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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Mar 1964, p. 5

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officers taking over their pasi- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Frtdey, Merch 13, 1964 § tions. Chairman, Mrs, Frank Law- rence, secretary; Mrs. G. C. Partington, Mrs. D. G. Butts, program representative, Miss M. Ross; fellowship representa- tive, Mrs. R, Glanfield, social convener, Mrs. W. Avent. Mrs. Lawrence then opened the meeting by repeating the: Lord's prayer. The worship, ser- vice was in the charge of Miss| Shelagh Barter, with Miss Mary Elms reading the scripture and Miss Barter choosing as ha topic "How do we know God's Will." : This was followed by singing one verse of "Oh God of Bethel by Whose Hand" and a closing prayer by Miss Barter. The general meeting of the Presbyterian Women was- an- nounced for March 16 and again on April 13 at which time Miss Gollon will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Lawrence read the dut- ies of the officers of the group, UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES Windsor IODE Plan Fall Antique Sale House of Windsor IODE Chap-|iel and Mrs. Mildred Robins, ter' held its regular monthly/After the usual business period monthly meeting Monday, Mar.|the second section of the Cov 9 at the home of Mrs. Herb Cole,|nant was studied, ' 12 Valley Court. Following the business session Regent Mrs. John Harvie op-|refreshments were served by ened the meeting with the pray-|Mrs. Ray McLaughlin and Mrs. er of the order. Minutes were|Frank Parrinder. read and approved: The next meeting will be held Mrs. Donad Dulmage read a|Tuesday, April 14. thank-you letter from toyed ST: MARGARET GUILD Lod, f ifts presented at; 5? ¥ eae pi All Saints' Anglican Church Christmas time. ; ; Mrs. Donald Wells, Services-|St. Margaret Guild held its } meeting in the church. In the they have to pay to go to school. The government needs to pro- vide free schools for the chil- dren, They also have drinking problems, »ven the are allowed in public drinking places. "Uganda gained the Act of dence October 9, 1962. Can the African _ knowledge fast enough for the change that is = place?" oy Mrs. Coates on behalf oes present for her most interesting and informative talk. Unit No. 6 was in ¢ of refreshments andthe half hour at the close of the meeting. Plan Missionary Program For supremely His death. We live every nbule by the mercy, of God. Because we know. May that Grace and that mercy be ours as we deal with others. May the tear of infinite sym- pathy never go dry, or the flame of love be quenched. May the beauty and Grace of Jesus Christ be with us and guide us always." Mrs, Fallaise introduced the guest speaker of the evening, Mrs. G. F, Coates of Toronto who spent several weeks in Africa (mostly in Uganda) where she visited her son who is a doctor there. Mrs. Coates gave a very col- orful picture of her trip as well as showing many _ beautiful slides that she had taken of the birds, animals, flowers, shrubs, scenery and the different types of buildings and huts. "Uganda is right in the centre WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gault Are Teachers' Guns At School Bd. Head? Left ourselves out in left field in comparison with other com- munities?" A regional wage scale was perused by board members, who took time out to suggest an unanimous opinion to the contrary. Tel. 668-3703, gram and vice-chairman, Mrs. John McCann; fellowship, Mrs. Thomas Rodman; social, Mrs. James Sutherland, Mrs. Keith Hooper and Mrs, Frank Mackey. Mrs. Frost expressed her thanks to Mrs. Sarles and the nominating committee and ex- pressed the hope that all the members would work together 'to make this new venture a suc- cess. During the business session various projects were discussed, Member were reminded of the is a fair offer, one which will ers, demanding higher attract the best possible teach- have failed to reach a satisjers on a competative basis factory agreement with th¢| with the rest of the province, Public School Board in tht; "Or will we allow ourselves first stages of conciliation. to be pushed and manipu- Representatives of the Lig lated?" We should do a great e Board Feb. 27, turning dwn Whitby Public School ra] wages, at - Home - and - Abroad Con- ers' Federation met with deal of soul - searching during the Board's fourth coumer- the next few: weeks." d "I'm not sure the negotiators proposal in response to, the teachers' demands youhed early in January. j Negotiations entered the conciliation stage last month, when it was decided /Board offers were irreconcilable with Teachers' Committee réquests. The Committee a hg in- cluded, with demands for gen- eral salary increases, jn allow- ance for post-graduate degrees. "The teachers will @ill in the} Edward George Fulton, Whit- Federation again to meet with|by, was fined $25 and costs when the Ontario Public Schools Trus-|he was convicted of being 1n- tees Association in April,'"' stat-| ed Board Chairman Dr. Kenjton appeared before Magistrate Hobbs at the Boam meeting|Harry W. Jermyn at Tuesday's Tuesday. ' sitting of Whitby Magistrate's "This is one tine we'll be|Court. really tested on our convic- vi tions," he advised the Board,|DIDN'T PAY TAXES ; "We want to be sure that ours) John Wilson, Greenwood Vil- lage, Pickering, was fined $25 i Won't Tell else they're negotiating with a gun to our head," Trustee Leslie McFarlane, "Have we isolated ourselves? Drunk In Public Fined $25, Costs are really negotiating at all, or injected toxicated in a public place. Ful-| vener, reported that there were enough diapers, booties. and gowns for four layettes. Baby sweaters and bonnetts were re- quested from members to com- plete the sets. Mrs. John Harvie read thank- you letters from Whitby Sep- arate School Board and Whitby Toronto Corps |publie schools for the gift of The Corps of Commissionaires 4 from Toronto were entertained mache d witad ei age glace by the local Branch 112, Royal)" 44,<° clarence Freek reported Canadian Legion. ; lon the House of Windsor '"'An- A dozen of the old-timers! tique Sale and Sho " to be held came up by bus for a night of|cont, 9 and 10 at Whitby Arena cribbage. This has been an an-/riom 1 to 10. Conveners for the| nual affair for the past threeiqeaiers' dinners will be Mrs.| years. The Corps donated a/wijjiam Pydell and Mrs. Mur-| trophy for an annual touria-| 4) Detlor. Mrs. John Vickery| ment to be held alternately by! \oiunteered to convene the ad-| each club. As the last tourna- vertising Mrs. Stuart Roblin ment ended in a draw the local). ye in charge of the snack boys are returning the visit to}... Mrs Herb Cole consented| Toronto April 22. to write letters of notices to all Branch 112 presented theipy anq radio stations. Mrs.| corps with a framed picture of John Davies and Mrs. Donald] the HMS Whitby which was!woj, volunteered to make two! gratefully accepted by the Cap-\hanners to be displayed at the Legionnaires Entertain | | | | absence of President Mrs. Ray Holmes, Mrs. Len Tutton open- ed the meeting with the Guild prayer. During the business meeting it was mentioned that, starting Monday, April 13, for four con- secutive weeks, meetings would) be 'held at All Saints' Church) with special speakers for each! meeting. These are special meetings open to all Anglican Churches to discuss "Missions in Africa." On Monday, April 27, the fol- lowing members of St. Marga-| ST. MARK'S COUPLES CLUB ret Guild will cater to the! §t. Mark's United Church luncheon following the special/4 W's Couples Club held its meeting, they are: Mrs, Babs|monthly meeting Saturday, general meeting of all the groups to be held in the Church, Monday, March 16. It was announced that at the! group's April meeting, Miss| Agnes Gollan, home on furlough| from Nigeria, would be the} speaker. This meeting is to be held in the Church in conjunc- tion with the other groups. Mrs. Robson closed the meet-| ing with prayer. Refreshments were served by Mrs. John Frost and Mrs. Rodman. and four questions from the general association were dis- cussed, the answers of which will be given at the March 16 meeting. Collection was taken and the meeting closed by repeating the Benediction, Lunch was served by those in charge of the meet- ing, Mrs. G. Archibald, Miss Barter and Mrs. F. Lawrence. The next meeting will be held May 11 with Mrs. W. Avent, Mrs. C. Barter and Mrs. D. Butts in charge. Members thanked Mrs, Bar- ter for her hospitality. CO-OP LADIES' GUILD Honsinger, Mrs, Frances Migh-|March 7 at the Church Hall. ton, Mrs. Anne Moffat, Mrs.|. Presidents Mr, and Mrs, Mur- |Shirley Robinson, Mrs. Lenjray Beadle opened the meeting|fo- their monthly meeting. Tutton, Mrs. Shirley Dadson, | with a few words of welcome. Mrs, Jean Ainsworth and Mrs.| During the business session} Sheila Randall. plahs: were finalized for the! New members were welcomed|"'Irish Stew Supper' to be held| into the Guild. They are: Mrs.|March 18 at St, Mark's United! Mary Parsons, Mrs. Ruth/Church Assembly Hall. Proceeds Heyes, Mrs. Marg Jackson,)from this supper will go towards) Mrs. Olive Winters was hos-| tess fo rthe Co-Op Ladies' Guild! Reports f-»m the treasurer and welfare committee were given by Mrs. William Ashton, Mrs. Eva Burgess and Mrs. Flo Adams. Cards have been sent to sick and shut-ins. A letter of thanks was their country of scenery, clim- They produce of Africa, in the heart of the tropics. One seventh of Uganda is covered with water but is completely surrounded by land." Mrs. Coates' first impression the great difference in ate, vegetation and people. "The colors are startling. four crops year and they have two rainy seasons and two dry seasons, but even in the rainy season the sun usually shows part of the day and it is very pleasant the year round. For food they grow a great deal of Matohe which is' their main food, but they also eat bananas, ground nuts, beans and potatoes. Na- tives mostly just eat one meal a day and that is in the eve- ning. 'Meat is very expensive and so is not used to any great ex- tent, maybe once or twice a year, They have plenty of eggs but the women do not eat them as they believe eating Balsam Church By MRS. LORNE JONES BALSAM and MT. ZION -- The Active Service Class met recently at the home of Mrs, Cecil Disney with the president, Mrs. Don Jamieson in the chair. The meeting was opened by singing a hymn followed by prayer by Mrs. Les Harbron. Mrs. Earl Disney read the scripture. The missionary program was discussed and it will be held in the Sunday School. Mrs. Elmer Wilson gave a solo. A white elephant sale followed the meeting and a sum of ten dollars was taken in. Rev. T. Fleetham closed the meeting in prayer. The primary economic acti- vity of Bechuanaland, geograph- ically a collection of Bantu tribal areas, is cattle - raising. ; : Mrs, Shirley Dadson, Mrs. Beryl/the "Foster Parents Plan' tain of the Corps. He said it] tang, 2 |Mrs, § son, . |the ste > would hold a iss of honor in entrances af town. a:..|Cyr and Mrs, Betty Jones. Tickets can now be obtained| P - Dance convener Mrs. William} h ' hurs-| a he he clubroom in Toronto ; A At the next meeting of Thurs-|from all Couples Club members.| : The evening ended with re ae nee er ee April 2, an auction and) Tentative plans were also) -\ available or e § A z : ; | freshments anda repast which - 4 se? to beheld at the Whitby |Pake goods sale will be held|made for a combined bake salc| ' ; 'anc : *'among the members. At thejand auction sale. Definite plans} was read for the donation sent to Sick Children Hospital. At the close a social time was spent and games were enjoyed. A draw donated by Mrs. James Smyth was won by Mrs. Mabel | Lindley. | The hostess served refresh- ents assisted by Mrs. William eggs would make them sterile, but the men eat them for they believe they make men fertile. Fruits can be obtained at road- side stands but African boys come around to the homes sell- ing fruits and vegetables. Euro- peans use powdered milk rath- er than the local cow's milk. "The African® people are friendly and happy but shy and distant at first. Most men have more than one wife. Some parts of the country are still quite primitive. Homes have no fur- niture and some of them still) go around naked and live on} milk and the blood taken from) the jugular vein of an animal.) In other parts they wear long) robes and others wear skins of| animals so the clothing is quite varied,"' j | Mrs. Coates said there are and costs when he was found guilty of failing to file his 1962 income tax returns. Wilson stated he had his book- keeping done by a firm of ac- countants and they had not filed forjhim, * f Sensational A five-classroom addition to R. A. Hutchison Public School will be ready for opening this fall. fhe court learned that Final working plans, formal-|Mirphy had been found in Whit- spring, revealed archited George Yamazaki. /|TWO CHARGES CLOSE-OUT SALE LA BOUTIQUE LADIES WEAR WHITBY Next April 1 at meeting will be held the home of Mrs. Dundas street abait right, Your Worship," stad William H. Murphy after warded to the Department for} j*I couldn't get a room so Ij approval. {cited to have a little drink,"') beitg convicted in Whitby Mag- istfate's Court of having liquor ina place other than his resi- Tenders to mechanical-elec-|@ added, trical and general contractors)' Murphy will spend the next 21 will be made early in Apriliays as a guest of the county in deice. at Construction will begin thi jthe local lock-up. Town for hs oat enlightening talk. | FAITH WMS or her most enlightening talk. | ; y | Tea hostesses were: Mrs. Wil- Faith Baptist Church WMS liam Winters. .Mrs. Herman|feld its monthly meeting in the ing : ';.|Church. The meeting opened ada land Mrs. Kecneth Bho. fH with a hymn followed by open- was arranged by Vern McCarl,|Togion Hall Friday, April 24-| close of the mecting lunch was/will be made at further meet- Price. 668-5171 lobar i n eae oe ; charge. Following the business session) Mrs. Victor Ryland mention-| the 'worshi i : im se | ship period was in the) ifully d ted that 20 nursery bags are| 7 , 7 > F Ashton. A beautifully decorate CHAMBER-POT 00 : | PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN [charge of Mrs. Matthew Miller| (oye war presented to Mrs. Mrs, Donald Wells for ship-| si, Andrew's Presbyterian} 'The meeting closed with pray- : CUP RETURNS |ment. |Women Group 'No. 1 met atier. Mrs, Murray Beadle intro-| Sn of her 86th birthday, March Mrs. Herb Cole introduced ajthe home of Mrs. George Ander-|duced the speaker for the eve-| been returned. R. J. Clements introduced the|day evening, March 9. ter Branch who spoke on her| 5 PASS Feo The "Grudge Cup" which the guest speaker Mrs. Audrey Fer-| For their first meeting underjexperiences in Russia, Mrs.|* ae by Whitby Fire Department cap-|guson a social worker who gave|the new association the meet-|Matthew Miller thanked Mrs.| Wes! ment last Thursday's hockey|tional problems of today which|frey Beatty and opened with game was "missing" for fiv.e brught forward many different/prayer and the singing of a days. ideas and thoughts to mem-jhymn. Scripture reading was assisted by Ed Brush and Jack Anyone interested please phone | erved by the committee in|ings. pepoleted. sod iewaniet i and Mrs. Herman: Slersma. | Joseph Cowx to cut on the occa- A missing chamber-pot has guest Mrs, Walter Were. Mrs.|/son, Clear Springs drive, Mon-|ning, the well-known Mrs. Wal-| tured from the Police Depart-|a most interesting talk on emo-|ing was chaired by Mrs. Geof-|Branch on behalf of all present,| It was learned today that two|bers, present. iby Mrs. Lloyd Gibson followed |Siersma, an Easter meditation, "A NO ROOM, SOME BOOZE 'Seventeen days would be just ly approved at a School Board/by March 5 with a part bottle meeting Tuesday, will be for-'of wine. Withholding the cost of r Found guilty of driving while} project Board Chairman {his licence- was under suspen-| Hobbs stated that the price/of|sion, and having liquor in recruits from the Garrard Road| Mrs. Clarence Freek thanked |by 4) Fire Department, picked up to |the guest speaker for attending| Journey to Jericho," by Mrs. ing prayer by Mrs. William Wilde. beautiful birds everywhere. The crested crane is one of the most Toggery ST. MARK'S UCW NO. 7 St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 7 held its monthly meeting Monday, March 9 at the Church house, Leader Mrs. Tom Farndale the rooms would approximate|place other than his residence, AJAX that of the recent additioj to|Ronald Clark, Pickering, was Kathleen Rowe school, jalsojremanded in custody for one five-rooms. week for sentence. land for her address. The next/ Donald Wilson. i 'irefighters, : bas cbiceiiek sie the con.|meeting will be held at the} The new slate of officers was verted pot |home of Mrs. John Davies, 806\then given. Chairman, Mrs. vice-chairman Firefigh Henry street April 13, Each|Walter Porter; fe irefig! wed |member is requested to bringjand fellowship, Mrs. Lioyd bose instruc jor ae "his + life| 2" article for an auction sale. .|Gibson; secretary and press Minutes were read and busi-|beautiful and is the emblem of ness di . It was decided) Uganda. : to hold a baby shower for Mrs.| "Roads are just. plain dirt David Grove (The former Ruthjroads and the natives are on Green of Whitby) who is on the/the roads all the time either |Mission Field. driving herds of cattle or sheep, Fall Lines at below cost John Visser, were "to o : . Summer. Weer at give- g Will Occur/Once More | | Would you like to je part of the "Third Happenfg"? This Saturday evening frm eight to 12 p.m. this "Third Happening" will take place at ft. Andrew's Presbyterian Churd. Sponsored by thy Young Peo- ple's Society of jt. Andrew's, this coffee-house /will offer an evening of folk gnging and re- freshments. Entertainmentfor the evening) will be provides by Larry and) Sharon, from Tjyronto, and Avis and Ross and the Peddlars|} Their repertoire includes from Whitby. songs from Israel, Indonesia, Larry Diaclum and Sharon/Argentina, Scotland, Canada and Kingston hav} been singing in|the United States, spirituals and Toronto for 4 year. Larry has|protest songs. been singing for about seven| On the same program will be years and fs sung throughout|"'The Peddlars", consisting of the provincgs of Ontario and/Avis Leggett, Bob Bassett, Pete Quebec. Aj well as teaching|Schell and Ross Gibson. Per- music at Jarvis Collegiate in To-|formances by "The Peddlars" ronto, Larry also is active in the|have included Central Collegiate Folk Musit division of the YM-|Hootenany, Business and Pro- CA, He is'a folk' music producer|fessional Women's Club, St. An- and has "produced the last four|drew's earlier 'coffee-house and Be Ot Fibers fo Ge siiees Knees Be nations of active member of the Canadian | this group are students at a of Felk --_ a ip pb ne stress : § is ell as singing} : y with Lacie pings with the Uni-\tor aks seule. ts tact, oud versity of Toronto Chorus, which|like to see more adults out so ri be ag i year atithat we could show you wnat the New York World's Fair./folk music really is. Their repertoire is quite varied; We hope tosee you this Satur- and promises to provide a good/day at St. Andrew's Presbyter- say ca of cht gine ou lian were "The Third Hap- Also appearing wi e. Avisipening", Adnission is only one Leggett and Ross Gibson. Those| dollar and ft is open to every who attended St. Andrew's firstiage group. coffee-house will remember} these two new young singers.) Both students at Henry High School, Avis and Ross have been performing for about eight months. Instrumentally, Avis plays a guitar and Ross plays both guitar and autoharp. This couple have made a number of performances throughoyt the area, including appearances at St. and at the University Women's Club. BROCK Evening Show af7 and 9 P.M. WHITBY Feature Starts 7:20 and 9:35 » Jack 's ' A Landiord COLUMBIA WN... And He' PICTURES duck presents Not shown ot Sat. Mat- inee. Matinee Feature Attraction. j "VOYAGE OF SINBAD' / in color. | j | Recommendedes ADULT ENTERTAINMENT yj Andrew's first coffee-house| | Points for the day: | Singles over 200: Gladys Wiles 293, 261, }201; Isabel Mothersiil 278, 244, 241;. Jean the cup : "6 hostesses were Mrs. Clar- after the game," fourid it yes- * terday among the baked good-/ence Freek and Mrs. Donald ies. in his store window on|McQuay- Brock south. ALL SAINTS' But something new had been PARISH GUILD added -- a plaque which alleg-| Tuesday March 1% the After-/ ed that the Garrard road fel-/noon Branch of All Saints' Ang-| lows had really won the trophy)lican Church Parish Guild held | because one of their boys, Don/a very enjoyable pot luck lunch-| |Ellison, had scored two goals,|eion, jincluding the winner in the 3-2) Ip spite of the stormy weather, victory, 25 members sat down to a very | | | i Prizes will lucky winne Debra, six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vinal Clarke, underwent surgery at Oshaw General Hospital. Her wish her a speedy reco } |Mrs |"Hark the Voice of Jesus Call- |tion and answer period that fol- jopened" the meeting with an Easter reading and welcomed 18 members. During the business meeting all reports were read and ap- proved, Sick committee report- ed that two house calls were made. Mrs. Farndale reminded the |members of the forthcoming |'Daffodil Tea" to be held April 10. ' The worship service was con- ducted by Mrs. Charles Mesher with scripture reading. Mrs. | Herman Siersma read a medi-} tation entitled '"'The Grace of! Our Lord Jesus Christ'. correspondent, Mrs. George Anderson; treasurer and pro- gram, Mrs. Donald Wilson; so- cial, Mrs. A. C. Riddell. There was considerable dis- cussion on the future of the group and success in their new venture, The next group's meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Donald Wilsom 401 Fairview avenue, Monday evening, May 11, ST, MARK'S UCW NO. 5 St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 5 held its monthly meetin Monday, Re | March 9 in the Chureh 'Hall, . This was followed by a film The meeting opened with a/Strip based on the new Cov-| worship service led by Miss|enant: A discussion period fol-| Marjorie .Bromell. All reports|!owed. | were read and approved, " | Mrs. Farndale closed the) Plans were made for the forth-|meeting with the Benediction. | coming "Daffodil Tea" of April| Mrs. Howard Elliott's group) 10 when all Units will take an|were tea hostesses. active part. The next meeting will be held) Mrs. Lorne Kemp took the|Monday, April 13. | | study on "India". A general] CASTLE ALUMNAE ree, os senved Wor Castle Chapter Alumnae held Miss Lily Saunders and Miss|i¢§ monthly ey a my Ena* Hartrick. ce Room of Ontario La | The next meeting will be hela)' 5 Vouese- | Monday, April 13 in the Church| Members and guests were} welcomed by President Miss| parlors Doris Batty. Mrs. John Fox in-| troduced the guest speaker for the evening, Mrs. Claude Vi-} pond. of Oshawa, who spoke of} their stay in Malaya where Dr.| Vipond worked with the Colum-| bo Plan. Mrs. Vipond showed pictures and slides of the work accom- plished there, the living condi- tions, the work of the natives and their needs, Mrs. Harry Taylor, on behalf of all present, thanked the speaker for her most iffformati-e talk. Mrs. Leo Gray of Oshawa, PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN, 4 Group No. 4 of the newly or- ganized Presbyterian Women held its first meeting Monday, March 9.at the home of Mrs. J. R. Frost with 15 members in at- tendance. Mrs, John Robson opened the meeting with prayer. The theme of the devotional period was "Women to Work". Mrs. Keith Hooper gave the Bible reading. Carman Sarles gave a meditation based on the portion of the scripture read. Mrs. | | | Two letters were read by Mrs. Wilde received from Missionary Murray Heron of Noranda, Que- bec and also from Mr. and Mrs. Peck, Missionaries in James ay. The meeting was then turned over to Mrs. William MacDon- ald in charge of the devotional period. Scripture was read by |Mrs. J. Williams while message jand song were enjoyed given by |Miss Jane Dale. Mrs. William MacDonald led the group in a Bible Quiz. Mrs. Andrews played a piano solo. Mrs. Ross Brown read a poem composed by Mr. Lioyd Meader entitled "Ireland." Mrs. Archie Campbell speak- er for the evening chose as her topic 'The Love of God." The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. Refresh- ments were served by the group in charge. ' The next meeting will be held Tuesday, March 19 and will be ladies' work meeting night and shower. THANKOFFERING MEETING The Easter Thankoffering meeting of St. Mark's United Church Women, Whitby, was held Tuesday evening, March 3, in the Sunday school audi- torium, Mrs. Omer Edgeley set the tone for the meeting by playing several selections on the piano. President Mrs, H. T. Fallaise presided, giving a hearty wel- come to all present. Unit No. 8 was in charge of the wor- ship service. Mrs, J. K. Bowes assisted by Mrs. Neil Murkar gave the group much food for thought: "The Grace of our Lord Jesus or travelling on their bicycles or carrying loads heads to and fro from market. It is very difficult to drive a car along the roads where there is so much activity. Do- mestic animals are not kept so much for food but for the pres- tige they give their owner. "In the largest. centres, par- ticularly the cities, there is quite a difference in the struc- ture of buildings. The new mod- ern buildings side by side to the older structures present quite a contrast. "The Africans have a great many. problems. The most common disease is caused by lack of protein in the children's diet. Water is very scarce and so is very precious to them. There is a great deal of juve- nile delinquency since children are not allowed to work under a certain age and there isn't anything for them to do. Their marital laws need changing. "The amount of money to bc|} paid for a bride needs to br]! changed as many young mer cannot afford to pay so muct for their bride. There is a grea' deal of unemployment. Childre: do not attend schools because on their away prices Shop Now and put away for Summer Savings A DISCOUNT SALE BELOW DISCOUNTERS' PRICES. A Real Savings for small sizes Town Toggery AJAX SHOPPING CENTRE Christ was bestowed on us poured tea and a social half hour was enjoyed. John McCann gave al PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN short talk:-on "Work with! The first meeting of Group) practical suggestions for wo.| NO- 3 of the Presbyterian Wom- | men of: today, e pdb tg Yoularng! ae] ' . Barter, Centre street south, Mrs. John Frost led the ques- Monday evening March 9 with| 18 members in attendance. Mrs. David Kernohan gave the report of the nominating! committee with the following! | ; YOUR SAVINGS | George Stott read a poem | ing" Mrs. | lowed, Mrs, Carman Sarles pre- sented the slate of officers as follows: Chairman, Mrs. John Frost; secretary and press convener, Mrs. Lloyd Campbell; treasur- er, Mrs. William Morris; pro- _ "That's like the Rangers tak-|delicious repast. At the close of ing credit if Bathgate and Mc- the luncheon a presentation was | Stanley Cup," Mr. Visser com-|R. E. Smith. | mented. A lovely address thanking) He was relieved to get the;Mrs. Smith for her capable} bowl back, however, as he had|leadership and faithful services |firemen all week to "find the McIntosh and read by Mrs. Rob- | Grudge Cup." ert Quilter. | | The presentation on behalf of| WHITBY the Guild was made by Mrs. R.| |Mrs. Smith. PERSONALS | Thanking the Guild for their kindness Mrs. Smith wished the new President, Mrs. Charles burn attended the funeral of ings. Mr. Hepburn's uncle, the late Miss Louise McIntosh moved jJames Cooke, The funeral took 4 yote of thanks to another hon- ace in Owen Sound Tuesday;|ored guest, Mrs. Horace His- | | Best wishes for a happy|S® Many occasions. : birthday are 'extended to Mr,|_ At 3 o'clock the regular busi- John Visser who celebrates his M@SS Meeting was called. The birthday today; March 13. |main item of business was the : Benevolent Lodge Party" to be held Wednesday jis holding a Euchre Evening in/afternoon, April 22 in the Sun- the Oddfellows Hall Friday day school with dessert being evening, March 13, with Sister served from 1:30 till 2 p.m. Gladys McConnell in charge. |be: Mrs. George Lomax, Mrs. ees R. E, Smith. In charge of pri- = Pat * pic al tO yes and decorations: Mrs. A. R. unch served.| conrad. jmade at-the April meeting. The jnext meeting will be held Tues- 8 day, April 14. friends} CO-OP CREDIT UNION | St. John the Evangelist CWL| Whitby Co-op Credit Union Travelling Bridge and Euchre/met for their regular monthly high scores received to date for|mceting at the home of Mr. February are as follows: Thomas Seymour. seau, Sr., and Mrs. P. T. Finne-/transacted, as this was the first| gan. Euchre, 67, Mrs. M. E.| meeting since the annual meet- orbes. ing officers were elected. | ' President John Bakkar, Vice-| WHITBY |treasurer Thomas Seymour) BOWLING NEWS jwere all elected by acclama-| tion, | William Dalby is the new WHIT@Y LADIES' CANDY Pphndabnae was appointed to a newly-form- drops 3, Humbugs 3, Jelly Beane' t, tre ed Committee to assist with the Savers 4, Lollipops 0, Mapl® Buds 3 and) Supervisory committee, Mre eppermints 1, George Munns, Sr., is press Gladys Wiles 755, Jean King 718, Elleen Correspondent. Dalby 612, Dorothy Moore $2 Marlon Anyone interested in Joining Kehoe 576, Katie Loyst 575, » Dimples the Credit Union please tele- Gough 565, Rose Peleshok. 54%, Grace phone 668-3482 or 668-4354. tazel |Kenney help the Leafs win the|made to the past President, Mrs. been pressured by police and|was composed by Miss Louise |S. Cassels a former teacher of} Mr, and Mrs. Edward Hep-\Daly success in her: undertak- jMareh 10, cox for her willing assistance on jplanning of the 'April Games Rebekah Mildred Smith. and Sister| Conveners for the dessert will Final arrangements will be very. The Board of Directors of the) Bridge, 3460, Mrs. Louis Rous-| Old and new business was |President Clarence Hallet t,| secretary, and Harold Watters BOWLING LEAGUE Triples over 500: Isabel Mothersi!! 763, Sandford 538, Marg Duncan 535, Brooks 586, Betty Pascoe Moore 526, Bernice Moase 502, Edith 9 + Walker 503 and Ann Labanovich 501. ST, MARK'S UCW NO.\10 The March meeting of Unit} King 253, 242, 223; Rose Peleshok 232,,N0. 10, St. @Mark's -- United| Katie Loyst 236, Dorothy Moore 233, 28; Church Women was held at Betty Pascoe .231, 200; D Kehoe 23°, + 7 | Mac 7 Bernice Moase 290, Marion Brooks yr, Church house Tuesday, Eileen Dalby 22 ! ? rch 10 at 2. p.m. with Mrs Hazel Moore 217 713,'Jim Ansiey presiding An Easter worship service 21 ¥ Alice B y 4204; Ann Labanovich 204 and Florence Moore 200, EARN 3%2% on regular savings accounts with full chequing privileges. One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper end Murals @ Custom Draperies @ Broadioom and Rugs © C.L.L. Paints and Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd. Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby 4% on special savings ($5,000.00 or more) payable on demand, VICTORIA and GREY TRUST d Grace SAndford 213, Dimples Goug> 2 lwas taken by Mrs. Roland Dan-| 308 Dundas St. W. Whitby! ELECTRONIC SERVICE We'll Bring Your TV Back fo Its Peok Performance-a Pronto! Getting zebro stripes, "snow"? Picture fading or shrinking? Whatever's wrong with your TV, we'll make RIGHT. Our A iia te i; jest. wor iP 9 our prices mod L. G. S. ELECTRONICS Blair Park Plaza---Whitby \ PH. 668-8311 Servicing - Whitby, Ajax, Pick- ering, Brooklin, Oshawa and Surrounding Area. What's own 9 ot that the other whiskies haven't got [EXTRA SMOOTHNESS | Because it's Extra Charcoal Filtered _ TRATES Extra smoothness because it's Extra Charcoal Filtered, Charcoal Filtering is 2 slow, costly process but it produces » perfectly 'potished? whisky, smooth as velvet, This extra-amoothness in Brown Jog is the reason! why 90 many people who know whisky prefer Brown Jug. Gooderham's have been distilling fine whiskies since 1832 _ ®

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