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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Mar 1964, p. 4

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Bowmanville Gets Two New Officers BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A,ville, will be attending the Muni- letter from Russell C. Honey,jcipal Clerks and Finance Offi- MP, informed Town Council|cers Association of Ontario Con- Monday night that there were|"erence to be held on June 22-24 still not enough points of call in}at Honey Harbor, the Town of Bowmanville for letter carrier service. NEW POLICE OFFICERS In his letter Mr. Honey stated| » Bowmanville has two new that there were only 2,149 points| nolice officers. : of call instead of the required Councillor Ken Hooper dis- minimum of 2,500. closed last night that two new police officers had been hired to replace an officer who had _re- : "|tired. | The new officers are John Mc- |Goey, first class constable who "| has spent eight years as a police Court Day officer and lan Smith, proba- TO ATTEND CONFERENCE | Jack Reid, clerk of} Bowman- TOBACCO EXCHANGES REOPENED opened Monday after being by a crisis in the industry. closed for some three weeks -- _Picture shows the activity at the gf The agreement, if ratified by all three parties, will end a bit- 28,| | vis cil : ' : ' PLANS WALK ACROSS CANADA day aboard the liner Queen Canada to Vancouver, B.C, Mary. He said he is bound in That pack on his back weighs three or four days for Mon- 75 pounds, treal_ to start _walking across = rasa Wirephoto Beatles fan Peter Longden, 20, of Manchester, England, tootles on his clarinet after arriving in _New_ York _Mon- o Sales Annoy s At Auction 9". s25ih2 : marked. Alex Pratt of RR 4, Brant-|erage price falls below 47 cents MH-30 is a chemical that re- ford, whose tobacco was wait-|a pound, tards the growth of suckers on ing to be bought on the auction] Agriculture Minister W. A.| tobacco and buyers say it af- floor . oer ro He pccraed Stewart of Ontario last week re-| tacts the taste of the leaf, ack arm. I refuse to! ; it back to the fa jected any possibility of assis- Today a delegation of Oxford ive it away." | inci vel. g awa} tance at the provincial level. |County tobacco farmers was to PRICE LOWER gh en Pg ag he suggest another solution to the 2 i t th .| ment gu tobacco crisis at a meeting of Reidy, seday wha 45. 4 nts} farmers could be paid for some) directors of the marketing changes Monday was 45.94 cents' 95 999.999 pounds of no-sale to-| board. a pound; compared with 47.09) }.0c9 removed into surplus. ; se cents a pound the day the auc- Delegation leader George \tions were closed. | SETTLE SIDE ISSUE Vero of Woodstock said he | About 65,000,000 pounds of to-| A side issue in the marketing would propose market board | dual control--control over ? bacco--roughly a third of the|dispute was settled onday, 1963 crop--remains to be sold. | Paul Stewart of Eden, who) Fre and ssa a Gd piven Price vs M ; parked a load of tobacco at the uge surpluse that upse. Pie Mio aan 'han Aylimer exchange loading door ply and demand prices they were in February. Piles of} rejected tobacco plugged the} floor at Tillsonburg and slowed operations. Mrs, Nick Uveges, whose hus- band grew 17 acres of tobacco jat Bright, said: "If the ex- changes close again, we' be starved slowly. We've even tried to sell our farm but no one wants it." The growers went back to the} auctions without government support, except for a 47-cent} federal deficiency payment that ' comes into force only if the av-} Feb. 19 and refused to allow it to be inspected for chemical | H-30, relented and offered his tobacco for inspection and sale. Five other farmers who sup- ported him also have agreed to abide by the ruling of the in- spectors, Tobacco with chemi- fj Adsus-Gravoon CARPET COMPANY yond North NOW OPEN Kentucky Fried Chicken SCOTT'S 295 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, PHONE 728-4911 282 King W., Oshawa ®@ Tel. 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre 'Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum professional Rug Cleaning FEATURING Cnnereas Hospitalty CHICKEN VILLA OSHAWA . Parkin Irks \ionary constable, who has had g no experience as a police officer | but was on the Toronto Auxiliary HOSPITAL SOOT BOWMANVILLE (Staff) A complaint trom residents] Town council Monday night Was|living across the street and in ag stniat That i ee pee eee regard put before| council last nig' sible to find a parking space at| he complaihe stated that tt en s Court Is in tal's chimney was not controlled, The tobacco exchanges at fie Delhi auction. The following 1s Mr, Dudiey's| 'action would be taken to claim Tillsonburg and in Aylmer re- |damages as a result of the soot. "TI wish to register a com- s plaint to the Bowmanville Town Dr. Paul J tt MP | Councillor --Cstnet? regarding "a vartins | I. au ine ewe | Han J In Magistrate's Court day. | hours of ten and five it is im possible to park at our local r post office to pick up or dis. |patch f BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --j)meters have 'been allotted to Councillor George Stephen, ten-|Magistrate and his Officers,,; AYLMER, Ont. (CP)--An un-| OTTAWA (CP) -- She is ajfor me becuse I was a woman,| She wears her thick brown,4ered his resignation to Town/both local and provincial, the|easy truce prevailed at the re- Canadian rarity -- a womanjor that men voted against mejhair straight and very short.|©0U ' n ; political theorist trying to sur-|for that reason, I did find that|"It is so much easier to jook; Councillor Stephen gave his|office and town hall seems to bacco auctions Monday. Some| : 5 | prices bid, left the police pa- ractical politic trong in their political beliefs.| When she has time, Dr.|Sonal. |these same people, haart ' "8 " n d e A motion to accept the resig-/ "I believe this matter eould| trolled beg hi tobacco spent 21 years studying and|persuaded their husbands tojalways been music. She collects nation, with regret, was passed|he remedied by the magistrate| 'ey refused to teaching political science before|change their vote towards me "| chamber music recordings and she graduated to Parliament] County wags attributed Dr.|other classical music, but likes| Ed. J. Rundle who was sev-lif he realized the traffic conges- FdBewed "Ontario, Flue-Cured Tor enth at the polls last December|tion and hazard caused when| Dard, said he wae disatpolntedl| no hard-bitten feminist or aca-lelection to being seen smoking|relaxes. is now eligible for the vacantjal] day parking is aVailable PE demic egghead. in a church public basement; The attractive MP enjoys |"T do not intend to allow a mi- The former chairman of the and also to the fact that shejdetective stories and contem-|~-- ----|Public relations also . suffer again." Ottawa's Carlet University] "I've always disliked wearing discovered' reading a copy of . ¥ Inf ation|Wwalk two blocks." ' awa's Carleton y} e ys Py The U.S Teale ce It was decided by Council to Pay eee oe eae ot when she relaxes, Not that she|cessary so I kept right on re-jrecord. -'It's not always as dull broadcasts 730 hours weekly in Wissen k. a a Picea ra re: BPOUD NBT Lone ce u time for relaxin " as People think. " 37 Jan ua es, axter an 18 ' sag so &|fusing. vac : anguas' _|the Bowmanville Police Chief, |Tillsonburg to close Feb. + y the 1963 election, however, | ee ould: not comment © on sales. rapes eee: tpn ee cal roots in her adopted con- e | i ; i stituency and she won by sev- |to a truce with the marketing are 4 member of five House of...) hundred _ votes deen | F K 5 ' | For Keepin ent situation for a few days. the Liberal member for the) smoke furiously." | To Kee Positions | Pp g Gmberiand who said he sold 13 balés of top- She is quick to add, however,! Aithough her former aca- TORONTO (CP Pana ; 7 s c to »| All i D (CP) -- Teachers cents a pound, added that he that she has "'absolutely no re-\demic career makes her, at who went to work for the Lake- WINNIPEG (CP)--A magis-| would 'let' the rest of the crop & Peace , : bid rot rather than bring it up for I love every minute of it." |best-prepared MPs in the Com- \grey-listed by two teachers' fed-lfield, 10 miles north of Peter-|Monday for. dismissal of the sale again." ag wiih candid bits: eyes ~ "a As a member of the Liberal jqwed to kee p their present po-| The terms of the agreement)9lic couples charged with keep-/60 bales of lesser grades. Hie S688 aitractivencss ory new frontier" and as an out-\itions it was announced Mon-|were announced by Percy Muir,|ing 'their children home from Katherine Hepburn, 40-year-old |spoken empaigner for the right day executive director of the On- School, MPs, |government councils, she has settlement reached Saturday|which arranged the Saturday pommentes the couples to March ; : dealistic because of her : ' ' ic P third remand Like Health Minister jically 3 Public School Men Teachers') The dispute began last spring LaMarsh, she is single. university backgroun.. Federation and the Federation|when salary negotiations hit an) |, School authorities brought others are Jean Casselman (PC| "It's true that I was a bit\o¢ Women Teachers' Associa-|impasse. charges. against six couples |home for three months last win- South), both widows. ess. with which the work of} ; + ; ide Parliament seems to pend grey-listed the district, advising|transportation on a public Fgh pind Mors beg sort "But then I think most back Ajax Board members they were expected to/ school bus in neighboring St. Vi- a Ge t $66, 000 refuse employment with the|tal. master's degree in __ political|first. ets science from Queen's University| 'I'm much more philosophic al| peg ig Lakefield quitting] legrechial yoinies they wee ie ro-| Kingston, Ont., in 1950, andjnow about parliamentary p Six of the 17 took other posi-|tation on the Public: School bus. | of Economics and Oxford. lsome of my fellow members AJAX (Staff) -- The Ontario|been paid in the interim by the} l var! 60d 7 ae at ee | would say dees An hee UOre Department of Municipal Affairs|teachers' federations. ey VO Th Reader ec eer ener: has allotted $66,000 for the con-| The 17 teachers who detiea| ton where she worked her way|personality has none of the ring up from assistant professor to\of crusading female. Her become head of the department|voice is quiet and still has the The next year she declined ajdresses simply, preferring un- Nuffield Foundation travel grant!cluttered wool dresses in bril- in order to enter politics liant colors. St. Catharines, Ont., Dr, Jewett|I need more clothes now that decided to run in her mother's|I'm an MP." home, constituency and took up| She rents a. furnished apart- miles west of Belleville. Her/mother lives in the same apart- mother, Mrs. F. C. Jewett, is a ment house so they see each descendant of Northumberlandjother every day and often eat the Simpson family, who settled! there in 1798 As a child, Paul- READS cu anae oe ine Jewett often visited her Having her in Ottawa is a wonderful help and. encourage- PROBED ATTITUDES [sounding board on everything Dr. Jewett's two campaigns,|from politics to clothes." in 1962 and 1963, were based! Dr. Jewett's taste in art and constituents,' but the opinion| 'I like Picasso and several of polls she ran reflected a con- the modern Mexican artists and tinuing interest in politics as a} lam also very fond of modern She tried to find out' whether my. intellectul curiosity." many women 'still voted exactly, She hasn't time to be a gour- as their husbands did and)met cook--"but I like my own fluenced voters' thinking. I've at last learned how "T don't think women voted 'select." 4-H Club Member Town Resident" "": handed a complaint fro.a Danithe same neighborhood as Me-| the post office during the days the soot issuing from: the hospl+| --CP Wirephoto letter: violation that happens every Tobacc "Every Tuesday between the Resignation Adds Color To House_ Hesiqnatio ma, Although parking |Council last night. fifteen minute zone for the post/oPening of Ontario's three to-| vive in the rough-and-tumble of|the women were usually pretty|after that way.' reason for resigning as per-|be completely filled all day by, farmers, disappointed with But Dr. Pauline Jewett, who, "In a.few cases, women even|Jewett's favorite hobby has unanimously by council. \if it was brought to his attention| George Demeyere, chairman) Hill in last April's election, is|Jewett's initial loss in the 1962)to listen to jazz when she seat. iright behind -the post office. | with the day's sales but added: orit close the auctions political science department at{refused to wear a hat, porary novels, but is most often) VOICE OF AMERICA -- {When our local citizens have to nority | to close can be "just one of the girls"/a hat unless it's absolutely ne-/Hansard -- the parliamentary | Agency's changes at Aylmer, Delhi and " B It's not easy to keep UDP) she had put down firmer politi. Lakefield Teachers _ Remand Couples sis grou tnd szred : ' " board and would study the pres- Commons committees, says though, as she says, still j w y Pp! Ontario constituency of North- : Frank Schuster of Courtland, TOO MUCH TALK Children Home | grade tobacco for an ayerage 30 grets" about entering politics.|least theoretically, one of the!relq school board after it was|ter, year-long dispute at Lake-|trate rejected. a defence A tall (five-foot-seven) bru-|mons, «it isn't always am asset.|¢ rations last year will be al-|borough. case against five Roman Cath-| He said he rejected bids on Dr. Jewett is one of four women|of backbenchers to be heard in) 7. st 4 main point in ajtatio School Trustees Council,| Magistrate G. L. Cousley also TWO ARE SINGLE been accused of being too polit. the board and Ontario Conference. 3 without plea, It was their eos .|disillusioned during my first few : after they kept their children garet Konantz (l. -- Winnipeg!" months as oh ME at the Howl __|WAS GREY-LISTED sd The teachers' federations|ter in an attempt to obtain free i benchers have that reaction at to her credit. She received her) board. The ruling resulted in 17; Because the children attend a | For Gymnatorium went on to the London School|cesses, even though I still wish} y oes. The vemelniak Ui. havsian at Queen's and finally at Carle-| In private life, Dr. Jewett's atructon Gf a cyianasiim at Bt ihe viliig and wert:to werk atl in 1960. hint of the classroom in it. She Although she is a native of| "I love shopping and find that residence in Brighton, Ont., 21/ment in dowrtown Ottawa. Her County's first white settlers, |together, grandfather's farm there. ment iG, thecahels a tertilic largely on personal contact with interior decor is contemporary science as well as an art. {Canadian art which attracts whether a woman candidate in-|cooking, especially beef which Wins Sask. Tri ins . Trip BOWMANVILLE -- Gary Jef-/in the campus during his two): fery, Bowmanville, a 4-H Club jyears at the Kemptville Agri-| member in Durham County will! cultural School, be one of the representatives) Gary has been very active in| for Ontario on the 2nd Inter-|4-H club work in Durham Coun- provincial 4-H Exchange for Ca- lty, having been on the winning] nadian 4-H Members which will'Poultry Club team in 1961 at occur from July 13 to 27. lthe Inter-Club competitions. He| This program: is co-ordinated|also'was 5th on the Potato C ub] by the Canadian Council on 4-H|Team in 1963. Clubs with the Royal Bank of| Gary has completed a total of| Canada paying travelling costs.|19 4-H club projects, having Each of the 10 provinces will/been a member of Dairy, Trac- act as host to one 4-H member|tor, Poultry, Silage, Potato and from each of the other nine|Grain Clubs over the years. _ provinces. The 4-H Club delegates will! Gary Jeffery will travel tojvisit homes in the province in Saskatchewan, Gary is a second|which they are staying. They year student at the Kemptville|will be attending 4-H Club mect- Agricultural School where he is|ings and activities and certainly at present, president of the|will have an opportunity to sec Students' Council. He has been/4-H in action in other parts o active in many clubs and groups Canada. to) Andrew's Public Schoo! in Ajax,/Lakefield may have to undergo} the Ajax Public School 62ard!special department of education |i was informed at 'a meeting at efficiency inspections, under the |fN the school Monday night, terms of the Saturday agree- The Town Council Adjustment! ment, Mr. Muir said. | Committee will meet shortly to| Those who resigned will he} | consider the spending of the re-|allowed to get their jobs back| maining $33,000 for the-$99,000|as vacancies become available.| gymnasium. Saiary scales agreed on range} At the regular School Buard from $3,100 to $7,000. | j meeting, it was also decided to) Mr, Muir said: "The grey-| } purchase instructional material|jisting will continue in effect un-| at a cost of $1,656.91. The pur-tij all former teachers are re- chases include four projection instated.' screens, a duplicating machine,) We explained the grey- -listing | an electric typewriter, 10 tables wil) be lifted when all former| and two utility tables and a frec- teachers have indicated they| ord player are not interested in taking jobs A. request by the Property at Lakefield. : Bi s| Committee to purchase. two rec- ord players for instruction 'pur- poses at a cost of $530 was ap- proved by the Board. The Public Relations Commit-|college graduates will be di- tee requested $47 for registra-jrected to jobs in state enter- tion fees to enter 47 Ajax Public|prises and institutions under a School classrooms in the Rotary|new law setting up a system for Music Festival. The boardichannelling the college-trained unanimously granted the re-|to places where they are quest. Ineeded, VA A' ON SAVINGS Interest from date of deposit PLACING GRADUATES | | | | Free Chequing Privileges Deposits by Mail postage paid envelopes provided free Hours--9 to 5 | 9 to9 Saturdays--9 to 1 | GUARANTY TRUST CANADA'S LARGEST INDEPENDENT TRUST COMPANY 32 KING STREET EAST J | Fridays 728-1653 WARSAW (AP)--Many Polish ii RCA vir CTOR NEW VISTA TV COMPARE PICTURE. New Vista TV delivers picture so clean, clear ond in such sparkling detail you have to see it to believe it. And Automatic Scene Control keeps pictures sharp and clear... from brightest of day scenes to the deepest of night COMPARE CIRCUITRY want dependability, choose New Vista TV with Space Age Circuitry is more dependable and You so be sure you circuitry thot requires less maintenance thon old- fashioned, all-hand-wired circuitry. In New Vista TV, Spoce Age Circuitry eliminates more than 200 hand-wired, hond-soldered connections that can come loose and short-circuit COMPARE STATION REACH. Get truly superb: reception, even from mony hard-to-get stations. The New Vista Tuner is the most sensitive, most reliable ever designed by RCA. It has dramatic RCA Victor Model 820 Regular 359.95 Value SAVE $100 NOW ONLY COMPARE DEPENDABILITY! SPACE AGE SEALED aaa COMPARE VALUE! picture-pulling power . . . helps boost weak signals and screen out snow' and other interference. COMPARE SOUND. Only RCA Victor hos famous "Golden Throat" sound. You'll thrill to its brilliont tone and realism. COMPARE CABINETRY. You'll find RCA Victor New Vista TV in @ wide choice of superbly styled and equipped combinations; master- crafted consoles and consolettes; plus smart new portables with the "look of 'precision'. Victorcraft all-wood cabinets are mode by skilled craftsmen at the RCA Victor Owen Sound Plant COMPARE VALUE. Every 1964 New Vista TV is built with extra care that adds value beyond price. This. means more lasting value dnd pride of ownership for you. Before you buy any black-and- white TV, be sure you see. New Vista TV + and compare against all others, anywhere, on any channel, COMPARE POWER! 259" BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE There Are Many Other Models To Choose From Including RCA Colour TV at ISTARR 491 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M AMPLE FREE PARKING FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES PHONE 723-3343

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