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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Feb 1964, p. 1

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: was to have it a 2 Py a working watchdog h- fy ttee. a i Mercy Killings "Thought For Today A politician says we're going to whip poverty if it takes our last nickel, Price Not Over 10 Cents per Copy VOL. 93--NO, 47 he Oshawa Time: OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1964 | Weathe Mainly sunny and cold Wed= nesday, Winds becoming north- west 15 to 25 this'evening and light "tomorrow afterndon. ? a TWENTY-FOUR PAGES Authorized as Second Class Mall Post-Office Department ttawa ond 'for payment of ~Postoge in Cash, Ba Se from the crash of an Eastern and a crew of seven. Air Lines DC-8. The wreck happened shortly after 2 o'clock this morning. The plane carried 51 passengers PICKS UP DEBRIS A. U.S. Coast Guardsman using a net scoops up debris from Lake Pontchartrain near New Orleans this morning bits of clothing were Dymond Says Doctors Can Aid Drug Addicts TORONTO .(CP)--Allan Law- sider supplying drugs to addicts;000 on medical research during War rifles from exclusive Ash-|--the NDP supporting the Credi- board 'svatem rence (PC--St. George) said|on a continuous basis. |the 1964-65 fiscal year. Monday there would be no at-) ' | tempt 4 him or any other gov-|WON T BE INCLUDED ernment member to make the During questioning by opposi- reconstituted public accounts committee a whitewash group. | He promised a no-holds-barred study of. the province's public eccouis after he was. elected chairman of the nine-man com- mittee. Mr. health department's Dr. Dymond said chiropractic! services will not be included in! Ontario's proposed medical care insurance plan at its outset. He also said increased use of| detergents presents no danger) ys ' Ss CASE bn public health, although some ey ae Bee 3 lermatitis (skin rash) results. Robart:" intention in setting UPinne health department favors ithe use of ' Lawrence said Premier be suds down. because of the good job, it would be ry earth-/"eWase problem they cause. tering precedent for the On-| The health minister addedjhave the necessary rio legislature. jthat Ontario will spend $4,318,-/ qualifications. front . are no known survivors, Only picked up. (AP Wirephoto) During discussion | of t -- er said removal of the college's eke on omer Cts Oe ene lat rt cadet corps rifles was carried Jewish G that foreign doctors had to wait/out with lawlessness. | roup five years to obtain Canadian citizenship before they could en- ter private practi¢e in Ontario. The health minister said this|ishments used to be the case. At present,|119% in view of the "'seriousness ch however, the only requirements rothicants" to/ were that the doctor be a landed . "Re serve two} years' internship and that a ella \y Pp educationasjcould be made an exception to} Fascist elements in Toronto | -DG-8 SLAMS INTO LAK » KILLING ALL Durham MP Calls For 5 Market Board System OTTAWA (CP) -- Another!with a combined manpower) back with a motion that the gov- chance to upset the minority|edge of 136 to 129 over the Lib-/ernment use the proceeds from Liberal government occurs to-erals, could unite behind the its sales tax--which is to regch night--on paper at least--as the Conservative motion to topple|the full 11 per cent in 196)-- |House of Commons votes on a the government on the ground for boosting family allowances. | |Conservative motion of non-con-\that it has not ended the sales}; This motion remained under} |fidence and any second one that tax imposed in the last budget/study at adjournment. | jmay exist. , on building materials and equip-| After tonight, no further non- The four opposition parties, Ment. jconfidence motio ns can be! ies acad -- Today--the fourth day of the moved and the final vote in the eight-day throne speech --must clean up any outstand-|Main motion to express thanks} ing non-confidence motions and|to Governor-General Vanier for the Creditistes made two at-/reading the throne speech. tempts Tuesday to move such| Like most throne speech days, a motion. Monday was a day of variety. No. 1 called for an immedi In other matters, Mr. Gre- |ate increase in the family allow-|goire said bluntly that Quebec jances, which -Gilles Gregoire|wants near independence -- a |(Lapointe) said the Liberal goy-|"regime with two independent nations in one great country." | here | position Hellyer Denies | School Raid Illegal OTTAWA (CP)--Defence -Min- ernment had forgotten, ister Hellyer today apologized) That was ruled out of order ASKS BOARD SYSTEM } in the Commons for the 'zeal-|as irrelevant to the Conserva-| Russell -C Honey' (L--Dur-| ousness"' with which the army/tive motion and the decision ham) called for establishment removed boltless First World sustained by a vote of 165 to 21 of a dational farm marketing which could be groups of producers being bury College in suburban Rock. |tistes. the cliffe early Sunday. Opposition Leader Diefenbak- used by --------/|on a national basis. no insurmountable _ barrier Mr, Hellyer said the nealous-| ness of the army unit which} D | W carried out the minister's orders) ec ares ar that small arms be removed m. unguarded militia estab} AL. Ewa. was "understanda-/ jments genuinely wanted to| }make such a system possible. Whh SAUL wad & |voetier' the: peevingsh toe ae of the situation " TORONTO (CP)--The Jewish|ment's. proposed siuden lean Later, he 'conceded that -1917| Labor Committee of the Toronto! program. and: receive' compel: without bolts perhaps| labor Council has declared war |sation. He told the Commons in reply Alfred D.. Hales (PC--Wel- Neen he Tifles is order. who are flooding the city with|,, In past years the standing) agp cng a public -- . has been described as a politi- cal football, with the omectin PICK Ath J uror charging the government with blocking any attempts by mem-) bers to investigate public spend-| F R b T * ] ' ie Lawrence said it is pos-| or u Vy Tid. sible the committee could be permanent if it proved it could do a good job this session. Ross Whicher (L--Bruce) said he would like the highways de- partment, not education, brought before the committee] | ast a first. He said he wanted to ex-| chemical firm. amine the department's method) DALLAS (AP)--Jack Ruby's of tendering contracts and of/jawyers say they will announce dealing with contract oversruns./today whether they plan to ask| Mr, Lawrence suggested the}the U.S. Supreme Court to rule| DALLAS (AP) -- The fourth | juror was selected today for the murder trial of Ruby. He is Luther E erson, 27, a vice-president of a | ruled last week that group begin with education. If/on questions in his murder trial] Persons who said they saw the by Easter little of interest was|which, they claim, arise from|°°°"® found, it would start into high-lthe televised scenes of the ways. He said he favored edu-|shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald.|/ex8S Supreme cation because it was the larg-/ The defence contends that Unanimously against est provincial expense. anyone who saw the killing on/Brown's decision. In other legislature business, television is ieligible to sit on|*tanding. peg Minister Dymond said/the jury judging ~uby. any doctor in Ontario may help ris wa a drug addict trying to shake| er gp Cewek, 8 the habit by giving the addict drugs during his withdrawal pe- riod. "US PP cae mal to George pres 4 -- Niagara Falls),} Jov. who asked whether the Ontario ee or Drug Addiction Research Foun- dation had given any considera- tion to supplying drugs to nar- coties on a controlled basis. Dr. Dymond said he doubted whether any doctor would con- iclarifying, Defo rmed Child Sparked Hitler's _LIMBURG (Reuters)--A Ger- man child. born mentally re- tarded and with three limbs missing, was the original inspi ration for Hitler's euthanasia program which claimed the lives of 200,000 persons, an ac- cused Nazi official said in court here Monday. : Hans Hefelmann, 57, charged with 73,000 "mercy killing" mur. ders, said the program be gan near the beginning of 1939 when} the child's parer wrote Hit-! ler's private secretariat asking him to be given a mercy death Hitler's personal doctor, Prof Brandt, authorized the killing after consulting with the head of the clinic where the child was being treated. > for CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 ' HAIR-DO SEARCHED Deputy Sheriff Mys. Fay Ellis, left, even searches a spectator's hair-do before she s allowd to enter Dist ge Joe B. Brown's court i where the Jack Ruby murder without being searched is on trial for the assassin o; President nedy, The trial is in the second week sion of privacy. He said the lo- assassination Toronto, Montreal of jury-picking, Two men and a Jack {woman have been accepted as Dick- |jurors out of 61 examined. District Judge Joe B. who saw the televised shooting iof Oswald are eligible to sit on the jury. He also balked defence} efforts to subpoena as witnesses | Monday, the nine - member chief Gen. Rene Barrientos Or- Court reviewing/a burst of machine-gun fire to- 0 th | left it)day in an-apparently unsuccess- tual majority rule in Southern) Rhodesia. This Brown said the dispute over self-/the fact that television viewers|beg flown in a United States|Britain put a nine-point plan-- tries. their recent talks Sir Alec came| styled Marxist, Nov. 24, and/Saw Oswald killed was the first/Air Force aircraft to Lima,|including proposals for building! 3. The special position of the to a tacit understanding with| has been charged with murder|time the issue has arisen in an Peru, for treatment either in|UP the United Nations | peace-/larger countries and the perma- with malice. Oswald was ac-|American court. His argument|the United States or in Pan-jkeeping role--to the disatma-/nent members of the Security sed of the assassination of|is that television has introduced ama. ident John F. Kennedy 'injsome new questions which need trial is in session, No one is allowed to go into fhe court murder of [when Lee Harvey Oswald, accused |S Mr. Diefenbaker quoted press|!@te literature. __|lington South) that the question reports as saying soldiers had) Joseph Meslin, representative |of provinces opting out and re- entered Ashbury College for| of the Millinery Workers Union| ceiving compensation will be boys at midnight Saturday with|(CLC) and an executive mem-'discussed with the provinces, fixed bayonets. What informa-|ber of the JLC, said his com-| csueagien tion of wrong doing at Ashbury mittee is determined to hunt}! would demand that a search be;do n and expose those respon-| Clay Fined $2500 carried out at night, the opposi- sible for the campaign of | F W or Weigh-in Show tion leader asked, racism, Mr, Hellyer denied any inva-| Since President Kennedy's! MIAMI BEACH (AP)--Chal- cal cadet commander had been|and other Canadian cities have|lenger Cassius Clay "Was fined advised that the Ashbury rifles been subjected to a deluge of/$2,500 today for his antics at would be picked up. literture attempting to arouse' the weigh-in for tonight's world ae Sees fecling against Jews and Ne- heavyweight boxing champion- Air Chief In Brown persons} LA PAZ (Reuters)--Air force voted/tuno of Bolivia was injured by ful assassination bid. | GENEVA (Reuters) -- For-ation might impose on the econ- He was treated here before eign Secretary R. A. Butler of/omies of the developing coun- Doctors said the general had| Butler, in his first speech to/nized, since they are in fact li-|t | The general was leaving his the United Nations are built up,|peace-keeping operations, ers, when the attackers fired at|'ypes of arms, can be brought!signed forthe same end, with | point plan covered: | . An improved proceaure tor] UJ,S,, Soviets 1, An improved procedure for i vile 4 2. New proposals for verifica- | y. 0 ] tion. "Malaysi 4, Observation posts in the a ayslans gee GENEVA (Reuters) -- The! Javelin j chter. , y test ban treaty, : avelin jet fighters armed with ' ference here both reacted with |Malaysian air defences along clear weapons or. knowledge. Butler The Javelins flew from: Sin-| 8. A freeze of strategic nu- for a "bomber bonfire," sug- ling the weekend to counter In. of some armaments, and stressed the collective re- | ian guerrillas on the Malays- essential importance of building activities, including peace-keep- violation of its air space and of rapkin said the speech would re- nedy to halt the fighting in the 00k ahead and discuss the inter-| on foreign soil and the removal was on standby duty in Malay- disarmament, was really needed. , * t to crush the Malaysian federa-| 1. The collective responsibil-/est" in Butler's proposal for a Ruby \ Chief. Minister Donald! ing peace-keeping operations "We believe efforts here \bullet wounds in the chest and the 17-power conference, said:\able to bear a sister's house in La Paz street 80 the dissemination, not only) "We are very ready to dis-| him and fled. under control." all those who are interested. jthe protracted disarma- Show Interest NATO and Warsaw Pact areas. Russian and American dele-| § air-to-air missiles flew to Sar- 6 An agreement to ban the interest today to the speech by| = the Borneo border with Indo. 7. Increased use' of nuclear Butler, in his speech today, gapore to join four Hawker|Clear delivery vehicles. gested increased: use of nuclear |donesia's threat to airdrop sup-| In his 6.000-word major policy sponsibility of all members to ian side of the border. Malay- up the peace-keeping role and ng forces, ithe cease-fire obtained by U.S READY TO LOOK AHEAD ceive "very careful attention" Borneo, jungles. national peace-keeping forces in|o¢ al) nuclear weapons from Sian Borneo He then outlined three princi U.S. delegate William Cc. Fos- tion, said it would go ahead ity of all members to contrib- United Nations peacekeep- phens of Sabah state warned 2. 'The need to take account should be matched bv parallel jment conference here today. (Council which has to be recog- left breast. "As the peace-keeping forces of|nancial responsibility for large with three other military lead-|0f nuclear weapons but of all/cuss these ideas or others de- The foreign secretary's nine- | }ment conference, peactroones eto! Tn Butler Plan KUCHING (AP)--Two British) 5. A> comprehensive nuclear gates to the disarmament con-|' jawak State today to reinforce further dissemination of nu- Rvitish Foreign Secretary R. A. nesia. energy for peaceful purposes. backed the United States plan Hunter jets which arrived dur-| 9. Early physical destruction energy for peaceful purposes plies to some 200 anti-Malay-/speech, Butler emphasized the contribute to all United Nations {sia said the airdrop would be a capabilities of the UN, Russian delegate Semyon Tsa- Attorney-General Robert Ken-|. He said Britain was ready: to but said the reduction of troops \ Canberra. jet bomber also|the second and third stages of poth German states was what Indonesia, which has vowed |Ples; er expressed "genuine inter- with the airdrop but didn't saw ute to all UN activities includ- ing force. that any Indonesian plane that of the excessive burden which peace-keeping efforts else- Ken- (CP Wirephoto) 'tried it would be shot down. ithe costs of an expensive oper-|where," he said. So debate debate occurs Monday on the N Then the Creditistes bounced wishing to market their output}mese forces launched a large} operation in the Cambodian bor- He said there is a constitu-|4e? area 120 miles west of Sai- \tional question. But there was|80n today, Heavy initial contact ig) with the Communist Viet Cong \federal and provincial govern-|W@S reported. ; ;action were available, but it ap-lover a wide area. |. Prime Minister Pearson said) peared jwas the heaviest since the lu- question of Southern Rhodesia's| wait to Africans, independence is believed to be Douglas-Home, ure on minister central African colony and its white minority 'ship fight against Sonny Liston.! pendence . without giving Africans more power under the constitution. Bolivia Shot UN Peace Forces i. and would be inclined to favor white Backed By Butler choice. But Sir Alec also is com- mitted to the principle of even- Rhodesian Prime Minister Win-| ston Field, | heavy fir Rhodesia would evolve in 12 to! bacco, its: largest export. 3 Jet Crashes In | Southern State NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- An|some 20 miles north of New Or- Eastern Air Lines four-engined|leans, It was about four miles jet carrying 56 persons, includ-jeast of the 27-mile long Lake ing one Canadian passenger, on|Pontchartrain causeway cOn- : a flight from' Mexico City tojnecting the north and south se New York disappeared minutes/shores. ! 4 after take off from a New Or-|. Hastern said there were 49 leans stop today and crashed in! passengers aboard, including 32 Lake Pontchartrain, There were) who were making the through no signs of survivors, trip while 17 boarded in New The Canadian, identified as Orleans, Fourteen of the pas- Clarice Nassif of Montreal, was|sengers were pass-riding East- i . among those listed as aboard! ern employees. \ the aircraft. In Montreal she; Eastern said the DC-8, Flight : . was described as a secretary 304, left New Orleans Interna- BARBARA NORMAN, 2- with the Quebec Liquor Board | tional Airport headed for At- year-old stewardess, was kill- |who lived with her widowed|lanta at 2:01 a.m. and disap- ed in the crash of an East- |mother, Mrs, Nabeeha Nassif.| peared from air traffic contro} ern Air Lines plane in New| The U.S. Coast --o said it| tower radar nine ee a slain bun vive, (recovered parts of a large air-|That was the last contact w: Orleans today. (AP Wire lcraft wreckage, including seats, it, photo) communication equipment and) Lake Pontchartrain is some |soundproofing. Also recovered/30 miles in diameter, with its | were clothing, luggage and what!southern shore along one side was described as parts of bo-|of New Orleans, Marshy land ies, surrounds: much of the lake, Viet Cong Ambush | The coast guard said parts of which has an average depth of Train, Truck Team |... debris, including insurance|about 15 feet, ga ; |papers, were definitely linked) At the time the plane took SAIGON (AP)--South: Vietna-| vith at least two passengers on|off from New Orleans, the vis- the Eastern plane. jability was good. There was @ The spokesman said one of its/light rain over the area. Winds helicopter pilots over the wreck-| were calm, age area reported there were) An Eastern spokesman said indications that the plane either|the plane made routine checks exploded in the air or on im-|after takeoff and vanished from pact. The debris was scattered/radar with no alarm given and no-hint of trouble, Only sketchy reports of the that the engagement "without strings" interests in a_ straight whether in| the northern Rockies today, de- stranded by deep snow drifts _|untry containing -- 3,7000,000/make it to shelter after his jeep Zambesi in Lusaka, capital of} Three- to four-foot drifts were pil sorter already has shown distinct)when U.S. 20 was cut off be- SIX MILES OFF pero g ; ' The spokesman said the site . nar new year holidays last week) was about six miles south of thé| Biiczard Hite \ brought a lull in the fighting. Inorth: shore of the lake, a ; Northwest U.S. South Rhodesia _ |, xv, 0,0», 54 : luging mountains in heavy snow Perplexes Home ici tea-, Snowfall was general but light across the Plains where |winds cut visibility to near zero, |WANT SUPREMACY and blizzard conditions in Idaho, In last week's double expos-|. Some hotheads in Field's|Montana, Wyoming and Cole. rast Mevision. the prime|Party call for "unilateral" in-|rado, Roads in northern Wyom- all "little atu the|dependence to maintain. white|ing were closed. ar pig - |supremacy. | A motorist near Helena, Negroes looks unrealistic.jhad stuck in the snow. Among almost certain conse-| In eastern Idaho, snow drifts a as }quences would be: near the reactor testing, station Left-wing critics say Sir Alec; -- he African nationalists|at Idaho Falls stranded 40 Ss unsympathetic to the surge would 'set up. a government-|buses, 160 cars and 16,00 em- Northern Rhodesia. jencountered by motorists near --Only two countries in the|/Powell, Wyo., and schools world would be likely to rec-|closed early, ognize the white govern-| The Atomic Energy Commis- ment's legality--South Africa|sion workers were stranded in coolness towards the idea. |AEC's reactor testing station, --Violence and subversion/Snowplows brought the first | would sag without British sup-|group to their hames in Idaho Under the present constitu-| port and without the Com-|Falls early today. None of the ion, majority rule in Southern|monwealth preference on to-|group was reported injured or blizzard swept southward from LONDON (CP) -- The bitter/15 years -- an unacceptable) Hundreds ah Cece saan iolony and its)""'The whole issue of independ-|Mont., died when he tried te f Negro nationalism in Africa in-exile, probably across the/ployees Monday. and . Portugal. South Africa|idaho for more than seven hours in danger. MONSTER IN THE STREETS leck said the 'croc will be crated and shipped to his home in Fermington, N.M. (AP* Wirephoto) A: shot in Africa is lowered to Broadway today, It was too large to get through the door of the taxidermist's shop. Bo- def), former governor of New Mexico, lends a guiding hand as a mounted 17-foot crocodile he Tom Bolack

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