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Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Mar 1964, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, March 14, 1964 THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK rd 2 DESIGN Ne = 46) a 2111 Sq.Ft. House (includes Garoge 512 Sq.Ft. HOME DESIGN NO. 461 This spacious home could be built on a 100 foot lot by reducing the width of the breezeway a few feet. As you can see, each area serves its purpose very efficiently. The living - dining area is a beau- tiful '"'front-to-back" "'L" with the contemporary fireplace gracing both rooms. The breezeway is jalousy enclos- ed and can serve as an in- formal social area. Master bedroom has separate bath with stall shower and a walk- in closet. Two other bed- rooms and full bath with a double bowl vanitory unit complete the sleeping sec- tion, Rear exit and basement stairs are located off kitchen landing. Cor struction is brick veneer but instructions for building in solid brick or dard Builders Blueprints for this Design No, 461 cost $15.00 for the first set and $5.00 for additional sets. They are available in Canada by return mail. (Ontario resi- dents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax.) Now available at this newspaper office (or from address below) is the latest Design Book entitled "Canadian Guide to Home Planning and Design,"' price $1.00, and is tax free. This edition includes information on Financing in Canada, Building Construction De- tails, Landscaping, Color Se- lection, Interior Decorating, Furniture Arrangement, Cus- tom Designing, etc, plus over 100 popular and new designs to choose from. Also included in this book are full details of how to order Blue- prints. The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario. () Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of Plans entitled " 'HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail reauests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). Name Address Seeeecsoetesccecces Co eseescodesoeesecosceseeneeee frame are lied. Stan- v IN THE HOME WORKSHOP By RUTH W. SPEARS GREET THE SPRING with Easter bunnies. The design for the cut-out basket of colored eggs is included in actual-size Pattern 473 which is 50c. After the basket has been put away, babies them for wall plaques too. This pattern is also in Animal Farm Packet No. 76 with Mamma all for $1.75. PATTERN 462 is MAKE A SCREEN to shut out an ugly view or to break the line of a sharp corr.2r, Pattern 462, which shows steps in mak- irg screen frames of any size and finishing with hardboard wallpaper, fabric or plastic ma- terial, is 50c. With it you will be able to do a real decorator job at tremendous saving. This pattern also is one of four in the Decorator Project Packet No. 50 all for $1.75. Send order to The Home Times, Oshawa, Ont. FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN PAINT ON BRICK QUESTION: We live in a two- bottom is red upper part is painted white. How can I clean the brick from the paint wash- ing down on it? With every rain, it washes down further. ANSWER: Use a prepared paint remover, available at aint and hardware stores, fol- wing label directions carefully. if the pigment is deeply em- bedded complete removal may be very difficult. Some paint and masonry dealers carry ex- cellent masonry cleaning preparations; well worth inves- tigating. To prevent further staining as the house paint 'chalks', give the brick surface a_ coat of transparent, liquid water- is well-ventilated while working; and be careful of the fire hazard. CLEANING GROUTING + QUESTION: The grouting be- tween tiles in the bathroom, es- pecially in the shower stall, is becoming dark and dingy. What can I use to clean it? ANSWER: Try cleaning with a household bleach (use a small, stiff brush), allowing to remain) four to five minutes, then rins- ing thoroughly with clear water. If not successful, grouting will have to be replaced. Rake out the presen cemen with a sharply pointed screw driver or beer can opener and brush out with grouting preparation avail-| able at tile and hardware deal-| ers. COFFEE SAINED DISHES QUESTION: I have a set of! plasic dishes, the cups and saucers of which have become |coffee - stained which I can't seem to clean off. Can you sug- gset anything? | ANSWER: Special stain-re- moving preparations for plastic dishes are now available at most hardware, housewares, variety stores and suupermarkets; f low manufacturer's instructions carefully. Be careful to use only) oxygen-based cleansers on plas- all loose particles and powder. Wet the inside surfaces and fill tic dishes; otherwise, the finish will be affected. proofing; available at masonry dealers and lumber yards. MOSS ON PATIO OCRNER QUESTION: Moss develops on the flagstones in a shady corner of our patio. It looks unsightly and is hazardous because it is slippery. What do yok recom- mend? ANSWER: If shrubbery, or trees, could be thinned out here, to permit more sin, it would help prevent the moss. To re- move the moss, scrub with a stiff brush and household bleach; allow to remain four to five minutes, then wipe up with a damp sponge, rather than lib- eral rinsing with water, to avoid harm to nearby roots. Full strength weed killer will retard future growth. » WATER-SPOTTED SHOWER QUESTION: Our shower has plastic tile walls. How can I re- move the water spots all over the tiles? ANSWER: Wipe the tiles with a paste made of powdered whit- ing and kerosene, allowing to re- For Sales a © VACUUM CLEANERS @ FLOOR main a few minutes, then rins- ing with warm water and wip- ig dry. Be sure the bathroom } . ATTENTION! ELECTROLUX (CANADA) LTD. ? Now Located at 23 PRINCE STREET OSHAWA POLISHERS © RUG SHAMPOOERS ind Service CALL 723-4163 INFORMATION On How to Prepare YOUR 1963 INCOME TAX RETURN Official representatives of the Taxation Division, Department of National Revenue, will visit Oshawa on March 16th--20th Inc. for the purpose of in such area by ired te ipey providing them with any informetion their 1963 | Tox returns. These representatives will be evaileble for consultation et the OSHAWA POST OFFICE Taxpayers in this area are invited to take advantage of this free service to the public. t § -- up to 275 pounds; and Saila Hapyoy Stage to Europe Thrift Season Relax -- or let off a little steam on gleaming sports decks; eat magnificently; sleep like a log in your air- conditioned stateroom. You'll wish ihe ocean were wider! Ask your Travel Agent about your free baggage allowance about the special bargains available on all Thrift Season Sailings, saving you up to 2% THRIFT SEASON "HAPPY SHIP" SAILINGS to South- ampton, Le Havre, Rotterdam, From HALIFAX: RYNDAM Mar, 18, From MONTREAL & QUEBEC: RYNDAM Apr. 12, *MAASDAM Apr. 30, From NEW YORK: { = ae _ RYNDAM Mar. 16, *MAASDAM Apr. 1, SSTATENDAM Apr. 9, # ROT: TERDAM Apr. 15, # NIEUW AM. STERDAM Apr. 23, STATENDAM Apr. 30. MSpecial Tulip Time Sailings. * Also te Cobh/Bremerhaven. Cruise 3.8. RYNDAM to NEW YORK via Boston, 4% days from Montreal ; May 5. Pay Later plan available See your Travel Agent or =€ 40 Front St. West, Toronto, Ont. iii DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS E., WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 Mamma Rabbit and her two may stay to admire each new flower. Children love and Baby Skunks and others -- ;| blood Bi have been a clogging of it. Workshop Dept., The Oshawa and save during} YOUR HEALTH By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: I am close to 80 years old. A few weeks ago my right arm and leg gave out. I couldn't control them. This only lasted a little while. "|The doctor told me I had had Fia stroke. My blood pressure 4 )was 172. I get so weak during the day I can hardly complete my work. 'Can I do anything to prevent another stroke? The doctor gave me some pills. Do I get weak from them?--RH There are largé strokes and small ones and some so minor that they even pass unnoticed, or at any rate unrecognized. Yours, evidently, was rela- tively mild since you have re- gained use of the arm and the leg, and. that is an excellent sign. One stroke decidedly does. not mean that you are bound to have another. At the same time, it is only good sense to take i|reasonable precautions against };high blood pressure. This may or not have had anything to do with the stroke. That is, ja stroke is interference with jcirculation in some part of: the |/brain. There may have been rupture or leak in one of the vessels, or there may In any event, your ability to use the arm and leg indicate, that part of the brain now is functioning again. The period of paralysis, how- ever, can well be expected to be followed by one of weakness. Keep active, but don't be in | than $200.00 this winter. An¢ and cold business... the heat $218.00 for the year." LET YOUR INCOME TAX OFFICE HELP YOU MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH PHONE 723-9441 | Precautions Make Good Health Sense 2\that will Mr. ©. W. Cooper, Toronto, Ontarta "We expect to heat our four-level home for leas | Electrically-heated homes, insulated to Hydro standards, cost no more to heat than homes with other systems. With all its advantages, is it any wonder so many people throughout Ontario are turning to electric heating for the comfort, conven- ience and economy they want in a heating system. If you are buying or building a new | home, it will pay you to learn how electric too much 'of-a hurry to regain your energy and strength. This takes time. Don't overdo. Work for a while, then rest. Although obviously I don't know what medication your doctor prescribed, I doubt that it is the cause of your weak- ness. It may. be a medication sure or calming nerves. Or both. : So just go along living your normal life, but don't expect to do at 80 what you could do at 40. We aren't built that way! Dear Dr. Molner: I have had three babies by Caesarean sec- tion and am expecting another. From what I hear, most doctors say a woman shouldn't have more than three.---MRS. DAH No, I dog't think that most doctors say that. I know a prominent obstetrician who re- cently performed the seventh Caesarean on one woman. Dear Dr. Molner: write about a shortage of hydro- |chloric acid in the stomach, I aimed at reducing blood pres-|. Please}: rarely when young unless se- vere illness is present. Here is a sampling of known) causes: Certain inflammatory conditions of the stomach; ex- cessive use of alcohol; per- liver; associated with fever. When x-rays show no sign of] an ulcer or tumor in the stom- ach, and signs of the other, possibilities also are lacking, gastritis--a general failure of the stomach to be vigorous. In such a case, it is probable that other gastric juices are no} being produced in adequate supply. No special food or juice will remedy this condition. However, the absence of natural hydro- chloric acid may not be con- stant. It can come and go. RENOVATING FORT DARTMOUTH, England. (CP) The 400-year-old Bayard's Cove Fort, which stands near the point where the Mayflower sailed from this Devon town, is being renovated by the works ministry, Old cannons will be restored and once again point out across the harbor mouth as they did in the 16th century. nicious anemia; cirrhosis of the: some debilitating states) one likely answer is atrophic] in INVESTIGATE KILLING COLOMBO (AP) Three judges of Ceylon, Ghana and the United Arab Republic are! investigating charges that prominent politicians figured in the assassination of prime mini-| ster Solomon Bandaranake in 1959, The present prime min- ister, Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaran- aike, requested the inquiry. A Buddhist monk named Somam AM: A GRANDAD LONDON (Reuters) -- Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home became a grandfather Thurs- day when his daughter Diana, 23, wife of Wolfe Murray, gave birth to a daughter. SINGLE EXCEPTION With the exception of Maria, the easternmost. island, all of the Azores archipelago ama was hanged for the shoot- iB. of volcanic origin. ALUMIN SIDING NOW! EFFECTIVE ORDER YOUR BEFORE 8% SALES TAX BECOMES Santa e APRIL Ist BELONG TO UNIONS There are 68,000,000 industrial, professional and office- workers have been taking doses of it for |six months, after x-rays and jstomach tests in the hospital.| Are there foods or fruit juices! help overcome the} shortage?--MRS. KM | Dilute hydrochloric acid is jone of the digestive juices) which help convert our food into/ 'forms we can absorb, | | When we don't have any, or| |don't have enough, some can be} taken by mouth, as you do. | The cause of this ailment is complex, but it is more likely {to occur when we are older, in trade unions in the Soviet Union. | Se Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY | LTD. | © LLOYD CORSON, President || @ DICK YOUNG Vice-President }} @ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Treas. | | PHONE 723-1121 IMPORTANT To enoble us to obtain aluminum siding from the foc- tory ahead of the sales tax dote, we must have all orders in our office before March 17th. Act Now! @ Free 15 PRINCE ST. Evenings 723-2707 stimates -- No Obligation ere Satisfaction is Guaranteed" LES EVENISS SALES LTD. PHONE 725-4632 Some people think These people don't. They have it. Mrs. Marjorie Allan, North Bay, Ontario | "I wouldn't have anything else: On cost we feel | we are much ahead of any other fuel we have | used in the past. You control the room tempera- tures as you like. If you're cold it's your own Mr. B. Hogendoorn, Orillia, "We have been living in our electrically-heated home for three years now and we haven't had a serviceman in the house! We have seven rooms and our heating cost per year comes to about $175.00." 1 hone of thie hot jie even," Mrs. John McKevitt, Port Arthur, Ontario 'The general temperature here in the winter is 15 to 20 degrees below zero and our heating cost eompares favourably with our neighbours who tize other systems. We're happy that we chose electric heat." Ka Mrs, Joseph Greer, Windsor, Ontario "I was worried electric heat might be much more expensive . . . but we decided on it because of the cleanliness. Our total electric bill for our six room home, including lights and appliances, was only Mr. Earl Fritz, Kitchener, "Our electric heating cost is approximately $165.00 to heat six rooms, two recreation rooms and a laundry room. I have never heard anyone who has electric heating say that they would go back to some other system." heating heating can add to the comfort of your home and to the value of your investment. ELECTRIC HEATING FOR YOUR PRESENT HOME---~If you are planning home extension or if parts of your home are not now properly heated, you can in- stall supplementary electric heating for less than it costs to extend your present system. Ontario heating to anyone is a nice even heat know it's there." Ontario Mrs. "Our heating cost electric heating is expensive. Mrs. R. Willis, Peterborough, Ontario "] think electric heat is more economical and a lot safer than other types of heat. Our heating cost last year was $126.66. I'd recommend electric buying a house." Mr. C. Bontje, London, Ontario "We have ten rooms in our home and I'm sur- prised the heating cost is so low. Electric heating «++ quiet ... we don't even W. Maloney, Toledo, Ontario last year was between $230 and $240. When I tell people that, they seem sur- prised. The biggest advantages are not having a furnace to worry about, and it's much cleaner." Electric heating is one of the many comfort features of the famous Medallion all-electric homes. For information, consult a qualified electric heating contractor or your Hydro.

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