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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Mar 1964, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA Tiss, Mendey, Maren 10, 1909 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Mortgages : |Well Drilling--Digging |PRIVATE and corporation monies for el! WELL DIGGING by ice specializing lmortgages; mortgages and agreement ofjin 30-inch tile. W. lard, 204 Chestnut |sale purchased, Creighton, Orynan and| Street West, Whitby, yr 2563 or 668-3809, |Murdoch. (See "Barristers.") ee 668-3809. MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest ot 7% Open Mortgages No bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased ¢ Moneys for second mortgages, Fast service, M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 18--Male or Female 27--Real Estate For Sale {27--Real Estate For Sale Help Wanted INCOME HOME. Two-storey brick, 98/s509 DOWN, full asking $7,900, tor room home in Caderdele, Chess rage, central, near school, park, con-i, EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted Injsists of four-room and three-room apart- Alax. Telephone Ajax 942-3583. la ments. Telephone 725-1904. |HAIRDRESSER WANTED, experienced, ae SCHOFIELD-AKER SALESMEN & | 722-2268 SALESLADIES | buys this immaculote 2 bed- room home in the South West. Part Tire Evening or Saturday. Joseph Bosco Realtor 728-7377. THREE-FAMILY home near schools, large VIRGINAL, VIRGIN: ESR MAIDENLY! MODEST: PURE ---- VIRGINAL, pai CT ANGUL: SPinet Without LEGS, PoPULAR PAAKE 16% AND 17D CENTURIES. rooms. $3,500. down, carry. Write Box 630, Ostiawa Times. 313,290. 6ROOM bungalow in gn im mediate possession. Clay brick, and screens, fully decorated, front and rear. Only $790 down to one 6% per cent NHA mortgage. Carries as low as $92 monthly, interest, and faxes. Gerry | Hill, A AM PNB CHURCH "OR CLUB wanted for or Gospel Hall building on Nassau Street with over 1,700 sq. ff. on main floor, completed basement. with fully equipped kitchen, 2 washrooms, hot water oil heating system, This buliding was completely renovated @ few years ago and is suitable for omall church, Scouts, clubs, etc. Listed at bd $19,750. Carl Olsen, Realtor, 299 King Street West, 723-1133." METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 Accountants Gardening and Supplies MONTEITH, RIEHL, ser age and Co., rtered 728-7527; shopping Centre Sully ZISE, GARDEN Alex 942-0890; Whitby 668-413) : |Murdoc RAYMOND 8. eres recy hartered SUPPLI ES Whitby. T eaten aan el " at: "" LEONARD JAMES BROOKS reroll Fertilizers" for the Lawn Acorn, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shopping| SO-GREEN, . MILORGANITE, -- EVERGREEN 6-9-6, C.I.L. 10- Centre, 72: SMAR, rt Account- 10. sae OME aie Oonere| $4 CL 10-10-10, TURF 'Ontario. Telephone 773-1221. " SOIL, BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. FEAT POTS, BEGONIA BULBS, VERMICULITE, DOR- Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond ae sf Street West> 7250397, Res. 722-7605. MANT 3PRAYS. Complete Garden Supplies since 0 COOPER-SMITH co Accountants, Lcensed. Trustees in 16 CELINA STREET Close to King street, Shop- ping. ond public school, ries for $75. month P. I. Low down poyment. Don't miss this, call to-day | 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW located .in one of the most residential sections in Osh- ewa, Complete with attoched | gorage, double paved drive- | woy ond notural fireplace, lo Weinia's Column |PERMANENTS on special. dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, | 725-5363, Page Hair- Telephone Work in the Immediate Area. | |2--Personal |1F YOU have a drinking oo aed write | Box 333, Whitby or cail 668-3034, | "GLAMORIZE your figure in 7 min- utes." Have a Spencer, made-to-measure garment or bra. Sure fit! Mrs, Plouffe, 725-8169, GENTLEMAN wou! rh to, arriving Queen and Carlaw approxi- mately 8 8 am Telephone 728-5642 GENEROUS SALARY PLUS COMMISSION (Car required Convenient to. schools, parks, swirhming pool ly pay- ments. only $75.00. Come. pletely re-decorated through- out. Will sell quickly, LISTINGS OUR SALES ARE RUNNING Ww! DIFFERENCE BEAWE in AGOURMET ANDA GOURMAND ? fa § 3 4 evenings per week (6:30-9:00 p.m.) or Soturdoy morning or Removal of superfluous hair, Mari ft will | 4% ou Yoq\ 15 ifn to AWost. arie Murduft will be in A Snid PRKETICE YOGA CUNION', Oshawa, March 16th, 17th, | o Ve hee a nak A COMPLICATED SYSTEM oF PHILOSOPHY A Gourmet 5 IHTERE fed} 1 THE, Coaching and Training Carrier Boys in the improvement Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, 726-7371 OSHAWA SKAIFE, L. J., Accountant, 205 Francis Street, Sinitoy, itbye Onterr Tele phone 668-8197. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. harier- WILSON AND BURROWS, Chartered 723-2312 Accountants, 114 King Street Eas' | Oshawa; Ronald F. D. Wilson, cA: Instruction -- G. Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-7554 stashed cotati | PRIVATE TEACHER, for," 15 years' experience. @d Accountants, Financial Trade Build- Borristers sc. | OY. -ACt_ NeW. 725-1054 PAINTING, paperhanging and r ing, 187 King Street East, Osh@wa, Ont., 725-3509; T. Hopkins, CA, H. E. Beadie, cA, E ._Lukow, cA. MACKEY 'and BAILEY, Barristers, Soll-| LILLIAN MAB MARSH, D.&.A., Dancing years' experience, A. Redknap citors, Notaries Public. Mortgage funds|S§chool, Ballet, Tap Acrobatic, Character,/borne Street E! East, 728-9050. available, 36V2 King Street East, 723-1107.| Pre-School, Kinderdance. Fridays, Satur| RC ROME -------- |days Masonic Temple. 723-7253 GREER | AND KELLY, Barrister, Soici- tors, etc., 114 King 'Street East. Dia! BURNS SCHOOL OF DANCING, "CDTA, 723-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer,|Tap, ballet, jazz and baton. Knights of A 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL,/Columbus Hall, 728-7902 5832. | and exterior, PRIVATE tuition, Latin, French and able. Free 6 JOSEPH P. MANGAN, one iobergeld Mathematics by. London, England, I : sielicEaed . Solicitor. Money to loan. ce, ING i versity graduate. The lessons are special- Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. lly designed for high school students and DODD and SOUTER _ x PAINTING AND DECORATING McGIBBON and BASTEDO. Barristers,|20"'"s in arrears of their studies. 668-3866. } * CO Solicitors, Clients' funds available forimarvey DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, _ CONTRACTORS first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North|/+,,, Rad Ballet, Highland. Register Painting, Paperhanging Wall Mur Painting 728-7336. Charlies C. McGibbon, QC; Edgar now. Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-6122 ST WHITBY F. Bastedo, QC; Norman H. H. Edmond poy | MUSIC LESSONS, plano. Mrs. John) yen y HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN, [Pearce, 45 Burk | Street, Oshaws.723.2677,| 107 BYRO Vv - 668-5862 725-7426 Musical Services PIANO, + reed, pipe and "glactronic. organ tuning and repair. instruments appraised A. Hiddunk, Ajax 942-1664 counse! Interview student By » Painting and Decorating 342 Col- time for free estimates. All 'work guar anteed. Lloyd Simpson, Painting and Dé corating, 130 Colborne St. E., 728-9876 PAINTING AND DECORATING, work guaranteed ates, 728-2558. interior reason: Gyptex, Full Barristers, Solicitors, 36% _ King Street Ab DAYS East, Oshawa; R. B. Humphreys, Qc;| NIGHTS G. B. Boychyn, QC; W. H. Hillman, LLB; NIG Office: 725-1177 Residence 728-4326. Whitby 668-2761, 725-4604. NHA and other mortgage funds available. | MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALDO L.| SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notarles.| Money to loan, Hen Block, 26% King| sates East. 723-4697. Residence, dial) E.Z.E. METHOD DRIVING SCHOOL Newest Oshawa Branch PHONE 728-0881 [LEARN TO DRIVE at the Oshawa Driving School | reasonable rates, standard ond | automatic cars } Professional Instructors Plumbing and Heating ag ELUMSING and Heating. Special- epairs, remodeling Reasonable Free estimates. 328 Simcoe South, roles 728-1731 ALL new rates Foley ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold. H. Stark, Ltd Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255 Simcoe Street South. TYPES of repairs and remodelling, and used materials Estimates free. Dial LOUIS S. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Solici-| 723-1191. J tor, Notary. Suite 305, The Times| Buliding, 86 King Street East, 773-4943.| Clients' funds available for mortgages. THOMAS M. GREER, BA, Barrister,| Solicitor, Notary, Suite 203, The Times) Buliding, 86 King Street East. 728-6209. Mortgage funds available. CREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND MURDOCH, Rug- g-Upholstery Service esterfield su suite "Factory | | |HAVE your painting done now. Call any WHITE Samoyed, on these dates for oppoint- ment. ELECTROLYSIS 773-464 LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR ork" et "eenaine: " 10°PRINCE ST. 728-5311 in garme nvisible 3--Pets & Livestock BEAGLE DOG for sale. One year old, very good pet after. 7 p.m., 728-5668 BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for WAITRESS WANTED Mrs. | son training, Broad, train East Apply talking 114 Elgin ANXIOUS to find good homes for minia- | MIDDLE-, "AGED woman required to mind| ager 10 weeks old, black|four children, 6.30 a.m Reason-|day week, he _ | TYPIST "for plumbing office. Reply In|perlence required poodie,|own handwriting pérmanent|and qualifications registered,| Times classified depar ture Poodle puppies. or brown, registered, able. Brooklin: 655-3405 PUREBRED white male, four months needies. Paper trained Telephone 725-4858 COCKER SPANIELS, Cocker pups Registered. Excellent ghtful- pets, Telephone tatooed miniature Has and can temperament, 723-1739. ature and Toys. barton 839-2516. Whitby 668-3923, "male, ~ seven registered with papers, ith children. $85. 728-8835. REGISTERED Dachshund puppies, male, five months: old, small reasonable. Dial breed 623-3430, | WHACK AIMS AT AAIHING UNION Wf tit SUPREME BEING, } Reasonable.|SOUTH END Telephone required to |mother works. | purebred Amerl-|ferred, some knowledge of sandwich mak-|plef@ lin Canadian Kennel Club.jing necessary de-jning. Apply Nick Lakas Coffee Shop, 53 ly. Reasonable| QUALITY POODLES at pet prices. Mini-/CAPABLE woman or girl required to do tion Dun-| light dre e months | 222139 excellent) fe standar Bowmanyi tel Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Bank of Telephone 726-3281; Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe Street 728-2439. Kennedy Upholstering| 5--Farmer's Column ne Tere ttm be TEM Meh ag caren -|'16--Female Help Wanted 17--Male Help Wonted WAITRESSES required, full or part- TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED time for dining room. Must be experi-|work in Oshawa Whitby enced, quick: and dependable. No late weekly. Write Box 513, Oshawa night work. Apply Hotel Lancaster, 27 King West, Oshawa RELIABLE housekeeper full charge of hor dren. Own room e Box 339 Oshawa Time REIGSTERED NURSE or certified nurs- ling assistant required at Glencedar Nurs- LICENSED mechanic or |Ing Home Ltd., Ritson Road North. Call/aPprentice. Apply Monty's | 655-4931 before 4 p.m Station, 284 Simcoe South. 725-9131 > -- Reliab' girl or woman|A. TALBOT LIMITED requires sales- mind two children while|man for Canada's largest line of calen- After 7 p.m., call 728-9677./dars, advertis specialties, book ~ matches, counter cheque books, 'and con: Aoply Per-'tinuous forms for Oshawa and district 120 Brock/Fyii or part-time basis. Established ter ritory. Apply Mr. Lloyd. Walters, Man- Eastern Ontario, 199 Ann street, to 4.30 p.m., five-|Apt. 9, Belleville, Ontario. inte |CLERK for retail hardware In Ajax. Ex- write letter stating and remuneration re 845 Oshawa Times, tor area, Times route PART-TIME 'lathe operator hours per day. Apply Box required to beg Times, Whitby pl-age ch' time off wine WANTED perienced two asphait ing Ltd Two or three 602, Oshawa foreman and Ashmore Pav- phone 728 fourth year BA Service in Terrace Restaurant, Street North, Whitby $25 weekly. qua 'fications Vrite Ontari stating age, experience age, to Box 744, Oshawa) quired ment | Oshawa, experienced pre. OPPORTUNITY of alenda mmi rt the and sions time most com- TWO GIRLS wanted day work and eve-| Specialties Full time or are essential. Write lars to Postal Box Montreal. TAX! DRIVERS | Preferably between 25-40 Top earnings. Apply for References King East chi or housework and care for mother works. Live in at WAITRESSES | i | of Toronto Stor Routes. | | | FOR APPOINTMENT B Phone 728-7937 etween 7:00 - 8:00 P.M 20--Room and Board ce for week SIMCOE STREET NORTH board home _ priv 728 ROOM and board for ing Non-drinke: Mo' RO jun 728-4 DAR young che: reet, young man entleman packed, 728-9310 room mate home cooked meéais, parking, $18. Five-day -- Room: and) on bus Nine,| week Telephone| for working girls. egse, $15 9277 two gentiemen will- cooking, parking South Genera) tors, 728-9287 OM AND BOARD for two gentlemen, ches packed, If desired. Telephone 0159, Home 10 share Shopping Ce ntre 23---Wanted To Rent MANAGER tra Advertising | 0 paid week- for further particu-| immediately, Hocheiaga Sta-| Telephone 728-5781 | WANTED {Jul |WANTED by May 1, |apartment, ) Wri shawa company, immediately home lust insferred, house _ wanted Whitby location. thre-bedroom Oshawa or or company official by| three-bedroom house, Telephone Mr. Blake, 668- by steel v1 ooner It family fro o-bed reasonable rent. ite Classified Box 745,Oshawa Timi MERCURY TAX] OM EMPLOYEE, wife, two-vear-old son, PART-TIME FULL-TIME 725-4771 Searibm an manviille ed immediately or by April 15, three- home, preferably with range! id refrigerator supplied, Whitby to Bow- area. Approximately $100 price Telephone} com-| ---- | room| | HIGH AND OUR LISTINGS ARE LOW. WE NEED YOUR HOME TO-DAY FOR THIS ACTIVE MARKET. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR SMALL AND LARGE PROPERTIES CALL US FOR ACTION BUILT LIKE GIBRALTER Six yeor old six room bunga- low in the South East section »f the City, Features include hot woter heating with cir. culoting pump, better thon average size bedrooms and lorge closets. Listed at $15,- 500, Terms to be arranged. Must be seen, Give us o call, A REAL BEAUTY in the making. 4 bedroom, 2 storey home now under con- struction 'in North End. Prices on new homes will be up this spring, Buy now and save on additional $500.00 re WINTER WORKS BON- US. Price includes 2 baths, attached gorage, double win- dows throughout. Don't wait. Call to-day. For full particuldrs call 7 »- OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M, Marg, Hall 723-1358 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Margaret. Lee 723-2894 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Steve Macko 728-5868 NORTH WEST Older room brick home neor Stevensons Rd. N, close to Catholic, Public and High Schools and Shopping Asking $10,900 with $1,500 down six | CENTRAL PARK BLVD. N. Could you location for room home quiet sugges this thon this the popular north east? Broadloom, rec room, Listed at $12,500. INCOMPARABLE DOWNSVIEW If, you were out to see us at OPEN HOUSE on the week- end and are still undecided, we strongly urge you to act now, Our unique trade-in scheme has been very effec. flve so our supply of avail- able homes is fost decreasing. CALL NOW! 4 BEDROOMS Spacious enough -to provide four good bedrooms, | but compact enough to allow a large kitchen ond living room Well situated on a large corner lot. Asking $10,900, and corries for $85 monthly, DUPLEX? This large 10 room home gould be a Duplex with a very minor alteration. Full: 24% storey brick with 2 bathrooms foccted just 3 blocks from downtown. HURRY! The rent+ Street, in etc al situation wos never better, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 ~ Bob Johnston Jack Osborne Ken Honn Joe Maga Dick Barriage Telephone 725-7311 extension 2040} FOREMAN ee FOUR-ROOM winterized cottage --_for| rent, oil heat,-$50 monthly. Townline Road South, 728-7744 25---Apartments NEWLY decorated, self-contained "apart-| jment, private entrance, private bath- jroom. Near bus. stop. Heavy duty wiring, | TV antenna. Reasonable, 597 Grierson 762 KING STREET EAST: Apartment, private entrance, 3 rooms and bath, park- ng. Call 728-2391 after 6.p.m MCLAUGHLIN Blvd., three-room furnish-| @d apartment, close to hospital and north GM. Working couple preferred $75 monthly. 725-2540 or 728-6115 AVAILABLE MARCH 16, modern bedroom basement apartment, ment building, $95. monthly jwelcorne. Call 728-558) WHITBY -- Avaliable now, "Fe bastootl| INTERMEDIATE (GIS Gie ene wesnet supaiog OR SENIOR jparking space, adults preferred. $115. per month. 668-8785 UNFURNISHED by manufacturer RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts. Estab-\CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid) ----|lished 17 years. Complete range of mate-|for dead and crippled farm stock. Tele @ |riais' Workmership guaranteed 5 years.(Phone collect. Hampton 263-2721. Marg- Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses|™!!! Fur Farm. Licence 333-C-64. re-built, Furniture refinished. Oshawa|FARMERS! Need tires? Call 7 henerine Company, 10 Bond West,/your Dominion Tire representative, ue 6511 or evenings after 6, 725-7263 CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re-jHAY FOR SALE. 45c. Ber bale at the covered like new. Get the best for lessiparn, Ciuaran Farm, Oshawa, at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe! Brooklin 655-3736, | South. Call 728-6451. Free estimates HARRAH zr By =| -- im _ ~-- i Need tires? Call "Bi CHESTERFIELDS = re-uph 8d! Dominion Tire representative 72 ont "Or re-styled. Free estimate mate- evenings after 6 725-7263. rial for re-covering Dalton Uphe Istering, 75 Charles Street 2. CUSTOMCRAFT's ment. Experts {Chrome chairs 8 OSHAWA AND WHITBY North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. K. Creighton, QC, or residences: G, K. pe S wo, Te 7-|Money To » Loan: 9554; G. L. Murdoch, QC, 723-4; Victor, 985-7115. Mortgages ~-- 'ol ments of sale bought, sold and srranged. DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers and Solicitors, etc., 69 King Street East. Telephone 723-2201. 4AMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-| fic, The Commercial Buliding, 286 King | West, Oshawa, Onterio. oo parking avaliable, 725-4716 or 725-4717. Irene Brown 725-3867 Pauline Beal 725-0239 Reg. Aker ves 725-0201 Bill McFeeters .. 725-1726 Chorlie Chaytor . 723-2266 360 'King St. West. Free Parking WANTED TO TRADE 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW in Bowmanville, fully modern, large kitchen, about 6 yeors old with otteched gorage. For a 3 bedroom split level home in Oshawa with gorage, House opproximately 1400 sq. ft, Call collect Walter Hartwig 18 Ontario Street, Port Hope, 885-4292 For Appointment Dial Bowmanville 623-3373 FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR HOTEL PAYROLL CLERK 7 as will "BIN" 725 for new TOOL & DIE PLANT (local) 728-1055 i x r a Building Trades WELDING -- All metal fabrications. nel pairs, 24hour service, Guaranteed, eral Welding Services, 728-2525. HATS OFF BLECTRICAL wiring end i agg cor TO SCOTIA PLAN! mates. Dial 728-7271 eas 725-1186. W. T, Lamson Real Estate Ltd nections for ranges, dryers etc. able rates. Grandview Electric, 62 ores THE LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED "OSHAWA WANTEOS-UiGT bin RN Ce WAY TO GET A LOAN! ft model. preferred, Telephone view South. 723-3125. a" CLEAN ERS Y -- | Siliarr N ROOFING, concrete floors, fiat roofing our specialty. New work and repairs. Rug and Uphol Pi Cleaning. At Our |11--Articles For Rent THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA bepan. 7--Trailers re-styling. MODERN Free esti- trailer for rent completely furnished. $97 monthly includ. ing hydro and water. Contact Bill Millar, 2-bedroom a Lady experier in Ing comptome: Q position clerk. Functions operating a cheque writing mochine ond on addresso- graph ond the use of o com- ptometer to moke wage cal- operot is required poyroll include two-| in apart-| One child | for a Agent for H. C. PEDWELL, BROKER NEWCASTLE 987-4336 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN stery Large and smal! jobs. L. and H. Roofing or at your home. 'and construction, 725-6937. 725-9961 ALL TYPES of building repairs, roofing, Sales and Service fireplaces, $s, stoops.) GUARANTEED repairs fo all Gordon May, 728-0394, ELECTRICIAN, master, wiring, new in- washers and ranges. Free estimates | 72 1742. stalations, remodelling; appliance, motor repairs. Nichols Electric, 381 Colborne! |FOR COMPLETE janitor service includ Ing rug cleaning, call J. Boers, 728-9764 Street East, 723-1612. . WALL DETERGER et Ole PLASTERING, new work, repairs, re Scientif 1 modelling. Free estimates. A. Woods, 143 Clarke Street. Telophone 728-3420, |Mortgages -- ree. c leaning walls with FOR ALL your carpentry work, rooms, additions. Cupboards a specialty. Mortgage Money Available ing of furnit Cartage and no drippir SUMMER PROPERTIE Call Wm. Vroom, 725-0256. Low Interest JOHN'S | MOVING AND € 7¥ RTA ry e ' VACANT LAND aisle runners Fox Rentals 412 meoe Street WHEEL CHAIRS, reducing Aid Rentals hospital beds, walkers, ck room supplies. ce, 725-1644 Cculornions. Good, starting ronge of compony efits apartment, quiet home, For further particu- 728-6356 | machine 105 Beatr sneet metal Salary depending on qualifications. se to hospital lars telephone | UNFURNISHED |warm, parking, Adults. Abstainers 728-2798 or 728-0986 MODERN one- and two-bedroom apart-| ments, drapes supplied, elevator service, adults preferred. Apply Superintendent, 21'Marland Avenue, 723-4368 APPOINTMENT (MAIN FLOOR -- One-bedroom apart- ment in new apartment buliding, with codloom Jiving 'and dining rooms. Stove In aiso- refrigerator, Available April 1. After solary ond f paid 9 Required wing Clo: wringer Call three-room apartment, | heavy duty wiring Mornings Pp Cutlery Glasses Coffee Urns Chairs - Linens and Teo Sets Dishes Punch Bowls eo Please Mrs. McDonald pony Staff Personnel Department) in: 'ontoct Permanent position Com- paid jrane Tables C delabra benefits and life c ressure equipme nt little wal cleans or no mov cor Sargeant's Rentals 463 Ritso 125-3338 1 Z--articlen hac Phone CALL FOR AJAX 942-6500 YOUNG MEN High 28 gram to tery port of Plenty portunity Dunlop Canada Ltd. Whitby, Ontaric 668-336 | 17---Male Help Wanted YOUNG MEN 20 - 26 idiar Y ure 1g or 725-9328 uations Arrang Your LOCAL CHIMNEY Cleaner. ¢ €him-} neys built and repaired, gas linings in- stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti-| V 9 Oshaw®, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equipped and insured. 728 3661 ESIDENTIAL mates. 723-2997 rooms. Private en CITY AND DISTRICT ' mmediately. $80. eicome. Apply 112 Agnes 6 p.m. THREE furnished with ' stove, Street after WALL CLEANERS 79. McGREGOR Dressmaking TAILORING AND DRESSMAKING. Pro-|. Yessiona! designing and tailoring of ladies'! and men 2 tur re modeling. Hajou Simcoe Street South EXPERIENCED dressmaking, pant ath Ing and alterations. Reasonable Mrs. Eldridge, 67 Montrave, T5647, DRESSMAKING, pant ing and drapes. Oshawa. 723-4224 ST schoo! graducte 21 to training pro- advancement siti 26--Rooms For Rent ROOM or room and board for "gentle-| man. Parking. Apply 410 King Street East Intensive prec Sk AUTO WRECKING CO eckin edes 728-3 Surveyors H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Elgin Street Aembers Ontario Broker's Association Wi mn. In bought saturday all day. Phone 725. 2311. 89 BLOOR E. 14---Employment Wanted EXPERIENCED ntario Land East. Phone major salary, advancement op and job. security. employee bene | SUMMERLAND SECURITIES IMITED "Furnished worker wel- GLADSTONE AVENUE, 73: |bedroom, gentiernan shift come. Telephone 723-9815, Survey 725-688) DONEVAN «= i straight 7 ' of FLEISCHMANN, Commercial bive 725-5632 and Ontario Land Surveyor prints, 11 Ontario Street, {SINGLE room for gentleman, abstelners, All modern central. Apply 38 Nassau Street. fit. programs LARGE front bedroom, , men willing to share, HOUSEHOLD FINANCE ND age PRnNY BT | 723-7136 CORPORATION | [FURNISHED ROOM EAST e| Call aiterat ions, North sult two gentle- single béds. Park- Crerar Avenue.} all-round cook require: n bake shop s r Ernie. Serv. vi & 'sii Phillip PETER PAN DAY NURSERY, Q fied day care, 7 a.m, to 5.30 p.m. $81 § coe North, 728-2604 makes CAS Elec TYPING AND SIGN writing, to do at! ome, needed by handicapped young! man, commercial and art school gradu ate. Telephone 725-1634 A V--Radio Repairs LAKE VISTA TV ice and television Murray Avenue GUARANTEED TV. ~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ne CITY Tv, 25 WORD MINIMUM af described otfers get taster Cor pany hos immediate pening for two men, Men selected will be fully trained and transporta- tion is supplied if needed The promising will be enr 1 © 13 week man Af 8 ad agement ining school and |. upon graduation can expect 16----Female Help Wanted | dy ice ot up to $10, . Sans a 000 per year, Applicents EXPERIENCED SE a ae SHORTHAND olf, but exper night i' We TYPIST lected Sales Depart Manufacturing Ajox Gardening and Supplies BE SURE of beautiful gardens, lawns.| and flower beds in 1964 by applying man-} ure or sludge now. _Phone ) Ta 390) edaye Towers, Aeri repairs, 480 Telephone 728-6879 "REPAIRS to al Nort? -725-3568 112 Simcoe St 'private home Oshawa teria. Apply 1351 Cedar Street FURNISHED bedroom with home com- 'forts, close to bus stop and hospital, 728-8818 WARM, clean, single, in: private home, gentleman. Apply TWO furnished housekeeping _ rooms, built-in cupboards, stove and refriger- Sult working couple. $15 per week. | 64 KING ST. OSHAWA BLOCK, SUITE 208 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE CLASSIFIED ADS but all hompson , Fred most or led also. re $11 Dean A nas, oe ranteed, furnished bedroom, | very central, aat.| 102, Elgin Street East. Avenue SERVICE "CALLS _ONLY $2.00 * by its. Cash | 5 5 Better Charge (SB sh delet 6 consecutive days 4.13 | 3 consecutive days 2.48 Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation os one word !F NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 1 Sc While every éndeavour will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies, however caused whether by negligence or otherwise Protessionai tings only, 3 lines 8.50 Each additional line per month 1.60 (Not applicable for merchandise odvertisements ssecanieNboan WORD: ADS ere Cards. of Thanks ... In Memoriums ..... Saturdoys, tice Lost ond Found Births and Deaths . Day of Publication CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 3 p.m. Previous Day Saturdays 11 for Monady CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS _ TELEVISION : 8:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION Bo ecto. OSRAWA Cancellations Correctior ceived the 8:30 AM 728-5143 TV TOWERS REGULATIONS The Oshowo Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- Economy and rking cor Deluxe 3.7 2.2 ator 728. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, bed-| room 'and kitchen, with sink and cup-| boards. Private bath. $15 weekly. Apply 1156 Agnes Street | THREE unturnished rooms for rent, sult young clean couple, no children. Avall- able Apri! 1. $65. monthly. 728-2917. |FURNISHED room ; sma apartment for rent weekly. Cal FURNISHED board and sink apa and hospital. 59559. EEO NE Se 723- 3492. ATTRACTIVELY fs __.__| FURNISHED ROOMS | le in private home. PROGRESSIVE COMPANY REQUIRES SALES PERSONNEL pst prove yourse ° rvic qualifiec ience is 7106 FOR TEEN DOLLS By ALICE BROOKS It's fun to dress, undress teen dolis in knits -- they have lots of "'give", Easy! New, smart glamor knits for 11%-in, teen model dolls. Pat- tern 7106: 3-piece suit, kerchief, gown, stole, slacks, shorts, vest, mohair sweater. | THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)} \for this pattern please) to Alice Brooks, |The Oshawa Times Needlecraft 728-8671 IDept., Oshawa, Ontario, Ontario|belted. Tucks? Simple! | residents add 1c sales tax. Print} Printed Pattern 4638 Misses? 27----Real Estate for Sale {plainly PATTERN NUMBER, |Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, Size 16 |$1000. DOWN. 10-acre lots, Choice, tevel| NAME, ADDRESS jrequires 3% yards 35-inch fab- gece oe et he teh ties 206 HANDICRAFT HITS --jric haigh make ® perfect setting for/1964 Needlecraft Catalog! Toys,| FIFTY CENTS eldnk acini onal your new home., Located only 10 miles jfashions, crewelwork, bazaar| soins (nd stamps, Oppor , Lik gUligteddael nett uct eleoacserettl shits crochet, knit, sew, em-|this pattern FS foe pian 728-4285 : rer' broider, quilt. Send 25c jadd 2 cents sales tax Print - SOMETHING NEW BIG| plaintly SIZE, NAME, AD: |DELUXE QUILT BOOK!. 16)DRESS, STYLE. NUMBER jcomplete quilt patterns--pieced| Send order to ANNE ADAMS, and applique, for beginners, ex-|care. of The Oshawa Times, perts. Send 60c now. {Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario, pa R Mal icasbn cynic DO YOU KNOW HOW TO Want-Ads Dont' |GET A PATTERN ABSOLUTE- LY FREE? It's simple --"order Cost -They Pay | Ins De train se thes gicnts when it comes to getting things done. your no tems qa ore A be : powertul too, work guaranteed DOMINION TELEVISION 20 BOND W. 728-5154 | ©" TV TOWERS Antenna Repair TRIO All, successful appliconts will receive 4 guaranteed income of $70 per week with regu- lor Required + of Lig Let one of them sell and small bachelor Parking. $10 and $12; month need household ner per increases For full details Phone 728-7441 9 A.M, -- 2 P.M. por coted See for yourself 128-971 4638 SIZES 10-18: By ANNE ADAMS WHO, BUT WHO, could guess (no stamps,|that a dress so smart could be care of|so easy? Slim, sleek, no waist seams wear it belted, un- room, refrigerator, cup- central, close fo north Suitable lady only. Please Telephone For Appointment Ajax 942-2120 BILINGUAL STENOGRAPHER REQUIRED ified per English Dey Previous Telephone Now Day Previous | Doy Previous | noon for Monday | Day of Publication ( between 5 and 7 p.m. Aa 82 PARK RD..N. ass and after d on ompetent Experier Blue Cross sound Seidl: Raed e helpful but not essential. Libera orrespondence, experienced n shorthand and Sictophone Pension and Profit Sharing Plan. 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