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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Mar 1964, p. 20

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panera ase . ' oo SO te pay nage GSE PPL GE EF INE HOME ICL SET FP ELEY a amen = ~~ ce Ses a Da TS CL IS near 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thoredey, Morch 12, 1964 Infant's Death ee late Frederick and the Canadian, Pros Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Mary Duffield, he was schooled a _Exchenge--Merch 12 Vic G Tr ris 640 34 33 34 41 Blamed On in the United Kingdom. He was Labatt 935 $31%e 31% 31% -- an adherent of the Anglican jet change Is 4 'on PH me + r Te 17% : where she had resided for four|faith ; Lack Of Care years. She was in her 77th] In 1915, Mr, Duffield volun- : r. teered for service in the First yea TORONTO coroner's| Born in Folkstone, England,|World War. His tour of duty jury ruled 'douaiee a four-|Mrs, Cordon was formerly Alice|took him overseas with the 116th month - old boy's death from|Louisa Standing. She lived in|discharge in 1918. $24% 24% 24% wa since coming to Canada| 4 bachelor all his life, the de- it ee we asain céased is survived by three sis- mo ito fio fio, 40 Mrs, Cordon was predeceas- y bd m0 $74 32a + 845 's Gas The Lawrence|¢d by her first husband, Syd-jters, Mrs. Edward Hemington Gas w 1365 Chong ha' five healed fractures,2¢y Edward Down, and by her|(Rose), Columbus; Mrs. Har-| Algom = 107 $87 oe nm only one of which could be ex- age husband, Arthur Cordon,|o1q Mothersill (Lydia) and Mrs, Alum 0h pr 225 $42%4 42% 42% 3 3 z-) 2888 338s 5 ag F eas #2 " s. g S§lESaeesesse Sugeghgt x 1+ JFghotaoliys=5 s83aybutoGes > § - +14 ' ssh's Sau8sess SZVees 38 1+ se FE ~ oe i. eee SSSRSESSx * geecepge* + 8 B8s 4 3 i plained by his parents, Mr. and|!" 1958, 4. theoe| William Harding (Lucy), both A" fo sa om pr + re $52% Us dence was that" Hit, neretts(daughters, Mrs, Charles Fogal,|of Oshawa; two brothers, Wil-| A°9 2 Bye sus stot io ior ve ' (Ethel), Oshawa; Mrs. Lioydjliam and Frederick of Oshawa. 22 $101% 10194 101% tee (ed ace te " Stire (Kathleen), Oshawa: and| He was predeceased by a bro- ies 'oa Dr Bice of Mrs. Mervyn Fogal, (Irene),/ther, George, in April of last Fe gag fying he Kapus-| anitoulin Island, Ont. There| year. the "child fora" broken' ann|aze two sons, Edward Down, tne funeral service will be zm 1 10 orp om +5 when he was two monthe 'old, Oshawa, and Frank Down, Las|neid at the Mclntosh-Anderson po OR IL ag 85 $404 40% Unispher 23500 36 35 =" said Mr. Ch had explained Vegas;t wo stepdaughters, Mrs.) runeral Home Friday, March 210 $162 16% 16% Digdie ght Bas the fracture Ernie Seeley, (May), Torontoiss at 2 p.m. It will be con- 2a ae Mh Ma Ms Lawrence fell out of bed," *"|and Mrs, Don Williams, (Lois),/du-teq by Rev. Alfred Wooleock, ofan ae 4 Benes ae Merde terAbao« Oshawa, and one stepson, AI-/poGre of Branch 43, Royal Ca. 30 $78% 90% 96% + %) Ronene A ie 4 18 " _-- a eee The Chongs moved to Toronto|thur Cordon, Oshawa. Brac Bruck A 25 $25Va 252 25Va aren Hud Bay when the boy was 2% months] Two sisters survive, Mrs.|trur's Anlitan Chaseh, filer: B dia Sain | Sit com am ga MINES ey Henrietta Gutsole, Oshawa, and ment will be in Oshawa Union 2 $41 4 4 Acad Uran 1000 4% 4% 4h tron Bay Ca a Coroner Stephen Evelyn said|Mrs, Annie Graham, West 2 28%+ Ye few 38 'Am Larder 1000 154 154 154-- Ve tami, shaws Collin, weighing 6 Wbs.lthe child might 'still be alive\Lorne. There are also 30 grand-|°metery. 518 8 BT sae lan A 2000 140 | 135 7 4 o78,, born March 10, 1964. had he not been abused by his|children and 25 great-grand- FUNERAL OF - parents. He said the baby/children. MRS, MARIA A. (MAY) RHEBERGEN -- M. Ben end Pat|Should have been removed from| Mrs. Corden is now at the ° JOHNSTON Oe eae ue on gratefully announce the birth of thelr son,| his home but there was no legal|/Armstrong Funeral Home for Colllertes 1300 $12% 12% 12% 50 $264 26% 26% cop 2 4 Petér William, 9 Ibs, 2 ozs., In the Osh-| way that this could have been|the memorial service in the; The funeral was held Tuesday po ERS 2 $60,860 60 ee an te awa General Hospital on Wednesday,| done, chapel, Saturday, Mar, 14, at|morning at St. Francis de Sales an 700 410 410 410 - pd % ee March 11, 1964. Special thanks to Dr.) 4 neychiatrist, Dr. John Arm-|3 p.m. Rey. P. F. Feise, pastor| Roman Catholic Church, Picker-| ¢ Hydro | 210 $17%4 17% 17% | Toy. ; Bunk Hill 85500 24¥e 23Ve 24 W. ©: Money and Ab thor Hee strong, said Mrs. Chong is un-|of Grace Lutheran Church, Osh-|ing, of Mrs. Maria Johnston for-| ¢,!mp 8k © 4} eh Camfio 100 125 125 N W¥e-- V2) te Can PL 1514 Camp Chib 100 der psychiatric care at a Tor- sf Pii++l geseneesise bpetugs®® 235% : i +L ++ LL tLet be BS ssssse H fe 5 sBugs ye~g5p2tggee® + 5 ? Bese tL! S3e8s3 gzttge- aeggs8.fSaeccs Fgyttgee sezget fies FA = b- a = sy getugee srags8.bSsersegc. S8S28eescresi 33 Bg EEE EET E SessesenesSesssssssssss S855835 5. se = Bsagsss8 dug % +8 e 990 980 985 +5 21% 212 214+ Wiadtal al Ha} Meg ps Yk Bear ' 8 8 ,---- HG 180 «4179-180 +1 imac 13% 13 13 + ¥| Zvlapa s s4 0 --% Sales to 11 @.m.: 1,007,000. $14 13% 13% + $532 53% 53¥2 FOREIGN TRADING 60 7% «680 642 irtone 750 $54 5S awa, will conduct the service./merly an Oshawa resident. ply 1 aE aoe eres tare RL one 00 : : in Mount) 4 sequi High M Lap Trans PPL} C Tung 100 HAPPY OCCASION -- The birth of|onto hospital for depression, ajInterment will be equiem Hig' ass was vor aie To tell the good news to -- which sometimes fol-/Lawn Cemetery. --_ ml gd Rss ge oo ~ ; Un Gas, (pee bl pi Eenaore " A friends and neighbors The Oshawa!lows childbirth. or 0} e church. Intermen' é Vnenn tte 200 8 'am Mines Times is as near as your telephone) my, iin. ended that) MRS. MARY DONALDSON [followed in the St. Francis de eee Ba a" Vendomat 1000 Candore 7000 th 8B oa The day of birth just telephone 723-| ile ih er care and|, The death occurred at Oshawa/Sales Cemetery. idg w 200 610 810 810 2492. The rate is only $1.50, urged an investigation into the) General Hospital W Gi Mrs, Johnston died suddenly| €'" occ, ne et on aw living conditions of the child's|Mar. 11, of Mrs. Mary Donald-|saturday, March 7, at St. Mi-| Gon Ges m 1504 $114 11% Tia Ye two-year old brother. son. A resident of Hillsdale Man-\chae|'s Hospital in Toronto, She| Ov Pont 175 $434 43ve 4 + M4 4 or for the past two years, she) was in her 65th year. D Text bd m. une fasesead DEATHS -- want poor health during) tHe geceased was born the Dotasco i" at period. | ; res IN MEMORIAM Born in Arbroath, footent, ort Sean LaFontaine in Dom Tar BOREK, Anna June 16, 1877, she was the! ° . Surviving are her husband,| 9 Bridge t. Michael's Hos-| PHILLIPS -- in loving memory of e|daughter of the late Mr. and . yale eel bc ac 12, |ear brother, Arthur Philips, who passed -- Peter Ruxton. |Matthew G. Johnston, Church onset 28 M away March 12, 1956. : a ident| street, Pickering: a daughter 1964, Anna Wilezynska, beloved wife of] Coq knew that he was suffering, The deceased was a reside et ice ta Ge ae, Stanley Borek and mother of Mrs. Ches-| That the hills were hard to climb, of Oshawa for some 37 years,|5!ster i - 1 "Oo tt A ( or: ter \Zaborowski (Sophie) Guelphy Mrs.| He, jo Se ee She was predeceased by her) ¢e") x _ ph Ne os a; ~ Leo Zylka (Blanche) Oshawa and Ches-| 'Away in the beautiful hills of God, |her husband, Alexander, in 1941,/S0ns, Grant, Lachine, Que; an ter, Oshawa, In her 66th year. Resting by the valley et rest 90 tar, A member of the Salvation prem: on gary uy ve bt at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Osh-) come cay. we Know not wen. Army, she was also' active in|thers, y - : awa, with High Requiem mass In St.|_Suy"Mmisced' and lovingly remenbered| the Home League and the PMA.| Fontaine of Ottawa. 25 ZELLERS Hedwig's Church Monday, March 16, at/by Bill, Helen and family. She was a member of the Gold-| Pallbearers were all mem-| F Pioneer 5) 38 Be ae 1 p.m. interment St. Gregory's Ceme-| oiisine in ioving ot 2) en Age Club in Oshawa. |bers of the Knights of Colum- Power 210 $22% 22% 22% memory : ry tery. Prayers will be held at the Funeral! aes, son, arthur W. Phillips, who passed) Surviving are a sister, Mrs.|/bus, James Smythe, Thadius 100 $154 15% wat v Horne Sunday evening, 8.30 p.m. away March 12, 1956. Helen Ford (Arbroath, Scot-|McCarthy, James McTeague,| Sreyhnd 130 (Friends ere asked not to call at the! Te DS gone Oren land); two Bg Charles and|Ron pte dl Frank Van Den pee HE dy fre funeral home before Saturday sfternoon). And | long fo see his dear face Alex, both of ed two|Enden and Arnold Hendricks. | ¥ Carp N xd 40 siz Ti ts river flows between. andchildren, Kenneth Donadl- i g a ale CAMERON, Mattie oth Medd Peg as fon and Mrs. George Gibson a lel ne Boma Haves "stl i00 sieve nits ws | Entered Into rest In Sunnybraee Nursing ete day I'll cae loving hand (Eileen) of Oshawa and six tius Loyola, El Centro, Califor- Heme 4 a hy a atl v Home on Tuesday, March 10, 1964, Mat-|_'iv Diver Oy tered by Mother. great-grandchildren. nia; Robert Powers, Burling-| Horne Pf 2200 295 295 295 j tie 'Hewson, widow of Hugh Cameron and The memorial service will be|ton: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc-| H8C i y H 100 sister of Mrs, Lily Maw of Whitby, Mrs.) PHILLIPS -- in treasured memory of held at the Armstrong Funeral|/Neely. Toronto: also many} [ur Erle 465 j Maude Gaston of Toronto and Miss Ber-|%, "ear father and grandfather, Arthur) Home chapel Friday, March 13,| friend. ; engl 362 $1576 A570 AS TY tle Hewson of Oshawa, Walter and Dr.|Wagh n> Who Passed away March 12, at 3:15 p.m. It will be conducted friends 'trom te Cehawe 'ares: Hae Fob 3 $12 12% 12% WHILE THEY LAST/LIMITED QUANTI Ernest Hewson of Toronto, Clarence of] We will always remember the way| by Major Fred Lewis of the Sal- FUNERAL 0 Ind Accep 250 $23% 23% 23% r F Inglis ioe sn HEB sche oe ect S oooe PEN THURS. & FRI, NIGHTS TILL 9:00 P.M. her 85th year, Resting at the Armstrong] 'the litte fing oe said one i, in Oshawa Union Cemetery. MRS. CLARE MILLEN rm ae . " . ra e Funeral Home, Oshawa, with funeral ser-| Are with us all the while. In lieu of flowers, it has been|..The memorial service for) Int ut view in the Chapel, Friday, March 13, at) THe fom ne, ne ,of memories, | requested that donations be|Mrs. Clare Millen, who died at] Inter FLK Tu Jo04 Mt, 2 pm, Interment Oshawa Union Ceme-| Unti' the crane ferscr to. shine made to.the Heart Fund. the Oshawa General Hospital him. tery: We will remember him. last Saturday in her 82nd year, : Zeller's Own Brand A WIDE VARIETY OF cae sontte loved 2 be forgotten Mand JAMES DUFFIELD was held Tuesday, Mar. 10, at ULASSIFIED yaeaseles eSe2a8z g CORDON, Alice Louise and Michael The death occurred Wednes-|2,?.™- at the Armstrong Funer- ZELCO SUMMER P. RIN TS al Home. uae Gee eee a oe 2 dear_husband." Pt y= gg Pe al vovmatine| Rev. §. J. Hilller of Brookiin) ADVERTISING passed away March 12, 1956, ident of Osh: irst|was assisted by Rev. A. M. Alice Louise Down Cordon, widow of] aj resident of Oshawa and a First} 7 A Aribur Cordon and mother of Mrs.| That' leads 'me straight "ono, World War veteran of the 116th\Butler of Cedardale - South-| (Continued from Page 19) Charles Fogal (Ethel), Mrs. Lieyd) 4%@ memories of the happy days | Battalion. |minster United Church Inter- | Stine. (Kathleen) Oshawa; Mrs. Mervyn) arg otwar' once, Knew: The deceased, who was in his|ment was in Park Lawn Ceme-|36--Legal | : : And always, every evening, | bbb a Fogal (irene) Manitoulin Island; Edward) |! seem to have a way 67th year, came to this area|tery, Toronto, 1, JOHN M. EMBURG of 323 Cochrane Of wanderin i i , will not be responsible oa ioscan en ving tlage oe On the r ° as a youth and lived here until) _ Pallbearers were R. G. Beat- sy ge 4 contracted In my name a rs. Ernie Seeley |--i ovingly remembered five years ago. He was a car-|tie, P. H. Roberts, R. E. Graef-|by anyone, on or after this date, March : (May) Toronto: Mrs. Don Williams (Lols)/ed by wife Nellie, penter by trade. \fer, E. Butler, H. Graeffer and|% 1964 without my written consent. : Oshawa; Arthur Cordon, Oshawa; sister! sic1y, Born in London, England, the'M. Butler. | --John _M, Emburg miather nieving, memory of our é ' ' : MOBILE homes of all sizes, prices and ; of Mrs. Harriet Gutsole, Oshawa, and Mrs.idear mother and classi- grandmother, ction, Turn Annie Graham, West Lorne, in her 77th|Skinty, who passed away March 12, | in the Claselied ec on a to ca year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral! Peaceful be thy rest, dear Mother, | ' : " Home, Oshawa, with memorial service In va j Biyphons ivel Sa ene | COMING EVENTS ae so Galvanized Exceptionally Low Priced the Chapel, Saturday, March 14, at 3| In death we do the same." | | . p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery,|--Lovingly + ed ¥ | NOTICE For Added Strength Oshawa, Kathleen and grandchildren Andrew and| NEARLY NEW SALE, Friday, March 13, NOVEL BINGO Natalie and family. at 1.30 p.m. Memorial Hall. Auspices of MG'- ttm oC THURSDAY. EVENINGS 7:45 TO CREDITORS ne ory our | Church. y DONALDSON, Mary dear mother and gr * og Aten post pron Ron og AND OTHERS ' REG. 2.99 het 4 y r : Skinty, who passed away March 1: Entered Into rest In the Oshawa General|~ yea, of strivi : aoe H i Hospital on Wednesday, March 11, 1964, Lovina. eivias the solely A Social Evening Mey be doubled es led IN THE estate oF a eo Neen Dee othe: dearest mother the we wit $150 IN JACKPOTS GRACE ESSERY, will be held Door prize $15 in er g7th year. Resting at the Arm-| Happy memories, fond and true, --_ ~~ -- MARRIED WOMAN, streng Funeral Home, Oshawa, with| From us who thought the world of you.|S AT URDAY, MAR. 14 , wee service a tee Gase Was, my ey jaremembered by" deugnter| 8 PM. ST. PATRICK s DECEASED March 13, 3.15 p.m. Interment Oshawa All rsons having claims Union Cemetery. In lieu of flowers do-| SKINTY -- In loving memory of In the tower church hall D A N C E andiak the Estate of Grace aldson and mother of Charles and Alex Decorative "Hydrocal" TO COMPLEMENT nations to the Heart Fund will be appre-|Motner and grandmother, Kate skinty, YOUR SPRING OUTFIT is ce : ' f the City of vat ie ed away March 12 198, WESTMINSTER en eres wiih some mod. pee the Conny of And finds the time tong since you went, UN ITED CHURCH eye LOY AS seme deo FM Y L 0 wv S FIELD, : DUFFIELD,James SF ee ee and his MELODYAIRES the 24th day of December, tn.,Toronto, Wednesday, March 11, 1964] But the tears 1 Proceeds in aid of i Ontari jOs= James Duffield, son of the late Fred. Ana | breathe oan ot veoret HOCKEY TEAM AT THORNTON'S pig gate aaggh At , ou were mi TY Rtotid d in erick and Mary Ann Duffield of Oshawa Though all the pe hon ADMISSION 50c COMMUNI HALL ore hereby notified to send in and, dear brother of Mrs. Edward Hom-|_sadiy missed by di ° ; indersi personal Ington (Rose) of Columbus, Mrs. Harold|son Normie. en eee Block north of King St, W. ba Hic. oe 4 i id de- Mothersill (Lydia}, Mrs. William Hard- | off Thornton's Rd. N. (the old representative of the sai ing (Lucy), William and Frederick Dut-|,,.W/H!TE-- In loving memory of our dear| SUNNYSIDE PARK school house), prone pve hg ee yn WHILE TH EY Ll h ST In Spring Enchanting father, Fred White,' who passed away f s . Mr. | Mar i i Lunch, prizes. : ; j ; i wd & sceiepctoboran 'were eal 2 'page inthe book of memories MONSTER BINGO Pee Layee ® .| ticulars of their claims. Im- JUST SAY "Charge-it"' F ashion Hues Sefvice In the Chapel on Friday, March| Silently turns today, mediately after the said date 1aP at 2 e'clock, Interment Union| ng erm" eal, silence CLUB CAMELOT ST. JOHN'S wit Satroute the osets of ere waar ; fetes Ke one ul ee fay 7° formerly Varcoe's Pavilion CO i ee P __ Caries FLORISTS pert pald remembered by Mel, Mae and FRIDAY, MAR. 13th. PARISH BIN pel re ~ g REG. 5.99 eevee 3 Pairs i ® Funeral arrangements and WHITE -- in loving memory of a dear 1 i izes. | Co BI d Si Oshawa, this 25th floral requirements for all bryce ~~ White, who passed away| cme ag | re eee Snee : pe ine, Ck ,eccasions 7 pre a loving tr 4 j i : : "OSHAWA SHOPPING | A'psi's0 good and true | Eorly Bird Gomes 7:45 pm. | Friday, March 13th | FRANK ESSERY, CENTRE Se get ont Rega Door Prises Admission 50e 7:45 P.M ght, otha Stock Up Now On A 1s keep their watch up there, : aa Yee s Bet ae 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE | AS sre hae fe, we tee] Transportation to Four Comer "WELLINGTON" COTTON Pes Please God, just let him ki MACKEY & BAILEY ... Kindness beyond Price, yet Tove 'and 'mis him: sor = 20 games -- $10 ond $15 Pe ge dah eosengl F. L A N IN E: LE TTE PARK AVENUE within reach of all gioved and sadly missed by ie wite! = OSHAWA JAYCEES Share the Wealth pd Hage sooalag Velma. PUNTER OW ie eres! «= BINGO | neettce. | B L A A K ETS GLASSWARE FUNERAL HOME |i, oso oro ae Errors Alleged 7 jut never ou' mind, | TELEPHONE 728-6226 Ores they leave behing, 2" TO-NIGHT Smart In Sin atra oving and kind In al is ways, S iy af fo AE RA oy fg pl sg Offering Old-Time Beautiful memories he left behind. -- 2 -- $250 Jackpots IN MEMORIAM. |aivinay.seremperes by aavamer sure) MABERS 51 and 56 Sing the Praises Kidnap Trial Comfort 'N' WHITE -- in loving memory of & dear| ey EN are realty LOS ANGELES (AP)--An ap- Lightweight Warmth WHILE THEY LAST aifather and grandfather, Fred W. White, Times Classified peal claiming 37 errors in the MCCABE -- In loving m of who passed away March 12, 1963. bo Ap age ad faitirs as en God knew that he was suttering, RED B ARN Ads trial of Joseph Clyde Amsler, Se ae So He closed Ns weary eyelids" one of three convicted kidnap- Cc Always a secret longing ae tn ae tania te Gree | pers 1 or a _ w : way i utiful is | % : been file eral cour - . cigar Tecan oy wi ane Sari.) Gre _O Seneys OF Cesk a9 Tat | Oshawa & District Old Country Club Ynesday. REG. 2.99 .....-..w= 1 2 for Sore day, some time, we' know not) pj H Lawyers Morris Lavine and PHILLIPS -- In loving memory of a| We will meet our loved ones there. | presents | _ Lawy (father and crentiatnen, Arthur|--Sadly missed by son Bill and daughter-| }Gerald Forde also filed a mo-) i wo Vv ri ' 4 . ., == Se | ST. PATRICK'S DANCE me and Barey Working . nce MONUMENTS -- MARKERS | The New Kinsmen Hall we waee'ik years ae ate 3 CONVENIENT CREDIT PLANS -- JUST SAY "Charge-it" Since death its gloom, its shadow sco MCMILLAN 'DRIVE, OSHAWA conviction last Saturday. Sen- wii ue er ee RIMAR tencing was deferred on John And tok ther tigne A aragucon) ad , MEMOR IALS | SATU RDAY, MARCH ] 4, 8-1 2 P.M. Irwin, 42. bwin | i DOWNTOWN adie Tare. we tach te am te vain |. 703-1002 ° 728-6627 Dance to the GERALDO ORCHESTRA suet vee Meee. er . . CENTRE OSHAWA i iil meet In. aie cared by dniatier 152 SIMCOE ST. S | Refreshments, door prize --- Spot prizes -- $1.50 per person. from a Lake Tahoe, Nev., hotel. jaw Jatk and grandchild: OSHAWA di : ' Lote settee sa ral OFFICE EVENINGS i Call 725-5764 for tickets, = Prepay unharmed a

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