSIES ALUMATOPS FOR PICK-UP TRUCKS el To odd beeuty and comfort to your home. SEE them in our showroom Now, Showroom & Factory PHONE 728-1633 93 ATHOL ST. EAST--OSHAWA tight across the country, Get 1, OSHAWA in Touch with SMITHLANDS LIMITED aa" aMaa"a"a"as"aMaa"a"a"a aaa a"a"a"aa"a"aMaa"a"aSsa"s"a"aa? PHONE BROOKLIN 655-3371

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