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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Mar 1964, p. 17

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17--Real Estate For Sale [27--Real Estate ForSale |27--Real Estate For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sale |30--Automobiles Wanted : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Merch 16,1964 17 GROCERY varlety business, $1000. down, ; ' : ¥ FIVE-SUITE apartment, complete kitch-|1966 OLDSMOBILE, private. - LAK Auto Wreckers want cars priced $11,000. Six-room living quarters, Ajax - Whitby - Pickering en and bathrooms, four one-bedroom,|condition. Telephone 725-8161 days or|for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 220 : "sat 101 New N.H.A one two-bedroom suites. Good state of|nights, 728-6359. Wentworth East, 725-1181. $7,000. down McGill Real Estate Broker,|19%3 CHEVROLET Belair, two - door,|OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, Named F or repair, An excellent buy st $25,000. with KEITH PETERS Bungalows and 728-4285, automatic, power steering, radio, low us Nelson sitet, want cars for, wreck ; : Split Levels $8,500. NEAT 2-bedroom bungalow, north| 725-2647. Sepang hag a go ry UNESCO Bod Retr -- 728-7928 |p P $19.05) lege ohne se eae eae ee ee Y oupts v1emam 7 _{Bullied Realtor, 333 King Street est,|tlac. Best offer. Telephone 725-084 be ny : 103 King Street East rom , mas. mia CHEVROLET imosin wowrcow| © ALL CASH $ | OTTAWA (CP) -- six organit- JUST LISTED IN) [sw war -'nenvy- wiring, 'sieche ges power seria" radio, omlraction,| Gor, Clean, care or fucks wa lthe first time Saturday as full « ».; $1800.00 DOWN rage, $7300. Very low down payment.|back-up lamps, windshield washers, seat; deo! up or down. Liens pai time members of the Canadian dane in spot. Port Perry 985-7765. belts. After 6 call 723-2466. national commission for the oft i gy 4 4 i he _ One N.H.A. Mortgage [rpiptex -- solid rick,' west centrallI985 METEOR, Rideau, V-t, standard NICS -MOTORS LTO. United Nations Educational, hedged lot $11,900.00 full Carries $79. Monthly Ons condition, Price $21,900, Gown| Telephone 795-5018, nt ee ee ae Scientific and Cultural Organiz- : oe price 3 ond 4 bedroom hi $5000. MeGIll Real Estate Broker 720-4285, -- - a) eee. (ae By HAROLD MORRISON point, Panama, Johnson said he|out Johnson's choice of Kennedy on room homes . _Esti er 726-4285. ? : is rah. : . ei ' n aes left less thon |, Vanity Bathroom. |saatm WITH. SIX PERCENT NHA De-lmechanieuiy. ance es sia ais ee] Whitby 668-3331 __| Subject to Canada Council] wasHINGTON (CP) -- Preshas no doubt the U.S. and Palas a running mace, the 'presi $1,000 down payment, 9 bed- Built-in Oven and Range. - |tached | three-bedroom river fenced yerd,|(2e_2 Pm: apply 125 Elgin Street Bast, 145 CARS WANTED __|2PProval of a proposed consti-\aent Johnson Sunday pledged|ama will in time agree to end|dent said the vice - president room. brick Ue low, holly- Storms and Screens. jolt heat, storms and screens. After 6/1960 PLYMOUTH Belvedere, standard B ; tutional change slightly enlarg-|, give South Viet Nam the|the deadlock over the Panama|must be someone close to him; wood kitchen, both with vane Shown by appointment p.m. telephone Whitby 668-8087. ir Siar Wit ke eet Sal oie be pea d" oti nee coe ceke pr most "effective and. efficient"|Canal. someone he can trust with all q | a aug ee : i ; ro) hip, the } $ : ; : : reepiag mie Aat | HL GRIFFIN fee ren arrears te) SA etc eel he oe meme al Al plea Se eth "ervey wun scien toe ns be seen by colling 728-7328, |$5,900: full asking price, terms. W. J.lq9s5 4 LEK MhAL ane Cot Dealer and "SAVE". iati iti ions of extending the war into|Saturday and broadcast at) There have nm many ' REAL ESTATE BROK j85,800: full asking price, termi |1955 CHEVROLET Bel-Air, 6 cylinder, r Dealer an sociation, Humanities Research North Viet Nam and dismissed|g p.m, Sunday. ports that Johnson and the ate [Carnegie, Real -Estate Broker, Port! ay ic, lo» tree G ' WRECKING YARD Ajax 942-3310 Perry, Ont, Phone 985-2681, [fect new pltee $20, Telephone 726-8085 Lee dial 4s ee vere yoy tty rome suggestions that the long and torney-general never have been Lorge property -with good Whitby 668-5371 - |29_--Automobiles For Sale _ | 1961 AUSTIN 850 station wagon, two tone, ------ iu and School' and Parent-Teacher|Ditter struggle may turn into|DISOWNS BAKER close. Kennedy has stated. he |i GLDSMOBILE, four-door haraion|(Ster"™Miguge., exelent conten. 845.132 A ticles For Sale Federation, the Young Women's|2nother Korea. Closer, to home, Johnson dis-|will Jeave his post after the No- 1956 OLDSMOBILE, four-door hardtop,|ofter 728-0404, » the Young Women's) ""ir. "tod Americans in an hour-|owned Bobby Baker, saying the\vember clecti¢ee tom radio, four new white wall ftires,| Christi s 7 |excellent condition, $60 or best offer.|1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, V8, four-door|WE are moving. Everything must be sold. ee ee ne ee long national television inter-/former Senate employee whose ; t f [Drapes, 4seat este: i |Canadian Federation of Univer-|'® . . A ; rn a ey C ARL OLSEN [Betore 6 oa ae co hardtop, automatic, radio ef, 10,000|Drapes, «seater, chesterfield set, mle = of Univer-| ye with the major networks ausnsing. Sertenpen mond sbikty i a a we pare one sewer and water. $2200.00 |washers,radior good tires, 5295, Affer $1959 MG - TD, recent motor Joby sounainew. Norge auiomatic verirersioy' Mar| 'The commission is an agency|that he shared the views of the|!s at xe ee the completion of Johnson's first full price. REALTOR -- 723-1133 pm. telephone 726-3937. body, stored all winter. 'Telephone Port| fat 30" renge, Hoover Constellation vae|Of the Canada Council. It ad-|!ate president Kennedy that if/nevet a protege of his. prep oar ee poe Hb 1 |1963 PONTIAC 4-door hardtop, 8 cylinder,|Hope 885-2560. ea Cleaner, GE polisher, continental) vises the government on mat-|S°Uth Viet Nam is lost to the) As for reports that Attorney- y: bed, dishes, high chalr step stool. corner| tare relating to UNESCO anq/Communists, all of Southeast|General Robert Kennedy may|the questioning dealt with ITTAGE =e |sharp bive body, grey top, fully equipped : . SUMMER COTTAG lexcept for power seat. After six call|19% CHEVROLET, six-cylinder, stan-icabinet and more. Apply 597 Grierson. be seeking the vice-presidency,|events that followed the assas- silicic » TY Neorly new three bedroom |Seeh) jdard transmission, radio, new white|--------. ___---_-___________| provides a liaison with organiz-| Asia will be. lost. tds GUIDE REAL cottage, north side of Loke la CORVAIR, 4door, radio, floor shift mas 2 ee ee Tk weclitg at chenner" oitdunae ie | ations, institutions and individ-| He saw no quick or easy solu-/Johnson said he is concerned Dallas 1 nt anor ee Seugog, large waterfront lot, | piack finish. A:l condition, 728-1820. nnn --- ~------ |stalled and guaranteed by experts 'with|uals interested in the UN ag-|tion "but we are a' patient peo-|about any such campaigns at)¥allas ast November. 723-1121 completely furnished. This is i963 CHEVROLET Bel Air, automatic, OR SALE -- 1962 Ford Angll@. Excel-/10 years' experience, $50. Trio Television! ency, ple and we jove freedom." The this time. He ha dtalked to Ken-;| When Kennedy was shot, 2 a forced sale ond offered ot [power steering, radio, windshield wash-|'tcrsonn 'ntax gur-6oo4 after 696, Bone eel. | Vietnamese would be assisted/nedy about it and accepted "'his|Johnson said, he wasn't sure JUST LISTED -- 5% room only $3,800.00, Call Corl lers, seat belts, whitewalls, low mileage, PVRS "DA TICS OCP Tv TOWERS special, 40 ft. tower struc-| by the development of "the|/word" that Kennedy was doing)whether this was an internae brick bungalow with attached Olsen: ot 723-1133, evenings | Excelint condition, 723-3662 _|1957 PONTIAC, deluxe coach, six-cylin-jture with alt channel antenna, installed|36---Legal most effective anf efficient/nothing to encourage such ajtional conspiracy. His first job campaign. was to assure the world that gorage. Large kitchen, living 725-3412 i959 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan, auto-|der automatic, radio, new tires, clean|$50. Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons room has Dining L. All olu- fires. Lf new.|condition, needs paint. Must sell, $375|Street, 728-8180, | plans we can." minum storms and screens OWNER TRANSFERR ' or best offer, 725+ full price. Apply 329 Oshawa Blvd. |~ 8 aa GRA Geko Touching on another sore| In words that seemed to rule|though the U.S. was shaken by and T.V. Aerial. 1200 sq. ft. fers oe . : : {North UNIFORMS for the lady in white, new-| ' this lovely room |i961 FORD Falcon, automatic, one owner,| -- lest styles NOTICE a the event, it could still function brick bunge 6, almost 'new vard, |ture, 20 Church Street. for nurses, be@uticians, wait-) | with continuity and calm tran- wood kitchen during emotional COUNTRY LIVING -- Lovely minum storms anc t 728-4373, eT ..{plates, good tires. Excellent transporta-|Cheerfui colors. Ciear-out of discontinued | Ld e a |: IN THE-ESTATE OF R estriction Move Kennedy. tot. Broadioom in living' and Hodgson at 723-1133, even St Patrick's |1958 METEOR V8, sedan, stick shift, re-|BABY BARGAINS | New 1964 model baby) ARTHUR WILLIAM | heated. Loads of extras in- 1961 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, black, cus-|New Lloyd, Gendron and Thistle stroliers -- DECEASED iclosed Sunday it will oppose with " o-bedroom apar nts 6 bb - persc LAKEFIELD STREET -- Five Hye. Mo Deion -oportine 1955 PONTIAC V8, stick shift. Good|appliances, One location only. Pretty's Persons having claims attractive excellent condition. Telephone 728-7826. (1956 DODGE, six cylinder autometic, new|resses. Delivery. service or free catalogue| of comfortable living for you a tires and battery. good condition, body! without obi Nesbitt Lad | e 2 is i i ; dl t nd ry, in 0 c ition, ithou' obligation esbitt's tJ les ond your fomily ot a full price gts a res 8 oe Fee RO ET nematic' radio, rear(re-conditioned. Reasonable. 728-7424 Wear, 33 King Street East. 725-0532 ap-| TO CREDITORS | -- t' vivid rlecti of $16,500. Let us show you setinity £ seat speaker, wheel discs, whitewalls,/1957 PONTIAC écylinder, stick -- shit,|Polntments after 6 p.m. 728-5623 | . - ™ aie a she " es this desirable home today: mn, any back-up lights, windshield washers; four-'very good condition. Telephone 725-4885./LO0R covering bargains. Brighten up| O S | lose ays ished recreation ro sand miles. After 5.30 telephone] oe a ant seal your home OF college tor BBO marr] AND OTHER was the "presence of greatness" ee isplayed by Mrs. Jacqueline 6 room brick, 2 storey home Asking pi b |tion, $125. Apply 49 Orchard View Boule-|patterns from 23c per ft. Wilson's Furni-| display: y Ts. Jacqu only 4 years old ona 1% acre further information call Newt j | ings 728-6408 built motor, refinished body, radio, heat-|carria From $39.88, Pi ns, $8.88.| | » ae Oe, es oes || he or nee cain' etter Caaikiet Weie' W talee ee ee oe FRAMPTON | NEW YORK (AP) -- The|the floor, for their own account ou heturns ireplace and aii electrically APARTMENT BUILDING all Day Mill Street _|from $24.88. Chrome highchairs, $10.88.) RETIRED CIVIL SERVANT |New York Stock Exchange dis-|or accounts in which they have | in excellent condition and ¢ | , J k Mf {i ils agai . bee ; oe ¥ »x.|Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street , jan interest. Such transactions chatted. "Coal for. toll detat centrally located. Contains | ceptional 'condition. Dial' Whitby" 668 3446, pegging egaoe all means at its command a U. i ception: i ial Whitby 3446: BUY and sell, good used furniture and) Aji |securities and exchange commis-|""e Made basically for the pur- 0 er room split level brick with saeneed --_ Mp | rear-end, transmission. Needs tune up/Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. | pale the rote oe the j|sion proposal to abolish or se-|pose of profiting from price dif- . 1 ridges, all nicely nd some body work. 725-3915 -- --en : ra above mentioned, lot th " j i privote drive, only 5 years old. | jand so work. 7 --|REFRIGERATOR, réngette, heavy duty] Homlet of Orone reg nd ted verely restrict trading on the/ferences between purchases and on np | . * | foundry room with dryer, hot - . Feotures living room and 3 ery |1958 METEOR, 4-door automatic, radio,|range, dressers, china cabinet, bookcase,| exchange floor by members for|sales good sized bedrooms. Modern water ail heating, paved j lf you have g } rd. or best offer [kitchen taminet: sewing pinch ie wash.| United Counties of North- ltheir own account | ' 4 kitchen with eating areo. 17 drive Steady income. riced | Steady Job jCal r 23 = ing machines, beds, cedar chest Cali] humberland and Durhom | G. Keith Funston, president,COMMISSION TARGET PEKING (Reuters) -- Chou 12 St recreation foory with bier sevme oe all "Gh Se eee te ae ae | Yo died at the Town of |made the exchange's position| The floor trader was a pri-|P#-lai received a hero's wel- SY es Sains 1 payment or will take walls, washers, ' back-up _ lights, se : 'ical condi.) Whitby on the 25th day of ade } ge s was 7 prog ce si al atk good home as a trade. For | We Can Finance very good condition. 725-0653. PIA upright goad. mechanical condy| Whitby on the 25th doy of |irown to members in a sharply|mary target of criticism last ap ror yg Sime Oe returned ei ; full details 'call Henry your Car Purchase _|195* PONTIAC sedan, new rebuilt auto: wiison.Road Soutr file proof of same with the |worded letter which Wall Street|July when a commission study ich k tg hi ese premier matic Srenemistions «Sirete | Chiat. real coal undersigned on or before the considered the opening blow in|group released its findings in aj Whi ept him out of the 000 eee son at 723-1133, evenings ge . A A good condit Very. reasona 723-3148.,ONE CHESTERFIELD, t hairs, good 7 : sax $13,000 FULL PRICE -- 6 725-0243. With As Little As aie Bult hanes seein Sxcelieny| condition, Telephone Whitby 668.8455 13th day of April 1964 Ithe first major public row be-|massive study of the securities|C@pital for three months. room brick bungalow just off | CLOSE TO ST. GREGORY'S mechanical Good body. Selllysep set of harness; antique buggy;| After that date the Public -/tween exchange and commis- indutry. The study group rec-|} Communist Party Chairman King St. Eost. 3 bedrooms, | = Olde two mony family | $10 DOWN best reasonable offer. 728-8988 |small English saddte; new summer horse| Trustee will proceed to dis- sion in nearly 20 years, ommended abolition of floor|Mao Tse-tung made one of hig separate dining room and | home in this central location 1963 CHEVROLET, four-door silver-grey,|blanket. Cell Whitby 668-4767 after 6 p.m.| tribute the estate, having The exchange is the world's|trading by 1965 on the Ameri-jrare public appearances to large kitchen, Finished room Contains kitchen, dining ond | Hak paplto br edinsec Ada boat cranial tt, for sale, 30 pines, 50 feet tong;| regord only to the cloims of largest organized securities|can as well as New York Stock|stress the importance of the : 3 ge bg which he then sholl hove |i set while the SEC is the/Exchange. premier's tour, one of Commu< in basement, A spotless home | living room on main floor |wheeldiscs, seat belts. 725-3491 40 wainut trees, 30 feet long. Telephone! close to everything | ond. three bedrooms and ECONOMICAL |i057" RORD, past six months, new" Mep| = -- ---- fe eee /federal government unit} The study group found floor/Mist China's bgggest diplomatia CLOSE TO NORTH G.M. -- bothnups:Oil-heatingy:Asking COMPACTS SHY SNOAl Mh BOE repainted, /USED car parts used tires, wheels and) DATED ot Toronto this 13th charged with over-all 'supervi-|traders served no useful pur-|ffensives in years, and de- 2: bedroom: bungolow with 2 rehiy 91) vere eas $1,500 fom redlo ond hester, SIS)" Teltahoria| Wood, one toot Fengtha: $7.76 single corak| Ov oF March 1964. sion of the securities industry.|pose and that their activities|Scribed here as a "spectacular reer Caer loan exon. | : At issue is the practice of/worsened market fluctuations,|success." finished rooms in basement. | ' i - Call after six, 723-2281 | d To s | Newt I RV | LOE TNE 1 , New forced air oi! heating. 21 ings 728-6408, regs ie CO : -- N 1956 CHEVROLET, "two-door, standard| BUYING or selling furniture or appl ag PA Toronto, |floor trading, or purchase and/terming them a 'significant de-| The 70 - year - old chairman, ft. living room with Twindow FOUR DOOR SEDAI transmission, Sonormatic push button|ances. Call Elmer, Hampton, 263-2294 or| ADMINISTRATOR , sale by exchange members on stabilizing factor." bareheaded and one of the few P | psa ard transmission, white jradio. Needs rear fender repair. Good) 263.2695 in Se hs ee aa 20 ACRES -- Thickson Rd. woll tires, one owner, very low ."|conditton. $468, Telephone Whitby 669-[--------------______. However, the exchange be-|People at the airport not wear- garage. Priced o , North' -- large. frontoge on 4194 j2t" AL CRLMCT RIC TMs Steel lieves floor traders represent|ing an overcoat despite the | | mileage 5 e : ; sin $$$ ______--_____---- highway, will sell 10 acres if sig 1959 RENAULT, seat belts, low mileage, //e"' © $85. of best offer. Crib,| | A r ld wind, embraced DREW STREET -- 7 room ud n ] ' AUS: teat bales. ow |27"x54" and playpen. Telephone 725-1644.| | BX¥-VLOMMANAO an important element in the|strong co » © required, 5 minutes from $ 095. good mechanical conditio ter 5 p.m., e . | | 0 |delicate mechanics of supply Chou warmly, brick home in spotless condi- j 1 728-4944 ith i Osh Askin $22,000. | ca PORCELAIN § sink, with taps, suitable a "a --_ "ile iF 9221000 hone 774647. | NOTICE Turns Crusoe and demand in the exchange's) Mao looked cheerful and in " bide HEN Op |radio, A-l mechanically, i late con- ree rn | 4 i i Henry Stinson ot 723-1133, 1960 ENVOY |ragio, sat cher Teiechone Tareisa |GUN WANTED -- Old antique. Tele-| TO CREDITORS central market place, since they|the best of health despite recent a p with .radio.Id: far loust d condition, $150, new 7 si 1ew, ver mer Dutch commando sergeant all windows and new garage. N.H.A. LOTS -- Five. --- 58 Finished 'in Alaske write, |iicence. te: six 723-2281. easac ne ate niaio Bont AND OTHERS |will leave Thursday to tn times floor traders are asked to vall tires r hi all] = ; ; * ' with builders terms, prepaid verses itech "radia: Uke. peur a5iys.| o> E In the' Estafe of lited Caribbean isle the life of|trading situations" to help spe- Pope Debates tion. Large modem kitchen with. $4,000 down. Coll |1959 BUICK, two-door, power equipped, |for cottage $5. Tel boards, double sink ond tiled evenings 725-0243 STATION WAGON i sitabe pT SS _|phone Oshawa 725-8183. AMSTERDAM (AP)--A_ for-|Te@ct quickly to counterbalance|rumors that he had been ser- Close to schools. Priced at x 115 on: Grondview St. | red trim and interior, white [TIRES 750 x 14, A-1 condition, "black, for six months on an ininhab-|Comsider entering "problem BUILDING LOTS -- We hove seevices. | $745 | phone: Orono aél NEARLY new refrigerator, stove, dining BLANCHE ELIZA STORIE, |the fictional Robinson Crusoe. |cialists assigned to maintain an walis. Storms and soreens for [1955 PLYMOUTH, six cylinder automatic,| juice EXTRACTOR, brand new. V temporary disparities. Some-|jiously ill. $12,500 South. Asking $3,400. each 1962 PONTIAC Parisienne six, standa |tubeless tires, set of four, $20. Telephone tots in all sections of the city room suite, kitchen chrome suite, and| i j 1959 RENAULT Dauphine, radio, good ite. Te r : Anton van de Water, 23, willjorderly market. seed Seite tre ty. Crooee | 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1193 | 1060 be a, condition, no rust spotsasie. ABpIV. #7/neco%", tale oa come MAY B8 ATA.) Married Woman, Deceased |make his attempt under the| Church Unity mow and be reody for Spring 6 Hurley Road, Alax, after 6 pm. CHESTERFIELD, refrigerator, washing, Ail: 'pecebiie Having "cleline sponsorship of the Dutch news- | building. sof a oft betiniaa sents | ao | piped coca ime | SPOT CABM -- |Rtetsacemm agent ""] Couette voy of Dee [eager De: Dlearast |Claim Teachers With Children | N.H.A. RESALE -- 612% Obiowe's Lor aM epiob dad nals fst IN : i205 late OF the C The paper said Saturday de gest Firm reen with match reen |TYPEWRITERS; adders, cashi Eliza Storie, late of the City | ; mortgage. Large -modern eden Radio teh Unie PAID FOR |plicators, chequewriters,, comptometers,| of Oshawa, in the County of Water will fly to Caracas, Ven- | svete temres | BOLAHOOD | ™ ced cen on, inte wf re eee] Gomme, Marna, waren, een on noe eeot ! Tgmorant Of | nous ae) -- roe roa devks of ebar Gear gan $645 | bond MOTOR SALES ftiemw summsic nity comis'me| bau OW dev of February, land, 190-miles away. | Labor World \Catholic children around him 4 pc. tiled bathroom. Large B R O T H F R S | 314 a gaa pling 4p pectec! conning comeiiion, Peel send into the: undersigned Noni tn gt "retreat, there! aDor or paar! reed 5 eee retin room facies, -- Reol Estote -- ieee on I----SENERAL REPAIRS |pies'ortr con's Ses sttantsge| Personal, Representotive of [should be plenty of Company SUDBURY (CP) -- Douglas|included mention ot the views ; e i | |when he gets home. For a con-|Hamilton, secretary of the On-|of some Protestants toward or- mae | pa We | ond wh H 4 {9 months Dealer, Write Box 836, Oshawa bef the 17th day of jv: , . I COMMERCIAL LOCATION on cs inna on id ibeat atc oatlee ALL MAKES OF CARS tims. | Aart 1964, full porticulors {dition of his engagement to girl/tariq Federation of Labor, said| ganized churches and the scrip- Ritson Rd. South. Lot 40 x $645 PARTS AND SERVICE |WE 'buy, sell and exchange used furnl-| Of their claims. Immediately {friend Ineke, he said, is that he/scturday teachers are generally| tures. LIS, with sre _ bung: DO AS OTHERS | TAM Trading Post. Stores. +446 Simcoe Stree'| after tin, sold ote the, Fee: Fe allowed six months of free-|icnorant about conditions in the| In the modern Lady of La Sas iow. W for any type o} CALL THE CHECKERBOARD | z South, 723-1671, es song! epresentative -- wi jdom : {world of work. lette- Church, .the Pontiff at- business. Close to A. & P BROTHERS 1959 VAUXHALL B.-A. SERVICE CABIN TRAILER (small), $150; eleciric| distribute the assets of the His preparations include} He told a labor education week/ tended evening lenten services Store. Priced ot $9,000 VICTOR SEDAN Ki chord organ, $65; treadie Singer -sewin: soid deceased having re- jlearning how to splint a leg,|, sb LET'S LOOK AT THIS with radio. Two-tone with | gata es cas es 2 machine, $15; Underwood typewriter, $18/ 904 ont to claims of which (fight a crocodile, turn salt water |Danquet: and then summoned a group of LOWELL AVENUE -- 5 room | ' | Leatherette interior, bucket LES SS ONG feet tS Telephone: 750048. ARSE A ois then hove notice. lini ' di "Thse I have talked to know| Children around him. They sat brick bungalow with 3 bed | ONE, EH seats ond w ll tires WATER-MATIC wet and dry vacuum he shall . pinto fresh, Ls ga ® hy i nothing about the trade union|° the floor in, front of the altar | at m hite wo 5 eT if . | i ono: ants rooms ond 4 pc. tiled both. | New N.H.A. 6 lorge. rooms $695 | T | a D F N Sone que cumin Tetphoce 'oleracea Doted at Oshawa this 11th aly gore gh ne pnt 'and|movement, job opportunities, and the Pope asked them ques Stone front, T.V. Aritennc | Brick and stone front with at- | ie aed | day of March, 1964 lcatehing goats, turtles 'crabs| Wages and working conditions,| ons. The children ranged in cate goats, ; S ' . ' tached 12 24 foot ¢ g | | 7 , itil ic : . bw D with rotor, storm windows and | tac x 'oot gorage | CAR AND TRUCK. jvactum cteaner repairs, all makes, FREDERICK THOMAS STORIE, |and lobsters. lapprenticeship training or the gpg Nes gyacligat pe fenced yord. Close to bus Natural stone fireplace, all | ree' eatinatass rts | F . schools ond store Aaking underground T.V. electric and | 1959 STUDEBAKER | RENTALS bncheke tase Guatintens vocal tel Administrator | De Water will take 24 chick- hundred and one problems that have the sacred scripture and I $13,500 | telephone wiring. Decorated. | LARK STATION WAGON | SAI Nichees ark Madale) chines. Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Service. By his solicitors, ens and two dogs to the island,/confront students entering the read it by myself, It is enough. | 4 pc. both with vonity, All | -- Two door, ideal family cor. | "CALL 725-6553 print Ab idinechitd . -| McGIBBON & BASTEDO, which has an average temper-|work force," I do not need © Pope or # NORTH WEST AREA -- New located in ae et north ; $645 | 14 Albert St Sion, S38. MP ecirie nioror, se] barristers & cooly tulat ature of 104 fahrenheit He said the provincial govern-| church.' Who says the sacred bedroom brick bungalow | west area. Asking only $18,- | iS : S ----| Telephone 728-4197 | 20 Simcoe Street North, --_-------- cial government should over- ipture is " with stone front ond attached | 500.00 with $4,000.00 | | KELIY: DISNEY SENDER BaEWN AGT eT peel | = COUAWA-- ONTARIO | . haul the department: of educa- Pom ent a Be ik wee cae we | lock Apsity or T3n-sins |. 1959 VAUXHALL = | -- UseD CAR LTD cee | Canada Ships tion and initiate a teacher train-| "The Protestants," was the F i j © 4) ole | pe 7 ry) 5 in ------ Py * broodicom, Hollywood kit. | oF 723-3398 FOUR DOOR SEDAN | 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST . |eysewriteR portable, $40; also stan-| Cub. ing program at every level of/reply from the children. chen, 2 fireploces, separcte | 6 ROOMED BUN Finished in Midnight blue | WHITBY -- 668-5891 Lied SO Gece aeding Tachin®. cash Bulls To uda education, particuluarly in tech-| "Yes," said the Pope. "But dining room ond electric heat GALOW wit ight blue leattrer im | Cars bought and sold register. Price very Seton, Se LAND TITLES SAINT JOHN, N.B.'(CP)-- nical and vocational courses. jon the other hand they, tod, ore all featured to make this | You will like the exterior of | "Or Ond white wal tne | T si ne ge i Per ne Ae Cunae AN parts: reel qe freighter Camaguay sailed} The time when only "'dumbjhave a need of all, of priests a home geared for modem liv- Hidocbarided Finished in a love- $595 | AnyE os uality sonable. Call 726-1322. et ACT for Cuba Sunday with 149 headjkids'" were considered candi- and pastors." : ing. Finished recreation room | ly bork clay brick, generally | oe nys top qi : : pon NO | | / ' lis dates for technical and voca-|_ Vatican sources said the with bbe os: well Gs o.com | desloned to be plecsing ta | VOLVO \2" TELEVISION, Very good condition jof Holstein purebred bu {tional training has passed, Mr,|Pape's words were not ad 1 i lepnone 1742 1c j } ? ® & plete kitchen in basement. the eye with an interior to | 1959 VAUXHALL | AL eS AND SERVICE Perel ' -----| |N. THE MATTER OF that jraised in the Brantford area 0 penal eine os fe ia, MS. reset 1 Seabettine. GA te Coll to-day and let us show match. Broadioom in living STATION WAGON | SALES AND SERVI , | What's My Line? port of Lot 12, Sheet 3B, Ontario. They will be placed on}! ald, t P the children, Th ia you this exceptional owner | 'oom. A _ beoutiful naturol | Right hand drive, Ideal for | JAKE and BILL'S Dos and sell wad. fur- Plan 357,, City of Oshawa, stock farms in Cuba. It was the|is lacking in qualified teachers the words were 'ehohen ta oo built home. today. Priced ot stone fireploce to hearten | postman or curb deliveries GARAGE | Buying si . ing ae be bounded of the west by re- largest shipment of livestock in this field. sense that Prometaate ae $29,200 ve cos. Wemer evenings $445 | General Repair and |S Dole needy Oh" gistered Plons M-46 ond M- | tifrough Saint John this season.' 'In my opinion, the key to/Catholics, have priests and or : Yes, the rec-room is finished, | Auto-Electric Service [ee 52 and WR-Plan 38, on the © | |the problem is proper guidance ganized pat A ie nd that the Forf ful r it i } | nN I i orf full particulors complete with bor. Paved 449 Ritson Road South | Valley Creek Furniture south by registered Plan 720, | Quebec Libs. jand counselling. children should not overlook 8915 ra ee 6. | ECONOMICAL | Oshawa 728-0921 | 728-4401 or call ot the store aly wie Fe ges Edecaiplot | He said children at every] this, Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m scoped. Owner is moving psMPeciatdate ay! - é Asking $14,500. with $2, | Large Models BUYING OR SELLING Street South, and on the level of education should be] It appeared to be a new papal John Hutchuk -- Tony Siblock 500.00 down, Coll Mr, Ran: | | 4 FTS rth by Lots 13, 14 and 15 : sqiable to seek advice from quali-| effort to emphasize Catholic un- Roy Flintoff Steve Englert | kine ot 728-5123 or 728- | 1958 DODGE TED CAMPIN | c EASTER GIFTS on Plan 357 and King Rebuke Dupuis fied, independent persons as to| derstanding of non-catholics in | | 161% \Bond W Plon 6 49° on ation, First Commu: y Jeon Peacock Lloyd Corson 3582 bua IS te S18 Street East which course or program best| the current Christian unity con- Lucas Peacock Dick Young TWO DOOR COACH MOTORS seslad me atiti i | V8, standard transm ] : v St. Joseph Missals $4 to $15 NOTICE [S HEREBY .GIVEN MONTREAL (CP) -- The pd-jsuits their abilities. tacts. Leon Manitius Steve Zurbo | CHECK THIS DUPLEX stondard tor "S745 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Bibles $3.95 to $20 thot LILLIAN URBACH, | litical committee of the Quebec : | } * GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 8 rooms, brick construction, | (Just East of Wilson Road) Other Religious Articles FLORENCE. TOPPER, THE | Liberal Federation has rebuked Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. § A agatha een re | 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 | PARKVIEW Variety Store | MUNICIPAL CORPORATION |yvon Dupuis, federal minister M4 j y rented Neor G.M | 19 7 PL' 'YI | Bg uae aeara uaREERINR CON ercaair 98 OLIVE AVENUE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA, | without portfolio, for his recent umour e Tu 0 e re | south plont. Asking only | 5 Oe YMOUTH j ANN PONICKY. MARY statement that Quebec Liberals WHITBY | $11,900 hig aie down _.. FOUR DOOR SEDAN | DEPENDABLE |33--Market Basket DeFOA ond EVA TANE, who cannot support both fed- 5123 we. Ed, Drumm ot 728- |. Six cylinder utomatic, low jAPPLES, $1.25 per bushel and up. Bring] -.have made an opplication to jeral and provincial Liberal or- ooner Than Ex ected | pies ac ) } mi e, must be seen to be | USED CARS jyour own containers. Spies, Mcintosh,! the Local Master of Titles ot ganizations should leave the | COLLEGE HILL appreciated. Piet ema C. Aldred, 55 Liberty Whitby for a certificate of party | } sree North, Bowmanville. arty. é 2 5 $395 | 1963 VALIANT Convertible title to this land of which they |" 'The committee, the official) NEW DELHI (AP)--The In-lhis close associate in the cab SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service! on tails. Waiter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street bunds." Seine Conmtnaction BUY your potatoes by the 78 Ib. bag end) | : ; ; through mut, owner built. 9 ' jsave. Also Cortland and Spy apples by| Claim to be the onwer in fee | arbiter of the provincial feder- dian capital is buzzing with re-jinet, the newly inducted minis. West, Whitby, 668-2563 yeors 'old Twe mplete | 195 Y MACKEY. and BAILEY, Barristers, Soli-| Suites, good size rooms. Live ete OUR loaded $2695 ' i i | e rum- | ; fl i i aded $26 the' bushel. Fir free delivery telephone! simple free from all encum ation's thought and policy, said/ports that the man who has|ter. without portfolio, Lal Shas- citors, Notaries Public. Mortgage funds FREE here call Mr. Bill Hor MOUTH | 1962 _CHRYSL ER ,oaret 0 je nings, Brooklin 655-4983. ae oo © Fipetly ong Saturday Mr. Dupuis "has nei-|heen wielding the destinies of|tri OR CENA nor p door OWE ot prese egisterec . . a i . available, 36 King Street East, 723-1107. | mer ot 728-5123 or 728 | Automat Pa x cs like new $2995 |34--Lewt and Found | Wherefore fs other person tll ne ee the world's second largest na- BUDGET IS KEY SARGMAKING Go nic Geka | 2036 Se iss 945 1961 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe | |bOST -- Fox terrier, female, vieniy| having' or claimed' to hove | ton ceriain members ef thelven may, name, his successor)" «pit en depenis on how bls alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting! $ | 2-door perfect $950, hh Wek io al ee su any title to or interest in a by fe rity ¢ ie 4 its Bhd. folie eater Man most| health shapes up during the specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372 DOWN $900 DOWN 1960 FORD Foirlone 72 | oe the land or any part therect dig party © cave me |people expect. (budget session of Parliament ', bog But the one person who can|which: will end early in May," THREE-BEDROOM house, residential) 2.7, , j « : HERE 9 | required on or before the pA : as Brtiate 4 pinged $104.00 onthty inc ms 6 cylinde | | 5 requ or be i ye 7 Sonar BGG nla, cocaternar ie 104.0( " x 1 1952 DODGE , : j 1 ale f March 1964 to The group made its statement/.o+ a+ rest these buzzings has|caid one of his senior cabinet not given the slightest indica-| colleagues. payment. Apply 408 Cochrane Street toxes buys this good 'siz f | 959 FORD, 4 et after a regular meeting, saying on 03 'a . bf f, eo + e 8 i lS» SaaS Telephone 668-4303, | three bedroom brick bunga- : : 9 possenger c r Tell it e a statement of his claim it was speaking in the name of|,. ie : oe etrae I tion of his intentions. He is ail-| Nehru, who suffered a stroke {lg Prime Minister Jawaharlal/Jan. 7, is waging a carefully 145 H.P. engine outomatic - tee --{| }. ay ' : ruck nom ce at T of MOTHER would mind baby by the day; low. Early possessior al Shorp in-my office at the Town re 3 Tap Roe a | $145 | Whitby, ond to serve a copy |freedom of thought and expres r week. Good motherly care. Telephone . ie ; Ps a 4 r 555-0996. we ess : 1956 : 4 oa: the Applicant | sion within the Liberal party. 1a8-249 1 cHT 6 f PP Dupuis said in a speech|Nehru controlled battle to regain , attractive bed-sitting ro ior nde Re Mr. n Oe ar ce cain erie 4 ae white perfe $695 to the The address of the Applicaont Mage 8: * | The buzzngs have assumed{his health. His daughter, Mrs eee' owe Gk Coal thiad Weak a¢ For your Selectior 1 1956 AERCUK dd j | - for service is "If some people don't feel at|proportions ef a loud roar be-|Indira Gandhi who is devoting WHITBY CLASS. Seginetts Bes é : Deg | hardtop. '¢ rid whit } 'World HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN & home in the Liberal party, if}cause of a budget session in/all her time and energies to Do you need iin oe be idan Bill Whittick cohinatdiades | ' HILLMAN |they don't feel at ease, then|both houses of Parliament andjhelp bring him' back to health, Gravel or Stone for Driveway, Ae has -@8 ARNAR 1955 CHRYSLER New York | : Barristers, etc ; jthey should leave it." |problems at home and abroad|insists he is performing all the | e Sia Uniy - : | 2-door hard top green and | ' | 36% King Street, East | He said persons claiming ajpressing for quick decisions|vital functions of prime minis. Motors | imited white. All powered $3 with |. OSHAWA, Ontario |separation between the federal|which are lacking iter except for ceremonial trap- Sand for your Patio Concrete Mulch? ONS (Whitby) TH SP ATED at WHITBY this 12th and \ al Liberal organtga-| Two reports currently circu-|Pings ne h Whitb ndas Street SMI re) ORTS ae day of March 1964 ns "are not Liberals but sup-|lating among close associates of} Doctors hover around him " Nhitbs 982 Kina WANT ADS | W._H MOOREHOUSE porters of the New Democrati¢c|the prime minister are that he\around the clock ck coe Street Nort 308 9 26-734 eeeiee M : : Party who have infiltrated our) migh ti thi | N i eo way Deputy Local Master of Titles | jmight retire this summer or) Nehru attends Parliament WHITBY, Ont. v | 668-5871 ~ 668-5872 ! d Master oF 'Ues |party to cause chaos." Iname as deputy orime minister/daily. | . ter . for ote hour only. . . ' : ?

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