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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Mar 1964, p. 5

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| WHITBY And DISTRICT Bantam Stars Top emo ga oss RiChmond Hillers Manager: John Gault ; peaneys By CLIFF GORDON have their work cut out for Whitby Bantam All-Star teamjthem on Friday night as they jtocs another step in the -right|/travel to Richmond Hill for the 'direction on Saturday afternoon|second game of the series. fas they edged the Richmond|Don't forget there is a bus go- /Hill team 6-4 in the first gamejing and if you want to go along of the OMHA Bantam A Minor|contact either of the two men 'semi-finals, This is a best of|mentioned in the first para- thre® series with the second|graph of our story or be at the game slated for Richmond Hill arena at: 6.00 pm, Friday jon Friday night, The local club night. : ' 'plans to take a bus to the game) Ist Period and there will be several seats) 1. Whitby: Gibson ....... 4.15 lavailable for fans who want to! 2. Whitby: Horack ...... 9.16 go. The price is very reason-| 3. Richmond Hill: Wilson 13.45 able, so if you want to go 4. Whitby: Vipond, . jalong and cheer these young Gibson . 16.00 fellows on, contact George) Penalties -- Harrington 1.55,' Town or Cliff Partington. The,;Town 2.50. | bus leaves at 6.00 p.m In the game on Saturday! 5- afternoon it was Peter Vipond,| Neii Gibson and George Ree- son who led the Whitby ét- tack. Vipond had one goal -but| 7: set up three more. Recson and , Gi$scn each bagged two goals Penalties -- Horack 3.46, Har- while picking up one assist. rington 10.50, 'Gibson 13.29, Larry Horack scored the other Methe en tind Vhitby goal erie rey visitors, who were) 8 Richmond Hill: Wilson, never able to overtake the local Harrington, Methe .... 1.85) jtearng_ it was hard workinz Jim 9. Richmond Hill: Harrington, | Wilson with three goais Wayne| Broderick 5) Harrington added the other goal !9 Fate Reeson, for the visitors, It was a fast ipond, Keenan ...... 16.40 clean game with only seven pen- Penalties -- Harrington 14.46 jalties handed out, Saf to the , }losers and three to Whitby. Har- LJ rington was the bad boy of the Whitby Boys jafternoon as he picked un a |minor in each of the. three Sc cont * * Queens Scouts The highly-touted Richmond! ; Hill team came into town full) Queen's Scout badges were of high praise and rated as the Presented recently to Ted Mc- jteam to beat for the champion-|Gee and Gerald Lynch by their ship. However the Whitby team fathers 2nd. Period Whitby: Reeson, Vipond, Sorichetti .... 6. Richmond Hill: Wilson, Gordon Brodrick ... Whitby: Gibson, Vipond, Reeson 18.45 1.55 5.30 BOYS NAMED QUEENS SCOUTS Scout badges. This is the high- proud fathers, Anthony Lynch est award in Scouting. They and J. C. MeGee and Scout- are shown above with their master Ben LeHaye. Left to right: Mr. Lynch, Scout Gere ald Lynch, Scoutmaster Le Haye, Scout Ted McGee and | SELLS FILMS | Mr. McGee. Speeding, Wrong Turns x2 ,%,%2° tv com Sawn nines Pot Feature Police Court es IS YOUR - _ MORTGAGE | package of prestige movies to Fines totalling $167 were lev-jed in brief hospitalization for Two Whitby Boy Scouts were recently honared by the attainment of their Queen's Doug Maundrell ts one of the local members of the Whitby Figure Skating Club who will be taking part in the annual Club Carnival March 21 at the Whitby WHITBY SKATING %, Arena. The fun gets under- way at 8 p.m. with a couple of added features. Miss Jean Saunders of Toronto, 1963 Junior Canadian Figure Skat- ing Champion .will perform, and a 12-year-old Bowman- UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES Kinettes Make Plans sae lla STAR junder the fine coaching of Bob |Keenan was ready and waiting lfor their foes. Neil, Gibson got|ing the tests the boys had to| Friday |the ball rolling for the County|/Pass to acquire their tender- Town team at 4.15 as he fired|foot, 2nd class, Ist class, and|Ericson, Whitby PD, at speeds | the offence a low shot that caught the bot-|finally the proficiency badges| yp to 90 miles per hour at 1.45) tom right hand corner. Herack|Which lead to Queen's Scout.|, m made it 2-0 just later on a neat shift Hill fought back cut the local lead at Wilson got Vipond made Whitby team as the period was) his drawing to a close. . In t 7 Whitby team managed to out-|including his score the visitors strength of goals by Gibson and ; eg by Reeson, Wilson once again was/ency badges and A and B all-/should impound your vehicle." vanninkhof, Port Perry, $5, dis-| the trigger man for tors Richmond little the stronger in the final;Queen"s Scouts, 12 are second frame as Whitby team 2-1 but the dam- foot Scouts, all boys are invest-|yield right of way; Brian Wich-\ering, $10, speeding; age Wilson with his third goal the afternoon and Harrington'sented with a were while Reeson got goal of the game on a three-way |patrol passing play with Keenan and Vipond It was a really good game plaque for "the individual Scout|legal Be Wayne Onichuk will add diversion to show. with his comic act. Tickets for the event are now on sale at the Whitby Arena Photo by Stannett ville boy jwith plenty of action at both who has done most - for jends. The Whitby team w1I11 troop." ' For $$$-Bunny Draw Whitby Kinettes held their|change of the Bible study based, ST. MARK'S UCW No. 2 monthly dinner meeting Wednes-| day, March 11 at the Coach House followed by the regular meeting held at Spruce Villa Hotel. President Sheila Gordon chair- ed the meeting. All reports were read and approved. The presi- dent thanked all members, who took active part, for the success- ful Valentine Dance. Members were reminded of the Easter money bunny draw to be held Thursday, March 26 at Snelgrove Drug Store. The draw will be made by Kinsmen President Howard Souter: Mrs. Sally Forrester attended as a guest and was welcomed A gift donated by the president was won by Kinette Ruth Hew- son. In charge of the program were President Sheila and Kinette Roma Collins who introduced Mrs. Pat Brown who gave a lingerie demonstration. Winners of the prizes were Betty Silver and Kinette Roma Collins The next meeting will be held at the Spruce. Villa Hotel, April 8 when nomination of officers will be held. PARISH HELPERS ; St. John's Anglican Church Parish Helpers held its monthly meeting Thursday March 12 at the home of Mrs. Henry Perry, Dufferin street. President Mrs. Seymour Whit ney opened the meeting with prayer. Ten members answered the roll call Rey. John McKibbin was in, on St. John's Gospel During the business meeting arrangements were made by the group to cater to the Church choir dinner to be held Thurs- day, April 2 It was unanimously decided to elect Mrs. Henry Perry as so0- cial secretary. Members were sorry to learn of the illness of Mrs. McKibb which prevented her attendance. They wish her a prompt recovery. The meeting closed with pray- er. During the social half-hour a birthday cake adorned with lighted candles was served in honor of Mrs. Robert Dent on the occasion of her birthday The hostess served a dainty lunch. Mrs, James Sheedy pour- ed -tea UNITY CLUB Unit Club Past Noble Grand (Rebekah) held its monthly meeting Wednesday evening March 11 in the IOOF Hail In the absence of the presi- dent, Mrs. Mary Churchyard, vice-president Mrs. Stella Mec- Lean chaired the meeting which opened with the Lord's prayer 4 brief business session was held. Games were enjoyed with the following. winners Mrs Fred James, Mrs. Lena Pellow and Mrs. Greta Campbell During the social hour Mrs Frank Roberts was in charge of a quiz, she was assisted by Greta Campbell At the close of the meeting refreshments were served. The next meeting will be held Wed nesday, April 8 WHITBY + Tae BROCK Evening Shows Start 6:55 and 8:20 Last Complete Show at 8:20 SOPHIA LOREN! MAXIMILIAN SHELL FREDRICMARCH ROBERT WAGNER ¢ THE CONDEMNE OFALTONA I™ & --ALSO-- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION "Swingin' Along' ' TOMMY NOONAN & BARBARA EDEN St. Mark's United Church Unit No. 2 held its monthly meeting Thursday, March 12 in the af- ternoon at the Church parlor Leader Mrs. John Brecken- ridge opened the meeting with! prayer. Miss E. Davis was in change of a devotional. Her theme was 'Fellowship of Pray- er" Mrs. Gordon was in charge of the study, book on "India and South Asia'. She told of the opportunities there and the liv- ing conditions Mrs. Breckenridge reported that the greater givings during 1963 and the projects planned could be carried out. Members were reminded that a tea and homebake sale would be held in the Assembly Hall Friday, April 10 at 2 p.m. The meeting closed with pray- er and this was followed by a social half hour when a delicious lunch was served The next meeting will be held Thursday, April SA HOME LEAGUE Salvation Army Women's Home League held its weekly meeting Thursday evening at the Citadel in the form of a 'Sur- prise Shower of Blessings"- in honor of Mrs. Captain Edward Reed. The meeting opened with a devotional period in charge of Mrs. Jim Reid and her group Lovely gifts were presented to Mrs. Reed who expressed her thanks. During the business meeting Mrs. Reed reminded) the ladies of a money-raising § project to assist the Robun Lake Camp. Members volunteered to again this year sell licorice all sorts. Anyone wishing to purchase same' please contact Salvation Army Women's Home League members During the social hour lunch was served by the--gfoup in charge CUB AWARDS The plaque for Five-A-Pack Cubs was won by Tawney for the year 1963-64. Two first stars were presented by Assistant Dis trict .Commissioner to Michael Fairthorne and Philip Pisani Also badges were presented to} Tony Reimer, pet keeper, Mike Lynch, collector, and Mike Fair-! thorne, his swimmer's badge "@There- are a total of six f s aid Tony Reimer has first and second star, 21 tendérpads and three chums i The long road from a neWied by Magistrate Harry Jer-'two people and a fine of $20 on Scout to Queen's Scout, explain-|myn at Whitby Police Cour t\a charge of failing to yield right of way for Garry Mathers of | Tailed by Constable Eric|Whitby, who pleaded guilty to Constable Fred Baker, Whit- on Dundas street west,|by PD, told the court that McGee spoke on be-| john Kuisar, 17, of Pickering,| Mathers' vehicle had' collided two fathers pre-|was fined $50 and costs or tne|With another while proceeding Queen's Scout days for speedin |through a yield sign at Gilbert 13.45 as|badges. ra P ng. and Byron south. Minor injur- of three. Besides the Queen's Scout, Pleading guilty to thelies to the driver and passenger| for the Ted McGee was presented with|°harges, he was 'also assessed|of the other car resulted, he : Bushman's Thong. and ¢|$20.and costs or four days in) .4iq all-around cord, Ted also has a|i@il for Pat FS at - inter-|" Magistrate Jermyn noted that the total of 22 proficiency badges| Secon ae the early morn-|\vrathers had no previous driv-| A-B-C all-around|ing chase, Feb. 19. Magistrate|ing record before handing down| Jermyn commented, "When are|ine fine We! Also assessed five minutes;Mr. J. C Richmond/half of the gamely andjsenting the his first it 3-1 the second period 2-1 on the|cords ; 2 Gerald Lynch has 16 profici-\You 80ing to grow up? were: Anne One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper and Murals Custom Draperies Broedioom end Rugs C.1.L. Paints end Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd. Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby i COMING DUE We would be pleased to discuss refinancing it for you. ] VICTORIA and GREY TRUST 308 Dundes St. W., Whitby the visi-/around cords Illegal left turns and speed-jgheying a sign; Andre Nufer,) There are 26 active Scouts injing figured high on the list of/Toronto, $14, speeding; Edith athe troop of which two aretraffic offences. Niro, Whitby, $13, speeding; | Assessed were: Glenn Cas- James McCarry, Oshawa, $10, $10, failure tojspeeding; Lorne Harpell, Pick- Gerardus done, |ed man, Ajax, $15, speeding; Gun-|Donders, Whitby, $5, disobeying of} The Moose Patrol was pre-jnar Perdersen, Sunderland, $5,\a sign. plaque byjillegal left turn; Gary Watson.) Edward Kennedy of Bath was This| Rome, $20, speeding; Franklin|fined $15 for driving with defec- progressed|Phillips, Campbellford, $5, il-jtive brakes, and or fail- \legal left turn; Donald Van|ure to notify the epartment of Patrol Leader Jim McDon-| Buskirk, Whitby, $15. speeding;|a change of address nell was presented with a/Percy Kinch, Whitby, $5, il-- Charges were dismissed left .turn; Roy Holmes,|against Mrs. Rosalie Snelgrove, the Oshawa, $5, disobeying a sign. |Brooklin, and Robert McQuay, An accident Feb. 29 result-'Whitby Hill appeared the Class and the remainder tender-|key, Whitby, they outscored had already been marksmen|A. D. -C. . Markwick, his second|was for the most the losers' CALENDAR -- of -- Weekly Events! 4 SPORT This Programme Presented By The Local Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! WwW. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Ample Parking Facilities g HARLEY'S Service Centre FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Licensed Mechanic Major and Minor Repairs Rambler, Trailer, Sales ond Rentals FINA CENTRE MERCHANDISE 668-8211 1101 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY STAFFORD Brothers Ltd. Monuments . » . of Distinction 668-3552 Whitby THIS WEEK'S SPORTS EVENTS You don't have to play o sport to be @ good sport 110 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-3410 a HOCKEY WHITBY MERCANTILE HOCKEY LEAGUE, Sunday, March 22, fourth game of a best of five final series. Arena Sunoco vs Durno's Garage GOOD SPORTS Support home town sports. HOME TOWN SPORTS SUPPORT THE LOCAL SUPPLIERS OF FUELS and BUILDING SUPPLIES SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 BROCK ST. S. DIA} 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT SKATING AT WHITBY ARENA Wednesday, March 18, 8 to 10 p.m., adults only Friday, March 20, 8:30 to 10:30 p.m., Adults and children, Saturday, March 21, 2 to 4 p.m. Children under 14 only. ANNUAL WHITBY FIGURE SKATING CARNIVAL Soturday, March 21st -- 8 p.m. For Home Delivery of Ontario County's Only Daily Newspaper PH. 668-3703 Port Whithy Texaco PETER HUBER, Prop. Tires and Accessories @ Free Pick-up and Delivery COR. VICTORIA and BROCK ST. S. PHONE 668-3471 WANT ADS HOLD THE KEY TO EXTRA CASH Annual Figure Skating Carnival at the Whitby Arena RIFLE CLUB The Whitby Rifle Club meets ot Colborne Street Public School Wednesday nights st 7 p.m. Ladies at 7:30, new mem- bers welcome HOOKER & SONS LTD. YOUR BEST DEAL ON NEW AND USED CARS No. 7 Highway, 3 miles West of Brooklin General Motors Dealer For CHEVROLET--OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS : CORVAIR GEORGE'S - FINA SERVICE Tune-ups. Licensed Mechanic Free Check-Up Enjoy Corefree Holiday Driving PICK-UP & DELIVERY 668-4232 *932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY BROOKLIN 655-4811 TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY BY-LAW NUMBER 1872 FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY. BEING A BY-LAW TO PRESCRIBE THE TIME DURING WHICH FIRES MAY BE SET IN THE OPEN AIR IN THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Whitby enacts as follows: . Any person in lewful eccupation of land in the Tewnship ef Whitby may set fire in the open eir on any such lands except during the period commencing March 15th in eny year ond continuing until June let of the seme year, during which period no fires shall be set. . No fires may be set et any time except with such super- vision @s may bly be y to prev such fire spreading beyond control. This by-low shall not apply te thet part of the Township of Whitby lying within the boundaries of Lot 24, in the 5th Concession of the said Township end designated Open Storage Industrial (M-2) Zone. . Anyone setting en open fire contrary te this by-law er otherwise offendi inst the provisions of this by-lew shall be guilty of an offence and shall be licble upon eon- viction to a penelty of not tess $50.00 nor more than $300.00 exclusive of costs. THIS BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally pessed on the 27th dey of March A.D, 1963. Murray Robinson, CLERK An Open Letter To All Citizens of Whitby Township from the Fire Chiefs of Fire Area No. 1 and Fire Area No. 2 The Council of Whitby Township has passed a by- low which prohibits the lighting of fires in the open from March 15th to June Ist in any year and is now in effect. 3 John G. Goodwin, REEVE During 1963, due to the co-operation of the citizens of the Township, our Fire Department responded to only 10 calls for grass fires as compared to 60 the previous year. It is anticipated that the same co-operation will be received this year and an effort made to reduce the number of grass fires to nil. We strongly urge every citizen to co-operate with us to the fullest extent in refraining from lighting fires during the prescribed period and thereby avoid the penalty specified for infractions of this by-law. GEO. H. VICK, Chief,, Whitby Township Fire Area No, 1 HAROLD BRYAN, Chief, Whitby Township Fire Area No. 2

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