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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Mar 1964, p. 15

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Se EO Ge RE TY RTT i a a a a ny ar acer ras t THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, March 17, 1964 15 --- Net 11 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Smpsons 110 $402 40% 402 + Ve SKD Mig 370 «(370 Slater Steel 100 $13% 13% 134--% Save 800 $12% 12% 12% + Ve Southam 710 $28 «2B St Pave 170 $93 9% 9%" Steel Can 18700 $22% 22%4 22% + \e\. Steinbg A 360 $277 27 27 + % Suptest ord 200 $19 19 19 Suptest. com 00 475 47§ 475 +25 Thom Pap 10945% 5% 5% Tor-Dom Bk T Fin A T Fin B Tr Can PL 445 $347 34% Trans-Mt 650 $16%4 16% Trans PPL 250 $9% 9% Turnbull 100 $11%4 11% U Corp 63 pr 500 $3034 30% Vendomat 100 335 335 Versatile 125 $8 Vig G Tr rts100 31) 3) md Walk GW 1000 $32.4 32% 324+ West ind A 100 125 125 125 es Doomed Sailors Used Brooms On Hatches BIRTHS BORICIC -- Ted and Lovise (nee God- @ard), are happy to announce the arrival of Richard Kevin, 7 ibs. 10% ozs., born on Thursday, March 12, 1964 at 5.33 a.m., Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. First randchild for Mr. and Mrs, Walter joricic of Oshawa and Mrs. Florence Goddard of Bowmanville. Canada Wins In Scotch Cup Play SYDNEY (Reuters) -- Sail- By JOHN SHORT sixth, when U.S, skip Robert oacuaee (CP)--Lyall Dace Magt of Duluth, Minn., had |S trying to open some escape of Vancouver, skip of Canada's\comparatively simple shot forjhatches on the doomed de- entry in the 1964 international|three that would have tied the|stroyer Voyager had to use curling championship, found the)game. pence po ~~ --- lice to his liking Monday night wigs THE BROOM u jan roy commission <7] ' was ioid today. "NCK -- To Greeme and Elizabeth (nee|4S_,e led his orn a af Magi hit the broom almost mY (ua ae White) on Sunday, March 15, 1964, at| Victory over Unit ates iN| ,ertectly, His last rock hit Can-| The Voyager, 3,500-ton Aus the Oshawa General Hospital, a daughter.ithe first round of the six-team), 4.) ij traian Navy ship, sank Feb. 10 | petition jada ¢ coumier ane ite a Paps following a collision with the = {oom . _ ja U.S, stone at the back of the : N ee Dithey | ork eteyte atomnte 'al Dagg, 4, a public relations house, leaving Magi one point 19,500-1on aircraft carrier Mel- arrival of their daughter, Heather Annjofficial, was joined in the win-|chort of a tie bourne 125 miles south of here. Marie, 6 Ibs. 6 oxs., on Friday, Merchiner's circle by rinks from Swe- e ships were on naval exer- i Fri M , Vy | f The shi 1 | cises. Today's Toronto Stock TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronot Stock Exchange--March 17 (Quotationg In cents uniess markd $. 2--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw---Ex-warrants. Net change is from Irevious board-lot closing -sale.) 1) Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge INDUSTRIALS 1025 750 100 Abitib! i] 100 100 Acking Alta ist Alta Gis vt Ala Ds w Alta $s 580 Alta Gas w 1100 6 Ata Nat 110 Algoma 220 Alumini 305 Alum 4% pr 50 Argus 200 n Sales High Low a.m. Ch'gr 100 700 570 $460 250 m4 110 us 1300 200 675 30 Tt Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 100 $21 21% 214--% 16 841% 41% 25 $39 " 250 $29 2834 -- Va 75% 25 $75M 39% a+ Ve $522 52% $10% 10% + % 75 WS 175 +10 135 135 135 13% $13%4 13% 675 +5 184 675 18 eo +%! 1% 61% + Val 32% + %| 12 | 24\4 +1%) 14% + Ve) Stock Cal Pow Can' Cem Can Foils A Ci Fndry Can Perm Cc Brew C Br B pr Stock Home 8 Horne Pt Imp Oil Imp Tob imp Tob pr Ind Accep Ingersoll A Inland Gas Ini-City Gas int Nickel Inter PL Int Stl P 12% 125% + Ye 6% bie 23% 23% % 46 +% FG HARRISON -- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Har- rison (nee Stewart) wish to announce the arrival ot their daughter, Tracy Irene, 9 ibs. 2 ozs., at Oshawa General Hospital, Sunday, March 15, 1964, .A sister for Ted, Ricky, Ronnie and Judy. Stock wn CBAIBWw 140 Cdn Can A 100 Cc Chem w 400 C Colli 63 pr 106 Cdn G Inv 105 Cc Hydro 125 C_imp Bk € 195 CPR 490 Cdn Pet pr 250 Cdn Salt 300 Chemcell 900 Chrysler 270 Col Cell 495 C Savings 100 Con Bidg 425 Con Bidg pr 200 Con M$ 675 Con Paper 825 Con Gag mn 857 CPR 490 Cosmos Crush int a $ 8 80% 80%. 2 8 - 300 305 +5 380 385 6 11% 2 Mum 6% + & 9% 1% 30% + Va) 335 +8 675 18 365 4s +3 6 6 WM 19% 7 7 9 360 18% 45 A 6) 32% 2 24% "4% 4 50a W% 10% WA 8% 32% 10 Ww" 7% 10% --! Lafarge wts 1100 LOnt Cem Lav Fin Leland LobCo A LobCo B LobG 1 pr Loeb M MB PR Mass-F MEPC Mid-West Molson A 4a 240 240 14% 14% wo ™e % The 1% We Wr+ 27% 27% -- % 200 275 2300 2040 670 50 25 575 7255 4254 -- Va) 13%4-- Ve 524-- Ve 10a uv 615% -- Ve 67% 1% 51% J Kerr K Anacon L Dufauit Langis Lencourt LL Lac Lorado Louvict Magnet ol | ru --W! 8 10% W% 8% + 32% -- 0 + 11% 37% + 10% 8% 8% + ot, Sa we 1, iy \ W Supplies x 0 Sg oe | Weston A 100 $15% 15% 15% + Ve | Wstn 4% pr 21 $97%2 974 97'4 | West A wts 160 740 740 740 Wood J 16 $134 134 13' Woodwd A 2065 $23 23 23 "" " ™ m7 in % oy Wo=4 Ww +2 5 | 300 12800 +5 z 100 320° 325 Ws 2 Bramaiea > 1964, H | Pay tal. Franks, iy Pirunggidligetosi on ath|den and Scotland. Swedish skip). Pe Ago poled _ ane d cial [Kurt Johsson led his rink to a/p ne . Britton -- had difficulty) Eightytwo men died and 239 |16-4 triumph over Switzerland on the seventh end and allowed/survived. and Scotland skip Alex S. Tor- Dagg. and his partners to fill) Counsel for the government DEATHS Regs spearheaded a 17-4 Scot-/1 house early, They settled forenquirg commission, J. W. tish conquest of Norway. la pair to boost the Canadian|Smyth, said evidence would CLEMENT, James Dagg, accustomed to muchiieog to 7-4 and Dagg virtually|show some of the Voyager's Entered into rest in the Oshawa General worse conditions at Charlotte-|, ered the reat of the. way 1 ered with ee cect tania baecand ot re town where he won the 1964 Ca ' . garet Smith and father of Mrs. T. Quick Nadian championships, (Mary) of Port Hope; Mrs, D. reed (Margaret) of Toronto; Mrs. G. Mc- Quaid (ina), Mrs. A. D, Pollard (Nancy), Mrs. C. Blake (Betty), James, all of But Oshawa and Robert of London, Rest-\in trouble at Ing the . Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with funeral service the MOv' |pede Corral a breeze. times. In |, Thursday, March 19 at 2 p.m..ends but led only 5-4 after six. | fetarmoot. Bort 'Hope, | Scotland ran up an 8-0 mar- history of the competition. skipped by |Per Kolaker of Oppdal in the Norway in the second round to-| \first four ends before surren- day. In other games, Sweden 16, 1964,/dering a pair. Sweden had a 7-0 met U.S.A., and. Scotland met Interment Port Hope, Union ge A Friends are asked not to call a i a Funeral Home before Wednesday). gin over Norway, FRIZZELL, Norval Thomas Entered into rest in the Oshawa Genera' Hospital! on Monday, March Norval Thomas Frizzell, beloved hus of Edith Bristow and father of George Harper (Norma), Mrs. Sheridan (Nettie) and Mrs. Thomson (Noreen) all of Oshawa, his 69th year: Resting at the Armstr Funeral! Home, Oshawa, with funeral ser- vice In the Chapel Wednesday, March 18, at 2 p.m, Interment Oshawa Union Ceme tery. GIROUX, Mary Katherine (Katie) At her home, 295 King Street West, Osh- b: m 'ong|a deuce. Dage's group found itself Canada| !0 i ed into a 4-0 lead after two Pionships and Hector Gerv eend'fourth-end lead over Switzer- Frank land, skipped by Gerold Keller 5 Bedford of Rigi Kaltbad, before yielding competition for Switzer'and and Dagg, seeking to become the sixth consecutive Canadian win- ner in the six-year-history of the playoffs Thursday afternoon. internnational competition, had/The final is scheduled Thurs- only one bad end, That was the day night. found) Dagg. won the 1964 Canadian B. Short-'the ice in the 7,000-seat Stam-|championship from Ernie Rich-| ardson of Regina earlier this month, Richardson has won four international cham- of Edmonton one in the five-ycar Canada was drawn against Switzerland. It is the first international Norway. : The top four survivors of the 'round-robin preliminary meet in jhatches were hamm lsledgehammers at dockyards and at sea to make them water- \tight. Because there were no wrenches, the trapped men im- lprovised to try to 'open the hatches with things such as chair iegs and mop handles DIVE INTO RUBBER HERNE BAY, England (CP) Members of Herne Bay to have a diving board installed, but instead of diving. into water they will dive into a pit filled with foam rubber. Arthur Jones, club coach, says that previously diving practice was restricted to an hour before and an hour after high tide ews, on Monday, March 16, 1964, Mary therine (Katie) Giroux, beloved daugh- fer of the late Joseph D. Giroux and| Elizabeth Ellen Hickey and dear sister o Joseph P., Wilfrid and James, all of OBITUARIES Torento, John of Hamilton, Mrs. Harold Mann (Marguerite), Mrs. Howard Kane (Adelaide), Dorothy, Peggy and. Antoin- ette, all of Oshawa. Resting at the Arm) The death of a First World with Hi 3 ee Ge Mary's ot the People Chureh,, War veteran, James Clement Thursday, March 19 at 10 a.m. Interment' occurred at the Oshawa General Wrnney | Come" cemetery: [Hospital Monday, March 16, after a short illness. He resided JAMES CLEMENT GREEN, James K irk At New Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto on) at 87 Annis. street and was in Tuesday, March 17, 1964, James Kirk thi | reg . Green, in his 80th year (early northern! hig 77th year. He was the last gold prospector), perewed Le paw Pr surviving member of his family. Jessie Bailey, 36 Admire 'oad, iy : . weer father of Ralph, Ajax, Fred and) Mr, Clement was born at Oe IN OT ah gists Dailly, Ayrshire, Scotland, and # Halleybury, Phyllis (Mrs. F ' North Cobalt and Olga (Mrs. George WAS the son of the late gg oo Elliott), Kirkiand Lake. Resting " the and Margaret Clement, 1 William E. Sherrin Funeral Home, No. 2\he married the former Margare Highway, Pickering, lust east of Harwood h rf t slewarton aerate Avenue North, Ajax. Service in the Smith a ewa , Ayrs i chapel'on Thursday, March 19 at 2pm In 1911 Mr. Clement came to i tery, Dunbarton, : Interment Erskine Cemetery, Du: Canada and. settled Ontario. | ; Hope, He had been a resident GRIFFIN, Nellie : In the Oshawa General Hospital on Mi day, March 16, 1964, Nellie Griffin, loved daughter of the late James @ndiman with the Canadian National Annie Griffin, in her 77th year. Miss Grif- pepe 7 . é if fin 's vesting at the Meintosh-Anderson| Railways in 1952 after 24. years Funeral Home, 152 King arent wee th of service jem Mass In St. Gregory's The Grea! i ! Catholic Church on Wednesday, March 18 Mr, Clement ws a life mem at 10 a.m. interment St miffcne tt rage ber of Hope Masonic Lodge, tery. The Rosary will be rec C) Port Hope. During the First y t 8.30 : | home Tuesday, March 17 @ World War he served overseas with the Canadian Field Artil- lery for four and-a-half years. red into rest at Fairview. Lodge, ) x ) rs Gnitey. on Sunday, March 15, 1964 He was decorated with the Mili- Milfred Hamilton, beloved husband of the tary Medal and the 1914-15 Star. late Ada Burton of Brougham, Ont., In abe his 90th year, and dear father of Fred) The deceased is survived by erick, of fap ele aagt ed shad ig ny his wife; five daughters: Mrs ickering; .! a veers) oe RR 1, Pk nd toving|T. Quick (Mary) of Port Hope, brother of Mrs. of Oshawe.'Mrs. D. B. Shortreed (Mar- Mr. Hamilton is resting at piney tng garet) of 'Toronto and in G 1 Hi , 2% Kingston Road t, 4 aerive. *Funeral service In the chapel| McQuaid (Ina), Mrs, A. O Pol- on Wednesday, March i at 2.30 PM. jard (Nancy) and Mrs. C. Blake Interment Whitevale Cemetery. | (Betty), SiG? GAhkWA. and tWO Robert Ramsey = isons, Robert of London and General Hospital on Tues- - "Robert R. Heaslip,, James of Oshawa, 1080 Somerville Avenue, poles renege Mr, Clement 'also leaves 19 lia G. Burnham and loving fa ry * of Fils Saylor (Norene), Mrs. R. Guijerandchildren and eight grea liver (Margaret), Mrs. R. Criag (Doris), grandchildren. Mrs. R. MacKenzie (Ruth), Mrs. R. Lang (Muriel) and James of Oshawa; Robert of Trenton and Donald of North Bay, In his 79th year. Resting at Mcintosh- Anderson Funeral Home, service in the chapel Thursday, March 19 at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. Pp. HAMILTON, Milfred HEASLIP, At Oshawe day, March 17, strong Funeral Home for the on Thursday, March 19, at 2 p.m. Rev. Gordon C. W. Brett, minister of Knox Presbyterian Church, will conduct the serv- ice. Interment wil! be in Union Cemetery, Port Hope Friends are asked not to call at the funeral home before Wed- nesday. MARY KATHERINE GIROUX (KATIE) - The death of Mary Katherine (Katie) Giroux occurred at the RERECICH, Adriano Entered Into rest in the Oshawa General 'Mogpital on Monday, March 16, 1964, Adriano Rerecich, beloved son of Mr and Mrs. Marino Rerecich and brother of Mark and Claudio, in his éth year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with prayers in St. Gregory's Church Wednesday, March 18 af 9 am Interment St. Gregory's Cemetery. SEMPLE, Thomas Suddenly after a short Iliness, In the Toronto General Hospital, on Sunday, March 15, 1964, Thomas Semple of 1014 Centre Street South Whitby, beloved t > t husband of the late Helen sa ayer' family residence, 295 King , dear brother of Mrs. A 4 pi Serr, Sone) of Lewiston, W.¥.,| Stree' west, on Monday, Mar U S.A, and: several nieces and nephews, 16, in his 69th year. Resting at the w Cc Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, until 10 a.m., Wednesday, March 18. Thence to st Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Whitby, for service at 2 p.m. Temporary enfombment Union Cemetery, Oshawa Interment later in St. John's Cemetery, Port Whitby. Minister, the Rev. w MaClure. Members of Vimy Ridge Lodge 2697, LOL, will hold a service on Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. Members of Branch 112, Royal Canadian Legion, will hold a service at the Union Cemetery Mausoleum following the committal serv- ice. (Visitors commencing 2 p.m., Tues- day.) LOCKE'S FLORISTS an all late Elizabeth Ellen Hickey and Joseph O. Giroux, and was born in Cobourg. Miss Giroux was a resident of Oshawa for 30 years and had also lived in Whitby for a time She was a member of the Roman Catholic Church of St Mary of the People. The deceased is survived by five sisters; Mrs. Harold Mann (Marguerite), Mrs. Howard Kane (Adelaide) and Dorothy, Peggy and Antionette, all of Occasions Oshawa and four brothers, John OSHAWA SHOPPING }of Hamilton and Joseph, Wil CENTRE | frid and James, all of Toronto 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE The refnains are at the Arm _ 728-6555 strong Funeral Home for High Kindness beyond Price, yet Requiem Mass at St. Mary of GERROW IN MEMORIAM FUNERAL HOME 390 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 Sloman, who passed away March 17, 1963 Just @ spray of beautiful memories IN MEMORIAM itis Memories to cherish forever JOHNS -- In loving memory of @ dear Of one we so dearly loved ~Ever remembered by his i MARKERS father and grandfather. Frank Johns,.who passed away March 17, 1963 family MONUMENTS -- we Presence is ned apace us, } RIMAR our love remains with us yet, Fei Note th titrate | MEMORIALS 152 SIMCOE ST. S$ --S$adly missed by son Staniey and family! and daughter Marion and family. OSHAWA EVENINGS 728-6627 CARD OF THANKS DONALDSON -- We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and 'appreciation to our many friends and neighbors for the many nesses and sympathy shown us in the joss of a loving mother and grandmother. Mary: Donaldson. We especially wish to thank Nelda, and Jack Thompson for standing by, Major Lewis' tor his oon cling words, sellow-workers, the donors of the beautiful floral ufes and ,al! who loaned cars, the friends who: acted os pelibearers and the Armstrong Fu- neral Home for their kind and efficient wife, management of the services | ~The Donsidson Family, Funeral arrangements floral requirements for wite and OFFICE 723-1002 JOHNS -- In loving memory of @ dear husband, Francis Jon, who passed away March 17, 1963. > is gone but not forgotten As dawns another year, i qo onely hours of thinking, Thoughts of him are always near Days of sadness still come o'er us, Friends may think the wound is h But they little know the sorrow That lies within the heart concealed. Lovingly. remembered by his wife Herrieft. RICHARDSON -- In loving memory of @ dear. husband, Louis, who. passed away March 17, 1963 He had a smile, a pleasant way, A helping hand to eli he knew; He we $0 and true, On earth he nobly did his best, Grant him, Jesus, heavenly rest Lovingly' remembered. by his Ollve, She was the daughter of the pr People Church Thursday, of Oshawa, Robert of Trenton Mar. 19, at 10 a.m {| Rev. N. J.. Gignae will sing the mass. Interment. will be in the Whitby Roman | Cemetery. \ | | JAMES KIRK GREEN A old time gold prospector, |James Kirk Green, died today in New Mount Sinai Hospital,) /Toronto. He was in his 80th} lyear and last resided at 36 Ad-| |miral road, Ajax. | Born in East Templeton, Que-| ec, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Green, he was edu-} former |married the coming to Ajax 12 years ago. Mr. Green packed a sack at the time of the Cobalt silver strike in the early years of this) \Intosh-Anderson Funeral c for the funeral service in the the New York Power Authority) 4 }and Donald of North Bay. Mr, Heaslip also leaves 35 jgrandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Catholic/Ethel Baird, of Long Branch. The remains are at the Mc- Home chapel Thursday, March 19 2 jof St. will conduct the service. Inter- ment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. | RONALD GRANT D. ROBBINS 2°0Und a long time, The death of Ronald Grant in Porticated there and in Ottawa. He| Douglas Robbins occurred in ajit in the legislature, combine Jessie| traffic accident, Saturday, Mar.|with the building of a model of on- Of Oshawa since 1940. The de-/poiiey in New Liskeard, Ont.,| 14, near Eldorado, Ont. He was the river for engineering stud- Sué be-| ceased retired as a section fore-|;, jgis and lived there untij/in his 29th year and a residentiies, resulted in the conclusion aries. of Toronto. He married the former Shir- ley Darrach of Newcastle, last year and is survived by a -- . . Strike Denies Life-| guard and Swimming Club are' Brazil BA Oil BC Forest BC Pow BC Phone BCPh 4%p Brown Buck B Bulld Prod Dam Planned | For Niagara R. TORONTO (CP) W. Ross| Strike, chairman of the Ontario} Hydro-Electric Power Commis-| sion, Monday. denied the com-| mission has any plans to build a} |power dam across the Niagara River below the falls, Mr. Strike said a misconcep- tion that the idea was a pro-| posal by Ontario Hydro has grown to such proportions "'that it obviously should be corrected immediately." He said the commission and winter, "The idea for a dam across! the Niagara River has been " he added. mention of d "It appears that that hydro has plans for such a! development." Mr. Strike said Boyer, Hydro's that Robert second vice- century. For 12 years he pros-| daughter, Rolande and a son, chairman, will elaborate in his pected for gold and silver in the Kirkland Lake area. | He made several small, strikes but never found enough) precious metals fo do much, more than cover his expenses. almost struck it rich. Sir Harry Oakes was one of) his buddies while he dug and| panned through the hard years) around Kirkland Lake, Oakes| later made millions of dollars! from his finds in the area, | During the last few years Mr.! Green would often talk about the early days of prospecting. -- | He is. survived by his wife, The remains are at the Arm- two daughters, Mrs. W. Shields, Hedwig's (Phyllis), North Cobalt, and memorial service in the chapel/Mrs. George Elliott, (Olga),|terment followed in St \Kirkland Lake; five sons, Nor- man, of Galt, Allan of Hailey- bury, Freq and Charles of To- ronto, .and Ralph, of . Ajax. There are also 18 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. He is resting at the William E. Sherrin Funeral Home, Pick- ering, for the funeral service in the chapel, Thursday, Mar. 19, at 2 p.m. Rev. Rex Norman, minister of St, Paul's United Church, Ajax, will conduct the se e. Interment will be in Erskine Cemetery, Dunbarton. | MISS NELLIE GRIFFIN The death of a_ Hillsdale Manor resident, Nellie Griffin, occurred at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Monday, March 16. She had been in poor heglith for some years and was in her 77th year. She was born in Whitby and was the daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. James Griffin, | Miss Griffin worked as a housekeeper during her lifetime. She was a member of St. Greg- ory's Roman Catholic Church, The deceased is survived by a step-sister, Miss Julia Hallowell, of Oshawa and several nieces and nephews. | The remains are at the Mc-| Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home for Requiem Mass at St. Greg-! ory's Church Wednesday, March 18, at 10 a.m. Rev. Monsignor Paul Dwyer will sing the mass. Interment will be in St. Greg- ory's Roman Catholic Cemetery | The rosary will be recited at} the funeral home at 8.30 p.m 'today. ROBERT RAMSEY HEASLIP The death of a former Gen- eral Motors, of Canada em- ployee, Robert Ramsey Heaslip,, joccurred at the Oshawa Genera! Hospital today: He resided at | 1080 Somerville avenue and was jin his 79th year. : | Mr. Heaslip was a native of Toronto and attended Toronto| schools. He was' the husband of the former Ella G. Burnham The deceased was a resident of Oshawa for 37 years and had lalso lived at Uxbridge. He was a carpenter with GM until his retirement in 1951 after 24 years) of service. He was a member of St. Stephen's United Church | Mr. Heaslip is survived by his wife and five daughters: Mrs.| P. Taylor (Norene), Mrs R Gulliver .(Margaret), Mrs. R Craig (Doris), "Mrs. R. Mac- Kenzie (Ruth), Mrs. R. Lang (Muriel), all of Oshawa and ithree sons also survive: James) | Mrs. Rodney. Mr. Robbins was born and educated in Bancroft, a son of fr. and Mrs, Andrew. Rob- bins, who survive him. He is also survived by Douglas Oshawa The funeral is today in Ban- croft. Cox FUNERAL OF MRS. STANLEY BOREK A High Requiem Mass -for Mrs. Stanley Borek, who died at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Thursday, March 12, was sung by Rev. A. Bagsik in St Roman_ Catholic Church Monday, March 16. In- Greg- ory's Roman Catholic Cemetery. The pallbearers were Stanley Bernas, Edward Sprenglewski, Peter Soltys, Stanley Zylka, Walter. Jedynak and Steve Dulny, FUNERAL OF NIKOLAJ GUZYLAK The funeral mass for Nikolaj Guzylak, who died at the Osh- awa General Hospital on Friday, March 13, was said at St George's Ukrainian Catholic Church Monday, March 16. Rey. J. C. Pereyma said the mass. Interment was in St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Cem- etery. The pallbearers were J. Lucz- kiw, M. Lyiwyn, M. Kniaziuk, J. Czaws, H. Delismy and M Masewych. ' annual report to the legislature. BACK BUSINESSES DARTMOUTH, England (CP) The town's carnival committee 10\in- this Devon port have given! ..teg Like many other prospectors he brothers and sisters including 20 boys and girls £1 each to set! Whore he die (Shirley), up a business, A £5 prize 20€S| Weihrauch t to the youngster who hands in the most capital or profits after a month with written reports jon their ventures. Backing a lred-hot tip won't count, | 1D GIFTS | DOVER, England (CP)-- Pieces' of the White Cliffs of Dover are to be sent to Russia as a gift from this Kent town In recent months, thousands of} pieces of the cliff have been sent all over the world in re- sponse to .requests from souve- nir hunters. FUNERAL OF MRS. A. M. THOMPSON The funeral service for a for- }mer Oshawa resident, Mrs |Edythe Louise Thompson, who| died at Bracebridge on Thurs- | day, Mar. 12, was held at the} McIntosh Anderson Funeral Home on Monday, Mar. 16 Rey. L. W. Herbert, minister of King Street United Church, | conducted the service. En-| tombment followed in the Mau-} soleum of Union Cemetery, Osh-| awa. | The pallbearers were Mere-| dith Moffatt, Leland Keat. Elvin Blewett, Francis Thomp- son, Jack Douglas and Daniel Thompson. DO YOU HAVE A | ROOM... APARTMENT . . COTTAGE, .. HOUSE... TO.RENT...? | You Will ACT with TIMES CLASSIFI Folks who read The Oshawa Tim Since September 1962, property offered to Oshawa Times Readers has been renting faster than e There are few known vacancies Get Fast ION ED ADS es are looking for places to live, ver before. and many of the people seeking @ place to live are newcomers to this grea... Hf you. have a Room, Apartment, Cottage or House Ror Rent tell it to the would-be reliable tenants who want to live. in Osh- awa dnd District through Times ; For Rent Ad Telephone 723-3492 NOW | "| slaughtering prisoners. 28 | 7 + Ve S342 + 2 2 13% | Ma + 212+ Ve %-- % 1s 2 1% 250 -- Ve 8% 10% 7% + Ve 97\a Vat 3s +h 9% 725 1% 11% 220 $1071 107% 107% 100 $18% 18% + 679 $742 Tha + % zi7 $14\4 14% 555 $17% 7% 1676 $192 19% -- 135 $2458 24% + 125 $44 44a 100 46 570 65a + 4 760 19% 6158 -- Ye Detona Delite B pr D Bridge Dofasco Dosco Dom Dom Tar Dom Text Du Pont Eddy Mitch Falcon Fam Play Ford (US) Ford Cda Freiman Gen Bake GMC F Pioneer GS Wares GL Paper G L Power Gr Weg G Greyhnd Guar Tr rte Hardee Hard Carp n zi0 jawker-S 175 Hayes Sti 100 Home A 3184 53% 1% 13% Ea 21% % 15a 2" MW" 25 te 0% 7s 97" Mon Foods Moore Morse A Nat Drug Noranda NO NGas Nor Phone Ogilvie Ont . Steel Pac Pete Page-Her Pembina Pow Corp QN Gas QN Gas pr Reitman A Revenue pr Rolland A Rothman Royal Bank StL Cem A St Maurice Salada Seven Arts Shell Can Shell | pr Shell | wts Shully's 100 378 725 110 41 1120 100 150 220 Stores on 160 13375 100 450 100 15 $22% $15 $13 255 130 $122 12 $61 6) $19 ' $13% 13% 13% 255 125 150 225 250 120 Rib Blows Killed Auschwitz Inmate FRANKFURT (AP) -- A for-| comrade had done it, #0 he be- mer Auschwitz concentration] gan beating." amp prisoner testified Mon-| Boger jumped from his seat) ay that a defendant in West' and shouted that he never "'beat) é i at are building a hydraulic model Germany's biggest war crimes! anyone for anything so small as) p.m, S. G, Saywell, lay pastor tg study the building-up of ice/trial was known as "the beast! stealing food." Stephen's United Church, iq the river below the falls each! of Auschwitz." Once, the wit- : : "I remember very well what ness said, the defendant killed weinrauch is talking about. But a man with his elbows __|we were not searching for "We know him in my section! sgmeone who stole food, but for of the camp as 'the beast of! someone connected with the Po- Auschwitz' because of his bru-jish underground outside the tality," Hermann Weihrauch camp. That man in the paint testified at the trial of 22 former| shop was executed." ards and Auschwitz function-| 4n earlier witness, former, prisoner. Herbert Kur, said he He referred to former SS saw Boger shoot 80 to 90 camp (Elite Guard) Sgt. Wilhelm Bo- prisoners in the back of the ger, a'56-year-old clerk who de- head with a pistol. veloped a reputation at Ausch- "It's not true," Boger shouted. witz as one who took sadistic "T never fired a shot at anyone. pleasure in "torturing and); javer even carried a aii an] ' these things were not a part of "I once saw Boger beat amy duty." prisoner bloody by punching his "Judge Hans Hofmeyer asked elbows into the man's ribs until Roger why every former pris-| té man collapsed and was) oner who has testified to date off to a_ dispensary has identified him as a sadist d the same night," and killer. estified. "Because I worked Weihrauch said the man Boger over,"' said Boger. beat on this occasion worked,;---- emg -- with Weihrauch in the' prison DEVELOP RADIO camp's paint shop. | A team of Australian experts |have developed a tiny radio CAME INTO SHOP transmitter--%4 by 3-8ths of an) "Boger came into the paint'inch--which can be inserted in shop to search for a prisoner patients' teeth for special ex-) a storehouse, He thought my!periments. | COMING EVENTS RADIO PARK membership meeting, In/FERNHILL Park Bingo, Tuesday, 7.30. the clubhouse Wednesday, March 18, 7.30/16 games $6; 4 games $10, $15, $20 and p.m. All park members please attend. $30. Share the Wealth. EUCHRE at Harman Park Clubhouse KINSMEN BINGO every Wednesday, m. sharp. Prizes, mann pliner. "door prize "and nck © TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK wy FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos. 56, 52 EARLY BIRD GAMES KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE | 109 COLBORNE ST, W. RUMMAGE SALE MARGARET HAMILTON GROUP St. Paul's Presbyterian Church March 18th, 1:30 p.m. C.R.A. BUILDING them OSHAWA LIONS CLUB BINGO WED. NIGHT $1,200 in cash prizes JUBILEE PAVILION NOISSIWGY 33d BINGO TUESDAY, MAR. 17 7:30 P.M, 20 regular games $8 and $10 Share The Wealth $150 Jackpot 54 Nos. $20 Consolation FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL Corner Bloor Street and Edith EASTER TOUR Chartered Bus to New York | March 26th to 29th. inclusive r Price $35. Includes hotel, bus, and baggage. For information phone Port Hope (collect) : 885-2527 'Rowe Travel Agency | UAL SPRING FLOWER SHO and EASTER PREVIEW AT OUR (GREENHOUSE - BLOOR WEST _ SUNDAY. MARCH 22nd ADMISSION FREE 1 TO 5 P.M REEDS FLORISTS LTD. 163 BLOOR WEST 10% KING WEST JUMBLE SALE Nearly New and Good Used Furniture, Clothing, etc. SIMCOE HALL GYMNASIUM 387 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH, OSHAWA FRIDAY, MARCH 20th, 1:30 P.M. : until everythina sold by PRINCE PHILIR' CHAPTER, 1.0.D.E. \ ANN W Manoka Maraigo Marcon Martime Martin Mattgm Maybrun McKen McMar Meta Uran Mt Wright Murray M Nat Expl Nealon New Alger New Bid Neonex wits New Hosco N Kelore Newlund N Mylama New Taku Nick Rim Nisto Norbeau Norlex Normetal Norpax Northeal Northgate O'Leary Opemiska Orchan Ormsby Patino Pax int Paymast Placer Quemont Radiore Rio Algom Rockwin Rowan Con Sand Riv Sherritt Silvmaq Sil Miller Siscoe Starratt Steep R Sud Cont Sullivan Thom L Trans Can Tribag Trin Chib Tundra Un Buffad Un Mactie Upp Can Vespar Violam Weedon West Mines Winch Windfall Yale Lead Yellorex | Zulapa +15 Wdwd A w 405 775 775 775 Zellers um $3 38 OILS Am Leduc 70700 2 184 20 770 15% 15a 10% 10% $15% $1034 3814 $15 10's 455 245 3 23 53 53 7 n 82 226 226 180 180 192 1914 19% 105 105 105 124 123 123 th, 4% Mh MINES 48 » 2 144 120 H B ONG Long Point Medal Nat Pete N_ Cont NCO wis Pamoill Petrol Provo Gas South U Stanwell Triad Oil Un Oils Un Reef P Wsburne W Decalta Yan Can Vv uN nN 1% 2 Nv SR 77 nN 82 77 1 $2 226 Aanico Akaitcho Anacon Area Atl C Cop Atlin-Ruf Aumaq "a 57 21 36% 144 7 163 163) «163 6 6 4 Bralorne Brunswk Buff Ank Bunk Hill Camflo Camp Chib Cam Mines Candore Can-Erin Cassiar Cent Porc C. Reeley Chimo Comb Met Con Brewis Cc Marben C Mogul C Red Pop C Sanorm Cop Corp Cop-Man Coulee Cowich Craigmt Crestaur Croinor Crowpat Cusco Deer Horn Denison 810 186 25 Ws 500 26 810 810 +10 186 186 --2 244 Ae 20=«4112 490 495 2% 26 ie 12 Desesh Bee, HR, 0 | $102 10% 10%-- Ve 62 62 6" 4 40 40 102 100 100 +2 224 22\e 224 + Va 40 40 oh --i% 500 2000 1000 1500 133500. | j +20 | 9 485 us 465 116 480 W 8 Sales to 11 a.m.: 1,213,000. FOREIGN TRADING 600 $15 4% 8 2000 6 6 6 500 189 «189 «(189 $00 1000 300 100 TYa-- enison | Sol Lorado Maritimes Nat Expl Siscoe Upper Can 190 (175 199 «(150 14% 150 16% 16% 6% 7 164 6a --9 +3 5 SS OSS Se 158 300 360 360 500 9 9% 9h hs Sh Sh 5 3s 8S 5 10% 10% 104 -- A | RR =) mn mm 78 Sh 8% 8% +8 _ EMPLOYERS we'll pay you to hire him before March 31st, 1964! There's still time to take advantage of the Government's Older Worker Incentive Program. If you apply be- fore March 31st, 1964, the Federal Department of Labour will pay you up to $75.00 a month--for up to 12 45 years of age and older, The older job applicant must have been un- employed for six of the previous nine months. All new jobs and jobs vacated before September 1st, 1963, qualify ... so call your nearest National Employment Office to- day. Issued by authority of the HON; ALLAN J. MacEACHEN, MINISTER OF LABOUR, CANADA / C a "months--for every employee you hire, : a ihe an * .

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