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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Feb 1964, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St, West Manager: John Gault Stole Car' Constables Alert Sentence (In Thief Capture Suspended The second man in the car, Tel. 668-8705 The "alertness" of the Whitby Ambulance Stops Thursday Can't Afford To Continue proach to them had been made| Mr, May revealed that in -his by the Town, first two months of operation "So, as it now stands," Mr,|in Whitby, he spent $1400, and May continued, "there will be) was paid $500. He said hig phone remove his vehicle from the|n0 ambulance in town after mid-|bills alone in that period were road this Thursday, Feb. 27, He|night, Thursday. |$150. must return it to Peterborough '"'Nisbitt wants the one I am) pouR WOULD HAVE DIED | where he rented it a few weeks|using now, He has allowed me} «1 fee) that, if the Town, or ago, ito use it for almost a monthithe pire Department The Peterborough firm, Nis-/for only $125, but if I were tojtake over the service they bett's, contacted him yesterday|Continue to rent, it would cost). ouiq be in for a rude awaken-| morning 'and asked that the me $100 per week. ling." he said. "They, would be| ambulance be returned, before, "I cannot afford to have the) coty surprised at the cost."| its 1963 licences ran out on Fri- engine in the Caddy fixed. If it) He suggested that more-and-| day. had not gone, I would have been) e oy ee nance = operations Mr, May's: own ambulance,|%le to carry on alittlelonger, Por hout entaHé" would be the Cadillac, is sitting behind|@ble to carry on a little longer, ave evar by private concerns. Martin Auto-Blectric with its|Ut as it is, this is as far as 1/taken A Umsiing. wil ue motor blown. He estimates that! ° It is not a side : an possibly manage." 4 " and the repairs will cost him $600. "I sincerely hope no one dies for the lack of an ambulance," Donald May: said yesterday. Mr. May will be forced to| were to} jcost $145 each to replace, |most, Police Department was credited for the arrest and conviction of a man charged with breaking, entering and theft, in Whitby Magistrate's Court Tuesday. Kenneh Mark Ferris, 27, of St, Peter street, Whitby, pleaded guilty to stealing a quantity of cigarets and a radio from the Royal Canadian Legion Hall on Byron street, Whitby. Constable Lynn Middleton told the court that he had seen a car parked in front of the Legion on the night of Feb, 2, and the ac- tions of the two occupants had aroused his suspicion. "The car pulled away and a carton of cigarets was lying in the gutter where it had been parked," he said. Terrance Gerald Fitzgerald, 20, was not charged with the theft Gerald Udall, 27, Kingscourt but appeared on charges of apartments, Ajax, was sen- driving under suspension and tenced to two years probation minor consuming arising from fic huth tat ta Willey Saat the same incident. vo Facayad ecisaite are y meee Fitzgerald, Royal Hotel, Whit- trate's Court Tuesday. by, was identified as the driver Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck of the vehicle in the 100-mile- told the Court that Udall had per-hour chase. ei bn gh A ge Mr. Affleck stated that, when er : wn, y road, d up, i \Pickering Township, and aban- Spey teh ie geo ge \doned it in Whitby. Magistrate Harry W. Jermyn Ferris had smelled of alcohol. Evidence stating that at the placed Uda'l on suspended sen- tence and recommended that the time of the chase Fitzgerald's man be placed on the '"Jndian"' licence was under suspension were ruined, list. (prohibiting him from drink- from a previous conviction, was He was asked why the Cadil-ling) at the request of the ac- introduced. For drinking under age Mag- lac was so important as an|eyseq ambulance; ; In another case, it was learn- ed, a small boy was saved, Some highway, and many house calls were described as '"'messy." Quite often, he said, blankets, sheets and dressings Charge Accused Passed Phony Cheques cheques fo a more than $4,200, Ronald Nel- son Huntley, RR 1 Pickering, appeared in Whitby Magistrates Court, Tuesday. of passing a number of the cheques during 1963, all on the same account in a bank Whitby. amount from $379 to $123, add- ed up to more than $4,200, the Crown stated, ° him to seek council, and bail was set at $10,000. tenced the youth to 15 days to|z -- THE OSHAWA Times, Wednesday, Pebrosry $4, HIT BY STORMS MANAMA, Bahrein (Reuters) This normally hot, desert island in the Persian Gulf is recover- ing from the worst wintny gales and floods in its recorded his- tory-Gale -- whipped seas, along with high tides,; smashed con- crete seafront walls, flooded villages and sank a number of Arab Sail boats. The inhabli- tants of the 231-square - mile island for the first time in memory saw ice forming. SCUGOG CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery Dolly PHONE 668-4341 DEPOSIT Accused of passing worthless total value of The Crown accused Huntley in The cheques, varying in Huntley was remanded in ustody for one week to allow The car was followed through town and when it stopped at the intersection of John and Brock streets one of the officers ran to run concurrent with a 30-day sentence for driving while his| licence was suspended, | istrate Harry W.. Jermyn sen- "It gives a smooth ride, which| DISMISSES CHARGES -- is vitally important to cardiac|, Douglas Marshall Wright, 40, and maternity patients, It offers|229 Beatty avenue, Oshawa ap- One-Stop BY stop it, but had been unsuccess- head room, and it handles welj/Pcared in Whitby Magistrate's 2 ful in traffic. eer - e My ys ] : wecks. ago 2 At a ae : a 4.(charged with stealing a quan-| Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck) nies ni Beg oes tre analy of lumber and other tools|told the court that the car had| ' ' |from his employer, Sklar Furni-|been chased at speeds up to 100 jture Limited. miles per hour north on Brock ONE CALL PER DAY | Wright elected to be tried by Street and along the Third Con- The Whitby ambulance an-|a Judge and Jury and was given|°@ssion. swers about one call per day,|@ Preliminary hearing to see if} Dust conditions caused by the When he is paid, he receives the case was sufficiently strong|speeding-vehicle made following $12 per call. Ideally he would|t® pass it to a higher court hard for the officer to drive but make $360 per month at the! The hearing was adjourned to! 'he two suspects were arrested yesterday to allow Lawyer/|after they had crashed into a But, he says, he must pay for|Terence Kelly time to prepare a/ "itch on the concession, he con- the maintenance, gas, andidefence. cluded, servicing of the ambulance, as Ferris, when awaiting sen- well as the telephone bill. jtence said: "I know the sen- BEATLE CUTS 4.00 Peter Smits Hairstyling for Men 102 Byron St. $, Whitby At the conclusion of the hear- MAIL AT VICTORIA and GREY TRUST 75 Yeors of Service 308 Dundas St. W. Whitby DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper ond Murals @ Custom Draperies @ Broadioom and Rugs e@ C.I.L. Paints and Varnishes @ Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd. Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby thejing yesterday Magistrate Jer Neilson King- RUMP ROAST BEEF, lb, ..++.. | Section Win | Jonathon, son of Mr. and) #/70 wion IMrs. William Allan celebrated| ~~ his fourth birthday Tuesday, CRACKERS TOMATOES STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY JAM Msi ECTIN SLICED DUTCH LOAF MAC & CHEESE CHICKEN. LOAF and 'over pal L. Tutton, 1-LB. BOX 29° 39° Year Of Accomplishment Ete nas At St. Mark's United ives Mrs. Isabel Trepanier, Toron- to, was a recent guest at the The Annual Congregational|the life and work of St. Mark's.,4ome of Mr. and Mrs. James Meeting of the congregation of The year's budget was $5,223.48. McDonald, 206 Warden-Wilson St Mark's United Church indi-| An active Couples' Club com-|avenue. cated another year of growth|prised of 30 couples meets for; and progress. It was reported|feliowship each month, Among}, that 96 members had been add-|other ventures they support a ed to the roll, 56 by profession Greek boy, Panayotis, under the of faith and 40 by transfer of Foster Parents' Plan. Most of certificate, There were 40 re-|the members are involved in} movals, nine by death and 31 by/leadership and service in other transfer. The total membership) organizations of the church. As- as of Dec, 31, 19€3 was 1,172 of sociated with the Club is a Bible which 111 are non-resident, Study Group which meets regu- . Reports of the various organ-| larly. izations revealed that St. Mark's| In 1963 a new Manse was built makes a strong effort to meet for the minister and his family the needs of the youth. The Sun-|and the former parsonage, now day School has an enrolment of| known as the St. Mark's Church 742 and staff of 55 teachers and/House is used as a meeting! officers. ce place for Sunday School Classes, | Mid-week activities "include Unit and Committee meetings! Fa ites for all age groups:! and for social gatherings. | Seuces tote ery = con The year's budget for the con-| (girls 12-17), Wolf Cubs (boys 8 gregation, apart from the organ-| "lizations included: Current 11), Boy Scouts (boys 12-17), HI-| Z&tions 2 © (young people 15-18), Brown- Fund, $25,058.50; Benevolences, ies (girls 8-11), Girl Guides| $6435; and Building Fund,| (girls 12-16), Junior Congrega- $5,780.80. In addition the Build-| tion (girls and boys 9-12). Sum- ing Committee received special mer Vacation School for chil- donation of $3,109.00. The Mis- dren, A Christian Education monary. ad Maintenance Fund Committee, responsible to the totalled $10,500.00. : Session, and comprised of, At Present the officials of the departmental representatives, Congregation consists of 43 meets monthly to evaluate this Elders 30 Stowards, 7 Trustees, program. The chairman for 1963 The-Clerk of Session is Mr. KE. was Mr. R. Law E. Bond. and the Recording The ministry. of music is pro- Steward is Mr, F. Ollen-Bittle videC regularly by the Senior New officials elected at the An- Choir under the direction of the "ual Meeting were Elders C. E, organist, Mrs. J. L. Beaton, On|Broughton and L. R. Reed; special occasions the Junior and Stewards George Boychyn, Intermediate Choirs under the Harry Rammler and W. G direction of Mrs. D. Williams, |Creighton, and Auditors J. H. assistant Breckenridge and C. Godwin. The United Church Women or-| The minister of St. Mark's, ganization has a membership of |Rev. J. M, Smith, was. assisted 171, of which 45 are life mem: |in 1963 by Rev. A. M. Butler, bers. The ten units meet month-|now minister at Cedarvale and 1, and through the year this or- |Southminster in Oshawa and by ganization contributed much to 'Deaconess, Miss Ila Newton. BROCK Evening Show Starts At 7:30 wuitsy ONE COMPLETE SHOW ONLY fy ST Pa 20-02, TINS Family Monuments Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS, LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 24-07. jar 97° 59: He suggested that even the|It is a trying business, , $5000 he had asked from the|going sometimes gets plenty As yet, it was 'Whitby Town Council has taken) and that he would still not be) work." sidizing the Ambulance Service, pis business when his services had, because and Mr. May says he will be) 'The figure estimated by thejof speed involved in arriving, forced to at least temporarily| province and the Association re-|saved lives. He said he hac He is still uncertain as to his|for a year was estimated atjlocal hotel that had stopped future in Whitby, hg he indi-|twice the amount -- $10,000 breathing four times. cated that he could not carry! losses of equipment, and an at-|myn' dis Sharves| oc', 18 Boing to be a long one t tendant ($2 per trip), vanst, Welehe as pec arees| this time, and I would appre-(=-- - some quarters, WHITBY PERSON he must! was _ , While the Council has not re- pay $500 per year insurance on aa es the pal pike so I can.go to the penitentiary : fused the subsidy of $5000, they what is considered "an emer-|upon. Brorer iris a +a ie trade." BROCK i OF THE ete! e don't hand out sentences STREET FOUR province and county on behalfjheld at the home of Miss Nancy|ston, student at Lorne Park)" jr he receives the subsidy, he,sor (a0), I NORTH CORNERS of the service. {Moore, 112 Hillcrest drive in College, Port Credit, was a re-|intends to equip a second, stand-|Bowler 776 (286, 270); D. Harder! 95 mented Magistrate Harry B.| Mr, May indicated that let-|honor of Miss Melody Balson| | guest atthe home of his|by vehicle, -in case of dire|{7%,272); Pi. Rousseau, 715 (300); "r,|Jermyn. "But I feel this offence . B ier 253) A serve no purpose, as the prob-|to Winnipeg. The followingjuncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.!"""Meanwhile my wife has to Villeneuve, 672 (253); R. Mustard, 'tentiary -- three years." lem of provincial ambulance! guests were present: {Raymond Marshall, 502 Peel work (she is an RN in Bow-|- Sitges 250 and over -- 7. Cullen, 299; moesctnernsnen 2 a EEE I HN SR : grants was already in the} Bonnie Harris, Shelley Bon-| street, ; ' epi fir a Heder eee a7, Mi @ OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY TILL § P.M. & cee fee anos ts oe caveats, iat, "2" INCOME TAX and was being acted upon, Emburg, Debbie Harris, Leesa} Mr. Gordon Gallop of Cleve-);iq. i ee a eins. Wen. -- avers Hotel 3, Ram- - ene : ry estan, 4 | a r nite » . vane: «re? pr ver ; rew's 3, i ; m He said that information de-|Hart, June Treen, a land, Ohio, was a weekend "It's hard on her, and I'd like|2, Mitton Machinery 1 eter vay RE FRESH CUT FROM GOVENRMENT INSPECTED BEEF rived from the Ontario Ambu-jer, Susan Foster, Linda Gibson. guest at the home of Mr. and her to quit, But as it stands|J's Barber Shop 1; Honyockers 2, An- f : cated that no provincial action/fiash camera and a necklace. crest drive revenue," ™ 5 pniby Barber wie 'age i lata se SIRLOIN would be forthcoming for at} Games were played and the : C A IE AE pe mms ¥ r > : Harris, Wendy Emburg, Lynn|Mrs. Bob Johnson celebrated WHITBY WHY PAY MORE! lb. pg aga lagma |McKendry, Leesa. Hart, Bonnie|her 11th birthday. For the occa- . Te -Aanotlation' forced Harris and Melody Balson. Mrs.|cion she entertained the follow-| B t jes FRESH SLICED Moore was assst@, ying friends: Susan, Wright, De uy the Best tay scoetenes $e pall Abeirlals aents in serving... [toneg, tga Momice, Geli =s | "Rach taagearhe™ y WIENERS COOKED HAM ........ lb. ambulances off the Highways : . phasing dees capac ale a (Wednesday) FOR LESS HAMBURG FRESH LIVER Ib. 25° They were informed that the just returned from a two weeks| Paula Day, ag sible ene ty hh pena whee Uae PORK ea Aten dees A " province approved the subsidiz-/Southern holiday spent in Hol-|"Urtis, Heather Holroyd. | (253); 8, wright 702 (276, 280) Bil' Hens 9 ing of ambulances by munici-|)ywood, Florida as the guests of Bonnie's mother was assisted derson 679 (293); P. Rousseau 670 (301); BRAISING RIBS 2 . a , . -| Son 661 (280); B. Henderson 658 (255), PLATE BRISKET f When he first discussed the) Misses Holly and Molly Tavener)"S\,cies 250 and over 7. ¢ problem with the Town Fathers, | Castle Chapter Sr. Alumnae/in serving. Games and dancing} 204; D. Reed 293; J. Mittin 28); Parr FRESH and LBs. e CORNED BEEF 2 :0@ Be ee Ib. 19 Mr, May remembered, they|aré holding its monthly meeting|was enjoyed. Rchis 2513. SMOKED FISH ich|today, Feb. 26, Mrs. Claud NB miiiwork 0? Queen's Hotel 3, Mition Ma: READY COOKED PRIME RIB it with the Township, whichjtoday, Feb. » Mrs. "iaude/nis birthday today, Feb. 26. His|chinery 0; Honyockers3, Anderson' Car.| FRESH OYSTERS ¢ Whitby . Exclusive Ambulance|Vipond will be guest speaker) ompanions of Henry Street|'#9¢ 0: Andrews 3, Legion 0; Hofer Val- ¢ alio services, lend -will--ehow:elides: af her/¢ Pp s y ley 3, Papermakers 0; Ramblers 2, Bath- HAMS, Ib BEEF, Ib. ....-- 7 Ibe weess a i thday. Shop 1; Drews 2, Dunlop 1. revealed Monday that no ap-jinvited to attend. an 6 Sey, een i . york BLADE and SHORT ¢ 8 SEIS GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 29' PRIME RIB 69° a |Feb, 25, Friends of the family HAMBURG cre ORANGES doz. 33° sees HEADCHEESE . Sits, 1.00 POTATOES 10 lbs. 29 . Hinds & Fronts of Beef rnesit (cut and wrapped free) MUSHROOMS oe Ib. 49 SMOKED PICNIC 104 Lupin Drive Blair Park Plaza WHITBY -- PHONE 668-4633 learned, |rown would be only adequate,/rough, But I like the type of no positive action toward sub- able to show any real profit in) He described four instances curtail his services, quired to keep an ambulance|recently taken a man from a on without financial 'help from) against Wr Q Aside from. these, gainst Wright as he felt there| ciate at least a two-year term 115 JUST N. have offered only letters to the) A '"Going-away" party was) Mr. Paul of gency vehicle," Be eine ser tan, ass a la carte' around here,"' com-) ters to. the province woeuld/who, with her family, is moving} and Mrs.| emergency Br Villeneuve soe Kanerea! 67 (Q00);|warrants a term in the peni- SAVE ON MEATS OF KNOWN QUALITY manville) in ord to k ; 1 ; hands of the Attorney - General netta, Lynn McKendry, Wendy} rane the ane Cone er ee any, Mallee aS) lance Drivers' Association indi-/Melody was presented with @l\rr. Fernand Mainguy, 163 Hill-/she is. our only source of|papermekers 2, Whitty Matel heontay Whitby s PHONE 668-8252 rize inner -- » Davis, least a year. lucky winners were:- Debbie) Bonnie, daughter of Mr. and WING meeting with the province when Leslie Moore was assistd byjing friends: Susan Wright, Deb- 89° before Jan. 15. Mr, and Mrs. Mel Mason have|Donna Beach, Janice Neal,' triples 690 tnd over = > Hutchinson STEAK capi ing of jvwood, Florida as the guests of), Stra. (Hed) McCoy and the Pian sor pases, ely Your FISH Headquarters for Lent! COUNTRY SAUSAGE . lb. 265; J. McConkey 261; Bill Gough 260; had promised'to in turn discuss/at the Ontario' Ladies College' ponent Martin is celebrating) {00's Wo" = Whitby 3, Mitton Ma-| ¢ BONELESS ROAST 69 Deputy-Reeve John Dryden|stay in Malaya. All members High School and friends wish|urst "1; Whitby Hotel 2, Joe's Barber| Roasts of Beef FLORIDA SEEDLESS Ib. ' ONTARIO NO. 1 FOR YOUR FREEZER e Fill Your Freezer Now @ € LB. TAKE A TEST DRIVE TODAY You'll find a car waiting for you now at Ontario Motor Sales Monks' Bread- Now Available In Canada! ELECTRONIC SERVICE We'll Bring Your TV' Back to Its Peak SERVING OSHAWA AND AREA OVER 40 YEARS... Getting zebra stripes, "snow"? Picture fading or shrinking? Whatever's wrong with your TV, we'll meke RIGHT. Our werk hip is d, our prices modest. L. GS. ELECTRONICS Blair Park Plazo--Whitby PH. 668-8311 Servicing - Whitby, Ajox, Pick- ering, Brooklin, Oshawa and Surrounding Aree. "Now Available For Immediate Delivery! ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 140 BOND WEST a 725-6501 Storring: ° Alec Guinness Anthony Quinn CE OF ARABIA TECHNICOLOR® moronmameo » SUPER PANAVISION 70° PRICES -- FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT ADULTS--1.00; STUDENT§--6Se; CHILDREN--JSe

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