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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Feb 1964, p. 3

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CITY AND | DISTRICT Gets 2 V ottowon, OF Sister 63 East Beach, Bowmanville,| was remanded a week for TORONTO (C) -- A woman presentence report when he testified Monday she was given pleaded guilty, Monday, in Osh-|tWo different reasons for inter- awa Magistrate's Court, to three |ference in an unfinished opera- charges of break and enter with|tion on her sister, who died 18 intent and three charges of|@4ys after surgery. break enter and theft. | A kath nal od pil jury be- : s |gan hearing testimony concern- ed Geman Goce or Un : iin the death in Torate East tien Minday pits ergpaood acres a-/General Hospital last Nov. 4 of phen ree an/Patricia Morgan, 32, of subur- invitation from Mrs. A. P. Ful-\pan Scarborough. The inquest is ton to attend open house and expected to continue to Wednes- Crippled "Children's School at", . soogen " | A pathologist testified the 8.15 p.m., March 4. * |cause 'a Miss Morgan's death VIS:TORS AT ROTARY was a bowel obstruction caused Visitors at the Monday meet-|by & surgical clamp left inside ing of the Rotary Club of Osh-|her abdomen. : awa included James Elrich,|_ The surgery was begun by Dr. Oshawa and Rotarians Terry|Kenneth A, Brown but was lef | Level Off Seen PUC Services King street and Simcoe street in the business area were replaced with new mercury vapor units. The final payment was made to retire the 1953 debenture of $200,000. Issued to assist in financing the purchase from On- tario Hydro of the electrical distribution system in the area annexed by the city in 1951. The population of Oshawa rose by 3.85 per cent to 65,677, an increase of 2,434, The pre- vious year's increase was 2.75 per cét. NEW SERVICES During 1963, 916 new electric Services were connected to our Increase in service' demand by customers of the Oshawa Public Utilities | Commission levelled off last year compared wi.h 1962 figures. J. B, Annand made the observation in his an- nual report Monday at the February meeting. He said that population and kilowatt demand continued in an upward trend in 1963 but no other. services held to the 1962 rate of increase. He indicated that the Electric department showed a surplus of $260,450; the -Water Depart- ment had a surplus of $207,943 and that the bus department showed a deficit totalling|lines compared with 657 in 1962. $15,000. _ |This is the largest number of Mr. Annand also said in his|services added in any year since ersions 's Death pital pathologist, testified he had advised Dr. Brown to re- port the circumstances of the death, as reported in the au- topsy, to the coroner's office. Dr. Penny said Dr. Brown re- plied he had not completed the operation and was therefore not responsible. ™ der heavy questioning from John Hollihan, special Crown counsel in the investigation, Dr. Penny admitted he should have told the coroner of the death. Two insurance men testified that 2 certificate, made out by Dr. Brown in connection with insurance on Miss Morgan, gave the cause of death as 'neurogenic shock due to acute intestinal obstruction." The inquest continues. Moore and Rev, John Van/|to another doctor--still amed Harmelen. Whitby; James|--when the. operation was inter- Speers, Thomas Cowan and D.|Tupted and the chief of surgery report that: 1958 when 1281 were connected. Agreement was reached with)The total kilowatt demand for Ontario Hydro concerning thejelectric power increased by 9.66 details of transferring our rural)per cent, as compared to a 6.93/Dalrymple, Bowmanville, was called in. ' area to the jurisdiction of Bow-|per cent increase from 1961 to | Mrs. Morgan's sister, Mrs. manville ROA. On Sept. 3, trans-|1962. Kilowatt hour consumption! BIRTHDAYS REMEMBERED |A. W. Neate of Toronto, told fer was made of the eastern/rose by 12.03 per cent, a slightly) Three members of the Rotary|the jury she was informed by half of the area, lower increase than the 12.28)Club of Oshawa, who celebrate/Dr. Brown that he left the op- The territory taken over by|per cent recorded for the previ-|their birthdays this week, werejerating room before completing Bowmanville was that lying to)ous year. presented with spoons at the|the operation. the east of a line running more) The maximum daily pumpagejclub's Monday meeting. Those} She said he told her surgery or less north from the centre of/of water was 12.78 per cent/honored were George Drynan,|was stopped when it was de- Oshawa. Approximately 2,050 ofjover the figure for 1962, some-|James Vessey and Norman|cided Miss Morgan, whose con- our 4,846 rural customers were|what less than the 19.37 per cent! Moran. dition was diagosed as stom- transferred to Bowmanville byjincrease from_1961 to 1962, The| jach cancer, could not survive the change. total gallons of water pumped) CLUB RAISES $34 regardless of the operation. On Dec. 4, the Commission|during the year was 7.2 per cent} A draw held at the Monday) met with City Council to review|higher than for 1962; but again|meeting of the Rotary Club of|GIVEN SECOND REASON the operation of the bus sys-|this was below the 1961-62 in-|Oshawa realised $34 for the| Mrs, Neate said she made a tem. Council's support was Ob-|crease of 10.36 per cent. club funds. The draw was for|later inquiry and was told the tained for the Commission's| The number of revenue pas-|tickets donated by Al. Hart-joperation was halted because proposed increase in bus fares/sengers carried by bus during|shorn, for the closed TV show-|the patient was hemorrhaging. and reduction in the frequency|1963 was 4.06 per cent over the\ing of the Liston-Clay heavy-/She said she was told this after of ce on ogg ---- 1962 figure, The previous year's|weight fight. an autopsy had showed there Council's approval was obtain-jincrease was 5.06 per cent, The Sali ah ta }was no cancer in Miss Morgan's ed for the purchase of two diesel/Canadian Transit Association| APPROVE RENEWAL ' body. buses in 1964. a" states that as of the end of| The Oshawa Public Utilities)" 4 inquest before Dr, Gerald Approval was given by City!November, 19 transit systems|COmmission approved renewal pianchet was ordered ai the re- Council and the Ontario Muni-lreported decreascg in the num.|f,@ three-year contract Pro-|\ quest of Metropolitan Toronto's cipal Board to the Commis-|per of passengers carried in viding insurance on losses re-|qnic¢ coroner, Dr. Morton Shul- sion's application for permis-/1963 as compared with 1962, the|SUting from destruction, dis-| man, who has contended that sion to poe er keira oceine average decrease being 3.14 periments tt ee an oats some hospital deaths which rontage rate on all water iS} cent. ystems .|Ca ' any|° ri investi ove eter Jan. 1, 1968, The Of the 12 systems .report-| "rn at a cost of $1,906.02 was Stould have been investigated | Bishop Orders English In 'Catholic Mass LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Most Rev. Gerald Emmett Carter, newly appointed Roman Cath- lic Bishop of London, announced Sunday night that English will be used in part of the mass in the diocese starting this week. Canadian Army Brig. J. A. (Jimmy) Dextraze (right) of Montreal, United Nations chief of staff in the Congo, studies the situation in his Leopold- ville ofifce with Col. Don G, Green of Swift Current, Sask., HELPS IN RESCUE commander of the 57th Cana- dian Signal Unit. Brig. Dex- traze took part in the helicop- ter rescue of Canadian mis- sionaries in Kikwit province. --CP from National Defence | The announcement followed |the use of English in an ordina- ition service, conducted Satur- lday by Bishop Carter at St. Thomas Scholasticate. It is be- lieved this was the first time /English was used in a Roman lCatholic ordination service in Canada. Castro Offers Deal On Shell BI. ee winsad Batt Seized Plant |day to succeed the late bishop) HAVANA (Reuters) Pre- |John Cody, said letters have|mier Fidel Castro said Sunday |been mailed to all priests in the/night the Cuban government on} MiAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP)-- |diocese approving the use Oflits own initiative has offered to/H»avyweight champion Sonny English in part of the mass./begin discussions with the Shellipiston, the brooding destroyer, This follows authorization by|Qil Company on indemnification)j, an overhelming 7-1 favorite the ecumenical council. for Shell's sequestered refnery|--witi, virtually no betting -- to By WILL GRIMSLEY with 20 years' service or more, who were receiving pensions be- low a certain level. The plan which affected eight retired em- ployees became operative Jan. 1, 1963. O'TAWA (CP)--The role of the RCMP in investigating the RCMP Pressed To (037 7tiuite eae Stem Arms Thefts activities of Quebec's separatist|area is as complete and as full,900,000 Leyland bus agreement "underground" brought concern|as is required in the interest of jin Cuba. \burs: the fabulous bubble of the In an interview with a Reut-|brash bard from Louisville, Cas- correspondent, the Cubanjsius Clay. Most observers predict the} lights wil' go out tonight for the boastful, poem-spouting challen- ger within minutes, perhaps jseconds, after the scheduled 10 jp.m. EST 0, ning gong in Mi- ami Beach's Convention Hall. The fastest knockout on rec- ord in a heavyweight champion- ship is one minute, 28 seconds, had been signed. The British|scored by Tommy Burns over Leyland firm is selling buses to|\Jem itoach March 17, 1908. Cuba. |Me: y are convinced this mark "I made it (the offer) sin-|Will be broken. cerely in the interests of stren-| 'I won't be trying for a rec- gthening Cuba's international|ord, but I am for a quick knock- jsible if Shell comes to discuss |the matter--we agree to nego- \tiate on the basis of payments of indemnification over a period |of years." Castro said the offer was con veyed through the British em- |bassy in Havana after the $10,- jating in the investigation, and the role of the RCMP in this Canada," he told Mr. Douglas. The NDP leader said flatly jin the preface :o his question that the ALQ was responsible for the three armory raids. He credit position," Castro said. out," Liston said. "'t will be Castro said he had had no re-|0Ver as soon as I catch him, action from London. Sudden. demolition has become (The Cuban_ government|!© theme of Liston's awesome seized the British - controlled |"'5%- haa Rasen oak WE tas og | se: Ded a welll see 'oponenta-Albart "West as the U.S.-controlled Esso re- i a ei finery on July 1, 1960, after they phal of Germany and former ti- had refused to refine Russian t'sholder Floyd Patterson, twice oil which Cuba had received a Ny eg i liage ey nae a to- al of 6 minutes, 14 seconds. expressed concern that the in- vestigation wa; being left in the han. ; of Quebec authorities des- pite the fact that there has been "acs of sabotage' against the federal government and the de- fence department. At another point, Mr. Pigeon and Mr. Gregoire asked Mr. Favreau and State Secretary} Lamontagne if it was true that) Xchange for sugar. Canada, is expected to gross be- tween $4 and $5 million, assur- ing both fighters a handsome pay day. The fight will be carried on the CBC radio network across Canada. If the over-all figure reaches $5,000,000 Liston stnds to earn $1,360,000. Clay could draw $600,- 000. A victory for the Louisville Lip--regarded as something in the miracle category -- would provide one of the upsets of the century and one of the most in astounding success stories sport history. Cassius has banged his cane the ground and re- peated "I am the gretest'" so often that he seems to believe against himself that he is unbeatable H. is a superb-looking athlete. 6-foot-3 and at 215 the heavies of his career, but, by compart: Liston 7-1 Favorite To Retain His Title son with Liston, he has a pow- der-puff punch, 2 There are those who believe ti.at Liston could drop his hands and Jet Cassius whale away at him for a full round, without ever being dropped to the can- vas, Angelo Dundee, his trainer, cites Cassius' attributes as "a good left hand, and lightning re. flexes. "Ke'll make a monkey out of Liston," Dundee said. I 'ston ts a frightening bulk of a man, 6-1 with an 84-inch reach 46% inch chest when expanded, biceps and neck that measure the same--17%4 inches... He has a left hook that lands with devastating force--it was this blow that smashed Patter- son into senselessness both times--and a right hand that is t Elderly Man Survives Two Frigid Nights frightening. An eni tic, surly man, he moves like a big jungle cat, his cold eyes piercing into those of 'his opponent and never chang- ing expression. Liston insists that aly's in- cessant boasting and slurs (Ca- ius calls the champion that "big ugly ' ear") never have got under his skin. '"alking don't win fights,"' Liston said. "Between one and three rounds you'll be going home." B th Clay anc Liston confined themselves to walks along the beach front Monday. Cassius showed up at Conven- tion Hall shortly before noon jand took a look at the ring. He wa. more subdued than he's been in weeks. "I'm not talking now," he said. "I want to get on with it." Two hours later Liston and his trainer, massive Willie Red- dish, made an appearance, They |picked up tickets and left, with- jout a word. IMA Real Estete Ltd. TRADES ACCEPTED 728-6286 323 King S. W. LCBO Allows Brewers To a =| THE KEY || To The SALE || LIST WITH PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 728-9474 187, KING EAST, TO OSHAWA Pay all your bills with a loan from SUPERIOR FINANCE THE FASTEST GROWING ALL-CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 725-6541 17 SIMCOE ST. N. Dally to 5:30 p.m.; Wednesday to 8 p.m.; Saturday to 12 noon; Other evenings by appointinent im 25 SUPERIOR offices in Ontario ner the spent the ; ing increases, the averag was| were not reported to his office.) rate was increased from 15/9 4 pr cent. accepted. Dr. Stewart Penny, chief hos-' cents per foot of frontage to) The decrease in the surplus| ATTEND DINNER oo 30 cents. for the Electrical d | a NNER -- A r r e Electrica epartment Bu: . ds ne " The Commission instituted ajrecults mainly from two fac- vu' drivers and supervisors plan to assist retired employees|tors. the credit from Ontario|¥"° te cn angi egg din- Hydro on our 13th bill for power ner sponsored by t e ( shaw a used in 1062 and which is a '|Safety League April 4 are .au- 1 'O88 ww S 8P-|thorised to do so. Commissioner plied: in 1963, was $54,000, less} F. Baldwin moved that the than in the previous year, and|y;.,.° as leah secondly, the interim rate for tar nae ve ee power was raised by $1.00 per\°" ("8 a TWO PURCHASES kilowatt per year which added a) AWARD TENDER Two property purchases were|total 'of $77,000. to our cost of| Award of a $21,015 tender was negotiated during the year, Ap-|power for the year. The total of/ approved following a report by| proximately 20 acres of land on|these two items amounts to|j,B. Annand, general manager the lakeshore and on the east|$131,000, or $26,000 more than/the Canadian General Electric| r D ' | side of Thornton's road south|the decease in the surplus. compny ws awarded the con,|!" the Commons Monday from were purchased from Clifton H.| In 1964 a further substantial) tract {o 'supply 67 distribution two different directions, Allin as a site for a futurejreduction in the Electric De-jtransformers which will be lo-| New Democratic Party pumping station and filtration/partment surplus may belcated in various districts of|Leader Douglas said there is al plant. The property at 33 Bagot/expected. This will be due main-|the city during 1964. fear that the arms stolen in street was purchased to pro-|ly to an increase in the interim ----j|three recent armory break-ins) vide additional yard space andjrate for power of $1.70 per kilo- jin Quebec could be used for| a more satisfactory vc omni to; watt per api This ae a to) @ |"elvil. insurrection." | our present garage building. jour cost of operation by ap- t | 'He pressed the government to Negotiations took place with|proximately $136,000. for the ntence intesify BEGEP " \nvadhnanes F. DeNure of the DeNure Bus|year. Our sound financial posi- lefforts to stop the underground| Lines with regard to the ex-jtion in this department will per- C lmovement known as the Armes! tension of our bus service to/ mit us to absorb this added cest t iberati ' ( | Camp Samac. As a result the|without increasing rates at this oncurren re ee eee Commission was granted an ex-|time. | : pone Saat! tension of their licence by the} The Water department. sur-| Andrew Harabulya, 321 Viola At the same time, two French-| Ontario Highway Transport|plus increase over the previous|street, wa: sentenced to two|SPeaking opposition MPs voiced) IN gecuri : "| (Later other U.S. oil installa-| The 23-year-old Clay, who says) f Board, to permit the operation| year resulted from a continuing|years less a day definite and)concerm over a reported rin 9A penta Aloe tga pbs tn tions also were taken over by|he 'floats like a butterfly Citys elhugs gir go-n ead of the buses into the camplrise in thé use of water due tolsix months indefinite when he|i"vestigation into the separatist) (p7>* loyees suspected of|the government.) |stings like a bee," refused right s By snert " grounds, each year during the/normal system growth,a rela-|pleaded guilty Monday, in Osh- eg ola po ll of the) © sheetiat, ee scene ath ------jup to the zero hour to assume ony gf looser Ped hs gate period June 23 to Sept. 7. -- |tively dry summer and heavy|awa Magistrate's court to a CBC's French networks. . "It is true that the CBC mai-| jth role of a man waiting for|)°"'Y. : General Motors of Canada| industrial use charge of break enter and theft.| _ Louis - Joseph Pigeon (PC lasement curcently is investi+| Doctor Fa ithe modern guillotine. coe og bang hthveng ba hol- completed the construction of] Debenture indebtedness at the The .entence will run concur- Joliette-l'Assomption Mont- atten the: political sctivilisc oF ces "PH outbox him in_ seven log n woods, their 44 KV substation for thier\end of the year was $3.098.100 jrent with two year less.a day calm) and Gilles Gregoire |B208 al its amnoiogens "and hae |rounds and knock him out in the} With both: legs frozen and his north plant and the Commission) This is $149,000 lower than lastltenm, he is now - serving in|(Creditiste -- Lapofnte) re-) 00th Mv OO M d eighth," he insisted, adding his|hands frostbitten, Borns was in completed two subtransmiss'on| year. If the projects planned in Guelph Reformatory for four ferred to Montreal press reports|Peen or st (by Ma oh govem- ur er arge faycrite poetic twist: "I'm pre-|a hospital in nearby Stambaugh lines to serve the station. Thelour five year debenture budget|counts of breaking and entering. that the ROMP security and in-}ment). to eliminate: certain em : 2 _ |dicting eight to prove I'm|today with doctors watching his station was energized on Junclare carried out, debenture in-}--------------- ~|telligence branch is compiling he ge Pig mit ark haa 'oe crard tow s aeae a great." -- 19 and by July 9 the whole of|debtedness will be on the in-| list of separatist sympathizers|Cles, Mr. Gregoire. asked. |doctor, Gerard Savoy, went on|? yy:. cal : op i a ee Ms -- SUP"! crease for the next two years, Name Omitted on the CBC staff in Montreal. gg a cn ve sg ot he yo orge of elowiy aS ete tie caeeat he io war mw 9 eager toe a plied at <V. This change re- i i > > : j\look into the allegations. | a rich American wi-|;.; . lieves our Court street and Rich-| once" of ag liga | GiVING AID ee er alted to make a _ vaicgatie log Saturday in the woods 18 mond street substations of about/This trend is indicated in the From Story Justice Minister Favreau} Savoy, a well-known nerve}: t re sain ys $20 t $250 miles southeast of this city of 9,000 kilowatts of load. table showine the projection of} The name of "Bill" Halloway said the RCMP is lending "all Two Women Dead specialist. faces charges ot or = Parogge se e io lig og in ee The renovation of King street] q . ndebtedness. includ.| yl seat . ee ithe itelligence and other' as- . murder, attempted murder,|.. 4: : , seats. i-|western upper peninsula, following the removal of the Se rer decthin ot this oe eee sera pe Hest sistance required" to all the] J Car Accident grievous bodily harm, fraud, [ications a they would)' Borns had been there since railway tracks in the business] report : jon eee hes GK Baten. other police agencies investigat- intel forgery, extortion, issuing al® " clocst peptrvachiytit cree et net-| fursday when he crawled into area, resulted in considerable} the amount of current. sur- iy on Sees Brotherhood |i"& the arms robberies in Mont-) op CATHARINES, Ont. (CP)/|false death certificate and il-| work covering 269 theatres and the log to rest on a hiking trip work for our Electric and Water . " : : real, Shawinigan and Noranda. |, i if ; 'died|legally procuring drugs. ea f il by himself. } plus funds invested in short) Week social of the St. Gregory's : iti Two unidentified women die A aenas in the United States and|"" departments. Underground con- ' ritiec| ss - rece **! "All police authorities are ait i t ver-| He is accused 0° systematic- : ; ; i tri duits and cabi . term and government securities|Counci] of the Knights of a "\today when their auto over ¢ S} 3g pe | Out on a_ ski trip, Rudolph ults and cables were extended) a+ December 31 was somewhatic ° working together and co-oper-|turned on the Queen Elizabeth|ally drugging and finally kill- |Johnson and his wife, Flora on King street west t t Columbus, rs : at delBbsecitad : sae ee ; | d , ' just west of McMill of" POInt tower than Jast year. $150.000. of, Mr, Halloway is to be a guest |Highway near here and crashed|ing Mrs. Marjorie Winifred|$15,000. Abner, 47, is charged|hoth in their 60s, came upon seeesArs cMillan drive. |Blectrie department funds and vil severe : ts jthrough three guard rails. Bird, of Oyster, Bay, Long Is-|with receiving $208,000 in stolen Borns, semi-conscious, after fol- A 12-inch P as will. several other members iy 8 us, after wail' tems thoes paved lod I~) $575,000. of Water department] oe his lodge. Other lodges parti- To other women--occupants|!and, N.Y., who died in a Lau-|jewelry from Sturdza. jlowing his footprints in the "igh = Teet on the/ funds were invested. as of that cc oll ue Ge Gaaws lof the same auto--were taken|Sanne hotel in July, 1961, at the) Partly paralysed and in poor|snow, . st ai lueen street on the|date, at interest rates rang'ng What Binth: ead ha Oshawa |to Hotel Dieu Hospital. age of 64. jhealth, Savoy spent more than) Borns had endured two nights ha i brew ped eight-inch! from 3.77 per cent to 4.19 per Shrine Club ' | 'The four-women were heading On trial with Savoy are Nico-|a year in prison awaiting trial.!of sub-zero weather. One night bene _ which was installed| cent. $400,000. of Electric de- | he corthl: will follow the aaat < Niagara Falls when the|/@8, Sturdza, 50-year-old self-/ According to the indictment,|it was 12 below. The area is peat sintilen bb ae tenk in| partment funds and $100.00. of| .oular monthly meeting of the auto flipped over near the Mar.|Stvled Romanian prince and Savoy first treated Mrs. Savoylisolated and heavily wooded. operation to supply the baila. ater department funds remain) inishts in the K of C club- Increase Ads tindale Road turnoff. |Mrs. Bird's confidant; Savoy's|in 1958 although he had been! Doctors sa'* they might have ings on King street jinvested in Ontario Hydro long|.ooms, Bond street west | The late model coupe landea|S¢cretary, Yvette Luginbuhl, a/suspended from medical prac-|tc wait a fe days before learn- kek farther real oh the term bonds bearing interest at eile rita ohnaiasinas ee TORONTO (CP)--The Liquor on its roof in the passing lane former model, and Cairo-born|tice two years before for alle-|ing whether Borns's legs could King street repaving, the exist. aye tocet Contro! Board of Ontario has is-9n the opposite side of the high-|PUSimessman Charles Abner. | sediy trying to shake down albe saved, ing incandescent street lights on| que yen erent earnings in h t sued a new directive allowing) way. ,_-turdza, a Paris decorator, male nurse to whom he had Se om, All ont investments res ater listillers, brewers and wine|-- cc --j|is accused of stealing $700,000/ cent a wealthy patient. jwas $53,060. The total for 1962 pesegeelne '5. tnoweman ahee : : _ {in Jewelry from Mrs. Bird as|-- LHR |was $49,500. Canal Mooted newspaper advertising, SAYS PROJECT ON WAY |she lay dying or immediately Ross ys | The board has -extended to| TORONTO (CP) -- The Tele. pry Ballas 1 kg Bide | $s -e \ ph vi early } Mt 2.000 lines from 1,500 the|STa™ Says a. $50,000,000 hotel een eee ee Pleads Guilty For Hong Kong :. vartiear(and office building complex is | . lamount of space an advertiser), Statement | 2 HONG KONG (AP) -- Req|™#y buy in any Ontario Gnllylinal"dallweys for constractonlt" aumitatsl To Impaired |China has mobilized 1,000,000 in a single week. _jover the railway yards adjoin-| FUEL OIL ? |workers to build a canal that; The advertiser can use up his|ing Union Station. The project| Coil ® Clarence Shurtliff, 218 Valen-|Culd supply fresh water to the|quota of 2,000 lines--less than @lwould incorporate an under-| istorte cia road, was fined $100 and dis./Parched British colony, the} full re a pf ogg oo ground railway station and in-/ PERRY perry = es ra 7 shi ment. Or he may break 1 seas ng hotel -- hg sie China Mail reported ie sere Of eimkil gavariton: a Sg and two office | Dey or Night 723-3443 ey : months when he y| A : , : bl : Criticism of an article whichii, Oshawa Manieicats's doef Arrivals. from the mainland)ments to run during separate ----------- appeared in a weekly publica-|yonday. to a charge of impair.|S4!4 the canal would be able to|days. : tion was made Monday by Keith! .q driving supply Hong Kong with 28,000,-| A LCBO spokesman said the waa and District Labor nei | Crown Attomney Bruce Affleck te ee en yee ro air ig " waa and District Labor Council. shah y Bruce AMeCK day, faciliate color advertising. Mr, Ross said that the article|S@id Shurtliff drove his vehicle' The canal will bring water; Most newspapers would not purported to correct a report offinto the back of another car|from the East River to a reser-jaccept a color advertisement of a statement made by him at the/that had stopped at traffic|voir on the Chinese side of the|léss than 1,000 lines. So if an ODLC Feb. 11 meeting whichjlights. The accused. admitted border. An existing pumping/advertiser ran a single 1,000-line was reported: in The Oshawa/drinking four pints of beer. station there could send it on|colored advertisement, he would Times Feb. 12. "My position in| ee % ~'to Hong Kong. have only 500 lines remaining' the matter in dispute," he} Hong Kong is suffering the/for the week, and the newspaper . stated, 'regarding the conflict of| Gets Probation worst water shortage in its his-| would not accept a colored ad- interest at the Oshawa Board) tory. Household water supplies| vertisement that small of Education, is unchanged, as) have been cut to four hours ev- ------ The Oshawa Times reported. | F 2 7 ery four days "I have not changed my opin- or ears Under current restricted ra- ions im any yay s g c o > mS I am eae willing to be in R. J. Trewin, 18, 843 Masson rea See oo terviewed at. any time by bona/Street, was put on probation for|ter a day. Normal consumption fide reporters of any newspaper|tWo years in Oshawa Magis-/runs more than 120,000,000 gal- and I am quite prepared to en we court,- Monday, on 16}jons large on any satement made at/Charges of break enter and The Chi sec ists a public meeting provided that|theft, a charge of break enter Hee tee selling about 12,000. I am aware that I am being in-| With intent, a charge of attempt-i999 gallons of water daily to terviewed for publication. ed break and enter and property! Hong Kong at the equivalent sof "The article referred to wa: damage four cents a 1,000 gallons. The not handled in this manner. 1) 7 win has last canal supply,. according to the f$ a distortion of statemenes|monh in the -Salavtion Army report. would be sold at about , made during a telephone con House of Concord where he re-|14 cents a_ 1,000 gallon or versation which I understood ceived a favorable report, Mag-jabout $4,000 a day for 28,000,- was private." jistrate Frank Ebbs said. 000 gallons. i)

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