These five young men lit- erally sang their way across Canada, the United States and Europe and still found SING AND STUDY time to continue their stud- jes. Tha five, a Montreal folksinging group called the Newlanders, are: Top, left to right, Henry Roy, 24, and Eddy Scott, 26; and bottom, left to right, Bob Doucet, 22, Dave Yorston, 22, and Gerry Hill, 21. (CP Photo) Tibetan Dalai Lama Leads Forgotten Life NEW DELHI (Reuters)--The Tibetan Dalai Lama is leading a lonely, almost forgotten life in an obscure village high in the Himalaya Mountains nearly five years after he fled from the Chinese Communist inva- sion of his country. With him are most members of his cabinet, many of them in their 60s or 70s, but still hoping! for a political miracle which| will enable them to return to Tibet. Scattered all over India, Ne- pal, Sikkim and Bhutan are an! estimated 70,000, Tibetan refu-| gees who escaped with the! Dalai Lama in the spring of| 1959. They, too, dream of the day when they can go back to their homes on the windswept Tibetan plateau. The Dalai Lama, now 28, de- votes most of his time to the welfare and résettlement these loyal followers who pre- ferred life in exile with him to living under Chinese rule. SURE OF RETURN While the young Tibetan ruler is practical enough not to raise the Tibetans' hopes of an early 'liberation of their land, he does seize every opportunity to stress his undying faith in the ultimate success of his efforts to regain his lost land. The modern bungalow, called Heavenly Abode, set against the picturesque backdrop of peaks, where the Dalai Lama now lives is a far cry from his 'eri potala palace in Lhasa. The.Dalai Lama's entourage is housed in and around the bungalow in a_ self-contained settlement of about 20 houses. ' The lama has drawn up a comprehensive plan of reforms : to be introduced inside Tibet on his return home. At the same time, the pres- ence of the Dalai Lama has raised many problems for 'the Indian government. While New Delhi sympathies of} are with th- Dalai Lama ant his request for asylum was! readily' granted, he nd_his| cabinet have not been given the| status of an "emigre" govern- ment. Despite India's border dispute with-China, authorities have not permitted the Dalai Lama to campaign actively aginst the Chinese occuption of Tibet be- ure, mostly in gold, has been estimated to be worth between $5,000,000 and $8,000,000. Part of this treasure has since been converted into cash for investments in business enter- prises in India, long-term bonds and to meet some of the cost of refugee resettlement projects for Tibetans. EDMONTON (CP) -- Th RCAF has 14 men looking fo the proverbial needle in th haystack at its Cold Lake sta- tion 140 miles norhtwest of Ed monton, The needles are satel- lites and the haystack is the |heavens. Aiding them in their nightly search ig a $120,000 Baker-Nunn camera, a three-ton device so sensitive it can track not only satellites but flotsam--foreign objects in space--as well. The men work in two shifts, NATO Unity In Danger -- Adenauer HANNOVER (AP) -- Konrad Adenauer, former West German chancellor, sounded a warning Sunday for the North Atlantic alliance to settle its differences or perhaps see some members pull out. In a keynote speech to the convention of his Christian Democratic party, Adenauer made no specific mention of the} differences between the United States and France on Western policy but these differences have been the most outstand- ing in recent years within the alliance. Adenauer spoke proudly of his} agreement with President de Gaulle on a French-West Ger- man friendship pact and said he could not understand why it should be considered a treaty directed against the United States. ; He said he had told State Sec- retary Dean Rusk in advance of} his intention to negotiate a close relationship with France and that Rusk at that time wel- comed it. As for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Adenauer said: "It-is high time for all mem- bers of the alliarice to set them- selves earnestly to removing their differences of opinion.' He noted that beginning in 1969, any member can withdraw from NATO with one year's no- tice, "So members of the alliance must get together at the latest by the end of 1967 on the ur- gently necessary changes in the treaty,"" Adenauer said. Adenauer, at 88, is due to be elected to another two-year term as party chairman. Erhard will be the party's, candidate to suc: ceed himself as chancellor in next year's general election. 14RCAF Men Look For Space Flotsam hooting 300 to 400 feet of film. 's immediately pr d djficers. The balance of the twolis set up to slide away from ures and their 1ocatron tsicrews is made up or plotted by checking where they|phers and technicians. are in relation to known stars. None of the men had special Fit. Lt, Thompson says de-|training in operating the ca- termining the course of qa satel-mera prior to being assigned lite is somewhat more difficult,|to the tracking project -- "we at least until-a spotter is up on|train them on the job." his astrology. All the plotting is} The camera is on an elevated done by him and two other of-jplatform inside a building that eA Sort LTA $ ei "a et i= iy A Ss oO palon oe ee a 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Merch 16, 1964 7 Processed film is read an hour after the officers re- ceive it, The processing plant and plotting room are located! in the same building. Formerly such tracking had jthe camera to expose it for use.|to-be done by radar but now each other, Fit Le each other, says, And when the wae cloudy and the camera cannot be used, radar takes over the whole job for NORAD. ani he course of flying objects is plotted, ie The data is forwarded to North American Air Defence headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colo., where it is cor- related with information gleaned from other cameras lo- cated in California, Chile and Norway. The cameras enable NORAD to keep a detailed, up-to-date inventory of the hundreds of items now in space ,says Fit. Lt. Roy Thompson who has been in charge of the Cold Lake operation for more than a year. The camera's $30,000 a low-pressure vacuum cleaner --is so sensitive it can photo- graph a .303 rifle bullet at 50 miles, It photographed the Van- guard I satellite, a six - inch sphere, at 2,000 miles. TRAIL IS CURVED Spotting the satellites and other objects in the photographs is not difficult, says Fit. Lt. Thompson, Satellites show up on a curved trail while stars follow what appears to be a straight patch. he satellites are identified by examination of time expos- FINN WINS OSLO (AP) -- Veikko Kank- konen of Finland, 24-year-old Finnish gymanstics teacher from Lahti, won the special jumping event Sunday in the in ternational Holmenkollen ski festival. Kankkonen won after a exciting duel with fellow Olympic champion Toralf En- gan. of Norway. Only seven- tenths of a point separated ~NOW OPEN FEATURING yer re SCOTT'S vit 295 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA PHONE 728-4911 : lens--| which can be cleaned only with If you are adult in every sense of the word you \ ty COLOR [[Hear SAMMY DAMS, JR. ing "Kathrie's Tema' ] For 361 days a year. alm Springs is just a fn swanky But oh that Lig busts everything playground when all : CONTINUOUS DAILY: "Woman ADDED FEATURE | them. W FAMOUS PLAYER cause they feel such a cam- paign would be a breach of of diplomatic propriety. Equally difficult have been) the arrangements for the pro-| tection of the Tibetan ruler. Ever since his arrival in India,| a special team of detectives) has been assigned to protect the| Dalai Lama. ' | The Indian government also) meets all expenses connected) with his presence in the coun-| itry, including the cost of main-| tenance of his entourage. | But the Dalai Lama is not) without funds. His escape was) hastily contrived and he was) unable to bring with him all the) fabulous treasure hoarded over ¢ the centuries, inside the strong- > NOW PLAYING Greatest Story of Love and Faith the World has Ever Known! RICHARD BURTON in "THE ROBE" in COLOR with JEAN SIMMONS VICTOR MATURE MICHAEL RENNIE DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M. The Greatest. At Their Funniest! CHAPLIN KEATON LAUREL - HARDY N LANGDON .., in "30 YEARS OF FUN" SHOW STARTS 6:45 P.M. rooms of the Potala. BILTMORE 18 But he and his cabinet had transferred a part of this treas-| ure to Gangtok, in Sikkim, nearly 15 years ago. The ruling family of Sikkim hid it for nine years. The treas- AUSTRALIAN WINS | CAIRO (AP) -- Jan Lehane} of Australia, defying a ban im-} posed by the Australian Lawn Tennis Association, won the) women's singles title Saturday) in the United Arab Republic tennis tournament. She defeated; | Christine Truman of Britain in the final 6-2, 6-1. The associa- tion has banned Australian play- ers from competing in overseas events before March 31. Roy} Emerson and Ken Fletcher have |defied the order and were {booted off the Australian Davis} Cup squad. Need things Get an HFC | Shopper's Loan Mom needs new things, Thi youngsters sprout. Dad's suit wears out. Let HFC help you outfit your whole any store in town for the best clothing family. Get cash to shop at for Spring? e MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS + values. Budget your repayment conven- iently. This year, shop sensibly, with cash from HFC. ASK ABOUT CREDIT wi 0 | | 12 months) months | months | months : 6.121 $ 9.46] | 0 - 2.86) 61.24 2.8 4.1 8.1 | 94.1 9.4 7.0 1 1 COT CO 100 | 83.71 d 01.46 95.12 | 10 28.98 t 3 1 1 1) 512 a ae Ale USP Requirements FABRIC CARE 725-1812 For Free Pick-Up and ~ PROFESSIONAL Get your Toggery Ready for the Easter Parade Send ALL your ring Cleaning to your CENTRE for the Very Finest In get In our factory. (it's easy to tell the ok's from the no's. 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