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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Mar 1964, p. 4

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e @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, March 13, 1964 Cadi D AJAX (Staff) -- Charges of drunk driving and having liquor in a place other than a resi- dence were withdrawn against 46-year-old William Dall of 53 Lakeview avenue, Fairport Beach after a case of impaired driving against him was_ dis- missed by Magistrate Harry Jermyn in Ajax Magistrate's Court, Thursday. Constable J. R. Brown of the Pickering Township Police Dept. told the court that he was park- ed at Liverpool road and Tatra drive in Bay Ridges on Feb. 8 after a phone call from the ac- cused's wife. At 2.50 a.m. he noticed a ve- hicle going south on Liverpool road to Commerce avenue. He said he followed the vehicle west on Commerce avenue and then north on Front street to Brown- ing street where he pulled- up| beside the vehicle. Constable Brown told the court that he noticed nothing wrong with the driving of the accused. Constable Brown testified that |when he asked Dall to get out of the car the accused's breath ing-up-coins test rather well.) ing ismisses Impaired Driver Case no evidence of incompetent driv- , that there were only 12 beers for five people to drink: He also told the court that it was not an offence to drink and drive but rather the effect that alcohol has on the driver and that there was nothing to indi- cate that this man was doing anything wrong. Magistrate Harry Jermyn dis- missed the case because, he said, it had not been proved that the accused's driving had been impaired. Audley Group Hears Talk On Embalming AUDLEY -- The community club met recently at the home of Mr, and Mrs. William Brown when the president, Bert Guth- tie, conducted the business. Plans were made for a skating jparty to be held at at Brook- \lin arena. finger-to-toe test and the pick- Both officers believed the ac- cused was in no condition to be driying a motor vehicle. William Dall told the court that he had been shopping at the Ajax Shopping Centre and went from there to his mother- in-law's residence at 874 Liver- pool road where he and four other people drank 12 beers. He testified that he had consumed three pints of ale at the most. Mrs. A. W. Bailey, the ac- cused's mother-in-law told the court that her son-in-law had three beers and that his condi- tion seemed alright to her when he left her home. Lawyer G. L. Murdoch pointed out_to the court that there was Brooklin Group Hears Talk On Fall Flowers By MRS. R. HOLMAN Kedron Scouts Have Banquet At Camp Samac KEDRON -- The 2ist Cubs and Scouts from Kedron com- munity held their annual Father and son Banquet at Camp Samac, The chairman was Wil- fred Pdscoe, president of the group committee. Special guests who brought greetings were Ted Maidman, erry. ssisted by presented the badges won by. the 21A Cub Pack, * Leaping Wolf badges were won by Larry Hopkins, Harley Davis, Pat Rose, Ralph Barnett, 'Douglas MacLeese, George Tay- lor, and Gary Grant. House Orderly badges were earned by Scott W. John Ogle, Philip Densham, Bruce Hancock and Joe Wright. Toymaker's badges were pre- sented to Joe Wright and Jeff Thomas. ce MacDonald pre- Maidman, Divisional Commissi and W. H. Trotter, a member of the Oshawa Executive Commit- tee, Lennis Trotter, who attend- ed the 1963 World Scout Jam- iboree in Greece, showed pic- tures he had taken on this travels, ' The toast to the church was proposed by Ralph Barnett, and responded to by Rev. Ronald Love. A toast to the fathers was proposed by Brad Roddick, and Fred Densham responded. Mrs. Bob Dale, Akela of A Cub Pack, introduced some light musical entertainment. In- stead of four Beetles they had six' Bugs, who included Bob Dale, Paul James, Bob Smith, Donald Werry, Ralph Barnett and Douglas Pascoe, wore wigs and twanged guitars as they pantomimed one of the Mrs. Bru ted the bad won by the - B Pack, ; House Orderly badges went to - Bruce Annand, Paul Walker, Frank Bathe, Allan Bathe and Terry Souch. ' A Homecraft badge was earn- ed by Bruce MacDonald, Team Player badges were presented to Frank Bathe ai Allian Bathe. + The First Aider badge was earned by Andy Taylor and Brad Roddick. : DISCOVER ROMAN VILLA ROME (AP)--The suburban villa where Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius is believed to have been born in 12 AD has - been discovered in excavations for a hospital. The rambling, thin-brick structure is between READY FOR KEDRON FASHION SHOW Seven Kedron are chilfiren 2 p.m. The show, which will rehearse their display for the include the sale of home bak- Fashion Show and ing, is being sponsored by the the Lateran and Celian Hills, southeast of the Colosseum, Dr. Vainea Scrinari of the Rome Superintendency of Antiquities bivwge a wegen bo Borman BROOKLIN -- Mr. Frank| Lloyd Hanna, a member of the|songs made popular by the Fee ere e onal thmes when be-(Deliow, of Goodwood, was guest/staff of the W. C. Town Funeral| Beatles. ing oustened |speaker at the February meet-/Home, Whitby, gave an enligh-| Teq Maidman assisted Scout! 3 r : jin gof the Brooklin Horticul-\tening talk on his work. He tra-|Master Bill Werry with the| 5, Lori Anne Hancock, 3, Nancy Lee, 2, and . Ricky Werry, 2. clude styles for children through to teenagers. Shown above are (I-r) Karen Searle, dessert tea at the Kedron United Church on Saturday at Church's United Church Wom- en's group. Fashions will in- 5; Stephen Ratter, 5, Stephen Glover, 5, Darlene Maschke, Port Perry Mar Fined Fo AJAX (Staff) -- Harold R. Holtby of Port Perry, Conces- sion 3, Reach Township was fined $100 and costs by Magis- trate Harry Jermyn in Ajax Magistrate's Court Thursday when was found guilty of careless driving. R. D. Thompson of 153 Ad- miral road, Ajax testified that he was going west on Hunt street in Ajax when a truck driven by the accused turned into Hunt street from McKenzie street on the wrong side. of the road and struck his vehicle Holtby told the court that he was not familiar with the ve- hicle he was driving and that there were magazines stuck under the accelerator pedal. He testified that he was removing the magazines when he rounded the corner onto Hunt street and that also the brakes didn't work) too well on the vehicle. | He told the court that he was r Crash when Courtois proved that the vehicle he was driving on Feb.) 17 on Highway No. 2 was not} owned by him. Magistrate fined Courtois Jermyn each Harry $5 lights and no tail lights. He told the accused that he was respon- sible for the mechanical failure of the car he was in possession of, ISSUE WARRANT A bench warrant was issued for the arrest of Rona!d Dale Ogilvie of 129 Clements road in Ajax. The warrant was issied when he failed to appear before Magistrate Harry Jermyn Thursday in Ajax Magistrate's Court to be heard on a charge of consuming liquor as a minor. Norman Crow of 33 Billings-| gate crescent in Ajax was fined) $5 and costs for allowing his dog) to run at large on Feb. 8. | | | } | not familiar with the company truck he was driving. Magistrate Jermyn told the accused that when he took the responsibility to drive a vehicle it was up to the accused to check the truck before he took # out. Police estimated damage to the two vehicles at $350. DISMISS CHARGE John Wilfred McDonald of 111 Palace street in Ajax had a charge of passing within 100 feet of an intersection dismissed by Magistrate Jermyn, Thursday. | McDonald told the court that) he was driving on King's cres-| cent in Ajax and he pulled up| to the inection at Harwood avenue in the left hand lane be-| cause there was no centre line|teaches aircrew and other per-| on the street, | Magistrate Harry Jermyn agreed that the intersection was| a difficult one and dismissed the} charge. DROP COUNT A charge of failing to produce insurance on the vehicle he was|summer and winter conditions, were charged a total of $84 for driving against Rene Courtois ofjand at Resolute Bay on Corn-|speeding charges in Ajax Mag- 15 Cedar: street; Ajax, was dis- missed in Magistrate's Court Cobourg Man Finishes RCAF Winter Course RCAF STATION NAMO, Alta. -- Flying Officer A. S Alls, 20, son of Mrs.:G. Alls of} RR 5, Cobourg, Ont., has gradu- ated from the winter bush and Arctic courses of the RCAF's! Survival Training School here. | FO Alls, a pilot' serving at} RCAF Station, St. Hubert, Que.,| joined the RCAF in November, | 1961. | The Survival Training School sonnel who in emergency may 'need to know' the technique of survival in uninhabited and iso- lated areas. Its classroom is the 'great outdoors' at Jarvis Lake, Alta., where training in the bush is given under both jwallis Island, - N.W.T.. where |Arctic survival is taught. 4 \of 231 Palace street, Whitby, PLAN PICKERING SHOW Miss Ruth Miller and Mrs. Norma Singer, both of Pick- ering, try on hats for the coming Spring Fashion Pre- sentation in Pickering High School on Saturday at 8 p.m. * (he latest in Spring fashions will be provided by. local spon- sors. The show is_being pre- sented by the Ontavio"chapter of the Order of Eastern Star. All proceeds will go ts the Ajax-Pickering General Hlospi- tal. charges of no licence marker} jon | Leaves Scene Of Accident, Gets 3 Months AJAX (Staff) -- Allen Robin- son, 56, of 369 Toynevale road, |Rouge Hills, was sentenced to \three months in jail by Magis- trate Harry Jermyn in. . Ajax, Thursday. } Robinson was found guilty of \leaving the scene of an acci- ident on February 27 at. Base jLine and _ Liverpool road. |Charges. of failing to stop at a stop sign and having liquor in la place other than a residence |were withdrawn. Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck told the court that the accused had been travelling west the Base Line road and skidded 108 feet across the in- tersection of Liverpool road and struck a car being driven south on Liverpool road by C. E. Handley of 106 Emperor street, Ajax. The accident occurred at about 6.51 p.m., at 7.40 p.m. Robinson was picked up by Pickering Township Police, walking on Toynevale road with a full bottle of sherry under his arm, Police had obtained his description from two independ- ent witnesses at the scene of the accident. Pickering Township Police Sergeant Donald Fleming told the court that Robinson was borderline impaired when he arrived at the station at 8 p.m. Magistrate Harry Jermyn sus- pended the accused's driver's licence for three years. Fines Total $84 For | Speeding AJAX (Staff) -- Ten people istrate's Court, Thursday, Robert Cochrane of 8 Glynn road, Ajax, was fined $8 and cost for speeding on Harewood avenue on February 6. ;_ Also on February 6, Brian E. \Craig of Dunbarton was caught lin the radar on Harewood ave- jnue in Ajax. He was travelling jat 42 mph in the 30-mph zone He was fined $12. Robert Dowker of Islington avenue in Toronto was fined $8 and cost for speeding on the same date and same street. John Luehof of 52 Thorncliff crescent, Ajax, was also trap- ped by the radar, same date, same street, same fine. Anthony Scott of 9 Kingscourt, Ajax, and. Otto Schwartz of Scarborough were each fined $7 for speeding on Harewood avenue. Magistrate Harry Jermyn fined Fred Smith of Toronto and Randy McNichol of Etobi- coke $6 and $11 respectively for speeding on Harewood avenue} on February 6 ee Arthur Whalen of Toronto was fined $8 for speeding at noon on Harewood avenue. For travelling at a rate of 39 mph in a 30-mph zone, on Hare- wood avenue, Raymond Holley Liquor Quote Report Erred Ajax (Staff) -- In a survey of opinion on a liquor plebiscite in Ajax published in the Oshawa Times on March 5, one of the quoted statements was attribu- ted to Mr. F. Bourne of 8 Bur- cher St. This statement was wrongly attributed and Mr. Bourne made no such statement and expres- sed no opinion for quotation. The Times regrets the error and fined $9 and costs. {apologizes to Mr. Bourne for} any inconvenience or embar-! | rassment it may have caused/| him be y Oshawa Times Photo BILINGUAL FITNESS SHERBROOKE, Que, (CP)-- Bilingualism has spread even to reducing classes here. The lo-| cal YMCA has annouced it's upcoming keep-fit courses for| trouble with the heel-to-toe test) |at the police station but did the! women will be bilingual. | When Sergeant Donald Flem- ing arrived on the scene he also) noticed that the accused's eyes| |were bloodshot and that he had |trouble removing his wallet |from his back pocket for identi- | fication. The police officers also told |the court that the accused had) tural Society, ced the history of embalming Mr. Dellow is a specialist in}back to the Egyptian mummies English Exhibition Chrysanthe-| and Christ's tomb, and explain- mums and the growing of the\ed the undertakers' laws. flowers was the subject of his/ Judy Puckrin is on a motor talk. Colored slides were used trip this week to Florida with presentation of the Scout awards, The Baden-Powell Tro- phy, donated by Nelson Wright and Bob Corneal for camp win- ners was won by Gary Schwass, Bruce Dale, Bill Elliott and to illustrate the lecture, ithree friends. Mrs. 0. C. CcCulloch thank-| ed Mr. Dellow on behalf of theling att he home of Mr, and Mrs, Society. Marvin Barlow, Fenelon Falls. Mrs. Arch Bell has been visit-) Peter Atkinson, | The Panther Patrol won the honor patrol plaque and dinot rec said Wednesday it had been the home of the emperor's grand- mother, FISH FOR FOOD Penguins are so accustomed to fishing for food that even a starving bird probably would its favorite deli- class badges were presented to cacy--shrimp--out of water. Ar» CARS AND TRUCKS _ Right Now-the GREATEST CHOICE of the year! Time to buy an@)used car! © It's the greatest new-car sales boom ever...at the top-selling dealer of them all -- your Chevrolet-Oldsmobile dealer. Right now, he's getting the lion's. share of the top trade-ins -- so he can offer you a greater choice of models, Never before such values -- never before such variety -- at your franchised Chev-Olds OK dealer. means you get top value and variety in the best used cars. them over and you'll agree, this is the place to buy! @ ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. means that the facilities of leading new-car sales outlets are at your service to give complete satisfaction. Look @ the right people. means that you're dealing with an established businessman with a stake in your community. means that you've come to the right place and are dealing with Only at your Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Franchised OK Used Car and Truck Dealer. Be Sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday, Check your locat.listing for channel and time. 140 BOND ST. WEST,-OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE: 725-6501 , colors and body styles in all makes. ' VARIETY HARRY DONALD LIMITED 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONT, PHONE 668-3304, 668-3305, 668-3306

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