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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Feb 1964, p. 13

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Er Roel Sate Pon Se mag eg BE taaton. 623-3637, Keith Peters, Realtor. 27--Reel Estate For Sale aden bats mere Atte. Sette *|mahogany 'cupboards. Ceremic tHe 22 Staann an & per cent mort ge." Telephone 715-948. 27--Real Estate For Selv wi 5 rénov: age, acre.Qne thousand down. Joe Crewiord, 623-3672, Keith Peters, Realtor. $1X-ROOM brick see | anata by Bey ey eee lease call EX wal- Reals, GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 125 U5 i » 4 pe. tiled beth with éolated fixturés looks os If it were tokeh from this month's Mmoagozine with its built in valonce-shaded i feotures you wil] find in this immaculate home, $5,000 down payment required, Call now for an appointment to inspect ihc at STREET---2 bed- low with garage. Laind modern kitthen. Room for 2 bedrooms upstoirs, High basement with hot woter oil a Full price only $10,- NORTH OF AJAX--Attrac- tive 3 bedroom bungalow with breezewoy ond attached gar- oge. Good well with lots of water and modem tiléd 4 pc. bath with vanity. Schools ore close and you have a panor- amic view for mary milés from your living room win- dow. This home has just come on the market so don't delay: ZION--3 bedroom rancher ond 1% acres of land. Large living room and Hollywood kitehen with suhny southern window, School just 2 blocks @woy. Full price $12,900. thie Pe OPPORTUNITY-- sales @t o very reosonabjé $8,000 stock. : LAKE VISTA GARDENS --= solid briek NORTH EAST AREA--3 bed- toom 2 storey brick home with private paved drive ond gdr- ege. Seporote dining room ond lerge entrancé Hall. New forced air oil furnace. Taxes less thon $200.00. Con be bought with $1,800 down poyment with a full price of $12,500. WILL LEASE--Besuty Salon --On King St. Eost ot City Limits. Lots of parking space available. 5 dryers ond ali equipment cafi be purchased or included if rent. Good Opportunity for on ombitious Hates storey with large fenced yerd and gdrage. Lots of room the gordener. Home spots _ inside ond out. Lét us you this home tonight. Preed ot $12,900. ELIZABETH STREET=<8 room bufigelow with large fenced yord ahd terraced front lawn, Divided basement. Large kits For full detoits call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. 6 9 om. MORE end MORE $ are listing ~ with the BUSY FRIENDLY ofFict ot the BUSY INTERSECTION GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Sitfieoe St. § WHITBY CLASSIFIED SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service tf 2. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street itby. 668-2563. ORESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers; drapes. Fitting Specialty. Mrs. forms, 668-2372, WANTED -- Gentleman roomer. Ab- stainer. Clean, quiet, adult homé. Quite central. facilities. Telephone 668-2388. FOR SALE -- Gne Hol Point Ee: Rafige, large size, primé tofidition. tate of A. Bertna Harris. Wiliam David- ton, Executor: Telephone Sere ete ht u Fansiétor radio on . Sunday at rink, Realtors, Parking em ai ieee | C eet ond ot DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED Realtor 333 King St. W. OPPORTUNITY Sub-division potential on this 2 aete porcel well located in Whitby, includifig 514 room bungalow. "Jehn Howson Rés. 725-9152 [dba iriveway: anes, Ke hy Me aes : at aie price. Saitby 'aeee74a. located, . |tlon call ere peat re eal Estate a bn one Sere of Te Backyard fenced. Lo 4 . e if fo a 9 yal + evenings, Siradeski, ourébedroam |2 decorated. ati ace Naat 4M Sur} SIX PLE ee oruee a $500 DOWN for a tWo-dforey foul modern yond 7, and gs cer berger, | 720-724 S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street West 728-6286 $13,950 Full pricé for a new five room built Under Witter Works Program, $1,250 dowri with one N.H. fast on this & $1,500 DOWN Full asking pricé only $6400 for this 4¥4 room bun- golow fototed in North End, round creek ot redr ve fe, fo more details call Les Holl. PARKLAND AVENUE This ranch bufigalow with af- tached how available for the first time, consists of "OSHAWA'S LARGEST FIRM BOLAHOOD BROTHERS REAL ESTATE-- --INSURANCE-- --MORTGAGES-- LIST WITH THE BROTHERS AND MOVE IF You @re looking for o 2 bédrom Bungalow in spotless condition with large modern kitchen, spacious bedfooms, lots of storage space. Be suré to inspect this pene buy priééd ot only $12,10 by terms, Ask be Af 7" ot 728-5123 or 725-2217 $2,500 DOWN APPLE HILL Lerge brick 3 bedroom with dining room and lovely fire- place if living room. It ever has a recreation room, Hur- ry for this one. Call Mr, Bill Johnston et 728-1066 oF 728-5123. 9 ROOMS Three kitchen, income $160. monthly; Very central good porking.. Pricéd to. sell ot $9,809.00 with $2,800.00 down. Carries for $75.00 monthly. Coll now. Mr. Ron- kine. ot 728-5123 of 728- 3862, BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcée Street, North Open Every Evening 3 Mad dining room, large kitchen Gnd living room in rear overlooking wooded lot, some of the features, a finished recreation room, na- tural fire place and on air eénditioning unit, for more information call Jack Sheriff, ATTACHED GARAGE New five room bungalow with attachéd gorage located in "Golfview Heights"' on servic é@d lot, ready for spring occupancy, sové $500 undef the Wirvter Works Program by calling Doig Gower. RAVINE LOT Only one available, new homé feoturing a@ walkout base- ment, built in stove and oven; payment, call Glen MacKin= non. L. S. SNELGROVE Co. Ltd. REALTORS 43 .Park Rd. S: 723-9810 725-8761 FOR RETIREMENT Village bungalow, 2. bedroom brick home just a few yéors old, large modem kitchen ond living room; 4 piece both, hot and cold water, full size, high basement, forced air, oil furnace, laundry tubs, water softéner, aluminum storms and sereéns, home in spotlessly ¢léan con- dition, good. size lot, _ ex- ceptional value. ot lang 0, and only $1,500. JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR inville, 14 Frank Street Phoné 623-3950 BOWMANVILLE, 10 Acres with 8 Roomed brick home, fodern conveniences. Drive BOWMANVILLE, 6 Roomed modeth conveni- ences. Price $8,500. Terms. BOWMANVILLE, 7 Roomed comfortable home with 6 ex- tra lots: Moke an offer. BOWMANVILLE, 8 Rooined brick home on Main Street. Modern | corweniencés. Only $1500 down. OSHAWA, Highidnd Ave. § Roomed ~ ong gp aes Prd ce state repair. \ $2500 down. ; HARMONY ROAD N. 5 Roomed brick bungalow, al- most Rew cléon and well kept. Only $1,000. down. CLOVERDALE, 5 Roomed briék bungalow, attached gar- ogé. Only $2500 down. SHARBOT stréét, 54 Rooms ed brick bungalow, @lmost mew. Price $12,500. Terma, WHITBY, Nieé cltan 3 bed room bungelow, Excellent reé Gait. Any fedsonable offer considered, WHITBY, 8 Roomed home with 3-piece bath, Aski $8,700. Terms. on 16 go with 7 Roomed home drive shed, silé ete. Gniy' 5 $3,000 down. gay! Mountjoy, Guy LeBlané ohn M. Sandy, William Smit. _ GIBB STREeY $7,500. full price With $1} 000, n, soll home, kit- chen with cupboards, living room, bedroom arid bathroom on main floor, one bedroom upstairs, full size basement, oi| furnace, hot water tonk, storms Gnd screens, TV Gn- tehno, low taxes ond easy to heat mokés @ very eco- norical home. NASSAU ST. Brick bungalow of 5 rooms ond sunroom in this central 2 bedrooms, oil heating; alu- *minum storms ond screens, bh antenna, privote drive "al ord BERG, Bie $10,900, COLBORNE ST. E. Clean and new condition; § toom, 3 bédroori bungalow, ood as Hew tile Gnd bréad- loom = floors, largé family size kitchen ond living room; forced air , oi! furnace, laun- dry tubs, aluminum storms and screens, TV antenno, $9,500, full priéé ond edsy térmns. $800 DOWN 7 room brick and freme home in godd loection, close td public and high schools, clean condition, oi] fuPnaée, lorge lot with born, asking $12,500. full priee. 100 ACRE FARM Scugog Islarid, 2 duék ponds, one with canal from lake, 55 acres wotkable; good land, cleo Grid modern 10 year old bungalow, enclosed breezewoy ond attached gor- age, good berns with hydro ond running water; list price $25,000, iCall L. §, Snelgrove Co. Ltd. 723-9810 or 725-8761 _ Joséph Bosco, Realtor. _ DOWN, 10 acre lots. ai everfiowing A Ee tot ae King a sirest a West, "Phone just sq ir a Salil tate NEW HOMES $869 --- DOWN HARMONY ESTATES 3 Bedroom brick bungalowe-- close to all schools, CONTACT L. METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St, €. Dio! 728.4678 ice tes Close t= se! ¥ 29--Automobiles Fer Sale ARIS! ong ely AT ny lad -Like new, Apply 238/723-9640. iser Crescent. INTIAC coach; 1! oa ree er opr, EC rr: 36--Legal THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Pobrosry 258, 1964 12 . eked Sp ae Syeda DEAL 8008 Senattion sore METEOR sedan, excel! Jim METEOR seden, excellent condiflen. fo paar Beat' often: Apply "18° Mil Fee, no rn, ak Toot OSHAWA, ONTARIO TENDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION TO THE'T. R. McEWEN SENIOR PUBLIC BANKRUPTCY ACT -- SALE BY TENDER EMILE GEORGE ARMSTRONG, Deceased 1a. Gh teach ven yc Sit we a ee al LE cei, 0 gl ia phone 725-38: La PAUL RISTOW. REALTOR Sa pat $500 Winter Works Bonus 1 Left, $14,190 $558 DOWN 6 ROOM BUNGALOW -With éttoched garagé 4 Left -- $12,890 $1126.34 DOWN Extra Large 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW All homes ore detached, bal- nce is one 6%4% NHA Mortgogé included storms and streens, twin sinks, clay brick, éléctric clocks, sodded front ELLIN NGTON ST. per' ond situoted Oh wide serviced ft. feor bus line, Offered 6t 12,500 with 5% mortgage. FOUR BEDROOM NORTH Not new ond fot old but weil moititained and Offering joods 7, Ba Al Ve Sie ~ [nate te ansmission, four-doory isaring bor Im ae white, wail tires, sind id = prior fo 2 fo 2 p.m Toads nssr0n, 1986 pe cnevactat, é piog nl Bandara, | vty, leat 'a a door sede 7 PONTIAC, 2-door hi ae V8, ex 'cellent condition, Call after 6 p.m. Brook lin 655-3958, tn a 2b. nobly 10 Barrie niece, used 2 years, Good He) Boo of 128 Barrie Avenue, Telephone -- e! bats, $17) also (Bainaagp re oe $10. phen res, inde als We Ra Be in, Chureh Street. ifs) MERCURY outboard 8 WP, albeirle start. Excellent reehagy S May be dem Bi rata oe beg CHEVROLET % fon, mechanically Needsbody work, $125, After 6 p.m. Winitbys 668-5729. VAUXH, 6 cylinder, futone, éa hew tires, extras. ager , eed Second car.$695 orbest 'otter. | 82 6 p.m, 728-0404, 199) CHEVROLET. conver, Va, hale matte, agg of Legale cell ok hye Be wl at of foom in fine néight hood. Hot water oil hedtirig with sélf-contoinéd basement apartment. SPLIT LEVEL Six room three bedroom brick with Youngstown kitchen, fir- ished walkout recreation room, paved drive, well lond- $2,000 down ond fear, some With coloured fixtures. Carries os low os 93./0 monthly, interest, prin- cipal and taxes if you qualify. Located in Whitby and shown by appointment only. Cell Gerry Hill. AM 7-9712 MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LTD. Over 30 years experience. METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 BROOKLIN $13,500 for this lovely brick veneer bungalow with attech- ed garage. Situated on 6 largé corner lot, finished subdivis- Rau ae ke choice of colours and any éx- fr you wort put In tte 4 peg gays ogy oe -- cot gorage. Also 3 bedroom ranch bungalow with attechs @d garages. These are réol toomy homes, ond well worth G@ look. In a good prestigé rea now under construction: NORTH WEST $t6p ond think, where you could get_o 1%. storey home on a lot 56' x 133' with gars age, 2 washrooms, Walkout basement ohd located so closé to schools, bus ond shopping, And for orly $13,900 heated for less than $100 a year. 3% _foom ha bungalows large kitchen i2 x 18' living room, 11' ¥ 40' étely fitished_ rec. foom with électric heat. Extre 3 piece bath in basement. Walkout basement to a well landscaped lot. Double drive, and only 5 years old, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Jock Osborne Ken Hatin Joe Maga Dick Bartiage Bob Johnston KEITH PETERS Realtor «+ 728-7328 103 King Street East BROADLOOM TWO STOREY BRICK, bread- loom ih living room ond dining room, large - rooms, , Brick and Down payments See Completed Models and LYNWOOD ACRES Pickering Village New Split Level Homes Stone Construction Three and Four Bedroom Plans Norden Kitchen -- Recreation Room Lots 75 x 125 ft. ---- City Conveniences PRICES FROM $17,500 UP from $2,500 up. Houses under Construction now. Select the lot Gnd plan of your choice CRAWFORD Construction Ltd. Telephoné Oshawa 725-3406 Ajax-Pickering 942-4535 mone WHIT ®YIOIRECTIONS: Tum North off 401 at Pickering Cloverleaf follow signal three » plus 6 fin- ished attic that could be-a fourth bedroom, new oil heat- tng system, extra washroom in basement, * wa drive @nd garage. iH a osed Phone Bill Ratcliffe' 655 65503917. léwer down $13,500 7 YEAR AL BRICK BUNG- ALOW, 6 Spaéious FOOMS On lorge lot of 73 x 150, oil heating, elose to school, Fer further_ information call Ro- lende Tierney 725-5207, CAESAREA AREA SEVEN ROOM BUNGALOW, with two extra lots, low tax- S. forced Git oil heating, four piéce bath, Asking only $7,900.00. For more: in- pete ery tall Joe Crawford 623-367 NORTH west DISTRICT | 3 BEBROGM BUNGALOW, with attached garage, stain- ed trim, hardwood and tile floors, beautifully landscap- ed. Gall Robert Johnson 728-2548. $10,000, WITH TERMS, 43 acre property, one mile from No. 2 Highway, 3 miles from Oshawa. Call Ron Heth- erington 623-3637. 4 BEDROOMS $9,800. WITH LOW DOWN PAYMENT, oii heating, fer eed yard, privoté drivé. Lo 9505, 25" Perk Rd: Gall ortd $34,000 full price, PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 728-9474 After six call: Tim Vipond Tom Huzer 668-8562 728-5422 28--Real Estate Wanted THREE bedroom, storey and « half home, close to schoois. Have cash buyer. Call UR, y Johnston, Bolahood Brothers. Ltd: 29--Automobiles For Sale far voLKawasal deluxe, pret condition, radio, low mileage. $750 or bes! offer, Dial Whitby 668-4994, 1956 CADILLAC model bai cleen end ree sonable. Telephone Brooklin 655-3443. 1954 pect tngieligl power seat belts, good ti +3 Mechanigaly good. Tel > Pp ene ne Hag hoi ay » good|COAT, genuine coon, netural Wat EVINRUDE foolor, Tika fea, HAP, ieee ee are eee ee atath Hehines "alanis is, Walloee Vacuum oak bees. Call anytime 728-059 BUYING or seiling furniture or aeppil- ory Nag ali Bimer, Hampton 263-2294 yog Foy Boss EM, ie, le, dresser, pe rag Tria ove Tao stoves, duty. 147 era ia VACUU Abed linet 'sy arts 34, length to bottom of hemline, re dition, $25. Telephone 725-740! eae aT, 2 ae tg gv ee" Asking $1098 or best 'otter, WE VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, Gay poet ae still under warranty, 18000 One owner. Call 726-3073 oF apply |7 By "live see Oshawa. bag sewing dy vated sale, - 6 0 Sp ak: t off, Oshaw: "1 datend ing Centre, 329 ce, South. 726- GUITAR "Gretsch" folk Cr e iii TEENEE Tandem tilt taller In 'good $995.7 . $130. Excellent condition, 0506. 720-0612. condition, 4 y. Call 1954 DODG: IE. good cunning new fires, $128, 480 Phillip Nonte 728-6879. 1955, GME_ pick de luxe, _excelient| poe? FURNISHINGS for five - room range, refrigerator, good condi er and ave Simost Pi. mM, west for} condition, $550. 263-2508. aulek tale. USED Singer beay oi hg ol i061 AUSTIN Healy, hardtop convertible with soft top 8nd tonneau cover, wire wheels, overdrive, white with red in terior, 19,000 IO, aad miles, immaculate. Telephone 725-9448. 198) CHEVROLET, two tone, four-door, $695, pd Al Ing. Centre, oF st shoe South. Mee GENERAL Electric Television, mitre vision, very good condition, Tele- Phone 725-7488, WESTERN saddle, hand tovied, and martingale, like new, Call before) 6.30. ee Whitby 668-2109 after 6 p.m. a 8 SMO e +door %, wily, Suto. matic, ya condith Frusipar RE ween i, Co cond! ton, $80. 148. Easthaven Street, " COAL ince ae hot ict th am Good . 1961 PONTIAC Laurentian, four-door, fwo- 1956 PONTIAC 4door V8 728-4877. al § SCHOOL WILSON ROAD SOUTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO psec Ik Tenders hgh! be Pict pF he aoe =i = tects unti tof am am. Ue WEDNESDAY, MARCH llth, 1964 RNa h eles Sie i ee pany ney Ne nga one further enders ot iH Tenders will be accepted of the bosis thot the purchaser hos inspeétéd the assets ond ho. worranty or eonditisn expressed or con be imp! os to description, condition, 9iz@, quality of in monner we will be ay sub- feet to. pproval of the Osh- lowest Will tot necessarily be accept: 5 CutFRORD, & ayne 134 Fe Aa reag Mere Aya, THE OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION G. K, Drynan, Chairmon. J, R; Backus, Business Administrotor & Secretary-Treosurer mash mye ree Tor Trustee 330 Bo: = Neon good windshield washers, tone @ white walis; |weekend. Anyone fooking for a Bee Bh. 49 vately owned car; apply 1239 Meadowvi '| Street. 1956 CHEVROLET Eye AM Six, radio, $4,000 miles. Pric® i ~ Call 725-8645 or 21 Elena Street. wae We Lee rence, js en yNeaTn Vi Fi efe., ree Heense' Deetees gc Peg! reliable transportati Call anytime. Private, Alax 9 jb CHEVROLET impela ou two-door, hardtop, Bucket et tot orgy powered. $2,895 or offer. a | ele ig 8 + fe eninge lon wagon, aa cy ] walls, sat ry was lly, ron tr es power "hee w a i963 CHEVROL x coach radio, white wall; len miléige $21 723-3376, cash. Call hia, ea A Wagon, F whites, wheel maculae ey Can 'tinbech, i oeaies, 1954 PLYMOUTH sedan, ve exealiont has "of best offer. 723-7016. 1e|30---Automobiles Wanted for re des a Te Hi ett co pald. 220 GSHAWA Auto Parts Wal Auto Wreckers, | ag. 1178 Nelson Street, want cars for wreck- Mod-l ing, 7 725-2162 or 723-4245. $250,|LATR model Enevrolel felt-ton panei $750 ruck wanted, Have 1959 Chevrolet Pratt ton panel truck fo tradéin. Telephon 725-4498. 145 CARS WANTED a @ New Car? Sell your, used by to "he Talk wieosh Bat iy Ne Cér Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars or trucks we deal up or down. Liens paid ff NICOLS MOTORS LTD, 146 BROCK ST. Lage tay Across from. Royal Hotel Whitby 668-3331 TAKBSHORE Auto Wreckers Want Cars| jon INBOARD, 18 Romemade, 1980 Austin motor, $190. I teehee 725-0118. INCUBATOR, brooder, feeder, heat COMING EVENTS area SOCIAL BINGO claimer, cn mower, +plete bath $i laundry bs 613 (new)? Panes' ws pum Chinn corner Hiliside_and. PERSIAN lamb, three - ¢ for. i Hag ea Agoty 170 Simcoe Street Madison Apartments, No. 10 (Lioyd trance) tems, ps, piping, pio, Tite, erty size 40, very reasonable for »__chequewritérs, en | plicators, ba hundred new and ia 'We. buy, Baibmnent, 139" Bttek Sobine" WAitDH. WEE! cabinet aa net only, MangaRY, & v4 Teles reigns area eat Bh vER GRlery eee) The ore payments of $7.30 monthly, Whitby 668-ata9, CHEST! ELD, e, pe Begg ang J chai, Apply nut Street West, Whitby. Call after 2 1 ta DUO THERM oll spece neater, Will teke reasonable offer, Apply 647 Gibbons. Cal! OSHAWA YOUNG ARTISTS' 8 P.M. Wednesday CONCERT _R. $, MeLoughlin aatee FEBRUARY 26th Wed, Feb. 26th, 8: pm, v eit oii Pet Ofte ST, GEORGE'S HALL m NaMEN BIN Hand Made Prizes ee O'CLOCK LUNCH SERVED REE ADMISSION sO Ay My se! EARLY BIRE BIRD hues kINSMENs COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST, SPONSORS: Ladies Junior Auxiliary 725-5588, TLEEVISI tower lal, fure, Including all channel) bt Stalled and penne, by, 10 years' a » $590. Trio Television, KINETTE CLUB OF OSHAWA Nighi prs "LADIES' NIGHT OUT" Cooking demonstration, Hot fashions BINGO TUESDAY, FEB, 25th avety 902 Cource'lette, 728- 957 METEOR V izera ie " He little rust, $400, sc OLKSW. . A A <1. Salil 3963 FORD bah oo: V8, sutomatic, cond! 6 p.m 728-8976, iad, CHEVROLET | SpA hi om, white well fires. $2: pa ec 668-4080, Hon, AT new. white 'white: ag Met be ny 1956 OLDSMOBILE, clean, excellent wall tires, ae 1986 PON st, 'Automatic. 725-5043, ws? DEBAKER C six, cylin 32--Articles for Sale SKATES -- Wew ond Used. All reduced # per cent, Used skates from $1.50. up. Apely a ia Cycle, 204 Bond Gast. Open even TV TOWERS special, © (1. tower struc ture with all channel a interina, $90. Cahaws TV Supply Lids 361 Gibbons Street. 728-8180, ANTHES | ott 'alate fucecd. . }onen| ab sch, COMPLETE Unt ol Burnér Gnd tank. repaas3,| Vary, reatonable, After $ p.m. telephone! orders \two te one icy pricel Famous Sealy two mattresses or one Sprig and mattress. as. low se.fe Wiison's Furniture, 20 Church Street, 7:30 P.M 1/20 feguiar games $8 and $10 Share The Wealth $150 Jackpot 51 nos. $20 Consoletion FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL Commer Bloor Street ond Edith Bessert ond Tea Thursday, February 27th, 8 p.m, Kinsmen Community Centre 1.00 per person "Ss tickets eal ets 728-7691 Tickets olso cvailoble ot deer, der, 20 milés per gallon gas, Loo condi. tion, new lence, $300 or best offer. Ajax 942-4496, 1946 G ick, ran ton dition, $60, Yi Shonen iat 1957 CHEVROLET twi Gor haPatpp, Six cylinder, autsmatics + 'eanaition § pM paced best offer. Cage mind ett Perry 985-7580 after i BERT ge WA éP steer Sing hires it, Must $o'd to séttle estate, Best 10 per ceft with rie ih cash or _certl returned If hot etcepted. T by, 668-5031, BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, == OSHAWA Jyst East of Wil: 723-4494 we I new id) rey brand new. MOFFAT 22" range, 3 burners, Excellent eit Apply 13 French Street (side MELARY refrigerator, Moffat ranges Tour | swer: |burner, Gratz stereo set, articles in new gear One year old. Must sell, Whitby. feeoh TIONED Ro eS ay jew televisions, $198 ca: ty t Honest Cal's Discount Pucnlivee agi Appliances, 424 King West, 728-9191. telephone 728- : 33--Market ong tel i om ost lion, W, Swi cider, gal of Training. Schdol, RA CAPO! 'i if reseed, and 5 Bien "belvdrea." Telephone) 725-8904, BUY your dire y ihe 78 6, bee .; Also Cort! the bushel, Fer me") eevee Telephane evenings, Brooklin CLEMENT Brainers Poultry. fo a'bss tb a, ra eit 25 Braet iJ x) ai 987. aA Ostiwe 728-529 box|34----Lost and Found GeAGLe; Brown and, 'whih atc Revere oe after 4 at ey Cost -- Dog, - jack and white, may dom, Meh tnd @i, Narew'e. pet. inven: ee, ee 'aan LOST -- Three-yeer-old Gérmen ha herd fethal we oe black fi Ty, sliver grey. Vi th tonya rere oe wi fay ty oT Md Road stra el and Celine on sai Ma hewerd. = |Phone ictal TYPEWRITER, portable, $40; t) chine $40; standard typewriter 7 and electric = typewriter. rier, ins, vig th wth white noah i pet. Answers to hame of "Tricks", Vicin- of Montrave Avenue and ACCORDION, Camerano 120 bass, % size, $150, Telescope ahd camera equipment; LIONS BINGO WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th JUBILEE PAVILION JACKPOT NOS. 50 ond $0 $1200 CASH PRIZES FREE ADMISSION EARLY BIRD 7:48 Spetial Bus Leaves 4 Corners 7:30 ity Shopping Centre, Reward. ing whereabouts please cell sun lamp. All in Apply 285 Linden Street. Fatonone 728-2767. WE buy, sell and éxchange used furni- anythi ou ve, The City Pa 8, beet store '448, Siincoe Street 723-1671 RD PLAYER, Marcon! portable, nico RD ria Private sale. Call 728-9593. SALES Ken aa TARE eng BILL yeas PARTS AND SS en Sy Vy B.A, SERVICE STS ee 728-0921 GEN orersd REPAI AIR ALL MAKES OF CA 36--Leaal JOHN Rel RKE, Sa mercies fe 4 is contra m™ this date, pet "tte without my wri consent, Clarke, ot pre, fis monthly. No a Honest only payment. Cal's, 424) pane saw ci Throat complete with ._ Specialty MY erate' Products Bowmen- ped ture end 's sii oul 1S canes a to 1954 i, 'ence 'All ports ree: Ee: mt rout Nort ier ee, Best eter. Binme ty icone TENDERS To ¥e-r0of Legion Hall, 90 Centre St. Roof to be fe«feef: ed with 4oply ter ond gravel built up. Roof te be stripped to bere beards end beerds reploced where = fhetessary. Closing date Mareh 4, 1964, Addresé all replies to A. €. Brisebois, 90 Centre Street, Oshowe. PUBLIC INVITATION The Citizens of The City Of Oshawa are invited to the Sod Turfiing Ceremony at the site of The Civie Auditortum, Thornton's Road South, Friday, Febru- ery 28, 1964 at 2 p.m. WE ARE BUILDING IT OURSELVES FOR OURSELVES TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes end Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. KELLY DISN USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. E WHITBY == $68-589 Cars bought ond sold Liens paid off Trade up oF down Always top qudlity What's My Line? Buying @nd selling used fur- niture and appliances, your needs phone, Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 o¢ call ot the store 16% Bond W. Need A Stereo? inquire about our CLUB PLAN The Stereo is installed Freé, ~ SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean ears. Ried up er down: Liens pe Boob MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-942) when you jéin our club. For more information, N6 ob]igation. Oshawa, Phone 728-4969 Tel-Star Stereo-Musi¢ Ltd. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ALWILDA HARWOOD Creditors of the who died et Oshdwe, 13th October 3, 1963, ere ree fore March the éstate Boted et Oshawa 64, ADMINISTRATOR imeoe to the under: Vent (ea SF will be distributed. JOHN ERNEST GRAINE, RKHILL: & YANCH 8 &. LOOK...! LOOK...! LOOK...! The Oshewe Branch of St. Jona is starting @ special advance course in first aid for all post end present members. FREE OF CHARGE PLACE .. . ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM DATE, ... FEBRUARY 26, 1964 TIME... 8 P.M. This is your Opportunity te fake advantage of fitet €léss instruc. ton te brush up On your firet etd. Be confident if @ Crisis! = Learn First Ald with St. John PREE oT REE. 00 PREC 04 quested to bec Mand oo ter whith doté "i doy of February AD. 19 By his solil€itors Oshawo, Ont, ~~

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