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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Mar 1964, p. 5

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300 High St. Shames 16 Tenants The residents of 300 High street are unhappy with their habitat, They petitioned Whitby Town) Council last night to do some- thing about it. They described their apart- ment building as "filthy and rundown due to the owner's in- difference'. "We are ashamed to have | anyone visit us, or know that we | live here," the letter continued. |'and if we ask for a few of the things we feel: we are en- titled to, we are told to 'find a better place', or given notice WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West 1 Manager: John Gault Tel, 668-3703 Split Council Vote Ratifies Ambulance Service Subsidy ambulance and contracting the, Whitby Township -- you are service to a third party. jburying your heads in the sand. 3) By the town buying an, "We are growing up, If you ambulance and running the graph and project the popula- whole thing on either a paid or|tion increase over the last five voluntary basis. ye2rs. vou will see that Whitby "This town needs an ambu-|will be a city in no time. io move? lance service," Mr. Pantony| Y be ote " GROW UP TOMORROW The petition, which was signed concluded. "You have been) Deputy-Reeve Brooks referred, by 16 residents of the former Ambulance service in thejfor accepting the subsidy mo- 'town of Whitby was subsidized|tion to the phone calls from the last night. jelderly people with heart con- Whitby Town Council, in a'ditions who were frightened out half-hour meeting before the of their wits by comnienis in regular 8 p.m. public meeting,|/the newspapers. and previous to facing a Cham-| "Other organizations have ber of Commerce delegation on|seized upon' the issue." _he the matter, granted the subsidy./charged, "moribund organiza- MERCANTILE PLAYOFFS To Stay Arena Sunoco kept their play- off series alive by defeating Durnos Garage 9-3 in Whitby Mercantile Hockey action at Whitby Arena, Durnos still lead the best of five series two games to one. The Sunoco club well deserved the victory as they outplayed and outhustled the Durnos club from the sec- ond period on, Durnos scored first in the game as Elmer Tran stole the puck in the Sunoco zone. to give Durnos the lead, Eight |minutes later Ricky Switzer \slipped a sneaker past Matt Campbell in the Durnos net. Lynn Middleton and Nick Den- | Sunoco Wins 9-3 slow slider slip into the net, as Matt Campbell seemed to be caught off guard. Middieton fin- ished up his hat trick with the final goal of the period, John and Herb Tran got credit for |the assists on the goal, The Sunoco club still kept an edge of the play as they kept the Durnos to one goal in the jthird period as well as scoring jone of their own, They received a five-minute major in the period, but were able to hold the Durnos club scgreless throughout. the penalty. Ron Slack scored the Durno goal from Mike Gray. John Lajoie' The town will pay an ambu-/tions attempting to cash in on it lance service, any ambulance|and give a semblance of life. service, a sum equal to the) 'We were rushed and forced. amount collected by the serv- It was in the hands of compe- ice on calls made on behalf of'tent, reliable men, but we were Whitby residents. |forced into making a quick de- This means that, if a Whitby | cision, resident avails himself of an| 'I hope this (council action) ambulance at the regular $12)will relieve the pressure." fee, the town will match the' Mayor Warren Mowat coun- amount. tered: "I'd hate to think we The ambulance operators arejhad dore it just to relieve the pis ig al gegen ries the system of payment in-| "To refuse a subsidy is not|Sttumenied by the Town as a consistent with everything else| 8t0P-8ap measure. , i ou do. You supply: all the! We will grow up tomorrow, links in the chain but one. You|he said. "We will have our own might as well not have any." |#mbulance tomorrow." | Councillor Inkpen said he op- BURYING HEADS |posed the motion put forward by Councillor Attersley opposed| Reeve Quantrill, because under} the subsidy on two counts, he!the plan the "wealthy driver} lsaid: "I do not think it is/culd cut his service charges, | enough money. The service will|grab the market, and freeze nis hel set up the goal.|seemed to have stopped this Elmer ah put Durnos ahead|one, but it dropped from' his for a second time in the period| glove just over the red line for on passes from Charlie Maw\the goal. Fear that the same and Al MacDonald. The Sunoco|thing that happened last week club was not to be denied would erupt again stirred the though, as Middleton tied the Sunoco club into another goal score on a fine rush by Gord|by Bob Cherry. John Tran re- It was alleged that the halls|Luke and Switzer to set him in|ceived the assist on the goal. of the building had not been|the clear. | Sunday afternoon at 1.30 p.m. scrubbed in two years, even| The second period saw the|these two clubs meet again in though the petitioners them-|Sunoco club score six times|what should be a real thriller. County Home, also complained or raised rents, and lack of a caretaker for the building. "Our garbage containers are used by those who are not forc- ed to get their own,"' they claim- ed. "And that includes the own- er. Wher sates 1 -- ane VOTIA WA Bitvine, suSeesy, Toccdsy, Merch 17, 1044 @ Sentenced To 6 Months For Dangerous Driving Walter Clayton Parks was sen tenced to six months in prison on a conviction of dangerous driving by Mr, Justice Samuel J. Hughes at Ontario Supreme Court here yesterday. The 18-year-old. Kedron youth was found guilty of the charge by a 12-man Petit Jury here last Wednesday. The jury found him not guilty of criminal negli 'dausing death, but convicted on the reduced charge. The criminal negligence charge arose out of an accident at Rossland and Simcoe street Nov. 16, 1963 in which a pas- senger in Parks' car, Ronald Gordon Porter, 17, was killed. Prior to sentence, defence at- torhey Terence V, Kelly intro- du three character witnesses on behalf of his client. Th boy's father, Elmer Parks described his son as "quiet and withdrawn since the fatal acci- dent". "He goes out little', Mr. Parks added, "'and has only driven two or three times since. And then only to take his mo- Harold Werry, a neighbor of the Parks', said that the youth had a good reputation in the community. Mr. Justice Hughes told Parks to "thank God that His mercy stood between you and the death of three others, (Two other passengers and Mrs. Ver- onica Kanuch)"', He also suspended Parks' drivers licence for the maxi- mum three years, "You are a man of good character, and the prison sentence is designed as a deterrent, rather than a rehab- a aspect," his Lordship said, Bill Durnan At Brooklin Hockey Night By BILL GRAHAM instructed to submit a monthly) pressure." jselves had attempted to keep|without a Durno reply, Switzer| Arena Sunoco faces elimination cover the township and Brook-|the poorer man out." ther for. groceries." report of accounts to the town.| "All I am concern ed with,'| their apartments clean. gave the Sunoco cluv the leadjand Durnos want to end it so All claims must be certified by) RUSHED: . the person requiring the ambu-| "Rushed? By whom?" Mr. lance, | Pantony asked later. "It woul It is expected to mean that) "oo Bobiged we SE Rag vice an ambulance operator will col-|°¢8®, Mat the has lect double on every call, In-/dallying with the question for stead of the usual $12 fee, he/Y¢ars. ; idv will] rlonight there was 12 re- i a = sg salle ye ary.|markable about-face, since that pedal cotaude the town nor| Publicity-seeking, moribund or- will it apply 'to calls aie to| ganization' took the problem in ; hand. a other comparable "No town, or business ever The decision was made by pty sm sal oa ait ag "It 6-3 vote of Council. Mayor|*""Aul municipalities are seit Warren Mowat, Reeve EVineting for trade terr:tory, in- Quentrill, ee ate dustry, new business, better Siehter BM Davidson and highways, better harbors, more : : : housing, flood protection, con- Tom Edwards wrote in favor. servation, recreation -- all the Councillors Bob Attersley, things that make a town more George Bevan, and Harry Ink- prosperous and tmore pleasant. oe were sopenee ber of Com-| "We feel that an ambulance Before the Cham H nee |service is part of that growth merce, represented vocally by. You can't scrounge on your President John Pantony enter- ed into the confrontation with|neighbors forever. We need a Council, Councillor Edwards di-|S€tvice in our town to service rected criticism at the press/our People. : and "moribund institutions." | 'As I look around this room |I see about 25 people. One of us, HALF-FRIGHTENED or a member of our family will "Elderly people and people/need an ambulance this year." with heart conditions were half} we explained that there were frightened out of their wits by/ahout 300 requests for ambu- comments concerning ambu-!jance within the town during an| lance discontinuance {in the/average year, or about one call newspapers," he began. ._,|for every 16 families. (He was referring to a period two weeks ago when Whitby SHORT ODDS | ambulance operator Donald| "Pretty short odds, aren't) May revealed to the Times that|they?" he asked. "When re- his financial resources had' run|quests for ambulance are made out, and that he might possibly'they are almost always an be forced to discontinue his|emergency. When accidents service in Whitby. |happen, untreated patients die (The Chamber of Commerce| quickly." stepped in to aid him im his) Whitby fire and police pro-| financing of the service and|tection, Industrial safety, the kept the town from being with-|proposed hospital and ambu- out an ambulance, The "scare lance service were described as campaign" that the Councillor} "a chain," was referring to was not that,) 'We have everything but an but a simple explanation of;ambulance. The chain is strong what apparently was about to unless a link is missing. The happen, 'ambulance is missing from our (It is apparent also, that, if|chain." the Chamber of Commerce had} The following proposals were not proffered financial aid --j|presented to Council on behalf (the town had not) -- Mr. May/of the-Chamber: would have been at least tem-| 1) By a straight subsidy to an porarily out of business.) {operator already in business in Councillor Edwards continu-|town. ed, He attributed his reason' 2) By the town purchasing an | lin, and admittedly has a re-| red wit! sponsibility to the immediate/the Reeve said, "'is insuring area." jthat the people of Whitby have He quoted Township Reevelan ambulance. -- 3 John Goodwin as "happy with} "And," he pointed out, 'the service from Oshawa." |Council decision not to subsid- "Ang what if he (the ambu-jize last year was mot unani- jlance) is out on an accident on|mous. : : Highway 401? We have a call! He stressed that the. Council) lhere in Whitby and he is not/had duty to the people of available. Then the taxpayers| the town of Whitby, but that, are going to scream: 'Why/economics was also an impor- isn't he on call in Whitby'?" (tant factor. es "Are you suggesting that} He doubted that: '65 to 75 service should be denied just|per cent of the downtown mer-} because the Township is not|chants' realized that Whitby participating," Mr. . Pantony|residents were paying into" a queried. County levy for hospitals in "There are plenty of con-| both Oshawa and Ajax. tracts a good lawyer can draw| "I don't care who handles up. These questions should have|it," he concluded the discus- been aswered long ago. And as(sion. "But I want the service far as bringing in Oshawa andjhere." a Trawler Launched In NS. Shipyard | | g 000, HALIFAX (CP)--The launch-|Sales for 1963 totalled $27,000, ing here Monday of the second 0t0, highest in the company's trawler ever built at the Hali-| history. - fax shipyards is evidence ot Previously handled as a divi- Nova Scotia's booming fishing) sion of the trade and industry industry. department, the Pe eee The 362-ton Cape Royal is one try was given its own depart- of three trawlers that will be| ment this month. ready for the opening in June) ; Lunenburg Sea Products| OPTIMISTIC PREDICTION oe ; A. Manson, former trade Limited's new $8,000,000 fish ; eaninied Lunenburg, N.S. and industry departmen| minis-| plant at | f |ter who was appointed first} Pig god a in Fanusry| fisheries minister, said if the nh, was beep A a the| hing. industry continues to wang a meats, "The wares eee hoo be erie prog neane eel only by secondary manufactur- "gece yy + aga will ing in importance to the prov- e wor eveneves | ince's economy," The 141-foot long vessels are) Janded fish last year was designed for refrigeration and) worth $35,000,000, an increase of each has an 8,000 cubic feet! $3,099,000 over 1962. Two years "The 02 iat er @ company's present plant) was less than $28,000,000, at Lunenburg, with an annual) Factors contributing to this production of about 40,000,000) fishing boom include the devel- =", of rently id supplied Bo Vago --- rg eig! rawlers. is expected|for the fisherman, is was| the number of vessels will have| made possible through federal id be nigel chet rea bee op a subsidies and provin- the new streamlined plant. that! cial: loans. will process about 80,000,000; One of the main responsibili- pounds a year. | ties-of the new fisheries depart- WHITBY PERSONALS Sinclair Home and School|Their friends wish them happi-| Association held its annual/ness in their new surroundings.| "Games Night" Friday, March : 13 at the school, Mrs, Masson|, Sylvia, daughter of Mr. Laie | Morrison, president, welcomed|Mrs. Frank Pommerenke cele- everyone Bian brated her tenth birthday Sat-} urday, March 14. Guests attend. | The lucky winners were: Mrs.|ing her party were: Alice Das-) McKelvie, Mr. F. Parrinder,|berg, Debbie Kurkly, Angela} Ivy Arksey, Joseph Murphy,|Mueuller, Netty Snellman, Bea! Lorna Brown, Mrs. Helen|Snellman, Pauline Glazier and NOR jment will be the fishermen's LARGEST ON CONTINENT joan board which handles more _ The sprawling plant, largest than 200: applications for loans in North America, covers 54| annually. acres of its 10 acre site. It will) "Last year the board made have continuous facilities. to}\Joans totalling more than take fish from the trawlers,| $4,000,000. 'This money was for process them and then shoot) consiruction of boats and the them out at the other end of the| purchase of new gear plant in fancy packages ready) -------- a for North America's supermar- "T's not fair that we shouldifor the first time in the game|there won't be a sudden death be 'labelled' around town just|on a pass from Middleton, Lynn game. Which team will win is a because we live at 300 Highicame back to score the even-|toss-up, as both clubs are fair- street," they complained., tual winner about six minutes/ly evenly-matched, «_ "For many it was well-caredjlater, with Gord Luke setting First Period: Durnos, 2:33, for when we first moved in." |him up. Herb Tran scored the/pran-: Sunoco, 10.32, Switzer They added that a copy of the/next two insurance markers (Middleton, Dennis); Durnos, petition-letter had been forward-|with Bob Cherry and Middleton'i5 95° 'Tran, (Maw, MacDon- ed to the Onatrio County Health/getting assists on the first one/aiq). sunoco, 17.02, Middleton Unit. jand Vern Beck getting the/ (uke, Switzer). Councillor Harry Inkpen mov-jcredit for helping him on the) Second Period: Sunoco,. .45, ed the letter to the Fire De-jsecond. Gord Luke set Dav @ gwitzer (Middleton); Sunoco, partment, the Fire and Com-|Harrison on his way for the 6.26, Middleton (Luke); Sunoco, Ken Peterson, Parks foreman at General Motors, described Parks as punctual, diligent and of. having a good attitude. 13.15, H. Tran (Cherry, Middle- ton); Sunoco, 15.40, H. Tran (Peck); Sunoco, 15.46, Harrison (Luke); Sunoco, 18.25, Mid- dieton (J. Tran, H, Tran). Third Period: Durnos, 5.41, Slack (Gray); Sunoco, 6.36, Cherry (J.: Tran). munity 'Services Commitee, and)next Sunoco goal. Dave had to) to the Bylaws Enforcement of-|try and get around a Durno \ficer. Council concurred. |defenceman before letting @ Central Lake Ontario's first conservation area might be paid for and ready for development At County EMO r George Bevan took)food or shelter in summer Or! by 1965. his cuts at the County Emergen-| winter finally struck the govern-| Approval on a $50,000 option cy Measures Organization at} ment, and after five years the) jaken by the Central Lake On- the town Council meeting here] policy was changed. : tario Conservation Authority on last night | "Three years agao a policy Of) 2° 193 acre Whitby Township gids. sith EMO: for| building fall-out shelters in the) )onerty was requested from ieee ror bred ind 'ision| backyard or in the home was! the Provincial Government impractical veer in ees NOt | adopted, and no mention was ninhe 'With a #0 der cont avant . prin hed . at for| Made of evacuation. lon the purchase cost. Coat te wekas fae | "Last year EMO adopted 8!" ne CLOCA reports ft has Council he asked that County! : | ¢ r ai Council representatives, Reeve completely new and different) chosen a "multiple-use area", vy Quantrill and Deputy-Reeve| Policy, EMO was to become an! seven miles north of Whitby, of- Ev Quante ih put: the| administration to co-ordinate, | tering areblé land for demon. George Brooks, convey to the) hian 'and train citizens for usel strat} ; f i County that Whitby wanted the|i, the event of natural -disas- chat eee Ge Se organization arene. . a ters pia Med floods, a with three dams, a woods and a The Town Council agreed wi |fire, earthquakes, anything eX-| sood road. Swimming and fish- Mr. Bevan's feelings bali cept nuclear war. jing facilities will matter, but Reeve Quantrill,) lafter repairs to the dams. who fought the EMO concept at see yt here ntl ial Authority's aieiaal chamnet County Council's last sittings, is ities Yabo dl e ong stated acquisition sire dave' informed them that the EMO/sult of two things -- the com-| oe eee a be poll was enforced by a Federal rul-| Plete public apathy including the ing. The motion was referred, by amendment to the Bylaws Com- mittee for study and recommen- dation.to the County at a later date. | Councillor Bevan _ argued against the concept of EMO: Councillo program, and the more recent| nuclear test ban treaty. The new | policy was to remove the em- |phasis from the nuclear war }role of EMO. to 1966 pers of a conservation area yy the CLOCA were conducted on the advice of the Fish and Wildlife Advisory Board. "The last stand of bird wild- | | "Now -- if EMO is to be-| come an organization to deal) with natural disasters only -- Conservation Authority Bevan Takes Cut May Develop Land In '65 be added oul pin or over a projected six-year per- failure of the fall - out shelter fod, acquisition from 1968 to 1965 and development from 1964 Investigations concerning the Flood plain mapping, complet- ed last year in Darlington Town. ship, is being conducted this year in the Town of Whitby and Whitby Township. Requests for the mapping, received by the CLOCA from the three munici- palities, were referred to the Conservation Authorities Branch of the Department of Lands and Forests, who are conducting the necessary surveys. Publicity at the Whitby and Brooklin Fairs found one result in requests for technical assist- ance in tree planting from in- dividuals throughout the County. The CLOCA provided informa- tion on suitable tree species so the plants could be ordered from the Department of Lands and Forests. In addition. displays, letters, booklets, t camera equip- ment and investigations helped publicize the CLOCA last year. Letters to service clubs stim- ulated the Whitby Rotary Club The Brooklin and District Minor Hockey Association is holding a Minor Hockey Night on Friday, March 20, at 6.30 p.m. Five all-star teams select- ed from the 160 boys playing minor hockey in Whitby Town- ship will compete against teams from Port Perry, Newcastle and Pickering. The senior Atom team will be trying for their first win in three starts against Port Perry and Coaches Dick Ablett and Alvin Church feel Friday will be their night, The Pee- wees under the direction of Budd Bragg and Ed Down will be meeting Irv McCullough's crew from Newcastle. It is felt the local lads will have their hands full with the boys from down east who made a creditable against Pickering in OMHA play-offs. Jack Gregg and Lome Craw- ford, who took their bantams to Tweed where they lost 3-1 will line up against Pickering Ban- tams. Jerry Collerans' midget entry will host Pickering in the final game. As a curtain-raiser to these four all-star games two teams from the six-to-eight class will hit the ice at 6.30 p.m, Through the generosity of local businessmen the executive is giving away 14 lucky prizes highlighted by $25 cash award. A special guest for the eve- ning will be Bill Durnan, former all-star goalie of the Montreal Canadiens, NEAL'S to ask aid from the Authority in "The Oshawa - Ontario Coun- ty's annual budget for the Emer- gency Measures Organization amounts to $27,000 of which $17,- 000 is for salaries, At a meet-| ing on Feb. 19, the Ontario am opposed to this, and submit |that EMO should be closed out. | "Enough of the taxpayers ; money has been already wasted. "For just over 100 years we | have had an organization -- The life in the district". (A marsh lat the mouth of Lynde Creek) }may be supported by the {CLOCA. Wildlife Advisory Board investigations are being conducted on the property, with planning an arbor day. Some local auhorities back demolition of the old County Court House, soon to be replac- ed by the new County Buildings. Others support its conversion into a Historic Site M BARBER SHOP 123 BROCK ST. NORTH "WHITBY'S FINEST" Four Expert Barbers Adults 1.25 -- Children .78 OPEN WEDNESDAY ALL DAY Investigating the latter idea, Closed M 668-2036 the Authority found the building to be in "good condition" on examination of the structural | building, compared with 350 for |County Council authorized its| Red Cross -- that has proven \five-man EMO Committee tojits worth in dealing with all |study the EMO bylaw, and to/types of natural disasters. It is {consider recommendations for/jocal, national and international| better use of its funds, and tolin its scope, As recently as last report back by September of/week, news reports coming out! this year. of the Ohio Valley show a typi-| UTTER STUPIDITY cal job being performed by The} "In 1955, just over eight years | Red Cross in the flood disaster ago, The Federal Government| Where 100,000 people were made set up EMO for the express pur-| homeless. pose of taking care of the popu:-| "I am_ strongly opposed to lation if and when disaster|having two organizations such struck as a result of nuclear|as The Red Cross and EMO war. ; | both handling natural disasters, The resulting confusion, over- {a view to leasing the swamp. | Engineer's report. _ Good food deserves good wine Ehateau al vii) Whitby Man ss "* Bryant, Mr. West Bryant, Ruby|Corelia Wagner. Partington, Tom Rodman, Oscar} +, . ,. z Moore, Mildred Down, Miss L,| ssisting Mrs. Pommerenke in| B. Harris, Norman Woodward,|S°'v'"8 was Mrs. Gisele | Ray McLauguhlin, E. Quilter, Boettcher. | Mr. Gilbert Drewry, Mrs. Jean Morrison, Mrs, M. Muriel Marks, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Sadie K Wendy Pantony. J Following the fourth annual| Brisco, st. Patrick's Dance held at St.| William! John the Evangelist Parish Hall] elly and|Saturday, March 14, sponsored! jby Knights of Columbus Coun-| E es ib cil 4895, Mr. and Mrs. James General convener was Mrs.\ McCarroll, Bell drive, entertain-| Archie Campbell. Mrs. Greenied Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cor-| the old one, Lunenburg Sea Products is a} subsidiary of National Seal Products Limited which oper-| ates seven plants in Nova Sco- kets. | About 500 employees will be} needed to operate the new | bo }elear war the civil population alrrie | would be evacuated from high | density areas to the north coun-| | T, i try. The utter stupidity of this} tia, two in New Brunswick, and) on 0 ed highways and railways to one in Newfoundland, Tampa\ St. Paul's Chapel, Toronto was country areas without cet toe | and Maine. Head office is here,|{he scene of a quiet evening : --_------ a ~|wedding Tuesday, March UNITS GROUPS ' | policy in trying to move mil-| lions of people over our limi- 3. Reverend Peter Gratton united} in marriage Mavis Ann Roberts,! {Toronto and William Grant Sales Training jhas lapping and waste would be ap- palling. I also do not see the necessity of waiting a further six months until September for. County Council to bring in a re- port on this matter. "During its relatively short life of eight years EMO has op- erated under three completely different policies, none of which been practical. All this indecision has created almost total public apathy. . "Both our Reeve and Deputy O42) ae . PARR oO CANADIAN BURGUNDY M b and Mrs. Ray McLaughlin were ae and Mrs. Don Sulli-| in charge of refreshments, van, Mr, and Mrs, Ed Finan,| 0 OES ee Mr. and Mrs. William O'Neil| Picard 2nd Mr, and Mrs. Gregory| Carter, | Firm Rapped By Cass Mr. and Mrs, E. G. and their daughter Lynn spent Sunday in Toronto as the guests; Patty, daughter of Mr. and, of Mr. and Mrs, Real Pelletier.. Mrs. C. R. Pickard celebrated her ninth birthday Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jo Verstegen|the occasion a family di and family, formerly of Pick-|was arranged. ering, have established dence at 213 Anderson street.'were present. For|General Cass said Monday an Grandparents |Sales Motivation Institute in S criminal activity, The institute, which offered sales training programs in sev- BROCK Evening Shows Start 6:55 and 8:20 | WHITBY Last Complete Show at 8:20 SOPHIALOREN MAXIMILIAN suneLL FREDRICMARCH ROBERT WAGNER SECOND FEATURE ployed persons under the fed- eral-provincial retraining pro- gram, was investigated in last |May. Mr. Cass said more than 400 persons were interviewed in an '< investigation over the suspen-|5 sion of Charles O'Brien, who ° recommended the institute to @ the Windsor board of education, » when it was learned he had ac-, 'cepted $1,400 for helping to set up the course. He said in a press release ; best : eral Ontario centres for unem- Gaighan, a Dunnville brother- ed his second. slar. Green Six linlaw of the bridegroom, was| Wee. 8S follows: Sixer Lauren the usher. |Stonehouse, Whitby, The bride is the daughter of {rs. Charles Roberts of Mel- ourne, Australia, and the late Mr. Roberts. The bridegroom is Six won the plaque for the the son of Mrs. William Stone- outstanding six jhouse, Whitby and the late Mr,|/962-63 with a total of 1298)cently 'Metro EMO has been | TORONTO (CP) -- Attorney. Stonehouse. The bride was given in mar- nnerjinvestigation of the Canadian riage by Mr. James Robinson of| follows arnia and was attended by Mr, Lloyd Scott, Oshawa, was man and Mr. Kevin The bridal couple received their guests at. a reception in the Westbury Hotel. Later they left by plane for Vancouver, an Francisco, Hawaii and ther Southern Pacific islands nd to Australia where the ridegroom will be employed or the remainder of the year. Upon their return to Canada they will reside in Brampton, ATTRACTION In Color "Swingin' Along' Starring . . . TOMMY NOONAN & BARBARA EDEN |that there were irregularities in relation to attendance records of trainees and that the course conducted was not of the usual standard. William J. Taylor of Oldcas- tle, former head of the institute, had demanded a public an- nouncement from Mr.. Cass 'be- cause, he said, he has lived un der a cloud of suspicion for the a For the Best in Hair Care and Creative Styling in a relaxed atmosphere : Thy ks BEAUTY CLINIC HAIRSTYLISTS 391 RYPON &7. satiTH PHONE 668-3061 amAS eae as Reeve have recently expressed FIFTH B PACK CUBS | strong views as to their dissat- Fifth Whitby B Pack Green|isfaction with the present set-up i most|/of EMO. John Pollard, Direc- year|tor of Metro EMO stated re- for the points overpowered, not by a. bomb Proficiency badges were as\but by public apathy". IF YOU DON'T DRINK ... pay less for your auto Insure with ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, the one insurance company in Canada that issues poli- cies only to non-drinkers, We will be glad to give you full information, without obligation. RIEGER and OSBORNE INSURANCE PH. 668-5431 -- WHITBY 218 DUNDAS STREET E. ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE | six collectors, four | Swimmers, three team players, resi-|Mr. and Mrs, G. C. Dalgleish|Windsor, Ont., revealed minor Mrs. Wilfred Jones, Toronto, sis-, Seven toymakers, one artist, one jirregularities but no evidence of ter of the bridegroom, as ma.| athlete, tron of honor. one first aid, one pet} keeper. | Eleven boys -received their first stars and one boy recely| Sarichetti; seconder, Peter} Spratt; Cubs. Randy Droniuk, | Jerry Canzi, Michael McGilvary, | ; Tony Molica, Leslie Cser, Billy| Allen | Billy Philips, who received! his second star, also received five proficiency badges. <a ve Just Arrived New Spring Samples to be tailored by... © TIP TOP TAILORS @ HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN @ WM, B. LEISHMAN ar Russ Reeves MEN'S SHOP 129 BROCK S, PH, 668-2091 @ Rugs @ Broadloom @ Upholstery (At Home or at our Store) FOR FULL PARTICULARS... CALL N @ Drapes 'Jast year since the investigation. Division of Oshawa Cleaning Contractors CLEAN-UP NOW ... IN TIME FOR EASTER! @ Wall Washing @ Window Cleaning with the Housecleaning ? Cleaned. OW 725-9961

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