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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Feb 1964, p. 5

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INDUSTRIAL ACTION THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, February 27,1966. § WHITBY And DISTRICT Northside Downs Hotel |Guides Celebrate ip ed ye a Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West gether singing the round: "Make New Friends". ta. sessmt/ Maine Tops Leathermen|On 'Thinking Day \ui?sisaora Manager: John Gault ene ay Be get On : 'ay eac. e recel ig ertaite Age ogg Bagg sides score two goals. For Rob-| Thinking Day was inaugurated|explained the symbols of the Hriny birthday cake pen te Tidustvial' Hockey "actoe" Sane son, Ron Barriage scored his|in 1926 to honor the birthday of|/World Flag. them by the Whitby Guide Asso- Peavey 2 opened the Second goal unassisted at 7.10 both Chiefs, the late Lord Baden| First Company Guides, with| ciation. Bg ay oe ae of the|@nd Terry Williams from Bi:l Powell and the World Chief/Captain Mrs. S. E. Sweete and) A collection was taken to send coring rgd oe shalOh : Guide Lady Baden-Powell. Lieutenant Mrs. W. J. Edwards, to the "World Friendship Fund", sn period. hey very A Son ergs and Steve Haiduk at On this day thoughts turn to|P!ayed charades _illustrating|The idea behind this was: "A su een = a ona" .45. For Maine, it was John|quides in other lands. In the|Guiding Centres and acting ow* Penny for a Guide's thought on Northside stoned "back. to Clark from Red Barnes and Whitby District church parades|S9ngs and book titles, Thinking Day'. score two before the period|@0Td Simmons at 16:54 and Bub|were held Sunday, Feb, 23.|| The newest Company, the) This fund is used to assist ended, John Ellis scored at 10.20/Smith from Frank Howarth at Guides and Brownies attended|Sixth from the Salvation Army|members attending Internation- unassisted, and Rocket Smith/18.45 along with Boy Scouts and Cubs.|With Captain Mrs. William/al Conferences and camps, to , . Monday evening, Feb. 24, the Hewis, had chosen Denmark.|present gifts to the Guide move- ley at 16.15. Barry Deneer and/in the second period. In thelto the ist, rd, 4th and 6th|°" Guiding and Danish cookies/help, and to assist where Guid- i got the gate for North-|Robson by three goals to two. : hast al a " Miss Hazel Winters, Captain|"camp fire' and the Guides Hotelmen storm back with two|one from Gord Simmons and Guides and Guiders and all join-|for the Founder, for Guiders, tag balk bys Oa, Ware ae of these, the first one on a pass Frank Howarth from Bernie|tain Mrs, G. H. Thwaites, ex- ar Wises dk soa Northside tied the count at/Bill Olesuik got one from Ron|telling of Guiding and the cus- so doing, making one's self John Ellis. Then John Ellis/handed out, five to Robson and|Mrs. William Allan, sang ajbirthday cake was cut by the CORNER from Murray Jackson and Joe at of 4 side finish the scoring with a plus'a ten-minute misconduct. the sake of Whitby's law- Hockey contest. In any case sides are looking for the win Game time is 8.30 in the | Robson bowed to Maine 8-5, men end up like this after ment these two adversaries has one win and the game --Cartoon by J. M. G. |period, Maine Marksmen were| ons at 12.00, Rick Howarth aoe to rank and John DON'T PUT OFF TILL APRIL, Steel Shank, Treed Grip Bottom The second period saw both 177 CALIBRE \ Whitby will not be without/Martin Auto -: Electric, tor and grain to give the best looking night tonight. ambulance use. wagon furnished by Bill Mar-lin the town of Whitby. made to measure by scored on a pass from Al Craw-| Maine took the only penalty 2nd Guide Company were hosts Each Guide spoke a few lines|ment in countries that need Gerry Janveaux received penal-!., 4) i i +.|were presented to all present. ling is bei ized . q period Maine outscored/Guide Companies in St, Mark's P P » jing is being organized or re ties for the Hotel, and Joe Mal United Church Hall. The hosts had -- prepared|established, side. The goal getters for Maine were drew near, singing 'Fire's LIG A HT LIGHTHOUSE The second period saw the|John Clark, two goals, the first|°f 2nd Company, welcomed the/Burning". Candles were lighted) an stuminum debian' Sie goals in 25 seconds. Tony Dele-), ed together }. the Guide prayer./Patrol Leaders and Guides ; ware was the marksman on both|¢d Barnes, the second from)" rourth Company, with Cap-leverywhere. only iis, bouts \ Gem from Don Janveaux, and the/Bell. hibited Guide's cut-out dolls of/fron: the Founder's last mes- second on a pass from Carl) For Robson Junior White|Belgium, Finland, Pakistan and|sage telling of the importance Earl and Gerry Janveaux. scored at 10.51 unassisted and|the United States of America,|of making others happy and by PORTSMAN the 6.30 mark on a goal by Ken|Barriage at the 18.07 mark,|toms of these countries. happy. Montgomery from Don Tran and/Tiere were eight penalties} Third Company, with Captain} More songs were enjoyed, the ave Northside the lead again|three to Maine. : Mrs. F. a the 13.27 mark on a pass group of world Guide songs and| District Commissioner Mr 103 Byron St. S. TAT UE ERE | Flack west of 4 comers then Malinowski. This period North-|@ - side took six penalties and the | WHITBY Hotel two. The third period saw North- ' ' ss " re Tropical Fish goal by Joe Malinowski from | : : : Murray Jackson at 15.45. Hotel| & Plant men picked up four Penalties} H SPECIALS w w . 5 | ; a YOU RE UN DER ARREST! Northside picked up three. piidsin: tetinen te 3 97° It is to be hoped that, for next Thursday's Benefit throw at one another. Both last year was tied at 6-6. |MAINE WHIPS ROBSON FOR enforcement and fire-fighting, the Retarded Children's Fund that will give them the lead Whitby Arena with Maine outscoring Robson} neither the police or the fire- will profit from any punish- in the yearly series, Each (a ' |three goals to one in the first; Red Barnes from Gord Sim-) the Barly Bird Fish NO LOSS IN SERVICE | - Clark and Frank Howarth from WHAT YOU CAN SAVE ON NOW ip Waders i ; |] Complete with knee harness. shamber Of Commerce Acts,e;5 "7 |, sam Eni aay a MAHOGANY ' : Sle PANELS $1a1Ze mbpuiance Wont 2 » De ree Te it corey cet ees ir Mire 7. Perfect i x hand selected and motched in colour id tb h The Chamber, it was learn- venture, that of 71 calls made} That's what you will get : Sai posible, ' ; ; stee! roveged rifled berrel, ambulance service as of mid-|supply a station wagon forjed, will pay rental on a station/in December, 54 of them were|f YOU have your next suit or coat #) 5 65 K ia front 4x7' PANEL .... 8 » . They will also take on any|tin, for the two-month period. e@ TIP TOP TAILORS Dieta ke perdny par ap mre costs involved in examination of] They also intend to help Mr. e HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN CHAMPAGNE {May for the next two months, [has agreed to make any re-) 7 i rented ambulance into SCUGOG CH ERRY ? pairs at cost. CLEANERS For Hunting or Fishing Wool Socks heel end tee. Fan. offer to subsidize Donald|the Cadillac, and Mr. Martiniyy,, transfer the equipment e WM. N. LEISHMAN or They have also offered to pay Chamber|the new vehicle. " Russ Reeves any casts, within, reason. (UP/president John Pantony will at| It was pointed out at the! & Shirt Launderers MEN'S SHOP HARDBOARD " e ; : | "up g to $600) ali * pa [tempt to force a meeting with Chamber meetin g Monday; A 44 129 BROCK S, PH. 668-2091 A prefinished cherry woodgrained jo a oy ~~ aT | hardboard in a light, bright ond 7 Wad icky She unanimously to undertake the) pleasing shade. Ideal to brighten 9 rec room distinctively, lance, which was sidelined a few weeks ago with a blown|CHAMBER'S ACTIONS engine. EXPLAINED 10 to 24 4' x 7' panels 4.05 A spokesman for the Cham- delivered, Each .... Frqnean 20 RETURN , cts" a Dieting forced to return the interim|SCODe®, ite "ittimest in the | ROY ALCOTE * vehicle he rented from Peter- matter: ; : * borough, the Chamber, in co- : if HARDBOARD ik May's own Cadillac ambu-\noy, Council on the problem.|night, when the members voted| PHONE 668-43 organizations in town, and ac- in a selection of Teak, Cherry "As one of the strongest . -- = te 4 Prefinished woodgrained hardboards s tually a conscience for the town, o ond 4 Ladi we feel we should lend our voice on es to an issue as important as this. "We also hope to get, at least b . aos vocally, the support of the i Will Visit whole town in this matter." - Mr. Pantony, and 'the Direc- tors, in the anticipated meeting ntre with the town fathers, will . again propose that the Town % Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal Ca-jsubsidize the ambulance *madian Legion, held its social|service. Eee tel Sday, Feb, 25 in the| J) COUNCIL DECISION = Mrs. Vernon Moore presided. araaeeieat Bg an & Pgh!" ' poe Ris or ocala Peas 8 bulance functioning until a pro- ? : "pial vincial subsidy is passed. * cial visit which proved to be Tes 'guéstion of | provincial _ interesting and helpful, ht Baged . " subsidy is now under consider- a An invitation card was re- ation by the Attorney-General's + ceived from the Oshawa andjdepartment as a result of talks » District Cerebral Palsy Par-|with the Ontario Ambulance ents' Council to attend Open| Drivers' Association. House and Dedication at their} Until the council makes a de- Treatment Centre and School,|cision, one way or the other, § Bloor street east, Oshawa,jon the subsidy, the Chamber * March 4. There was also a let-jintends tohandle the money} 'ter from Port Perry Ladies'|problem, and assure that Whit- + Auxiliary regarding the Auxil-|by residents will not suffer jary Rally to be held in Port|from lack of an ambulance, the » Perry in May. spokesman added. It was reported that Mrs.| He made it known that the Leonard Beckley is still in the|Chamber would, if necessary, ' Oshawa General Hospital, Get|Put up to $1000 into keeping ' well wishes will 'go out to. her,/the ambulance on the road. 'as: well as to Mrs, Alfred|, Mr. May said Tuesday that,| Bruce who is confined to her|if nothing were to happen in) home. the way of financial help, he . would have had to discontinue) mite. Jeamies Conner consented service tonight (Thursday) at) to convene the Bazaar to be! vidnight. | . ' held in April. The winners of| the draw were Mrs. William|/COULDN'T BE HAPPIER Brown and Mrs. Florrie Adam.| When he was told of the * The next meeting will be held| actions taken By the Chambe Tuesday, March 10. The meet-jof Commerce today, he ex ing closed with the '"Queen."|pressed pleasure: i Games were played in the} 'I couldn't be happier," he| _ charge of Mrs. William Cas-|said. "The last thing I would| *sady. Lunch s served by|want to do is deprive the peo-| * Mrs, Arthur Sf4nlick and com-|ple of Whitby of their ambu-| » mittee. lance service." HELD OVER .UNTIL SATURDAY Evening Show Starts At 7:30 BROCK ONE COMPLETE SHOW ONLY fteeepers is otek Columbia Pictures presents A SAM SPIEGEL DAVIO LEAN Production TAWREN v<aree OF ARABIA Anthony Quinn a ncouor? moroonameo w SUPER PANAVISION 70° PESERHHCR TCL EE mark of a@ great whisky. So next time you | try mellow custom-blended THOMAS ADAMS DISTILLERS LIMITED, TORONTO, ONT. PRICES -- FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT ADULTS--1.00; STUDENTS--65c; CHILDREN--35e MABE BES & &: L] Birch, Beautiful hordwearing finish, a shade and colour for any room in the home. 10 to 24 4' x 8' panels delivered. Each ... 4,85 SATINCOTE Ceiling TILE Double coated satin white tile with Special easy to install tongue and groove edges, 1/,.* Sq. Ft. 10 \/o ACOUSTICAL 1000 sound absorming micro perforations per square foot. Double coated satin white 134 € tile, A sq. ft. pies 2 EXCELON FLOOR TILE ALL YOU NEED IS SCISSORS AND BRUSH Anyone can opply vinyl asbestos tile by Armstrong . . . anywhere in the home. Trend color and pat- tern selection, Desert Sand, Honey CARTON LOTS Only PY; CEILING PANELS Easy to install 4' x 4' prefinished ceiling panels - scored in tile effect. white or decorative patterns. Cover 16 sq. ft. with each panel. 2.25 v1 10 to 24 panels DELIVERED Beige, Kawortha Beige, Pacific 10.32 per earton 54 sq. Foam, Snow Gold, White, Black f, coverage. and others, Poplar Plywood Masonite UNDERLAY | HARDBOARD CHMC approved, waterproof | 4 x 8' x 4" 4 x 4 squares, ONLY V4" thickness o . 1.45 BEAVER Cadet Series . ps Saee Cor 12' x 20', Car and Holf 16' x 20', Two Car 22' x 2 build with BEAVER budget with ONE-STOP No Outside Financing To stretch your buying power use the Beaver Budget Plan. Nothing Down - Terms to Suit. Or if you wish, a special 6 month deferred sayment plan AS LOW AS $10 A MONTH 225, | Neat, practical and trim, 12' 1 x 20' single car garage of good design and solid const- ruction. Complete. materials include easy to follow plans Cadet. "SCOOT.AND-SAVE" NOW +». ORDER YOUR CADET BEFORE MARCH 31st. |] With easel, Alphobet or Num- H MO REES SERRE ESE, "SCOOT-N-SAVE" Order Now! There may be snow on the ground but Spring is almost here. Save on fencing now . . . See large fence selection et Beaver or phone today for free estimates. DEPENDABLE QUALITY and SERVICE BEAVER iesa| LUMBER WHITBY. 419 DUNDAS ST, E. 668-5818 BOWMANVILLE 96 KING ST. E. 623-3388 #f) | Big Reg. Size, Compare 37° |] 32-Ox. btle. Reg. 29, 19° |TV Snack Sets |] 99c. Now | Ideal for driveway, sidewalks or Compere 1.49. |] Now | Compere4.95; Only. OT Idea! for all small Soldering Jobs ELECTRIC SOLDERING CHILDREN'S WAGONS 3 sixes, shop soiled. 1/3 OFF The Big Job Cleaner 8c. CLEAROUT New Only Cake Decorator ible barrelled, includes 6 dif- t tips. Reg, 99c. r) ROUT .... each 17 Includes 4 cups and 4 divided plates in Poly Pack, 6 Reg. 99c. To clear... . 21 HANDY Sponge Packs Approximately 8 assorted sizes in pack. Compare Metal Magnetic Blackboard era! included, Reg. 99c. Clearing et: . 67° 'Garages, ete. Push Brooms Made of tough fibre bristles GALVANIZED Garbage Cans

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