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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Mar 1964, p. 3

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AIRLIFT EQUIPMENT TO CYPRUS SECTOR Sgt. Barney Harvey (left) of Toronto, and Trooper Bill Bramwell, Glace Bay, N.S., both members of the Royal To Study Policy For Expansion Oshawa's population and the resultant increase high school enrolment means the Oshawa Board of Education will have to move on plans for expanding facilities, Trustee Robert Nicol suggest- ed that the could be taken: following action "That a special commitee of maid of the Rotary Club of Osh- the board be set up immediately to investigate (a) the construc- tion of an addition to Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate Institute and at Whitby last week whether this addition should be straight academic or vocation- al; (b) the merits of by-passing Donevan Collegiate Institute and starting on a new collegiate, whether this collegiate should be straight academic or vocational, and where it should be located". Trustee Nicol's second related recommendation would be: "That a study be made as to where the division lines for pu- pil school attendance be drawn in lieu that a new collegiate be erected in the city." Various board committees are considering the problem, it was learned. Certify Union For 450 CNR Employee OTTAWA (CP)--Labor rela- tions board approval of seven applications for union certifica- tion were announced Monday The decisions affect about 6,000 employees The Order of Railroad Tele- graphers was certified as bar- gaining agent for various sys- tem employees of Canadian Na- tional Railways in all provinces except Newfoundland, The deci- sion affects 3,000 employees The.same union was certified as bargaining agent for 900 em- ployees in the CNR's telecom- munications department and for 450 agents, despatchers and op- erators with the CNR in New- foundland. Libya Wants Review Of Bases Treaty BENGHAZI (Reuters) -- The Libyan Parliament decided in principle Monday to abrogate the bases agreements with the United States and Britain and give the Libyan government a month to enter into negotiations with the two countries. The government should report back to Parliament at its cur- rent session, the House decided The Libyan government an- nounced last month it Bad no intention of renewing Libya's bases treaties with the United States and Britain when they expire. Libya's treaty with the United States, signed in 1954, was scheduled to run out in 1971 Britain's bases treaty with Libya was to expire in 1973 (In London it was learned the British government has eed to a review of the Libya-Britain bases treaty. No date was set for the talks.) Department Has Two Alarms Oshawa -firefighters answered two alarms Monday, neither of them involving fires. They were called to assist a home owner locked out of an Ontario stree home Later in the alarm resulted mistook fumes pour King street building Fire crew§ arrived or the building was being gated. - City ambulances were called out on six runs during the day, four of them of a routine na tyre. The remaining two moved injured persons to (st awa General Hospital after traffic accidents. ¢ 4year-olds and day, when a re growth Street, was Mo g in fumi- P ed aboard the RCAF Yukon in the background. Scout car Canadian Dragoons, Camp Gagetown, N.B. check a Fer- CITY AND DISTRICT STOLE FROM STORE HOLD SWEEP TICKETS Veronica M. Weaver, 249 Trent. Two residents of the Oshawa nday fined $25.or\district have had their tickets ; n in the Irish Sweepstakes Grand ret scout car about to be load- and soldiers a few minutes 10 days-in jail for stealing $5.78 draw worth. of merchandise from the based on Saturday's 1 Loblaws Groceterias Ltd. store National Steeplechase at 'Ain- in the Oshawa Shopping Centre,|tree, England. 'At Last", of Mar. 12. Oshawa, hold ticket QEL 81363 WIN SPIEL AWARDS ion Dormant and "Lisa", of ree er april Sormmgaip Pickering, hold ticket RQN Rinks skipped by W. Minett, 95385 on Pontin N. Richards and Dr. D. Lang- °°" : LETTERS PATENT awa won the top three prizes in| The current issue of the On- the bonspiel sponsored by the tario Gazette shows that an Ajax and Whitby Rotary Clubs Oshawa contracting company has been established. Gordon Marr Robinson, Alvin Carl Quin- EASTER SEAL APPEAL ney and Dale Gordon Robinson, It was announced at the Mon- | | | a all of Oshawa, have formed the totalling $7,887.80 have been re- 28 Robinson and Quinney Co. ceived in the club's Easter Seal Ltd. The company will carry Campaign. on the business of builders and contractors. PLAN FARMERS' NIGHT DEATHS The Rotary. Club. of Oshawa will be host, at Harmony United ae 3 - Church Hall next Monday night, By THE CANADIAN' PRESS (¢5 the farmers of the district.| Saskatoon a7 Michael Stech- A musical program will be pre- ishin, 75, first Ukrainian-born'conteq and Thomas Bouckley district court judge appointed in will show slides of early Osh- Saskatchewan. awa of historical interest, Sherbrooke, Que, Walter | James Dore, 58, treasurer of EXPECT CAPACITY ENTRY the Sherbrooke Daily Record. ; A Puget Ain Bo in pg ora Halifax--John Oliver (Jock) or te een ane tne Chae Millard, 23, provincial news edi- held at the Oshawa Curling Club) tor of The Chronicle-Herald. |Wednesday, Mar. 25. Twenty. New York--George' P" Skou- py mney peng out of ae ras, 68, one of three Greeks im TAT Y DAS neve Dern acuta | migrant brothers who became | leaders in the U.S.motion pic- ture industry; following several Gates Suggested | months of illness . Toronto--Otto B. Phillips, 68,| FOF Crossing a University of Toronto chem- ical engineering instructor. Flashing lights and a bell at -- - - the CPR-Bloor street crossing were okayed by Oshawa City Council Monday night. Oshawa will pay one-eighth of the $11,- . 875 installation cost and half the Sends Greetings annual maintenance cost of $635 The city traffic committee will With Oshawa again on 'the study a Public Utilities Commis- itinerary of the Lakewood, Ohio, sion written opinion that auto- high school band, that city's matic gates should be installed mayor, Robert .M. Lawther, has at the CPR crossing at Park Lakewood Mayor 6/2 Furiongs. Trot for SIXTH RACE -- 7 Furlong pace tor Claiming all $1500 4-year-olds and up. Claiming al! $4500 Purse $900. 2-Tom Tally, Hayes 6-J.M.J., Galbraith 3-Bar Gold, R. Filion Start good, won easily Also Ran in Order: Lovie G, and Tom Tally QUINELLA, 2 and 6, (6 4.20 3.50 2.50 9.40 5.00 3.20 Stuart 3.40 2.60 2.20 3.80 2.50 2.30 Farery and Guy, Avon, Such "Intemational Good Will ployee should be at the gates to "cannot help but further the re- that traffic is not delayed un-| Mayor Lawther to Acting Mayor learn that these young people | of Canadian families," , wrote! Ltd., nine months ended, Jan. of Oshawa". Canadian International Invest-| tional Institute Mar, 26. 1962» $154,764. 4-year-olds and up. 7-Victoria Van, Hill Also: naalis Hanover sent his greetings to "the peo- road south, ple of Oshawa'. The PUC suggests a CPR em- Tour' visits by the young mu-| operate them by hand when ex- sicians from the Buckeye state tensive shunting takes place "'so lationship which exists between| necessarily." our two great nations," writes 1 Hayward Murdoch. | "I was extremely pleased to NET EARNINGS | have been invited not only to| By THE CANADIAN PRESS | visit, but to reside in the homes Canadian Export.Gas and Oil the mayor, who addressed his 31: 1964, $1,022,400; 1963, $347,-| letter to 'The Honorable Mayor 000. | The band will play in Mc- ment Trust Ltd., 10 months Laughlin Collegiate and Voca-| ended Dec. 31: 1963, $167,058: FIRST RACE Purse $600. 1-Determine, Coke 2-Chyckmor, Coliton Star Nib, avis, Start good won driving Patricia Hal C., PAID $11.60 SECOND RACE 4-year-olds and up Purse $600 (A 2-Black , Hi SHi Widower, McFadd 7-Fletty Riddell, Sheldon Start good .won handily 'Also: Roberta Tass, Mr. Obanion, Am brose Abbe, Neoga Jester and Indian at- or DAILY DOUBLE, 1 and 2, PAID 4' Furs. Pace for SEVEN Claiming all $1500 SEVENTY RACE for 4-year-olds $3000 (7 4&Muddy Hanover 1-Armbro Express 8-Bob Brook, Craig Start good, won handily Also ran in order: Dudley Chip, Doug Johnsotn C, Sonny Creed, and So Long's Prince. Late can., 7 Furlong pace, and up.invitation. Purs 11.60 4.70 3.20 3.40 2.50 3.70 470 200 2.50 3.90 3.90 3.20 Wanles fe McK' ley $34.50 Palermo. SEVENTH RACE -- 7 Furlong. For 4 year-olds and up. Optional claiming $3500. Purse $800. (8 7-Frisco Van R 1A-Merrie Amos 5-Wee Danica Start good, Also ran in order: MacDuft's Byhalia Dean, Island Sono and A-Dictator Pick A--Coupled THIRD RACE -- 6'% Furs, Trot for up. Claiming all $1500 Purse $600 &-Lemac, 8) Feagan Lockhart +430 Waples 3.30 2.70 6.40 3,70 4.50 11.10 5.70 3.80 Thi'b'deau 14.30 9.40 5.50 (en Findley won easily 5-Pegay P. Proloque 7-Waymite, McFarland Start good won driving Also: Tonto Ranger 2nd, Roberta Lass Champ Mon: e Safety Man the Lee Jr, Yankee Titan and -- 6% Furlong pace FOURTH RACE r Claiming all $1500 is a08 NINETH RACE --- 7 Furlongp ace for is and up { 4-year-olds and up. Purse $700. (8 4-Sugar Hill Mont, Lockhart 2.70 8-David Hal B, Crowe 5.70: 4.10 SC Chief, Coke 4.70 won easily n order: Danny Lee Grattan, | Pat Forbes, Tim. Star, and 31.90 11.30 5.40 4.50 3.40 3.50 5 od, won eas Aiso Ran in Order oe, Janet's D ride tart Also ran i sir Carlith Sky Goose Kitty Ch Cobe ny Bomb, and Leo Ds, y Girl, s FIFTH RACE -- 7 Furlong pace for 4-year-olds and up. Purse $700, (8) 8-Armbro Bingo, McKinley 3.80 3.30 2.90 2-Battle K c Irness 6.10 4.40 se 4.50 KAYE'S SPORTSWEAR -- LADIES' WEAR 68 Simcoe North OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. Eyery Thursday and Friday Use Koye's Budaet. Plan Start good, won ra Also Ran in Order ean B. Lyn ft ta ynde |Bernes, end Shirley Baker J. | bacco tax rates except for tax |CAPSULE NEWS Ex-Disc Jockey Faces Tax Count NEW YORK (AP) -- Alan|Milford, north of here: Mrs: |Freed, former top rock 'n' roll) Saran hyp ao scenes the : : eae _|fire but was unable to call fore- |dise Jockey, was indicted Mon jmen because the telephone line jday on a charge, of evading 'was burned. |more than $37,000 in income} taxes. The U.S. government KILLER GUILLOTINED charged that much of the in-| PARIS (Reuters) -- A Yugo- come on which it claims Freed Slav, Stabislas Juhant, 25, was owes tax money for the years guillotined early Tuesday in the of 1957, 1958 and 1959 came court yard of the Sante prison) from numerous record compan- here for murdering a 70-year-' ies in return for publicizing\old woman grocer in 1961. The} their record--a device known as last execution by the guillotine "'payola."' jin Paris was in 1960. CHINESE BACK ARABS | RETIRED JUDGE DIES | SASKATOON (CP)--Michael| HONG KONG (Reuters) --| Stechishin, 75, retired district\Communist China Tuesday| court judge, died Monday, He Pledged: full support to Ara was the first Ukrainian-born) "ations in their struggle against} district court judge appointed !srael and United States "age | in Saskatchewan, serving on the 8ression." The Peking People's bench from 1949 until 1962, He| Daily, organ of the - Chinese! once practised with John Dief-|Communist party, said the Ar- enbaker, now opposition Jeader abs looked upen Chinese back-; in the House of Commons. ing as "'a great assistance to themselves in their opposition to U.S. imperialist aggression."'| DENMARK OFFERS $75,000 | FILM EXECUTIVE DIES NEW YORK (AP) -- George P. Skouras, 68, one of three Greek immigrant brothers who COPENHAGEN (Reuters) -- became leaders in the U.S. mo- Denmark will support the tion picture industry, died Mon- United Nations peace force in day. He was chairman of the Cyprus with a sum expected to board of. United Artists Theatre be about $75,000, Prime Minis- Circuit, Inc. His brother, Spy- ter Jens Otto Krag said after a tos, is chairman of the board cabinet meeting Tuesday. of 20th Century Fox Film Corp : 2 oration. | RUSSIA EXTENDS CREDIT | HAVANA (AP)--The Soviet} PAKISTAN PROTESTS Union signed an agreement} y 5 by 550 - foot) RAWAL PINDI (Reuters)-- Monday to give Cuba a $15,500,- serursh atone the TR Mee Pakistan's ruling party, the 000 credit in 1964 and 1965 for Ewen Public School playground|Moslem League, warned Indiaequipment and spare parts to) will be sought by the Oshawa Monday that if it persisted in| be used for irrigation and drain-| Board of Education, evicting Moslems, Pakistanjing pepeanss in bear il . egret ee -o. Would be within its rights in ince he ussians also will] ae gett ae Py rie demanding '"'additiona: space." supply technical assistance, in-| sociate on behalf of Sussman President Mohammed Ayubcluding Soviet technicians. | later were en route to Cyprus, from a Quebec City airport near Camp Valcartier. (CP Wirephoto) To Seek Value For Easement a Realty Corporation asking that pi gee taco ipo he be allowed ntl tom, (otf Pcndented. whet MANHATTAN, Ran, (4?) -- the board's property called the Indian policy of evict-The sale of cigarettes was Fs i ing Moslems banned Monday on_ state-oper- Trustee George Drynan com- ated university and college mented that this is "'a valuable THEATRE BURNS campuses, When the rule goes piece of property" and moved' parERMO (AP) -- A stage into effect in 30 days there will that investigation of its value be jioht exploded Monaay in the be no effort to prevent smoking apiece to ae three-centuries-old' Bellini The- --only the sale. Cigars and pipe he engineer ar' . atre and sent flam2s racing tobacco are not affected. through the show inouse in a HIGHLIGHTS spectacular fire og Sicilian |city, Spectators an the actors |managed to reach safety. | EDUCATION IN BUDGET ACTOR DIES NEWS IN BRIEF PHILADELPHIA 'AP)--Nich- Tax reductions cost federal jolas F, Joy, 80, who appeared) Trustee William Werry Mon- treasury $5,000,000 a year; eX- jin more than 40 plays on Broad- day night was appointed to fill tra $43,000,000 in spending for |way and was seen in many mo-|yacancies on Oshawa Board of! added family allowances. tion pictures, died Monday at|Education committees left by |the Edwin Forrest Home. Dur-'the resignation of Harold B. No change in liquor and to- |ing most of his 50 years in the Armstrong. , These committees! e } theatre, Joy was known best include building and planning,| easement allowing imported /for debonair, cosmopolitan|property and fiance. Trustee scotch whisky to enter Can- lroles. He also was an illustrator/E, A. Bassett was appointed ada in 25-ounce bottles. and cartoonist. to take Mr. Armstrong's posi- tion on the Oshawa Planning Board. BAN CIGARETTE SALE | | Revision of federal legisla- | LIONMEN ACTIVE AGAIN tion affecting life insurance | DAR ES SALAAM (AP)--The companies. forecast for later jlionmen of Singida, who kill and TO GET MINUTES this year. jscar their victims with claws,| 4 request from the Oshawa are reported active again. The ),, ; Tax deductibility made ret- |regional commissioner of Sing- ee ea roactive to 1962 for research |jida, in central Tanganyika, ap- apt 8 CORY expenditures outside Canada. | peal h blic for. co-(°t, minutes of board meetings , . *|pealed to the public for CO-\Wa. approved by the board. operation in stamping out the Trustee Werry said the feder- Duty-free entry of aircraft jeult, which springs up eVery ation should be congratulated on and parts of a size and type |few years in the district. the interest they have shown in| not made in Canada extended RENAMED FOR JFK board business. one year 40 duly: 4, JBOD, PARIS (AP) -- The Quai de Passy on the right bank of the EIGHT TEACHERS RESIGN Tax deductibility allowed |Seine now is the Avenue du) The retirement of several for costs of a taxpayer in ap- |President Kennedy. "Never had|Oshawa public school teachers pealing income tax assess- the disappearance of a foreign|with long experience was an- ments. chief of state so deeply moved nounced by the board. These leach Frenchman, each Pari-\included Miss Madeline Kelly, ~ ee Ga kt _ |sian,'? said Jean Auburtin, pres- Mrs. Lila M. Werry, Miss Helen soy cited pg snared renee of the municipal council,|M. Oke an' Miss Marion from: moat' polintries.. inclad: jas he unveiled the new blue/Dickey. Other resignations ac-| ing United States : and white name plate Monday cepted were from Mrs, . W. 3 i jon the river front of the swank Hancox, Miss Joy Cooper, Miss |Passy, area near the Palais de Joan Cryderman and Miss Prospects for 1964 "very |Cahillot. Linda M. Taylor. : good" in most parts of Can- | ada, but no room for com- | | placency. | | PAINTING, PETS LOST MUST REPORT ONEONTA, 'N.Y- (AP) -- A Forecast per cent in gross national product for 1964 compared with last year's six per cent. increase of 514 Federal and provincial gov- ernments must recognize Ca- nadians cannot afford to do everything at once and should co-operate on priorities. sf Abandon ment of planned | Jan. 1, 1965, increase to 2 Ite THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, March 17, 1964 J WOMAN SAVES HEIRLOOMS FROM FIRE Madalya Browning clutches a pair of antique candelabra in her arms as she runs down a Glendale, Calif., street yes- terday ahead of a brush fire that threatened her home. In background wind-swept flames burn across a brush-covered hillside. (AP Wirephoto) Duties Of | | Fi Place Hunters NEWS IN BRIEF Qn Probation Oshawa City Council Monday, ORILLIA -- Rama Township night approved the Emergency/hunters Monday were given a |Measures Organization 1964! year in which to improve their 7 Director Extended poset hu ae Peay cen.| hunting manners. or face the Kevin Cahill, Oshawa Direc-jior governments, Finance Chair-|/Prospect of no hunting in one of tor of Operations, now heads|man Walter Branch said, leav-\the best areas of Ontario, The up the city engineering depart-|iN& $1350 to be paid by bothiarea is 12 miles east of here in ment. Oshawa and Ontario County. |the east shore of Lake Couchi- Since he was hired late last| FILE RESOLUTION iching. year, Mr. Cahill has been run-| Council filed a Sarnia resolu-| A delegation from the Orillia ning the Public Works and/tion which asks that the On-iFish and Game Conservation Parks departments, He report-|tatio government be responsible|Ciyh appeared before Rama edly asked for time to familiar-|for the 'inspection and en-/Council to find out what could ize himself with the engineer. forcement" of the Construction|be done about hunting. Rumor ing department. Safety we A listed alternative|had it that the township would nae -- Satine SUBBeSted the province subsi-|he closed to hunting entirely. A bylaw defining the "'duties|qize municipalities for expenses| : ? : f and- responsibilities of the DO|incurred in following the dic-| Council had written to the On- received three readings in coun- tates of the Act itario Department of Lands and cil Monday night to make it : Forests to ascertain its position official. RENEW MEMBERSHIP _ (on closing the township to hunt- ""ae' took: over lact_ Monday."'| Oshawa will renew its mem- ing. Ald. Gordon Attersley informed pership in the Ontario Traffic! 4 spokesman for the township council. 'The effect of this by- The CE nne Le fee Is $100. said that farmers had to carry law is that Mr. Cahill is now in|/@ annual convention will beldeeds to their properties in CITY COUNCIL To The SALE LIST WITH PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 728-9474 187 KING EAST, charge of all operating depart. |neld at the Hotel London, Lon-| their pockets to prove to mar- readings Monday night made! Council filed a Galt resoluti The an said there had gas stations, barber shops, Municipal Act to permit the|relationship. A number of cattle BIOEOS: 'been peppered, he said. TO STUDY roads and streets expenditures study a request from the Cana-/anq will post the land for one city to qualify for Department taxes on its property. Reasons|hunters to get permission to for maintenance and construc- bers take an active part | before the city could spend the advacement, | Accept Pay Hike x L has informed council that " awyer Cannot and records'! jay it has accepted a five-per- inspection by council. City police originally sought a chyn, was torn between two al-|nont for a three-acre parcel of\nounced increases, first class As Acting .Crown Attorney|Qwner Lou Panateleo had ap-|geants were pald $5,430. n't possibly prosecute Robert was reached after one day of charges. | The Central Lake Ontario also this man's lawyer," Mr.)/1964 administration levy ($2085), ; AWA said the magistrate, in remand- city until needed. nea ments." |don, Ontario, April 27-29. jauding hunters that they owned Another bylaw given three| SEEK AMENDMENT ah renerne ion) Pp Thursday 'night shopping legal/Which asks that - the Ontario|been % wi _ rs beast for all types of stores except/0vernment amend the Ontario|and a very poor hunter-farme dato: "licensing and regulating of had been shot and injured, an beauty parlors and shoe repair hau aenahagt g' 4 the steel roofs of 'barns hed City. Engineer Fred Crome EQUEST Council agreed to co-operate explained that a bylaw for 1964 The budget committee willl with the Fish and Game Club had to be passed before the dian Corps Association for| year with official signs in Eng- end of this month to enable the|"total exemption" from citylijch Italian and German asking of Highways grants. given: the Corps is a non-\nunt on the land. The bylaw covered $760,000 profit organization; the oe ; ; ity affairs and contri-| M tion, Mr. Crome said construc. Community a ; Stratford Police f tion bylaws would be necessary bute to all forms of community | money, OPEN TO INSPECTION Oshawa Harbor ve rig STRATFORD (CP)--The po al |lice association announced Mon- books, accounts i of the commission are open for cont salary increase offer by Prosecute Client the police commission, : , : PRICE SETTLED Oshawa lawyer, George Boy-| 4 $26,500 expropriation settle-|15-per-cent boost. Before the an- legiances in Oshawa Magis-jand at Riverside and King constables received $4,990 an- trate's Court. Monday, east was approved by. council.|nual and detectives and ser- Boychyn explained to Magis-|nealed to the Ontario Munici-| trate F. S. Ebbs that he could- cipal Board but the settlement THE KEY K. Clarke, 95 Oakes avenue, on unfinished hearing. impaired and careless driving ASK LEVY Why? ' " "Yo ia, Your Wotshio. Van Conservation Authority has ask- haga i. Sup. jed council for its share of the Bovchon offered. ,, and has suggested the "capital" | Mmm. I see your point," levy of $5619 be retained by the] ing the case until Mar. 23. ui per cent from 15 in withhold- ing tax on profits paid to for- eigh owners of Canadian com- panies not offering minimum 25-per-cent ownership to Ca- nadians. ' ; |mendation by Dr, C. M. Elliott Emphasis in unemployment |$14,000 was lost, and 28 'cats $ ° | shifting from broad, general |and two pet skunks died Mon- superintendent of public schods, eee ' ha a let of men who enter schools for any group-by-group attack. widow $s home in the ham e pilrnose, be fequested: to report . his permission to carry out their Good Friday sel rior Trustee William. Werry Mon-} The Oshawa Ministerial Asso- day night gave notice that, at ciation is holding a service on Oshawa Board of Education, he} |Good Friday at 11 a.m. in the will move that press and radio Rov CW. 6 Bre minis board and committee meetings. | r of " Knox | and the {service will be conducted by Rev. N. Van Gogh painting valued at The board approved a recom- approach to agea-by-area, |day jn a fire that destroyed a "that all visitors and trades- first to the principal and secure : | NOTICE OF MOTION | Service Planned | the next regular meeting of the First Baptist Church. receive written notice of all) Presbyterian Church, will preach Frank Swackhammer, pastor of the First Baptist +Crurgh. He will be assisted by ReveAlfred Woolcock, rector, St. Mark's Anglican Church. Music will be directed by Miss Judith Davison, organist at the First Baptist Church One-third cut in deficit to { $455,000,000 on 1964-65 budget- ary expenditures of $7,155,- 100,000 and revenues of $6,- | |The choir from the same church lead in the service of praise. Fender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF 12 KING E, -- 723- There are 29 great 3633 700,000,000, up 3.8 and 7.9 per Specials - Wednesday Only ! whiskies LEAN SLICED NU-WAY RUG OSHAWA LTD. PHONE Upholstery Cleaning -- Home or Plont Authorized Filter Queen Sales & Service Genuine Hoover Sales, Service & Parts Mothproofing and Deodorizing Machine Binding, Serging, Fringing Rug Dyeing OSHAWA'S ONLY RUG CLEANING PLANT Approved by the National Institute of Rug Cleaners VISITORS WELCOME Why Take Chances With Your Valuable Rugs and Upholstery y lbs. ® FREEZER Beef Hind Qu SIDE BACON OR BY THE PIECE .... lb. 39 89: vate Stock IAN RYE WHISKY CANA Vhomad 2telams Deatillier SPECIAL @ ow th. 55¢

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