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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Feb 1964, p. 1

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Serene year. Thought For Today ? : | : od SE he Oshawa cure @ marriage licence is like a driver's licence -- expiring each . VOL, 93------NO, 49 Price Not Over 10 Cents per Copy Weather Report Not so cold tonight. Cloudy Friday clearing. in the after- noon, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1964 futhorined ap Second Claus Mal! Post Office Deportment TWENTY-TWO PAGES Defeat In Bid To TIONS (AP)--UN|tion to send a high rankingjhave the right to intervene mil- Pi aoe arena to fe Secu-|civilian mediator to Cyprus. Helitarlly in Cyprus * eorve the rity Council once more today in) would try to settle the dispute|constitutional ie is \ an effort to resolve the crisisjover the constitution that ex:| Turkey and r mv 4 cd over Cyprus, But there was|ploded in violence between) rouncil action eo -- = scant hope that agreemen was|Greek- and Turkish-Cypriots in ral egg, an trod "atates oan Flin prospect on a formula for allate December, treaty, 1 e Un pda soigey Regt settlement, This would set' aside tempo-|other Weatern Gr <a mac whe In advance of the afternoonrarily the question of dispatch. similar vie nll ea reigns council meeting, interest cen-ling an international peace force that we 106 rea Me yee tred on the mediation efforts|anq council action calling on all give the 8 gnatories the rig jof the six non-permanent mem-|nations to respect the territorial me Oreak Cy sriot- president | |bers of the ll-nation council.lintegrity of the Mediterranean Se dtteba td aar They took over after Secretary-|jsland republic /General U Thant announced! that his private diplomatic ef. TAREE STAND jforts had met with an impasse.| Spyros Kyprianou, | ph The six are Bolivia, brasil iiorsten alnicter, insists that right on basic logisiation. |\Czechoslovakia, the Ivorylany resolution on territorial in- The Turkish minority Riots || é \Coast, Morocco and Norway. (tegrity must not uphold the 1960 tends that the constitutional Diplomats speculated the six/treaty of guarantee under which guarantees 'oncentrate on a resolu-'Turkey and Britain say they ios, wants to amend his repub- lic's constitution to remove the the Cyprus|Turkish-Cypriot minority's veto Britain and Turkey to intervene are their chief protection , against being massacred by the a x ' | prus between the two communi U Thant Admits| ROP TORS NOUBTED End Cyprus War BROWN'S ABILITY 2 MDs Called | 'Watchdogs' | TORONTO (CP)--An operat-| Later, Dr, Varga had warned that during the fatal operation|particular area because he was on Patricia Morgan last Oct.|"'getting into the spleen." Dr. 18 one of thé doctors present/Brown had disagreed. whispered to another that the' When he heard the reference surgeon in charge "'doesn't\to the spleen, Dr. Coggins said, |know what he's doing. he "took a look to see what of Cyprus, Archbishop Makar- | on a ; ne hs Aire nurse testified today/Dr. Brown not to cut into a of their minority! | a | ; f | Irene Wagenaar, 23, a scrublwas going on and saw fair rights and the treay right of ' = ' |nurse, told a coroner's jury that brisk "bleeding." fairly the words were spoken by. Dr. Anthony Varga, chief resident|/ PRESSURE DROPS doctor in surgery at Toronto! After the bleeding began, the e Sto Cr in Blue Greck-Cypriot majority, 'They : ye ; : , : [East General Hospital, about|anesthetist said, Miss Morgan's are demanding partition of Cy-| R. , . . a \ IDr, Kenneth A, Brown, who was/blood pressure dropped from its joperating on Miss Morgan forjnormal 120 to below 80, indie an intestinal blockage. leating significant loss of blood, een een OK E ters Told «: Lae ar - eh a SEE LITTLE CHANCE ' ; x : ' : | e procedure was § jand later slipped as low as 55 The government of South xpor ers Oo UN diplomats see little chance} S ., Se |mid - operation by Dr. Burns|before he got it stabilized by Viet Nam has asked the French government to extra- dite Mrs, Ngo Dinh Nhu, offi-| LONDON (CP)--Canada will result in "substantial and pred- promise is achieved on the fitky . x " a Fa, ling developed. Miss Mor-| cial French sources said in|remove any discrimination|atory" dumping from the United! basic differences among the Paris today. Mrs, Nhu, sister- |against British exporters "'if| States, principal parties : : in-law of the late President |such exists,' 'Trade Minister} But Canada was' mak- _ In Nicosia, Vice-President Fa- Ngo Dinh Diem, has been liv- |Sharp said today ling "thorough 'investigation' of 2!! Kutchuk, head of the Turk- ing in France since shortly | The Canadian trade chief de-|British: complaints is after Nov, 1 coup in which wht. . hi "While our review is up livered a straight-talking speec hi While our review is not ye la force of 5,000 special police Diem and her husband were |i, the Canadian Chamber ofjcomplete, the evidence so far| ond disarm all irregulars on the, ' a tees a b jwhen relatives of the 32-year-| killed, Request is under study, [Commerce in Britain on the/obtained suggests that this ele- Sand the sources said, two-to-one trade imbalance be-|ment is not central to the prob: yy 4. tween Canada and Britain|!em of your performance in our)... oe po ade prus that only Greek-Cypriots ] T t ] which has caused pained com-|market in recent months or at will be enlisted in the special 0 ess 0 a ment here, any time ' police force and that the approx: "I have not been impressed) Sharp, who arrived Wednes-|jmately 1,000 Turkish-Cypriots ; " by some of the oversimplified) day for a three - day visit, is| who quit the regular police and wes ce comments made recently about/meeting Trade Minister Edward|the Cypriot army during the De- the state of trade between our/Heath, Agriculture Minister|cember fighting will be the first 1957 Wi t two countries," said Sharp. Christopher Soames and busi-\targets of the disarmament in er "We in Canada will be happy|ness and investment groups. | drive, (CP)--Federal La- if you succeed in capturing a : MacEa larger share of Canada' sirge ah ~ : ber, Miniter pe gallica nd growing import market. We 9 i ee ae nt peak will be the low.|Shall remove any discrimina-| = ht V 2 Cd. n me ' : est has seen since 1957, | ton if such exists, You will con- Federal government programs nue to enjoy a tariff prefer- LIFE IN HIS HAND timula y/ence against your main compe-| e e as ied y Pg yo erly Ha titors, What more can we be} 9 Million In ; ard A fireman carries the. un- were revived after being over- a closet of their bedroom 000 workers, he told the| expected to do?" | conscious Walter Brown Jr., come by smoke in the fire ater their mother could not closing banquet 'of the Ontario| A text of the minister's! 4, from his smoke-filled Syra-- that wrecked their dwelling. tind them. Good Road: Association. coven-|speech was released to the press) WASHINGTON (AP)--A Cu-rally, we wouldn't touch it if} cuse home yesterday, The boy Both were hospitalized. Fire- ' tag cove) totore delivery. jban government purchasing|it were a strategic item," and his 2-year-old sister both men reached the children in (AP Wirephoto) of any settlement unless a com-:! : ; & h: < : ; |Plewes, the hospital's chief of| getting two transfusions under surgery, when excessive bleed-| way simultaneously, Dr, Coggins said most physi- |gan died Nov, 4, and aM &U-|ciang feo! that pressure oo topsy revealed the cause. of/79 or 69 can lead to brain dame death as a surgical clamp leftiage and eventual death. h ~ Cypriot community, at-| : . f : Sy . }S jin her intestines. ie : t tacked' Makarios' plan to raise + , Bes ' . < : | Ontario Attorney-General Cass| | YOu were frightened that the stiPatient was going to die?" ordered the belated inquest) oes crown counsel John Hool- old victim learned the cause of /#hn. It is taken for granted in Cy-| | ' ' \her death, which had not been| "I was quite concerned,' Dr, reported to the coroner's office Coggins said. He felt there wag by the hospital or doctors, |@ possibility Miss Morgan might Miss Wagenaar said today Dr,|die if the originally-planned op- \Varga--whom Dr. Plewes said|eration were continued, and he he' assigned to the operation to) agreed with Dr. Plewes that it keep an eye-on Dr, Brown's|Should be discontinued, \work--had been "concerned"| "We had replaced over half jand "obviously worried" as he|the patient's blood volume pointed out some parts of thejthe operation had lasted woman's ana to Dr. Brown/hours and we had just removed after the incision had been|some adhesions," he said, made and asked Dr. Brown -- r cche,.agreed with the) ge... wre ore Tentification. Rub : T al She testified that at one point y ri he said under his breath to Dr. Paul Takahashi, the second as- |sistant surgeon: Ma St art |. "He doesn't know what he's} y [doing | -- -- ---- ' .;mission in Montreal is negoti-| Officials of the commerce de- mse ye - "The seasonal increase in un-| Sharp gave his mainly Brit ating with U.S. companies for|partment and state department Seen smaller then, usust' wrilg|dian antidumping and valu-/%¢ purchase of $2,000,000 worth|said they had not heard of the D c% b Viet Nam Boss eaten atta mest ter Tanlesace cre ond cor ep mai "| DOGS, Clubs Quell ment in January was the high-jevolved over the last 60 years.|inis major effort ty ik Fidellter of the law." the. state ds. est for many years," he said. |Less effectiv eprovisions would] Castro government. to. obtain|partment officer said J k 30, obtain] partment of | . Claims French |U.S, foodstuffs wou suc-|, The Canadian government Md R t t ' |cessful. | will have no official part in the| . acid rotes Backi P] | The sale would be the largest/deal, one source said g ot a ee e roup movement of U.S. goods to! Payment probably would be) PRINCESS ANNE, Md, (AP) John Wilson, 20, president of the Cuba since the series of foodjin cash since the Cubans have/Governor J, Millard Tawes of/Student Appeal. for Equality and) SAIGON (AP) -- Maj. - Gen. | | | and medical shipments used to|money on hand in a Canadian|Maryland was prepared today/a junior at Maryland State. He Nguyen Khanh, South Viet ' = ' ransom the Bay of Pigs prison-|bank, to send the National Guard, ifjhas led the demonstrations) Nam's premier, told confidantes @ | V Ss 1p eS er ers, \--------------necessary, into Princess Anne,jagainst two segregated restau-|he had uncovered an assassina- | U.S. officials have criticized! '. jscene of racial demonstrations/rants : tion plot against him backed' by jother Western nations for sell-| ohnson Si jin which 27 Negro students were; A trooper, Colin Macindoe,/French officials that was to CHICAGO (AP)--Elijah Mu-|because "Allah and myself saldiing "hard ' ; gns jarrested and 59 received med-jwas treated for what police said/have been carried out today. goods"-- such as | 4 hammad, leader of the Black) 'no'." buses and trucks--to Cuba jical treatment, j}were acid burns of his feet and The 36-year-old strongman is Muslims, says Cassius Clay be} Muhammad's' assertions of] There are no U.S. regulations U S. 7, C | Police dogs and fire hoses/legs. His socks and pants: legs/reported to have said he 'had ys lay Mt s s of .S. regulations t | sin co ly rer ' ' came ceavyweight oxing Clay's beliefs were not cleat,lagainst the sale of food and * ax u |were weed as more Phan a burned away, Golled wt @ Wie te tt oc cynical i ecause a --_ pen ge 98 medicine to Cuba-provided no WASHINGTON (AP) Pres lneete tod curving hight sucks, | ager ag a. the ton nts [uled : Mus lower jmad's secretary, tol e@ As: /o: y is involved--butiia is tee f _ $-/mets parry ent SUCKS, night stick an e students : The 66-year-old Muhammad, |sociated Press that anyone who a cetias ar octet ident Johnson signed into lawjclashed Wednesday with 250 tolthrew rocks, bottles and sticks) Actually, Khanh narrowly es- apeaking to some 5,000 muslims|believes in Muslim principles isihas reduced such sales to al Vedmesday a tax cut for most/300 students from predomi-/at=police as they retreated be-caped death in the Mekong a ", a i - > s » ae > 4 » y u > Wednesday in the Coluseum at/a member of the sect, but noted|trickle in recent months individual U.S, taxpayers andjnantly-Negro Maryland State/fore the dogs and fire hoses,/River delta during _ the day at the operation, testified today, the group's annual convention,|that there was no written mem- corporations and proclaimed it!College Most of the 59 treated at the While visiting the scene of a said of the 22-year-old Clay bership list. MAKE REQUEST "the single most important step) Tawes sent in the National/campus health centre suffered/ bloody clash between his forces "I'm so glad Cassius Clay) Gay's father recently de-| .The Cuban group has re-/We have taken to strengthen our Guard last summer during dem-iscratches, bruises and dogiand the Viet Cong. An armored was brave enough to say that| ccribed his champion boxer soniWested 20,000,000 pounds of/@conomy since the Secondjonstrations at Cambridge. bites. personnel carrier 100 yards he was a Muslim, Clay whipped!., 9 Muslim member lard for delivery in Canada, It/ World War." jabout 45 miles northwest of) The students surged into town|from Khanh was blown up when a much tougher: man (former Clas's brother Rudoloh Vai: would be up to the Cubans to! Johnson acted on this biggest Princess Anne, in mid-afternoon, picketed the/lt hit a Communist landmine. champion Sonny Liston) and sities a ; Dee : F Mb jmove the lard from Canada to/tax cut in U.S history within| State Attorney - General|restaurants and marched sing-| Khanh .is reported to have came through the bout un-| ad wd said he was @ MUs-/Cuba. The wholesale price is|a few hours after the Sonate|Thomas B. Finan said that al-jing and clapping along the two-/told persons close to him that scarred because he had ac-|"™ member Sg nine to 10 cents a pound. passed the measure, 74 to 19,/though guard units are on the/block business district. "French officials" had given a} cepted Muhammad as the mes-| Asked if brother Cassius was! Sources declined to identify/ending its yearlong, sometimes(alert, it is hoped the 130 state| ic jterrorist 100,000 piastres (about) senger of Allah." a Muslim member, Rudy atlihe firms involved while the ne-|stormy voyage through Con-|Police can contain the situation, "ORM RINGS $1,300) to kill him, | Muhammad, who considers/swered: "I don't know, why/cotiations are under way by/gress. It reduces taxes for 80,-/ Princess Anne, on Maryland's A spokesman for the French! himself a direct disciple of Al-/don't you consult him? phone and letter, One source/000,000 individuals by one-fifth, eastern shore, has about 1,350)°" 'dy a tc Pt e ¢mbassy here denied the lah, said Clay had been told) Cassius addressed a Muslim said "we've checked with thejon the average, and for 850,000/People. About one of three is a -- _ . Highway 13, narge. A U.S. intelligence of- that Liston would "tear up your|meeting in New York last/government and there are nojcorporations by about nine per Negro toi 'nel sg police cial said he had seen no tangi-' pretty face," bat that he didn'timonth, (regulations against it, Natu-icent starting with 1964 returns./ Among the first arrested was rb liga be wa gio _ ble evidence to support the as- Saeuaucueory UROUAI TE closed "in after the 'vehicles sassination charge, but that the) TAX APPEAL COURT SPURNS SUDBURY JUDGE'S PLEA fea ater tty et report seemed tui when the dogs approached. The retreating students re- hd eo | jgrouped on campus and re g Taln They formed three rings in the middle of Somerset Avenue, turned to the business district, where firemen soaked them e with water from the hoses, At Just Misses least two students. were knocked to the street by the force of the e e OTTAWA (CP)--The tax ap-| The judgment, written by)finally came to the attention ofjactually advised us to set them!that in his oiinion the building ke yg vate -- Wo ighela? China Premier peal board has dismissed an/Cecil L.. Snyder, chairman of|the minister of national reve-at, it mattered not at all."' was worth $297,000 This valua-land fain oneorcma., -_-- appeal by Leo A. Landreville,/the tax appeal board, said thatnue that an assessment to gift) Mr. Snyder's judgement said/tion Was not challenged at the After Migatioll the' tren rs} COLOMBO -- Communist Chi- a judge of the Supreme Courtjin 199 Mr. Landreville nd tax was issued as it- was the|that by the time Huron Cham.|hearing, and it was confirmed dispersed "Neerland crowds. of|Rese Premier Chou Bn-lai be- of Ontario since September,/Mr. Cooper "with considerble opinion of the minister that the pers was formed, negotiations|®- the proper assessment by the about 150 whites and 50 Negroes|#8"_ talks with Ceylon's prime 1956, against a 1962 tax assess-|astuteness and foresight" |shares had been assigned to the aiready had started with the(taX appeal board. who stood at an intersection and| Minister, Mrs. Sirimavo Bada- ment of $6,307 levied by the/bought the St. Joseph building two ladies at a price much less/Kresge company, 'The suggested) Chairman Snyder noted that taunted each other, ranaike, today after a near.in- national revenue department|in Sudbury for $173,000 {than their real worth," the judg-/selling price. of the building/Mr, Landreville and Mr. Coo- The 27 arrested were char eq |Cident at a railway crossing a for the year 1935. The sale of the building was)ment said then was $225,000. Kresgejper paid $173,000 for the build-|with disorderly conduct and fail-(f€¥ miles outside Ceylon's cap- The tax was levied by the/made to Mr. Landreville and) Mr, Landreville told the hear-|wanted the building "'despera-jing in 1949 yet the total of some/uré to obey a lawful command !*#!. he said that Dr. Varga in- A jsisted on answers from Dr. ee |Brown as to whether he agreed) }with the identification, and the! operating surgeon replied that) DALLAS, Tex. (AP) -- With he did, eight jurors sworn in for Jack Miss Wagenaar testitied that Ruby's murder trial, and four after Dr. Plewes reached the|Yet to be found, lawyers on loperating room--summoned by| 0th sides say that testimony |Dr. Varga--the chief of surgery) ™#y, Start this week. | sounded "urgent and insistent"), "You may find yourselves on lin prevailing on Dr, Brown 'to|'Tial here Saturday," said Mel- labandon his original operation] Vin Belli, chief counsel for Ruby, and remove the patient's spleen @"Swering reporters'. questions, to halt bleeding. District Attorney Henry M. |Wade said he believes the jury HAD DOUBTS will be complete before the end | Dr. Plewes testified Wednes-jof the week. "But I'm not sure jday he had had doubts about|that w'll go right into the tes- Dr. Brown's competency to han-|timony," he said dle. the operation--a follow-up! Three jurors--a record for.@ to an earlier one in which parts/single day in the trial -- were of a cancerous stomach were/ qualified Wednesday. Four men jremoved--and had kept himselfiang a woman were accepted on call at the hospital, earlier in the hearing Dr, Brian Coggins, anesthetist} Ruby faces a_ possible sen- \ tence of death in the electric to disagreements between Dr.ichair if convicted of murder Brown and Dr, Varga during} with malice for having shot Lee the four-hour operation in which) Harvey Oswald last Nov, 24. Os he had to replace more than) wald had been charged with at half the woman's blood by| sassinating president Kennedy j transfusion after the spleen was!in Dallas Nov. 22. cut and small stomach arteries! Six of the eight said they saw were severed. Oswald killed on television. One The first disagreement--which|said he was out of town on the he described as uncommon--/fateful weekend when Kennedy was over the identification ofjand then Oswald were slain, parts of the anatomy. The other said he was fishing. department in connection with/Mr. Cooper in their personal ing that he and Mr Cooper re-|tely" and the asking price went/2,000 shares at "a so - called/of a police officer. Four were). 4 speeding express train real estate transaction con-/capacities and in 1950 they) i 4 caely on the share. valua-(UP 0 $700,000. They wouldn't/book value of $3.50 each" would| women flashed over a grade crossing cted by Mr. Landreville and formed Huron Chambers Lim ik aut by thas. chavtared aa (hd that but eventually paid amount to only $7,000. ' 7 Just ahead of the Chinese pre-/ his law partner, J. M. Cooper, ited. Mr. Cooper became prest = shige ea CHATLEreG AC-! 9995 000 "Thus at the very' outset it * ye mier's motorcade. Police man-| now district judge = Sudbury, dent = = ee secre -- The judgment fur SOUGHT EXPANSION will be apparent that some half! Japanese Airliner jaged Ad eg the motorcade in| between 1949 and 19 ytreasure : quotes him i Hee iter age es er aga of the total shares were trans- e Bie me. : | In 1935, Mr. Cooper trans-| 'There is no indication on my} resge's already had a store/terred to Mrs. Cooper and Mrs Crashes; 19 Dead | fallway sources said the «x-| ferred by sale to his wife some part or on the part of my as- next door and wanted to €X-/Landreville at a figure greatly ? jpress apparently ran through) CITY EMERGENCY }498 shares of the common stock! sociate that we purposely de ponorlthe a said F below their actual value." | TOKYO (AP) -- A Japanese/@@2ger signals at the approach) of Huron Chambers Limited at'oaseq the value of the shares!" ein a. tran Keecnc's| Mr. Snyder said it may be/*tliner crashed today at Oita,/*o the crossing a few miles out- $3.50 a share. Mr. Landreville : Kresge"s in a trap. Kresge's ' y |southern Japan. dit lice Side Colombo and that the inci- PHONE NUMBERS transferred to his wife a block fF amy reason, In fact ourjeventually bought the building that Mr. Landreville and his headquarters . pl comes dent would be investigated. = said of 498 shares at the same price. Wives at that time were in'from Huron Chambers, demo!-/partner "have been fortunate") were killed and 22 were taken' The Chinese Communist pre-/ POLICE 725-1188 This lett Mr. Landrevill unds sufficiently so that if our shed tt ahd built a modern in that the revenue depariment to hospital mier was on his way to viace a PT. 725-6374 Mr. Cooper each in possession chartered accountant' had said New store didn't take the view that "the, The airline said no foreign-jwreath at the tomb of prine FIRE DEPT. 725 ' of 501 shares that the value of these shares} A revenue department officer handsome profit" itself was tax- ers were among the 36 passeng-/ minister Solomon Bandaranaike, HOSPITAL 723-2211 4 "Ut was when this transaction|was much more than what heitestified at the board hearing/able. jers and five crew members, '23 miles from Colombo. ee SINATRA JR. TESTIFIES Frank Sinatra Jr. is follow- again today in the trial of ed by newsmen as he arrives three men accused of kidnap- at Los Angeles airport from. ping the youthful Singer iast Europe last night; Sinatra is Dec, 8 from his motel room ' scheduled to take the stand at Lake Tahoe,

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