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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Mar 1964, p. 4

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, March 16, 1964 ' | = 'Durham Potato | Growers Gather BETHANY -- At a meeting of|made to R. E. Goodin, for many Durham County potato growers\years assistant director, field L, W. Franklin, of the Ontario|crop branch, Ontario depart- Agricultural College, Guelph.jment of agriculture, for his in- spoke about potato storages and terest and assistance in the club) 'reviewed a film on potato wash- for 20 years. Mr. Goodin is now| § ing. grading and packaging 'secretary of the Ontario Food The Durham County potato Council and 'markets develop- growers re-organized their 500 ment specialist for the Ontario Bushel Potato Club for 1964 and department of agriculture. | jtheir 4-H Potato Club. For the Mir, Goodin said that much of| first time since organization in she Jand devoted to growing to- |1944, a potato grower from a Haceg in Durham and Northum- jother county became a member. 'herjand Counties in recent years He is Lawrence Torry, of Wood- onoe grew potatoes, ville, who grew 18 acres of x He said that with surplus potatoes in 1968. /crops of a non-esséntial product| NEW PRESIDENT like tobacco being produced! Mel Wood, of. Millbrook, was year after year, consideration! appointed representative for the might well be given by growers! larea to the Ontario Fruit and to again direct efforts towards) Vegetable Growers Association. production of food products in \John Ingratta, Bowmanvi!!e, is demand,e ither locally or for ex- 'secretary - treasurer, Kenneth port to-feed the hungry. Porter, Pontypool, is president , ; | ~ceedi s toy 7,000 CARLOADS in 1964, succeeding Delbert Olan, He said more than 7.000 car- 3 president UP Prceentation of an engraved natn gd urges a 3 4 ; ag DOU ags p 125 |desk set with clock and pen was brought into Ontario each year.| Mr. Goodin said that people} Slight in an auto accident of Peterborough, Lindsay Belle-. Which occurred on an S-curve ville, Oshawa and areas all over| ©" the Brock road near Ux- Ontario would: prefer 16 bly) local-grown potatoes but they are not always available. Not unlike tobacco, efficient potato marketing requires specialized attention, It is expected many tobacco growers will shift to corn and gther crops. Mr. Goodin said, "there are 63 agricultural products, each Agee zee ACCIDENT ON BROCK ROAD Damage. was relatively bridge yesterday, Involved in Tower Drive, Scarborough, the accident were Brian They suffered minor injuries, Smith, 104 Erie avenue, Ham- were treated at Uxbridge hos- ilton, and David Petrie, 140 ; pital and released. Constable Nt tit "---- ~~) Len Bissell, Whitby detach- ment of the OPP, investi- gated, 'Cobourg Folk 'Visit With Hampton Kin By M. HORN HAMPTON -- Dr. and Wallace Horn of Cobourg Washington Scotches Panama Parley Talk WASHINGTON (AP)--An Or- --Staff Photo Mrs re- WITH BLADDER IRRITATION ° After 21 twice as many women as men Diplomatic rélations will be are made miserable by common urinary irritation caused by a germ, Escheri WINNING TEAM OF DEBATERS cently visited relatives here. Mrs. Ed Anthistle, formerly fof Hampton, arid her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. |Holden and family, of Mark- jham, recently called on 'Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray and other friends. Mrs. Keith Branton and over a million dollars in value,|ganization of American States restored "as soon as possibie,"| G5 that we import annually. In 1962)committee said Sunday the they collectively totalled $365;-/United States and Panama have 482,371.00. /agreed to resume diplomatic re- jthe Panama Canal! problem. Championship Bout) ss that there has not yet --|lations and begin talks to solve . the agreement said Panama broke diplomatic re- lations with the United States Jan, 10 after rioting in the Canal But a high U.S. source said/Z0ne which left 21 persons dead | os; Backache, and muscular and more than 200 wounded. i, To quickly combat the secondary aches, muscular pains and disturbed sleep caused by Kidney and Bladder irritations, ey taking an internal antisepti 1) its cleaning anti- septic action, CYSTEX is also an analgesie Dain reliever for Rheumatic Pains, Head- ». Get from druggist. Feel better fast. daughter Melanie of Kingston was a recent visitor with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Burrows REGINA (GP) A Adtogad ok Phill shee GIN 0P) -- A 12-round| ae siete with, kor ites. pn right to decide the vacant Ca- Geclared: . F Burrows, and Mr. Burrows at/Dadian heavyweight boxing The United States govern: present. championship has been set. back|ment, and the government of Mr. Henry Goschl and 24 hours to Wednesday, March Panama, as of 11 p.m, Sunday, family of Oshawa. were recent 18, it was announced Sunday. {have had no meeting of the supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.| The bout betw een dgacos rgarer i riged a ee S : 1. he ; noe *huve r y res Percy Dewell Miss Dianne Tink) Champion George ( uvalo. be eke fatioaed nah pe sents Claremont; C. J. Riddell, and Frank Barkey of Claremont Last year's trophy was won by the team from Haldimand County --Photo by Herb Nott Ltd Three Injured Stark Signs Beneficial to Ontario's Economy". Front row (left to right) Bob Robertson, Port Perry; Marilyn Downey, Brooklin; back row (left to right), David Hawthorne, i Delayed 24 Hotte reenact ea CUT ME OUTS ULE mE Eel In a statement the U.S, source | f manager of farm sales, C. J Riddell. Topic debated in the finals at Guelph's Ontario Agricultural College was: "Re- solved that The Subsidization of Farm Products in Ontario Members of the Ontario County team, winners in the recent Junior Farmers' Asso- ciation of Ontario debating contest, receive the Cities Ser- vice Oil Company trophy from $7,500 Allotted Oshawa Obedience Association | DOG TRAINING To Conservation | PORT HOPE -- The ganar- raska Region Conservation Authority budget and municipa! assessment for 1964 shows little} Township, $319: Clarke Town- change There was some hesitation) when it came to naming the! assessment for Newcastle, but members agreed to leave the) budget levy as it was approved last year. Newcastle fought the 1963 assessment of the Authority in the courts, but lost. With a minimum of $300 for| each municipality, the rate is) worked out with both the popu-! lation and assessment in mind It gives the authority $7,500 for the year, and an equal amount Price Given | Precedence ° Over Wages By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special te The Oshawa Times LONDON -- Ted Hill, presi- dent of the Boilermakers' So- ciety, one of the most important of the shipbuilding and engineer- unions, is known to be a forthright and outspoken union leader who does not slavishly follow the party line. Writing in the official journal of his union, he takes issue with those in its ranks who are constantly mak- ing claims for higher pay. If he had his' way. he said, lower prices instead .of higher pay would become the chief target of his union in the future. In his article, Mr. Hill said "Since 1945 the wholesale and retail trade have 'been making fabulous profits. and it is about time. their wings were clipped and profits and prices pulled down. It is true the government stepped in to contro! prices through a wholesale and retail price council, and our move- ment should get on the band wagon to fight for lower prices instead of chasing wage claims as we have been doing over re cent years POT IS BOILING **It is time,' said Mr, Hill we all paid more atten tion to the prices of food and commodities, and now that the pot is boiling we should keep up our agitation for lower prices."' Warming up to his theme, Mr Hill turned to the subject of re- sale price maintenance, saying 'It is amazing how some peo- ple will squeal when they are| asked to be a little more com-} petitive. Why should shopkeep- ers be treated any differently) to other members of the com-| munity? If we have to be more} competitive and produce magi that goes for the shopkeeper as well as. the worker in the fac-| tory, in the mill, in the mines} and in the shipyards | There is little doubt: that many small shopkeepers will go) out of business, and of course. like ordinary workers, they will have to train or retrain for other employment." ing "that FIGHT HUNGER JAKARTA (AP) An "'anti-| hunger command" has been set up in central Java to ease: the| suffering of thousands of per the food-short lated region, reports pesian Antara news agency. overpopu the Ind i soms in In Car Crash PICKERING (Staff) -- Three persons were injured in a from the Ontario government, 'graveyard ride' earty Sunday for a total budget of $15,000 morning in Pickering Township The assessments are: Cavan Ross Wilson of 2 Liverpool road in Pickering Township was ship, $1,700; Hamilton Town- charged with careless driving ship, $300; Hope Township, after a car he was driving was $1,400; Manvers Township, $338; completely demolished when it Newcastle, $548, and Port Hope, went through the Erskine Ceme- $2.800 tery at 12.51 a.m., Suaday As some authority members 'The passengers in the car his pondered whether or not New- brother, Gary, and William castle would be satisfied with wanhlen of Spruce Hill road in this assessment, Ear! Argue Pickering Township were ad- pointed out that 'they had the mitted at Oshawa General Hos- right to be here (at the meet pital with back and chest injur- ing), same as the rest of us," if jeg respectively. Ross Wilson they wanted to disagree with was treated at the Ajax-Picker- the amount ing General Hospital for minor Scretary-treasurer, Mrs. Lor- injuries raine Wood said that some mem- bers, such as Hope Township, are paying more than their share. Asked if Port Hope would agree to an increase, town coun cillor Arthur Crowhurst said he would not take the. responsibil ity for agreeing to such a move A full levy against the town would cost Port Hope more than $3,800. This was successfully fought by the town last year 4 budget figure of $5,658 for this year's reforestation prop erty buying willbe augmented by some $4,000 left: over from. BROOKLIN (Staff) -- A Rag- the 1963 budget, Rising land lan woman escaped serious in- costs have caused a slump in jury here early Sunday morn- this work of the Authority ing when her convertible crash- = ed against a cement bridge Tobacco Men Mrs. Myrna Audrey Burgess Back Crop Cut was released from Oshawa General Hospital shortly after BURFORD, Ont. (CP) -- To bacco growers in the Burford SHORGAS ° ; HEATING & area voted Saturday to ask the Ontario Flue - Cured Totingds APPLIANCES Growers' Marketing Board for Industrial and a 50 per cent reduction into H bacco planting acreage for the Commercial 1964 growing season The established, reliable Gas Other district meetings last Deoler in your area. week proposed the same cut 31 CELINA ST ° which would be the largest ever (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 Police Constable C. Daniels of the Pickering ywnship Police said that the car failed to stop at.the T intersection at Fair- port road and Concession No 2 went through the south fence of the cemetery and then through the west fence Auto Wrecked But Driver OK About 250 growers attended the meeting in Burford, 10 miles west of Brantford We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities Little Girls' STRETCH SLIMS Sizes 2- 6x in red, black and Scotch Fj We AN THURS. FRI. a SAT. CELLULOSE TAPE 'World-Wide Sales Pact AJAX -- L. L. Samuel, Vice- President of Stark Electronic Instruments Ltd., Ajax, recent- ly announced the signing of an agreement with the Internation- al Marketing Division of Hughes Aircraft Co Hughes Inter: national, Culver City, Califor- nia of Stark products Mr, Samuel stated 'the ar- rangement should give Stark a more vigorous representation in world markets and should fur-) ther strengthen current sales in that field In the last two years of oper-| ation, Stark's overall sales have increased' an average of| 25 per cent per year. In 1963,! about 14 per cent of Stark's total sales was for export. This new arrangement will mean even further increases in ex- port sales. against the the 4 am. Crash bridge which spans the Lyon awa, were dinner guests of Mr. Greenbank j officers from . OPP Whitby described the late-model car as a '"'writeoff" Mrs. Burgess' injuries were described as a possible broken nose and blackened eyes IF YOU ARE NOW TAKING A LAXATIVE ONCE, TWICE or THREE TIMES A WEEK +». THEN YOU SHOULD BUY WR TODAY the Laxative Tablet with the GENTLE DIFFERENCE Take gentle-acting MN... Nature's Remedy! There is no letdown, no uncomfortable after-feeling. NR is an all-vegetable laxative. For over 70 years, NM has been giving folks pleasant, effective relief overnight. Helps you feel better ... and look better! REGULAR + CHOCOLATE COATED + JUNIORS for world-wide distribution M Oshawa and Douglas Fergu-| son, Enniskillen, were also visit- ors at Percy Dewell's Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth and family of Pickering, Jim Blunt and Frank Blunt, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. Bloyd ranked ninth in world listings|The United States appreciates Wilcox and son, Donald, Co- bourg, were visitors with Mrs. J.D. Hogarth Mr.- and Mrs. George Yeo visited her sister at Marysville Blain and Blair Van Eyk, Ty- rone, spent a couple of weeks with their aunt, Mrs, Glen Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kilburn, Mrs. Dickinson and Mrs. Tre- vail, Mrs. Chester and Miss Ida Arnott, all of Oshawa, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Wilbur Mrs. A. E, Billet spent a few days with Dr, Keith Billett and family, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs Jacob Kessler, Woodbridge, were recent week-! ccd visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott, and with Mr. and Mrs. John Carrigan Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cav- erly were évening dinner. guests jof Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Cav- pool. erly, Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Cheetham ,Osh- and Mrs. Alex Carrick Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Shel- Toronto, and Hugh Mercier Regina, originally was sched-| uled for Tuesday but was set| back to avoid a conflict with a junior hockey playoff game. | The. 205 pound Chuvalo,} and heavily favored against the unknown Mercier, completed his! training Sunday. | Mercier, fourth - ranked in} Canada at 197 pounds, also} worked out Sunday and was to} complete his training with an-| other two rounds of sparring to- night. drick, Tom and Lynn and Miss} Doris Cook, Colbome, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Blanchard Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Cle-| mens and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Clemens and son, Brent, visited] Mr. and Mrs, Norman Clemens, 'Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Ray Petit and family, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibbs, Tyrone, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Lewis Cryderman Mr. and Mrs. Perey Dewell| solve the problems surrounding the Panama disturbances. "The United States set ment will welcome a resump- tion of relations with Panama CLASSES AT THE United Steel Workers Hall 115 ALBERT STREET OSHAWA © ADULT CLASSES ¢ Wednesday, March 18th -- 7 P.M. Telephone 723-9708 or 725-6030 © CHILDREN'S CLASSES ¢ 10 to 14 Years Wednesday, March 25th -- 6 P.M. Telephone 725-4858 CUT ME OUT@®HANG ME UP the contribution of the OAS del- egation and hopes that success- ful conversations will result from its. endeavors." | MAKES ANNOUNCEMENT | The announcement that the United States and Panama would "seek a prompt elimina- tion of the causes of conflict' over the Panama Canal came from, Ambassador Juan Plate of Paraguay, chairman of the spe: | cial OAS committee established to investigate the canal crisis and to try to reconcile the twol nations. The agreement calls for both countries to "designate special ambassadors with sufficient powers to carry out discussions | agreement." visited Lew Williamson, Ponty-| Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke visit-| ed Mr. and Mrs. George Rahm, Mrs. Margaret Wilbur, Taun- ton, visited Mrs. J. D. Hogarth. wr 375 Simcoe St. S. OPEN HOUSE Tues., Mar. 17 9:00-4:00 6:00-9:00 FREE FACIALS and MAKE-UP CARE by Arlene Richards Wednesday, March 18 Thursday, March 19 Rosomanes. BEAUTY SHOP Phone 728-4701 || vecammccern lh Brand ALUM Double Broilers; SPECIAL CLOSE SATURDAY AT 6:00 P.M. COOKWARE INUM Black & Deep Fryers; TS $ ---- TL KODAK FILM Adults Only Allowed Specials 3 /\\ White N Store Hours: - 6 9.9 Thurs. & Fri. and negotiations with the objec- ZELLER S tive of reaching a fair and just CANADIANS RETAILERS TO THRIFTY SIGN OF SPRING: CRISP STRAW MILLINERY IN COQUETTISH STYLES! | SEE ZELLER'S EXCITING MILLINERY COLLECTION SOON! \Z Ve \ KEP ES <5 » re blue. Compare at 4.95 'pair FOR PRICE SAKE 2.22 Reg. 49c Roll FOR 'ea | ; 1 00 or . Fry Pans; Kettles. ONLY AT 0.D.H. Be YOUR CHOICE Each . Regular 60c Value FOR PRICE SAKE 42° pair Flashlight BATTERIES by Toshiba SPECIAL THIS: WEEK AT 0.D.H. 12° Each SAKE ; New Dawn by VO-5 Hair Color SHAMPOO -Compare at 2.25 FOR PRICE 1 66 ees s SAKE Boys' Boxer Tops CORDUROY PANTS Assorted: colors. Compare at 1.79 pr. Sized 2 to 6x 11' FOR PRICE SAKE Pair Roll .. : The Sun Is Shining Wrap-Around SUN GLASSES A REAL GIVE- ¢ AWAY at, Pair 44 ' \ LIFE SEE OE) OE EE ED CTS No Where ese OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 1038-King St. W. At Garrard Rd. EX WS $ DNS ZN \ PeeWee ana PEEWWAA GWA (PIMP IP OPES es pi K ESiSarSas A. THE ROUND-CROWN PILLBOX, rising to new fashion importance in this Panamalac hat. Daintily accented with bow. 4.99 5.99 5.99 All styles in a glorious polette of Spring-fresh tones, including white, bone beige, red, coffee, navy, black, pink or blue ZELLER'S B. THIS SEWN SWISS MILAN HAT displays the new Flor- entine look! Sparked with ribbon and bow trim. C. THE VERY NEW HIGH-LEVEL OFF-THE-FACE HAT, beautifully interpreted in Italian licorice straw braid OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE DOWNTOWN OSHAWA

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