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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Feb 1964, p. 4

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-- @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 25, 1964 Armed Air Force personnel from Chatham, N.B., remove from a Fredericton armoury arms and ammunition that Ajax To Hike Budget Mill Rate Said Held AJAX (Staffy) -- A three per|noticed was one-and-a-half min-|Chairman 0. G. Ashley, Ajax cent hike in the 1964 Ajax bud-jutes. parents were urged to attend get will not affect the mill rate, | Steinberg wiii bear the cost |life saving instructions which Town Council. was told Monday|of the construction at the ap-|will be available at the Ajax Migiit, [VAG VEL Us Lhe AUTH Citmsrrewd mrstial are MS, 02. To ou t inance and|Solicitor. It is hoped that the/Councillor Ashley stated that Lasuleten, FB pale Council-|rfamp will prevent shopping |far too many deaths in this y carts from being a traffic haz-| province were caused by drown- E, Wetherall, stated in a 1 aunts report that the year-|ard in the shopping centre. bas end report showed a deficit of yp LIBRARY GRANT | APPROVE PLEBISCITE $1964 in 1963, OK PICK-UP PLAN Council approval was given to Reeve S, W. Copping in a re-| Ajax Town Council voted un- port from the County Council | animously to hold a municipal told council members _ the plebiscite on Saturday, April 25 : Ontario County grant for the/on liquor and beer outlets. Ajax - Poem ye geese Ajax Library had been raised | citizens will be asked to cast a i pe station in front of|from. $100 to $150. Mr. Copping|ballot on the following ques- png ag also told council that the county tions: nse jwould have to raise $654,575 Of) Are you in favor of a beer Councillor Wetherall t014 the $1,560,350 county roads bud: oniy outlet for men and women? Trade Recora | OTTAWA (CP)--Canadian ex- ports in 1963 increased for the ninth consecutive year to a rec- ord $6,798,500,000, final figures)¢ issued by the bureau of statis./¢ tics showed today, The 1963 total represented a exports of $6,178,500,000. Substantial gains were made in shipments to all main trad- ing areas, Important advances also were registered in the ex- port of a wide range of items, particularly wheat, lumber, iron ore, wood pulp, navigational! Canada Sets FIRST RUN HORROR-THRILL SHOW! RAY MILLAND | | King 1m Monsters! Starring As BORIS KARLOFF sat ays In His New Picture THE MAN WITH Bee py rere Chm rome cel an! Adult Entertomnment | THE X-RAY EYES 11 Seneinee Adult Entertainment Cotinuous DOORS i AT. & SUN, on -- BILTMORE 59 *":.-: 6:30 P.M. 1:30 P.M. system and eléctronic measur- ing and testing equipment. and haying and harvesting machin- ery, ° Shipments rose in the year by 4.3 per cent to the United council he had observed pick- ( up stations in front of siper.|8et: Panis A vc at favor of a beer markets in Toronto and that the, DEATH WARNING y 0 tor men? Are you in favor of beer only "fap | Cee ks! longest grocery pick-up he had' Ina report from Public Works dion iitved a ete teal Green Thumb served in ang lounge? Hints Shown SEIZE AIR CADET RIFLES had been loaned to air cadets to be moved to naval depots in. Fredericton. Smll arms Hali- that had been loaned 'to Sea. *t Renous, N.B., - ali Cadets in the area also were fax. (AP Wirephoto) DURHAM-NORTHUMBERLAND Four Persons Treated For Rabies: MOH COBOURG -- Eleven cases of; rabid animals were reported during the month of January, a) report by the Durham-Nor-) thumberland County Medical| Officer of Health showed today. Four persons received treat- ment to prevent rabies, Dr. Charlotte M Horner reported. The rabid animals were as follows -- six bovine, three skunks, one fox, and one sheep. Seven of these animals were found in Northumberland and the other four in Durham, COMMUNICABLE DISEASE Out of 281 cases reported, 81 were red measles, 78 German measles, 64 mumps, 39 chicken- pox, 23 infectious hepatitis, and one scarlet fever. TUBERCULOSIS clinics, held in Bowmanville, Port Hope, Campbellford and Cobourg, 72 persons received a free chest x-tay. There were fo admissions to or discharges fro.. sanatorium. One new in- active case was reported. IMMUNIZATION Thirty-six office and schoo} qdinics were held. dag arse children completed the initial| series of Quad vaccine, and 44 e@hildren received primary) emallpox vaccination. In addi- tion there were 442 re-vaccina-| tions, and 797 reinforcing doses ef Triad (diphtheria, tetanus and poliomyelitis). FAMILY VISIT.NG Public health nurses made |poor vision or other condition|mormal initial tests, At the four monthly chest that needs further investigation,|by Physicians and nine were re-| 863 visits to families in Janu- vision tests to 1072 children and ary. |407 children were seen for other Mothers with new babies are/ consultations. usially visited within a few| Nurses attended and address- days of their discharge from/ed two teachers' meetings. hospital, further visits being) A program on Smoking and scheduled according to need, | Health was arranged in Camp- e.g., an inexperienced mother|bellford by the High School will need frequent visits at first,|teaching staff and the public for support and advice. jhealth nurse which was attend- Families with young childrenjed by elementary and high are visi ed occasionally, q uite/school students. often because of some acute) . disease or other illness or dis-- AUDIOMETRY 2 ability. The problems that the) During January, 1126 audio- mother often wants to talk over|meter tests were completed, are those of development and|most of which were made behavior, but advice is also Darlington Township schools. given regarding immunization,| Thirty-one audiograms we r.e/quring January. feeding, safety. jmade and of these, six indicat- The nurse visits families with|@ mew hearing defects. Four- school children when one of|teen retests showed previous these has been found to have| defects still present. Two were referrals In January, 88 of the visits\tests of previous defects which were concerned with the gener-|now appeared normal. At least al health of adults, in additionjeight of these normal retests to 143 visits to give care to per-| were known to have been seen sons ill at home, most of them/by their doctors. -- and with long term ill- SANITATION There were 27 visits to tuber-| The incidence of rabies con- culosis patients and their tami-| tinued through the month with lies ang 36 visits on behalf of 14 investigations being neces- sary and 11 rabid animals. re- The motion was moved by Councillor J. G. Hall and sec- onded by Councillor 0, G. Ash- ley. The next council meeting will be held at 7.30 p.m. on March 9. AJAX -- At the mofthly| Young showed slides of his gar-| meeting of the Ajax Horticul-|dens from planting in the spring| tural Society Monday night,|to the end of the fall, Also in:| about 100 people came to hear|cluded were pictures of a num- H. Young, who talked on the/ber of recently-developed and topic 'Color in the Garden". | prize-winning seeds which have | Mr, Young, a representative|not yet reached the market. lof Stokes' Seeds Ltd., had many| Later, at the request of the helpful instructions for the ama-/members, slides of his gardens teur gardener. during the past eight years He stated that planting beds|were shown, It was very inter- of flowers in irregular bunches|esting to see the improvements prevents a stilted effect, yetjin layout and varieties that had saves time and planning. Also,|been made, he recommended mixing colors in almost any order since na- tural hues usually do not clash. It is a good idea to put flow- erbeds under fences because this saves clipping after the lawn has. been cut and looks very attractive, he said. "Tall plants should not be |planted in a straight line in the { centre of a bed since they block ithe view of the smaller plants in front." | Accompanying his talk, Mr. elimination can be relieved overnight with the help of DR.CHASES K-«L PILLS | | lations made under the Provin- cial Public Health Act. Nursing homes are inspected lin relatio' to general sanitation, INCOME TAX | : a the number of patients per- mitted and housed, water sup- by REGISTERED plies, and sewage disposal, and articipating a ee ltor renewal of licenses where P i. peek RETIREMENT local bylaws require such ene ot llicense renewals and where the SAVINGS PLAN jmunicipality enforces its bylaws. |\Twelve inspections were made advantages Deposits are Tax Deductible | to you Expert Investment Management {MEAT INSPECTION | Of 1118 animals inspected by ja veterinarian during the month, 26 were condemned, Of these 17. were swine, seven jcalves, one cattle and one sheep. In addition 33 portions |were condemned. |GENERAL REMARKS The Health Unit staff in Mill- brook moved into a new office, on King street which will be |more accessible 'to the public. No Selling Commission Complete Flexibility Modest Administration Fees GUARANTY TRUST Company of Canada 82 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA Please send me information on your Registered Retirement Savings Plan. : | LADIES handica hildren, | pped children ported, One hundred ond sieht: Ma bake ater ae aoe tard NAMI. ou or om ont em on om ons 8 ot om om om ee em om ome SCHOOL NURSING jsix investigations were made Mr. Bernard ADDRESS, «ome ory ois oi os eee ee rere ee ee oF oe Almost one \fourth of the|during 1963 with 63 positive Of Leading Toronto Salons time of the public: health nurses|cases reported, was spent in schools, There were} A total 118 inspections 63 conferences with teachersieating establishments | concerning \children in the classroom. Complete health jwere given ling 1963, 747 of} were the health of allimade during the month. Dur- inspections were) inspections|made and three were closed for to 776 children,|failure to comply with the Regu- Experienced Hair Stylist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS 728-9317 States anc 5.6 per cent to Brit- Jain, reaching $983,200,000 and |$262,900,000, respectively, Ex- ports to other Commonwealth and preferential-rate countries jadvanced by 3.2 per cent to |$103,200,000, | The largest increase was in jshipments to the group of re- }maining countries which in- jereased by nearly 50 per cent |to $584,800,000, cuaiiian:. Sitittiag,..) 'Liston vs Clay Fight Tonight, Doors Open 7:30 FEATURE DAILY 1;30---3:30---5:20 7:35--9:50 17th ANNUAL CANADIAN "NATIONAL SPORTSMEN'S SHOW Exhibition Park, Toronto March 15-21 (Except Sunday) ORDER YOUR TICKETS NOW! Performa, Sunday) tisgvice : :15, and 's°j dail + Exhibiti $3-64.3 Write (enclosing cheque or money order) to CANADIAN NATIONAL SPORTSMEN'S SHOW Exhibition Park, Toronto Meet McLintock He likes his whiskey hard... His women soft ev And bis west all to himselff ee TIMES 1:55 4:20 6:55 9:30 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:00 P.M, WALLOPS THE DAYLIGHTS OUT OF EVERY WESTERN YOU'VE EVER SEEN! 1S McNIFICENT? PRTRICK WAYNE. STEFAN JACK NRUSCHEN CHUL wus YVONNE DE CARLO AMES EOWARD GRANT. ANDREW. MICHAEL WAYNE TECHNICOLOR® PANAVISION® A BATUAC PRODUCTION Reteaned thru UNITED ARTISTS. PLAZA To-mMoRROW LAST DAY--CARY GRANT IN ""CHARADE" HOW TO HAVE A "COME AS YOU ARE" PARTY Only a phone call gets your friends 'as they are'~and wheth= er it's for sociable fun or a seri- * ous need, or any one of a hun- dred other reasons, it's your phone you reach for when you want to reach other people. Exaggerated? Well now--just im- agine where you'd be without the phone! 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