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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Feb 1964, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St, West Manager: John Gault Tel, 668-3703 ™ UV = Roads Committee '64 Budget BROOKLIN (Staff) -- Whitby Township Council approved an|§775 $88,000 roads budget for 1964 at their bi-monthly meeting here last night, - The budget makes allowance for $53,000 to be spent on main- tenance of existing roads, Town- ship Clerk Murray Robinson ex- plained that this was a fixed amount, and that no more could be spent, The allowance for road con- struction was set at $35,000. It was further explained that this amount could be added to by the passing of a supplementary bylaw, Included in the latter are plans for the purchase of a new "White Truck" at $10,500, and a Speaker Cites Use Of Wines Ajax Kinettes held its annual "Guest Night" at Spruce Villa Hotel Tuesday, Feb. 18, Tiwen- ty-seven guests sat down to a de- lectable dinner of barbecued chicken, President Mary Hearn chaired her last meeting before leav- ing for Ottawa. Sergeant at arms for the evening was Di- rector Bette Griffin and the fine 'pot was in constant use. Mystery greeter. was Kinette Carol Skuce who increased the -- of the fine pot with a ist of non-speaking Kinettes. Secretary June Smith gave a short report and read the corre- spondence. Treasurer's report was given by Mary Ellen Polak, roll call and registrar report given by Rita Small. Kinete Doris Goddard _ has taken on the chairmanship of , the June picnic. Bulletin editor Marg Richards is chairman of 'the annual "Rode Day" project, President Marg Hearn thank- ed the girls for their support and bid them goodbye, she then loaned her president's pin to vice-president Marie Hill who will chair the meet- ings for the remainder of the year, All other business was tabled and the meeting turned over to registrar Rita Small who inro- duced guest speaker Mr. Mor- gan of Bright's Wine who gave a many uses of wine and showed a film on the preparation of meats, casseroles and appetizer with wines, Afterwards Mr. Morgan was/Hal! in Brooklin was in need of kept busy with a question per- fod. Vice president Wren Arm- strong thanked Mr. Morgan for a very informative and demon- strative meeting. The remainder of the evening was spent playing Bridge and Euchre followed by refresh- ments. The monthly draw for the con- vention fund was won by bulletin editor Marg Richards, Next executive meeting will be held March $3 at. the home , of Treasurer Mary Ellen Polak, 31 Beech street, Ajax. They were further told, via a e e : = ale com f | ae mms | raN pproves BASDEEE Bo ent Cad GAL dhs ls Yat le ls * ay) W web portable water pump costing Construction in 10964 will take lace on the Reach-Whitby 'ownship line ($3,725), the CNR- Thickson road crossing ($1,500), and Anderson street north ($3,500). Surface treatment costs have been estimated at $15,000, BYLAW CHANGE The Council passed a new by- law amending one concerned with fire rate assessment on farm properties, Persons now owning five acres of land or more will be exempt from fire-rate land assessment, providing the land is farm land It was formally held that any parcel of land over ten acres was farm land, This has been| clarified to depend on usage. | Mr, Robinson explained that| the upswing. of farm assessment two years ago was attributable to the above law. STREETLIGHT PROBLEM The Ontario Rural Hydro Com-) mission, Oshawa, will be urged) by Council to make some changes in the street-lighting of two Brooklin avenues, Councillor Don Roberts be- moaned the fact that the Hydro had removed lights that worked| on Baldwin and Queen streets, and replaced them with ones "not worth a hoot". Councillor Fred Sturch agreed and seconded Mr, Roberts' mo- tion to put pressure on Hydro to make the lighting adequate, The motion also suggested that these ends might be achieved by installing 200-watt bulbs, or by using adaptors. NUISANCE BYLAW Council, acting on the recom- mendation of the Special Pur- oses Committee, instructed the COURT OF REVISION The re-appointment of the 1963 Court of Revision members was! made official last night, James Brooks, Kenneth Holiday. and T. Scott Rutherford will repre- sent the ratepayers in any as- sessment disputes during 1964, This is the first year that the assessment of the Township has been handled by the County of Ontario, AUTHORIZE PURCHASE Council authorized the roads superintendent to purchase a 13- wheel packer at a cost of $1,935 on delivery. mended, and a suggestion was made that plaster laths on the ceiling be checked for faults. A request to, Council from the Myrtle Hall for financial aid in the implementation of electrical repairs was referred to Commit- tee for study, Two prices were quoted for the work, Both hovered around the $200 mark, The Hall also re- quested aid in the adoption of a new heating system, All mem- bers of council agreed with the necessities in theory, but asked that the Parks and Recreation Committee look into the matter, It was suggested that a grant! They were assured that the might be available under the/machine would be checked out Community Centre Act, before delivery, e MANNING ROAD DISCUSS GARDEN STREET Mr, Robinson, on the instruc-| Jt was disclosed that the roads tion of Council, will draft let-| committees of Whitby: and Whit+ ters to Oshawa and Whitby|/hy Township had met to discuss Town Councils, asking them to/possible repairs to Garden join in a request to the Ontario! street, Government to make Manning) One point of discussion, they| road a development road dur) said, was the possibility of re-/ ing the widening of Highway 2./nlacing the wooden bridge on| Manning road extends from|the street, They also talked on} Adelaide St., Oshawa to Whil-/the maintenance of Cochrane} by. The Township wants it|street | recognized as a major artery; The Township agreed to put al over the three miles west from Stevenson road. both projects.collectively, LOCALS OUTSHOT 39-21 Buzzers Draw First Blood; Dump Dunnies By CLIFF GORDON St. Michael's College Buzzers took a 1-0 lead in the best of five group semi-finals with the Whitby Dunlops last night as they completely outskated, out- hustled, outshot and outscored a bewildered Whitby team at the local arena to the tune of 6-4, The second game of the series is slated for the College Arena on Fridaynight at 8.00 p.m, and the third game {s back at the local ice palace on Monday night, Mar, 2, Captain Joe Brady 6f the visi- tors placed their attack as the big number "7" accounted for half his team's goals. Brian Du- beau added two with Tim Belli. veau adding a lone counter, For the losing Dunnies who were outshot in every period and by a total of 39-21 it was Bob Mar- shall, Jim Peters, Wayne Chees- man and Danny Sandford each with one goal to their credit, This was a comparatively fast game that saw the College crew take advantage of some sloppy play by the Dunnies to score at least three of their goals, Referee Favereau hand- ed out only five penalties, four of them to the Dunnies. The Buzzers held a big edge in play in the first frame as they hemmed the Dunnies in for minutes on end, Brady got his first of the night on a three-way passing play with Cengarle ad "smal oung ($400) toward| Donovan at the 11.05 mark, The! ape oh ge. Py , aead was a short-lived affair,;was a mighty big one for the! |however, as Marshall went right'College team as they have that in to fire one by Henry in the visitors' cage, Peters and Laven der drew assists on the play. The visitors went ahead 2-1 with less than two minutes to go as Belliveau beat Young from close in on a shot that took a bad hop right at the last second, Despite a wide edge in play by the College crew in the sec- ond period, when they outshot the Dunnies 19-7,the local team managed the only goal of the period, Peters pushed in a shot that Lavender had fired to the goal jine but just failed to roll over, This came at the 2.21 mark and many of the fans thought big first one under their belt. Two of the next three games are on their ice, and as a re- sult. they will be mighty tough to beat. . . . Manager Davie however will try to intsall some new fight and desire into his charges in their next practice and they should even the series on Friday night in Toronto... Art Hampson fell heavily on his oe ge led ot ge second tae and was used very spa y after that... . Fletcher took a flying stick over the right eye by one of his own players and required stitches to close the t ' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 28,1964 5 a tough time with cuis this sea- son, ., . Kevin O'Shea was not in the loca) lineup last night, and was replaced by Bob Mar- shall who chipped in with the Dunnies' first goal... . Don't forget the third game of the series is here next Monday night at 8.30, SUMMARY 7. Wilby: Cisésiiaa, seeeeerareeseeee Leach . 417 8. St. Mike's, Dubeau, Gray cecocccressence 18.08 9. St, Mike's: Dubeau, Monahan, Belliveau .. 18.26 10, Whitby; Sandford, Leach, Cheesman ..... 10.44 Penalties: Donaldson . Cheesman 4,36, ist Period 1, St, Mike's: Brady, Cengarie Monahan, 2. Whitby: Marshall, Peters, Lavender ..... 12.12 3. St. Mike's: Belliveau, Monahan .sssseeeeeees 18,81 Penalties: Cheesman 19.23. 2nd Period 4, Whitby: Peters, Lavender sissscsssess 2,21 -- Peters 3,37, Brady Srd Period 5. St, Mike's: Brady «+s... 48 6, St, Mike's: Brady, gap, Seems Fletch is having Cangarle, Mcnahan .. 1.16 that this was the start of some. thing -better for their local favorites. However the Buzz- ers tightened up their defence and as a result the Dunnies managed only five shots on goal after their counter in this period. St. Mike's got a pair of fast ones to start the final period and it appeared to take what} Dog Control Officer and steam the Dunnies. had, out of their sails, Brady was the gun:| ner on both goals, one at the 43- second mark and the, other just 33 seconds later, From here in both teams matched goals as Cheesman and Sandford lighted the lamp for the homesters and Dubeau did the chores twice for the winners in the space of 86 seconds, JUST TALKING . . . The win) pounded, TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY DOG CONTROL OFFICER Applications will be received by the undersigned up to March 31st, 1964 for the combined duties of rommence May Ist, 1964 and include the en- forcement of the provisions of the Township of Whitby dog control by-law and provide suitable accommodation for, and the care of, animals im- MURRAY ROBINSON, Clerk, Box 160, Brooklin, Ontario, Pound Keeper, Duties to INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Investments 'in research and development: in Sweden total about 000,000 annually, IF YOU DON'T 'DRINK .-» pay less -- for your auto insurancel Insure with ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, the one insurance company in Canada that issues poli cies only to non-drinkers, We will be glad to give you full information, without obligation, RIEGER and OSBORNE INSURANCE PH. 668-5431 -- WHITBY 218 DUNDAS STREET E. Representing the WHITBY PERSONALS Miss Esther Ross, daughter|Haliburton as the guests of Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. David Ross,|Henderson's grandmother, Mrs. Whitby, has been feted at sev-|Ida Bonham who celebrated her eral bridal showers prior to her/88th birthday, ° marriage to Mr. Ben Allan Ray- -- ner, Pickering. to take place| Mrs. Peter Willison, 1108 Cen- Friday, Feb, 28 at St. John's|{re street south, is opening hee Anglican C | Whitby. home on Feb, 26 to the execu- Anglican Church y \tive members of Kathleen Rowe Mrs, Alymer (Doc) Ross, Osh-|Home and School Association. lerk to draw up a nuisance bylaw. Included in the bylaw, they requested that provision be made for excessive noise, un- tidy yards and smoke, NEW DEBENTURES | Residents of the Township will! have first chances at buying up $32,000 worth of debentures on! the Brooklin Arena. Council agreed to adver- tise for local purchasers before going elsewhere, The debentures/sented Miss Ross with a lovely will pay an established 5.5 per| gift. cent interest, and, by stipula- tion, will run from one to 15 years, ] TOWNSHIP PROPERTIES The Council was told that their moderate repairs to one brick- gable end, but that there was no immediate danger from this. Dec, 30 report from the build- ing inspector that temperatures ardund the eaves should be checked regularly. They were warned about the) Community Hall in Myrtle. | The information concluded that the rafters in the hall did not meet squarely, and that, without collar ties, could slip. | Added support for the main} floor beam was also recom-| Sunoco Slams Ottenbrites Meet Durnos Arena Sunoco walloped Otten- brites Men's Wear 14-6 Sunday afternoon in Whitby Mercantile Hockey semi-finals. The win gave the Sunoco team their best-of-three series two] games to one, They now ad-| vance into the final against Durno's Garage. It was a complete reversal) \They scored In Finals awa Airport, entertained at a BOWLING NEWS kitchen shower, she was assist- ed by her daughter, Mrs, Clin- LEGION SUNDAY NITERS last night of the third section end- {ton Graine, | | Miss Jill Vokoun, Whitby, held) the ja miscellaneous shower. Co-/ed with 3) points, to, win They defeated . 7 » the shorthanded team 7:0, hostesses were eo D. Way Ne | Rowden led the winners with @ 619 tri- and Miss Susan Schewan, ple. Doug Henderson tossed the only 200 2 2 fiort f the 4 s Miss Ross was also entertain-|° Headaine bheked off the Imports ed by her co-workers from Cro-/5-2. Frank Elilot, 243, Dan Segilft, 226, ven Electronics at the home Of | Nine King with 209 were the best for the Mrs, W. S, Swain, ive, Whi drive, hitby. Meivor's Demons copping their. first seven point night of the season by clob- The Croven Social Club pre-| poring 'the. stinkers, Dot Melvor led the Demons with only @ couple of 200 ef. forts, Ed Brush and Lioyd Hicks wér the only 200 players for the losers. The How Comes rounded out the even- Peggy, daughter of Mr. and) ings activities by defeating the Ama- Mrs, E. F. Douglas is celebrat-/tures 52. Best here for the winners was ing her 12th birthday today, | 8!!! Shearer while Dick Rodd was best for "1 ; the losers Feb, 25. Her companions of|", ratner anaemic Lemon League this King street school and friends week wie, Bill, Haves' 9%6 and Art May. all's . ee) WI ang, we wou ee ogg nd many happy returns Of fo ee he Lemon "Lesgue completely . | er . Whitby Women's Institute are| rip WHITEY MEN'S League holding a dinner meeting Wed-|(433)?'R. Bragg, 761 (a4) Des. nesday, Feb, 26 at 12.30 noon)760 (298); J. lzatt, 746 (295)) M, Ree at Whitby Salvation Army Hall, | 0%, ms (aos Jordan, 725 (244)) L. All members and friends invit+| "Singles over 260 -- 8. Vaughan, Yas B ed to attend, |Adams, 301; B. Ferguson, 300) A. Knibb, | 296: B. Moorhouse, 291; 0. ra igh 8. Friends of Mr. Jack Heyne-/Collins, 275) B. Bragg, 273; W. Gordon, ' : 2703 C, » 270; J, Tolley, 268:R mans, 308 Dovedale drive, are [peice nao. Al bar winners, Roy Mustard and Clare Mir. Bowman |onski were best for the losers. | Biggest upset of the year was John 268; D. Allen, 268; T. Perrow, extending their best wishes on) 266; A, Samanski, 262 the occasion of his birthday) , Points Won ---- Ottenbrites, 2: Abners ambiers, 1; County Bowl, 2 Goolds celebrated on Feb. 26. Furniture, 1) Credit Union, 0, Ctlizens |Finance, 3; Mel Ron, 2, K of CG, Ve Mr. and Mrs, B, A. Henderson | Firemen, 3) Lagien Old Sweats, 0; Sil and children Donna, Robbie and))°y"%., "oftice, "an iam, "te eolon Pattie spent the weekend in'aires, 2. to score eight times before the losers managed a single goal at the end of the period, é This outburst ran the score to 1-2 The Haberdashers, pep-talk from their after a sponsor series|came to life in the third frame. | three fast goals and completely outplayed their from. last week's meeting. The| opponents. Sunocomen could do no wrong, | and the Haberdashers could do nothing right, The Ottenbrites, picked to lose the series by large scores in) straight games threw a scare! into their opponents last week as they topped them 6-4, They also held their powerful foes well in the series opener. Sunoco jumped to a 3-1 lead in the opening stanza of the de- ciding encounter. The clubs played very even hockey throughout the game, but the Sunocomen had the better scor- ing chances. The second period. saw Otten- brites flounder very badly, as But the victors quelled the outburst with three more tallies of their own, Ottenbrite finished out the scoring with a last- minute goal, Goalscorers for Sunoco: Ricky Switzer (4), Bob Cherry (3), Gord Luke (3); and singles to Lynn Middleton, Herb Tran, Dave Harrison and Vern Beck. Lloyd Seymour created the hat-trick for Ottenbrites, while singles went to Aime Rousseau, sack Townsend, and Bob Mof- att Arena Sunoco clashes with the pennant-winning Durnos this Sunday at 1.30 in the first game of the best-of-five league final, The League banquet and they seemed to stop skating andjdance is arranged for Satur. checking, This allowed Sunocol day, April 11 at the Arena, BROC WHITBY Storring: Alec Guinness Anthony Quinn Evening Show Starts At 7:30 ONE COMPLETE SHOW ONLY " | three years | Warden, Wilson avenue, the Globe and Mail. She is the TIMES CARRIER LYN MCLAREN Lyn McLaren is the Times' first in a series of Whitby car- "oldest" newspaper-carrier in riers we will introduce on this Whitby. The 13-year-old Col- page. borne Street Senior School stu- )- Cw BA Durafilm Motor Oi can give you a smoother running engine dent has been with us for She is the only | girl carrier operating here. Lyn, the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Roy .MclLaren 207 also to deliver Want a Perfect Fit? Thot's what you will get it Hi you have your next suit or coat made to measure by © TIP TOP TAILORS rises at 5.30 a.m or OR TAWRENCE OF ARABIA THIS ENGAGEMENT STUDENTS--65e; CHILDREN--35e e@ HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN @ WM. N. LEISHMAN Russ Reeves MEN'S SHOP 129 BROCK S$, PH. 668-2091 SCUGOG CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery Daily PHONE 668-4341 It eliminates oil-induced re-ignition and plug fouling Should you use B-A Durafilm in your car engine? If you own a late model car or are planning the purchase of a new one, B-A Durafilm is the motor oil for your car, B-A Durafilm was created for the high-powered engines of today's auto- mobiles, These engines are harder on component parts, Valves, cams, bearings and spark plugs are subject to greater stresses; higher temperatures. And crankcases are getting smaller, This means that these more powerful engines have to be lubricated with less oil. Obviously, the oil must be a lot more efficient. Surpasses all car manufacturers' requirements. New B-A Durafilm motor oil has been fully tested under conditions pre- scribed by the car manufacturers' themselves, In every case, B-A Durafilm surpassed by far the requirements of the most severe service tests, B-A Durafilm is not just a good motor oil, it is a vastly superior motor oil, B-A Durafilm keeps engines clean. Newly developed and extremely powerful detergents and inhibitors have been used in new Durafilm., The inhibitors prevent oil breakdown at high temperatures, The detergents keep the engine clean. This means no clogged oil screens, no stuck valve lifters, no draggy pis- tons, no stuck piston rings. B-A's new detergent combination also eliminates oil-induced pre-ignition as well as plug fouling and engine rumble, Durafilm \cveengiiinaaienniiiaibaniiieal makes your car engine run better, last Ionger and cost less to operate and maintain, Easy starting--greater fuel economy. New B-A Durafilm has a very high viscosity index, (Flows easily at extremely low temperatures and does not thin out at extremely high engine operating temperatures.) This means that extreme temperatures have less effect on viscosity than is the case with ordinary oils, This makes your engine start easier and gives you better valve-lifter performance, You will get better gasoline economy, (up to 10% better in city driving). You'll also use less oil and have lower piston ring wear, é B-A Durafilm absorbs contaminants. One of the functions of a motor oil is to "hold" contaminants such as soot, dirt and water and prevent then from depositing in your engine, When too many contaminants get into the oil, it breaks down and releases these contaminants throughout the engine. This Clogs the engine with gummy deposits, sludge and rust, When this happens, you're faced with a big repair bill, New B-A Durafilm prevents this, 'Two grades of B-A Durafilm. New B-A Durafilm is avail- able in SAE 10W-30 for most driving conditions and SAE 5W-20 for extreme cold. B-A Durafilm Motor Oil is at your B-A dealer's now, CLEAN ACROSS CANADA

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